Classified Staff Council (CSC) Minutes Wednesday, May 20th, 2015 (10:00 a.m.) Dreyfus University Center Room 211 2014-2015 Committee Members: D. Beschta, J. Christianson, R. Copes, T. De Lonay, R. Greene, P. Kleman, T. Larson, H. Martin, J. Millis, C. Mueller, L. Raymond, P. Rogers, K. Stedl, N. Simon (advisory). Members Present: R. Copes, T. De Lonay, R. Greene, P. Kleman, H. Martin, J. Millis, C. Mueller, L. Raymond, P. Rogers, N. Simon, K. Stedl Members Absent: D. Beschta (excused), J. Christianson (excused), T. Larson (unexcused) Guests: K. Buchanan, K. Cronmiller, J. Engum, S. Green, D. Lockman, C. Marczak, L. Nelson, A. Vida Meeting called to order at 10:00 a.m. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from May 4, 2015 were approved unanimously (10-0-0) by voice vote – K. Stedl (1st) / R. Greene (2nd). *Note – Minutes from originally scheduled CSC May 18th, 2015 meeting will not be available, as no business was conducted on this date, as this body was unable to make quorum. ANNOUNCEMENTS P. Kleman announced that the Performance Management work group will meet again throughout the week of 05/25/2015-05/29/2015 to continue discussion. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no committee reports given at this meeting. OLD BUSINESS Discussion and Vote of Granting Voting Rights to USC Student Member In attendance to provide clarification were 2015-2016 SGA President Cronmiller, and Vice-President Vida, respectively. President Cronmiller stressed the importance of student voting rights with regards to an inclusive and partnership-based campus shared governance infrastructure, stating that a non-voting student seat is ‘really only half of a voice.’ It was noted that as student government does not currently have a voting seat on Common Council (per SGA request), and additionally that student voting rights on the Faculty Affairs Committee will continue to remain intact, the Student Government Association desires to hold student voting rights on at least two additional university committees that directly impact areas of student life specifically. However, as student voting rights on Faculty/Staff committees was recently contested as a legal issue by individuals currently serving on Faculty Senate, K. Buchanan announced that UW System Legal Counsel is presently being consulted in this matter; and if it is found that UW-Stevens Point has been engaging in illegal activity with regards to student voting rights, this objective will be revisited promptly. Lastly, the ‘unique minority dissent’ of student employees was discussed by K. Buchanan, noting that this particular population currently holds little to no voice in campus shared governance; however, if CSC grants its student member voting rights, this demographic could perhaps be better served by SGA through CSC. Granting voting rights to the USC student member went directly to a voice vote, and was passed unanimously (10-0-0). The University Staff Council student appointee is now officially approved to hold voting rights on this body. CCPC Constitution and Voting Outcome Chancellor Patterson requested that CSC meet prior to its regularly scheduled June 1 st, 2015 meeting; as this body’s approval is required before the Constitution can be officially enacted. It was announced that Faculty Senate officially approved the amended Common Council Constitution at its final meeting of the 2014-2015 academic year on May 6, 2015 (a full listing of approved amendments can be found on the Faculty Senate website, at K. Buchanan was in attendance to provide clarification on this discussion. As Common Council will be a newly implemented shared governance body, it was specifically noted that conversations will continue on throughout the 2015-2016 academic year to determine appropriate committee sizes and voting seats. Approving the amended Common Council Constitution went directly to a voice vote, and was passed unanimously (10-0-0). Classified Staff Council has now officially approved the amended Common Council Constitution. Common Council Elections Discussion N. Simon discussed the University Staff representative requirements for Common Council. As Student Affairs was Under-represented through the election process, it was noted that as the sole Student Affairs Division representative listed on the ballot, J. Sambs would automatically be voted into Common Council. Voting took place by blind ballot for the remaining three contested seats-at-large, and was handed in by each CSC voting member at the end of the meeting. Results will be released as soon as they are tabulated. Compensation Update J. Millis announced that the group will meet and hold discussion next on May 26, 2015. It is hoped that recommendations and/or amendments made to the policies currently being addressed by the work group will be submitted as agenda items for the regularly scheduled June 1, 2015 CSC meeting. LTE/Project Appointment List Request It was announced that this listing has officially been received, and will be shared with Provost Summers. It was reiterated that the Layoff Policy evaluated and approved by CSC will officially go into effect July 1 st, 2015. University Staff Council is aware of this, and will plan to act as a ‘watchdog’ for fellow University Staff, ensuring that the new policy is being upheld and followed accordingly. Employees with additional concerns with regards to layoffs will be referred to Human Resources for further information. NEW BUSINESS P. Rogers’ and K. Stedl’s Meeting with the Chancellor It was reported that Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP) decisions have officially been made, and letters are currently in the process of going out to 45-50 selected individuals. With the anticipated reduction in staff, if was noted that we need to brainstorm on things we will need to do more efficiently or not do any longer. One idea was to re-think the need for salary letters which are sent each year to unclassified staff. (Classified Staff do not receive salary letters annually – you need to check your pay-slip to see your rate). It was suggested, that perhaps letters be generated for those staff with changes only. The Chancellor reiterated that the UW System is continuing to wait on the final budget numbers before conversations are able to continue. Lastly, Chancellor Patterson thanked CSC for all of the hard work and dedication that they have put in throughout the past academic year. UW University Staff Telepresence P. Kleman reported on the UW University Staff Telepresence held on May 13 th, 2015. All updates are available from the supporting documentation submitted with these minutes. Faculty Senate/Common Council Summer Website Transition N. Simon announced that she will begin working with IT Specialist, J. George, on the website transition from ‘myFacultySenate’ to ‘myCommonCouncil.’ This transition will primarily consist of combining all campus shared governance group websites (with the exception of mySGA, which will retain its own primary web presence). It was stated that Summer 2015 will exist as the conversion period; with the site ideally hoped to be fully functional ideally at the start of the Fall 2015 semester. Adjournment: 10:43 a.m. Secretary of the day: T. De Lonay Reminders: 1) Agenda items for CSC meetings are due by noon on the Thursday before each meeting (the day before the CSC Message of the Day (MOD) is published). 2) The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Classified Staff Council will take place on Monday, June 1st, 2015 at 10:00 am in CCC 306.