Upper-division Writing Requirement Review Form (12/1/08) I. General Education Review – Upper-division Writing Requirement Dept/Program Course # (i.e. ANTH RTV 361 Subject 455) or sequence Course(s) Title Newscast Reporting and Producing Description of the requirement if it is not a single course II. Endorsement/Approvals Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office. Please type / print name Signature Date Instructor 2/2/2009 Denise Dowling Phone / Email Denise.dowling@umontana.ed 406-243-4143 u Program Chair Ray Ekness III Overview of the Course Purpose/ Description Television reporting and producing including writing, interviewing, news gathering and preparation of television news stories and newscasts. IV Learning Outcomes: Explain how each of the following learning outcomes will be achieved. Produce television stories focusing on hard Student learning outcomes : news, event and court reporting, Identify and pursue more sophisticated understanding the terminology and nuances questions for academic inquiry of each. Write appropriately for the topic area. Gather information on multiple angles of Find, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize each news story, giving proper weight to information effectively from diverse sources (see http://www.lib.umt.edu/informationliteracy/) different viewpoints and opinions. Evaluate the work of self and classmates and choose quality stories to include in newscasts Each story must include at least two Manage multiple perspectives as appropriate different interviews from people with diverse points of view on the subject at hand. Choose stories for newscasts that flow. Write stories in proper broadcast style, write Recognize the purposes and needs of stories for pace, flow and attention. Manage discipline-specific audiences and adopt the newscast content by writing transitions, academic voice necessary for the chosen leads, teases and tosses. discipline Each script must be submitted in draft form Use multiple drafts, revision, and editing in conducting inquiry and preparing written work for feedback from the instructor. Students will be required to re-write stories at least once before turning in a project for grading. Follow the conventions of citation, documentation, and formal presentation appropriate to that discipline Develop competence in information technology and digital literacy Scripts will be written using Avid iNews software, the industry standard for television. Script formats must follow the standard given including use of lead ins, supers, tags and proper production commands. Create newscasts in Avid iNews considering strong lead writing, flow, pace and transitions. All students will gather their own sound and video using digital audio recorders and digital video cameras. Those records will be edited following the written script using digital non-linear video editing and digital audio editing software. Scripts will be written in Avid iNews with proper format and production cues. V. Writing Course Requirements Check list Is enrollment capped at 25 students? If not, list maximum course enrollment. Explain how outcomes will be adequately met for this number of students. Justify the request for variance. Are outcomes listed in the course syllabus? If not, how will students be informed of course expectations? x Yes No x Yes No Are detailed requirements for all written assignments including criteria for evaluation in the course syllabus? If not how and when will students be informed of written assignments? Briefly explain how students are provided with tools and strategies for effective writing and editing in the major. x Yes No Will written assignments include an opportunity for revision? If not, then explain how students will receive and use feedback to improve their writing ability. Are expectations for Information Literacy listed in the course syllabus? If not, how will students be informed of course expectations? x Yes No All students are required to take Enex 101, RTV 280 or Jour 270, RTV 350 or 360 before this course. This builds on what they learned there in terms of writing and producing television news. Each student is given one on one time with the instructor to work on the writing on their particular projects, while still meeting deadlines. The class is also given clear direction on the writing style and qualities expected in a broadcast news story. xYes No VI. Writing Assignments: Please describe course assignments. Students should be required to individually compose at least 20 pages of writing for assessment. At least 50% of the course grade should be based on students’ performance on writing assignments. Clear expression, quality, and accuracy of content are considered an integral part of the grade on any writing assignment. Formal Graded Assignments Write proposal for Made In Montana segment. Write research paper on Made in Montana subject. Write multiple drafts of Made in Montana script. Write and produce 3 newscasts of 8, 12 and 20 minutes. Write and produce 3 television news stories including multiple versions of the same stories for different uses on newscasts. Write and produce breaking news event update. Write and produce news promotion. Critique news stories produced by self and classmates. VII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form. ⇓ The syllabus should clearly describe how the above criteria are satisfied. For assistance on syllabus preparation see: http://teaching.berkeley.edu/bgd/syllabus.html Informal Ungraded Assignments The University of Montana School of Journalism-Department of Radio-Television Missoula, MT 59812 RTV 361 Newscast Production & Performance Spring 2009 – 3 credits Syllabus­Subject to Change Scope: RTV 361 is the next progression from RTV 360, concentrating on newscast production and performance. Class will also focus on reporting, writing, shooting and editing skills. Newscasts will be produced in the studio with RTV 351 students. Student teams will work together to produce two or three half-hour programs Business: Made In Montana. Learning Outcomes: The successful student in RTV 361 will demonstrate the following skills upon completion of the course. • Strong news judgment • Ability to identify various opinions and angles in potential news stories • Ability to write strong leads, bodies and conclusions to television news stories • Demonstrated writing skills including the use of active voice, writing to video, clear and concise use of language • Television anchoring and interviewing skills including research and writing of questions, interpersonal communication, proper questioning and listening • Development of live anchoring writing and performance skills including newscast anchoring, weather, sports and field reporting • Ability to identify quality work in self and others and make newscast choices that reflect that ability • Development of television newscast producing including building strong leads, writing for story flow, writing for pace and creating an overall look and feel of a program through writing • Development of presentation skills including voice and on-camera work • Proficiency in the technical requirements of television work including shooting and editing video, script writing using iNews, rundown building in iNews and use of the server to store and playback stories • Understanding of journalism ethics, codes and the law covering journalistic endeavors Pre-requisite: RTV 350 or 360 Class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:10 to 4:00 in DAH 101 and 114. Please check the syllabus carefully so you know where we’re meeting. Instructor: Denise Dowling Don Anderson Hall #407 243-4143 251-0357 (Home) denise.dowling@umontana.edu Office Hours: MW 11-12, TTh 10-11. Other days and times by appointment. Required Materials: You may want a hard drive compatible with the RadioTelevision Department’s editors. If you need specs, talk to me. Each student will need Mini-DV tapes. I suggest you purchase at least 3. You should keep a master tape and use the other two as shooter/editor tapes. E-mail: Each student must have a working e-mail address. Academic Honesty: I expect your honesty in presenting your own work for this course. Academic misconduct at The University of Montana is subject to an academic penalty ranging from failing the assignment to expulsion from the university. Students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. http://www.umt.edu/SA/VPSA/index.cfm/page/1321 Work submitted for this class may not be material previously produced, nor may it be material you’re submitting or have submitted for a different course inside or outside the department. Writing Proficiency Exam: All UM students are required to pass the writing proficiency exam before graduation. You are strongly urged to take the exam this semester. This semester the tests will be given on February 10th, March 9th and April 14th. You can register on-line. The Writing Center is offering workshops to help you prepare for the test. See http://www.umt.edu/provost/writingassessment/ Checkout (Also see attached sheet on checkout procedures and penalties) • Remote equipment kits with PD-150 and PD-170 digital cameras, tripods, lights, batteries and microphones are available for use through Student Checkout. You can check out the kits for a maximum of 24-hours. Make sure you pick-up and return your equipment on-time or you will lose your checkout privileges. • Do not expect to always get the equipment at the exact time you need it. Always have a secondary plan. And always start early. You will be given more than enough time to finish an assignment. If you wait until the last minute, you may not get equipment. • Be careful with all equipment you use either in the studio or in the field. Don't leave any equipment in your car or any place it could be stolen. Do not lose your temper and take it out on the equipment. Be patient and learn to solve problems on your own. Be sure to report any problems when you check the equipment back in. You are financially responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged equipment. If you are absent for check-out or late for check-in, your grade will suffer. Security: You will have 24-hour access to the building by using your Griz card in the card swipe on the northeast entrance to Don Anderson Hall. Each person entering MUST SWIPE THEIR OWN CARD. Do not allow classmates, friends or anyone else to enter with your card. DAH 101 will also be controlled by a swipe card. Other labs (114, audio studios) will be accessed by punch code. You will have a punch code unique from everyone else’s. DO NOT SHARE THIS CODE. If someone else enters under your code or swipe YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR THEFT. We expect and need you to assist in building security. If you see anything suspicious contact a faculty member or CALL PUBLIC SAFETY! It’s up to you to help us protect our equipment and facilities. No food or drink near any equipment. Clean up after yourselves in the labs and the television studio. Turn off computers, decks and lights and close and lock the doors. Grading will be based on ideas, research, class attendance and participation, writing, tests, quizzes, assignments, your contribution to the overall success of the class and your ability to work with your classmates. Class attendance is mandatory. University business and documented illness are the only acceptable excuses. You must notify me in advance if you will be absent. Any unexcused absence will lower your final grade by one full grade. Two unexcused absences mean you will fail this course. Grading: Newscasts (Producing, writing, anchoring): 40% • 8:00 News 10% • 12:00 News 15% • 20:00 News 15% News Packages: 20% (You will receive no credit for packages that are not completed by deadline.) • Hard News • Event • Court Report Made In Montana: 30% • Ideas, Planning & Research • Interviewing & Video Gathering • Scripting • Editing • Teamwork • Final product Class Participation/Checkout: 10% **If you fail in any one of the three areas (newscasts, packages, MIM) YOU WILL FAIL THIS COURSE.** RTV 361 Spring 2009 Syllabus Subject to Change Tuesday 1/27-DAH 101 Course Overview Thursday 1/29-DAH 114 Review :60 News Anchor :60 Newscast Assignment: Find and research possible MIM topics 2/3-DAH 114 MIM Presentations/Pitches Internships & Scholarships Writing Assessment Story Meeting/PKG 1 & Interviews Assignment:Shoot/Write/Edit PKG 1 2/10-DAH 114 8:00 News Assignment Given-DAH 114 MIM Assignments Given Live Interview Workshop View PKG 1 In Class Due: PKG 1 Assignment: Work on 8:00 News Research MIM 2/17-DAH 114 MIM Research Presentations Travel Plans & Procedures Working Together: Directors & Producers Final Preps 8:00 News Story Schedule Newscast Construction Choosing a Lead Pace/Story Flow Story Meeting: First Packages Assigned Interview Segment Assignment: Prep MIM Pitch Shoot/Write/Edit PKG 1 Research Interview Segment 2/5-DAH 101 Rundowns & Scripting Telling Nat Sound Stories Assignment: Shoot/Write/Edit PKG 1 2/12-Missoula County Courthouse Field Trip Court Reporting Assignment: Work w/director on 8:00 News Research MIM-Present Tuesday 2/19-DAH 101 8:00 News Day 1-Montana Morning (3:30 News, 1:00 Break, 3:30 Pkg + Intvu) Due: 8:00 News Rundowns & Scripts Assignment: Work w/director on 8:00 News Assignment: Ideas for PKG 2 Work on MIM Shots/Questions/Contacts Work on MIM Shots/Questions/Contacts Tuesday 2/24-DAH 114 Review 8:00 News Day 1 Story Meeting: Assign PKG 2/w RTV Working Together: Reporters & Photogs Thursday 2/26-DAH 101 8:00 News II Due: MIM Shots/Questions/Contacts Assignment:Work on Package Two Arrange MIM Shooting 3/3-DAH 114 Review 8:00 News Day 2 12:00 News Assignment Given News Anchor Workshop Assignment: Work on Package Two Arrange MIM Shooting Assignment: Work on 12:00 News Shoot/Log MIM 3/10-DAH 114 Promotions Day Prep View PKG 2 Weather Producing Sports Producing Assignment: Work on 12:00 News Shoot/Log MIM 3/12-DAH 101 Promotions Day In Class Team Assignment Due: PKG 2 Assignment: Work on 12:00 News Shoot/Log MIM 3/17-DAH 101 Final Preps 12:00 News Critique PKG 2 Weather and Sports Anchoring Due: 12:00 News Rundowns & Scripts Assignment: Work on MIM Logging/Script 3/24-DAH 101 12:00 News Day 2 3/5-DAH 101 Producing Strategies for 12:00 News Backtiming Creating Interesting Newscasts Pace/Flow/Production Techniques Assignment: Work on 12:00 News Work on MIM Logging/Script 3/19-DAH 101 12:00 News Day 1 (2 anchor, Weather, Sports, Live Reporter, 2x1:00 breaks) Assignment: Work on MIM Logging/Script 3/26-DAH 114 Review 12:00 News **Special Guest** MIM Updates Assignment: Work on MIM Logging/Script 3/31 No Class-Spring Break **MIM Shooting must be completed by the end of spring break** Assignment: Work on MIM Logging/Script 4/2 No Class-Spring Break 4/7-DAH 114 MIM Team Updates 20:00 News Assignment Given Package Review Story Meeting PKG 3 4/9-DAH 114 Review MIM-Tape screened in class Breaking News Prep Reporting Breaking News Story Meeting: PKG 3 Assignment: Work on MIM Script Work on 20:00 News 4/14 Breaking News Day-In Class Team Exercise Assignment: Work on MIM Script due Tues Work on 20:00 News Work on PKG 3 4/16 MIM Script Review View PKG 3 Due: MIM Script Assignment:Work on 20:00 News Work on PKG 3 4/21 MIM Rewrite Review Group Meetings MIM Final Preps 20:00 News I Due: PKG 3 Assignment: MIM Rewrite Assignment: Work on 20:00 News 4/23 20:00 News I (2 anchors, weather, sports, live reporter, breaking news reporter, 2x1:00 breaks) Due: 20:00 Rundowns & Scripts (Due day before show by noon) Assignment: Edit MIM Work on 20:00 News 4/27 MIM Group Meetings-View 1st Edits MIM Hosts/Shooters Assigned Final Preps 20:00 News II Assignment: Edit MIM-Due Tues. Work on 20:00 News 4/29 20:00 News II Due: 20:00 Rundowns & Scripts (Due day before show by noon) Due: First Edit MIM Assignment: Work on MIM Edit, Scripts 5/5 MIM Group Meetings-Final Edit Due Final Preps 20:00 News III Due: 20:00 Rundowns & Scripts (Due day before show by noon) Due: Final Edit MIM Assignment: Work on MIM Edit/Scripts Assignment: Re-edit MIM Finish MIM Scripts 5/7 20:00 News III Due: MIM Scripts/Intros Final Meeting: Wednesday May 13th, 1:10-3:10 pm MIM Programs will be viewed