Review 2: Illumination, Shading, Texturing and Anti-aliasing Jian Huang, CS594, Spring 2002

Review 2: Illumination, Shading,
Texturing and Anti-aliasing
Jian Huang, CS594, Spring 2002
Illumination Vs. Shading
 Illumination (lighting) model: determine the color of
a surface point by simulating some light attributes.
 Shading model: applies the illumination models at a
set of points and colors the whole image.
Local illumination
• Only consider the light, the observer position,
and the object material properties
Basic Illumination Model
• Simple and fast method for calculating
surface intensity at a given point
• Lighting calculating are based on:
– The background lighting conditions
– The light source specification: color, position
– Optical properties of surfaces:
• Glossy OR matte
• Opaque OR transparent (control refection and
Ambient light (background
• The light that is the result from the light reflecting off
other surfaces in the environment
• A general level of brightness for a scene that is
independent of the light positions or surface
directions -> ambient light
• Has no direction
• Each light source has an ambient light contribution, Ia
• For a given surface, we can specify how much
ambient light the surface can reflect using an ambient
reflection coefficient : Ka (0 < Ka < 1)
Ambient Light
• So the amount of light that the surface
reflect is therefore
Iamb = Ka * Ia
Diffuse Light
• The illumination that a surface receives from
a light source and reflects equally in all
• This type of reflection is called Lambertian
Reflection (thus, Lambertian surfaces)
• The brightness of the surface is indepenent of
the observer position (since the light is
reflected in all direction equally)
Lambert’s Law
• How much light the surface receives from a
light source depends on the angle between
its angle and the vector from the surface point
to the light (light vector)
• Lambert’s law: the radiant energy ’Id’ from a
small surface da for a given light source is:
Id = IL * cos(q)
IL : the intensity of the light source
q is the angle between the surface
normal (N) and light vector (L)
The Diffuse Component
• Surface’s material property: assuming that the
surface can reflect Kd (0<Kd<1), diffuse reflection
coefficient) amount of diffuse light:
Idiff = Kd * IL * cos(q)
If N and L are normalized, cos(q) = N*L
Idiff = Kd * IL * (N*L)
• The total diffuse reflection = ambient + diffuse
Idiff = Ka * Ia + Kd * IL * (N*L)
Sphere diffusely lighted from various angles !
Specular Light
 These are the bright spots on objects (such as polished
metal, apple ...)
 Light reflected from the surface unequally to all directions.
 The result of near total reflection of the incident light in a
concentrated region around the specular reflection angle
Phong’s Model for Specular
• How much reflection light you can see
depends on where you are
Phong Illumination Curves
Specular exponents are much larger than 1;
Values of 100 are not uncommon.
n : glossiness, rate of falloff
Specular Highlights
• Shiny surfaces change appearance when
viewpoint is changed
• Specularities are caused by microscopically
smooth surfaces.
• A mirror is a perfect specular reflector
Phong Illumination
Moving Light
Change n
Putting It All Together
• Single Light (white light source)
Flat Shading
Smooth Shading
• Need to have per-vertex normals
• Gouraud Shading
– Interpolate color across triangles
– Fast, supported by most of the graphics
accelerator cards
• Phong Shading
– Interpolate normals across triangles
– More accurate, but slow. Not widely supported by
Gouraud Shading
• Normals are computed at the polygon vertices
• If we only have per-face normals, the normal at each
vertex is the average of the normals of its adjacent
• Intensity interpolation: linearly interpolate the pixel
intensity (color) across a polygon surface
Gouraud Shading
Phong Shading Model
 Gouraud shading does not properly handle specular highlights,
specially when the n parameter is large (small highlight).
Reason: colors are interpolated.
Solution: (Phong Shading Model)
1. Compute averaged normal at vertices.
2. Interpolate normals along edges and scan-lines. (component by
3. Compute per-pixel illumination.
Phong Shading
What Dreams May Come
How to efficiently add
graphics detail?
• Solution - (its really a cheat!!)
MAP surface
detail from a
predefined (easy
to model) table
(“texture”) to a
simple polygon
• How?
Texture Mapping
• Problem #1
– Fitting a square peg in a round hole
– We deal with non-linear transformations
– Which parts map where?
Texture Mapping
• Problem #2
– Mapping from a pixel to a “texel”
– Aliasing is a huge problem!
What is a Texture?
• Given the (texture/image index) (u,v),
– F(u,v) ==> a continuous reconstruction
= { R(u,v), G(u,v), B(u,v) }
= { I(u,v) }
= { index(u,v) }
= { alpha(u,v) }
= { normals(u,v) }
= { surface_height(u,v) }
= ...
RGB Textures
• Places an image on the object
• “Typical” texture mapping
Opacity Textures
• A binary mask, really redefines the
Bump Mapping
• This modifies the surface normals.
• More on this later.
Displacement Mapping
• Modifies the surface position in the
direction of the surface normal.
Texture and Texel
• Each pixel in a texture map is called a Texel
• Each Texel is associated with a (u,v) 2D
texture coordinate
• The range of u, v is [0.0,1.0]
(u,v) tuple
• For any (u,v) in the range of (0-1, 0-1), we
can find the corresponding value in the
texture using some interpolation
Two-Stage Mapping
1. Model the mapping: (x,y,z) -> (u,v)
2. Do the mapping
Image space scan
For each y
For each x
compute u(x,y) and v(x,y)
copy texture(u,v) to image(x,y)
• Samples the warped texture at the
appropriate image pixels.
• inverse mapping
Image space scan
• Problems:
– Finding the inverse mapping
• Use one of the analytical mappings
• Bi-linear or triangle inverse mapping
– May miss parts of the texture map
Inverse Mapping
• Need to transform back to world space to do
the interpolation
• Orientation in 3D image space
• Foreshortening
Texture space scan
For each v
For each u
compute x(u,v) and y(u,v)
copy texture(u,v) to image(x,y)
• Places each texture sample to the
mapped image pixel.
• Forward mapping
Texture space scan
• Problems:
– May not fill image
– Forward mapping needed
Texture Mapping
• Mapping to a 3D Plane
– Simple Affine transformation
• rotate
• scale
• translate
Texture Mapping
• Mapping to a Cylinder
– Rotate, translate and scale in the uv-plane
– u -> q
– v -> z
– x = r cos(q), y = r sin(q)
Texture Mapping
• Mapping to Sphere
Severe distortion at the poles
u -> q
v -> f
x = r sin(q) cos(f)
y = r sin(q) sin(f)
z = r cos(q)
• What we have in computer graphics is a
point sampling of our scene, or:
– I(x) = f(x)•ST(x)
• What we would like is more of an
integration across the pixel (or larger area):
– I(x) = f(x) h(x)
• What should h(x) be?
Sampling Theorem
• The Shannon Sampling Theorem
A band-limited signal f(x), with a cutoff
frequency of l, that is sampled with a sampling
spacing of T may be perfectly reconstructed
from the discrete values f[nT] by convolution
with the sinc(x) function, provided:
l is called the Nyquist limit.
Sampling and Anti-aliasing
• If don’t have Nyquist rate, then aliasing
Two possible solutions
• So far we just mapped one point,
results in bad aliasing (resampling
• Two possible solutions:
– Super-sampling: not very good (slow!)
– Low-pass filtering: popular approaches –
mipmaps, SAT
Quality considerations
• Pixel area maps to “weird” (warped)
shape in texture space
Quality considerations
• We need to:
– Calculate (or approximate) the integral
of the texture function under this area
– Approximate:
• Convolve with a wide filter around the center
of this area
• Calculate the integral for a similar (but
simpler) area.
Quality considerations
• the area is typically approxiated by a
rectangular region (found to be good
enough for most applications)
• filter is typically a box/averaging
filter - other possibilities
• how can we pre-compute this?
Summed Area Table (SAT)
• Determining the rectangle:
– Find bounding box and calculate its aspect ratio
Summed Area Table (SAT)
• Determine the rectangle with the same aspect ratio
as the bounding box and the same area as the pixel
Summed Area Table (SAT)
• Center this rectangle around the bounding
box center.
• Formula:
• Area = aspect_ratio*x*x
• Solve for x – the width of the rectangle
• Other derivations are also possible using the
aspects of the diagonals, …
Summed Area Table (SAT)
• Calculating the color
– We want the average of the texel colors within
this rectangle
Summed Area Table (SAT)
• To get the average, we need to divide by the
number of texels falling in the rectangle.
– Color = SAT(u3,v3)-SAT(u4,v4)-SAT(u2,v2)+SAT(u1,v1)
– Color = Color / ( (u3-u1)*(v3-v1) )
• This implies that the values for each texel
may be very large:
– For 8-bit colors, we could have a maximum SAT value of
– 32-bit pixels would handle a 4kx4k texture with 8-bit values.
– RGB images imply 12-bytes per pixel.