OUTREACH NOTICE 2- Handcrew Supervisor Positions on the PAYETTE NATIONAL FOREST

2- Handcrew Supervisor Positions on the
The Payette National Forest will be advertising two Supervisory Forestry Technician– Handcrew
Supervisor; one on the Krassel Ranger District, the other on the McCall Ranger District. Duty Stations for
both positions will be in McCall, Idaho.
Vacancy Announcement #:
McCall position: OCR-14-462-HANDCREW(H) - 7/8G
OCR-14-462-HANDCREW(H) - 7/8DP
Krassel position: OCR-14-462-HANDCREW(M) - 7G
OCR-14-462-HANDCREW(M) - 7DP
Apply Online: www.usajobs.gov
This initial notification is being circulated to inform prospective applicants of these upcoming job
opportunities and to determine interest in these positions. These are Open Continuous vacancy
announcements with no closing date. Those that wish to be considered for the positions must apply to
the vacancy announcement by 24 November 2013. The Referral Lists for these positions will be issued
to the selecting official in early December. All applicants who have applied to the announcements on or
before the listed dates and are found to be qualified and in the quality group will be referred for
consideration. Interested applicants should contact the Zone personnel listed below.
McCall Handcrew Position Description:
This position will serve as the Handcrew Supervisor on a Wildland Fire Module supporting Central Zone
and Forest Fire Management programs. The series/Grade for this position is GS-0462-07/08. The tour of
duty is 18/8. The primary responsibility of this position is to provide critical operational leadership and
preparedness oversight of the module. The Supervisor will serve as a technical specialist in the area of
wildland fire management and associated module and fire line leadership. The Supervisor also performs
the administrative and HR management functions of the module. Although the primary expectation for
this position is to serve as an experienced leader in a variety of field operations, the Supervisor is also
expected to support Forest and Zone fire management responsibilities that include a wide range of firerelated training. The Payette National Forest treats on average 5000 acres per year with prescribed fire
and this position will be expected to assist the prescribed fire program with roles that include Prescribed
Fire Burn Boss (RXB2), Firing Boss, and Fire Effects Monitor. In support of the Forest fuels program this
position is also expected to prepare prescribed fire burn plans, aid with site preparation and
implementation of monitoring plans. This is an FS-FPM identified position and the incumbent will need
to meet the requirements of CRWB and ICT5 and qualify as a GS-7/8.
Interested applicants should contact Rob Morrow (McCall AFMO) at (208) 634-0411(office), 208-6303526(cell). Email at: rmorrow@fs.fed.us .
Krassel Handcrew Position Description:
This position will serve as a Handcrew Supervisor on a 5 person IA module for the East Zone of the
Payette National Forest. The Series/Grade for this position is GS-0462-07, tour of duty is 18/8, and the
Duty Station for this position will be McCall, Idaho. This module is new to the zone and has just
completed the first season. In addition to the Crew Supervisor there is a GS-5 Lead crew and 3 temps
that staff the module. During the fire season the crew is located at a remote work center, power is
generated on site, radio and satellite phones are the means of communication. There is limited internet
access. The small community of Yellow Pine is a 45 minute drive away, with very minimal services.
McCall is between 1 ½ and 2 ½ hour drive away depending on road conditions. Government housing is
available on site. The crew is expected to support the Zone and the Forest’s fire needs including
suppression, prescribed fire, resource benefit fires, and Payette Regular crew mobilization off- Forest.
Additionally, the crew will help other functional areas on the District such as Recreation, Fuels, and
Wildlife. The primary responsibility of this position is to supervise and provide leadership to the module.
The incumbent will also be responsible for HR and administrative issues regarding the module. The
supervisor will be expected to participate in, and develop training curriculum, schedule and plan daily
work, and assist Zone fire leadership in meeting the needs and goals of the organization. This is an FSFPM identified position and the incumbent will need to meet the requirements of ICT5 and FFT1 and
qualify as a GS-7.
Interested applicants should contact Forrest Behm (Krassel AFMO) at (208) 634-0951 or (208) 634-9410
(cell), Email at: fbehm@fs.fed.us .
Additional Information for both positions:
These are primary firefighter positions under the provisions of 5USC 8336 (c) (CSRS) and 84129(d)
(FERS). Prior wildland firefighting experience is required.
WORK CAPACITY TEST (WCT) for Wildland Firefighters: These positions participate in wildland
firefighting activities. Based on the type of work performed, taking and PASSING the WCT at the
ARDUOUS level is a “condition of employment”.
Location Information:
The Payette National Forest spans 2.3 million acres of rugged,
timbered and remote land in west-central Idaho, and is bordered by two of the deepest canyons in
North America—the Salmon River Canyon on the north and the Hells Canyon of the Snake River on the
west. The topography is characterized by rough mountains, deep canyons, mountain meadows, rivers
and streams, high mountain lakes, and wilderness. One can easily access hot, desert-like areas as well
as heavily-forested alpine regions through an extensive system of Forest roads and trails. The Forest has
five ranger districts that offer a wealth of year-round recreation and tourism opportunities. The
Supervisor’s Office, McCall RD, and Krassel RD offices are located in McCall, ID, with New Meadows RD
11 miles to the west in New Meadows. A modest home in the area can be purchased for $150,000 and
up, rentals are $600-$1200 per month.
Community Information:
McCall is located in Valley County, 100 miles north of Boise on State
Highway 55. The primary employment base comprises the recreation industry and government
agencies. At an elevation of 5,000 feet, the town is located on the south shore of beautiful glacierformed Payette Lake. As a resort and second home destination area, the population increases from
2,700 in the winter to 10,000 in the summer.
McCall and New Meadows are popular destinations for tourists, summer homeowners, and summer and
winter recreationists. Snow falls November through April. The total annual snowfall average is ten feet,
but less than five feet remains on the ground at any given time.
Recreational opportunities are numerous in the McCall and New Meadows Area. These opportunities
include fishing, in tributaries of the Salmon River, and high mountain lakes, for species including Small
Mouth Bass, Rainbow Trout, Steelhead, and King Salmon. Skiing opportunities include alpine and Nordic
skiing at two ski areas and backcountry on the Forest. Other recreation opportunities include hunting,
hiking, snowmobiling, and hockey. McCall is rated the number two snowmobile destination in Idaho
and is famous for its winter carnival and snow sculpture contest. The Little Ski Hill, located five minutes
from McCall, is known for its youth ski programs and Nordic skiing. Brundage Mountain Ski Area is
located between McCall and New Meadows. Ponderosa State Park, adjacent to McCall, provides public
access to nature trails, groomed Nordic ski trails, swimming beaches, campsites, interpretive programs
and a visitor’s center.
All of the usual services are available in McCall, including a 12-bed hospital, 11 local physicians, regular
visiting specialists from Boise, physical, occupational and speech therapies, two eye clinics, and four
dental offices. Both communities offer Public schools include elementary, middle school (6th-8th), and
high school. Most extracurricular activities are included through the school system.
More detailed information about the McCall area can be obtained from these sites:
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Payette National Forest
Krassel and McCall Ranger Districts
Handcrew Supervisor Positions
If you are interested in this position please complete this form send to the appropriate AFMO:
Forrest Behm
East Zone AFMO (Krassel)
208-634-0951 office
208-634-9410 cell
208-634-0955 fax
Rob Morrow
Central Zone AFMO (McCall)
208-634-0411 office
208-630-3526 cell
208-347-0309 fax
Current title/series/grade/location:
IQCS Qualifications:
Briefly describe why you will be a quality candidate for this position: