WORKSHOPS For Research Instruction (936) 261-1535 2014 Room 108 John B. Coleman Library Kimberly Gay, Reference and Instruction Librarian (Agriculture, Business, Communications, Education, History, Human Sciences, Journalism, Juvenile Justice, Languages & Literature, Nursing, Political Science, Sociology & Social Work, and University College) @ John B. Coleman Library For questions or help contact the Reference desk or or call at (936) 261-1535 (936) 261-1506 Library Administration Room 207 (936) 261-1500 Chieko Sato Reference and Instruction Librarian Circulation (936) 261-1542 (Art and Architecture, Community Development, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Government Docs, and ROTC ) Periodically, the Reference Department conducts research oriented, discipline-specific workshops on topics of interest to both undergraduate and graduate students. Check the library website for when these workshops are scheduled. Reference (936) 261-1535 Northwest Houston Campus (713) 790-7282 (936) 261-1507 Special Collections Archives Room 505 (936) 261-1540 Computer Helpdesk (936) 261-2525 (877) 241-1752 Dr. Rosie L. Albritton Director of Library Services Elizabeth Brumfield Distance Services Librarian (Northwest Houston Campus and other distance programs) (713) 790-7282 John B. Coleman Library Prairie View A&M University John B. Coleman Library 4/08 rla Information Services (936) 261-1535 CitaƟon Management System Called EndNote The John B. Coleman Library subscribes to an online cita on management system called EndNote Use it to save the cita ons for books, arcles, websites and more to a personal account and easily create notes and bibliographies for your research papers. How To Get Started On EndNote 4) Mark ar cles. • Mark the ar cles you wish to have citaons for. This procedure is different depending which resource you are using. 5)Export to EndNote. • A er marking the ar cles, select download or export to EndNote depending on the resource you are using. When you have exported the document, select “My References” in EndNote to show your resources. Five Easy Steps 1) Log into your account or create an account in ISI Web of Science (h p://apps.webo Special Feature Cite While You Write Cite While You Write (also known as CWYW) is a These Links Can Help You Use EndNote User Aides hƩp:// EndNotes offers you a variety ways to learn how to use their products. Webinar Classes—Regularly Schedulted Classes are live, not prerecorded, so you can ask questions just as you would inperson. Classes are free of charge. Webinar dates vary from month to month. Webinar sizes are limited and reservations are required. Requires an Internet connection and Web browser key feature of EndNote. It allows you to access • Once in EndNote - you may either type in EndNote from within Microsoft Word to insert cita- your cita on or populate from a database search. tions into your Word documents. You can insert 2) Go to the right side of the ISI Web of Science homepage under “My Web of Knowledge” and select “My EndNote Web”. • The EndNote Ge ng Started Guide is located on the EndNote homepage. You can also use Cite While You Write to insert 3) Search a resource such as ISI Web of Science or EBSCO Host. • You must have already logged into End- Note before running a search. A saved search will work. • You may also search for cita ons and resources from a list of databases and other library catalogs by selec ng “Search online database”. Using EndNote’s Cite While You Write citations anytime during your writing process. images (figures) from an EndNote library into your Word documents. CWYW automatically builds a bibliography from Search your EndNote library to locate references Edit citations to suppress author names, years, or add page numbers Change styles instantly the citations you insert. You can also create a list of figures. Installing Cite While You Write Log on to your EndNote Account (http:// and select Options. Select Download Installers from the Options menu and follow the instructions. You must have administrators’ rights to install the Cite While You Write feature on your computer. Reference Desk at (936) 261-1535 or email at