1 Instructor: Carl Mallory E-mail:

COSC 1601-30
Introduction to Electronic Word Processing – Microsoft Word 2003
Instructor: Carl Mallory
E-mail: cmallory@taft.org
Telephone/Voice Mail: 763-7858
Office Hours by appointment only
Catalog Description
This course is an introduction to electronic word processing in the Microsoft
Windows environment and will help the student prepare for the Microsoft
Office User Specialist Certification Exam. Students will learn the operation
and features of Microsoft Word to solve common problems in the business
Advisory: Eligibility for English 50 & 54 strongly recommended; 16 hours
lecture; 24 hours lab for a total of 40 hours.
Text and Required Materials
Textbook: Microsoft Word 2003 Complete Concepts and Techniques by
Shelly, Cashman, and Quasney. (ISBN: 1-4188-4356-3) The text is available
in the college bookstore and online from a number of sources. You will
need to purchase the textbook.
Required materials: Two 3 ½” floppy diskettes OR a USB flash drive. These
materials will allow you to work on any computer which has MS Word 2003
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful course completion, you will be able to utilize Microsoft Office
Word 2003 to complete the following tasks with a high degree of accuracy
and efficiency:
Enter, edit, move, and copy text and formats.
Check and edit spelling and grammar errors.
Save documents to hard drives or other media.
Modify paragraph, tab, and text spacing selections.
Create research papers, add footnotes/endnotes and cite works used
in the document.
Apply styles and look up synonyms.
Insert clip art and graphics.
Insert and format tables and charts.
Preview and print documents.
Modify document summaries.
Insert an existing Word document into a new document.
Create character styles and add bullets and numbered lists.
Add watermarks and backgrounds.
Create and modify form letters and client lists and generate form
letters, envelopes and labels.
Create newsletters using WordArt, borders for ruling lines and page
Link one part of a document to another.
Create, modify, and position floating graphics.
Insert text boxes and pull quotes.
Group graphic objects.
Grading Policy
Your final course grade will be based upon assignments (75%) and an exam
(25%). Your grade will be determined by the percentage of the points you
earn divided by the total number of points possible. If a letter grade is not
important to you, consider taking the class for credit/no credit grading.
Grading Scale
I will grade submitted assignments as quickly as possible.
Late Assignment Acceptance Policy
All activities must be submitted by 11:30 p.m. Pacific Time of the due date
listed on the class calendar. I will accept late assignments submitted within
one week of the original due date. There will be a 10% point reduction
assessed for missing the original due date. I will not accept activities
submitted more than one week past the original due date. All activities must
be completed and submitted by 11:30 p.m. Pacific Time of the last day of
Incomplete Policy
I will assign a grade of Incomplete (I) ONLY when extenuating
circumstances beyond your control prevent you from completing the
course AND you’ve been making satisfactory progress prior to the
event. Extenuating circumstances include illness, accidents, death in the
family, etc. Please contact me if any of these circumstances apply.
Attendance Policy
This is a short-term class and time will pass very quickly. Regular
attendance will greatly contribute to successful course completion.
If you do not submit your first assignment by the submission deadline listed
on the class calendar, I will assume you do not wish to remain in attendance
and will drop you from the class. If there’s a problem and you’re not able to
submit your first assignment by the deadline but wish to remain in the class,
contact me to let me know your intention.
Once I’ve made the initial drops, it will be YOUR responsibility to drop the
class. If you don’t wish to remain in the class, contact the Counseling Center
to initiate the process of withdrawing from the class. Failure to do so may
result in a failing grade. Consult the class calendar for drop deadlines.
Academic Honesty Policy
You are expected to submit your own work in this class. I do not
assign “group” projects. It is NEVER acceptable to submit another student’s
work as your own or permit another student to submit your work as his or
her own. Instances of academic dishonesty will result in loss of assignment
points for ALL parties involved and WILL have a negative impact upon your
Consult the calendar for drop deadlines and the deadline for electing
credit/no credit grading.
Spring 2009 Class Calendar
Jan 20
Start of class
Jan 27
Last day to drop and receive a tuition refund
Jan 27
Project 1 due
Jan 29
Last day for No Notation drop
Feb 4
Project 2 due
Feb 4
Last day for Pass/No Pass election
Feb 12
Project 3 due
Feb 13,
Holidays – Computer lab closed
Feb 20
Project 4 due
Feb 24
Last day for “W” drop
Feb 27
Project 5 due
Mar 6
Project 6 due
Mar 12
Final Project due
Mar 13
End of class
Project 1: Creating and Editing a Word Document
Upon successful completion of the Project 1 learning activities you will be
able to:
Start and quit Word
Describe the Word window
Enter text into a document
Check spelling as you type
Save a document
Format text and paragraphs
Undo and redo commands or actions
Insert clip art into a document
Print a document
Open a document
Correct errors in a document
Use the Word Help feature
Project 1 Activities
First, read through the chapter before beginning your work. Then follow the
step-by-step instructions from pg WD 4 to WD 66 to create the sample
documents. You may print them but do not submit for grading.
Complete In the Lab 1 – Creating an Announcement with Clip Art
(pages WD 67 & WD 68).
Make the following modifications to this assignment:
Follow the instructions below to add your name to the document as a
right-aligned header.
o Select View on the menu bar
o Select the Header and Footer option
o Press the Tab key two times
o Type your full name (first and last)
o Click the Close button on the Header and Footer toolbar to return to
the document.
Save the document as Costume Ball. Print one page per Task 16 to
Complete In the Lab 2-Creating an Announcement with Resized
Clip Art (pages WD 68 & WD 69)
Add your name to the document as a right-aligned header.(Use the
instructions in Item 1 to accomplish this task.)
Save the document as Health Clinic. Print one page per Task 15 to
Submit two pages in one packet for grading.
Project 2: Creating a Research Paper
Upon successful completion of the Project 2 learning activities you will be
able to:
Describe the MLA documentation style for research papers
Change the margin settings and line spacing in a document
Use a header to number pages of a document
Apply formatting using shortcut keys
Modify paragraph indentation
Add a footnote to a document
Count the words in a document
Insert a manual page break
Create a hyperlink
Sort selected paragraphs
Proof and revise a document
Display the Web page associated with a hyperlink
E-mail a copy of a document
Use the Research task pane to locate information
Project 2 Learning Activities
First, read through the chapter before beginning your work. Then follow the
step-by-step instructions from pg WD 76 to WD 129 to create the sample
documents. You may print them but do not submit for grading.
Complete In the Lab 1: Preparing a Short Research Paper (pages
WD 130 & WD 131).
Make the following changes to this assignment:
o Insert your last name in place of “Marks” in the document’s header.
o Type your full name in place of “Nicholas Marks” when entering the
name and course information.
o Save the document as System Unit Paper.
o Print three pages per Task 12 to submit
Complete Part 1 of In the Lab 2 – Preparing a Research Report
with a Footnote(s) (Pages WD 132 & WD 133)
Make the following modifications to this assignment:
o Type your last name in place of “Mills” in the document’s header.
o Type your full name in place of “Francis Mills” when entering the
name and course information.
o When entering the citations in Step 3, don’t forget to format the
citations properly. (Use the citations displayed in Figure 2-80c on
page WD 131 as an example.) Sort the citations after you’ve entered
them so they display in alphabetical order.
o Omit Parts 2 and 3 on page WD 133. Complete ONLY Part 1 of this
o Save the research paper as Employee Monitoring.
o Print three pages per part one, task 7 to submit.
Submit six pages in one packet for grading.
Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with
a Table
Upon successful completion of the Project 3 learning activities you will be
able to:
Create a resume using Word’s Resume Wizard
Fill in a document template
Use print preview to view and print a document
Set and use tab stops
Collect and paste using the Clipboard task pane
Format paragraphs and characters
Remove formatting from text
Identify the components of a business letter
Insert the current date
Create and insert an AutoText entry
Insert a Word table, enter data into the table, and format the table
Address and print an envelope
Work with smart tags
Modify file properties
Project 3 Learning Activities
First, read through the chapter before beginning your work. Then follow the
step-by-step instructions from pg WD 138 to WD 198 to create the sample
documents. You may print them but do not submit for grading.
Complete In the Lab 1: Using Word’s Resume Wizard to Create a
Resume (page WD 199).
Make sure you use line breaks (SHIFT+ENTER) instead of paragraph
breaks (ENTER) as directed in #2.
Make the following changes to this assignment:
o Insert your name in the resume in place of “Leah A. Malone”.
o Save the document as Malone Resume.
o Print one page per Task 5 to submit
Complete In the Lab 2: Creating a Cover Letter with a Table (Pages
WD 199 & WD 200)
Make the following modifications to this assignment:
o Type your name in the letterhead and signature block in place of
Leah Abigail Malone.
o Save the document as Malone Cover Letter.
o Print one page per Task 5 to submit
Submit 2 pages in one packet for grading.
Skip the Word Web Feature on pages WD 205 to WD 216.
Project 4: Creating a Document with a Table, Chart, and Watermark
Upon successful completion of the Project 4 learning activities you will be
able to:
Add a border and shading to a paragraph
Center page contents vertically on a page
Insert a section break
Insert a Word document into an open document
Create and format a header and footer different from the previous
header and footer
Modify and format a Word table
Sum columns in a table using the AutoSum button
Select and format nonadjacent text
Create a chart from a Word table and modify the chart in Microsoft
Add picture bullets to a list
Create and apply a character style
Use the Draw Table feature to create a table
Insert a text watermark
Reveal formatting
Project 4 Learning Activities
First, read through the chapter before beginning your work. Then follow the
step-by-step instructions from pg WD 217 to WD 288 to create the sample
documents. You may print them but do not submit for grading.
Complete In the Lab 1: Creating a Proposal that Uses the Draw
Table Feature (pages WD 289 & WD 290).
Make the following changes to this assignment:
o Add your name to the body of the document (NOT the title page) as
a right-aligned header. (Review pages WD 246-WD 248 in your
textbook regarding creating a header different from the previous
section header.)
o Save the document as Costume Barn.
o Print two pages per Task 4 to submit
Complete In the Lab 2: Creating a Proposal that Contains Clip Art
from the Web and a Chart (Pages WD 291 & WD 292)
Make the following modifications to this assignment:
o Add your name to the body of the document (NOT the title page) as
a right-aligned header. Review pages WD 246-WD 248 in your
textbook regarding creating a header different from the previous
section header.
o If necessary, substitute the clip art displayed in Figure 4-97a on page
WD 291 with an appropriate clip. Resize the clip to approximate the
size of the clip in Figure 4-97a.
o Save the document as Peerless.
o Print two pages per Task 4 to submit
Submit four pages in one packet for grading.
Project 5: Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and Directories
Upon successful completion of the Project 5 learning activities you will be
able to:
Explain the merge process
Use the Mail Merge task pane and the Mail Merge toolbar
Use a letter template
Insert and format an AutoShape on a drawing canvas
Create and edit a data source
Explain the terms data record and data field
Edit a field format
Insert and edit merge fields in a main document
Use an IF field in a main document
Create an outline numbered list
Merge and print form letters
Selectively merge and print form letters
Sort data records
Address and print mailing labels and envelopes
Merge all data records to a directory
Change page orientation
Modify table properties
Project 5 Learning Activities
First, read through the chapter before beginning your work. Then follow the
step-by-step instructions from pg WD 298 to WD 366 to create the sample
documents. You may print them but do not submit for grading.
Complete In the Lab 1: Creating a Form Letter, Data Source,
Mailing Labels, and Directory (pages WD 367 & WD 368).
Note: There will be three separate submissions for this project
(merged letters, mailing labels, and directory).
Create the form letter and data source. (Steps 1 through 7 on
pages WD 367 & WD 368 of your textbook.)
Make the following changes to the textbook assignment instructions:
o If you don’t have the Stencil font used in the AutoShape text, please
substitute with a similar font. (I used 24-point Rockwell Extra Bold.)
o Enter your name in the signature block instead of “Ray Fleishner”.
o Change the body of the letter to 16-point Harlow Solid Italic (there’s
a typo in the textbook) or a similar font. Include the date line,
address block, greeting line, complimentary closing, and signature
block when modifying the font type and size.
o Instead of merging to print the letters (Task 7 in your textbook),
follow the directions below to merge the form letters to a new
• Click the Merge to New Document button on the Mail Merge
• Click All.
• If you receive an error message regarding “locked fields”, ignore
it. Click within the new document window and the letters will
• Save the new merged letter file (it will contain ALL five of your
letters) with the file name TLC Letters.
• Print the five letters to submit
Create the TLC Auto Care Mailing Labels (Step 8 on page WD
Make the following modifications to the textbook assignment
o Use 5160-Address for the Product number of the mailing labels. (See
Figure 3-75 on page WD 346.)
o Instead of merging to print the mailing labels, follow the directions
below to merge the labels to a new document
• Click the Merge to New Document button on the Mail Merge
toolbar. (If the Mail Merge toolbar is not displayed, click Tools on
the menu bar, point to Letters and Mailings, and then click Show
Mail Merge Toolbar.)
• When the Merge to New Document dialog box displays, if
necessary, click All.
• Click the OK button.
• If you receive an error message regarding “locked fields”, ignore
it. Click within the new document window and the letters will
• Save the new document displaying your mailing labels with the file
name TLC Labels.
• Print one page to submit.
Create the TLC Auto Care directory. (Steps 9-13 on page WD
Make the following modifications to the textbook assignment
o Instead of merging to print the directory, follow the steps above to
merge to new document.
o Save the document as TCL Directory.
o Print the directory to submit
Complete In the Lab 2: Creating a Form Letter with an IF Field
and an Outline Numbered List (pages WD 369 - WD 371).
Note: There will be three separate submissions for this project
(merged letters, mailing labels, and directory).
Create the form letter and data source. (Steps 1 through 7 on
pages WD 369 & WD 370 of your textbook.)
Make the following changes to the textbook assignment instructions:
o Enter your name in the signature block instead of “Roberta Jeffries”.
o Include the date line, address block, greeting line, complimentary
closing, and signature block when modifying the font type and size. If
you don’t have the Footnote MT Light font, keep the text in Times
New Roman but increase the font size to 12-point.
o Ignore the instruction to insert 6 points above the date line.
o Instead of merging to print, follow the directions above to merge the
form letters to a new document.
o Save the merged letter document (it will contain ALL five of your
letters) with the file name Global Letters.
o Print the five letters to submit
Create the Global Coffee Club Mailing Labels (Step 8 on page WD
Make the following modifications to the textbook assignment
o Use 5160-Address for the Product number of the mailing labels. (See
Figure 3-75 on page WD 346.)
o Instead of printing the mailing labels, follow the directions above to
merge the labels to a new document.
o Save the new document displaying your mailing labels with the file
name Global Labels.
o Print the labels to submit.
Create the Global Coffee Club directory. (Steps 10-13 on pages
WD 370 & WD 371)
Make the following modifications to the textbook assignment
o Instead of merging to print, follow the directions above to merge the
form letters to a new document.
o Save the new document displaying your directory as TLC Directory.
o Print the directory to submit.
Submit 14 pages as one packet for grading.
Project 6: Creating a Professional Newsletter
Upon successful completion of the Project 6 learning activities you will be
able to:
Create and format a WordArt drawing object
Insert a symbol into a document
Insert and format a floating graphic
Format a document into multiple columns
Format a character as a drop cap
Insert a column break
Place a vertical rule between columns
Insert and format a text box
Use the Paste Special command to link items in a document
Balance columns
Insert and format a diagram
Use the Format Painter button
Add a page border
Enhance a document for online viewing
Project 6 Learning Activities
First, read through the chapter before beginning your work. Then follow the
step-by-step instructions from pg WD 377 to WD 449 to create the sample
documents. You may print them but do not submit for grading.
Complete In the Lab 2: Creating a Newsletter with a Diagram and
an Article on File (pages WD 451 & WD 452).
Make the following changes to this assignment:
o Add your name to the issue information line of the newsletter. Enter
Monthly Newsletter by “your name” (substitute your name in place
of “your name”).
o Save the document as Northside.
o Print two pages per Task 14 to submit.
Complete In the Lab 3: Creating a Newsletter from Scratch (Pages
WD 453 & WD 454)
Make the following modifications to this assignment:
o Add your name to the issue information line of the newsletter. Enter
Monthly Newsletter by “your name” (substitute your name in place
of “your name”).
o Save the new document as Chatter.
o Print two pages per Task 12 to submit.
Submit four pages as one packet for grading.
Skip the Word Collaboration Feature.