PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY Student Government Association- Judicial Branch JUDICIAL ADVOCATE APPLICATION Description As the Student Government Association Constitution and Judicial By-Laws dictate, any student, faculty, or staff can have a Judicial Advocate represent their position in the case as a legal advisor. A Judicial Advocate is a Student Government Official that has understanding of all Student Government governing documents. In order to be an official Judicial Advocate, please adhere to the requirements below. This application must be typed and submitted no later than two days before the case is heard. Requirements - At least one semester of Student Government Association members. Not a member of the Judicial Branch. Knowledgeable of all Student Government governing documents. FIRST NAME: SGA POSITION: LAST NAME: SGA BRANCH: CASE NO. DATE: Will you representing the Plaintiff or the Defendant in this case? Plaintiff Defendant Please read and sign the following. “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the constitution and by-­‐ laws of the Student Government Association that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on ___/___/_____.” Today’s date ___________________________________ Signature of applicant ________________________________ Signature of represented party