Preparing Designated/Auxiliary FY16 Operating Budgets Office of Planning, Budgeting & Analysis


Preparing Designated/Auxiliary

FY16 Operating Budgets

Office of Planning,

Budgeting & Analysis


• The Office of Planning, Budgeting & Analysis

– Dawn Ressel, Associate Vice President

– Ed Wingard, Budget Director

– Debbie Morlock, Budget Analyst

– Kim Rudolph, Budget Analyst

– Pope Ashworth, Data Research & Budget Analyst

• Website:

Seminar   Outline

• Outline

– Develop   a   budget   without   writing   an   operating   plan;  

– Incorporate   detailed   information   into   a   budget;  

– Analyze   historical   and   current   data   to   establish   reasonable   projections;  

– Perform   salary   and   benefit   calculations;  

– Develop   position   budgets   using   new   pay   models;   and  

– Complete   the   required   tabs   on   the   budget   form.

Designated Funds

• Designated for purposes specified by the

Board of Regents or the campus

• Account for entrepreneurial and support activities

• Separately classified to accumulate direct costs and revenues – self-funded

Examples of Designated Funds

• Student Fees (ASUM, Graduation Fee, etc)

• Sales & Service Accounts (Chemistry Store)

• Self-support Activities (Montanan Magazine)

• Instructional/Lab Fees (Cadaver Lab Fee)

• S ponsored P rograms A sset B ased A llocation-


Auxiliary Funds

• Primarily student-related

• Fee-for-service activities

• Self-support activities

• Entrepreneurial activities and

• Investment income

Examples of Auxiliary Funds

• Residence Halls

• Food Services

• Printing & Graphics Services

• Golf Course

• Campus Recreation Center

Gathering Data - Communicate

Gathering Data – How to…

• Tools  

– Operating   Plan   from   previous   fiscal   year

– UMDW   Quarterly   Reports   from   previous   year

– Other   relevant   planning   documents

‐ Contracts

‐ Current   Events

– OPBA   Assumption   Package  

Gathering Data – How to…


• Tools  

– Business   Services,   Human   Resources,   Other  

Departments,   etc.


– Strategic   Plans

– Revenue   and   Expense   –

• UMDW  

• Banner  

• Modeling

– The   Budget   Worksheets

Gathering Data

• Revenue and Expense

– Historical Data

– Revenue - Fee, Sales and Service, SPABA

– Expense – Personnel and Operating

– Significant changes to revenue and expense

• FY16 Pay Plan – Unknown but plan for one

• Health insurance – No change in FY16 but there is a proposed increase of $2,004 person in FY17

• TRS and PERS retirement rates increase 0.1%

• FY16 Enrollment will affect student fee revenues

Gathering Historical Data

Gathering Historical Data

Quarterly Reports

Example Showing Quarter 3

Gathering Data

• Expense

– Payroll Projections – employee roster, pay plan assumptions

• Request Access to the Active Employee Roster in InfoGriz from


– Operating Costs

• Contracted Services

• Supplies

• Communications

• Travel

• Rent

• Utilities

• Repair

• Other Operating (Subscriptions, Scholarships, Meetings, Moving

Expenses, etc)

– Capital Equipment, Debt payments, and Transfers

Budget Worksheets


Payroll Expense Models

• Classified Staff

• Faculty

• Contract Professional & Administrators


Building a Budget

Building a Budget – Help Tab

Completing the Form


• Non-academic Units – April 22, 2015

• Academic Units – April 22, 2015

What happens next?

• Dean or Director reviews and signs the budget

• Signed budget is forwarded to OPBA both the hard copy and most importantly the e-copy.

– A digitally signed copy will work for both.

• OPBA screens the budget for reasonableness.

• Budgets are loaded and available to be viewed in UMDW when FY2016 is active.

Upcoming Events

• General Funds Budget Training

- Late - April


Thank   you!
