Memorandum Minutes of the Curriculum and General Education Committee Meeting,





Minutes of the Curriculum and General Education Committee Meeting,

Monday, September 12, 2011, 12:10p.m., Cougar Conference Room

Members Present: K. Bandy, M. Beasley, P. Bench, D. Berry, D. Bogle, K. Carlson, B. Devine, G. Dyer, S.

Eastman, S. Eveland, V. Garcia, V. Herder, M. Hines, B. McMurray, R. Miranda, S.

Swenson, Resource B. Cramer, ASB Representative Hannah Pullar

Members Absent: J. Gallon, S. Gregory, B. McKee, PTK Representative

Guests Present: S. Aunai, W. Downey




Approval of minutes: August 19, 2011, Curriculum and General Education Meeting

− Minutes were approved on a motion by D. Berry and seconded by M. Hines


Course Outline Changes a.

ESL 0001—English as a Second Language Pre-Level 1 (0) b.

ESL 0010—English as a Second Language Level 1 (0) c.

ESL 0020—English as a Second Language Level 2 (0) d.

ESL 0030—English as a Second Language Level 3 (0)

− S. Swenson motioned the ESL CORs be approved but table any further discussion or action on changing the title of the ESL 0001. It was agreed the title would be

ESL 0001 English as a Second Language. It was moved by S. Swenson and seconded by S. Eveland to approve the changes to the above courses, (reviewed and approved previously by department faculty), effective? The motion carried. e.

HUM 2010—Introduction to Film Studies (3)

− It was moved by V. Herder, and seconded by B. McMurray to approve the changes to the above course, (reviewed and approved previously by department faculty), effective?

− K. Bandy, B. McMurray, D. Bogle opposed. The motion carried with opposition.


New Courses a.

CTRP 1031—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 1 Literary (1.25) b.

CTRP 1032—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 2 Literary (1.25) c.

CTRP 1033—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 3 Literary (1.25) d.

CTRP 1034—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Advanced Literary (1.25) e.

CTRP 1041—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 1 Jury Charge (1.25) f.

CTRP 1042—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 2 Jury Charge (1.25) g.

CTRP 1043—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 3 Jury Charge (1.25) h.

CTRP 1044—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Advanced Jury Charge (1.25) i.

CTRP 1051—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 1 Medical (1.25) j.

CTRP 1052—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 2 Medical (1.25) k.

CTRP 1053—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 3 Medical (1.25) l.

CTRP 1054—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Advanced Medical (1.25) m.

CTRP 1061—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 1 Multi-Voice (1.25) n.

CTRP 1062—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 2 Multi-Voice (1.25) o.

CTRP 1063—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Level 3 Multi-Voice (1.25) p.

CTRP 1064—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Advanced Multi-Voice (1.25) q.

CTRP 1260—Machine Shorthand Speed Building-Dictation/Transcription (1.25)

− It was moved by M. Hines and seconded by B. McMurray to approve the changes to the above courses, (reviewed and approved previously by department faculty), effective? The motion carried.


Program Changes a.

Court Reporting Degree and Certificate

− It was moved by D. Bogle and seconded by M. Hines to approve the changes to the above program, (reviewed and approved previously by department faculty), effective? The motion carried.


Other a.

New online forms for change/addition submissions b.

Course abbreviations are being included in COR title for state submission reasons

− Instructional Support Services is requesting that the new online forms accompany

all submissions for curriculum changes.

It was requested that course abbreviations be included in COR titles,

i.e. Biology (BIOL) 0001 Introduction to Biology (3)


Board Meeting Items 8/9/11

Science and Mathematics Division



Social Sciences Division b.

SOC 2141 – Sociology of Marriage c.

ECEF 1581 – Infant Development d.

ECEF 1582 – Infant Massage e.

ECEF 1583 – Reading Infant Cues

Liberal Arts Division f.

ENGL 1000 – Interactive Writing and Grammar

− The above changes were approved by the Board of Trustees on September 8 th , 2011.


Informational Items a.

Deadline for items to be placed on the October Curriculum & General Education

Meeting agenda is Monday, September 26, 2011.

Next meeting will be Monday, October 10, 2011 , 12:10 pm, in the Cougar Conference Room, unless otherwise noted.

PB/MB: sg

Meeting closed at 12:52pm
