MATH 1100-002 Quantitative Analysis Spring 2012 Instructor:

MATH 1100-002
Quantitative Analysis
Spring 2012
Instructor: Megan Gorringe
Office: LCB 306
Office Hour: TBD, or by appointment
General Course Information:
Location: BEH S 115
Time: MWF 10:45-11:35
Course Webpage:
Textbook: Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences by Harshbarger and
Prerequisites: MATH 1090 or MATH 1050 (with a grade of C or better)
Course Description
This course will cover limits, derivatives, definite and indefinite integrals, and functions of two or more variables. It
is essentially a first course in calculus with applications to business and social sciences.
Homework and Quizzes
Homework problems will be assigned for each section that is covered in the book and will be regularly updated in
the course outline which can be found on the course webpage. Learning mathematics is a process and requires
practice in order to gain understanding. As such, it is important that you take the time to complete the homework
and take the time to show all of the work involved in finding an answer. Homework will be graded based on
completion which means showing your work along with the answer. I encourage you to check your homework
with one another and with the back of the book but please ensure that your work is your own. Homework
assignments will be due every Wednesday in class. Late assignments will not be accepted! If you will be absent
the day that an assignment is due you must turn it in to me before the class in which it is due.
Each Wednesday there will also be a quiz on the material covered in that homework assignment that should take
approximately 15 minutes to complete. Quizzes will not be excused due to absences or lateness so please be
prompt and present. Unless otherwise stated, you will be allowed to use your homework on your quizzes so it is to
your advantage to do your homework thoroughly and completely. Quizzes will be graded for correctness and your
understanding of the material. It is important that you show all your work as partial credit will be awarded for
correct steps even if your final answer is incorrect. Your lowest quiz score for the semester will be dropped and
will not count toward your final grade. Homework assignments are to be stapled to your quiz and turned in at the
completion of the quiz.
There will be three midterms along with a comprehensive final exam. The midterms will cover the material
specified in the course outline. All dates for tests can be found in the course outline as well. Again, it is essential
that you show all your work. Credit will not be given without the proper work and partial credit may be awarded if
you show correct steps even if you do not obtain the correct answer.
Your final grade will be comprised of the following: Homework 10%, Quizzes 15%, Midterms 15% each, Final 30%.
Tutoring and Extra Help
As you most likely know, mathematics is a sequential learning process where new concepts are constantly built out
of previous concepts covered during the course. As such, it is important that you obtain help if you become
confused or are struggling with any concepts that we cover in class. The math tutoring center is available free of
charge to all University students. It is located in the Rushing Student Center and is open M-TH, 8 AM-8 PM, and F,
8 AM-6 PM. Please take advantage of the tutoring center as needed throughout the semester. Also, please make
use of my office hours or schedule a time to meet with me individually. If you stay on top of the materials and
obtain extra help when needed, you will have a much more enjoyable learning experience.
Course Policies
Unless specifically noted, no calculators will be allowed during tests or quizzes. As such, it is strongly
recommended that you complete your homework without calculators.
Cheating will not be tolerated at any time during this course. Any student found cheating will receive a zero for
the assignment or test on which the cheating occurred. In addition, this will be reported to the Dean of Students.
Students will be notified of any changes to course policies or course outline if they arise throughout the semester.
ADA Statement
The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with
disabilities. If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center
for Disability Services, 162 Union Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make
arrangements for accommodations.