Curry Health Center (CHC) Optimal Bear Program Assessment I. Summary

Curry Health Center (CHC)
Optimal Bear Program Assessment
Submitted by Brent Hildebrand, Curry Health Center - Student Wellness Health
Promotion Specialist
I. Summary
From September 5, 2012 to May 22, 2013, CHC Student Wellness collected assessment data from clients
participating in the Optimal Bear peer wellness coaching program during the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013
semesters. Interpretation of the data indicated high levels of client satisfaction as well as improvement in
all measured client performance indicators. There was marked difficulty in collecting exit assessments
from clients, resulting in a smaller data set for pre-post comparison than was anticipated. The information
gleaned from this assessment supports the continuation and expansion of the Optimal Bear program and
warrants continued support from Curry Health Center. Furthermore, anecdotal observations made during
the assessment process have indicated a need for logistical modifications to improve the exit assessment
collection rate.
II. Background Information and Relationship to Strategic Issues
The Optimal Bear peer wellness coaching program was developed by two Health and Human
Performance students interning for CHC Student Wellness during the summer of 2011. This program is
designed to empower University of Montana students to reach their full potential both academically and
personally through one-on-one wellness coaching. The client-coach interaction is based in a motivational
interviewing theory in which the coach facilitates client-directed goal setting and behavior change.
Optimal Bear coaches provide encouragement and quality resources to student clients, as well as a level
of external accountability that enables students to reach their goals.
The Optimal Bear program demonstrates Curry Health Center’s commitment to partnering for student
success through strengthening student support. The program is designed to help students with wellness
factors including but not limited to sleep, stress, nutrition, and physical activity, which influence student
success. Optimal Bear can also help students learn specific skills such as time management methods,
study skills, and stress management techniques that may directly benefit academic performance. Because
of this coaching, the program has the potential to facilitate desired student outcomes, such as increased
upper division retention rates, increased freshman success, increased six-year graduation rates, increased
retention and graduation rates for students in two-year programs, and increased participation in student
success initiatives.
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III. Indicators and Assessment
All incoming Optimal Bear clients were required to complete an intake survey prior to or during their first
session with their wellness coach. Most clients completed the survey remotely via an emailed link to an
online survey hosted by a third party online assessment tool. This survey included questions designed to
provide coaches with pertinent information about client wellness factors, as well as various indicators that
were used in pre-post comparisons. Thirty-nine intake surveys were collected.
Clients who completed the six week program were subsequently asked to complete an exit survey. The
exit survey used the same third party online assessment tool as the intake survey. There was marked
difficulty in ensuring clients completed and submitted the exit assessment. Twenty-three out of 39 exit
surveys were collected making the response rate of exit surveys at 58 percent. Six questions included in
the exit survey were identical to intake survey questions and were used for pre-post analysis. These
questions used a ten-point Likert-type scale. The indicators used for pre-post comparison were frequency
of client lifestyle oriented goal setting, client energy level, client stress level, client sleep quality, client
fatigue, and client motivation/enthusiasm. The other thirteen questions included in the exit survey
addressed client satisfaction with the Optimal Bear program, client satisfaction with their wellness coach,
and overall program success. The end of the survey offered clients an opportunity to provide open-ended
feedback regarding what they learned from the program and what improvements could be made to it.
IV. Findings
Pre-post data comparison demonstrated improvements in all measured indicators. Data was analyzed
twice: with all clients represented (see Table 1, Appendix) and with clients excluded from analysis if their
pre-test score did not indicate significant need for improvement (see Table 2, Appendix). Criteria for
client exclusion was a pre-test score of ≥7 for questions where 10 was a significant problem or ≤4 for
questions where 1 was the significant problem. This differentiation was made in order to exclude from
analysis wellness indicators not likely addressed by the Optimal Bear program per client, based on
information provided by that client in the intake survey. Mean Likert-type scale scores demonstrated prepost improvement for all questions with all clients included in analysis and with clients criterion-excluded
from analysis.
Mean pre- and post-program wellness indicator scores
using a ten point Likert-type scale. All clients included in
analysis. (Note scale directionality)
Q1. How often do you set lifestyle oriented goals?
(1=never, 10=daily)
Q2. Rate your overall energy level: (1=lowest,
Q3. Rate your overall level of stress: (1=lowest,
Q4. During the past month, how would you rate your
overall sleep quality? (1=poorest, 10=highest)
Q5. In the past week, have you had trouble staying
awake while driving or sitting in class or lacked energy
when engaging in social activities? (1=no problem,
10=significant problem)
Mean preprogram
Mean postprogram
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Q6. During the past month, have you felt a lack of
motivation or enthusiasm? (1=no problem,
10=significant problem)
Mean absolute pre-post improvement across all wellness factors
Mean pre- and post-program wellness indicator scores
using a ten point Likert-typre scale. Both pre- and postprogram data were excluded from analysis if pre-test
score was ≥7 or ≤4, depending on what direction was
considered the more positive end of the Likert-type scale.
(Note scale directionality)
Q1. How often do you set lifestyle oriented goals?
(1=never, 10=daily)
Q2. Rate your overall energy level: (1=lowest,
Q3. Rate your overall level of stress: (1=lowest, 10=highest)
Q4. During the past month, how would you rate your
overall sleep quality? (1=poorest, 10=highest)
Q5. In the past week, have you had trouble staying
awake while driving or sitting in class or lacked energy
when engaging in social activities? (1=no problem,
10=significant problem)
Q6. During the past month, have you felt a lack of
motivation or enthusiasm? (1=no problem,
10=significant problem)
Mean preprogram
Mean postprogram
Mean absolute pre-post improvement across all wellness factors
Client satisfaction with the Optimal Bear program and client satisfaction with their wellness coach was
good across all questions. Clients consistently responded with high Likert-type scale scores. Mean
Likert-type scale scores per question ranged from 7.96 to 9.65. The mean Likert-type scale score across
all client satisfaction questions was 8.80. The lowest mean score for the client satisfaction portion of the
exit survey was 7.96 regarding how well clients were able to reach their wellness goals set during the
program. The highest mean score on this portion of the exit survey was 9.65 regarding client overall
experience with the Optimal Bear program. (see Table 3)
Exit assessment data. Mean score on a Likert-type scale of 1-10. Scale directionality for some
questions has been reoriented so that the presented data is directionally similar with 1
representing the most negative end of the scale and 10 representing the most positive end.
Q7. Upon completion of this program do you feel you have a better grasp on your life and
how you can live it to the fullest?
Q8. How helpful were the educational handouts provided by your coach?
Q9. The Health Coach was . . . - Able to answer my questions
Q10. The Health Coach was . . . - Well prepared for each session
Q11. The Health Coach was . . . - Enthusiastic and encouraging to help me reach my goals
Q12. The Health Coach was . . . - Able to provide me with additional support when needed
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Q13. The Health Coach was . . . - Well informed on the topics that were addressed
Q18. How well were you able to reach wellness goals set during the Optimal Bear program?
Q19. How would you rate your overall experience with the Optimal Bear Wellness
Mean score across all client satisfaction questions
Questions 16 and 17 on the exit survey targeted client-perceived program efficacy. These questions asked
clients to respond yes or no to statements about the overall effectiveness of the program. 95.7% of clients
reported that the program increased their awareness of factors that influence their health. 100% of clients
reported they would continue their wellness progression using the tools/techniques/information gained
during their participation in the Optimal Bear program (see Table 4).
Exit assessment data. Clients were asked yes or no questions regarding efficacy. (N=23)
Q16. Did Optimal bear help you increase your awareness of factors that influence
your health?
Q17. Will you continue your wellness progression with the
tools/techniques/information gained from Optimal Bear?
% of clients who
responded “yes”
The exit survey also collected subjective data via open-ended questions and responses from clients.
Providing feedback on these two questions was optional for clients yet a large number of thorough
responses were still collected. These questions asked clients to comment on the most important tools they
learned from the Optimal Bear Program and to provide feedback on how the program could improve (see
Tables 5 & 6).
Q14. What were the most important tools you learned from the program? (all client responses listed)
 How to utilize my time more wisely to make sure my homework gets done and I still have time
for other activities. Daily habits to make sure I'm thinking more positive.
 How to plan to eat healthy.
 Setting up goals.
 How to eat healthier and how to manage my stress by journaling .
 Planning and forgiveness of myself.
 How to manage time, eat healthy on a budget, and incorporate exercise into daily life.
 The calendar with different daily suggestions for distressing and eating healthier and better
sleep. The grocery shopping lists, and the going to the gym! I never realized how stuck I was in
my exercise routine, and underestimating the machines. Most importantly, my wellness
coach confirmed my efforts in stress management were where they needed to be and
encouraged me to just keep at it. The support alone was great, and telling me to stop being so
hard on myself.
 The most important tools I learned was how to stay positive and avoid negative thoughts and
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feels [sic] as much as possible. Also I learned how to use my time better which helped
influence my stress and free time that I could use to socialize.
How to manage time--so that I have time for myself!
Stress relief and goal setting.
strategies for getting enough sleep, understanding where I am/ where I want to be with
different goals (certain quizzes helped), planning tools for time management (urgent/important
sheet, planning each day).
I developed a better grasp for what works for me when setting goals--writing them down.
I found the ideas my help coach helped me come up with very useful. Journaling different
activities like my visits to the gym and having a calendar helped prevent my procrastination. I
enjoyed coming to meet with my health coach every Friday even on a day I was depressed
because I looked forward to keeping on my health goals rather than letting a problem offset my
About thought-stopping, prioritizing, and remembering to put my immediate needs first before
I can help others. Also, that I do have time to exercise, and it makes me feel better.
Simple but profound lifestyle change techniques and making conscientious use of blocks of
unscheduled time in my school & work schedule.
Everything. How important it is to manage my time, focusing on exercise, sleeping, study time,
and stress relievers. Learning to properly schedule my time to focus on my priorities strongly
helped and has taught me a lot by participating in this program.
Goal setting, and to be okay with not meeting goals.
Adding exercise as a goal before subtracting foods.
I believe the most important thing I got from Optimal Bear, was the knowledge on how to
make the changes I am making permanent.
Study techniques. Positive thinking. Overall health tips.
The knowledge of how to set goals for myself in whatever I do.
I learned to respect myself and value who I was as a person and my opinions.
Q15. What can Optimal Bear coaches do to improve their wellness coaching? (all client responses)
 Can't think of anything...!
Nothing comes to mind.
Maybe give more suggestions, and getting more experience by interacting with more students;
not only one student per coach.
They don't need improving.
Hire me after graduation.
I can't think of anything I would change. It was better than I could have hoped for.
I thought the wellness coach did an amazing job. I can't think of anything to change.
Everything was great, no improvement needed.
Nothing I can particularly think of!
Come up with quiz directed at assessing organizational strategies (i.e. what a healthy level of
organization in different areas of life might look like and to what extent I fit that). That might
be helpful at the beginning in figuring out areas I don't even realize I'm not helping myself in.
Beth was great, and I can't think of anything she didn't do that could have been helpful.
I’d love to have more weekly handouts. Or to look at an Optimal Bear blog. I realize that
Optimal Bear is only a 6 week health coaching session, however, for those that finish the
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program, having a blog with new topics daily would help us keep on track.
I felt I might have been treating my health coach like a therapist most of the time. I think she
picked up on that and encouraged me to make an appointment at CAPS. I wonder if all other
health coaches had similar situations, and if so, encouragement to seek out counseling from a
professional is so helpful. Or will Optimal Bear be able to hire/support licensed counselors?
I honestly had a fantastic experience--I just want Optimal Bear to continue as a program so that
more students like myself can see such encouraging and profound success in achieving their
long-term goals for better well-being and greater success in their lives.
Beth was fantastic! I loved all the handouts that she had supplied me with.
I really don't know!
I thought it was pretty good. Not sure what needs to change.
I honestly cannot think of one thing that can be done to make this program better. I have
learned so much from Optimal Bear.
I am not too sure.
I loved this and I would love to do it every week for the rest of college, I think it has changed
my life tremendously and I'm sad it’s only 5 weeks.
V. Recommendations
The data collected in this assessment has proved to be highly valuable in decision making and planning
for the future of the Optimal Bear program. Historically, The Student Wellness office has applied an
environmental, population-based approach to the vast majority of its health promotion strategy. Though
including interpersonal level programming like Optimal Bear was a shift in practice for the Student
Wellness office, the need for wellness programming specifically targeting higher risk students was
apparent. Since its establishment, the budding program had been in somewhat of a trial phase, with its
future depending partly on client feedback and wellness indicator improvement noted by this assessment.
The foremost recommendation based on the data collected in this assessment is that the Optimal Bear
program be continued into the future with support from Curry Health Center. Marked improvements in
client performance indicators and highly positive subjective feedback clearly demonstrate partnering for
student success and validate the program’s ability to strengthen student support at the University of
Montana. Because of Optimal Bear’s close alignment to this important aspect of UM’s strategic plan,
Curry Health Center will look to expand the time and resources put into the program so that it may reach
a greater number of students during the 2013-2014 school year.
Based on anecdotal evidence collected during the assessment process, the program will also make
modifications to assessment procedure and information gathered on the intake survey. Clients will be
asked on the intake survey to provide information for a preferred form of contact. This information should
expedite scheduling Optimal Bear sessions and will improve communication between coaches and clients.
This enhanced communication should also increase the return rate of the exit survey, thus allowing for
further assessment that is representative of a higher percentage of Optimal Bear Clients in the future.
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Appendix (cont.)
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Appendix (cont.)
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