Approval Process for Substantial/Unsubstantial Changes to an Approved Credit Program

Approval Process for Substantial/Unsubstantial Changes to an
Approved Credit Program
Substantial Changes
Following are typical “substantial” program changes:
The goals and objectives of the program are substantially changed.
The job categories for which program completers qualify are substantially different from the job
categories for which completers previously qualified.
The baccalaureate major to which students typically transfer is different from the baccalaureate major
students typically transferred to in the past.
The college wishes to add a new award to an existing program. It may be used to add a certificate of
achievement to an existing degree or add a degree to one or more existing certificates of achievement.
All existing and proposed awards should be categorized in the same four-digit T.O.P. code.
An existing program is split into two or more tracks, options, emphases, etc. in the same four-digit
T.O.P. code. In most cases the proposed changes in a 5-digit T.O.P. sub-discipline may be considered
within an existing program classified in the corresponding four-digit T.O.P. discipline.
1. A substantial change to an existing program is proposed and discussed within the appropriate division.
2. The division chair or designee submits to the Office of Instruction a memorandum justifying the change
together with details of the change, any applicable new or revised course outlines, and the completed
Request for Substantial/Unsubstantial Changes to an Approved Credit Program form. In addition, the
procedure for approval of new courses must be followed for each new course.
1. The program change (including new or revised course outlines) is reviewed by the Co-Chairs of the
Curriculum Committee.
3. The program change (including new or revised course outlines) is reviewed by the Technical Review
4. The program change (including new or revised course outlines) is reviewed by the Curriculum
5. Upon endorsement of the program change by the Curriculum Committee, the Office of Instruction
prepares materials for presentation to the Board of Trustees for approval of the change.
6. For changes to CTE programs only, the CTE Office or designee prepares and submits documents to the
Regional Occupational Education Consortium for endorsement of the program change.
7. The Office of Instruction prepares and submits required documents to the CCC Chancellor’s Office for
approval of the program change. Documents required for approval of any new courses involved with the
program change are submitted as well.
8. Upon approval by the CCC Chancellor’s Office and issuance of course control numbers for any new
courses, the Academic Records Office makes any required program changes in the Banner system and
the Instruction Office enters new course information into Banner.
Unsubstantial Changes
Following are typical unsubstantial changes:
local program title changes
T.O.P. code changes
certificate unit requirement changes
degree unit requirement changes
degree type changes
status change from active to inactive or from inactive to active
deletion of the program from the inventory
1. A non-substantial change to an existing program is proposed and discussed within the appropriate
2. The division chair or designee submits to the Office of Instruction a memorandum justifying the change,
together with the completed Request for Substantial/Unsubstantial Changes to an Approved Credit
Program form.
3. The program change is reviewed by the Co-Chairs of the Curriculum Committee.
4. The program change is reviewed by the Technical Review Committee.
5. The program change is reviewed by the Curriculum Committee.
6. Upon endorsement of the program change by the Curriculum Committee, the Office of Instruction
prepares materials for presentation to the Board of Trustees for approval of the change.
7. The Office of Instruction prepares and submits required documents to the CCC Chancellor’s Office for
approval of the program change.
8. Upon approval by the CCC Chancellor’s Office, the Academic Records Office makes any required
program changes in the Banner system.