FY 15MEMBERSHIP: Public Safety (Ben Gladwin); EHRM (Krebsbach, Kathy – Co-Chair; Chuck Emnett-Co-Chair; Panisko, Mike); College of
Visual and Perf. Arts (vacant); Campus Recreation (Kiser, Tonya) ; Disability Services (Gantert, Bernadine); Res Life Services (Hall, Brad); COT
East –Katie Dalessio; COT West –Bill Hillman; Mansfield Library Kneebone, Glen; Faculty – Mizuki Miyashita, Anthropology/Linguistics; (Greg
Potter) – FS Grounds; (Devin Schaefer) FS Maintenance Supv; Dining Services (Custodial-Stevens, Bob, Culinary Services - Honrud, Rick);
PARTV (McDaniels, Jason -Theatre Prod); Athletics (Chuck Maes), Adams Center Entertainment (Chad Dupuis); Human Resources (Hannah
Singleton); Information Technology (Irish, Adrian); ASUM Senators – (Augustine Menke)
July 9, 2015 – 10:00 am
Facility Services Conference Room
Members Present Kathy Krebsbach, Chuck Emnett, Bob Stevens, Tonya Kiser, Adrian Irish, Hannah Singleton, Marty Ludemann,
Ben Gladwin, Rich Zitzka, Mizuki Miyashita
1. Introduction
Roll call: Sign in – No new introductions were made and the attendance form was signed. Rich
Zitzka, an officer with the Campus Police Department brought in Bob, one of the department’s
bomb-sniffing dogs to introduce him to the Committee members. Both Rich and Marty explained
Bob’s background and how he is used on Campus. Rich also gave a demonstration of how Bob
looks for explosive-related devices or compounds.
2. Minutes approval
There were no changes to the June meeting minutes. Bob Stevens motioned to approve the
minutes and Adrian Irish seconded the motion.
3. Safety Hazard (SH) Reports/Injury Summary Report
a. No Life Safety 24 work orders were issued in June. There were 17 Safety Issue work orders for
June and 15 have been completed to date.
b. Chuck reviewed the work comp claims with the group for June of this year with 9 in 2015 as
compared to 7 in June 2014. June had 5 notification only and 4 medical, with no indemnity
claims. No real difference was seen in the types of injuries in June 2014 compared to 2015. Most
were strains, slips and falls and lifting-related injuries.
c. Kathy asked if the Committee members would like to see more detail on the Safety Work Orders
since we don’t have the same reporting access that we used to provide. Those present agreed that
the detail wasn’t necessary unless we see hazards that aren’t being taken care of in a timely
4. Update on Safety Committee Webpage
Adrian reported that he is still working on the safety suggestion form for the Safety Committee
website. Kathy asked Adrian about reaching the quota of 50% for getting a discount based on
half of UM employees taking the security on-line training program. Adrian explained there is
some difference in how that 50% of FTE employee number is arrived at. He suggested that maybe
it should be the number of Banner users or those who handle sensitive data which totals around
1100 to 1200. Kathy mentioned that we need to have a discussion to bring down the FTE number
which will have to be discussed with State RMTD. Kathy suggested for the upcoming year
notification and communication about the training may be provided through the compliance web
page that the Compliance Adhoc Committee is working on.
5. Safety Funding Request Update
Kathy reported that the 4 infant CPR manikins requested by Tonya were ordered and paid for
before the FY2015 deadline. Chuck said that on the previous request sent to the Committee
regarding removing the curb in front of the Outdoor Rec program North side, that we would need
FY 15MEMBERSHIP: Public Safety (Ben Gladwin); EHRM (Krebsbach, Kathy – Co-Chair; Chuck Emnett-Co-Chair; Panisko, Mike); College of
Visual and Perf. Arts (vacant); Campus Recreation (Kiser, Tonya) ; Disability Services (Gantert, Bernadine); Res Life Services (Hall, Brad); COT
East –Katie Dalessio; COT West –Bill Hillman; Mansfield Library Kneebone, Glen; Faculty – Mizuki Miyashita, Anthropology/Linguistics; (Greg
Potter) – FS Grounds; (Devin Schaefer) FS Maintenance Supv; Dining Services (Custodial-Stevens, Bob, Culinary Services - Honrud, Rick);
PARTV (McDaniels, Jason -Theatre Prod); Athletics (Chuck Maes), Adams Center Entertainment (Chad Dupuis); Human Resources (Hannah
Singleton); Information Technology (Irish, Adrian); ASUM Senators – (Augustine Menke)
a cost estimate from Planning and Construction or other outside bids to be able to approve the
project. Tonya explained the purpose of removing the curb based on previous personal injury and
vehicle accidents.
6. Other Items
Marty told the Committee that they have more time available now to work on the Emergency
Action Plans for individual buildings on Campus since the final DOJ report has been submitted.
Marty is hiring an intern to help assist departments/ building personnel with their Department
Action Plans and formulate their chain of commands and communication dissemination for their
buildings. Marty also mentioned that with Kathy and Chuck’s help that we would complete the
Emergency Action Plan for the Facilities Services building to be used as a guide for completing
the other buildings on Campus.
Marty told the group that there will be a full exercise here on Campus on Monday through
Wednesday of next week with the Civil Support Team and other local agencies running through
different scenarios of dealing with potential threats at football games or other large venues
involving bomb or other types of threats. The bomb sniffing dogs Bob and Hooch will be put to
the test.
Rich mentioned to the Committee that the outdoor lights around the Gallagher and Music
building are still out. Chuck said they were powered off due to connecting power to the new
Gilkey Business Building, but thought that was completed. Chuck will check with Planning and
Construction regarding this issue.
Next Safety Committee meeting: August 13, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. – Facility Services Conference Room Make sure to keep bringing any safety issues or agenda items to Kathy Krebsbach, Chuck Emnett
or Mike Panisko for inclusion in the next scheduled meeting.