Technical Review Minutes

Technical Review
Meeting Date:
Meeting Time:
Meeting Location:
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
HR Conference Room
Committee Members Present: M. Beasley, D. Berry, V. Herder, S. Aunai, M. Hines,
D. McCauley, D. Bogle
Members Absent: P. Bench
New Courses:
a) CTRP 1031—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 1 Literacy (1.25, limit 5)
b) CTRP 1032—Machine Shorthand Speech Building-Level 2 (1.25, limit 5)
c) CTRP 1033—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 3 Literacy (1.25, limit 5)
d) CTRP 1034—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Advanced Literary (1.25, limit 5)
CTRP 1041—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 1 Jury Charge (1.25, limit 5)
CTRP 1042—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 2 Jury Charge (1.25, limit 5)
CTRP 1043—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 3 Jury Charge (1.25,limit 5)
CTRP 1044—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Advanced Jury Charge (1.25,limit 5)
CTRP 1051—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 1 Medical (1.25, limit 5)
CTRP 1052—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 2 Medical (1.25, limit 5)
CTRP 1053—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 3 Medical (1.25, limit 5)
CTRP 1054—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Advanced Medical (1.25, limit 5)
m) CTRP 1061—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 1 Multi-Voice (1.25, limit 5)
n) CTRP 1062—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 2 Multi-Voice (1.25, limit 5)
o) CTRP 1063—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 3 Multi-Voice (1.25, limit 5)
p) CTRP 1064—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Advanced Multi-Voice (1.25, limit 5)
q) CTRP 1260—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Dictation/Transcription (1.25, limit 5)
- Note: Each course was split into four levels with the fourth course
passing to next subject.
- It was determined that repetition of courses is allowed, but not for
credit. Max credit allowed is 1.25 units (cannot be repeated to add
credits) with total units at 44 for the certificate. Note: On the New
Proposed Course Approval Application form, the No box on course
repeatability should be marked.
- Students currently in the program will need to complete a course
substitution when program goes active.
Technical Review
It was agreed that under Additional Materials on the CORs, stenography
paper should be added for students’ information.
After changes are made, it was agreed that the courses should move
forward to the CG&E meeting.
Course Changes:
o None
Inactivation of Courses:
o None
Program Changes:
o Program Changes
a) Court Reporting Degree and Certificate
New Programs:
o None
Status Updates:
o None
Process for Inactivating Courses
o What is the process to inactivate/omit courses from a program?
- To inactivate a course a memo must be submitted by Division Chair to Technical
Review. Tech Review will consider its impact to programs.
- It then proceeds to CG&E meeting, then to the Board of Trustees, and Chancellors
- Division Chair must also provide memo and forms for program changes.
Curriculum Items for September 12, 2011
o COR Changes
o ESL 0001—English as a Second Language Pre-Level 1
o ESL 0010—English as a Second Language Level 1
o ESL 0020—English as a Second Language Level 2
o ESL 0030—English as a Second Language Level 3
- Once changes are made, CTRP moves forward to C&GE meeting.
Technical Review
o Deadline for items to be placed on the October 10th Curriculum and General Education
agenda is Monday, September 26, 2011.
Board Meeting Items 9/8/11
o Science and Mathematics Division
o HLED 1535—EMT
o Social Sciences Division
o SOC 2141—Sociology of Marriage
o ECEF 1581—Infant Development
o ECEF 1582—Infant Massage
o ECEF 1583—Reading Infant Cues
o Liberal Arts Division
o ENGL 1000—Interactive Writing and Grammar