Differentiated Learning Modules Selecting Interventions and Additional Challenges

Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support
Differentiated Learning Modules
Selecting Interventions and Additional Challenges
This module provides guidance to schools around developing a menu or continuum of support, including
interventions and additional challenges at the selected and intensive levels. Creating this continuum of
support will allow you to meet the needs of your students outside the reach of the universal instruction.
Developing a healthy culturally responsive multi-level system of support, matched to the needs of the
diverse learners in your school, will help you be responsive to student need as soon as possible.
Planning Logistics
Planning Logistics will help your team consider the Who-What-When-Where-How aspects of developing
your Selected and Intensive levels of support. In this module, you will find guiding questions, templates,
and school examples to help you think through how to create a sustainable system that fits your needs
within the resources and structures available.
Establishing Collaborative Structures
This module will help schools identify the collaborative structures and protocols needed at both the
student and system level. Collaborative structures are used to bring expertise together to determine
appropriate support for students whose needs are beyond the reach of the universal level. Within this
module you will also investigate how collaborative structures are used to oversee implementation and
fidelity of selected and intensive levels of support.
Digging Deeper
Within the Digging Deeper module, schools will identify strategies to explore underlying causes in order
to better align supports with needs at the selected and intensive levels. The module provides resources
for schools to dig deeper at both the student and the system level. From this, teams can identify which
strategies will work best for their students and school and in return see successful student outcomes.
Match Support to Student Need
This module will help schools develop a strategy for identifying which interventions and additional
challenges are most suited to meeting the needs of their students and at what level of intensity and
support. Completing this step depends extensively on the work completed in preceding modules,
particularly Selecting Interventions and Challenges and Digging Deeper.
Monitor Progress and Adjust Accordingly
This module will support schools in becoming proactive, preventative, and responsive to students’
behavioral and academic needs. By having strategies in place to use progress monitoring data, schools
can evaluate the effectiveness of their menu of supports at the school level and analyze student-level
data to see if goals are being met at an acceptable rate. The use of progress monitoring data results in
efficient and appropriately matched instructional practices and goals that, together, move all students
to the goal of meeting or exceeding grade level standards and expectations.
Evaluate and Refine the Process: Coming Soon!