Workshop ObjecLves  DSM‐5  March 25, 2015  The DSM‐5: 

DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Workshop ObjecLves The DSM‐5: Implica2ons for School Psychologists ParLcipants will understand: •  the history and development of DSM •  DSM’s shiO from a categorical to a dimensional approach •  changes made to specific DSM‐5 criteria •  the relevance of these changes to school‐employed mental health professionals •  how there changes might influence IDEA eligibility determinaLons Stephen E. Brock, PhD, NCSP California State University, Sacramento Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP Winthrop University or 2 Disclaimer IntroducLon •  This workshop is not designed to train you on how to use DSM‐5 •  What is DSM and How is it Used? –  DescripLons, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders –  It is designed to help school psychologists beVer understand this important resource used by our colleagues in community mental health •  Strives to ensure diagnoses are accurate and consistent •  IdenLfies prevalence rates for mental health service planning •  Linked to ICD codes to report diagnoses to insurers for reimbursement and used by public health authoriLes for causes of illness/death classificaLons. •  Does not provide treatment recommendaLons. •  Disorders relevant to the educaLonal seWng (e.g., IDEA/504 accommodaLons) and with substanLve changes will be emphasized •  DSM‐5 is a registered trademark of the American Psychiatric AssociaLon •  The APA is not affiliated with nor does it endorse this workshop From APA (2012) 3 IntroducLon 4 Workshop Outline •  The ClassificaLon of Mental Illness in the United States •  Development of DSM‐5 •  Controversies associated with DSM‐5 •  Changes to the ClassificaLon System •  Changes to Specific Criteria •  How is it Used by Schools? –  May direct the aVenLon of school psychologists, but NEVER (in an of itself) dictates the acLons of IEP/504 teams –  Can help inform intervenLons in the schools/counseling framework –  Handout 1 provides a lisLng of DSM‐5 diagnoses that may be associated with IDEA eligibility, as well as those that are typically not associated with special educaLon eligibility Source: Hart, Pate, & Brock (2013) 5 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 6 1 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 The ClassificaLon of Mental Illness in the United States Source Sets of Criteria Document Length 1840 US Census 2 2 sentences 1888 US Census 7 4 sentences The ClassificaLon of Mental Illness in the United States Source By the 1880s different categories of insanity were established. 1.  Mania 2.  Melancholia 3.  Paresis (motor weakness or parLal paralysis) 4.  Dipsomania (craving alcohol) 5.  DemenLa 6.  Monomania (single pathological preoccupaLon, otherwise sound mind) 7.  Epilepsy Sources: Douglas & Yates (1981), Wines (1988) Sets of Criteria Document Length 1918 APA 63 40 pages 1938 AMA 98 7 pages Sources: CommiVee on StaLsLcs (1918), NaLonal Conference on Nomenclature (1938) 7 The ClassificaLon of Mental Illness in the United States Source Sets of Criteria Document Length 1952 DSM 117 144 pages 1968 DSM‐II 156 135 pages 1980 DSM‐III 210 505 pages 1987 DSM‐III‐R 235 582 pages 1994 DSM‐IV 322 914 pages 2000 DSM‐IV‐TR 324 980 pages 8 The ClassificaLon of Mental Illness in the United States Social Construc2onism Example Common Schools •  What does the Ltle DiagnosLc & “Sta2s2cal” Manual imply? •  What is a primary use of the DSM? Medical Model Special Ed Short aVenLon span Difficulty siWng sLll = ADHD Respond impulsively Discussion: Can you idenLfy how DSM has been influenced by society and culture? Source: Brock & Hart (2013b, October) 9 The ClassificaLon of Mental Illness in the United States Source Sets of Criteria Document Length 392 1009 pages 2013 DSM‐5 The ClassificaLon of Mental Illness in the United States Source Sets of Criteria Document Length 392 1009 pages 2013 DSM‐5 •  DiagnosLc InflaLon? •  DiagnosLc InflaLon? –  However, DSM‐5 has actually reduced the number of different sets of specific diagnosLc criteria –  In the 61 years since DSM was first published 275 new diagnoses have been added •  Sets of criteria in DSM‐IV‐TR; n = 243 •  Sets of criteria in DSM‐5; n = 228 –  For example, the 5 PDDs are now 1 ASD; the 3 specific learning disorders are now 1 diagnosis with three separate codes for reading, wriVen expression, and mathemaLc impairments. •  M = 4.5 new Diagnoses per year –  In the 38 years since IDEA was first regulated 3 new disability categories have been added •  M = 0.08 new categories per year Source: Brock & Hart (2013b, October) Source: Brock & Hart (2013b, October) 11 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 10 12 2 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Workshop Outline DSM‐5 Development •  Origins can be traced to 1999 •  The ClassificaLon of Mental Illness in the United States •  Development of DSM‐5 •  Controversies associated with DSM‐5 •  Changes to the ClassificaLon System •  Changes to Specific Criteria –  APA and NIMH leaders agree on importance of working together to further scienLfic basis for psychiatric diagnoses/classificaLons •  1999‐2000 –  APA and NIMH co‐sponsored research planning conferences •  Included NIH and internaLonal liaisons •  DSM‐5 research agenda set •  “A Research Agenda for DSM‐5” published by APA in 2002 Source: APA (2012), Hart, Pate, & Brock (2013) 13 14 DSM‐5 Development DSM‐5 Development •  2004 to 2008 •  2008‐2010 –  Work Group members propose draO criteria •  2010‐2012 –  Field Trial TesLng •  2011‐2012 –  Text for DSM‐5 developed •  2012 –  Revised draO diagnosLc criteria posted on and open to a round of public comment for 2 months. •  May 18‐22, 2013 –  DSM‐5 released during APA’s 2013 Annual MeeLng in San Francisco, CA –  13 conferences held •  Conference steering commiVee included representaLves from APIRE, NIH, and WHO •  ParLcipants wrote papers addressing specific diagnosLc quesLons •  Results of 11 published •  2006‐2007 –  DSM‐5 development taskforce established –  Specific workgroup members appointed Source: APA (2012), Hart, Pate, & Brock (2013) Source: APA (2012), Hart, Pate, & Brock (2013) 15 16 DSM‐5 Development DSM‐5 Development Members of the DSM‐5 Task Force and DSM‐5 Work Groups agreed to: •  Workgroups •  Serve without remuneraLon. •  Not serve on a work group with a significant other. •  Receive no more than $10,000 annually from pharmaceuLcal companies/
device makers/ biotechnology companies and similar industry enLLes for their services. •  Not hold stock or shares worth more than $50,000 in the aggregate in pharmaceuLcal companies/device makers/biotechnology companies, etc., or receive more than $10,000 annually in the aggregate in dividends from such sources. •  Abstain from parLcipaLng in any capacity in Industry Sponsored Symposia at an APA Annual MeeLng during their task force and/or work group tenure aOer 2007. –  Met regularly since late 2007. –  IdenLfied DSM IV strengths and challenges –  Developed research quesLons/hypotheses –  Conducted literature reviews and analyses of exisLng data –  Developed draO criteria Source: APA (2012), Hart, Pate, & Brock (2013) Source: APA (2012) 17 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 18 3 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 DSM‐5 Development Workshop Outline Members of the DSM‐5 Task Force and DSM‐5 Work Groups agreed to: •  The ClassificaLon of Mental Illness in the United States •  Development of DSM‐5 •  Controversies associated with DSM‐5 •  Changes to the ClassificaLon System •  Changes to Specific Criteria •  Sign a DSM Member “Acceptance” Form. –  To prevent the premature disseminaLon of internal deliberaLons –  To prohibit DSM‐5 members from using informaLon derived from their work for personal gain. –  Not intended to “prohibit Lmely discussion or public disseminaLon of research findings or issues” relevant to criteria opLons. –  Resulted in the percepLon of secrecy and was a major source of controversy. Source: APA (2012) 19 Controversies Associated with DSM‐5 20 Controversies Associated with DSM‐5 •  NIMH statements on DSM‐5 •  51 mental health organizaLons suggested to APA that an independent scienLfic review is needed. •  Field tesLng cancelled due to deadlines •  Many changes viewed as loosening Dx criteria •  Two primary sources of controversy –  Director, Dr. Thomas Insel called DSM‐5 less a bible of mental health and more a flawed dicLonary of diagnosLc terms –  Moved NIMH’s research agenda away from DSM categories and toward its Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) •  A classificaLon system based on geneLcs, biomarkers, neural circuitry •  Aims to beVer understand the biological components of mental illness 1.  NIMH statements on DSM‐5 2.  Allen Frances, MD (DSM‐IV Task Force Chair) Source: Brock & Hart (2013, September) Source: Brock & Hart (2013, September) 21 Controversies Associated with DSM‐5 Controversies Associated with DSM‐5 •  NIMH statements on DSM‐5 •  NIMH statements on DSM‐5 –  RDoC is a matrix of constructs –  From the high rates of comorbidity with most Dx categories + recurrence of parLcular symptoms across categories = frequent overlap in DSM’s boundaries –  RDoC framework aVempts to make this overlap of Sx less important in research –  Encourages researchers to cut across categories to develop a system based on the domains of behavior, and not constricted by the of DSM categories •  FuncLonal dimensions of behavior and classes or units of analysis used to study the constructs –  5 domains of behavior (NegaLve Valence, PosiLve Valence, CogniLve, Social Processes, and Arousal/Regulatory Systems) –  7 classes (genes, molecules, cells, neural circuits, physiology, behaviors, and self‐reports) –  Dr. Insel has indicated that NIMH funding decisions will be based on researchers uLlizing RDoC versus diagnosis‐
specific projects Source: Brock & Hart (2013, September) Source: Brock & Hart (2013, September) 23 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 22 24 4 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Controversies Associated with DSM‐5 Controversies Associated with DSM‐5 •  NIMH statements on DSM‐5 •  NIMH statements on DSM‐5 –  However, the funding changes Insel discussed have been part of the NIMH strategic plan since 2008. –  Insel never stated that the RDoC should supplant DSM‐5 –  Dr. Insel’s post were been given much aVenLon by the popular press –  Referred to a as a “humiliaLng blow,” a “bombshell,” and a “potenLally seismic move” –  This NIMH paradigm shiO has been associated with the release of DSM‐5 •  He acknowledged, that the DSM as it currently stands is an imperfect system, and we need to do beVer for those dealing with mental health challenges. –  The RDoC is an aVempt to provide researchers the resources needed to uncover that beVer system of classificaLon •  It is not currently an alternaLve to DSM‐5 Source: Brock & Hart (2013, September) Source: Brock & Hart (2013, September) 25 Controversies Associated with DSM‐5 26 Controversies Associated with DSM‐5 •  Allen Frances, MD (DSM‐IV Task Force Chair) •  Allen Frances, MD (DSM‐IV Task Force Chair) –  Professor Emeritus at Duke University –  Chair of the DSM‐IV Task force –  Author of 2 books criLcal of DSM‐5 –  A conversaLon with Dr. William Carpenter during the 2009 APA convenLon lead Dr. Frances to change his mind –  Carpenter’s PsychoLc Disorders DSM‐5 workgroup was considering a new previously unrecognized diagnosis. –  Frances’ concerns about this proposed new diagnosis got him into the DSM‐5 fray •  Essen2als of Psychiatric Diagnosis: (2013a) •  Saving Normal (2013b) –  Was iniLally reluctant to come out of a decade‐long reLrement and comment publicly on DSM‐5. –  IniLally declined an invitaLon from Dr. Robert Spitzer (lead Ed. of DSM‐III; APA, 1980) to sign an open leVer to Psychiatric News (the APA version of the Communiqué) complaining about DSM‐5 task force secrecy Source: Brock & Hart (2013, September) Source: Brock & Hart (2013, September); Frances (2013b) 27 Controversies Associated with DSM‐5 28 Controversies Associated with DSM‐5 •  Allen Frances, MD (DSM‐IV Task Force Chair) •  Allen Frances, MD (DSM‐IV Task Force Chair) –  Argues DSM‐5 will result in mislabeling everyday problems as a mental illness –  Acknowledges problems generated by his work on DSM‐IV, and asserts that DSM‐5 will make maVers worse –  Fears drug companies will to use “loose DSM definiLons” and promote … –  Frances’ concerns about Psychosis Risk Syndrome lead to his highly publicized comments about diagnosLc inflaLon. “… boundaries of psychiatry are easily expanded because no bright line separates paLents who are simply worried from those with mild mental disorders.” –  His frustraLon over this issue is clearly revealed in his December 2010 Wired Magazine interview wherein he was quoted: •  “the misleading idea that everyday life problems are actually undiagnosed psychiatric illness caused by a chemical imbalance and requiring a soluLon in pill form.” “there is no definiLon of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.” Sources: Brock & Hart (2013, September); Frances (2013, May); Greenberg (2010) Source: Frances (2013, May) 29 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 30 5 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Controversies Associated with DSM‐5 Controversies Associated with DSM‐5 •  Discussion: •  Allen Frances, MD (DSM‐IV Task Force Chair) –  What are some of the “concerns” you have heard (or have quesLons about) regarding APA’s (2013) DSM‐5 “With DSM‐5, pa2ents worried about having a medical illness will oMen be diagnosed with soma2c symptom disorder, normal grief will be misiden2fied as major depressive disorder, the forgePulness of old age will be confused with mild neurocogni2ve disorder, temper tantrums will be labeled disrup2ve mood dysregula2on disorder, overea2ng will become binge ea2ng disorder, and the already overused diagnosis of aQen2on‐deficit disorder will be even easier to apply to adults thanks to criteria that have been loosed further.” Source: Frances (2013, May, p. 1) 31 32 Workshop Outline Changes to the ClassificaLon System •  The ClassificaLon of Mental Illness in the United States •  Development of DSM‐5 •  Controversies associated with DSM‐5 •  Changes to the ClassificaLon System •  Changes to Specific Criteria •  Has been periodically reviewed since iniLal publicaLon in 1952 as understanding of mental illness evolves –  Current revision guided by 4 principles 1. 
Clinical uLlity Research evidence Maintaining conLnuity No a priori restraints From APA (2012) 33 34 Changes to the ClassificaLon System Changes to the ClassificaLon System •  Use of Dimensional Assessments •  No more Roman Numerals (DSM‐5 not DSM‐V) –  DSM‐IV‐TR disorders were described and arranged by category –  Look for DSM‐5.1, DSM‐5.2, etc. •  EliminaLon of mulL‐axial format •  No longer wanLng separateness among psychiatric, psychosocial, and physical condiLons •  GAF eliminated due to its lack of clarity and quesLonable psychometrics in rouLne pracLce •  A person either had a symptom or they didn’t •  A certain number of symptoms were required –  DSM‐5’s moves toward a dimensional approach, which will allows for evaluaLon of the range of symptoms and other factors in an individual presentaLon •  Behaviors will be viewed as exisLng on a conLnuum of severity •  Got to hVp://‐
assessment‐measures#Disorder for APA online severity assessment measures From APA (2013b) From APA (2012) 35 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 36 6 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Changes to the ClassificaLon System Changes to the ClassificaLon System •  Diagnoses re‐organized to reflect scienLfic advances in understanding underlying symptoms of disorders and interacLon of geneLcs, biology, and environment on behavior and mental health •  DSM‐5’s OrganizaIon –  SecLon I: DSM‐5 Basics (pp. 1‐25) –  SecLon II: DiagnosLc Criteria and Codes (pp. 27‐727) –  SecLon III: Emerging Measures and Models (pp. 729‐806) –  For example, Bipolar Disorder became its own chapter rather than being subsumed under the mood disorders category, and is placed between Schizophrenia Spectrum and Depressive Disorders due to its relaLon to both •  Includes “CondiLons for Further Study” (candidates for DSM 5.1) –  Appendix (pp. 807‐916) From Hart, Pate, & Brock (2013) From APA (2013b) 37 Changes to the ClassificaLon System 38 Changes to the ClassificaLon System An interpretaLon of DMS‐5’s conceptualizaLon of mental illness •  Meta Structure of How Diagnoses are Organized GeneIc Vulnerability Interacts w/ Environmental Stress –  Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence eliminated –  Disorders sequenced to incorporate a more developmental, lifespan approach Cause GeneIcs •  Neurodevelopmental disorders begin on p. 31 •  NeurocogniLve disorder begin on p. 591 Cause/Effect Biology Affects brain structure and funcLon Biology may cause mental illness Mental illness may affect biology –  See Handout 2 for how diagnoses are now organized Cause TraumaLc events may change biology Environment TraumaLc events may affect the environment and cause mental illness Psychology/Behavior Mental illness, a consequence of interacLons with biology & environment Effect From APA (2013b) 39 40 Neurodevelopmental Disorders Workshop Outline •  The ClassificaLon of Mental Illness in the United States •  Development of DSM‐5 •  Controversies associated with DSM‐5 •  Changes to the ClassificaLon System •  Changes to Specific Criteria Intellectual DisabiliLes CommunicaLon Disorders AuLsm Spectrum Disorders AVenLon‐Deficit/
HyperacLvity Disorder •  Specific Learning Disorder •  Motor Disorders • 
Source: APA (2013b) 41 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 42 7 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Intellectual DisabiliLes Intellectual DisabiliLes •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR •  DefiniLon –  Name change –  “… a disorder with onset during the developmental period that includes both intellectual and adapLve funcLoning deficits in conceptual, social, and pracLcal domains.” •  No longer referred to as Mental RetardaLon •  “Intellectual Development Disorder” in ICD‐11 –  Severity determined by adapLve funcLoning •  No longer determined by IQ scores (no specific IQ score specified) •  Severity level specifiers “mild,” “moderate,” “severe,” “profound” (see pp. 34‐36) –  Defines adapLve funcLoning in 3 domains (vs. 11 areas) –  Requires BOTH standardized tesLng and clinical assessment –  “Global Developmental Delay” used for children under age 5 years & unable to be tested. –  “Unspecified Intellectual Delay” use for children over age 5 when tesLng is difficult or impossible Source: APA (2013b, p. 33) Sources: APA (2013b), Morera (2014) 43 44 Intellectual DisabiliLes Intellectual DisabiliLes •  Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes –  Less sLgmaLzing –  Intellectual disabiliLes is now the more common (preferred) term •  But with the passage of Lme ID may also become pejoraLve –  Less reliance on the IQ score •  MR had become pejoraLve (as had “mental deficiency” when DSM‐II was published in 1968). •  Ensures IQ tests are not over emphasized •  Requires a more comprehensive assessment –  PL 111‐256, Rosa’s Law –  Greater emphasis on adapLve funcLoning •  ID is quite literally PC –  Criteria encourage a more comprehensive assessment •  Severity levels (mild, moderate, severe, profound) based on conceptual, social, and pracLcal behaviors •  Emphasizes clinical assessment AND standardized cogniLve tesLng •  It is not the test that idenLfies ID, rather it is the mental health professionals clinical judgment that does so –  EliminaLon of mulL‐axial format (was Axis II) may mean comorbid condiLons are overlooked Sources: APA (2013b), Morera (2014) Sources: APA (2013b); Morera (2014) 45 46 Intellectual DisabiliLes Intellectual DisabiliLes •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists –  Same terminology as IDEA –  A neurocogniLve disorder may also be appropriate for students in the TBI category –  Can be more certain that clinical assessments have given adequate consideraLon to adapLve behavior –  Not the same as IDEA’s ID •  Which adds a 4th criteria (adverse impact on educaLonal funcLoning) AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Borderline Intellectual FuncLoning IQ above 70 AuLsm Spectrum Disorder Significant deficits in social interacLon and stereotypical behaviors not accounted for by IQ Learning Disorder Problem specific to learning, not generalized to all intellectual funcLons Major NeurocogniLve Disorder (DemenLa) Onset is aOer age 18 Malingering Person seeks to avoid legal or other responsibiliLes by feigning intellectual incapacity Other mental disorders Depressive Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, and others may interfere with intellectual funcLoning Source: Morera (2014) 47 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP Source: Francis (2013a) 48 8 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Social (PragmaLc) CommunicaLon Disorder Social (PragmaLc) CommunicaLon Disorder •  DefiniLon •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR –  Difficulty with verbal and nonverbal communicaLon that cannot be explained by cogniLve ability –  Characterized primarily by poor pragmaLcs –  A new diagnosis –  Not found in DSM‐IV‐TR Source: APA (2013b, pp. 47‐48) Source: Brock & Hart (2013a, October) 49 Social (PragmaLc) CommunicaLon Disorder 50 Social (PragmaLc) CommunicaLon Disorder •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 changes •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes –  Need to recognize individuals who have problems using language for social purposes –  Brings “… social and communicaLon defects out of the shadows of a “not otherwise specified” label to help them get the services and treatment they need” –  A new diagnoses for some individuals who were previously idenLfied as PDD‐NOS Sources: APA (2013a, para 1), Brock & Hart (2013a, October) Sources: APA (2013a), Brock & Hart (2013a, October) 51 Social (PragmaLc) CommunicaLon Disorder AuLsm Spectrum Disorder (ASD) •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists •  DefiniLon –  Would most likely direct IEP team aVenLon to “Speech or Language Impaired” criteria –  May make it less likely that “AuLsm” criteria is used for some students –  Impaired reciprocal social communicaLon; and restricted, repeLLve paVerns of behaviors, interests or acLviLes (RRB). Source: Brock & Hart (2013a, October) Sources: APA (2013b, p. 53) 53 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 52 54 9 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 AuLsm Spectrum Disorder AuLsm Spectrum Disorder •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR (conLnued) •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR –  Criteria do not specify a specific number of social communicaLon and interacLon symptoms. –  Criteria specify that 2 of 4 symptoms of RRB must be present –  For both criterions A & B, clinicians are directed to specify the severity level –  Symptoms may be displayed currently or that there may be a history of such daLng back to early childhood. –  Drops the 5 different PDDs, in favor of a single unifying ASD diagnosis. –  Three symptoms groups becomes two. DSM‐IV‐TR DSM‐5 Au2s2c Disorder Asperger’s Disorder ReQ’s Disorder Childhood Disintegra2ve Disorder PDD Not Otherwise Specified AuLsm Spectrum Disorder Social CommunicaLon Disorder –  See Handout 3 for Sx changes Sources: APA (2013b); Brock & Hart (2013a, October) Sources: APA (2013b); Brock & Hart (2013a, October) 55 AuLsm Spectrum Disorder 56 AuLsm Spectrum Disorder •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR (conLnued) –  AuLsm symptoms are beVer thought of as exisLng on a conLnuum –  Evidence does not robustly support a disLncLon between Asperger’s and auLsLc disorder –  The differenLaLon is not reliably made in pracLce –  GeneLc studies indicate more commonaliLes between Asperger’s and auLsm than differences –  DiagnosLc conversion between these disorders may be common –  Added 5 specifiers 1.  Intellectual impairment 2.  Language impairment, whether the ASD diagnosis is a 3.  Associated with a “known medical or geneLc condiLon or environmental factor” 4.  Associated with another neurodevelopmental, mental, or behavioral disorder” 5.  Associated with “catatonia” Sources: APA (2013b, p. 51); Brock & Hart (2013a, October) Source: Brock & Hart (2013a, October) 57 AuLsm Spectrum Disorder AuLsm Spectrum Disorder •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes –  EducaLonal placements use educaLon codes and regulaLons, and are more restricLve than are DSM –  A more homogeneous ASD populaLon •  2,037 Sx combinaLons to 11 (to 77) Sx combinaLons •  While approximately 20 out of every 1,000 school age youth have ASD, only about 6 out of every 1,000 students are eligible for special educaLon using auLsm criteria •  DSM‐5’s use of severity level and specifiers will help IEP teams determine the likelihood of a given student with ASD meeLng IDEA auLsm eligibility criteria –  RecogniLon of sensory issues will facilitate program planning –  Specifiers for ID and symptom severity will facilitate program planning –  Appears to have affected the epidemiology of ASD –  Remains to be seen how new “labeling” will impact parents accessibility to community services, but should not affect IDEA numbers Source: Brock & Hart (2013a, October); Kulage, Smaldone, & Cohn (2014); Tsai (2014) Sources: Brock & Hart (2013a, October) 59 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 58 60 10 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 AuLsm Spectrum Disorder AVenLon‐Deficit/HyperacLvity Disorder AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Intellectual DisabiliLes Low IQ score without social disconnectedness and ritualisLc behaviors Learning Disorder Academic deficits without the characterisLc auLsLc behaviors OCD Strange RRB‐like rituals, but OCD usually has later onset, normal aVachment, & intact language Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) Socially awkward, but not the other social, speech, and RRBs Schizophrenia Much later onset, with delusions or hallucinaLons •  DefiniLon –  A neurodevelopmental disorder that begins in childhood –  Characterized by significant inaVenLon and/or hyperacLvity‐impulsivity that impact funcLoning or development Schizotypal Personality Disorder Later onset, but there is considerable overlap Normal eccentricity Behaviors don’t cause clinically significant distress or impairment Source: Francis (2013a) Source: APA (2013b) 61 62 AVenLon‐Deficit/HyperacLvity Disorder AVenLon‐Deficit/HyperacLvity Disorder •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR (conLnued) –  Re‐categorized within Neurodevelopmental Disorders –  Age of onset criterion changed •  DifferenLates it from other impulse‐related and behavioral disorders (e.g., Conduct Disorder), and the emphasis is on the neurobiological nature of the disorder. –  Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence category eliminated •  DSM‐IV‐TR required that some symptoms of inaVenLon and/or hyperacLvity/impulsivity have been present and caused significant impairment by age 7, DSM‐5 requires that symptoms were present before age 12 –  Specifiers are now included –  Examples added to differenLate between ADHD in children vs. older adolescents/adults –  Persons 17+ required to demonstrate only 5 symptoms for both inaVenLon and hyperacLvity/impulsivity •  Mild, Moderate, or Severe; and ParLal Remission –  Aid in describing the course and prognosis of the disorder •  ShiO from subtypes to presentaLon specifiers in DSM‐5 •  Children sLll required to demonstrate a persistent paVern of at least 6 symptoms for each –  Combined Presenta2on, Predominantly InaQen2ve Presenta2on, Predominantly Hyperac2ve/Impulsive Presenta2on Sources: APA (2000; 2013b); Gibbons (2013) Sources: APA (2000; 2013b); Gibbons (2013) 63 64 AVenLon‐Deficit/HyperacLvity Disorder AVenLon‐Deficit/HyperacLvity Disorder •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR (conLnued) •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes –  Impairment criteria wording changes –  ADHD viewed as a lifespan disorder –  Onset criterion in DSM‐IV‐TR acknowledged as having been arbitrary –  Use of subtypes not supported by empirical data –  Specifiers improve clinical uLlity of diagnosis –  ASD and ADHD can co‐occur •  DSM‐IV‐TR required some impairment be present in at least 2 seWngs •  DSM‐5 requires that several symptoms be present in 2 or more seWngs –  DSM‐IV‐TR prohibited a comorbid diagnosis of ADHD in those with a Pervasive Developmental Disorder –  DSM‐5 allows for comorbid diagnosis of ADHD and AuLsm Spectrum Disorder Sources: APA (2000; 2013b); Gibbons (2013) Source: APA (2013b); Gibbons (2013) 65 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 66 11 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 AVenLon‐Deficit/HyperacLvity Disorder AVenLon‐Deficit/HyperacLvity Disorder •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists –  May affect eligibility decisions and school psychologists may be called on to consider these criteria –  May require school psychologists to alter assessment approaches –  Severity specifiers result in the need to determine the impact of ADHD on student funcLoning. –  SaLsfying the requirement that several symptoms be present in two or more seWngs will be dependent upon observaLon and informaLon from across mulLple seWngs. –  Reliable diagnosis (Kappa Coefficient of .61) –  Facilitate diagnosis in adolescents and adults •  May increase prevalence –  Being viewed as a neurodevelopmental (vs. disrupLve behavior) disorder may reduce sLgma –  With older children, symptoms could be related to other causes that get overlooked Source: APA (2013b); Gibbons (2013); Frances (2013b) Source: Gibbons (2013) 67 AVenLon‐Deficit/HyperacLvity Disorder AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Normal Immaturity Developmentally appropriate at 4 may be ADHD at 7 OpposiLonal Defiant Disorder (ODD) Willful refusal to comply with structure or authority Conduct Disorder PaVern of severe violaLon of rules Intellectual Developmental Disorder Child seems inaVenLve or disorganized because can’t keep up with work Adjustment Disorder Sx are response to chaoLc environment, family stress, or life changes Other mental disorders HyperacLvity, impulsivity, and inaVenLveness are common across many Dx (e.g., substance use, mania, demenLa) Malingering Obtaining prescripLon for sLmulant drugs for performance enhancement, recreaLon, or resale Source: Francis (2013a) 68 Specific Learning Disorder •  DefiniLon –  “… a neurodevelopmental disorder with a biological origin that is the basis for abnormaliLes at a cogniLve level that are associated with the behavioral sins of the disorder. The biological origin includes an interacLon of geneLc, epigeneLc, and environmental factors, which affect the brain’s ability to perceive or process verbal or non‐verbal informaLon efficiently and accurately.” Source: APA (2013b, p. 68) 69 Specific Learning Disorder 70 Specific Learning Disorder •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes –  Now a single overall diagnosis of deficits that impact academic achievement –  Includes specifiers for “impairment in” reading, wriVen expression, and mathemaLcs. –  Requires idenLficaLon of impaired subskills –  Increase diagnosLc accuracy –  EffecLvely target care •  Reading subskills: word reading accuracy, reading rate or fluency, reading comprehension •  WriVen expression subskills: spelling accuracy, grammar and punctuaLon accuracy, clarity or organizaLon of wriVen expression •  MathemaLcs subskills: number sense, memorizaLon of arithmeLc facts, accurate or fluent calculaLon, accurate math reasoning Source: APA (2013b) Source: APA (2013b) 71 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 72 12 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Specific Learning Disorder Specific Learning Disorder •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists –  Clinical diagnoses may more accurately direct the aVenLon of IEP teams –  Will be easier to idenLfy – could increase prevalence of diagnosis! –  IdenLfies Dyslexia and Dyscalculia as alternaLve terms –  Specifically idenLfies “school reports,” and “psychoeducaLonal assessment” as bases for documenLng diagnosLc criteria –  EvaluaLons done outside school seWng may find SLD easier to idenLfy due to broad criteria Source: APA (2013b) 73 Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other PsychoIc Disorders Specific Learning Disorder AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Intellectual DisabiliLes Learning problems no greater than what would be expected given IQ. AuLsm Spectrum Disorder This is the primary cause of poor funcLoning. Both diagnoses can be given if a specific academic area is disproporLonately impaired. Sensory Deficit Accounts for learning problems. ADHD Causes poor test taking. Both diagnoses can be given when appropriate. Source: Francis (2013a) 74 • 
Source: APA (2013b) 75 76 Schizophrenia Spectrum Schizophrenia Spectrum •  DefiniLon •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR –  Includes disorders defined by one or more of the following: •  delusions •  hallucinaLons •  disorganized thinking •  grossly disorganize/abnormal motor behavior, •  negaLve symptoms (diminished emoLonal expression or avoliLon) –  Organized from least to most severe • 
Source: APA (2013b) Delusional Disorder Brief PsychoLc Disorder Schizophreniform Disorder Schizophrenia SchizoaffecLve Disorder Substance/MedicaLon Induced PsychoLc Disorder PsychoLc Disorder due to Another Medical CondiLon Catatonia Sources: APA (2013b); Gubi, McDonnell, & Bocanegra (2014) 77 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP Delusional Disorder Brief PsychoLc Disorder Schizophreniform Disorder Schizophrenia SchizoaffecLve Disorder Catatonia 78 13 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Schizophrenia Spectrum Schizophrenia Spectrum •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR –  QualificaLon that only one characterisLc symptom is required if a Schneiderian first‐rank symptom is present removed –  Criterion F previously stated that diagnosis required prominent delusions or hallucinaLons be present for at least a month (or less if untreated) in cases with a history of auLsLc disorder or pervasive developmental disorder. •  these symptoms include bizarre delusions, thought broadcasLng, auditory hallucinaLons that comment on one’s behavior, a voice keeping up a running commentary, or two plus voices conversing •  In DSM‐5, this caveat is also applied to cases with a history of other communicaLon disorders of childhood onset, as these (like auLsm spectrum disorders) may be associated with disorganized speech and diminished emoLonal expression. –  Changes to some of the descriptors involving negaLve symptoms associated with the diagnosis of schizophrenia. •  NegaLve symptoms, previously defined as affecLve flaVening, alogia, or avoliLon, are now defined as diminished emoLonal expression, or avoliLon. Sources: APA (2013b); Gubi, McDonnell, & Bocanegra (2014) Sources: APA (2013b); Gubi, McDonnell, & Bocanegra (2014) 79 Schizophrenia Spectrum 80 Schizophrenia Spectrum •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes –  DisconLnuaLon of disLnguishing between four disLnct “subtypes” of schizophrenia (disorganized, catatonic, paranoid, and undifferenLated). –  For schizophrenia •  Subtypes oOen changed and presented overlapping subtype symptoms that blurred disLncLon and decreased validity •  Validity of these subtypes has not been supported by research. •  In lieu of subtypes, DSM‐5 uLlizes a dimensional psychopathological descripLon that allows for specificaLon of the course of the disorder. –  Some previous subtypes are now specifiers (e.g., catatonia) •  EliminaLon of bizarre delusions qualificaLon will improve Dx reliability •  Specifiers address current presentaLon –  Important given the significant presentaLon variability Source2: APA (2013e), Gubi, McDonnell, & Bocanegra (2014) Sources: APA (2013b); Gubi, McDonnell, & Bocanegra (2014) 81 Schizophrenia Spectrum Schizophrenia Spectrum •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes –  Hard to disLnguish schizophrenia from other mental disorders that have psychoLc symptoms ‐ –  Used research results to try and beVer fine‐tune criteria to minimize overlap –  Some argue schizophrenia is not a disease but a syndrome (vast differences in presentaLon) –  Hopefully will lead to conLnued research •  Looking for presence of psychosis, disorganizaLon, and negaLve symptoms along with absence of other eLologies (e.g., bipolar) –  AVenuated Psychosis Syndrome •  A SecLon III “CondiLon for Further Study” •  Psychosis‐like, but below diagnosLc threshold for a psychoLc disorder •  Onset is usually in mid to late adolescence or early adulthood. –  Appears to best apply to person aged 15‐ to 35‐years. •  18% meet diagnosLc criteria for a psychoLc disorder within 1 years of idenLficaLon •  32% meet diagnosLc criteria for a psychoLc disorder within 3 years of idenLficaLon Source: Paris (2013) Source: Francis (2013a) 83 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 82 84 14 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Schizophrenia Spectrum AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon SchizoaffecLve Disorder Mood Sx are prominent in presentaLon, but psychoLc symptoms persist even absent mood episodes Bipolar and Related Disorders Major Depressive Disorder, PsychoLc symptoms restricted to depressive episodes severe with psychoLc features Bipolar I, Severe with PsychoLc Features PsychoLc symptoms restricted to manic or depressive episodes Schizotypal Personality Disorder No psychoLc symptoms Schizophreniform Disorder Same Sx as schizophrenia, but last for >1 month and <6 months Brief PsychoLc Disorder Same Sx as schizophrenia, but last for <1 month Delusional Disorder Only delusions – no hallucinaLons, disorganizaLon, or negaLve symptoms AuLsm Spectrum Disorder No prominent delusions or hallucinaLons Malingering Is something to be gained by “faking crazy?” PoliLcal or Religious Zealotry Bizarre beliefs shared by others Source: Francis (2013a) •  Bipolar I •  Bipolar II •  Cyclothymic Source: APA (2013b) 86 85 Bipolar and Related Disorders Bipolar and Related Disorders DefiniLon Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR •  DisLnct mood phases ranging from mania or hypomania to depression. •  No longer classified as a “mood disorder” – has own category •  Placed between the chapters on schizophrenia and depressive disorders –  Bipolar I Disorder •  Criteria have been met for at least 1 manic episode –  May have been preceded by and followed by hypomanic OR major depressive episodes –  Bipolar II Disorder •  Criteria have been met for a current or past hypomanic episode AND a past major depressive episode –  There has never been a manic episode –  Cyclothymic –  Consistent with their place between the two diagnosLc classes in terms of symptomatology, family history, and geneLcs. •  Bipolar I criteria have not changed •  Bipolar II must have hypomanic as well as history of major depression and have clinically significant –  can now include episodes with mixed features. –  past ediLons, a person who had mixed episodes would not be diagnosed with bipolar II –  diagnosis of hypomania or mania will now require a finding of increased energy, not just change in mood •  AlternaLng hypomanic and depressive symptoms but not severe enough for Bipolar I or Bipolar II Source: APA (2013b); Frances (2013a) Source: APA (2013b) 88 87 Bipolar and Related Disorders Bipolar and Related Disorders •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes –  pinpoint the predominant mood (“features”) –  SLll does not address potenLal bipolar children and adolescents –  Could miss bipolar in children and then prescribe medicaLon that make symptoms worse –  Hopefully will increased accuracy with diagnosis •  a person must now exhibit changes in mood as well as energy –  For example, a person would have to be highly irritable and impulsive in addiLon to not having a need for sleep –  helps to separate bipolar disorders from other illnesses that may have similar symptoms. –  intenLon is to cut down on misdiagnosis, resulLng in more effecLve bipolar disorder treatment. ‐ 89 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 90 15 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Bipolar I Bipolar and Related Disorders •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists –  Children who experience bipolar‐like phenomena that do not meet criteria for bipolar I, bipolar II, or cyclothymic disorder would be diagnosed “other specified bipolar and related disorder” –  If they have explosive tendencies may be (mis)diagnosed with DisrupLve Mood DysregulaLon Disorder •  focus too much on externalizing behaviors and ignore possible underlying depressive symptoms 91 AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Major Depressive Disorder Person with depressive Sx never had Manic/Hypomanic episodes Bipolar II Hypomanic episodes, w/o a full Manic episode Cyclothymic Disorder Lesser mood swings of alternaLng depression ‐
hypomania (never meeLng depressive or manic criteria) cause clinically significant distress/impairment Normal Mood Swings AlternaLng periods of sadness and elevated mood, without clinically significant distress/impairment SchizoaffecLve Disorder Sx resemble Bipolar I, severe with psychoLc features but psychoLc Sx occur absent mood Sx Schizophrenia or Delusional Disorder PsychoLc symptoms dominate. Cccur without prominent mood episodes Substance Induced Bipolar Disorder SLmulant drugs can produce bipolar Sx Bipolar II AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Major Depressive Disorder No Hx of hypomanic (or manic) episodes Bipolar I At least 1 manic episode Cyclothymic Disorder Mood swings (hypomania to mild depression) cause clinically significant distress/impairment; no history of any Major Depressive Episode Normal Mood Swings Alternately feels a bit high and a bit low, but with no clinically significant distress/impairment Cyclothymic Disorder Substance Induced Bipolar Disorder Hypomanic episode caused by anLdepressant medicaLon or cocaine ADHD Common Sx presentaLon, but ADHD onset is in early childhood. Course chronic rather than episodic. Does not include features of elevated mood. 93 Source: Francis (2013b) Depressive Disorders AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Normal Mood Swings Ups &downs without clinically significant distress/
impairment Major Depressive Disorder Had a major depressive episode Bipolar I At least one Manic episode Bipolar II At least one clear Major Depressive episode Substance Induced Bipolar Disorder Mood swings caused by anLdepressant medicaLon or cocaine. SLmulant drugs can produce bipolar symptoms Source: Francis (2013a) 94 DisrupLve Mood DysregulaLon Disorder •  DefiniLon •  DisrupLve Mood DysregulaLon Disorder •  Major Depressive Disorder •  Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) –  Characterized by chronic, severe and persistent irritability and generally, was introduced in the hopes of helping to address challenges and disagreements regarding the diagnosis of bipolar disorder in youth. Source: APA (2013b) Sources: APA (2013b), Hart (2014) 95 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 92 Source: Francis (2013a) 96 16 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 DisrupLve Mood DysregulaLon Disorder • 
DisrupLve Mood DysregulaLon Disorder DSM‐5 Criteria A.  Severe recurrent temper outbursts grossly out of proporLon to situaLon or provocaLon B.  Inconsistent with developmental level C.  Occur, on average, three or more Lmes per week D.  Mood between outbursts is persistently irritable or angry E.  Criteria A–D present for 12 or more months. F.  Criteria A and D present in at least 2 of 3 seWngs (home, school, with peers) and severe in at least one G.  Diagnosis not made before age 6 years or aOer age 18 years H.  Age at onset of Criteria A–E before 10 year I.  Never been a period lasLng more than 1 day during which the full criteria, except duraLon, for a manic or hypomanic episode been met J.  Behaviors do not occur exclusively during an episode of major depressive disorder and not beVer explained by another mental disorder K.  Symptoms not aVributable to the physiological effects of a substance or to another medical or neurological condiLon •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR –  A new diagnosis –  Not found in DSM‐IV‐TR Sources: APA (2013b), Hart (2014) Source: Hart (2014) 97 DisrupLve Mood DysregulaLon Disorder 98 DisrupLve Mood DysregulaLon Disorder •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes –  Reduce rates of bipolar disorder –  Might be lacking in diagnosLc uLlity –  Address alarming increases in the diagnosis of bipolar disorder youth •  Over ½ of youth diagnosed only met criteria at one assessment wave •  Those with DMDD did not differ in rates of mood, anxiety, or ADHD disorders, funcLonal impairment or parental history from those without DMDD. •  Many of whom did not be bipolar criteria in the strictest sense –  Youth beVer served by emphasizing the mood dysregulaLon difficulLes and chronic irritability •  vs. giving them a bipolar Dx –  Uncommon aOer early childhood, has high comorbidity, and captures children with significant funcLonal impairment and increased service use. –  Research supported the disLncLon between this group and those with a more classic bipolar presentaLon •  SubstanLal overlap with ODD. •  Youth diagnosed with DMDD were significantly more likely to be from low SES homes. •  RelaLve to bipolar, those with Severe Mood and Behavioral DysregulaLon phenotype Source: Hart (2014) –  more likely to develop anxiety or unipolar depression in adulthood –  more likely to be male –  Have different family histories Source: Hart (2014) 99 100 DefiniLon DisrupLve Mood DysregulaLon Disorder •  5 of 9 criteria (one must be #1 or #2) 1.  depressed mood most of the day, early everyday (children: irritable) 2.  diminished interest or pleasure in almost all acLviLes 3.  significant weight loss/gain or decreased/increased appeLte (children: failure weight gain) 4.  insomnia or hypersomnia 5.  psychomotor retardaLon or agitaLon 6.  faLgue, loss of energy 7.  feelings of worthlessness or excessive/inappropriate guilt 8.  Diminished ability to think/concentrate or indecisiveness 9.  Recurrent thoughts of death, recurrent suicide ideaLon, plan and/or aVempt •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists –  It will be intriguing to see how quickly the assignment of DMDD “catches on.” •  There will likely be a lag in community‐based clinicians becoming aware of, accepLng, and diagnosing this disorder •  It might be up to knowledgeable school‐employed mental health pracLLoners to bring awareness of these children to clinical enLLes. •  The feelings are pervasive and symptoms are intense. –  Marked impairment in occupaLonal funcLoning or in usual social acLviLes or relaLonships –  Not due to bereavement, substance use, medical condiLon •  Specifiers: anxious distress, mixed features, melancholic features, atypical features, mood‐congruent psychoLc features, mood incongruent psychoLc features, catatonia, peripartum onset, seasonal paVern –  While it may direct our aVenLon toward students who might require support, diagnosLc labels do not automaLcally result in special educaLon eligibility or services. Source: Hart (2014) APA (2013b) 101 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP Major Depressive Disorder 102 17 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Major Depressive Disorder Major Depressive Disorder •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes –  RelaLvely liVle changes –  Added a “mixed features” specifier •  Applicable to manic, hypomanic, depressive episodes •  Can score subthreshold symptoms –  Removed “bereavement exclusion” –  OpLon of scoring severity dimensions (mild, moderate, severe; single/recurrent episodes; parLal/full remission) –  Specifiers for Depressive Disorders –  Research did not support bereavement exclusion •  Symptoms for diagnosis of major depressive disorder did not change if a loss was involved Source: APA (2013b); Paris (2013) Source: APA (2013b) 103 Major Depressive Disorder 104 Major Depressive Disorder •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists –  More likely to idenLfy mixed episodes (“mixed features”) –  Very broad – almost anyone can meet criteria at some point in life –  Blurs line between normal grief and depression •  Could lead to over diagnosis of those who have experienced a significant loss –  Removing the bereavement exclusion helps prevent major depression from being overlooked •  facilitates the possibility of appropriate treatment including therapy or other intervenLons. –  Easy to miss and easy to overdiagnose –  If person experiences a loss, reserve diagnosis for those had previously experiences major depressive episodes and/or are now having server and prolonged symptoms Source: APA (2013b) 105 Major Depressive Disorder Grief Feelings of empLness and loss 106 Major Depressive Disorder Major Depressive Episode Persistent depressed mood; inability to anLcipate happiness or pleasure Dysphoria likely decreases in intensity and Depressed mood is more persistent and over days/weeks. Occurs in waves not Led to specific thoughts or (associated with thoughts/reminders of preoccupaLons loss) AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Bipolar Disorders Current or previous Sx of mania or hypomania Uncomplicated Bereavement Depressive Sx beVer understood as expectable manifestaLon of normal grief Pervasive unhappiness and misery Substance‐Induced Mood Disorder Sx are caused by drug abuse or medicaLons Pain accompanied by posiLve emoLons/
humor Self‐criLcal or pessimisLc ruminaLons Chronic Depressive Disorder (Dysthymic Disorder) Depressive Sx milder and persist for years PreoccupaLon with thoughts and memories of loss Self‐esteem preserved Feeling worthlessness and self‐loathing Perceived failings connected to deceased Perceived failing in many situaLons Schizophrenia, SchizoaffecLve Delusions & hallucinaLons occur during periods Disorder, or Delusional absent of mood Sx Disorder Brief PsychoLc Disorder Thoughts of death (if present) focused on Thoughts of death focused on ending own joining the deceased life because not deserving, feel worthless, or unable to cope with pain Source: APA(2013b) Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 107 Source: Francis (2013a) Sx occur without an episode of depression, resolve quickly, and someLmes arise in response to stress 108 18 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) A.  A depressed mood for most of the day, for more days than not….for at least 2 years (at least one year in children and can be irritable) B.  Depression is accompanied by at least two: A.  Poor appeLte or overeaLng, insomnia or hyperinsomia, low energy or faLgue, low self‐esteem, poor concentraLon or difficulty making decisions, feelings of hopelessness C.  During the course of 2 years (1 year children), there has not been symptom relief of A and B for more than 2 months D.  Major Depressive Disorder can be conLnuously present for 2 years. Etc…. •  Specifiers: anxious distress, mixed features, melancholic features, atypical features, mood‐congruent psychoLc features, mood incongruent psychoLc features, peripartum onset, seasonal paVern; parLal or full remission, early or late onset… Severity: mild, moderate, severe (DSM 5, p. 188) Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Normal ExistenLal Sadness Persistent sadness can be normal, especially in people who cope with chronic stress/
disappointment Bipolar Disorders Have been manic or hypomanic episodes Chronic Major Depressive Disorder Sx are severe Depressive Disorder Due to Another Medical CondiLon Physiological aspects of an illness cause long‐
term depressive Sx Substance‐Induced Mood Disorder Substance use is also chronic Chronic PsychoLc Disorders Chronic depression is an associated feature, but not diagnosed separately APA (2013b) 109 Anxiety Disorders Anxiety Disorders • 
110 Source: Francis (2013a) •  DefiniLon SeparaLon Anxiety Disorders SelecLve MuLsm Specific Phobia Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) Panic Disorder Agoraphobia Generalized Anxiety Disorder Source: APA (2013b) –  Include features of excessive fear and anxiety and related behavioral disturbances. –  Generalized Anxiety Disorder has greater emphasis on “worry” (difficult to control, apprehensive expectaLon…) in addiLon to the anxiety –  Social Anxiety Disorder – more emphasis on the fear of being negaLvely evaluated •  Purposeful avoidance of social situaLons •  Fear must occur also in peer seWngs –  Selec2ve Mu2sm – recognizes anxiety underlying fear of speaking in some situaLons –  Agoraphobia ‐ endorsement of fears from two or more agoraphobia situaLons is now required Source: APA (2013b, p. 189) 111 112 Anxiety Disorders Anxiety Disorders •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR –  No longer includes obsessive‐compulsive disorder –  No longer includes posVraumaLc and acute stress disorders – 
•  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR –  Phobias – no longer have to self‐recognize the phobia is irraLonal –  Social phobia now known as social anxiety disorder •  The close relaLonship between OCD, PTSD and anxiety disorders is found in the fact that these secLons immediately follow anxiety disorders Now includes SeparaLon Anxiety Disorder and SelecLve MuLsm Panic disorder and agoraphobia are now coded as separate diagnoses. •  This change recognizes that a substanLal number of individuals with agoraphobia do not experience panic symptoms Panic AVacks are now a specifier that is applicable to all DSM‐5 disorders See Handout 4 for a lisIng of changes •  Individual does not have to have insight that the fear is excessive or unreasonable •  General specifier replaced with “performance only” specifier Sources: APA (2013b), Kraynak & Hart (2014) Sources: APA (2013b), Kraynak & Hart (2014) 113 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 114 19 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Anxiety Disorders Anxiety Disorders •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes –  Agoraphobia, specific phobia, and social anxiety disorder oOen overesLmate danger in public situaLons –  6 month duraLon that was limited to individuals under 18 years old is now extended to all ages •  Minimize diagnosis of transient fears –  Panic disorder and agoraphobia separated •  a substanLal number of individuals with agoraphobia do not experience panic symptoms •  Agoraphobia – requiring two disLnguishes from specific phobias •  Social Anxiety Disorder ‐ performance specifier –  Social anxiety disorder too broadly define •  e.g., fear of public speaking could meet requirements –  Lead to overdiagnosis, especially with Generalized Anxiety Disorder – Possible and overuse of anxiety medicaLons – No empirical findings to support that this is happening. Source: Kraynak & Hart (2014) Source: Kraynak & Hart (2014) 115 116 Anxiety Disorders (Agoraphobia) Anxiety Disorders •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists –  More clearly defines various anxiety disorders –  SelecLve MuLsm acknowledged •  hopefully lead to beVer research and professional agreement –  Not having to be able to recognize phobia is irraLonal allows us beVer idenLfy given age groups we work with –  May be an element of OHI and ED eligibility determinaLons Source: Kraynak & Hart (2014) 117 Anxiety Disorders (Social Anxiety Disorder) AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) Only specific situaLons are avoided Specific Phobia Only a specific situaLon/object is avoided PTSD or Acute Stress Disorder Avoids reminders of the traumaLc event SeparaLon Anxiety Disorder Avoidance moLvated by fear of separaLon from caregiver OCD Avoidance focused on things that trigger compulsive rituals Major Depressive Disorder Withdrawal caused by loss of interest, pleasure, & energy rather than fears PsychoLc Disorder Fears moLvaLng avoidance are delusional Substance Dependence IntoxicaLon and lack of moLvaLon make person housebound 118 Source: Francis (2013a) Anxiety Disorders (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon RealisLc Worries Require no diagnosis Adjustment Disorder Worries are exaggerated/impairing, but usually transient and related to a specific realisLc stress Panic Disorder Worry is focused on having a panic aVack Social Anxiety Disorder Worry is confined to embarrassment in social situaLons OCD Worry is about an obsession SeparaLon Anxiety Disorder Worry is about separaLon from caregivers Anorexia Nervosa Worry is about gaining weight Avoidance of social situaLons has early onset, long‐
standing, and a pervasive paVern of behavior Body Dysmorphic Disorder Worry is about perceived defect in physical appearance Major Depressive Disorder Social withdrawal caused by loss of interest, pleasure, & energy SomaLc Symptom Disorder Worried are focused on bodily symptoms PTSD and Acute Distress Worry is focused on reminders of a traumaLc event PsychoLc Disorder Fears moLvaLng avoidance are delusional Major Depressive Disorder Worry has a desperate theme Substance Dependence IntoxicaLon & lack of moLvaLon cause social avoidance PsychoLc Disorders Worries that are not reality‐tests become delusional Medical Illness Avoids embarrassment of showing illness Substance‐Induced Anxiety Disorder Anxiety comes from substance intoxicaLon or withdrawal AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Normal Shyness Fears is going to a party where don’t know anyone Agoraphobia Avoidance generalized, not restricted to social situaLons Specific Phobia A specific object/nonsocial situaLon is avoided PTSD or Acute Stress Disorder Avoids reminders of the traumaLc event SeparaLon Anxiety Disorder Avoidance moLvated by fear of caregiver separaLon OCD Avoidance focused compulsive rituals triggers AuLsm Spectrum Disorder or Lacks interest others Avoidance Personality Disorder Schizotypal, or Schizoid Personality Disorder Source: Francis (2013a) Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 119 Source: Francis (2013a) 120 20 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Obsessive‐Compulsive and Related Disorders • 
Obsessive‐Compulsive and Related Disorders •  DefiniLon Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Body Dysmorphic Disorder Hoarding Disorder TrichoLllomania ExcoriaLon Disorder (Skin‐
Picking) Source: APA (2013b) –  OCD: Obsessions, Compulsions – has not changed from DSM‐IV •  ParLcular obsessions tend to be paired with parLcular compulsions –  Body Dysphoric Disorder: disproporLonate concerns about real or imagined flaw in way they look –  Hoarding Disorder: persistent difficulty discarding or parLng with possessions, regardless of value –  TrichoLllomania: pull out hair – sense of relief accompanied by anxiety – largely unchanged –  ExcoriaLon Disorder (Skin‐Picking): skin picking results in lesions –  Substance/MedicaLon‐Induced OCD Source: APA (2013b) 121 Obsessive‐Compulsive and Related Disorders •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR –  Organized from least to most severe –  Need at least two specified symptoms –  No longer idenLfies subtypes –  DSM‐IV specifier with poor insight has been modified to allow a spectrum of insight: •  Good or fair insight •  Poor insight •  Absent insight/delusional obsessive‐compulsive disorder beliefs (i.e., complete convicLon that obsessive‐compulsive disorder beliefs are true) 122 Obsessive‐Compulsive and Related Disorders •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes –  Research showed Hoarding Disorder and Skin Picking Disorders are both disLnct disorders with disLnct treatment –  No significant changes to OCD were warranted •  Added Hoarding ‐ some controversy as separate diagnosis Source: APA (2013d) Source: APA (2013b); Paris (2013). 123 Obsessive‐Compulsive and Related Disorders Obsessive‐Compulsive and Related Disorders •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes –  Some symptoms can overlap with developmental disorders (e.g. AuLsm) –  Treatment can be very complex and difficult for a school seWng –  Possible over‐idenLficaLon of short‐term behaviors 125 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 124 126 21 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Obsessive‐Compulsive and Related Disorders AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Major Depressive Disorder Depressive occupaLons Trauma‐ and Stressor‐Related Disorders Body Dysmorphic Disorder Intrusive thoughts of a body part that is horribly ugly Generalized Anxiety Disorder Excessive but realisLc worries about everyday things PTSD or Acute Stress Disorder RepeLLve memories of the terrible event Anorexia Nervosa PreoccupaLons with being fat Delusional Disorder Obsessions that have turned into delusions (i.e. I will die because of the contaminaLon) Schizotypal Personality Disorder Odd, eccentric thoughts, but not experienced as externally driven and intrusive SomaLc Symptom Disorder Intrusive worries about having a serious illness •  ReacLve AVachment Disorder •  Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder •  PosVraumaLc Stress Disorder •  Acute Stress Disorder •  Adjustment Disorders Source: APA (2013b) Source: Francis (2013a) 127 ReacLve AVachment Disorder 128 ReacLve AVachment Disorder •  DefiniLon •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR –  PaVern of inhibited, emoLonally withdrawn behavior –  Persistent social and emoLonal disturbance –  PaVerns of extreme insufficient care –  Lack of care is presumed to be responsible for emoLonally withdrawn behavior –  Evident before age 5 –  Has developmental age of at least nine months –  Specifier: Persistent = present more than 12 months Severe = high levels of all symptoms –  Criteria split between RAD and new Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder –  Now falls under “Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders” as opposed to “Disorders of Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence.” Source: APA (2013b) Sources: APA (2013b), Leveille (2014) 129 ReacLve AVachment Disorder ReacLve AVachment Disorder •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes* •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes –  Future path can be very different between RAD and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder –  Due to very low prevalence rate will be hard to study the criteria –  May increase psychiatric labeling of youth raised in orphanages or foster care Sources: APA (2013b), Leveille (2014); NOTE *Applies also to Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder Sources: APA (2013b), Leveille (2014) 131 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 130 132 22 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 ReacLve AVachment Disorder Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder •  DefiniLon •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists –  A paVern of behavior wherein a child acLvely approaches and interacts with unfamiliar adults (2 of following) •  Reduced/absent reLcence in approach •  Overly familiar behavior •  Diminished/absent checking back in with caregiver •  Willingness to to with unfamiliar adult with liVle/no hesitaLon –  PaVerns of extremes of insufficient care –  Present for more than 12 months –  Developmental history is criLcal –  Use cauLon if diagnosis is made aOer the age of 5 –  Can see funcLonal impairment in all areas of schools Source: Leveille (2014) Sources: APA (2013b), Leveille (2014) 133 Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR 134 Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes –  A new diagnosis –  Not found in DSM‐IV‐TR –  Increased accuracy in diagnosis –  Yet since new there is minimal research Sources: APA (2013b), Leveille (2014) Sources: APA (2013b), Leveille (2014) 135 136 PosVraumaLc Stress Disorder Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder •  DefiniLon •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists –  Exposure –  Preschool: •  Indirect exposure is limited to close relaLves, friends, or violent or accidental death (exposure via social networking or death by natural cause does not count) •  AVenLon seeking behaviors due to indiscriminant social behaviors – 
–  Middle Childhood: •  Verbal and physical overfamiliarity; inauthenLc expression of emoLons (especially with adults) –  Adolescents: •  Indiscriminate behavior and conflicts •  DepersonalizaLon •  DerealizaLon –  Neglect begins before age 2 – dev hx is criLcal! Source: Leveille (2014) Source: APA (2013b) 137 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP Intrusion symptoms Avoidance of sLmuli NegaLve alteraLons in cogniLons and mood Marked alteraLons in arousal and reacLvity DuraLon longer than a month Clinical distress Specifier: with dissociaLve symptoms 138 23 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 PosVraumaLc Stress Disorder PosVraumaLc Stress Disorder •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes –  Requirement of fear, helplessness or horror immediately following the trauma removed –  Exposure to threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence can be via learning the traumaLc event occurred to a close family member or friend OR repeated exposure to aversive details of traumaLc event (e.g., 1st responders, police) –  4 symptom clusters • 
–  BeVer describe the cogniLve, emoLonal, behavioral, and funcLonal implicaLons of PTSD –  Address the different symptomology with younger children –  Gives more specific examples to clarify and also make more culturally appropriate Intrusion Sx Avoidance Sx NegaLve alteraLons in moods/cogniLons Arousal/reacLvity Sx –  PTSD Sx for Children 6 and Younger Source: APA (2013b) Source: APA (2013b) 139 140 PosVraumaLc Stress Disorder PosVraumaLc Stress Disorder •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes –  SLll no clear definiLon of a traumaLc event –  SLll using adult criteria for elementary and secondary age students –  Really should be reserved for those with traumaLc memories and avoidance many months aOer –  Can provide validaLon for reacLons to adversity/traumaLc event –  Has led to school‐based intervenLons that help minimize PTSD symptomology (e.g., CBITS) –  For preschoolers has allowed for more age and developmentally sensiLve diagnosLc criteria –  Need to be well‐informed of proven therapies to help if a referral is needed –  Opens the door to aVribuLng one’s symptoms to a past event –  May receive diagnosis where or not symptoms are actually related to event –  Focuses on reacLon to trauma rather than uncovering temperamental vulnerability to stress •  Oversimplifies that the trauma is the sole or main cause –  Boundary with normality is blurred –  Much heterogeneity so makes research challenging Source: APA (2013b); Paris (2013) Source: Paris (2013) 141 142 PTSD in Preschool PTSD in Preschool A.  The child (≤6 years old) exposure to actual/threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violaLon, in one or more of the following ways: One item from C or D below: C. Persistent avoidance of sLmuli associated with the event (began aOer the event), evidenced by efforts to avoid: 1. Direct exposure 2. Witnessing (does not include exposure via electronic media) 3. Learning that the event(s) occurred (to close relaLve/close friend) 1.  AcLviLes, places or physical reminders, that arouse recollecLons of the event 2.  People, conversaLons, or interpersonal situaLons that arouse recollecLons of the event B. Intrusion Sx associated w/ traumaLc event (began aOer the event), evidenced by 1+ of the following: 1.  Recurrent, involuntary, intrusive distressing memories Note: spontaneous/intrusive memories don’t necessarily appear distressing, may be expressed as play reenactment 2.  Recurrent distressing dreams Note: may not be possible to connect content to the event 3.  DissociaLve reacLons wherein the child feels/acts as if the event(s) were recurring Note: reacLons occur on a conLnuum w/most extreme being complete loss of awareness of surroundings 3.  Intense/prolonged psychological distress with exposure to internal/external cues that symbolize/
resemble the event 4.  Marked physiological reacLons to reminders Source: APA (2013b) 1.  SubstanLally increased frequency of negaLve emoLonal states (e.g., fear, guilt, sadness, shame or confusion) 2.  Markedly diminished interest/parLcipaLon in significant acLviLes (e.g., constricLon of play) 3.  Socially withdraw 4.  ReducLon in expression of posiLve emoLons Source: APA (2013b) 143 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP NegaLve alteraLons in cogniLons & mood associated with the event (began or worsened aOer the event), as evidenced by 1+ of the following: 144 24 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 PTSD in Preschool PosVraumaLc Stress Disorder D. AlteraLons in arousal/reacLvity associated w/ event (began or worsened aOer the event), as evidenced by 2+ of the following: 1. 
Irritable/angry/aggressive behavior (e.g., extreme temper tantrums) Hypervigilance Exaggerated startle response Problems with concentraLon Sleep disturbance (e.g., difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless sleep) E. DuraLon (Sx Criteria B, C, D and E) 1+ month F. Disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in relaLonships w/ sibs, peers or caregivers, or school behavior AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon PTSD Sx w/out PTSD Typical PTSD Sx are present, but not at a level to cause clinically significant distress/impairment Acute Stress Disorder Sx confined to the first month aOer trauma exposure Adjustment Disorder ReacLon to stress. but symptomaLc reacLon is subthreshold Other causes of flashbacks Perceptual distorLons come from substance use, head injury, Bipolar or Depressive Disorder, or PsychoLc Disorder Specifier: with dissociaLve symptoms: DepersonalizaLon or DerealizaLon Specify if with delayed expression: full diagnosLc criteria not met unLl 6 months aOer event (although onset & expression of some Sx may be immediate) Malingering When stressor is marginal and/or there is financial or other gain from having diagnosis of PTSD Source: APA (2013b) 145 146 Source: Francis (2013a) Acute Stress Disorder Acute Stress Disorder DefiniLon –  Exposure •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR •  Indirect exposure is limited to close relaLves, friends, or violent or accidental death (exposure via social networking, media, or death by natural cause does not count unless part of your job) –  Must be explicit if experienced directly, witnessed or experienced indirectly –  Minimized emphasis on dissociaLve disorders –  Intrusion symptoms –  NegaLve Mood –  DissociaLve Symptoms –  Avoidance symptoms –  Arousal symptoms –  DuraLon: 3 days to one month –  Clinical distress Source: APA (2013b) Source: APA (2013b) 147 Acute Stress Disorder Acute Stress Disorder •  RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes –  BeVer describe the cogniLve, emoLonal, behavioral, and funcLonal implicaLons of PTSD –  Gives more specific examples to clarify and also make more culturally appropriate –  provided beVer examples for each of the criteria to clarify 149 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 148 150 25 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Acute Stress Disorder Adjustment Disorders •  DefiniLon •  ImplicaLons for School Psychologists –  Response to an idenLfiable stressor occurring within 3 months of onset –  Marked distress out of proporLon –  Significant impairment –  Specifiers‐ with: –  Understand the difference between ASD and PTSD –  Need to be well‐informed of proven therapies to help if a referral is needed –  Does ASD develop into PTSD? • 
Depressed mood Anxiety Mixed anxiety and depressed Disturbance of conduct Mixed disturbance of emoLons and conduct Unspecified Source: APA (2013b) 151 152 DissociaIve Disorders Adjustment Disorders •  Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR –  No longer own category, now falls under Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders –  No substanLal changes to criteria –  Moved to this new secLon and reconceptualized as heterogeneous stress‐response syndromes •  DissociaLve IdenLty Disorder •  DissociaLve Amnesia •  DepersonalizaLon/
DerealizaLon Disorder Source: APA (2013b) Source: APA (2013b) 153 SomaIc Symptom and Related Disorders • 
Feeding and EaIng Disorders SomaLc Symptom Disorder Illness Anxiety Disorder Conversion Disorder FacLLous Disorder Source: APA (2013b) NOTE: Dx should be made with cauLon in individuals whose cultural beliefs sancLon such thinking •  Pica* •  RuminaLon Disorder* •  Avoidant/RestricLve Food Intake Disorder* •  Anorexia Nervosa •  Bulimia Nervosa •  Binge EaLng Disorder* Source: APA (2013b) NOTE: * = New to this classificaLon 155 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 154 156 26 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Sleep‐Wake Disorders EliminaIon Disorders •  Insomnia Disorder •  Hypersomnolence Disorder •  Narcolepsy •  Breathing‐Related Sleep Disorders •  Circadian Rhythm Sleep‐Wake Disorders •  Parasomnias •  Enuresis •  Encopresis Source: APA (2013b) NOTE: No significant changes made Source: APA (2013b) 157 158 Gender Dysphoria Sexual DysfuncIons •  Gender Dysphoria Overview not necessarily needed for school‐
age populaLon •  in Children •  in Adolescents and Adults Sources: APA (2013b), Dickey, Fedewa, Hirsch (2014) 159 DisrupIve, Impulse‐Control, and Conduct Disorders • 
OpposiLonal Defiant Disorder DefiniLon OpposiLonal Defiant Disorder IntermiVent Explosive Disorder Conduct Disorder AnLsocial Personality Disorder Pyromania Kleptomania •  A persistent paVern of angry and irritable mood along with defiant and vindicLve behavior as evidenced by four (or more) of the following symptoms Angry/Irritable Mood 1. Loses temper 2. Is touchy or easily annoyed by others. 3. Is angry and resen‚ul Defiant/Headstrong Behavior 4. Argues with adults 5. AcLvely defies or refuses to comply with adults’ request or rules 6. Deliberately annoys people 7. Blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior VindicIveness 8. Has been spiteful or vindicLve at least twice within the past six months Sources: APA (2013b), Twyford (in press) Source: APA (2013b) 161 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 160 162 27 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 OpposiLonal Defiant Disorder OpposiLonal Defiant Disorder Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR •  Organized symptoms in the criteria for ODD to disLnguish emoLonal and behavioral symptoms. •  4 Refinements: 1) Symptoms are now grouped into three types: angry/irritable mood, argumentaLve/defiant behavior, and vindicLveness. 2) Exclusion criterion for conduct disorder has been removed. 3) Guidance on the frequency typically needed for a behavior to be considered symptomaLc of the disorder. •  For children under 5 years of age, the behavior must occur on most days for a period of at least six months unless otherwise noted •  For individuals 5 years or older, the behavior must occur at least once per week for at least six months, unless otherwise noted 4) Severity raLng: mild, moderate, severe Sources: APA (2013b); APA (2012), Twyford (2014) RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes •  BeVer guidance on Lme frame to disLnguish between normal and problem behaviors •  Severity raLng: showing that the degree of pervasiveness of symptoms across seWngs is an important indicator of severity. Source: Twyford (in press) 163 OpposiLonal Defiant Disorder 164 OpposiLonal Defiant Disorder •  ImplicaLons for School Psychology •  Possible Consequences of DSM‐5 Changes –  Possible that a student whose learning is adversely impacted and has ODD symptoms would qualify for special educaLon eligibility criteria under the EmoLonal Disturbance (ED) category. –  AddiLons of frequency guidelines, specifiers, and three facets of symptoms will aid IEP teams to determine special educaLon ED eligibility –  Organizing ODD symptoms by different facets will assist school psychologists and researchers to clearly idenLfy the appropriate prognosis and probabiliLes for co‐morbid condiLons, such as internalizing problems (e.g., depression, anxiety), aVenLon‐
deficit/hyperacLvity disorder (ADHD), substance abuse, and CD. –  More descripLve criteria allows clinicians to look more in‐depth at emoLonal and behavioral variable –  Focus is also on underlying emoLonal issues, not just externalizing behaviors Source: Twyford (in press) Source: Twyford (in press) 165 OpposiLonal Defiant Disorder 166 IntermiVent Explosive Disorder AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Developmentally normal willfulness Part of growing up is establishing independence and separate idenLty Parent‐Child RelaLonal Problem Not considered a mental disorder Adjustment Disorder Defiance is in reacLon to a life stressor (e.g. divorce, birth of sibling) A Neurological Disorder Refer the paLent for evaluaLon and tesLng Conduct Disorder Misbehavior is more severe and pervasive Simple Criminal Behavior Unrelated to medical or psychiatric disorder ADHD Also has hyperacLvity, impulsivity, and/or inaVenLveness Purposeful Aggression Person is moLvated by revenge or honor killing Bipolar or Depressive Irritability arises from clear depressive or manic symptoms SeparaLon Anxiety Disorder OpposiLon is focused on resisLng separaLons Source: Francis (2013a) Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 167 AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon Another mental condiLon IntermiVent Explosive Disorder is only a residual category; it is not meant to be used if the aggressive behavior is an associated feature of any other mental disorder diagnosis Normal anger of everyday Outbursts do not cause clinically significant distress life or impairment Malingering Source: Francis (2013a) Person is trying to avoid facing the consequences of his/her acLons 168 28 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Conduct Disorder Conduct Disorder CD Specifier: with Limited Prosocial EmoIons 1. Meets full criteria for Conduct Disorder. 2. Shows 2 or more of the following characterisLcs persistently over at least 12 months and in more than mulLple relaLonships and seWngs. DefiniLon •  RepeLLve and persistent paVern in which basic rights of others or age‐
appropriate societal norms or rules are violated •  Need 3 of 15 criteria in past 12 months, with at least one in past 6 months •  4 areas: –  Aggression to people and animals –  DestrucLon or property –  Decei‚ulness or theO –  Serious violaLon of rules Lack of Remorse or Guilt: Does not feel bad or guilty when he/she does something wrong (except if expressing remorse when caught and/or facing punishment). Callous‐Lack of Empathy: Disregards and is unconcerned about the feelings of others. Unconcerned about Performance: Does not show concern about poor/
problemaLc performance at school, work, or in other important acLviLes. Shallow or Deficient Affect: Does not express feelings or show emoLons to others, except in ways that seem shallow or superficial (e.g., emoLons are not consistent with acLons; can turn emoLons “on” or “off” quickly) or when they are used for gain (e.g., to manipulate or inLmidate others). •  Childhood, Adolescent, or unspecified onset •  Severity: Mild, Moderate or Sever •  Specifier: with limited prosocial emoLons –  lack of remorse or guilt; callous – lack of empathy; unconcerned about performance, shallow or deficient effect Source: APA (2012) 169 170 Conduct Disorder Conduct Disorder RaLonale for DSM‐5 Changes Specifier: •  Allows clinicians to more accurately idenLfy and diagnosis individuals who need more intensive and individualized treatment. •  AVempts to avoid sLgmaLzing language and focuses on a limited display of prosocial emoLons such as empathy and guilt. •  Encourage treatment research to refine what does and does not work for this group of individuals. •  Will impact the research on persons with conduct disorder by designaLng groups of paLents with more similar causal factors Changes from DSM‐IV‐TR –  Minimal changes –  Prosocial specifier is new – applies to those with more serious paVern of behavior (callous and unemoLonal) –  Criteria are more descripLve Source: APA (2013c) Source: APA (2013b) 171 Conduct Disorder Conduct Disorder AlternaIve Diagnosis DifferenIal ConsideraIon No mental disorder ImplicaLons for School Psychologists •  Clearer criteria •  Time frames allow for beVer consistency with diagnosis •  Specifiers and severity raLngs beVer reflect behavior on a conLnuum •  BeVer reflects underlying emoLonal issues •  Hopefully will lead to beVer research and treatment opLons Misbehaviors are not severe & don’t cause clinically significant impairment Adjustment Disorder Bad conduct doesn’t exceed environmental cultural norms or he/she is responding to chaoLc/abusive situaLon OpposiLonal Defiant Disorder Has paVern of defiance to authority, but without severe/
pervasive lack of respect for law and others rights Substance Use Disorders Misbehaviors occur only in relaLon to IntoxicaLon/
Dependence ADHD Causes behavioral scrapes, but not the same magnitude/
pervasiveness Bipolar or Depressive Misbehavior occurs in the context of clear depressive/
manic symptoms Child or Adolescent AnLsocial Behavior 173 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 172 Source: Francis (2013a) One isolated act of misbehavior, however severe, does not consLtute a mental disorder 174 29 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 Substance‐Related and AddicIve Disorders • 
Source: APA (2013b) NeurocogniIve Disorders Substance Relate Disorders •  Alcohol‐Related Disorders •  Caffeine‐Related Disorders •  Cannabis‐Related Disorders •  Hallucinogen‐Related Disorders •  Inhalant‐Related Disorders •  Opioid‐Related Disorders •  SedaLve‐, HypnoLc‐, AnxiolyLc‐ Related Disorders •  SLmulant‐Related Disorders •  Tobacco‐Related Disorders •  Other (or Unknown) Substance‐Related Disorders Non‐Substance‐Related Disorders •  Gambling Disorder •  Overview not necessarily needed for school‐age populaLon •  Controversy around Mild NeurocogniLve Disorder • 
Source: APA (2013b) Over dx of demenLa like sx May be normal aging Pathologizing typical decline No treatment for this May cause mislabeling and panic 175 176 Personality Disorders • 
Paraphilic Disorders Paranoid Personality Disorder Schizoid Personality Disorder Schizotypal Personality Disorder AnLsocial Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder Histrionic Personality Disorder NarcissisLc Personality Disorder Avoidant Personality Disorder Dependent Personality Disorder Obsessive‐Compulsive Personality Disorder Overview not necessarily needed for school‐
age populaLon Source: APA (2013b) Source: APA (2013b) 177 178 Other CondiIons That May Be a Focus of Clinical A_enIon •  Not mental disorders, just to draw aVenLon to other factors that may be involved – 
Problems Related to Family Upbringing Other Problems Related to Primary Support Group Child Maltreatment and Neglect Problems Child Sexual Abuse Child Neglect Child Psychological Abuse EducaLonal Problems Housing Problems Economic Problems hVp:// Source: APA (2013b) 179 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 180 30 DSM‐5 March 25, 2015 References References American Psychiatric AssociaLon. (1952). Diagnos2c and sta2s2cal manual: Mental Disorders. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from hVp://‐1952.pdf American Psychiatric AssociaLon. (1968). Diagnos2c and sta2s2cal manual of mental disorders (2nd ed., DSM‐II). Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from hVp:// American Psychiatric AssociaLon. (1980). Diagnos2c and sta2s2cal manual of mental disorders (3rd ed., DSM‐III). Washington, DC: Author. American Psychiatric AssociaLon. (1987). Diagnos2c and sta2s2cal manual of mental disorders (3rd ed., Rev., DSM‐III‐R). Washington, DC: Author. American Psychiatric AssociaLon. 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Brock, PhD, NCSP California State University, Sacramento Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP Winthrop University or 185 Stephen E, Brock, PhD, NCSP Melissa A. Reeves, PhD, NCSP 31 Handout 1 DSM‐5 Diagnoses that May be Associated with One or More of the Five ED Characteristics* 1. An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors. a) Selective Mutism b) Dissociative Identity Disorder c) Rumination Disorder d) Anorexia Nervosa e) Bulimia Nervosa f) Body Dysmorphic Disorder g) Trichotillominia (Hair‐Pulling) Disorder h) Excoriation (Skin‐Picking) Disorder i) Depersonalizaton/Derealization Disorder 2. An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers. a) Attention‐Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder b) Delusional Disorder c) Schizophreniform Disorder d) Schizophrenia e) Schizoaffective Disorder f) Catatonia g) Unspecified Catatonia h) Other Specified Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder i) Social Anxiety Disorder j) Reactive Attachment Disorder k) Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder l) Adjustment Disorders 3. Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances. a) Delusional Disorder b) Schizophrenia c) Schizoaffective Disorder d) Catatonia Associated with Another Mental Disorder e) Unspecified Catatoinia f) Bipolar I Disorder g) Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder h) Obsessive‐Compulsive Disorder i) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder j) Dissociative Amnesia k) Conversion Disorder (Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder) l) Oppositional Defiant Disorder m) Intermittent Explosive Disorder 4. A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression. a) Bipolar I Disorder b) Bipolar II Disorder c) Cyclothymic Disorder d) Other Specified Bipolar and Related Disorder *Many of these DSM‐5 Diagnoses might also be used to argue for eligibility using Other Health Impaired Criteria e) Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder f) Major Depressive Disorder g) Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) 5. A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems. a) Separation Anxiety Disorder b) Selective Mutism c) Specific Phobia d) Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) e) Panic Disorder f) Agoraphobia g) Generalized Anxiety Disorder h) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder i) Somatic Symptom Disorder j) Conversion Disorder (Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder) Other DSM‐5 Disorders and POSSIBLE IDEA Special Education Eligibility Categories DSM‐5 Disorder IDEA Category Intellectual Disability Unspecified Intellectual Disability Other Specified Neurodevelopmental Disorder Language Disorder Speech Sound Disorder Childhood‐Onset Fluency Disorder Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder Unspecified Communication Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder Attention‐Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Specific Learning Disorder Developmental Coordination Disorder Psychotic Disorder Due to Another Medial Condition Catatonic Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition Bipolar and Related Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition Depressive Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition Anxiety Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition Obsessive‐Compulsive and Related Disorder Due to another Medical Condition Psychological Factors Affecting Other Medical Conditions Insomnia Disorder Hypersomnolence Disorder Narcolepsy Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due to Traumatic Brain Injury Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due to Multiple Etiologies Intellectual Disability Developmental Delay Intellectual Disability Developmental Delay Intellectual Disability Specific Learning Disability Developmental Delay Autism Speech or Language Impairment Speech or Language Impairment Speech or Language Impairment Speech or Language Impairment Speech or Language Impairment Autism Emotional Disturbance Specific Learning Disability Other Health Impairment Specific Learning Disability Specific Learning Disability Other Health Impairment Other Health Impairment Other Health Impairment Other Health Impairment Other Health Impairment Other Health Impairment Other Health Impairment Other Health Impairment Other Health Impairment Other Health Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Other Health Impairment Other Health Impairment Other DSM‐5 Disorders That Would Typically not be Associated With a Special Education Eligibility Category (Unless Comorbid With Other Specific Conditions and/or a clear connection between the disorder an FAPE can be documented) Other Specified Attention‐Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Unspecified Attention‐Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Stereotypic Movement Disorder Tourett’s Disorder Persistent (Chronic) Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder Provisional Tic Disorder Other Specified Tic Disorder Unspecified Tic Disorder Unspecified Neurodevelopmental Disorder Brief Psychotic Disorder Substance/Medication‐Induced Psychotic Disorder Unspecified Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder Substance/Mediation‐Induced Bipolar and Related Disorder Unspecified Bipolar and Related Disorder Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Substance/Mediation‐Induced Depressive Disorder Other specified Depressive Disorder Unspecified Depressive Disorder Substance/Medication‐Induced Anxiety Disorder Other Specified Anxiety Disorder Unspecified Anxiety Disorder Hording Disorder Substance/Medication‐Induced Obsessive‐Compulsive and Related Disorder Other Specified Obsessive‐Compulsive and Related Disorder Unspecified Obsessive‐Compulsive and Related Disorder Acute Stress Disorder Other Specified Trauma‐ and Stressor‐Related Disorder Unspecified Trauma‐ and Stressor‐Related Disorder Other Specified Dissociative Disorder Unspecified Dissociative Disorder Illness Anxiety Disorder Psychological Factors Affecting Other Medical Conditions Factitious Disorder Other Specified Somatic Symptom and Related Disorder Unspecified Somatic Symptom and Related Disorder Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Binge‐Eating Disorder Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder Enuresis Ecopresis Other Specified Elimination Disorder Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Central Sleep Apnea Sleep‐Related Hypoventilation Circadian Rhythm Sleep‐Wake Disorders Non‐Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Arousal Disorders Nightmare Disorder Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder Restless Legs Syndrome Substance/Medication‐Induced Sleep Disorder Other Specified Insomnia Disorder Unspecified Insomnia Disorder Other Specified Hypersomnolence Disorder Unspecified Hypersomnolence Disorder Other Specified Sleep‐Wake Disorder Unspecified Sleep‐Wake Disorder Delayed Ejaculation Erectile Disorder Female Organismic Disorder Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder Genito‐Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Premature (Early) Ejaculation Substance/Medication‐Induced Sexual Dysfunction Gender Dysphoria Other Specified Gender Dysphoria Unspecified Gender Dysphoria Conduct Disorder Pyromania Kleptomania Other Specified Disruptive, Impulse‐Control, and Conduct Disorder Substance Use Disorders Alcohol Use Disorder Alcohol Intoxication Alcohol Withdrawal Unspecified Alcohol‐Related Disorder Caffeine Intoxication Caffeine Withdrawal Unspecified Caffeine‐Related Disorder Cannabis Use Disorder Cannabis Intoxication Cannabis Withdrawal Other Cannabis‐Induced Disorders Unspecified Cannabis‐Related Disorder Phencyclidine Use Disorder Other Hallucinogen Use Disorder Phencyclidine Intoxication Other Hallucinogen Intoxication Hallucinogen persisting Perception Disorder Other Phencyclidine‐Induced Disorders Other Hallucinogen‐Induced Disorders Unspecified Phencyclidine‐Related Disorder Unspecified Hallucinogen‐Related Disorder Inhalant Use Disorder Inhalant Intoxication Other Inhalant‐Induced Disorders Unspecified Inhalant‐Related Disorder Opioid Use Disorder Opioid Intoxication Opioid Withdrawal Other opioid‐Induced Disorders Unspecified Opioid‐Related Disorder Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorder Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal Other Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic –Induced Disorders Unspecified Sedative‐, Hypnotic, or anxiolytic‐Related Disorder Stimulant Use Disorder Stimulant Intoxication Stimulant Withdrawal Other Stimulant‐Induced Disorders Unspecified Stimulant‐Related Disorder Tobacco Use Disorder Tobacco Withdrawal Other Tobacco‐Induced Disorders Unspecified Tobacco‐Related Disorder Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Disorder Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Intoxication Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Withdrawal Other (or Unknown) Substance‐Induced Disorders Unspecified Other (or Unknown) Substance‐Related Disorder Gambling Disorder Delirium Other Specified Delirium Unspecified Delirium Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due to Alzheimer’s Disease Major or Mild Frontotemporal Neurocognitive Disorder Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder with Lewy Bodies Major or Mild Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder Substance/Medication‐Induced Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due to HIV Infection Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due to Prion Disease Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due to Parkinson’s Disease Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due to Hunnigton’s Disease Unspecified Neurocognitive Disorder General Personality Disorder Paranoid Personality Disorder Schizoid Personality Disorder Schizotypal Personality Disorder Antisocial Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder Historionic Personality Disorder Narcissistic Personality Disorder Avoidant Personality Disorder Dependent Personality Disorder Obsessive‐compulsive Personality Disorder Personality Change Due to Another Medical Condition Other Specified Personality Disorder Unspecified Personality Disorder Voyeuristic Disorder Exhibitionistic Disorder Frotteuristic Disorder Sexual Masochism Disorder Sexual Sadism Disorder Pedophilic Disorder Fetishistic Disorder Transvestic Disorder Other Specified Paraphilic Disorder Unspecified Paraphilic Disorder Handout 2 Changes to the Meta Structure of How DSM Diagnoses are Organized DSM‐IV‐TR (APA, 2000) DSM‐5 (APA, 2013) 1. Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence 2. Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders 3. Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition Not Elsewhere Classified 4. Substance‐Related Disorders 5. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders 6. Mood Disorders 7. Anxiety Disorders 8. Somatoform Disorders 9. Factitious Disorders 10. Dissociative Disorders 11. Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders 12. Eating Disorders 13. Sleep Disorders 14. Impulse‐Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified 15. Adjustment Disorders 16. Personality Disorders 17. Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention 1. Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2. Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders 3. Bipolar and Related Disorders 4. Depressive Disorders 5. Anxiety Disorders 6. Obsessive‐Compulsive and Related Disorders 7. Trauma‐ and Stressor‐Related Disorders 8. Dissociative Disorders 9. Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders 10. Feeding and Eating Disorders 11. Elimination Disorders 12. Sleep‐Wake Disorders 13. Sexual Dysfunctions 14. Gender Dysphoria 15. Disruptive, Impulse‐Control, and Conduct Disorders 16. Substance‐Related and Addictive Disorders 17. Neurocognitive Disorders 18. Personality Disorders 19. Paraphilic Diosrders 20. Other Mental Disorders 21. Medication‐Induced Movement Disorders and Other Adverse Effects of Medication 22. Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of clinical Attention HO3. Comparison of DSM‐IV‐TR’s Autistic Disorder (APA, 2000) to DSM‐5’s Autism Spectrum Disorder (APA, 2013) DSM‐IV‐TR Diagnostic Criteria 1.Impairments in Social Interaction (a) marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye‐to‐eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction (b) failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level (c) a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects (d) lack of social or emotional reciprocity 2.Impairments in Communication (a) delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gesture or mime) (b) in individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others (c) stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language (d) lack of varied, spontaneous make‐believe play or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level 3.Restricted, Repetitive, Stereotyped Behaviors, Interests, Activities (a) encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity of focus (b) apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals (c) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole‐body movements) (d) persistent preoccupation with parts of objects Adapted from Kaufman, W. E. (n.d.). DSM‐5: The new diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorders. Retrieved from:‐files/WalterKaufmannAC2012Symposium.pdf DSM‐5 Diagnostic Criteria 1.Deficits in Social Communication and Social Interaction 1. Deficits in social‐emotional reciprocity, ranging, for example, from abnormal social approach and failure of normal back‐and‐forth conversation; to reduced sharing of interests, emotions, or affect; to failure to initiate or respond to social interactions. 2. Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction, ranging, for example, from poorly integrated verbal and nonverbal communication to abnormalities in eye contact and body language or deficits in understanding and use of gestures; to a total lack of facial expressions and nonverbal communication. 3. Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships, ranging for example, from difficulties adjusting behavior to suit various social contexts; to difficulties in sharing imaginative play or in making friends; to absence of interest in peers. 2.Restricted, Repetitive, Behaviors, Interests, Activities 1. Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech (e.g., simple motor stereotypies, lining up toys or flipping objects, echolalia, idiosyncratic phrases). 2. Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior (e.g., extreme distress at small changes, difficulties with transitions, rigid thinking patterns, greeting rituals, need to take same route or eat same food every day). 3. Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity of focus (e.g., strong attachment to or preoccupation with unusual objects, excessively circumscribed or perseverative interests). 4. Hyper‐ or Hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment (e.g., apparent indifference to pain/temperature, adverse response to specific sounds or textures, excessive selling or toughing of objects, visual fascination with lights or movement. Becomes a specifier (“with or without accompanying language impairment”) Handout 4: Kraynak & Hart’s (2014) Description of and Changes to Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety Disorder
Separation Anxiety (309.21 ([F93.0])
Brief Description
Fear of, or anxiety about, being separated from
attachment figures to a degree that is developmentally
Selective Mutism (312.23 [F94.0])
Persistent failure to speak in specific social situations
where speaking is expected such as at school or with
Experience of recurrent, unexpected, panic attacks (i.e.,
“abrupt surges of intense fear or intense discomfort that
reach a peak within minutes” and are accompanied by
physical and/or cognitive symptoms) with concern or
worry for one month or more about having more panic
attacks or changes his/her behavior in maladaptive ways
because of the panic attacks.
Panic Disorder (300.01 [F41.0])
Agoraphobia (300.22 [F40.0])
Fear or anxiety about two or more situations including
the use of public transportation, being in open spaces,
being in enclosed places, standing in line, being in a
crowd, or being outside of the home alone in other
Specific Phobia (300.29)
Fear or anxiety about exposure to a specific feared object
or situation, i.e., the phobic stimulus, and often avoid the
object or situation.
Social Anxiety (300.23 [F40.10])
Characterized by an individual who is fearful or anxious
about or avoidant of social interactions and situations
that involve the possibility of being scrutinized.
DSM-5 Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
was created to reflect the relatedness of these disorders
in terms of diagnostic validators and clinical utility of
DSM-5 Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders chapter
now includes PTSD and disorders in which exposure to a
traumatic or stressful event is listed explicitly as a
diagnostic criterion.
Obsessive-Compulsive (300.3)
Post-traumatic Stress (309.81)
• Moved from Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or
Adolescence section of DSM-IV-TR to DSM-5 Anxiety chapter.
• Core features unchanged, except now:
• Reflects fact that can continue into adulthood (e.g., behaviors may occur
in workplace; attachment figure may be child vs. parent).
• Must last at least 4 weeks in children & adolescents & 6 + months in
• Moved from Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or
Adolescence section of DSM-IV-TR to DSM-5 Anxiety chapter.
• Criteria largely unchanged.
• Panic “attacks” are now specifiers that can accompany any DSM-5 disorder
and serve as a prognostic factor for severity of diagnosis, course, and
• Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia are now unlinked, whereas previously two
disorders were potentially coded (i.e., Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia
(300.21) and Agoraphobia without history Panic Attack (300.22); therefore
co-occurrence of these disorders is reflected by coding both Panic Disorder
and Agoraphobia.
• Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia are now unlinked, whereas previously two
disorders were potentially coded (i.e., Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia
(300.21) and Agoraphobia without history Panic Attack (300.22); therefore
co-occurrence of these disorders is reflected by coding both Panic Disorder
and Agoraphobia.
• Requires now endorsement of fears from two or more agoraphobia situations.
• Now reflects consistency with other anxiety disorder criteria (e.g., clinician
judgment of fears as being out of proportion to actual danger).
• Shift in duration criteria, which now requires duration of at least 6 months
regardless of age (previously was required only for individuals younger than
• Slight revision to criteria highlighting fear/anxiety is out of proportion to the
social situation (clinician judgment). No longer requires individual to
recognize that the fear/anxiety is excessive or unreasonable.
• Different types of phobias unchanged, however are now identified as
• Slight revision to criteria highlighting fear/anxiety is out of proportion to the
social situation (clinician judgment). No longer requires individual to
recognize that the fear/anxiety is excessive or unreasonable.
• Moved to create independent chapter
• Moved to create independent chapter
Anxiety Disorder
Generalized Anxiety (300.02 [F41.1])
Anxiety Disorder due to Another
Medical Condition (293.84 [F06.4])
Brief Description
Persistent and excessive anxiety and worry about various
domains that the individual finds difficult to control.
Anxiety symptoms are the direct physiological
consequence of a general medical condition.
Anxiety Disorder
Panic attacks or anxiety due to substance intoxication or
withdrawal or to a medication treatment
Other Specified Anxiety Disorder
(300.09 [F41.8])
Applies when symptoms characteristic of an anxiety
disorder predominate but do not meet full criteria for any
of the disorders and the clinician wishes to record the
specific reason.
Unspecified Anxiety Disorder
(300.00 [F41.9])
Applies when symptoms characteristic of an anxiety
disorder predominate but do not meet full criteria for any
of the disorders and the clinician does not wish to record
the specific reason, or there is insufficient information to
make the diagnosis.
• Criteria remain essentially the same.
• Slight change to name (from Anxiety Disorder due to General Medical
Condition) reflecting general changes to all disorders in DSM-5.
• Criteria remain essentially the same.
• Slight name change (from Substance-induced Anxiety Disorder) reflecting
general changes to all disorders in DSM-5.
• Criteria remain essentially the same.
• DSM-IV-TR category of Anxiety Disorder Not Otherwise Specified further
differentiated into Other Specified and Unspecified Anxiety Disorders,
reflecting general changes to all disorders in DSM-5.
• Offers several specific types (including two options for cultural concepts of
• Limited-symptom attacks
• Generalized anxiety not occurring more days than not
• Khyâl cap (wind attacks)
• Ataque de nervios (attack of nerves)
• DSM-IV-TR category of Anxiety Disorder Not Otherwise Specified further
differentiated into Other Specified and Unspecified Anxiety Disorders,
reflecting general changes to all disorders in DSM-5.
Note. From Kraynak & Hart (2014).
Disorders in italics have been moved from the chapter on Anxiety Disorders in DSM-5. Adapted from “Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders” (5th ed.; DSM-5) by the American Psychiatric Association
(APA), 2013a, Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, and “Highlights of changes from DSM-IV-TR to DSM-5,” APA, 2013b, retrieved from