FY 13 MEMBERSHIP: (Marty Ludeman); (Krebsbach, Kathy, Co-Chair, Chuck Emnett Co-Chair, Panisko, Mike); (Tonya Kiser) ; (Gantert,
Bernadine); (Hofman, Josh , DeYoung, John-U-Village); Sean McQuillan and Meagan McKay ASUM Students; Rodda, Bill; ( Library) Kneebone,
Glen or Hendricks, Kathy; (Chemistry-Bruce Bowler, DBS - vacant); (Maint. Director-Olson, Paul, Grounds-Potter, Greg); (Custodial-Stevens, Bob,
Culinary Services - Honrud, Rick); (Jason McDaniels-Theatre Prod) ; (Chuck Maes – Athletics), (Dupuis, Chad – Adams Center); (Batzloff, Gary –
Visual Arts)
January 9, 2013 – 10:00 am
Facilities Services Conference Room
Members Present Kathy Krebsbach, , John DeYoung, Mike Panisko, Tonya Kiser, Greg Potter, Marty Ludemann, Jason McDaniel,
Josh Hoffmann, Cheryll Russell and Chuck Emnett.
1. Introduction
a. Roll call: Sign in – Introductions were made.
2. Minutes Approval
December 12, 2013 Minutes were reviewed and approved with no changes. Motion to approve
minutes given by Tonya Kiser and seconded by Chuck Emnett, all in favor.
3. Safety Hazard (SH) Reports/Injury Summary Report
a. Chuck Emnett briefed the committee on the Safety Hazard (SH) work orders for December
with 11 Safety Hazards reported. Ten were completed, one is still in progress.
b. Mike Panisko reviewed the work comp claims with the group, reporting that there were 8
incidents reported in December 2013 (4 were notification only, 4 medical claims). This
compares with 9 incidents last year at this time.
c. There was some group discussion on the slip fall that was reported in Craig Hall and what was
the cause of the fall. New stair treads are being installed.
4. Safety Committee Functionality
Mike Panisko provided some feedback from a conference he recently spoke at and that he felt the
take home message was could share with the group and ways we might expand and/or improve
our Safety Committee’s functionality:
a. That we need to have management backing or buy-in and felt it is a good time to see what
Mike Reid’s thoughts are about the Safety Committee’s future mission and goals.
b. That it is good to rotate Chairpersons and membership.
c. We should have some meetings at members sites (see what other departments do for safety
and have another set of eyes that could bring safety ideas to those areas)
d. Would be helpful to have a bit of a budget for the committee to put towards safety initiatives
and incentives.
5. Safety Committee function, purpose and goals for FY2014
Kathy handed out a copy of the current Safety Committee Charge and membership list and spoke
about how the prior agenda item was a good lead in to group discussion on what the committee
felt our true function, purpose and goals should be for 2014. And asked the group to talk bring
forward their thoughts and ideas of what they would like to see accomplished in the upcoming
year and how the Safety Committee could be more functional.
FY 13 MEMBERSHIP: (Marty Ludeman); (Krebsbach, Kathy, Co-Chair, Chuck Emnett Co-Chair, Panisko, Mike); (Tonya Kiser) ; (Gantert,
Bernadine); (Hofman, Josh , DeYoung, John-U-Village); Sean McQuillan and Meagan McKay ASUM Students; Rodda, Bill; ( Library) Kneebone,
Glen or Hendricks, Kathy; (Chemistry-Bruce Bowler, DBS - vacant); (Maint. Director-Olson, Paul, Grounds-Potter, Greg); (Custodial-Stevens, Bob,
Culinary Services - Honrud, Rick); (Jason McDaniels-Theatre Prod) ; (Chuck Maes – Athletics), (Dupuis, Chad – Adams Center); (Batzloff, Gary –
Visual Arts)
Greg Potter suggested that a proposal for improving icy conditions on campus in the winter to aid
in preventing slips and falls would be to get a gator, something a little bit bigger than what they
are currently using to clean up sidewalks and lots.
Mike Panisko told Greg that he should have Frenchy put the request in to the Safety Smart cue.
Cheryl Russell suggested that doing some group inspections of various areas and operations on
campus and out at some of the off campus locations such as Montana Island Lodge, Lubrecht and
Yellow Bay as they had done a few years ago was refreshing change and gave everyone the
opportunity get new ideas as to how other operations are approaching safety, as well as having an
extra sets of eyes that may point out safety issues or concerns that might otherwise be missed.
Kathy mentioned it would be a good opportunity for the team to find out what safety
procedures/protocols and training the departments are providing their staff. Or what training
needs may be helpful to them that the committee may be able to help facilitate.
John DeYoung said that he felt it was important as a Safety Committee member to take back what
issues were discussed the areas that they work in and share safety messages, training
opportunities and bring feedback between the department and the committee.
Chuck Emnett said it would be good to go out to other departments and do some walk-thrus with
the Fire Inspectors so that the committee members can get a good feel for what they look for and
how issues can be best mitigated.
Jason McDaniel stated he felt it would be helpful to see what other departments are putting
together in their Departmental Safety Plans, safety training, orientations and plans and just how
each department approaches it from their area.
Marty Ludeman stated that when he was on a safety committee with the City/County they would
go out to other businesses and get a fresh perspective on what they were doing for safety, this also
gave the business a fresh set of eyes on a place and helped build good collaborations.
Cheryl asked who know about the active shooter training that Public Safety provided and there
were only a few folks on the committee that new about it.
It was discussed that a better communications forum on training such as workplace violence
training, or active shooter training would be good to develop.
Josh Hofmann stated that there should be more top driven customized directives emergency
management with more power and weight behind them. For the Committee to be more functional
it meets to hold more weight and a budget wouldn’t hurt. Josh asked if the Building Inspections
Schedule was on the EHRM website.
Kathy suggested that we take a look at the membership and see if there were areas that weren’t
represented as there were a couple of retirements that we will need to fill vacant membership
FY 13 MEMBERSHIP: (Marty Ludeman); (Krebsbach, Kathy, Co-Chair, Chuck Emnett Co-Chair, Panisko, Mike); (Tonya Kiser) ; (Gantert,
Bernadine); (Hofman, Josh , DeYoung, John-U-Village); Sean McQuillan and Meagan McKay ASUM Students; Rodda, Bill; ( Library) Kneebone,
Glen or Hendricks, Kathy; (Chemistry-Bruce Bowler, DBS - vacant); (Maint. Director-Olson, Paul, Grounds-Potter, Greg); (Custodial-Stevens, Bob,
Culinary Services - Honrud, Rick); (Jason McDaniels-Theatre Prod) ; (Chuck Maes – Athletics), (Dupuis, Chad – Adams Center); (Batzloff, Gary –
Visual Arts)
positions for. Marty and Cheryl stated that Jeff Dobie would be interested in filling the Public
Safety’s vacant position. It was suggested that the committee might hold more weight if we had a
Cabinet member sitting in on the meetings.
It was also suggested that we should have a member from Human Resources, IT and possibly
Mike Panisko suggested that we draft a set of Committee By-Laws these will include Chair and
Co-chair terms and member terms. Kathy Krebsbach will write up and bring draft by-laws to the
February meeting.
Mike also suggested that we may want to look at a different date or time of the month for the
meetings to see if our current schedule fits best with the majority. Kathy will look into putting
together a doodle pole to the group.
The group agreed that as a committee we need to develop some good communication strategies to
get the safety messages out and that one of the future goals for the Committee should be to work
toward developing a Safety Committee website that would include our monthly meeting minutes,
safety videos, safety training opportunities, links to timely safety messages and possibly a
suggestion box that would allow campus community to provide safety concerns and suggestions
to the committee for review.
Kathy stated that we will plan at the February meeting to review the draft by-laws and establish
our core membership and the term limits as well as have some formal goals for the upcoming
year. Once we have those established we will plan on inviting Vice President Reid in to review
our mission, by-laws and goals and see what recommendations and support he may be able to
offer the Committee.
Open Discussion
There was no time remaining for an open discussion.
Next Safety Committee meeting: February 13, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. – Facility Services front Conference
Room - Make sure to keep bringing issues to Kathy Krebsbach, Chuck Emnett or Mike Panisko
for inclusion in the next scheduled meeting.