Introducing German Lesson 7 CONTENT: colors adjectives numbers months seasons birthdays OBJECTIVE: students will be able to identify objects students will start describing objects using adjectives students will use numbers to talk about birthdays MATERIALS: color cards crayons list of months [overhead] Das Deutschbuch: pp. 8, 10-11 PROCEDURE: A. Review (approx. 5 min) Greet students using the expressions you introduced in the last session. Shake hands with students: Guten Tag. Ich bin (your name). Wer bist du? Wie geht's? Introduce: toll/ gut / schlecht / miserabel/ etc. as answers. B. Review Numbers (approx. 10 min) Review numbers 1-100 with the students: Practice counting from 1-20 with the whole group (one student says 1 (eins), the next 2 (zwei), and so on. Then play Autsch! again: Count from 1-35 with the whole group, instead of numbers containing 3s, the students have to say Autsch! [ to make it more difficult, you can also add numbers containing 7s. You can start with all students standing up. Those who make mistakes have to sit down. After each mistake, you start over again with 1. Make sure to count as quickly as possible. Speed makes this more fun!! C. Colors (approx. 10 min) Begin by writing the following colors on the board: blau/ weiß/ rot/ schwarz grün/ braun/ orange/ lila gelb/ rosa/ golden/ silber/ grau 17 Introducing German Pronounce each word and have the students repeat after you. Then have the students guess the English equivalents. Using color cards, ask the students questions: Ist das grün? Blau? Welche Farbe ist das? Using objects in the classroom, ask the students questions: Das ist eine Tür. Welche Farbe hat die Tür? After the students give the right answer, repeat after them: Sehr gut. Jawohl, die Tür ist ___. If they give the wrong answer ask: Ist das wirklich ___? [Occasionally, you can give the wrong answer, thereby triggering a Das ist falsch! response. If there is no such response, you can point at the upset smiley and encourage the students to correct you.] Point at an object in the classroom asking: Ist der Tisch blau? There are two possible answers, and you might have to model them for the students a couple of times: Ja, der Tisch ist blau. or Nein, der Tisch ist nicht blau. Der Tisch ist braun. Have students color the soccer team on page 10 of Das Deutschbuch. (1= schwaz, 2=gelb, 3=grün, 4=lila, 5=blau, 6=grau, 7=rot, 8=braun, 9=rosa, 10=orange, 11=weiß) D. Families (approx. 10 min) Go over the members of Familie Berg and fill out the blanks (Seite 11 Das Deutschbuch). Ask students to draw a family tree about Familie Berg. E. Months and Seasons (approx. 5 min) Separate the students into four groups - one for each season. [*** You could bring 4 pictures, one for each season. A snow scene for winter, a beach scene for summer, etc. ***] Then say the months together - have them repeat after you first. After you have gone through the months several times together, have each season (group) say its months while in some way acting out the season. Go through the months again like this and then switch so that each group has a chance to act out all of the seasons. Then have them draw lines from the months to the corresponding seasons on page 8 of Das Deutschbuch. 18 Introducing German F. Birthdays (approx. 5 min) Ask different students "Wann hast du Geburtstag? You might need to model: Ich habe Geburtstag im Januar. Wann hast du Geburtstag? Ask everyone with a birthday in ____ to stand. If they seem to be getting this, ask them when their parents' birthdays are: Wann hat deine Mutter/ dein Vater Geburtstag? [*** It is more grammatically accurate to say Ich habe im Mai Geburtstag. but Geburtstag might get lost if they put it at the end of the sentence. ***] G. Auf Wiedersehen Song (approx. 5 min) Sing the Auf Wiederseh'n song with students. 19