Drama Society Constitution

Drama Society Constitution
Revised March 2015
Article 1: Name & Affiliations
The name of the organization shall be the Drama Society.
Article 2: Purpose & Objectives
The purpose of the organization shall be to provide opportunities for members of the Lourdes
community to learn about and participate in the dramatic arts.
Article 3: Membership
Section I
a. Any individual enrolled at Lourdes in good standing shall be eligible for student membership.
Any individual not enrolled at Lourdes shall be eligible for community membership.
b. Regular attendance at meetings and participation in productions shall be required for active
membership status in the organization.
c. Only active student members may vote and hold office.
d. In the event that it becomes necessary to remove an individual from active
membership, a unanimous vote by the Executive Board shall be required.
Section II
This organization actively supports and commits to the concept of equal opportunity and fair treatment
for all persons in the Lourdes community by adhering to the Nondiscrimination Policy and the Student
Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook.
Article 4: Officers
Section I
a. The officers of the organization, otherwise known as the Executive Board, shall consist of
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Publicity Coordinator, and shall be elected
in the month of April for a term of one year.
Candidates must have been active members for at least two meetings prior to elections,
and be nominated by at least two active members in the organization.
A final vote for an elected office shall consist of no more than two candidates.
If there are more than two candidates, a preliminary vote shall be taken.
d. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of the votes cast by the active members.
In the case of a tie, the outgoing Executive Board shall cast votes to break the tie.
Section II
a. President: The President shall be responsible for calling, coordinating and presiding over all
general and Executive Board meetings, as well as establishing short term and long term goals
for the organization. The President shall also be responsible for making sure that all functions
and activities are successfully completed and that the advisor is regularly informed of the
organization’s progress.
Vice President: The Vice President shall be responsible for assisting the President with the
coordination of all functions and activities of the organization. The Vice President shall also
be responsible for serving as the official liaison to the Student Government Association, as
well as performing the duties of the President in his/her absence.
Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for taking and organizing the minutes at all
meetings of the organization. The Secretary shall also be responsible for maintaining a
complete roster of the active members and communicating with the membership as well
as the Lourdes community as needed.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the financial records, assets,
and obligations of the organization. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for providing
regular financial updates to the Executive Board and the advisor.
Publicity Coordinator: The Publicity Coordinator shall be responsible for coordinating all
public relations materials and promotional activities for the organization.
Section III
a. Any vacancy on the Executive Board that occurs prior to the expiration of a term shall
be filled at the discretion of the remaining Executive Board members by a 3/4 vote.
If a member of the Executive Board becomes deficient in fulfilling his/her responsibilities,
the remaining Executive Board members may remove the individual with a 3/4 vote.
Section IV
a. Newly elected officers shall be installed and assume their duties immediately.
The Executive Board shall go on retreat with the advisor each summer to establish goals
for the upcoming academic year.
Article 5: Advisor
Section I
a. Following officer elections in April, the Executive Board shall appoint an advisor from
among the faculty and staff of Lourdes.
In the event the advisor position becomes vacant prior to the expiration of a term,
the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement to assume the position.
If the advisor becomes deficient in fulfilling his/her responsibilities, the Executive
Board may remove the individual with a unanimous vote.
Section II
The advisor shall serve a term of one year with no term limits.
Section III
The advisor shall be responsible for providing general advice and guidance, while assisting the
Executive Board in the establishment of annual goals. The advisor shall also be responsible for
the processes of selecting, casting, directing and producing dramatic productions, and teaching
members in the organization to do the same, as long as sufficient talent and resources are
Article 6: Meetings
Section I
General meetings of the organization shall be held at least twice a semester during the academic year,
unless otherwise determined by the Executive Board.
Section II
Executive Board meetings shall be held as needed, but not less than once per semester.
Article 7: Voting
Section I
General Body: Unless otherwise noted in this document, an affirmative vote by a simple majority
of the active members present shall be necessary to approve a motion or resolution. In the case of
a tie, the Executive Board shall cast votes to break the tie.
Section II
Executive Board: Unless otherwise noted in this document, an affirmative vote by a simple majority
of the officers present shall be necessary to approve a motion or resolution.
Article 8: Authority & Quorum
The rules contained in Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all
cases to which they are applicable. A simple majority of the active members must be present to
constitute a quorum. This number is required to conduct official business.
Article 9: Finance
Section I
a. The organization shall adhere to all appropriate financial policies and procedures as
determined by Lourdes and the Department of Student Activities and Orientation.
All financial transactions must be approved by both the advisor and the treasurer.
Section II
No dues shall be required for membership or participation in the organization.
Article 10: Amendments
Section I
c. Amendments to the constitution must be proposed in writing to the Executive Board
and carry the support of at least three or more active members.
d. The Executive Board shall authorize the secretary to distribute proposed amendments in
writing to the active members. All amendments must be read prior to voting at no fewer
than two consecutive general meetings.
An affirmative vote by 2/3 of the active members present shall be required for the adoption
of a constitutional amendment.
Section II
Changes to this constitution must be submitted to the Student Life Committee for approval.