Wetlands (2013) 33:1151–1163 DOI 10.1007/s13157-013-0470-5 ARTICLE Litter Decomposition, and Associated Invertebrate Communities, in Wetland Ponds of the Copper River Delta, Alaska (USA) Scott D. Tiegs & Sally A. Entrekin & Gordon H. Reeves & Deyna Kuntzsch & Richard W. Merritt Received: 26 November 2012 / Accepted: 30 July 2013 / Published online: 21 August 2013 # Society of Wetland Scientists 2013 Abstract High-latitude wetlands provide vital ecological functions, many of which rely on the decomposition of plant litter, but little understanding exists of how decomposition rates vary across space, and among common plant species. We investigated the litter decomposition of seven plant species in six wetland ponds on the Copper River Delta (Alaska, USA), and the litter-associated invertebrates. The ponds exist on common geomorphic surfaces of the delta: surfaces created by glacial retreat and outwash, and those resulting from uplifted intertidal area following a powerful 1964 earthquake. An eight-fold range in decomposition rates existed across litter species and correlated with phosphorus (r=0.63), but not nitrogen and carbon content of the litter. Macroinvertebrate abundance also differed among leaf species. Litter-decay rates did not differ between pond types when expressed on a percent-mass-loss per-day basis; however, on a per-degreeday basis, decomposition in outwash ponds was more rapid. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13157-013-0470-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. S. D. Tiegs (*) Department of Biological Sciences, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309, USA e-mail: tiegs@oakland.edu S. A. Entrekin Department of Biology, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 72035, USA G. H. Reeves USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA D. Kuntzsch USDA Forest Service, Cordova Ranger District, Cordova, AK 99574, USA R. W. Merritt Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing,, MI 48824, USA Litter in outwash ponds also had greater invertebrate abundance than uplift ponds, a pattern driven by collector-gatherer chironomids. Invertebrate activity was deemed a minor source of litter-mass loss relative to microbial decomposition. Results suggest that litter-associated invertebrate communities differ between pond types, but that differences in plant-litter decomposition are subtle. Keywords High-latitude wetlands . Plant litter . Leaf-litter breakdown . Macroinvertebrates . Wetland functioning Introduction High-latitude wetlands serve vital ecological functions including climate regulation, nitrogen cycling, and habitat availability, and many of these hinge on the decomposition of organic matter. For example, given that about a third of global soil carbon is stored in northern peatlands (Gorham 1991), organic-matter decomposition in high-latitude wetlands is believed to be a significant regulator of atmospheric greenhouse gases. At more-local scales, organic-matter decomposition plays a role in the successional rates of wetlands, and by extension the long-term viability of habitats such as areas of open water. Plant litter is a dominant source of carbon in most wetlands, and its decomposition is a fundamental ecosystem-level process that is governed by: 1) intrinsic factors related to litter quality, and 2) extrinsic factors related to the wetland environment. For example, litter species (Webster and Benfield 1986), the presence of secondary compounds (Gessner and Chauvet 1994; Kraus et al. 2003), and nutrient content of the litter (Enríquez et al. 1993) are intrinsic factors that influence litter decomposition in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Examples of extrinsic factors include invertebrate consumption, temperature, and in aquatic habitats, dissolved-nutrient concentrations (Graca 2001; Davidson and Janssens 2006; Fennessy et al. 1152 2008; Woodward et al. 2012). Ultimately these factors influence the fate of plant-derived carbon, such as whether the litter is consumed by invertebrates, and if wetlands become net sources or sinks for carbon (Updegraff et al. 1995). Increasingly, high-latitude wetlands are influenced by environmental changes stemming from both natural and anthropogenic origins, and understanding how such changes influence organic-matter decomposition is necessary if the carbon budgets and the overall ecology of these wetlands are to be well understood. The Copper River Delta parallels 75 km of the southcentral coast of Alaska (USA) where it supports about 1,000 km2 of wetlands, making this the largest area of coastal wetlands on the Pacific Coast of North America (Fig. 1a). The wetlands here have been broadly classed into physiographic zones including tidal flats, marshlands, and glacial outwash plains (Thilenius 1995). In aggregate, these diverse wetlands constitute significant habitat that supports migratory waterfowl, a productive commercial salmon fishery, and species of conservation concern (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 2012). The ecology of the Copper River Delta changed abruptly after the ‘Good Friday’ earthquake of 1964 (Richter magnitude 9.2), one of the most powerful ever recorded. The earthquake uplifted much of the Copper River Delta by 2–3 m, converting subtidal areas to intertidal, and intertidal areas to supertidal, and subsequently, the formation of large areas of ‘uplifted’ freshwater marshland (hereafter termed ‘uplifted marsh’) where previously there had been none (Thilenius 1990, 1995). Loss of tidal influence on uplifted marsh areas following the earthquake isolated uplifted marshes from marine deltaic sediment inputs (Boggs 2000), suggesting that post-earthquake accretion stems from the accumulation of undecomposed organic matter, rather than marine sediments. Decomposition rates may therefore be particularly important in regulating the future ecology of these wetlands. Here we present a study that was designed to provide information on: 1) how the litter of seven common plant species on the Copper River Delta decomposes, and 2) how decomposition varies among wetland ponds located on the two most common geomorphic surfaces of the delta: uplifted marsh that originated after the 1964 earthquake, and glacial outwash plains. While some information exists on the ecological succession of uplifted wetlands on the Copper River Delta (e.g.,Thilenius 1990, 1995), research has yet to target fundamental ecosystem-level processes such as primary production or organic-matter decomposition, and how they may vary between the younger uplifted marsh and other habitats. An additional important knowledge gap relates to the relative contribution of high-latitude wetland invertebrates to the process of decomposition, the communities of which have remained largely unexplored (as identified in Thilenius Wetlands (2013) 33:1151–1163 1995; but see Van Duzor 2011) relative to other wetlands (Poi de Neiff et al. 2009). Our study was designed to evaluate intrinsic (e.g., litter quality) and extrinsic drivers (environmental conditions, decomposer abundance) of decomposition, and the litter-associated invertebrates on the Copper River Delta. Such information is needed and fundamental to understanding nutrient cycling, successional trajectories, ecosystem functioning, invertebrate communities, and the overall ecology of these vast but little-studied high-latitude wetland ecosystems. Methods Site Description The Copper River Delta (60° 25′ N, 145° 03′ W) forms where the Copper River deposits sediment into the Gulf of Alaska (Fig. 1). The delta supports about 1,000 km 2 of wetlands that have been broadly classed into physiographic zones including tidal flats, floodplains, marshlands, and glacial outwash plains (Thilenius 1995). These marshlands and plains are interspersed by the reticulated channels of the Copper River, smaller rivers and streams that originate from nearby glaciers, and sloughs that drain tidewater and the wetlands. Groundwater inputs, tidal fluctuations, and beaver activity further complicate the hydrology of the Copper River Delta. Together these diverse wetland types are significant habitat that supports the largest gathering of shorebirds in the western hemisphere, a productive commercial salmon fishery, and several species of conservation concern (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 2012). Climate The climate of the Copper River Delta is cool maritime, but becomes increasingly continental with distance from coast and proximity to the Copper River (Thilenius 1990). The growing season spans approximately 110 days from midMay to mid-September (Boggs 2000). Mean monthly temperatures range from −3 °C in January to 12 °C in July (at the Cordova airport; Boggs 2000). Precipitation is abundant with an average monthly precipitation of 20 cm (Boggs 2000). Outwash Plains and Uplifted Marsh Outwash plains and uplifted marshes are the dominant landscapes on the Copper River Delta (Boggs 2000), and ponds on each of these surfaces are abundant (Fig. 1b). Outwash plains consist of glacial deposits that are interwoven by the active and abandoned channels of small streams. Groundwater inputs into these systems are common. Uplifted marsh was previously an intertidal area that was uplifted and made super-tidal by the Wetlands (2013) 33:1151–1163 1153 Fig. 1 a Map with inset showing the location of the Copper River delta and approximate locations of the study ponds and b low-elevation aerial photograph showing the abundance of ponds on the delta with the Chugach Mountains in the background 1964 Good Friday earthquake. The increased elevation coupled with high precipitation that characterizes the delta converted this intertidal area to freshwater marsh. Loss of tidal influence on uplifted marsh areas following the earthquake isolated these ponds from marine deltaic sediment inputs (Boggs 2000), suggesting that accretion and plant succession stems from the accumulation of undecomposed autochthonous organic matter. Plant community succession on the Copper River Delta, following the earthquake, was characterized by Thilenius 1154 Wetlands (2013) 33:1151–1163 (1990). Successional trajectories in uplifted ponds appear to be moving communities towards being similar to those of outwash ponds. In general, shallow-water areas, such as those around pond margins, are dominated by sedge (Carex lyngbyei [Hornem.]), horsetail (Equisetum spp.), and marestail (Hippuris vulgaris [L.]), with buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata [L.]) being found in slightly deeper water, and pond lily (Nuphar polysepalum [Engelm.]) being common in deeper, otherwise-open-water areas. Woody vegetation that typically occupies less-frequently inundated sites such as pond margins includes alder (Alnus crispa [Aiton]), and sweet gale (Myrica gale [L.]). The decomposition of the litter of each of these seven species was examined. Experimental Design Two experiments were conducted to better understand organic-matter dynamics, and litter-associated invertebrate communities in the ponds of the Copper River Delta. Experiment 1 was designed to assess the decomposition of eight litter types from the seven common plant species listed above, and how invertebrate assemblages might colonize and influence the decomposition of these different litter types. Experiment 2 was designed to assess the variability in litter decomposition and associated invertebrate communities that may exist between ponds located in outwash plains, and uplifted marsh (Table 1). Field Methods Litter decomposition was evaluated in each experiment with a litter-bag approach (Boulton and Boon 1991; Tiegs et al. 2009). In September, a month when plants in the region are naturally senescing and leaves are entering detrital pools, leaves from seven terrestrial and aquatic plants common to the Copper River Delta were gathered in the field. For one species, lily, the stems were also gathered, for a total of eight litter types. After being transported to the laboratory, replicate subsets of each litter type were weighed, dried, and weighed again to estimate the initial moisture content of each litter type. Table 1 Pond types, and coordinates for each of the 6 ponds examined. Coordinates are UTMs based on NAD83 datum Pond Name Pond Type UTM Longitude UTM Latitude Lily Square pond Sheridan N Rusty 2 Sheridan 1 Sheridan 2 Outwash Outwash Outwash Uplifted Uplifted Uplifted 576707.2474 588327.8196 588860.7886 592471.4868 588136.2432 588592.1639 6710083.888 6705095.958 6705734.536 6694100.689 6705106.169 6705422.076 The moisture content was later used to ensure that a comparable dry mass was used across litter types. A mass of fresh litter equivalent to approximately 6 g dry mass of each litter type was then placed into coarse- and fine-mesh litter bags (pore size approximately 10 mm and 2 mm). Using coarseand fine-mesh litter bags respectively allows and discourages access by detritivorous macroinvertebrates, and enables estimation of the separate roles of microbes and invertebrate activity on the decomposition process (Merritt et al. 1979; Tiegs et al. 2009), although other mechanisms for differences between the two bag types are also possible (water movement, diffusion rates, etc.) (Boulton and Boon 1991). Litter bags were transported to the six ponds in midSeptember (2009) and dispersed across five locations in each pond. The bags were fixed in place by tying them to a nylon rope that was attached to 2-m-long bamboo rod, approximately half the length of which was inserted vertically into the pond sediments. Water depth at each location was approximately 40 cm, and litter bags were placed near the sedimentwater interface. At each location in each pond, a single coarsemesh bag and a single fine-mesh bag was deployed that contained each litter type. For Experiment 1 this meant that 16 litter bags were included at each location (one pond, eight litter types, two mesh sizes, five replicates, 80 litter bags total), and for Experiment 2, eight litter bags were included at each location (six ponds, four litter types, two mesh sizes, five replicates, 240 litter bags total). In Experiment 1, litter bags containing eight litter types were incubated in a single pond (Lily pond – Table 1) for 56 days. This pond was selected because 1) it was believed to be representative of many ponds on the Copper River Delta and 2) it was readily accessible for field workers. In Experiment 2, litter from four species was allowed to overwinter and decompose for 227 days. Temperature was recorded six times daily at each pond with temperature loggers (Ibuttons, Maxim, San Jose, CA, USA) to calculate the number of degree days to which the litter was exposed during Experiment 2. Multiple loggers were initially placed in each pond, however, many of the loggers failed, and in some instances only a single logger was downloaded from each pond. In instances when data from multiple loggers were available, a mean was calculated for each pond. Laboratory Methods After being incubated in the field, the litter bags were placed individually into polyethylene bags, transported to the laboratory, and stored frozen. The litter was then thawed with a small amount of water in a shallow white pan, and the contents of the bag were rinsed over a 500 μm sieve. The litter was gently cleaned with a paintbrush to remove biofilm and adhering debris and then dried in a tin at 40 ○C, cooled in a desiccator, and weighed. All visible invertebrates were picked Wetlands (2013) 33:1151–1163 by hand and stored in 70 % ethanol for later identification and enumeration. All invertebrates were identified to lowest practical level, usually genus, using a dissecting microscope and a functional group was assigned (Thorp and Covich 2001; Merritt et al. 2008). A subsample of the litter materials of each litter type was ground to a fine powder, and the quantity of carbon and nitrogen determined with a Costech Elemental Analyzer (Costech Analytical Industries Inc., Valencia, CA, USA). Phosphorus concentration was determined spectrophotometrically using the molybdate-ascorbic acid method (after Kuehn et al. 2011). Statistical Analysis In Experiment 1, two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test for differences in decomposition rates across litter types (fixed effect), the effect of invertebrate feeding (as evidenced by significant differences between mesh types; fixed effect), and interaction between these two factors. Nested ANOVA was used in Experiment 2 to test for differences in decomposition rates between the two pond types (fixed effect; outwash and uplifted), the six ponds (random effect, pond nested within pond type), the effect of invertebrate activity (fixed effect; as differences between mesh types), and litter type (fixed effect). In Experiment 2, when higher-order interaction terms involving the main effects were not significant, they were removed, and the ANOVA iteratively performed again. Decomposition data were expressed as percent litter-mass loss per day in Experiments 1 and 2 using the equation (Wi Wf)/Wi/time where Wf is the final mass of litter remaining in the litter bags and Wi was the initial mass prior to incubation in the field. In Experiment 2 the decomposition data were also expressed on a per-degree-day basis to remove the effect of temperature differences among ponds and pond types (after Hanson et al. 1984). This was done by substituting degree days for time in the equation shown above. KomolgorovSmirnov’s test was used to examine data for normality, and Levene’s test was used to evaluate homoscedasticity. Some slight departures from normality and homoscedasticity were present and the mass-loss data were arcsine square-root transformed. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used to explore hypothesized relationships between initial litter carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content of each litter type used in Experiment 1, and decomposition rates. Similar statistical approaches were used to evaluate the invertebrates associated with litter in the coarse-mesh bags. In Experiment 1, one-way ANOVA was used to test for the effect of litter type, followed by Tukey’s post-hoc test when litter type was a significant factor. In Experiment 2, nested ANOVA was used to evaluate differences in invertebrate abundance across pond types, litter species, and ponds. 1155 When statistical significance was present, ANOVAs were followed by Tukey’s post-hoc tests in each experiment. Invertebrate data were expressed as the number of individuals per gram of litter remaining in each litter bag, and log transformed when data were not normally distributed. Differences in macroinvertebrate community assemblage between the two wetland types and different leaf species were also analyzed with non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS). All macroinvertebrate densities were log10 (x + 1) transformed and taxa absent in more than 18 samples were removed from the analysis. Sorenson’s distance measures were used to calculate sample distances relative to each other (McCune and Grace 2002). Taxa correlation coefficients greater than 0.5 were considered important in NMS groupings and are presented and discussed. Two multi-response permutation procedures (MRPP) using Sorenson distances tested for community-level differences between wetland type (outwash or uplifted) and leaf species (alder, sedge, lily, sweet gale) where A is chance-corrected within-group agreement and p is probability of grouping due to chance (McCune and Grace 2002). Two indicator species analyses were used to identify taxa that are found most often and in greatest abundance in a particular wetland type (outwash or uplifted) or associated with a particular leaf species. All analyses described above were run in PC-ORD version 6. Results Experiment 1 Litter-decomposition rates in coarse-mesh bags ranged by a factor of approximately eight across litter the types examined in Experiment 1 (Table 2; Fig. 2), varying from 0.0016– 0.0137% mass loss per day, with litter from sedge being the slowest-decaying litter types examined, and lily stems being the most rapid. These decay rates resulted in mass loss in coarse-mesh bags of 9.7 – 76.6 % by the end of the 56-daylong incubation period. Other species filled the gradient of decay rates across this range (Fig. 2). Despite appreciable mass loss in many of the litter types during the experiment, the effect of invertebrate activity, evidenced as differences between coarse- and fine-mesh litter bags, was not significant, and the decay rates in the two litter-bag types were comparable across all species (Table 2; Fig. 2). The wide variation in decay rates across litter types in Experiment 1 reflected more subtle variation in the initial nutrient content of the litter (Fig. 3). Phosphorus content of the litter types examined was within the range reported for other litter species (Ostrofsky 1997), as was carbon and nitrogen content. Phosphorus content varied by more than 4 fold across litter types, nitrogen and carbon less so, varying by about three fold and 1.4 fold respectively. Variation in decay 1156 Wetlands (2013) 33:1151–1163 Table 2 ANOVA results of percent litter-mass loss per across the two experiments. Higher order interaction terms were iteratively removed when not significant. All data were arcsine square-root transformed. Bold indicates statistical significance Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 2 temp corrected Source df SS Species Mesh Species*Mesh Type Pond[Type] Species Mesh Species*Type TYPE*Mesh Species*Mesh TYPE Pond[Type] Species Mesh 7 1 7 1 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 3 1 Species*Type 3 Mesh*Type 1 Species*Mesh 3 F prob>f 0.05 110.8 <0.01 0.24 <0.01 0.43 <0.01 1.61 <0.01 9.58 0.03 283.06 <0.01 7.46 <0.01 0.48 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 1.48 <0.01 8.84 <0.01 36.29 0.01 237.95 0.00 6.56 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <.0001 0.63 0.88 0.21 <.0001 <.0001 0.007 0.69 0.84 0.22 0.003 <.0001 <.0001 0.011 0.69 0.56 0.08 0.77 2.18 0.091 rates was correlated with phosphorus content (r = 0.63, p=0.047), but not nitrogen or carbon (Fig. 3). Experiment 2 Differences in decomposition rates were not observed between outwash and uplifted ponds, and all interaction terms were not significant (Table 2). Statistically significant different decomposition rates (as percent mass loss/d) were observed, however, among the 6 ponds examined, among the four litter species, and between mesh types (Table 2; Fig. 4). The overall difference in mass loss across all species and mesh types between the pond with the most rapid decay (Sheridan North) and the pond with the slowest decay (Sheridan 2) was about 10 %, and differences among ponds were a modest 0.016 0.014 0.012 % Mass Loss/Day Fig. 2 Mean decomposition rates (as percent mass loss per day) (+/− 1 SD) varied among the 8 litter types examined in Experiment 1, in coarse-mesh (C) and fine-mesh (F) litter bags. Differences between mesh types were not significant, suggesting minimal litter feeding by invertebrates. The dashed line indicates the overall mean decomposition rate Macroinvertebrates responded to the different litter types used in Experiment 1. Total invertebrate abundance ranged by a factor of approximately 11 across litter species (Table 3; Appendix 1), with buckbean harboring the greatest number of invertebrates per gram of litter remaining (19.9 individuals/g), and alder litter supporting the fewest (1.8 individuals/g). In general, the abundance of individuals belonging to different functional feeding groups, including shredders, did not vary among litter types. A notable exception was collector-gatherers (Table 3), which closely mirrored, and strongly influenced, total invertebrate abundance. Collector-gatherer abundance ranged by approximately 12 fold, with the greatest abundance being found in buckbean (12.8 individuals/g) and lily litter (11.6 individuals/g), and the least abundance observed in alder litter (1.0 individuals/g). 0.010 mean=0.0075 SD=0.0042 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.000 C F Sedge C F Alder C F Sweetgale C F C F Horse- Marestail tail C F Lily Leaf C F Buckbean C F Lily Stem Wetlands (2013) 33:1151–1163 1157 Fig. 3 Scatter plots of initial litter chemistry vs. decomposition rate of the 8 litter types examined in Experiment 1. Phosphorus was positively correlated with decomposition, while carbon and nitrogen were not. Decomposition data shown are from coarse-mesh bags, which integrates microbial activity and feeding by macroinvertebrates source of variation in the data set (Table 2). In contrast, litter type was a major source of variation in the dataset (Table 2), and as with Experiment 1, differences among litter types were sometimes-pronounced, with lily leaves decomposing about 4.5 times more rapidly than sedge. Unlike the results of Experiment 1, statistically significant differences between coarse- and fine-mesh bags were observed in Experiment 2 (Table 2), evidence interpreted as macroinvertebrate activity. However, the magnitude of the differences between mesh types was modest (Fig. 4), suggesting that microbes were the dominant decomposer in each of the two experiments. None of the interaction terms were significant in Experiment 2. When the mass-loss data were expressed on a per-degreeday basis (to account for temperature differences among ponds), results were obtained that were similar to data expressed on a per-day basis: significant differences existed among ponds, among litter species, and between mesh types, and none of the interaction terms were significant (Table 2). Interestingly, however, pond type also became a significant factor when decomposition was expressed on a per-degreeday basis, and mass loss per-degree-day was more rapid in outwash ponds than that of uplifted marshes. The magnitude of these differences was fairly modest, with decomposition in outwash ponds being about 9 % faster across all species and mesh types. Invertebrate abundance differed among the 4 litter species used in Experiment 2, with the number of invertebrates found in leaf packs with lily leaves (17 individuals/g) being consistently greater than the litter of the other three species (Fig. 5; Appendix 2). While less than the invertebrate abundance observed in lily leaves, abundance was greater in sweet gale litter (3 individuals/g) than in alder and sedge litter (which did not differ [~1 individual/g]) (Table 4). The overall abundance of invertebrates did not differ between pond types, or ponds (Fig. 5) (Table 4). In contrast to overall invertebrate abundance, the abundance of invertebrates from several functional feeding groups differed between the two pond types (Table 4). Shredding Table 3 Experiment 1 results for macroinvertebrates collected from leaf-litter bags with different leaf species in Lily Pond. All metrics are expressed per gram of leaf litter remaining. All abundances were log10 transformed Community Metric df ss f ratio prob>f Tukey’s post-hoc Total abundance 7 1421.2 5.09 0.001 Taxa Richness Shannon diversity Collector-gatherers Predators Scrapers Filterers Shredders 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0.78 0.42 6.87 1.45 0.91 0.76 0.86 0.61 0.88 <.0001 0.22 0.51 0.62 0.55 buckbean > sedge and alder buckbean = lily = horsetail = marestail = sweet gale lily > alder 12.1 0.61 662.0 50.77 0.38 1.03 110.4 [[buckbean = lily] > [sedge = alder]] = [horsetail = marestail = sweet gale] 1158 Wetlands (2013) 33:1151–1163 Sheridan North Square Lily Outwash % mass loss/d 0.004 0.003 mean=0.0018 mean=0.0015 mean=0.0015 SD=0.0011 SD=0.0012 0.002 SD=0.009 0.001 0.000 Sheridan 2 Rusty 2 Sheridan 1 0.003 0.002 mean=0.0017 mean=0.0017 mean=0.0014 Uplift % mass loss/d 0.004 SD=0.0010 SD=0.0012 SD=0.0010 0.001 0.000 C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F Alder Sedge Lily Leaf Sweetgale Alder Sedge Lily Leaf Sweetgale Alder Sedge Lily Leaf Sweetgale pond types when data were expressed on a percent-mass-loss basis, however, differences were detected when data were expressed on a percent-mass-loss per-degree-day basis 100 40 Lily Sheridan North Square 20 Outwash 80 mean=10.11 mean=6.69 SD=27.69 SD=10.58 mean=2.25 SD=1.02 0 100 80 40 Sheridan 1 Rusty 2 Sheridan 2 Uplift invertebrate abundance (#/g litter remaining) Fig. 4 Mean decomposition rates (as percent mass loss per day) (+/− 1 SD) across the two pond types, litter species, in coarse (C)- and fine (F)mesh litter bags. The dashed line indicates a mean for each pond across all species and mesh sizes. Differences were not observed between the two 20 mean=7.54 mean=4.65 mean=3.68 SD=7.52 SD=5.41 0 Alder Sedge Lily SweetLeaf gale SD=0.65 Alder Sedge Lily SweetLeaf gale Fig. 5 Bar graphs showing invertebrate abundance (means +/− 1 SD) in coarse-mesh litter bags across the 6 ponds (standardized by litter mass remaining), and the 2 pond types examined in Experiment 2. Pie charts in each panel show the relative abundance of functional feeding groups. Alder Sedge Lily SweetLeaf gale Scrapers, shredders, and collector-gatherer abundance was significantly greater in outwash ponds than in uplift ponds. Invertebrates tended to be more abundant in lily litter than other litter species Wetlands (2013) 33:1151–1163 1159 Table 4 Results for macroinvertebrates collected from leaf-litter bags in each pond used in Experiment 2. All metrics are expressed per gram of leaf litter remaining. All abundances were log10 transformed Source df Taxa richness Type Pond[Type] Species Type*Species 1 4 3 3 0.034 5.67 7.11 0.67 0.01 0.59 1.00 0.09 Shannon Diversity Type Pond[Type] Species Type*Species Type Pond[Type] Species Type*Species Type Pond[Type] Species Type*Species Type Pond[Type] Species Type*Species Type Pond[Type] 1 4 3 3 1 4 3 3 1 4 3 3 1 4 3 3 1 4 0.32 0.59 0.12 0.38 0.048 1.059 15.89 0.54 0.05 0.34 2.02 0.03 0.09 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.12 0.22 1.48 0.68 0.18 0.59 0.30 1.69 33.99 1.15 1.03 1.63 13.06 0.17 4.18 1.37 2.07 2.24 3.04 1.40 0.23 0.60 0.91 0.62 0.58 0.16 <.0001 0.34 0.31 0.17 <.0001 0.91 0.044 0.25 0.11 0.089 0.085 0.24 Species Type*Species Type Pond[Type] Species Type*Species Type Pond[Type] 3 3 1 4 3 3 1 4 0.58 0.18 0.59 0.22 1.15 0.22 0.29 0.61 4.97 1.57 13.18 1.25 8.57 1.66 5.05 2.60 0.003 0.20 0.001 0.29 <.0001 0.18 0.027 0.041 Species Type*Species 3 3 5.96 0.32 33.89 1.82 <.0001 0.15 Total abundance Predator abundance Scraper abundance Filterer abundance Shredder abundance Collector-Gatherer abundance SS invertebrates were 3.5 time more abundant in outwash ponds than uplifted ponds. Interestingly, scraping invertebrates were rare in uplifted ponds, and 29 times more abundant in outwash ponds. Collector-gatherers were slightly (0.42 times) more abundant in uplifted ponds. Other functional feeding groups (predators, filterers) did not differ between pond types (Table 4). NMS analysis separated distinct macroinvertebrate communities in two-dimensional space (final stress 11.62) with Axis 1 explaining 40 % and Axis 2 explaining 42 % of variation in communities across wetland types and leaf species F prob > f Tukey’s post-hoc 0.91 0.67 0.39 0.96 lily leaf > sweet gale > sedge = alder lily leaf > sweet gale = sedge = alder outwash > uplift lily leaf = sweet gale > sedge = alder outwash > uplift lily leaf > sweet gale = sedge = alder uplift > outwash [up.]sherid. 1 = [out.]square > [up.]rusty 2 = [up.]sherid. 2 = [outwash]sherid N > [outwash]lily lily leaf > sweet gale = sedge = alder (Fig. 6). Macroinvertebrates separated along Axis 1 by the abundance and occurrence of collector-gatherer chironomid midges (r=−0.94) (individuals belonging to Dicrotendipes and Polypedilum were the most abundant), predaceous midges (Tanypodinae) (r= −0.79), amphipods (Hyalella) (r=−0.65), snails (Planorbidae) (r=−0.51), and fingernail clams (Sphaeriidae) (r=−0.50) associated with lily leaves. Macroinvertebrates separated along Axis 2 by the abundance and occurrence of the amphipod, Crangonyx. Differences in macroinvertebrate communities between pond types were confirmed with an MRPP (p=0.05; A=0.03). Filter feeding 1160 1.5 Lily 1.0 Lily Axis 2 (42%) Fig. 6 Non-metric multidimensional scaling representing log10 abundance of all dominant taxa (represented in more than 20 % of the samples) in outwash (open symbols) and uplift ponds (filled symbols) for each litter type: alder (circle), sedge (square), lily leaf (diamond), sweet gale (hexagon) Wetlands (2013) 33:1151–1163 Lily 0.5 Rusty 2 Square Sheridan N Square Sheridan N 0.0 Sheridan 2 Sheridan N Rusty 2 Rusty 2 Square Square Sheridan 1 Sheridan 2 -0.5 Sheridan 2Sheridan 2 Sheridan N Sheridan 1 Sheridan 1 Rusty 2 -1.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 Sheridan 1 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Axis 1 (40%) Polycentropus (ISA=66, p=0.014) and predaceous Hirudinea (63, 0.013) were indicators of uplifted wetlands. Shredding Crangonyx (ISA=75, p=0.0006) and scraping Planorbidae (55, 0.013) were indicators of outwash ponds. Macroinvertebrate communities also differed across leaf species. Macroinvertebrate communities in lily litter differed (p<0.05) from those on alder, sedge, and sweet gum. Sedge communities also differed from sweet gum. Macroinvertebrate indicator species were only identified in lily litter and they included predaceous chironomid midges (ISA=59, p=0.02), collector-gatherer chironomid midges (ISA=55, p=0.0004), shredding Hyalella (ISA=48, p=0.05), and filter feeding fingernail clams (ISA=55, 0.05). Discussion We evaluated select aspects of ecosystem structure and functioning of uplifted and outwash ponds on the Copper River Delta. The structure of litter-associated-invertebrate communities differed between uplifted and outwash ponds, with uplifted ponds having significantly more collector-gatherers (chironomids), and outwash ponds having a greater abundance of scrapers (snails) and shredders (amphipods). Despite these and other differences in invertebrate community structure, the two pond types were similar with regards to their organic matter decomposition. Conspicuous differences in decomposition were observed, however, among the different litter types, and a wide-range in decay rates was observed across litter species. While invertebrate activity was not deemed a significant source of litter-mass loss, invertebrates were significantly more abundant in some litter types than others. Decomposition rates were very slow relative to most published values (e.g., review by Webster and Benfield 1986), and probably temperature related, and suggested organicmatter accumulation and storage on an annual basis. Overall these results illustrate the value of evaluating both ecosystem structure and function to provide a complete picture of ecosystems, such as the high-latitude ponds of the Copper River Delta. A large body of literature has developed around using plant-litter quality to predict litter-decomposition rates, and while the results from individual studies have sometimes been contrasting, nutrient content of the litter often emerges as having a significant influence. Numerous studies have shown positive correlation between rates of litter-mass loss and ratios of carbon-to-nitrogen in the litter (e.g., Ostrofsky 1997; Enríquez et al. 1993); however, our study did not. Rather, the 8-fold range in decomposition observed across the 8 litter types was positively correlated with litter phosphorus content, a finding consistent with others (e.g., Rejmánková and Houdková 2006). Additional evidence that litter nitrogen content was not significant in influencing decomposition is that while the leaves and stems of lily had the greatest and least nitrogen content across all litter types, and they had very similar decomposition rates. These results, coupled with evidence that most of the mass loss that was observed was attributed to microbes, suggests that the microbial communities of these ponds are phosphorus-limited, but future experiments are needed. Our experimental design did not allow us to isolate the mechanisms responsible for the differences in invertebrate abundance that were observed across litter types, but several are possible. Differences in invertebrate production across litter types, for example, would explain the patterns in invertebrate abundance that were observed. The greatest abundance of Wetlands (2013) 33:1151–1163 invertebrates was found in litter types with a high P content, an observation that is consistent with litter-quality-driven differences in invertebrate production (e.g., Leroy and Marks 2006; Greenwood et al. 2007; Tank et al. 2010). Differential production could also have been driven by variation in habitat quality that was provided by the different litter types, which could result, for example, in variable refuge quality and differential predation rates within the litter packs. An additional, and not mutually exclusive mechanism for the patterns in invertebrate abundance that were observed, could be aggregation/ avoidance of litter packs with desirable/undesirable attributes (e.g., as a food resource, or habitats). This idea is distinct from those suggested above in that it is a behavioral response involving net movement of invertebrates into the litter bags, and not directly related to production in the litter bags themselves (Abos et al. 2006; Entrekin et al. 2008; Tiegs et al. 2008). The invertebrate results from Experiment 1 were largely mirrored in Experiment 2, where greater invertebrate abundance was found in lily leaves. While the greater abundance of shredders in Experiment 2 leaf packs containing lily leaves makes intuitive sense given their high nitrogen and phosphorus content, it is less clear why other functional feeding groups were so abundant on lily leaves. For example, filterers were more abundant on the leaves of lily than the other litter types examined in Experiment 2, as were collector-gatherers. In the case of collector-gatherers, which made up the majority of invertebrates in our study, and were more abundant on lily leaves in both Experiments 1 and 2, individuals may have preferred the biofilm present on the surface of this rapidly decomposing litter type. Microbial communities differ across litter types, and the different abundances of collector-gatherers may reflect differences in microbial communities (Ward and Cummins 1979). Macroinvertebrate taxa richness across both experiments was low, with a total of only 16 taxa identified, which may be reflective of the geography, geologic history, and environmental conditions of the ponds. Most functional feeding groups were represented by only 2–3 taxa. For example, in Experiment 1, the only shredding taxa were a trichopteran represented by a single species of Nemotaulius (Limnephilidae), and the amphipods Crangonyx, and Hyalella. In geologic terms the ponds we examined are young, existing only since the last glacial retreat, and therefore might be expected to harbor relatively few species (Pianka 1966). Furthermore, the freshwater habitats of the delta are surrounded by the Gulf of Alaska to the south, and the Chugach Mountains to the north, both of which may function as barriers to dispersal for some freshwater macroinvertebrates. In the case of the uplift ponds, where all freshwater taxa have colonized in the years subsequent to the 1964 earthquake, it is not surprising to find so few taxa. Given that our study was not conducted during the summer, additional taxa would 1161 likely have been encountered had our study been conducted during the summer months, with possible consequences for litter decomposition. Lastly, harsh environmental conditions in the ponds likely exclude certain taxa (Battle and Golladay 2001). Colonization by a few key taxa in the future, such as large-bodied shredders, could have consequences for the functioning of ponds on the Copper River Delta. The differences in functional feeding groups that we observed between pond types may reflect differences in ecosystem conditions, such as degree of heterotrophy and storage of organic matter. For example, the number of shredders/ collectors - an indicator of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) storage in wetlands relative to that of fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) (Merritt et al. 1999) - was approximately five times greater in outwash ponds relative to uplifted ponds. This finding suggest that CPOM has greater influence on structuring foodwebs in outwash ponds. A related indicator is the abundance of scrapers relative to the abundance of shredders + collectors, with greater values translating to more autotrophy. Based on this indicator the degree of autotrophy was less in outwash ponds (a value of 0.14) relative to uplift ponds (a value of less than 0.01), although both pond types were strongly heterotrophic. Perhaps the most obvious reason for these ostensible differences in ecosystem condition is pond age, with the relatively young age of the uplift ponds limiting the amount of CPOM accrual. Inferences about the ecosystem condition of these ponds based on our invertebrate data should be tempered, however, given that the invertebrates were gathered via litter bags, and not more conventional means of sampling. Differences in litter decomposition between pond types became apparent only when decomposition rates were expressed on a per-degree-day basis, perhaps due to differences in temperature among ponds. Decomposition rates were very similar (approximately a 1 % difference) between the two pond types on a per-day basis (0.00157 and 0.00156 % mass loss per day in uplifted and outwash ponds respectively when data across mesh and litter types were combined). Temperature-corrected decomposition rates were significantly more rapid (by approximately 9 %), however, in outwash ponds compared to uplift ponds (.00066 and .00061 across mesh and litter types). Perhaps the most parsimonious interpretation of these results is that statistically significant differences in litter decomposition between pond types became detectable only in the absence of noise that resulted from temperature differences among ponds. While ANOVA revealed that there was no significant difference in the number of degree days between the two pond types (F=0.37, p=0.58), the magnitude of the non-significant difference in the mean number of degree days between the two pond types was 58 more than in outwash ponds (554 vs. 612° days). This finding can be explained by the greater proximity of uplifted ponds to 1162 the relatively moderate winter temperatures of the localized marine environment in Southcentral Alaska. This lack of significant difference between degree days might be due to low levels of statistical power, rather than a true ecological difference between the pond types. Regardless, by accounting for temperature variation among ponds through the use of temperature-corrected decay rates, the sensitivity of our ANOVA model was improved, and subtle differences in decomposition between uplifted and outwash ponds were revealed. An additional and complementary explanation for the more rapid temperature-corrected decomposition in outwash ponds is litter-feeding invertebrates. Overall, shredders were a relatively minor component of invertebrate communities, but they were more abundant in the litter bags from outwash ponds. Evidence of differential invertebrate activity between pond types should have been indicated by significant interaction of mesh and pond type in our ANOVA models. No interactions were present, however, indicating that while structural differences were present in the invertebrate communities between pond types, they did not translate to differences in decomposition rates. Decomposition attributed to microbial activity was a more substantial source of mass loss than litter consumption by invertebrates. Invertebrate feeding activity, evidenced as statistically significant differences between coarse- and fine-mesh bags, was not apparent in Experiment 1, but was apparent in Experiment 2. This discrepancy can probably be attributed to the fact that Experiment 1 was 56 days in duration compared to Experiment 2 that lasted 227 days. Experiment 1 was perhaps of insufficient duration to allow microbial conditioning and subsequent consumption by invertebrates. Although differences in mass loss between mesh types were present in Experiment 2, they were modest compared to the amount of overall mass loss that occurred in most species (Fig. 4). In aggregate this information indicates that the appreciable mass loss that was present across most litter species was driven by microbial activity, and with invertebrate feeding activity being secondary. This finding bears relevance for the future functioning of the wetlands of the Copper River Delta given that warming: 1) is projected for coastal Alaska (Haufler et al. 2010), and 2) is predicted to increase microbial-decomposition rates (and to a greater degree than invertebrate-mediated decomposition) (Boyero et al. 2011). Additionally, given that Carex is a dominant plant genus with poor nutritional quality (as evidenced by carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content), and given that the decomposition of nutrient-poor litter is believed to increase more in response to warming than the decomposition of nutrient-rich litter (Ferreira and Chauvet 2011), warming trends on the Copper River Delta would seem to have particular ecological relevance. Wetlands (2013) 33:1151–1163 Conclusions The Copper River Delta harbors significant social and ecological value, but surprisingly little research has been conducted in terms of the delta’s ecology, especially the functioning of the delta as an ecosystem. Our results suggest some functional similarities between outwash and uplifted ponds, and structural differences between invertebrate communities. Decomposition in both pond types was very slow, suggesting potential for accumulation and storage of organic matter on an annual basis. Given that the successional trajectories of the uplifted ponds will include increased abundance of slow-decomposing species such as sedge, alder, and sweet gale, the carbon-storage-related services provided by uplifted ponds can be expected to increase. 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