FY 14 MEMBERSHIP: (Jeff Dobie); (Krebsbach, Kathy, Co-Chair, Chuck Emnett Co-Chair, Panisko, Mike); (Tonya Kiser) ; (Gantert, Bernadine);
(Brad Hall, DeYoung, John-U-Village); Sean McQuillan and Meagan McKay ASUM Students; Rodda, Bill; ( Library) Kneebone, Glen or
Hendricks, Kathy; (Chemistry-Bruce Bowler, DBS - vacant); (Maint. Director-Olson, Paul, Grounds-Potter, Greg); (Custodial-Stevens, Bob,
Culinary Services - Honrud, Rick); (Jason McDaniels-Theatre Prod) ; (Chuck Maes – Athletics), (Dupuis, Chad – Adams Center); (Batzloff, Gary –
Visual Arts); Cindy Boies - HR
April 17, 2014 – 10:00 am
Facilities Services Custodial Room
Members Present Kathy Krebsbach, Chuck Emnett, Brad Hall, Mike Panisko, Chad Dupuis, Cindy Boies, Greg Potter, Bernie
Gantert, Bob Stevens, Mike Panisko, Bruce Bowler and Paul Olson.
1. Introduction
a. Roll call: Sign in – Introductions were made.
2. Minutes approval
No changes to the March 13, 2014 Minutes were suggested. Mike Panisko motioned to approve
and Chuck Emnett seconded. All were in favor.
3. Safety Hazard (SH) Reports/Injury Summary Report
a. Chuck Emnett briefed the committee on the Safety Hazard (SH) work orders for March. There
were 15 in total, 11 completed with 4 still in progress. Greg Potter reported another life safety
issue of broken and damaged curbs from all of the snow plowing last season with some having
protruding rebar and others moved out of position. Kathy explained to the group how the work
order system works to address life safety issues. Bernie Gantert mentioned a retrofit being
completed in Knowles Hall in the Men’s and women’s restrooms that added an ADA
accessible toilet stall and shower stall. Bernie asked how the Residence Life work order
system works since it doesn’t come through facility services. Brad explained that they have
their own internal system. Bernie also mentioned that the steps at the Fine Arts building and
the Dennison Theatre are in bad shape. Kathy responded that work orders are in place to repair
the steps and the ones to the Dennison theatre will be completed before Commencement
activities. Bob Stevens also mentioned the step on the West side of Lommasson coming from
the Country Store needs repair and there is a large hole in the sidewalk. Ground’s has been
notified, and Bob asked what the time frame was on getting life-safety work orders completed.
Kathy responded that life-safety work orders are usually completed with 48 hours.
b. Mike reviewed the work comp claims with the group, reporting that there were 18 incidents
reported during March 2014 (5 were notification only, 12 medical claims and 1 indemnity).
Twelve of those reported were acute, 1 was repetitive motion and 5 occurred outside the work
station. This was compared to last year’s March total of 7 claims.
4. Safety Smart 2014 priorities
Mike Panisko reported to the Committee how the Safety Smart system works and how the money
is currently allocated and will be allocated for FY 2015. Mike mentioned that he is working on
bringing a Safety Fest to Campus next year. Mike also told the Committee that he and Kathy
would try to get $5,000 each for a safety committee fund. Two safety videos have been
completed and are on the EHRM website and a third on proper lifting is being completed. Bernie
mentioned that these videos should probably have captioning along with the audio.
FY 14 MEMBERSHIP: (Jeff Dobie); (Krebsbach, Kathy, Co-Chair, Chuck Emnett Co-Chair, Panisko, Mike); (Tonya Kiser) ; (Gantert, Bernadine);
(Brad Hall, DeYoung, John-U-Village); Sean McQuillan and Meagan McKay ASUM Students; Rodda, Bill; ( Library) Kneebone, Glen or
Hendricks, Kathy; (Chemistry-Bruce Bowler, DBS - vacant); (Maint. Director-Olson, Paul, Grounds-Potter, Greg); (Custodial-Stevens, Bob,
Culinary Services - Honrud, Rick); (Jason McDaniels-Theatre Prod) ; (Chuck Maes – Athletics), (Dupuis, Chad – Adams Center); (Batzloff, Gary –
Visual Arts); Cindy Boies - HR
5. Communication strategy for website
Kathy opened up continued discussion on what the group feels the goals and priorities should be
for the next year and how we can get our ideas out there.
Kathy said that we need to get the Communication subcommittee together to help lead this effort.
Mike Panisko recommended that we hold a safety committee meeting at another department’s
building at least once per year and we can discuss safety at that particular building and what type
of issues they have. Cindy Boies mentioned that Human Resources has a communications
network and asked about what Environmental Health & Risk Management has in place. Kathy
responded that we have to go through Barb Denman for approval of web communications. Brad
Hall offered the idea that people who have received Safety Smart money come and talk to the
committee about what they received, how they used the money and how it worked out for them.
Both Mike and Brad suggested that Safety Smart recipient’s reports to the Committee could be
the basis for a new safety video. Bruce Bowler asked what the typical request was for Safety
Smart funds. Mike responded that it was for helping to prevent slips, trips and falls, repetitive
motion injuries and ergonomics.
Distracted driving awareness month
Kathy mentioned that it is distracted driver awareness month and provided the Committee with a
handout on distracted driving. Paul Olson asked if operators of equipment could drive with ear
buds. Kathy said that ear buds should not be worn, but only proper hearing protection if needed.
Next month election discussion & nominations
Kathy reminded everyone to bring their nominations to the May meeting.
Other items
There was no remaining time for open discussion.
Next Safety Committee meeting: May 8, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. – Facility Services front Conference Room
- Make sure to keep bringing issues to Kathy Krebsbach, Chuck Emnett or Mike Panisko for
inclusion in the next scheduled meeting.