Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Analysis of Archaeological Sampling Methods Using the Complete Surface Data from the Pirque Alto Site in Cochabamba, Bolivia Elizabeth Green Faculty Sponsor: Timothy McAndrews, Department of Sociology/Archaeology ABSTRACT Sampling is an extremely important aspect of archaeological fieldwork, and it can significantly influence interpretation; therefore, the effects of these processes must be understood and controlled. Various experimental sampling methods are tested against the surface recovery data collected from the Pirque Alto site in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The project addresses the following questions: do results from the sampling methods reflect the total surface recovery; what method gives the most accurate results for this site and why; and at what percentage of quadrat (unit) samples taken per method do the results show validity. Finally, in what way are the methods biased and how can these biases be addressed? The project has yielded information about how various methods would or would not have affected the interpretation of the Pirque Alto site, and the results were then applied to a broader study and understanding of sampling methods. INTRODUCTION Sampling, a less visible but just as essential tool in archaeology as the trowel, has been used since the start of the discipline. “Archaeologists have always sampled… archaeologists have been choosing, among alternatives, where to look for archaeological sites, which sites to excavate, and where on selected sites to dig” (Hole 1980:217). However, despite the fact that archaeologists have always sampled, there seems to be a disproportionately small effort put forth to truly understand and test the methods so heavily relied upon. Sampling exists and is used for many reasons, including: financial, labor and time restraints and the logistical necessity of controlling the sheer volume of physical materials and non-physical data generated by the process of archaeology. The processes of sampling have far-reaching consequences and influences. For instance, a sampling of units on the surface of a site can directly affect an archaeologist’s perception of the site (its function, chronology, scope, etc), as well as directly affecting the direction of the research questions posed in the future. It is important to know that these critical procedures and methodologies are the most conclusive possible so that their influence on the excavation and interpretation of sites is as constructive as possible. “Given that sampling is essential, we need to ensure that it is carried out in a way that enables us to make best use of the data that it provides” (Orton 2000:8). Due to this, it is important that experiments with comparable results be conducted in order to gain a better understanding of the act of sampling and its effects. The purpose of this specific project is to do just that — to act as a testing mechanism for common sampling procedures. The data used in this endeavor comes from the work done at the site of Pirque Alto, located in the Department of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Details of this site will be discussed in the background section to follow; however, it is important to note that the work conducted at this site included a surface collection of ceramics and lithics of the entire site. Ceramics bigger than a nickel and all of those featuring paint were collected. The collected ceramics data act as a control group in testing various sampling methods with the goal of answering the following questions: 1. Do results from the sampling methods equal or come close to the spatial (ex. identified ceramic clusters) and numeric results indicated from surface collection? 2. What method gives the most spatially and numerically accurate results for this site and why? 3. At what percentage of unit samples taken per method do the results show the greatest spatial and numerical accuracy, (10%, 30%, or 50%)? 4. In what way are the methods of sampling biased, and how can these biases be addressed or corrected? The ultimate goal of this project is to determine the validity and precision of common archaeological sampling methods and identify the most accurate methods. Because the data being used as the control group comes from a real site, looking at how the sampling methods would have affected its interpretation help to present the gravity of influence from sampling. 1 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) BACKGROUND The Site of Pirque Alto During the 2005 field season, archaeological fieldwork was conducted by several students in the UW-L Archaeological Studies program under the supervision of Dr. Timothy McAndrews at Pirque Alto, in the Department of Cochabamba, Bolivia. One goal of this project was to investigate the influence of the Tiwanaku culture in the area through the cultural remains present at the site, such as ceramics, stone artifacts, and features. Tiwanaku was a powerful polity operating out of the southern part of the Lake Titicaca Basin that influenced a broad region throughout the central Andes from A.D. 500 to A.D. 1150 (Janusek 2004:xvii). Now viewed as “the first true state in the south-central Andes,” the Tiwanaku culture is typified by stratified societal levels, monumental architecture, and sophisticated material culture (Young-Sanchez 2004:17-18). Their material culture is unique, especially the ceramics which are “extremely distinctive and rather easy to recognize both in terms of slip and paint, and in diameter of base and rim,” which allows for easier identification (Burkholder 1997: 130). The nature of the spread of the Tiwanaku is a topic currently under fierce debate, and as such this site could help shed light on the presence of the Tiwanaku in the Cochabamba Valley area. Through the surface collection of 406 5 x 5 meter units, a total of over 13,200 diagnostic ceramics (rims, bases, handles, painted pieces), and over 52,000 non-diagnostic (those pieces bigger than a nickel not belonging to the diagnostic category) were collected and subsequently analyzed. Early conclusions regarding this site indicated that it was a multi-component site occupied from the Formative Period though Inca times. This site is located on a bluff Figure 1. Site of Pirque Alto as viewed from opposite valley wall (see Figure 1) overlooking the Rio Tapacari and exists in a natural travel corridor leading to the Altiplano and Titicaca Basin. Since this site, in terms of location and artifact assemblage, can offer important addition to the debate concerning Tiwanaku presence in the Cochabamba Valley, it serves as an excellent case of how sampling would and could affect site interpretation and how in turn that can affect the archaeology of an entire area (McAndrews 2006). History of Sampling The history of sampling in archaeology is an interesting one, and the current debates within the subject showcase the breadth of thought concerning its importance and its influence, both on the process of archaeology and on archaeologists themselves. One of the few comprehensive histories of sampling in archaeology is contained in Sampling in Archaeology, by Clive Orton (2000). In this book, Orton discusses the changes in the actual sampling themes throughout time but also talks about the changes in archaeologists’ attitudes towards sampling. At the turn of the twentieth century, there was more attention directed towards sampling; however, without the later developments that statistics would bring, “it would not be reasonable to expect more than an informal approach” (Orton 2000:112). Preliminary attempts at sampling were carried out in a rather intuitive way. For 2 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) instance, if there appeared to be a large amount of sherds, you took what you believed to be “representative.” It was not until the developments of the 1940s that sampling procedures became more concrete and statistically representative. The developments in statistical theory came about as a result of the need for quality control in response to industrial growth but eventually became incorporated into the sampling of shell middens. This helped to cut down on the tedium of going through mountains of low grade data. At first glance, the beginning of sampling in archaeology would seem to suggest a rather haphazard approach designed to make archaeological evaluation easier and less tedious. It was during the 1950s and 1960s that more formal sampling methods, which Orton describes as “samples selected from well-defined populations according to rigorous statistical procedures,” became more commonplace (Orton 2000:1-2). Vescelius was the first to discuss the use of probabilistic sampling, and he directed his attention towards finding a way to estimate artifact proportions compared to all others within a site (Vescelius 1960:457-470). However, “no other single article has altered more radically the recent course of archaeology than Lewis Binford’s 1964 consideration of research design” (Hole 1980:218). Lewis Binford contributed greatly to the field of archaeology, especially in relation to field methodology and research design, which included sampling. Although Binford’s regard to sampling was directed regionally rather than at a site level, he instituted tremendous changes in the way archaeology was carried out. Orton describes there being three major changes advocated by Binford: “the promotion of the region to the position of primary unit of archaeological research, the explicit design of archaeological research programs, and the explicit use of sampling theory as the way of linking the two” (Orton 2000:4). Though Binford’s contributions to the field of archaeology cannot be underestimated, such an enforcement and indoctrination of sampling methods caused a severe backlash that emerged in the 1970s. Sampling appeared as an evil necessity that one would never escape and as a compromise with the constraints of real life. This feeling increased with the development of sieving methods at the feature level, which created even more data which required sampling from (Orton 2000:4). Part of this backlash was to criticize sampling itself rather than how it was being carried out, as though sampling was something impressed upon archaeology by fields that had nothing to do with archaeology. Though the 1970s are characterized by a backlash against sampling, they were also a time of reflection on the progress of sampling due to the publication of the San Francisco Symposium (which was the first formal gathering to discuss sampling) and Kent Flannery’s Early Mesoamerican Village (Flannery 1970). James Mueller, one of the big names in sampling theory, describes this reactionary period as extremely varied. “The responses and reactions have been varied – categorical rejection, blind acceptance, and skeptical positivism,” the last which seems to dominate in the 1970s (Mueller 1975: xi). This evaluation of the progress of sampling had the curious result of bringing viewpoints regarding it back full circle to a more intuitive process. “By the 1980s in the USA and the 1990s in the UK, sampling had become firmly entrenched in the methodology of the ‘contract’ wing of archaeology” and had become something almost instinctive among archaeologists (Orton 2000:6). Though sampling has again become something rather intrinsic to archaeology, “[it] is still on the agenda even if it is not discussed as openly or explicitly as it was, say, in the 1970s and 1980s” (Orton 2000: 207). Debates within Sampling Due to the importance of sampling, there exists a great deal of controversy throughout the literature. The debates range from the general importance of sampling (Rootenberg 1964) to the proper methods while conducting sampling (Schiffer, Sullivan and Klinger 1978) to the correct math and proportions (Plog and Hegmon 1993, Nance 1981). According to Bonnie Laird Hole, “Despite the widespread availability of understandable presentations of the theory of sampling and the powerful potential of its appropriate application in archaeological research, its contributions to archaeological knowledge have been disappointing” (Hole 1980:217). Articles run the gamut from math-entrenched to highly theoretical and behavioral. It is interesting to note that within most of the literature there exists a great deal of disagreement expressed through journal publications. At times some archaeologists would rather attack one another through publication than to correspond directly. Though opinions are varied, it is important to mind the theoretical milieu from which the disagreements arise. A great debate going on in sampling right now is the degree to which post-depositional factors contribute to the bias of a sample. Many in the Processual archaeology group bypassed looking at this question by examining things which were the least affected. The Cultural History school of thought also tended to ignore the issue. (Orton 2000:43). This debate continues today, especially in regards to issues like the value of the number of identified specimens over the minimum number of individuals. 3 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) A debate more relevant to this project is the degree to which surface remains reflect the subsurface, and “is a key issue for the practice of archaeological survey, at both the regional and the site level. Opinions, both as expressed and as implicit as fieldwork practices, seem to vary widely” (Orton 2000:57). For the site of Pirque Alto, the clusters of certain identified phases are so distinct and identifiable that they are assumed to represent a reliable indication of the subsurface. Obviously, these are hardly the only ongoing debates within sampling, and more research is being conducted in order to present specific debates concerning individual sampling methods; i.e. random vs. judgmental, etc. Some of these disagreements will be explored later in the paper as they relate to the results of the project. Descriptions of the Sampling Methods used in this Project Below are basic descriptions of the types of sampling methods relied upon in this project. Information concerning the experimental procedures will be discussed in the methodology section of this paper. Lastly, more specific pros and cons for each method will be discussed in the results section as they correlate directly. Archaeological sampling methods can be roughly divided into two categories: probabilistic and non-probabilistic. Archaeology employs probabilistic sampling methods as an “attempt to improve the probability that generalizations from the sample will be correct” (Renfrew and Bahn 2000: 76). Charles Redman describes probabilistic sampling methods as “good for estimated total population values for common artifacts or features… probability sampling is poor for locating rare feature or artifacts, dealing with clustered distributions, or illuminating contiguous spatial patterns” (Redman 1987: 251). Non-probabilistic methods, described subsequently, are generally looked upon less favorably. The most basic probabilistic sampling method is a simple random sample, in which numbers are assigned to the quadrats and those to be sampled are chosen through a random number chart till a predetermined number or percentage of units is sampled. “It implies that an equal probability of selection is assigned to each unit of the frame at the time of sample selection” (Binford 1964:141). Systematic random sampling involves the sectioning out of a site grid into groups of a predetermined number of quadrats, and then randomly selecting quadrats within each section (Drennan 1996: 246). The general advantage of this method is that it ensures there will be broader coverage across the entire site; “Systematic sampling ensures an equal dispersion of sample units” (Binford 1964:153). Next there is stratified random sampling, where the site is divided into its natural zones (or strata) and like before, random numbers are chosen. However, in this method the squares are proportional to the natural zones; 85% forest equals 85% of the samples are taken from that area (Renfrew 2000: 77). Judgmental sampling, which is not representative of the whole, is a non-probabilistic form of sampling and is associated with similar methods including haphazard sampling, grab sampling, and purposive sampling. “Nonprobabilistic sampling is regarded as intuitive, inductive, and unstated” (Hole 1980: 219). All of these terms represent a method referring to “explicit or implicit application of a variety of nonrandom selection criteria” (Drennan 1996:88). In judgmental sampling, samples are “selected by looking over the range of elements in a population and specifically deciding to include certain elements in the sample and exclude others” (Drennan 1996:88). Obviously, this method has a large degree of bias. It was important to include due to the current instinctive feeling of archaeological sampling. METHODOLOGY The first step of this process was to become familiar with the literature concerning sampling. This was an important step because it helped to frame the concerns and debates within sampling and helped to provide a general understanding of the subject. Another familiarization step was to become comfortable with the computer programs necessary for this project, including Microsoft Access and Excel, and Surfer by Golden Software, a map generating program. After sufficient skills with these programs had been developed the sampling experiments could be carried out. Sampling experiments were carried out at three percent intervals (10%, 30%, and 50%) with five trials each. Originally, these experiments were to be carried out for the total ceramics data and for the identified Tiwanaku phase ceramics. However, a different approach has been considered and decided on instead. Each of the trials will take into account the total ceramics data, yet the data will show the percent levels for three identified ceramic phases: Formative, Early Intermediate, and Tiwanaku. These percents will be compared to the total percents for each of the ceramic phases. For example, if a 10% random sample shows 13% of sherds belonging to the Tiwanaku phase ceramics, this will be compared to the percent of Tiwanaku phase ceramics for the entire site. 4 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) The sampling experiments focus on four types of sampling commonly relied upon by archaeologists: random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and judgmental sampling. For the random sampling experiments, Microsoft Access was used to randomly sample units according to the percent level specified. For the systematic sample, the site is divided into as many 25 x 25 meter groups as possible. The units within these groups are then selected randomly according to percent. See Figure 2 for systematic group distributions. Systematic Group Distributions 350 1 340 2 330 3 320 5 Grid North 310 4 6 7 300 17 16 290 280 15 8 9 10 270 11 12 260 14 13 250 240 290 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 2. Systematic Group Distributions For the stratified random sample, the site is broken up into three areas related to their relative elevation: highest part of the sites, middle and lowest. Grids are then selected randomly according to percent level. See Figure 3 for the stratified group distributions. Stratified Group Distributions 350 340 Section 1 89 Units 330 320 Grid North 310 Section 2 300 179 Units 290 280 270 Section 3 260 138 Units 250 240 290 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 3. Stratified Group Distributions Since the judgmental sample is a non-probabilistic method, it was carried out differently than the previous methods. Three students in the Senior Thesis class (ARC 499) who did not attend the 2005 field school at Pirque Alto were given a site map with general information such as the physical layout of the site, areas of higher artifact concentration (like one would see on a pedestrian survey). They were then asked to indicate which areas based on the information they had been given would be their choice for sampling. Size of the sampled areas was equal to the 5 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) percent levels used for the other three sampling methods. For example, the first student was given enough units to equal a 10% sample of the site to lay out as they see fit; for the second student, 30% and so on. Though this method differs significantly and will not be able to be compared in exactly the same way, it is an important avenue to explore. After the experiments were carried out, the information was plotted onto a site map using Surfer by Golden Software. This allows for a clear illustration of the differences between the sampling methods and their visual results. A series of descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were generated and will be used in comparison to the visual results. T-tests were also carried out to determine if there was a statistically significant difference between the samples and the full dataset in terms of the relative proportions of different periods of ceramics. It was determined that there was not a statistically significant difference; meaning all samples may be considered numerically representative of the whole. Armed with both the visual representations of the sampling experiments created using Surfer and the statistics generated from the samples, a comprehensive comparison of the methods will then occur. The relative success or failure of the various sampling methods will be viewed in regards to their implications for interpretations of the site and then applied on a larger scale to view the effect of sampling on the field of archaeology. RESULTS In addition to the main goal of determining the validity and precision of common archaeological sampling methods, this thesis also sought to address four specific questions: 1. Do results from the sampling methods equal or come close to the spatial (ex. identified ceramic clusters) and numeric results indicated from surface collection? 2. What method gives the most spatially and numerically accurate results for this site and why? 3. At what percentage of unit samples taken per method do the results show the greatest spatial and numerical accuracy, (10%, 30%, or 50%)? 4. In what way are the methods of sampling biased, and how can these biases be addressed or corrected? These questions will be addressed throughout this portion of the paper, which is itself broken up into three different sections. In the first section, results in terms of the individual methods (random, systematic, etc) will be discussed. This will be followed by a section describing the results on each percent interval, including the spatial representations of each sample method and the statistics and ceramic phase percentages. This is done to illustrate the benefits and problems associated with each method and provide more detailed information at the sample size level. General comments about the various methods and their results will comprise the last section. On the following page, Figure 4 shows the overall distributions of all ceramics over the entire site for reference. Maps for the Formative, Early Intermediate, and Tiwanaku Ceramics can be found at the end of the document. 6 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Total Ceramics 350 340 330 320 Grid North 310 300 290 61 0 0 to 53 53 to 93 93 to 135 135 to 196 196 to 695.1 64 35 136 125 68 79 79 19 60 70 44 47 54 81 145 132 117 109 75 139 155 117 104 51 163 230 103 182 159 102 213 261 275 156 448 162 104 245 97 224 197 267 196 133 124 19 78 117 147 104 185 274 93 128 169 205 53 36 26 84 217 88 40 249 22 65 99 161 93 47 121 95 211 170 131 249 46 79 129 150 157 255 150 147 27 20 114 234 116 74 112 241 200 236 117 0 42 90 204 107 65 88 178 249 23 40 41 135 140 112 128 112 65 161 150 148 122 134 113 68 109 122 199 296 323 14 32 125 140 203 242 165 95 45 64 145 189 200 259 178 124 62 89 259 172 198 28 30 86 264 277 143 148 135 145 143 8 95 44 212 97 59 87 43 235 219 555 400 55 33 123 132 179 264 164 141 197 333 283 145 41 69 48 109 59 156 620 146 328 123 468 67 19 74 101 78 161 139 99 212 221 299 78 75 28 87 157 239 120 181 125 0 263 185 21 53 92 121 108 339 129 289 230 198 695 135 118 20 69 212 177 266 184 81 48 340 284 0 280 270 30 30 12 54 83 110 18 173 145 324 155 94 87 224 194 162 80 150 59 75 66 180 75 23 0 25 57 44 94 44 67 11 49 139 118 106 67 36 272 285 244 172 106 117 61 26 31 53 44 74 38 82 137 58 127 37 21 16 11 97 342 309 179 119 100 51 53 20 89 80 134 122 130 202 102 137 171 233 315 239 239 101 47 89 139 70 69 47 83 54 92 105 135 151 168 87 180 82 0 162 190 267 216 216 159 157 61 26 51 20 88 53 129 65 243 197 145 162 194 348 317 71 101 90 119 136 12 260 148 127 80 181 183 189 145 35 113 26 14 6 207 153 72 96 208 39 95 73 85 5 250 240 290 0 18 54 40 109 59 128 66 118 39 15 67 128 159 98 23 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 29 330 340 350 360 Grid East Figure 4. Total ceramics distribution 7 370 380 390 400 410 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Individual Sampling Method Results Random Sampling. Without a doubt, random sampling produced the most varied results, most notably within the spatial distributions. At odds with this is that the statistical and phase percentage results gave a representative sample. The circled areas on the maps indicate areas of high frequency identified ceramic phase clusters that would have been missed by the sample. For the 10% random sample (see Figure 5), the circled upper right-hand and lower section contain the two largest clusters of Tiwanaku ceramics on the site. As one of the goals of the Pirque Alto project was to gather information about the Tiwanaku influence at the site, missing these clusters would have drastically affected our understanding of the site. Random Sample 10% (2) 350 340 162 213 245 169 330 211 170 117 0 320 42 90 68 189 310 Grid North 0 to 42 42 to 95 95 to 146 146 to 190 190 to 339.1 136 89 135 146 300 339 129 121 290 284 0 162 44 280 49 118 106 67 202 270 89 190 90 260 136 12 0 183 14 6 208 39 95 250 23 240 290 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 5. Random Sample 10% (Trial 2) The above map was generated from the 10% sample level, and it can be seen that is performs poorly in locating the major clusters of identified ceramics. For this sample type, this trend continues through the 30% samples. Figure 6 shows that even at three times the previous sample size a large chunk of the site was not sampled. Random Sample 30% (4) 350 340 330 320 Grid North 310 79 145 109 104 51 163 230 245 267 196 133 26 22 0 to 51 51 to 101 101 to 139 139 to 199 199 to 620.1 60 448 47 217 88 40 249 249 46 79 129 157 255 150 116 74 23 140 112 128 112 65 161 125 165 95 45 28 30 86 19 270 41 620 120 181 230 184 468 150 94 44 44 49 118 342 309 102 137 54 92 105 135 180 75 172 82 137 122 239 180 117 100 47 267 216 216 88 53 129 65 243 348 101 90 189 207 153 72 250 290 198 161 139 99 212 23 0 260 240 59 12 31 323 259 555 141 21 53 280 199 143 148 179 300 290 136 125 54 40 109 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 128 118 39 15 159 23 380 390 Grid East Figure 6. Random Sample 30% (Trial 4) 8 400 410 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) For the random sample, the most reliable sample size level was 50%, (see Figure 7). Random Sample 50% (2) 350 61 0 64 102 Grid North 300 104 51 163 230 275 156 162 104 185 274 93 65 97 224 197 267 169 205 53 36 121 95 114 234 320 310 109 19 78 117 84 131 249 46 79 200 236 117 0 42 249 150 157 204 140 203 242 165 95 45 28 30 86 277 148 135 179 141 67 19 74 101 78 145 189 30 12 54 83 23 0 280 270 43 18 53 44 82 137 80 134 202 102 137 75 118 36 272 285 119 100 83 159 317 71 20 119 136 12 0 189 113 26 153 250 117 139 168 87 180 82 0 148 127 80 180 172 11 97 194 185 184 81 48 340 233 315 239 197 123 468 125 0 324 155 94 87 11 49 20 88 555 156 620 146 87 157 239 120 118 20 69 26 260 62 89 259 172 109 44 94 44 54 92 105 178 299 289 290 249 109 122 199 296 143 8 95 44 212 150 147 88 140 112 128 112 65 161 150 14 0 to 51 51 to 93 93 to 131 131 to 189 189 to 620.1 70 44 47 81 340 330 125 6 73 109 59 128 66 67 128 159 98 240 290 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 29 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 7. Random Sample 50% (Trial 2) Table 1 shows the numeric results for all three maps shown above. Despite the large spatial differences between all three intervals, the random samples produced the most reliable and representative numeric results compared to both the systematic and the stratified samples. However, when viewed in conjunction with their spatial distributions, random sampling comes up quite short. For a statistician random sampling would be the most ideal, but for the archaeologist who deals spatially and numerically, random sampling has little to offer. “In an archaeological context, simple random sampling will not work” (Rootenberg 1964:182). Table 1. Random Sample Numeric Results Number of Units Sampled Mean ceramics per unit Formative Phase % Early Intermediate Phase % Tiwanaku Phase % Diagnostic Ceramics % Non-Diagnostic Ceramics % Whole Site 406 128.81 4.46% 0.90% 18.99% 25.24% 74.76% RS 10% (Trial 2) 41 119.22 3.85% 0.94% 19.33% 24.96% 75.04% RS 30% (Trial 4) 121 138.66 5.26% 0.84% 18.47% 25.30% 74.70% RS 50% (Trial 2) 203 126.98 3.99% 0.96% 18.70% 24.54% 75.46% Systematic Random Sampling. The systematic random sampling method provided the most consistent results of all three probabilistic sampling methods spatially and numerically, and therefore it was difficult to choose certain trials. Of all the percent levels, 50% provides the most solid results, but logistically speaking a 30% sample is more attainable. However, even at the 10% level the systematic random sample still performs beautifully. At the beginning stage of an archaeological investigation, surface sampling is crucial to provide instruction as to which areas of the site may be significant. Due to this importance, systematic random sampling dominates its competitors as a way to provide archaeologists with a far-reaching distribution of samples, providing an overall better knowledge of the site. “This procedure has a number of advantages. Classes may be established with regard to different variables that one whish to control, which makes possible the reliable evaluation of variability in other phenomena with respect to the class-defined variables” (Binford 1964: 142). At the 10% level, the phase percentage information is rather representative (see Figure 8). The 10% sample also provides a rather good physical distribution of units throughout the site (see map on following page with circled Tiwanaku ceramic clusters). Compared to the 10% random sample results, systematic random sampling provides a 9 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) tremendously improved method. For the site of Pirque Alto, a 10% systematic sample returned results representative to the whole and would have been a useful method to employ. Systematic Random Sample 10% (1) 350 340 230 261 245 78 117 330 196 93 131 27 20 320 157 74 147 90 161 32 310 Grid North 11 to 38 38 to 89 89 to 127 127 to 194 194 to 340.1 79 54 259 141 300 19 89 283 35 99 87 88 121 290 340 30 66 11 280 211 38 106 127 37 119 171 270 70 168 159 197 145 260 20 194 96 250 40 240 290 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 330 340 350 118 360 370 380 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 8. Systematic Random Sample 10% (Trial 1) The 30% systematic random sample does an excellent job of displaying representative numerical results and gives excellent physical coverage. The circled areas on Figure 9 represent key Tiwanaku ceramic clusters. Systematic Random Sample 30% (1) 61 350 117 340 330 Grid North 75 139 155 117 162 104 19 78 117 97 205 53 65 99 124 26 211 20 0 to 54 54 to 99 99 to 140 140 to 183 183 to 620.1 47 102 213 261 320 310 0 19 88 40 129 74 204 88 178 65 161 150 140 28 30 300 290 264 33 123 143 148 30 135 118 173 145 155 202 290 69 266 106 75 272 11 97 171 239 89 139 216 157 61 26 51 197 180 117 127 37 135 151 168 88 123 125 162 80 11 100 51 194 148 127 183 207 250 240 28 230 74 219 555 156 620 83 89 260 259 172 59 87 339 129 57 53 124 145 299 12 54 200 145 179 0 323 145 74 101 280 270 165 95 113 26 208 39 85 5 118 128 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 23 380 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 9. Systematic Random Sample 30% (Trial 1) At the 50% level, the systematic random sample provides extremely close numeric results for all five trials. When spatially represented, this sample gives a very clear picture of areas of ceramic occupation on the site. In Figure 10, the Tiwanaku clusters have been circled. 10 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Systematic Random Sample 50% (5) 350 340 330 320 Grid North 310 300 61 64 125 79 79 19 54 81 145 75 139 155 117 103 182 97 93 47 20 114 140 203 242 86 264 277 55 33 123 259 83 110 25 20 134 130 54 92 105 102 137 168 82 340 284 0 162 80 150 106 97 179 119 100 89 139 70 267 145 162 194 148 80 181 136 12 189 145 35 153 72 96 208 39 290 0 18 14 6 73 N Mag 109 59 0 300 66 118 98 Grid 240 53 47 83 157 61 71 N 66 36 272 233 315 239 0 0 263 185 177 87 21 16 129 65 260 156 620 146 328 123 69 49 139 118 38 219 239 120 181 695 135 44 94 44 67 31 53 44 172 59 87 43 69 48 173 145 324 155 323 124 95 44 212 221 299 78 75 289 230 147 88 178 249 109 122 189 143 8 264 164 92 121 280 42 90 204 148 45 148 135 101 78 30 30 249 255 117 0 128 112 65 161 14 250 133 124 131 74 112 23 40 270 267 169 205 53 36 26 84 22 65 99 0 to 48 48 to 88 88 to 130 130 to 182 182 to 695.1 230 213 261 275 156 19 290 0 70 44 47 20 m 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 2. Systematic Random Sample 50% (Trial 5) Table 2 shows the numeric results for all the systematic random trials shown above. Table 2. Systematic Random Sample Numeric Results Number of Units Sampled Mean ceramics per unit Formative % Early Intermediate % Tiwanaku % Diagnostic Ceramics % Non-Diagnostic Ceramics % Whole Site 406 128.81 4.46% 0.90% 18.99% 25.24% 74.76% SRS 10% (Trial 1) 49 119.92 4.61% 0.82% 19.84% 25.85% 75.80% SRS 30% (Trial 1) 130 128.56 4.28% 0.94% 18.11% 24.24% 75.76% SRS 50% (Trial 5) 211 124.25 3.96% 0.76% 19.00% 24.67% 75.33% Stratified Random Sampling. If random samples were the least spatially reliable in terms of finding identified clusters of ceramics, and systematic random samples were the best overall, stratified random sampling was firmly in the middle. Visually, the stratified samples performed better than the random samples (except at the 50% level, where they are roughly equal), but significantly less well than the systematic samples. You can see that, like the random sample at 10%, the stratified random sample tends to miss key clusters or cover them only very slightly. It is not until the 30% and especially 50% stratified sample level does this tend to correct itself slightly. Despite a fairly good coverage, there are still clusters of sampled units. However, Figure 11 for the most part offers a good spatial distribution. 11 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Stratified Random Sample 10% (5) 350 14 to 47 47 to 70 70 to 112 112 to 150 150 to 468.1 60 340 102 330 131 249 46 79 129 20 320 112 112 122 134 113 64 Grid North 310 300 178 89 198 55 33 123 468 101 212 266 290 150 75 36 280 58 20 270 202 171 70 92 47 61 26 101 260 35 250 59 240 290 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 14 66 380 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 11. Stratified Random Sample 10% (Trial 5) Figure 12 displays the visual distribution of the 30% sample level. The 30% sample level performed better in all trials than did the 10%. Stratified Random Sample 30% (4) 350 340 330 104 51 182 159 448 19 78 117 104 185 274 93 128 93 Grid North 211 131 104 194 160 64 145 200 62 148 135 132 191 59 87 43 178 441 287 558 219 69 41 67 19 99 212 21 53 92 289 139 25 44 94 143 212 177 83 110 18 280 100 90 204 150 32 86 148 96 159 140 310 290 121 140 116 74 320 300 0 to 54 54 to 91 91 to 125 125 to 170 170 to 558.1 136 125 54 155 30 67 100 106 67 36 285 70 90 40 44 74 38 89 80 270 105 88 53 260 130 81 102 137 239 101 151 168 87 180 65 0 224 197 102 37 32 140 91 149 218 87 102 23 126 250 170 39 95 26 99 240 290 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 19 380 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 12. Stratified Random Sample 30% (Trial 4) At the 50% level, (see Figure 13) the stratified sample, much like the systematic and the random become somewhat the same. While the high percentage guarantees a broad ranging recovery, it also starts to become redundant. 12 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Stratified Random Sample 50% (5) 0 350 340 330 136 125 68 79 54 Grid North 300 290 275 156 448 162 104 19 161 121 211 170 131 249 46 79 129 150 157 255 236 117 0 40 161 197 333 283 145 41 99 21 53 92 121 0 57 44 94 67 74 137 20 89 122 130 135 260 290 266 184 162 80 118 106 67 36 127 37 21 309 179 119 100 51 53 239 101 47 89 162 145 162 48 59 75 66 180 244 172 106 117 61 11 137 171 233 267 348 468 125 0 212 69 47 83 159 26 51 71 136 12 148 0 145 35 207 153 72 96 250 240 328 157 155 94 87 180 82 65 198 43 109 59 28 110 18 173 145 26 31 92 221 339 129 289 230 198 30 23 124 62 89 212 97 179 74 147 88 178 249 109 122 189 200 259 277 143 148 67 270 42 122 165 95 28 30 197 267 36 26 84 20 114 234 116 74 112 241 14 32 125 280 97 169 22 65 0 to 47 47 to 89 89 to 129 129 to 180 180 to 468.1 44 47 109 75 139 182 320 310 145 132 60 109 59 39 15 67 128 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 98 23 29 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 13. Stratified Random Sample 50% (5) Table 3 displays the numeric results for all of the samples shown above. Table 3. Stratified Random Sample Numeric Results Number of Units Sampled Mean ceramics per unit Formative Phase % Early Intermediate Phase % Tiwanaku Phase % Diagnostic Ceramics % Non-Diagnostic Ceramics % Whole Site 406 128.81 4.46% 0.90% 18.99% 25.24% 74.76% Strat. 10% (Trial 5) 41 109.24 6.30% 1.05% 18.15% 26.35% 73.65% Strat. 30% (Trial 4) 122 121.28 4.85% 0.95% 21.85% 28.47% 85.00% Strat. 50% (Trail 5) 203 121.39 5.18% 0.98% 22.82% 29.91% 70.09% Judgmental Sampling. Numeric figures from all three judgmental samples (10, 30, and 50%) all provided representative results. (See table 4). Table 4. Judgmental Sample Numeric Results Number of Units Sampled Mean ceramics per unit Formative Phase % Early Intermediate Phase % Tiwanaku Phase % Diagnostic Ceramics % Non-Diagnostic Ceramics % Whole Site 406 128.81 4.46% 0.90% 18.99% 25.24% 74.76% Judgmental 10% 41 130.63 4.66% 0.93% 19.02% 25.54% 74.46% Judgmental 30% 122 148.63 4.66% 0.93% 19.02% 25.54% 74.46% Judgmental 50% 203 131.04 4.94% 0.86% 18.89% 25.59% 74.41% The judgmental samples had extremely varied spatial results. At the 10% level, the student chose a systematic sample approach and managed to cover the site rather uniformly. (See Figure 14). 13 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Judgmental Sample 10% 350 139 340 102 205 330 320 121 26 88 170 255 150 116 23 296 242 310 Grid North 0 to 47 47 to 88 88 to 150 150 to 219 219 to 328.1 35 45 189 62 143 219 48 300 328 0 230 290 266 83 94 23 280 194 0 150 67 244 21 80 270 47 180 47 267 194 260 72 250 240 290 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 95 370 380 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 14. Judgmental Sample 10% At the 30% level, the student chose a transect approach and cut the site into sections using three long corridors of sampled units. This student arranged the transects to intersect high, middle and low artifact areas, as well as to cover the visible features. (See Figure 15). Judgmental Sample 30% 61 350 340 330 310 Grid North 139 155 163 230 156 448 97 224 267 196 133 124 93 128 36 26 217 88 40 249 95 211 46 79 150 157 255 150 42 107 65 88 178 112 241 200 320 112 128 112 65 68 109 122 199 242 165 95 45 124 62 89 259 143 148 135 145 59 87 43 235 264 164 141 300 290 280 109 59 156 620 161 139 239 120 181 339 129 212 177 266 184 83 110 194 162 80 150 44 94 272 285 244 74 38 342 309 179 122 130 270 87 180 82 47 0 162 190 267 216 216 159 348 20 90 80 18 183 207 250 290 51 47 260 240 0 to 68 68 to 120 120 to 157 157 to 216 216 to 620.1 19 60 208 59 128 0 10 20 m 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 15. Judgmental Sample 30% At the 50% level, the student again took a systematic approach; however, she avoided a property divider lined with cactus and thorny shrubbery. (See Figure 16). 14 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Judgmental Sample 50% 0 350 35 340 330 320 Grid North 310 68 19 81 159 19 213 275 99 161 140 28 86 205 211 170 128 112 277 249 117 141 95 333 283 107 65 88 134 200 143 150 157 255 150 147 109 178 212 249 199 62 89 59 41 59 156 28 83 157 23 18 173 57 44 94 53 44 20 80 122 105 65 21 102 137 233 82 0 162 197 20 m 300 310 320 330 340 83 317 71 101 90 80 183 189 14 39 350 360 370 159 380 6 73 59 128 66 67 10 75 61 51 70 54 0 284 0 66 216 207 153 72 96 250 81 48 150 342 309 179 119 267 162 194 148 123 0 263 185 36 272 285 244 172 106 58 127 151 168 87 53 49 400 146 120 181 194 162 67 38 82 323 172 198 235 219 20 69 212 177 266 30 260 290 79 161 150 148 196 133 84 217 88 40 249 42 90 78 290 240 36 45 148 135 264 230 104 245 97 224 197 241 200 242 165 132 300 270 448 47 121 116 74 40 41 135 140 280 51 147 104 185 274 93 27 20 0 to 54 54 to 93 93 to 148 148 to 200 200 to 448.1 70 44 139 155 15 23 390 400 410 Grid East Figure 16. Judgmental Sample 50% Visually, the 10% and 50% samples are quite similar. The 30% sample, featured in Figure 5 again with Tiwanaku clusters circled, presents a completely new method of sampling — transecting. Judgmental sampling has an extremely useful function in archaeology as it allows the field to become more flexible. Depending on the results of a systematic sample for example, judgmental sampling allows the archaeologist to redirect the project and investigate potential areas otherwise excluded through sampling. Percent Interval The most effective percent interval: 50% The most realistic percent interval: 30% Despite claims in the literature to the contrary, it is this author’s belief that a 10% sample with any method is normally not conclusive or representative enough. What is being studied is comprised of many parts, some more measurable than others, and a 10% sample does not allow much leeway for the discovery of lesser reflected materials. However, should a 10% sample be the only available course of action, a systematic random sample should be the used, as at the 10% level its results were the most acceptable. General Comments Unfortunately, due to the nature and scale of this project, the role statistics and statistical estimations play in conjunction with sampling was not able to be explored. If someone were to continue the work begun by this project, the next logical step would be to conduct various statistical calculations (such as Chi square testing) to fully determine the statistical extent of the sample procedures. CONCLUSIONS At the start of this project, I found myself trying to straddle a line between the hardcore samplers with very complex math equations and those like Hole who saw sampling and statistics in archaeology as something that had focused too much energy on “probing the method instead of the ground” (Hole 1980: 219). After conducting my experiments and taking into account numeric and spatial representations and keeping in mind the various opinions within the literature, I still found myself straddling the line. Through the process of conducting the experiments for this project and reading through the literature discussing the problems, concerns and benefits of sampling, it was possible to see how these factors played out within my experiments. At the end of this process, I had several more questions than answers and had grown immensely more cynical about math and sampling in regards to archaeology. I wrestled (on a much smaller scale) with all the issues mentioned in most of the journals and books I had read. 15 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) First, how does one go about choosing the appropriate sample size? “The optimum sample can be summarized as being small enough to yield statistically representative, significant, and accurate results at the minimum cost of labor” (Rootenberg 1964:186). For me, the choice was a relatively arbitrary one. I wanted to choose values that were both realistically applied archaeologically and that would give a varied enough result to draw conclusions about the various methods employed. However, when I examined the literature on determining appropriate sample size, there were many conflicting methods. Many were somewhat arbitrary, such as my own, i.e. believing or deciding that a 10% sample would be representative or a 20% sample, etc. On the other end of the spectrum, I found some archaeologists recommended very complex mathematical or statistical equations in order to figure out the appropriate size. Looking at the math required, it seems likely that few archaeologists, without the help of a professional mathematician or statistician, will be able to do (and understand the implications of) the math required to determine sample size through these means. Approaching the topic as a realist, we need to work within our field to create methods that are logistically and practically applicable for the majority of individuals within our discipline. The second issue I dealt with was if there is really any way to know that your sample is representative since archaeology deals with a seemingly indefinite population. Due to the nature of my thesis, I knew what my population was; I knew how many sherds total, I knew what phases, and I knew where. In the real world, no archaeologist has this advantage. The question that arose in my mind was this: is it worse to base your idea of what is representative on a complex mathematical equation, or draw upon similar archaeological sites combined with your knowledge of the area? Or is it better instead to use a combination, to rely upon your own judgment and knowledge of the area and then relate that to sampling and statistics as a way to aid you through the rest of the process, while still not being afraid to change your approach based on judgment? The last of my four specific questions mentioned in the introduction dealt with the bias in sampling and if this was something able to be addressed or corrected. At the completion of this project, it occurred to me that the most damaging bias within sampling currently is the belief that with the right sampling method and the right sample size, a region or a site will be able to tell all. It is reflected in the literature that many put faith into these sampling methods that they no longer put into themselves. While Orton does allude to the field having returned to a more instinctive style of sampling, the effect that the explicit samplers has had on the field is irreversible (Orton 2000:6). Is the way we conduct sampling intrinsically biased? To this I have to answer a resounding yes. Deciding the size of sample, the size of a unit, the boundaries of a site – all are typically made based upon the archaeologist’s judgment. Even if they are based with the most stringent of mathematics and statistics, you cannot simply cut and paste methods from one discipline into another. Statistics and sampling from any other field cannot be expected to operate in the same capacity within archaeology. “None of the sampling and estimation schemes currently in common use in archaeology take into account fully the spatial component in the data” (Hole 1980: 230). This is obviously something that needs to change. Bias is not necessarily a horrible thing, as long as we acknowledge it as a field, and adapt our methodology to take this into consideration. For example, many site reports will simply state what percent sample was taken of the site, with very little regard to the process leading to that decision. If that discussion was included in the final site report, so that anyone who read it could understand why a 10%, or a 30% sample was chosen, or why a stratified approach was taken, then the harmful bias of sampling would be lessened. If you can legitimately explain your sampling strategy and how you came to that decision, the bias you have worked within becomes objective; consistency and specificity are crucial. Based on the results of the sampling experiments conducted during this project and a careful review of the literature on the subject, the following conclusions have been reached: the most spatially and numerically representative sampling method is a systematic sample of at least 10% (though this author prefers a 30% sample). Numerically this method was not always as accurate as the random samples, however; it consistently at all percent levels provided a very even coverage of the site. As the results of surface recovery can be somewhat dubious (though it was decided at Pirque Alto the surface was a good indication of the subsurface) a systematic random sample approach on the subsurface would also prove extremely beneficial. At the beginning of an archaeological investigation, it would give you the best vantage point through which to view the site as a whole. It is from this point that a judgmental sample is the next logical step. After the systematic random sample has provided wide-spread even coverage, the judgmental sample allows for the archaeologist to reevaluate the site, his or her research questions, and allows them the flexibility to decide where and how to proceed. This method should not be looked down upon or regarded as less effective or legitimate. The idea that all archaeology must be backed up by sophisticated mathematics and estimation statistics to be considered legitimate is rather insulting. “Without accurate assessment of the personal element, archaeology will be reduced to a set of mechanically applied approaches practiced by a series of competent but disinterested researchers, a grim prospect for the discipline” (Redman 1987: 262). 16 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Sampling (and to some extent, statistics) within archaeology should be used as follows: 1. A method through which to locate archaeological sites on a regional scale. 2. A method through which to perform archaeology realistically, taking into account the current curation crisis, as well as monetary, labor and time constraints 3. An aid in the analysis of collected data, not as a means to do far too much with way too little. “Given the usual money and time restrictions, the minimum is far too often taken to be the maximum” (O’Neil 1993: 523). 4. A way to operate both spatially and numerically in a way to produce the most contextual results. Though it is displeasing to end this thesis in a contradictory fashion, I find that it is where my experimental results and own personal conclusions lead. Sampling within archaeology is both at once a useful and dangerous tool. It allows us to work realistically within a world of constraints; however, it also has the propensity for great abuse. While my experiments concluded that a certain method of sampling at a certain percent was the most accurate and beneficial approach for the site of Pirque Alto, this does not mean that this is the approach that will work for every site; it would be naïve to think so. Instead, the new direction of sampling in archaeology should be one of judgmental enforced flexibility. Sampling should continue to be relied upon, and the basic guidelines and the statistical analysis associated with it should be followed. However, it is extremely important that archaeologists expand on their methods, become far more specific about their decision making process, and not be afraid to rely on their own judgment. Archaeology is a complex, multifaceted field which requires more than an explicit methodology. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would first like to thank Drs. Tim McAndrews and Connie Arzigian for their guidance throughout this project. Without them I would not have had a clue where to begin or how to proceed. I would also like to thank Dr. Jim Theler for redirecting my thoughts and questions. Thanks to the other members of the 2005 Bolivia Field School for helping to collect the raw data. Thanks to the Undergraduate Research Committee for funding this project. I would like to thank my mother and father Denise and Al Green for listening to me describe this project and giving me their support even though they are interested not in the slightest. I would like to acknowledge my friends, in particular Beth Plunger, Chris Salinas and Beth Boe for keeping me company throughout this process and offering their advice over much needed drinks. Lastly, I’d like to thank Phil Lee for his amazing proof reading abilities. REFERENCES Binford, Lewis. 1964. A Consideration of Archaeological Research Design. American Antiquity 29:425-441. Burkholder, JoEllen. 1997. Tiwanaku and the Anatomy of Time: A New Ceramic Chronology From the Iwawi Site, Department of La Paz, Bolivia. New York: Binghamton University. Drennan, Robert D. 1996. Statistics for Archaeologists: A Common Sense Approach. New York: Plenum Press. Flannery, Kent. 1970. The Early Mesoamerican Village. New York: Academic Press. Hole, Bonnie Laird. 1980. Sampling in Archaeology: A Critique. 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American Antiquity 58:489-496. Plog, Steven, Fred Plog, and Walter Wait. 1978. Decision Making in Modern Surveys. In Advances in Archeological Method and Theory. Volume 1, edited by Michael Schiffer. pp. 383-421. Academic Press, Inc., New York. Redman, Charles. 1987. Surface Collection, Sampling and Research Design: A Retrospective. American Antiquity 52:249-265. 17 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Renfrew, Colin, and Paul Bahn. 2000. Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice. Third ed. New York: Thames & Hudson. Rootenberg, S. 1964. Archaeological Field Sampling. American Antiquity 30:181-188. Schiffer, Michael, Alan P. Sullivan, Timothy Klinger. 1978. The Design of Archaeological Surveys. World Archaeology 10:1-28. Thompson, S.K. and G.A.F. Seber. 1996. Adaptive Sampling. (New York: John Wiley and Sons). Vescelius, G.S. 1960. Archaeological Sampling: A Problem of Statistical Inference. 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University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln. 18 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) APPENDI Total Ceramics 350 340 330 320 Grid North 310 300 290 61 0 0 to 53 53 to 93 93 to 135 135 to 196 196 to 695.1 64 35 136 125 68 79 79 19 60 70 44 47 54 81 145 132 117 109 75 139 155 117 104 51 163 230 103 182 159 102 213 261 275 156 448 162 104 245 97 224 197 267 196 133 124 19 78 117 147 104 185 274 93 128 169 205 53 36 26 84 217 88 40 249 22 65 99 161 93 47 121 95 211 170 131 249 46 79 129 150 157 255 150 147 27 20 114 234 116 74 112 241 200 236 117 0 42 90 204 107 65 88 178 249 23 40 41 135 140 112 128 112 65 161 150 148 122 134 113 68 109 122 199 296 323 14 32 125 140 203 242 165 95 45 64 145 189 200 259 178 124 62 89 259 172 198 28 30 86 264 277 143 148 135 145 143 8 95 44 212 97 59 87 43 235 219 555 400 55 33 123 132 179 264 164 141 197 333 283 145 41 69 48 109 59 156 620 146 328 123 468 67 19 74 101 78 161 139 99 212 221 299 78 75 28 87 157 239 120 181 125 0 263 185 21 53 92 121 108 339 129 289 230 198 695 135 118 20 69 212 177 266 184 81 48 340 284 0 280 270 30 30 12 54 83 110 18 173 145 324 155 94 87 224 194 162 80 150 59 75 66 180 75 23 0 25 57 44 94 44 67 11 49 139 118 106 67 36 272 285 244 172 106 117 61 26 31 53 44 74 38 82 137 58 127 37 21 16 11 97 342 309 179 119 100 51 53 20 89 80 134 122 130 202 102 137 171 233 315 239 239 101 47 89 139 70 69 47 83 54 92 105 135 151 168 87 180 82 0 162 190 267 216 216 159 157 61 26 51 20 88 53 129 65 243 197 145 162 194 348 317 71 101 90 119 136 12 260 148 127 80 181 183 189 145 35 113 26 14 6 207 153 72 96 208 39 95 73 85 5 N N Mag 250 54 40 109 59 128 66 118 39 15 67 128 159 98 23 Grid 240 290 0 18 0 300 20 m 310 29 320 330 340 350 360 Grid East Figure 17 Total Ceramics Distribution 19 370 380 390 400 410 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Formative Phase 350 340 330 320 Grid North 310 300 290 2 0 0 1 3 5 9 to to to to to 1 3 5 9 92.01 2 2 7 5 2 4 1 1 2 5 4 0 4 4 1 11 9 4 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 8 6 3 3 5 3 6 0 10 3 3 4 4 10 6 7 4 2 4 3 1 0 3 3 0 0 4 7 6 9 0 2 2 3 3 1 0 5 4 6 5 5 5 3 3 0 2 7 1 1 0 0 2 3 4 3 6 4 1 1 1 4 5 0 4 3 2 3 3 0 0 2 5 1 0 1 1 8 0 1 1 0 11 3 3 0 1 4 3 5 4 1 0 5 6 0 4 15 31 0 1 1 3 7 2 2 0 5 8 3 4 7 8 3 5 5 5 18 0 0 1 1 5 1 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 5 14 37 62 3 0 0 5 4 10 0 5 15 5 0 2 1 2 0 4 2 1 0 6 4 12 31 2 1 6 1 1 3 0 2 3 8 1 6 0 2 2 3 6 7 9 1 0 4 2 1 0 5 4 9 7 0 4 4 4 7 0 4 2 1 13 14 35 12 4 1 9 5 1 5 1 1 1 5 2 4 0 12 6 2 7 2 12 12 3 4 2 16 2 2 0 4 1 2 5 3 2 1 3 3 4 3 3 3 46 20 26 29 12 4 6 1 3 2 1 6 2 5 6 2 11 0 1 0 1 6 92 23 19 12 6 2 5 0 2 1 3 7 1 7 9 2 5 11 13 0 10 6 5 6 0 8 7 10 2 14 3 0 2 4 23 8 17 11 7 6 280 270 260 2 8 5 7 4 11 6 11 12 13 26 23 17 5 7 1 1 9 20 13 3 23 12 30 15 0 0 3 6 26 5 9 0 1 2 0 0 7 9 0 6 18 14 16 2 0 15 17 8 N 11 1 6 10 27 2 2 10 0 16 Grid 240 290 0 N Mag 250 10 4 2 7 17 9 59 0 300 20 m 310 3 3 2 0 320 330 340 350 360 370 Grid East Figure 18 Formative Phase Ceramic Distribution 20 380 390 400 410 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Early Intermediate Phase 350 340 330 320 Grid North 310 300 290 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 to to to to to 1 2 3 4 20.01 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 0 3 1 3 0 4 0 0 6 1 1 0 4 2 1 0 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 6 2 6 2 1 7 10 16 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 5 0 1 2 6 4 4 2 1 6 0 0 0 5 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 4 3 5 5 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 4 1 2 0 0 2 2 2 3 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 2 0 2 2 4 1 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 20 3 3 1 1 2 0 5 4 1 0 4 1 0 3 1 6 2 1 0 0 4 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 8 3 3 5 1 1 0 4 0 0 1 3 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 0 1 1 0 1 4 2 2 2 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 4 0 3 3 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 6 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 5 2 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 280 270 260 N N Mag 250 Grid 240 290 0 300 20 m 310 0 320 330 340 350 360 370 Grid East Figure 19 Early Intermediate Phase Ceramic Distribution 21 380 390 400 410 Green UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research X (2007) Tiwanaku Phase 350 340 330 320 Grid North 310 300 290 10 13 46 42 6 7 6 0 24 8 3 8 24 37 7 8 9 13 1 9 15 26 22 16 13 9 22 34 40 18 27 42 24 24 49 31 9 0 to 7 7 to 15 15 to 24 24 to 39 39 to 115.1 29 44 21 15 36 49 31 41 33 38 2 6 17 18 9 39 48 19 19 43 19 8 7 1 17 52 25 5 4 11 11 9 14 26 24 41 46 24 50 7 9 20 55 46 47 32 40 0 0 23 18 11 13 15 34 48 53 31 0 2 6 2 5 26 24 38 52 42 33 10 16 53 32 30 26 23 16 10 12 30 27 35 2 6 19 29 43 26 36 22 34 39 1 7 0 29 27 23 75 42 32 41 66 76 36 1 17 4 17 6 6 7 25 19 18 43 38 40 43 52 94 41 31 6 280 270 6 9 25 22 24 26 22 16 47 30 23 16 32 25 18 18 47 31 48 42 11 15 17 15 11 21 16 20 31 34 27 46 47 65 8 4 8 21 35 46 29 32 32 2 10 16 7 24 14 79 44 14 24 30 24 10 5 0 1 8 11 6 2 5 4 21 3 7 4 6 11 18 15 23 13 15 39 50 105 84 80 24 18 5 3 9 2 11 16 20 36 37 17 26 28 0 8 2 9 28 29 33 11 19 17 10 65 4 3 5 2 5 8 17 63 22 3 15 15 32 43 20 21 12 25 33 33 27 14 13 20 8 3 7 29 18 21 11 4 4 3 2 11 43 24 65 62 33 104 108 10 19 16 30 30 3 0 0 6 1 1 0 12 12 2 42 22 29 64 60 21 21 65 42 34 12 10 7 20 0 N Mag 290 4 15 50 88 115 77 33 25 37 15 22 12 Grid 240 0 90 39 14 43 39 49 18 16 17 72 80 0 2 9 8 45 35 67 47 33 19 10 60 30 99 40 87 7 N 250 11 12 72 25 13 16 32 44 4 260 0 43 0 300 6 7 22 17 21 7 9 19 10 20 m 310 2 1 2 5 320 330 340 350 360 370 Grid East Figure 20 Tiwanaku Phase Ceramic Distribution 22 380 390 400 410