Classified Staff Advisory Council Minutes

Classified Staff Advisory Council Minutes
Wednesday, November 7, 2012; 9 – 10 AM, DUC 211
Present: Connie Anderson, Danielle Beschta, Jackie Christianson, Erin Hintz, Marshall Lee, Cindy Marczak, Jean
Scherer, Alvin Schuller, Heidi Wallner, Anthony Walter
Jackie Durigan, Tracy Raatz
Approval of October 3rd, 2012 Minutes: Cindy moved to approve the minutes; Jean seconded the
UPS Updates: The new UPS is currently being discussed at the UW System and Chancellor levels.
The proposal will go to the Board of Regents for approval at their December meeting. Jackie and
Marshall did send feedback to UW System regarding the viewpoints of classified staff at UWSP.
Jay Christianson Email: There was discussion about what more could be done to educate the
classified staff on the new UPS. Since multiple forums have been held, and emails and MODs sent,
there is not much more that CSAC can do. Jackie and Marshall will send out another email update to
the classified staff to let everyone know that they have sent feedback to UW System and that the
UPS proposal is going to the Board of Regents in December, as well as updated information regarding
classified staff shared governance.
Shared Governance: Jackie and Marshall had a teleconference with other System CSAC
representatives and UW System Administration Human Resource contacts regarding shared
governance for the classified (soon-to-be University) staff. Jackie and Marshall sent communication
to the Chancellor and UW System that UWSP CSAC is in support of requesting that future University
staff be granted shared governance rights under state statute. The issue with a Board of Regents
policy alone is that the decision would not be as binding. Statutory change will require Legislative
action. The Chancellor will be talking with Board of Regents members, UW System Administration
staff, and other chancellors to convey the stance of UWSP CSAC on this issue.
Classified Staff Appreciation Week: Putting the newsletter on the CSAC website and sending out
the link via email worked well. The Exceptional Persons of the Day were also grateful to receive their
gifts, although some were surprised and didn’t know what it was for. The chili sale went well –
approximately $220 profit was put in the CSAC Foundation account to be used for the 20 th
anniversary celebration. Cindy will be sending Marshall a small list of items to keep in mind for next
year. Alvin asked that a reminder detailing the chili sale work schedule be sent the day of the sale.
Strategic Planning Committee Representation: Erin Hintz is the new classified representative
on the Strategic Planning Committee.
20th Celebration Ideas: All CSAC members from the past 20 years will be invited to the spring
awards ceremony. The group will continue to think about ideas for the celebration.
By Law Committee & Meetings: It was discussed whether or not CSAC should work on revising
its bylaws now, or wait until a decision is made regarding shared governance rights. The group
decided that the bylaw committee will begin meeting sometime in December to revise the current
bylaws and will also work on a section that would be relevant if University staff are granted shared
governance rights.
Chancellor’s Request for Monthly Meetings: The Chancellor has requested monthly meetings
with Jackie and Marshall. The first will be at the end of November. Due to all of the major changes
coming up which will greatly impact future University staff, the Chancellor wants to keep CSAC
updated and get its feedback on issues by working through its co-chairs.
Other: Jackie provided a report from Chancellor’s Cabinet. SGA got approximately 3,800 students
registered and voting. UWSP was recently ranked 10th in the US News and World Report college
rankings. UWSP athletes have a higher retention rate than non-athletes. Al Thompson has been
named the Diversity Officer for UWSP. UWSP is continuing its move to a primary brand, which will be
in effect on July 1, 2014. All university logos will have to be uniform.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 (if needed)
Assignments for 2012-2013
Brown Bag/Tours/Special Events – Everyone
Bylaws – Jackie Christianson, Cindy Marczak, Jean Scherer, Alvin Schuller, Heidi Wallner
Campus Committees – Marshall Lee
Chancellor’s Cabinet – Jackie Christianson
Classified Staff Awards – Cindy Marczak & Alvin Schuller
Elections – Jackie Durigan
Environmental, Health & Safety Committee – Tracy Raatz
Mentor Program – Jean Scherer & Connie Anderson
Newsletter – Cindy Marczak & Anthony Walter
Online Surveys – Renee Copes & Connie Anderson
Sargis – Danielle Beschta & Heidi Wallner
Secretary – Erin Hintz
Treasurer – Tracy Raatz
Web site – Renee Copes & Connie Anderson
Years of Service – Marshall Lee, Alvin Schuller, Anthony Walter