1 -Application forIsle Royale National Park Volunteers in Parks Program *********************************************************** Instructions: Please answer all questions that apply to the positions you are interested in. If you need more space, attach additional sheets. You may submit a resume, but please provide answers to all questions that are not covered in your resume. Completed application and resume must be returned (mail or email,) by MARCH 15 to: Volunteer Program Coordinator Isle Royale National Park 800 East Lakeshore Drive Houghton, Michigan 49931 email to: liz_valencia@nps.gov For more information or assistance call 906-487-7153 ************************************************************** Please mark each position you are interested in being considered for: [ ]Interpretation and Visitor Services [ ] Natural Resources 1. Name:____________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Initial 2. a. Current Address: Current phone: b. Permanent address (if different): Permanent phone: Email address: At which address and phone number can you be reached from March 15 to April 15? [ ] Current [ ] Permanent [ ] Other, explain. 3. Date of birth ___/___/____ 4. College or university attended or currently attending; date of graduation, (if applicable). 5. College major(s) and minor(s) (if applicable). 2 6. List the names of two individuals who can act as character references. Please include a current telephone number. a. NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: b. NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: 7. If you have had first aid, CPR, or emergency care training, please indicate level and date of certification. 8. Describe experience backpacking, camping, canoeing, kayaking, or in other outdoor recreation activities. Please include any Leave No Trace training/experience. 9. Work experience - Paid full-time or part-time jobs and previous volunteer experience. Please describe your position(s) and duties. (Use additional sheet or resume if necessary.) 10. What are your qualifications/experience in the following subject areas? (Use additional sheet or resume if necessary.) A. Ecology/forestry/biology field work and sampling techniques. B. Ornithology, wildlife management, fisheries, etc. 3 C. Using field and laboratory instruments and computer equipment (describe computer applications and programs). D. Working independently in an outdoor/backcountry environment. E. Computer skills and training. F. Library science experience and organizational abilities. G. Visitor education and interpretation, public contact, public speaking, etc. H. Historical research, Cultural resources management , museum methods. I. Small boat handling, canoeing, kayaking, powerboat experience, etc. J. Search and rescue (land and water), emergency medical or other emergency incident experience and training. 4 K. Trail and campground construction and maintenance, use of hand and power tools. L. Carpentry, construction, electrical, and other maintenance skills. M. Foreign language skills. 11. Describe any hobbies and other interests/activities. 12. Why do you want to participate in Isle Royale National Park's Volunteer-in-Parks Program?