I. ASCRC General Education Form IV: Expressive Arts Group Drama/Dance

I. ASCRC General Education Form
IV: Expressive Arts
Course #
Course Title
Drama in Elementary Education
major restrictions: CER1, DAN, Credits
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office
Please type / print name Signature
Jere Hodgin
Program Chair
Mark Dean
Dr. Stephen Kalm
III. Description and purpose of the course: General Education courses must be introductory
and foundational. They must emphasize breadth, context, and connectedness; and relate course
content to students’ future lives: See Preamble:
Phone / Email
This course addresses the use of drama in the elementary-school classroom for the aesthetic and
personal development of elementary students. Students work directly in the theatre process to create
artistic performances. They develop critical insights concerning involvement in artistic processes
especially as they relate to human development. The purpose is to develop critical insights and
involvement in artistic processes especially as they relate to human development.
IV. Criteria: Briefly explain how this course meets the criteria for the group. See:
Courses guide students, whether in individual
Students perform in dramatic storytelling
or group settings, to acquire foundational skills exercises and creative projects in every class.
to engage in the creative process and/or in
These performances take the concepts they are
interpretive performance.
reading about and discussing into action in their
performances. They are given grades for these
performances in the areas of process and
product. Each performance set is followed up with
a group discussion and often with individual
writing assignments.
Through direct experience (for example,
Students attend at least three Department of
attendance and involvement with live
Drama/Dance productions and respond critically
performance, exhibitions, workshops, and
to the work via written papers and discussion.
readings), students will engage in critical
They also perform in dramatic storytelling,
assessment of their own work and the work of
creative projects, and critically assess their own
work and the work of their classmates.
V. Student Learning Goals: Briefly explain how this course will meet the applicable learning
goals. See: http://www.umt.edu/facultysenate/ASCRCx/Adocuments/GE_Criteria5-1-08.htm
Upon completion of this perspective, students
Students create at least three majors dramatic
will be able to express themselves in the making storytelling projects over the course of the
of an original work or creative performance.
semester, and perform in dramatic storytelling
exercises and creative projects in every class.
Upon completion of this perspective, students
will be able to understand the genres and/or
forms that have shaped the medium.
Through the attendance of and response to
Department of Drama/Dance productions and
participation in their own creative projects,
students will be exposed to and come to
understand various genres and forms of theatre.
Students participate in dramatic imagination and
play as an actor/doer/builder in order to
understand how children do this. The first part of
the course is designed to understand the art
form, theatrical language and vocabulary. The
second part of the course takes this new
knowledge and uses it to make meaning.
Upon completion of this perspective, students
Through written responses to and discussion of
will be able to critique the quality of their own
productions they attend and through discussion
work and that of others.
and critique of their creative projects, students
will critique the quality of their own work and that
of others.
VII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form. ⇓ The syllabus
should clearly describe how the above criteria are satisfied. For assistance on syllabus
preparation see: http://teaching.berkeley.edu/bgd/syllabus.html
Department of Drama/Dance
DRAM 327A Drama in Elementary Education
Fall 2008 M 12:10-2:00
2 Credits
Dr. Randy Bolton: randy.bolton@umontana.edu/ PARTV 193/ 243-2880
Office Hours: T TH 11;00-2:00 or by appointment
Creative Drama is an improvisational, non-exhibitional, process-centered form of drama
in which participants are guided by a leader to imagine, enact, and reflect upon human
experiences. Built on the human impulse and the ability to act out perceptions of the
world in order to understand it, creative drama requires both logical and intuitive
thinking, personalizes knowledge, and yields aesthetic pleasure.
—The Children’s Theatre Association of America
1. To participate in dramatic imagination and play as an actor/doer/builder; to understand
how children do this.
2. To investigate the relationship between dramatic imagination/play and learning.
3. To create and implement designs for learning and experiencing dramatic imagination
and play. Teaching is basically designing learning experiences.
4. To create and implement designs for learning and experiencing in various subjects
supplemented and facilitated by dramatic imagination and play.
Required Texts
A Child’s Work: The Importance of Fantasy Play by Vivian Gussin Paley
Mon. Dec. 8 8:00-10:00.
Final Session
Attendance and active participation in discussions, readings, exercises and performances 40%
Projects 40%
Drama production attendance and response 20%
Academic Misconduct and the Student Conduct Code
All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic
penalty by the course instructor and/or disciplinary sanction by the University. All students
need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at
All Drama/Dance students must have an in-depth knowledge of the practices and
procedures outlined in the Department of Drama/Dance Handbook. The Handbook is
available online at http://www.sfa.umt.edu/drama/index.html.
*Please note: As an instructor of a general education course, you will be expected to provide
sample assessment items and corresponding responses to the Assessment Advisory Committee.