Document 11902899

Upper-division Writing Requirement Review Form (12/1/08)
I. General Education Review – Upper-division Writing Requirement
Course # (i.e. ANTH
CSD U 430 and CSD
455) or sequence
Sciences and
U 440
Senior Capstone I and Senior Capstone II
Course(s) Title
Description of the requirement if it is not a single course
Students who are CSD majors will fulfill the upper-division writing requirement by completing
both CSD 430 Senior Capstone I and CSD 440 Senior Capstone II.
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office.
Please type / print name Signature
Phone / Email
Program Chair
Al Yonovitz
III Overview of the Course Purpose/ Description
CSD U 430 Senior Capstone I 3 cr. Offered autumn. Part one of a two course sequence
where the student completes an independent project. Students will prepare a literature review, an
ethics application, and a proposal in preparation for a major research project of their design.
CSD U 440 Senior Capstone II 3 cr. Offered spring. Prerequisite U 430. Part two of a two
course sequence where the student completes an independent research project. Students research
and write about a topic of their choice and present their findings at the end of the semester.
The Undergraduate program in the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders
began in Fall 2008. This request for upper division writing requirement designation follows the
submission of the undergraduate curriculum (December 2007) and the amendments made to the
undergraduate curriculum (submitted September 2008).
The Upper-division Writing Expectation for CSD Majors will be fulfilled with the student’s
completion of CSD U 430 and 440. Course CSD U 430 aims to prepare students for the
research and writing they will complete in course CSD U 440, which is taken the following
IV Learning Outcomes: Explain how each of the following learning outcomes will be achieved.
Student learning outcomes :
Identify and pursue more sophisticated
questions for academic inquiry
The student addresses an independent
research/study questions through a
guided experience with the students
Capstone supervisor. The student
acquires data and provides results and
discussion for the research or clinical
1. Appropriate selection of a research or project
Action, applied or basic research
2. Reviewing literature
Scope and limits of background
3. Generating testable questions and
a. Can the questions be answered with
available resources including time,
funding and subject or client
4. Writing the research or project prospectus
The APA style manual
5. Submitting the Research Ethics application
Understand the bases of informed
Fulfilling the elements of a
successful application
6. Selection of method and analysis techniques
a. Determining the most appropriate
statistical method including the
assumptions of the test procedure
7. Presenting the proposal
PowerPoint and poster presentations
CSD 430 will include a visit with the
Find, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize
CSD/School of Education librarian to review
information effectively from diverse sources
(see research methods for the library and library
Students will use library resources of all
types for this project: Online databases,
journals, books, archives, etc. Students will
reflect their knowledge of library research
and their ability to synthesize material
through their written literature review.
Students may come across conflicting
Manage multiple perspectives as appropriate
information in their research. Students will
be responsible for understanding
discrepancies in multiple perspectives or
conflicting research.
Students will be responsible for designing
Recognize the purposes and needs of
and implementing a research or clinical
discipline-specific audiences and adopt the
research project within the field of speech
academic voice necessary for the chosen
and language pathology and/or audiology.
Students will be expected to write in a clear,
concise manner appropriate to the
discipline. Informal writing is not
Students will submit a first draft of their
Use multiple drafts, revision, and editing in
conducting inquiry and preparing written work semester project in CSD 440 and will have
the opportunity (and in most cases will be
expected) to make significant changes to the
project after the first draft has been
reviewed by the capstone advisor. A second
draft may be submitted for review before the
final draft is turned in at the conclusion of
the semester.
APA format will be used. APA style will be
Follow the conventions of citation,
covered in class meetings in CSD 430 –
documentation, and formal presentation
Capstone I. Students will demonstrate
appropriate to that discipline
knowledge of APA style documentation and
citation in projects and literature review.
Students are expected to use library
Develop competence in information
resources of all types for this project:
technology and digital literacy
Online databases, online journals, books,
archives, etc. Students will reflect their
knowledge of information technology, digital
literacy and library research through their
written literature review and final projects.
V. Writing Course Requirements Check list
Is enrollment capped at 25 students?
If not, list maximum course enrollment.
Explain how outcomes will be adequately met
† Yes † No
for this number of students. Justify the request
for variance.
Are outcomes listed in the course syllabus? If
not, how will students be informed of course
Are detailed requirements for all written
assignments including criteria for evaluation in the
course syllabus? If not how and when will students
be informed of written assignments?
Briefly explain how students are provided with
tools and strategies for effective writing and editing
in the major.
Will written assignments include an opportunity for
revision? If not, then explain how students will
receive and use feedback to improve their writing
Are expectations for Information Literacy listed in
the course syllabus? If not, how will students be
informed of course expectations?
† Yes † No
† Yes † No
† Yes † No
† Yes † No
Expectations are not specifically listed in the
syllabus but will be added by the time the
class is offered. Students will also have
access through the library website to the
literacy rubrics and frameworks expected at
the 400-level.
VI. Writing Assignments: Please describe course assignments. Students should be required to
individually compose at least 20 pages of writing for assessment. At least 50% of the course grade
should be based on students’ performance on writing assignments. Clear expression, quality, and
accuracy of content are considered an integral part of the grade on any writing assignment.
Formal Graded Assignments
Capstone I:
Informal Ungraded Assignments
Literature Review (20%)
Ethics application (20%)
project proposal (40%)
presentation of proposal (20%)
Capstone II:
Capstone project (100%)
Class participation
VII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form. ⇓ The syllabus
should clearly describe how the above criteria are satisfied. For assistance on syllabus preparation
Paste syllabus here.
See attached syllabi.