SUFAC Meeting March 22 , 2010.

SUFAC Meeting
March 22nd, 2010.
Members Present:
Nick Herro
Eric Schmidt
Carly Cappozzo
Karl Krogman
Brock Bennett
Lindsey Polzin
Jake Gietman
Dr. Bryan
Laura Lauderdale
Dr. Nicklaus
Meeting called to order at 5:34pm.
I. Approval of Last Weeks Minutes: (3.08.10) –approved
II. SUFAC traveled over to Mitchell to talk with Kim about Athletics one-shot requests.
III. Kate is here to talk about one-shot rankings for Student Services and Buildings
a. i. Women’s club hockey needs a goalie helmet at $139.99.
ii. Rec. sports needs a trailer for spare tire carrier and jack for $312.94.
iii. Rec. sports, Athletic training, requested a portable exam table for $315.00.
As of now they are using a normal table, which is unsafe.
iv. the Racquet requested $210.00 for CS4 and scholarship reception asked for
$750.00 for a video presentation. The scholarship reception has seen an
increase in donations since they started using these videos.
v. Club sports requested ground sleeves for Rugby matches for $2011.00.
vi. Men’s soccer club requested 6 soccer balls
vii. Ultimate Frisbee club requested $300.00 for registration fees
viii. Wakeboard and Water ski club requested $1,000 for jump skis.
Discussion: the portable exam table is safer and taller for on site usage. Kate
feels that 1-6, from the list above, are the most important to fund at this time.
b. Motion: to approve the goalie helmet at $140. (Cappozzo /Lauderdale)
Motion Passes
c. Motion to fund the spare tire carrier and jack for $312.94 (Lauderdale /Polzin)
Motion Passes
Discussion: The Foundation should fund the scholarship video presentation. The Racquet
was given money in the past, that wasn’t spent on it due to unforeseen circumstances.
Perhaps SUFAC shouldn’t pay for the full amount of the Ground Sleeves. This isn’t
something that the Rugby team is going to need again anytime soon. Also, you can’t play
a game with you don’t have goals.
d. Motion: to fund scholarship reception at $0. (Dr. Nicklaus /Bennett)
Motion Passes
e. Motion: to approve the Racquet’s computer at the full amount
(Schmidt /Dr. Bryan)
Motion Passes
f. Motion: to approve the Rugby ground sleeves at $2011.00 (Schmidt /Cappozzo)
Motion Passes
Discussion: Shouldn’t Soccer club budget for soccer balls? One-shots should be used for
unforeseen uses, not yearly tournaments. Women’s Volleyball requests travel one-shots
on a yearly basis. SUFAC should consider not funding the jump skis until more
information is provided. The portable exam table should only be used for club sports,
and not part of AT program.
g. Motion: to fund 3 of the 6 soccer balls for club soccer at $112
(Lauderdale / Cappozzo)
Motion Passes
h. Motion: to approve both the women’s volleyball and ultimate Frisbee club at $0
(Dr. Bryan /Schmidt)
Motion Passes
i. Motion: to approve the jump skis at $0 (Schmidt /Cappozzo)
Motion Passes
j. Motion: to approve the portable exam table at $315 (Cappozzo /Bennett)
Motion Passes
The total approved for Student Services is $3,101.00.
IV. Student Association has requested a laptop at $525 for Dell. Also, student services
and buildings has requested $600 for 2 yield signs.
a. There is a concern over the safety for pedestrians crossing streets in high traffic
areas, and the city of La Crosse does not place or maintain portable pedestrian
yield signs. The University Centers and campus meter maids are willing to be
responsible for putting these signs out.
b. Motion: to purchase one walk sign at $350, and not for the computer
(Roland /Dr. Bryan)
Motion Passes
V. Athletics Discussion –the platforms have been in place for close to 40 years.
Remember Athletics did get a 6% increase in their budget for next year. Football does
need more helmets; however, how many more do they really need? SUFAC should not
micro manage where Athletics uses its funding.
a. Since, football knows that they are going to need new helmets on a yearly basis,
they should be budgeting for them.
b. Motion: to give Athletics $10,000 (Lauderdale /Cappozzo)
Motion Passes (7-2)
We should ask Kim about how she will proceed with the projects if we don’t fund them
in full.
VI. Motion: to pass the document as a whole, with the exception of the $10,000 allocated
for Athletics. (Dr. Nicklaus /Bennett)
Motion Passes
VII. Meeting Adjourned at 7:54pm.