Drag, turbulence, and diffusion in flow through emergent vegetation The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Nepf, H. M. “Drag, turbulence, and diffusion in flow through emergent vegetation.” Water Resources Research 35.2 (1999): 479. © 1999 American Geophysical Union As Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/1998WR900069 Publisher American Geophysical Union Version Final published version Accessed Wed May 25 21:49:37 EDT 2016 Citable Link http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/68641 Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, VOL. 35, NO. 2, PAGES 479-489, FEBRUARY 1999 Drag, turbulence, and diffusion in flow through emergent vegetation H. M. Nepf Ralph M. ParsonsLaboratory,Departmentof Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge Abstract. Aquatic plantsconvertmean kinetic energyinto turbulentkinetic energyat the scaleof the plant stemsand branches.This energytransfer,linked to wake generation, affectsvegetativedrag and turbulenceintensity.Drawing on this physicallink, a model is developedto describethe drag,turbulenceand diffusionfor flow throughemergent vegetationwhich for the first time capturesthe relevantunderlyingphysics,and coversthe natural rangeof vegetationdensityand stemReynolds'numbers.The model is supported by laboratoryand field observations. In addition,this work extendsthe cylinder-based model for vegetativeresistanceby includingthe dependenceof the drag coefficient, on the stempopulationdensity,and introducesthe importanceof mechanicaldiffusionin vegetatedflows. 1. Introduction Freshwaterand saltwaterwetlandsprovide important transitionzonesbetweenterrestrialand aquaticsystems, mediating exchanges of sediment[Phillips,1989],nutrients[Nixon,1980; Barkoet al., 1991],metals[Orsonet al., 1992;Lee et al., 1991], and other contaminants[Dixon and Florian, 1993]. Wetland plants control these exchangesboth directly through uptake and biologicaltransformationand indirectly by altering the hydrodynamic conditions[Kadlec,1995].The latter is the focus of this study, specificallythe impact of vegetationon drag, turbulenceintensity,and diffusivity.By providinga physically basedmodelfor estimatingtheseparameters,the resultsof this paper will improve the engineeringof wetland systemsfor wastewaterand stormwatertreatment,an increasingly popular and more environmentallysustainablealternative to traditional facilities. The additionaldragexertedby plantsreducesthe meanflow withinvegetatedregionsrelativeto unvegetatedones[Kadlec, 1990;Shi et al., 1995]. This bafflingpromotessedimentaccumulationby reducingnear-bedstresses and subsequent erosion [Ward et al., 1984;Leonardand Luther, 1995]. An increasein drag can also lead to an increasein water depth and thus residencetime, further influencingspecies'fate and biological activity [Jadhavand Buchberger,1995;Kadlec, 1990]. Several effortshave been made to model the additionaldrag usinga modified Manning's equation [e.g., Guardo and Tomasello, 1995]. Although useful for its simplicity,this adaptation of Manning'sequation revealslittle information about the flow structurewithin and abovethe canopyand cannotrepresent regionsof emergentvegetationor regionsof creepingor transitional flow [Kadlec, 1990; Jadhav and Buchberger,1995]. Other researchershavemodeledvegetativedragbasedon cylinder drag,either usingthe dragcoefficientas a fitting parameter or choosingit on the basisof valuesfor isolatedcylinders asa functionof Reynoldsnumber[e.g.,Burkeand Stolzenbach, 1983;Hosokawaand Horie, 1992].This paper extendsthe cylCopyright1999 by the American GeophysicalUnion. Paper number 1998WR900069. 0043-1397/99/1998WR900069509.00 479 inder-basedmodel by definingthe effect of stem population densityon dragcoefficient.It canbe appliedacrossa rangeof flow conditionsand for verticallyvariedvegetativedensity. In addition to affectingthe mean velocity,vegetationalso affectsthe turbulenceintensityand the diffusion.The conversionof mean kinetic energyto turbulentkinetic energywithin stem wakes augmentsthe turbulenceintensity,and because wake turbulenceis generatedat the stem scale,the dominant turbulentlengthscaleis shifteddownward,relativeto unvegetated,open-channelconditions[Nepfet al., 1997].The combination of reducedvelocity and reduced eddy-scaleshould reducethe in-canopymacroscalediffusionrelative to unvegetated regions.This reductionhas been observedfor aquatic grasses[Worcester, 1995;Ackermanand Okubo,1993]. This paper developsand testsa physicallybasedmodel that predictsthe turbulenceintensityand diffusionwithin emergent vegetation.The model linksvegetativedrag,turbulenceintensity,and turbulent diffusion.Observationsof turbulenceintensity match predictionsbased on the drag model. Observed diffusionrates,however,are greaterthan thosepredictedfor turbulentdiffusionalone.To explainthe difference,thispaper introducesthe processof mechanicaldiffusionfor vegetated flows.Together the contributionsof turbulent and mechanical diffusionfully describethe observations. The newlydescribed link between drag and turbulenceintensity,as well as the introductionof mechanicaldiffusionas an importantdiffusive processin vegetatedflows,can improveour understandingof seedand larvae dispersalin coastalmarsh systemsas well as our understandingof sedimentand contaminanttrapping.The resultsof this study are also relevant to the broader classof flow through distributedobjects,for example,pesticidedispersalwithin cropsand pollutant dispersalwithin cities. Section2 introducesmodelsfor drag, turbulence,and diffusivityfor flow through emergentvegetation.Laboratory and field experimentsdescribedin section3 provideobservations whichsupportthesemodels.The comparisonof modelprediction and experimentalobservationis givenin section4. Finally, the models are used to compare the mean flow, turbulence intensity,and diffusivityin vegetatedand unvegetatedregions (section5). 480 2. NEPF: DRAG, TURBULENCE, AND DIFFUSION Model Development 2.1. Drag Model for Emergent Vegetation The drag force per fluid mass due to vegetationmay be described as U2 Fr=[force] massj =51Cz>a (1) where p is the fluid density,U is the equivalentuniformvelocity, and Co is a bulk drag coefficientrepresentingthe array. The vegetationdensity,a (per meter), is the projectedplant area per unit volume. If the plants are modeledas cylinders, dh d a = nd= AS2h = AS2, (2) 06 0.8• 0 2 4 6 8 10 • 12 14 16 , 18 2O L/d Figure 1. Contoursof dragcoefficient,Co on trailingcylinder, B, showthe suppressionof Codue to wake interaction. Contours are based on data measured with two cylinders (blackdots [Bokaianand Geoola,1984]) and on the observed decayof wake interferencewith separationdistance[Blevins, 1994, pp. 177-181], which was used to set the longitudinal trend for the abovecontoursbetweenL/d = 6 and 20. Red = 2600, and Co- 1.17 at T/d, L/d -• •. A region of Co< where n is the number of cylindersper unit area, that is, stems 0 existsfor L/d < 2, T/d < 0.25. per squaremeter;AS is the meanspacingbetweencylinders;d is the cylinderdiameter;andh is the flow depth.From (2) we candefinea dimensionless population density, ad - d2/AS2. For the cylindermodel ad representsthe fractionalvolume of the flow domain occupiedby plants.Although it excludesthe effectsof stemmorphologyand flexibility,thismodelprovides a reasonablefirst step for exploringthe effect of vegetation densityon drag. The drag coefficientfor an isolatedelement,Co, is affected by the wake structure, and thus dependson the Reynolds number,Red = Ud/v, where v is the kinematicviscosity.In coastaland freshwatersystems Red - O(1-1000) [Leonard and Luther, 1995;Hammer and Kadlec, 1986], a range which covers both laminar and turbulent wake structure. Williamson [1992] describesthe details of this laminar to turbulent transition for an isolatedcylinderin a uniform flow. The cylinder wake remains laminar up to Red • 200, although vortex sheddingis initiated at Re d • 50. For Red >• 200, vortex instabilitycausesthe wake to becometurbulent. Lateral shear in the flow upstreamof an isolatedcylindercandelaythe onset of vortex sheddingto Red = 200 [Tamura et al., 1980], and becausevortexsheddingis a precursorto wake instability[Williamson,1992], the transitionto a turbulentwake will alsobe delayed. Within a cylinder array, Nepf et al. [1997; ad = 0.008-0.07] observedthat vortex sheddingwas initiated at Re d - 150-200, and attributedthe delayto shearassociated with upstreamwakes.However, as the array densitydeclines (ad --> 0), the criticalRed valuesshouldreturn to thoseof an isolatedcylinder.From the above observations,the transition from laminar to turbulent wake structurewithin the array is expectedto occurat Red • 200. As is discussed shortly,wake structure(laminar versusturbulent) is importantin defining the contributionof the wake to turbulent kinetic energyand diffusionwithin the array. The bulk drag coefficient,Co, is a function of population density.To describethis relationship,we first considerthe interactionof cylinderpairs. As summarizedin Figure 1, experimentson pairsof cylindershaveshownthat the wake of an upstreamcylinder can suppressthe drag coefficient,Co, on the trailing cylinder for both semi-infinite [Bokaian and Geoola,1984;Blevins,1994]and finite cylinderlengths[Luo et al., 1996], where Co is basedon the upstreamvelocity.This effectincreasesasboth the lateral, T/d, andlongitudinal,L/d, spacingbetween the cylindersdecreases,and it resultsfrom two properties of the wake. First, the downstreamcylinder experiencesa lower impactvelocitydue to the velocityreduc- tion in the wake. Second,the turbulencecontributedby the wake delaysthe point of separationon the downstreamcylinder, resultingin a lower pressuredifferential aroundthe cylinder andthusa lowerdrag [Zukauskas,1987;Luo et al., 1996]. Both of these wake characteristics contribute to the "shelter- ing" effect describedby Raupach [1992] that diminishesthe drag on downstreamelements. Basedon the observations for pairs of cylinders,we anticipate that the bulk drag coefficientfor an array, Cz>,will decreaseas the element spacingdecreasesor ad increases.To explorethis trend, a numericalmodel was usedto extrapolate the observations made for cylinderpairs [Bokaianand Geoola, 1984;Re d = 2600] to estimatethe cumulativeshelteringand bulk drag within a randomlyarrangedarray. Cylinderplacementwithin eachnumericalarraywasassignedusinga random number generatorwith a placementresolutionof d/10. For each cylinderi the local drag coefficient,Cz>i,was then assignedbasedon the proximityof the nearestupstreamneighbor. This assumesthat changesin Cz>iare setby the strongest wake interaction(nearestcylinder)and neglectscumulative effectsof multiple wake interaction.This is a reasonableassumptionfor sparsedistributions,that is, ad < 0.1 [Raupach, 1992]. The total drag,Fr, was estimatedas the sum of individual cylinderdrags,and usedwith (1) to estimateCz>.Fifty realizationswere performedfor eachvalue of ad. The results, presentedlater, indicate a strongdependenceCz>(ad) for ad > 0.01. For comparison,severalstaggeredarray configurationswere alsoconsidered.Although different in detail, the curvesCz>(ad) derivedfor the staggeredarraysalso showa declinein Cz>within increasingad. 2.2. Turbulence Intensity Within Emergent Vegetation Even for sparsepopulationsof emergent vegetation, the productionof turbulencewithin stemwakes,Pw, exceedsthe productionthroughbed shear,Ps, overmostof the flow depth [Nepfetal., 1997;Burkeand Stolzenbach, 1983].On the basisof this and the further assumptionof homogeneity,the turbulent kinetic energy budget is reduced to a balance between the wake productionand the viscousdissipation,e, that is,Pw • e. This simplificationis confirmed experimentally,as discussed shortly.The wake productionis estimatedas the work input, FrU, whereFr is describedin (1), that is, per unit mass: NEPF: DRAG, TURBULENCE, AND DIFFUSION 481 vegetatedflowsasthe obstruction of the flowby stemscreates similarvariationsin flow path. Considerparticlesreleasedat (x, y) - (0, 0) that advectthroughthe array at a mean velocity,U. For simplicityassumethat advectiondominates diffusionin longitudinaltransportsuchthat in eachtime interval,At, the particlesmovedownstreama distance,Ax UAt. In the sametime, eachparticlehasprobability[aAx] of • • 0 '• • '"'-"' /AYB encountering a stem,andif a stemis encountered the particle is forcedto moverightor left alongthey axisa distanceAy Bt=t •3d, where •3 is an O(1)-scale factor. On averageand after Figure 2. Mechanicaldiffusionarisesfrom the physicalob- manysuchcollisionsthe particlesmove right and left with structionof the flowby stems.When a stemis encountered the equalprobability. After N steps,whereN is large,the lateral particlemustmovelaterallyAy -- d. For a largenumberof (y) positionof an individualparticleis givenby a Gaussian particlesreleasedat t - 0, and after manysuchencounters, with variance; the distribution of particlesat timet is Gaussian withvariance, probabilitydistribution oa • [ad]Udt, describing a Fickiandiffusion process. o-2= [aAx](13d)2t/At= 132[ad]Sdt (7a) OoøoO ^,_-o ",--0ø m t 1 Pw= 5 Cz)aU3 (3) [Hoelet al., 1972].For a largenumberof particlesthismodel describes a Fickiandiffusionprocessfor whichthe varianceof the particledistribution increases linearlywith time,suchthat the effectivediffusioncoefficientmay be taken to be This assumesthat all of the energyextractedfrom the mean flowthroughstem(cylinder)dragappearsasturbulentkinetic Dm= -•-[ad]Sd. (7b) energy. Thisassumption islimitedbelowRea < 200 wherethe viscousdrag,whichdissipates meanflow energywithoutgen- Becausethe processes of mechanical and turbulentdiffusion eratingturbulence,becomesincreasingly important.As the areindependent, theirvariances, andthustheircontribution to fractionof viscous dragincreases, Pw decreases fromthevalue the totaldiffusivity, are additive.The totalhorizontaldiffusivgivenin (3). Assuming thecharacteristic lengthscaleof theturbulence is setby the stemgeometry, that is, d, the dissipation ratewill ity is then givenby D=a[Cz•ad]U3+ [-•]ad, (8) scale as Ud S • k3/2d -1, (4) in whichthe net diffusivityhasbeennondimensionalized using the mean velocity,U, and cylinderdiameter,d. The scale wherek isthe turbulentkineticenergyper unit mass[Tennekes factora = a•a 2 combines thoseappearingin (5) and (6). andLumley,1990,p. 68].Equatingthiswith(3), theturbulence intensityis givenby x•_a•[C•ad]U3 U ' 3. (5) 3.1. Methods Laboratory Experiments Laboratoryexperiments wereconducted in a 24-m-longby where a• is an O(1)-scale coefficient.Thus the turbulence 38-cm-wide, glass-walled flumewith a flow depthh = 15 cm, intensity increases withbulkdragcoefficient andwithpopula- shownin Figure 3. Model arrayswere constructed from 1/4 tiondensity. Note thatbecause CD is a decreasing functionof inch(0.64cm)woodencylinders at densities betweena - 1.2 population density, ad, theturbulence intensity, x/k/U, asso- and 10.5m-• (at/ = [0.008-0.07], andequivalent to 200ciatedwithwakeproduction maybe considered a functionof ad alone. 2.3. Diffusion Within Emergent Vegetation The net diffusionwithin a cylinderarray is determinedby J• 3m •, turbulentPrandtlnumberof 1, the turbulentdiffusivitymaybe Flow as Straightener Dt-- ol2x/•d, (6) 5m "-I Dye Injection Velocity ImagingCamera twoprocesses, turbulentandmechanical diffusion. Assuming a written Model Array •11• Probe , _:t IllIll IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIii Ill III IIIlllllllJl -•r-rTI .7 IIIIIIIIIlllll I I" I whereagainthecharacteristic lengthscaleof theturbulence is setbycylinder(stem)diameter[Nepfetal., 1997].Thevelocity scale,X/•, andthusthe turbulentdiffusivity is linkedto the arraydragthrough(5). Becausethe arraydiffusivityis not isotropic[Nepfet al., 1997],the scalefactor,a2, will differ Horizontal Light Sheet: Position ofImaging Plane--• Figure 3. Laboratoryexperiments were conductedin a 5-mlong model arrayfitted into a 24 m recirculating flume.A continuousdye releasewas usedto observethe horizontal diffusivityat mid-depth.The diffusivity wasestimateby fitting between horizontal and vertical diffusion. the lateralprofilesof meanconcentration at multiplelongituMechanicaldiffusion,D m, is commonin porousmediaflow dinal stationsto the theoreticalGaussiandistribution.Velocity andreflectsthe dispersal of fluidparticlesdueto variabilityin wasmeasuredusingboth acousticDoppler (ADV) and laser individualflow pathsimposedby the tortuousityof the pore Doppler(LDV) techniques. Surfaceslopethroughthe array usingtwo0.2mmresolution wavegauges (WG). spaces. As shownin Figure2, thisconcept canbe extended to wasmeasured 482 NEPF: DRAG, TURBULENCE, 2000stemsm-2). The densities wereselected basedon actual stempopulationsobservedin saltwater[Gambiet al., 1990]and freshwaterenvironments[Kadlec,1990]. The cylinderswere mountedinto half-inch(1.3 cm) Plexiglasboardsand cut long enough to protrude through the water surface. The dowels were arrangedrandomlyusinga lm templategeneratedby the numericalprogramdescribedabove.The templatewasapplied five times, end to end, to createthe total test sectionarray of 5 m length. The array extendedfrom wall to wall to prevent accelerated currents close to the wall. The base boards ex- tended 3 m upstreamof the array and were tapered to the bottom to eliminate flow disruption.Smoothinlet conditions were achievedusingmats of rubberizedfiber to dampeninlet turbulence, and a 0.5 m sectionof honey comb to eliminate swirl. The velocity components(u, v, w), correspondingto streamwise,lateral, and vertical directions,respectively,were measuredwithin the array usinga 3-D acousticDoppler velo- AND DIFFUSION Suu[cm 2 s] 101 loo 10-1 10-2 Frequency (s-1) Figure 4. Velocity spectrum,S, for U = 5.5 cm/sand a = 0.028cm-•. Levelingof spectrum between1 and4 Hz correspondsto stem-scalegeneration.An inertial sub-rangefit, solid line, is usedto estimatedissipationrate. cimeter(ADV) anda 2-D laserDopplervelocimeter(LDV) at a crosssectionpositioned at the mid-length of the array. A longitudinaltransectthroughthe array demonstratedthat this positionwasrepresentativeof uniformflow conditions,that is, not affected by the leading edge. Six-minute records were collectedat 25 and 100 Hz for the ADV and LDV, respectively.While the ADV couldbe deployedwithout disturbance to the array configuration,the LDV typically required the displacementof two or three dowelsto clear its optical path. Becausethe flow field within an arrayis inhomogeneous at the scaleof the arrayelements,a horizontalaverageis necessary to representthe mean,homogeneous (in x andy) velocitystatistics [Kaimal and Finnigan, 1994, pp. 84-85]. Profiles were measuredat five lateral positionsfor eachflow condition.The mean and turbulentvelocitystatisticswere then averagedlaterally to find the representative,homogeneous values[Nepfet al., 1997]. The integraltime scale,T u, wasevaluatedfrom the autocorrelationfunction and multiplied by U to form the Eulerian integral length scale:L u = UT u. The rate of turbulent dissipation,s, was evaluatedfrom the velocity spectra,Suu, usingthe inertial subrange A pair of resistance-type surfacedisplacementgauges(0.2 mm resolution),positioned5 cm upstreamand downstreamof the array was used to measuredthe surface slope, Oh/Ox, acrossthe entire array.The bulk dragcoefficient,Co, wasthen evaluatedusingthe followingforce balance: 1 (•_) Oh (1- ad)CBU 2+ 5 CDad U2=ghOx' (9) where the first term on the left is the drag contributedby the base of the array, with a bed drag coefficient,CB = 0.001 [e.g.,Munsonet al., 1990,p. 673], the secondterm on the left is the drag contributedby the stems,and h is the flow depth. The drag contributed by the glasswalls is negligible and droppedfrom (9) for simplicity. The horizontal diffusivitywas estimatedusinga continuous plumeof dye releasedthrougha 0.16 cm (1/16 inch) stainless steel tube at mid-depth,midwidth, and 2 m from the leading edge.The injectionvelocitywas carefullymatchedto the ambient flow to avoidjet-inducedmixing.The vertical centerline of the evolvingdyeplumewasilluminatedby a laserlight sheet Suu=A , which causedthe dye to fluorescewith an intensityproporwhere A • 1.5 is an experimentallydetermined,universal tional to the dye concentration[Monismithet al., 1990].Video constantfor turbulent flows [e.g.,Kundu, 1990,p. 441]. As an imagesof the plumewere recordedand then transferredframe example,Figure 4 showsa spectrummeasuredat mid-depth by frame to an image analysissoftwarepackageusinga frame withinthe dowelarraywith U = 5.5 cm/sanda - 2.8 m-•. grabber.Using a 100-frame average,the mean lateral concenNote that the spectrum"levels"between1 and 4 Hz, indicating tration profile was recordedat multiple longitudinalpositions a local-scaleinput of energy,here vortex sheddingand wake from 20 to 100 cm downstreamof the injectionpoint. For the highestdensityarray only, it wasnecessaryto removethree to production.For a singlecylinderwith d - 0.6 cm and U = 5.5 cm/sthe sheddingfrequencyfalls atfs - 1.8 Hz. However, five dowels at each measurement section to allow sufficient the sheddingfrequencyis affected by the proximity of other penetrationof the light sheet.Finally, in regionsfor whichthe cylinderswithin the array,potentiallydoublingas the cylinder lateral variance of the plume increasedlinearly in x, that is, = constant (Fickiandiffusion), thediffusivity wasesspacingdecreases[Weaver,1993]. Thus a range of shedding OO'2/OX frequencies(here, 1.8-3.6 Hz) is observedwithin the random timated by fitting the averagedprofiles, containing150-200 array, reflectingthe range of local array densitiesand its im- points,to the theoreticalGaussianplume profile [e.g.,Fischer, in this study,the vertical pact on sheddingfrequency. For higher velocity casesthis 1979,chap.2]. Althoughnot discussed wake-scalesignatureis pushedto higherfrequencies.For these diffusivitywas similarlyestimatedusinga verticallyorientated by Nepf et al. [1997]. casesthe samplingrate was increaseto 100 Hz (using the light sheet.Theseresultsare discussed LDV) to resolvethis signature.Finally, the vertical turbulent transport,T = O(w'k)/Oz, and bed-shearproduction,Ps = 3.2. Field Experiments A similar dye plume techniquewas used to measurediffu-u'w'(OU/Oz), terms were also evaluatedfrom individual velocityrecordsand then averagedlaterally.The wake produc- sivityin the field within an emergentstandof Spartinaalternition was evaluatedfrom (3). flora (smoothcordgrass) in the Great Sippewisset Marsh,Cape 18/32/3I //]2/3œ-5/3 NEPF: DRAG, TURBULENCE, AND DIFFUSION 483 positionsspacedat 10 cm acrossthe mid-depthof the plume. At the startof eachposition30 swereneededto fully purgethe lines,this data was later removedbefore further analysis.The averageconcentrationat eachpositionwasdeterminedfrom 1 min of sampleddata, the shortesttime for which mean statistics were stable. The samplingtime was constrainedby the need to completethe profilewithin a periodof steadycurrent. The currentspeedwasestimatedbefore and after eachprofile wascompleted,by measuringthe transittime of a smallpatch of dyeinjectedat mid-depthacrossa short,fixeddistance.The measurementwas repeated 10 times for each estimate.Over the severalfield trials a range of velocityconditionswere observed,with U = 3.0-7.4 cm/sandrea = 200-600. Finally, the diffusivitywas determinedby fitting the measuredprofile points to a Gaussiandistributionusing at least squarestechnique.An exampleof this fitting procedureis givenin Figure (b) Fthodamino[ppb] 5b. i 200 - 1 4. Results _ 4.1. Laboratory Observations of Bulk Drag Coefficient Figure 6 presentsthe model results,Cz>(ad), for both random (solidline) and staggeredarrays(dashedline). The grey shadingrepresentsone standarddeviationaround the mean for the random array.Three configurationsof staggeredarray 1 O0 110 120 130 140 150 160 were considered,definedby n, the ratio of the longitudinalto HorizontalCoordinate [cm] lateral spacingbetween successrows. For both random and Figure 5. (a) Field experimentat Sippewisset Marsh, Cape staggeredarraysthe model predictsrelativelyconstantvalues Cod. Dye injected at a continuousrate is measured 1.5 m of Cz> up to ad • 0.01 and a steady decline beyond this downcurrentusinga continuouslyrecording,flow-throughflu- density.In general,the bulk drag coefficientdropsoff more orometer.The samplingport is traversedhorizontallyto mea- rapidlyfor the staggeredarrays.This reflectsthe fact that wake sure the plume concentrationprofile. (b) Determinationof shelteringis strongestandpersistsfor the greatestlongitudinal diffusivityfrom field data usingexponentialfit. Concentration spacingwhen the cylindersare aligned,that is, T/d = 0 in at eachpoint is averagedover 1 min. U - 5.5 cm/s,a = 2.1 Figure 1. This alignmentoccursintrinsicallyin staggeredarm -• and D = 0.73 cm2 s-• rays,betweeneverym th row, but only stochastically in random 100 - , ß arrays. Cod, Massachusetts. This grasshas a simple cylindrical-like morphology,and under normal tidal conditionsexhibitsonly limited bending.Thus the stemsand leavesresemblethe cylinder array on which our model and laboratoryexperiments were based.The stem densitywas varied through pruning to observe conditions at three values, n - 96, 196, and 370 1.6 ........ , ........ ' " ' ' o o o 1.2 ,--•,-'-•,•--o__•.-,... •.. ø ., o stemsm-2. The stemdensitywasdetermined by randomly casting a 0.1 m2 frameoverthevegetation andcounting the CD - numberof stemswithinthe frame.Thiswasrepeatedfivetimes for each condition. In addition, 100 stems were collected from the site to determinean averageleaf count (3.2 +_0.3 leaves per stem) and width (d = 0.69 _+ .03 cm). Thesecharacteristicswere then usedto estimatethe vegetationdensity,a 2.1, 4.3, and 8.2 m-•. The tracerwaspreparedby mixing2 mL of a 20% Rhodamine dye solutionwith 10 L of marshwater. A portion of the solution was saved for later calibration. The solution 0.8 0.4 10-3 was re- leasedthrougha 1/4 inchL tube at mid-depth(h • 1 m) and at the ambientflow speedusinga variable-speedpump. As shownin Figure 5a, the dye injectiontablewasorientedwith its long axis(2 m) perpendicularto the currentto eliminatethe interferencefrom the legs.The plumeconcentrationwasmeasured1.5 m downstreamusinga recordingfluorometerin continuousflow mode.While the concentrationwas continuously sampledat 10 Hz, internallyaveraged,and recordedat 1 Hz, the sample port was progressivelymoved to six horizontal n= 112 1 2 \ 10-2 ' [] 1•0-1 ad Figure 6. Wake interferencemodel predicts that the bulk drag coefficient,Cz>, decreaseswith increasingarray density, ad, for both random(solidline) and staggered(dashedlines) arrays.The data alsorepresentboth staggered(opensymbols) and random (solid symbols) arrays. A summary of data sources,flow conditions,and symbolsin givenin Table 1. For the staggeredarrayspitch is definedby n - ratio of longitudinalto lateralrow spacing,that is,n - 1 is a squarestaggered array. 484 NEPF: DRAG, TURBULENCE, AND DIFFUSION Table 1. Summaryof ReynoldsNumber and Array Configuration Source R ea Dunn et al. [1996] Segineret al. [1976] Kaysand London [1956] Petryk[1969] 1,000-4,000 1,000 1,000 10,000 staggered,n staggered,n staggered,n random staggered,n Zdravkovich [1993] 1,000 staggered, n - 1' Presentstudy 4,000-10,000 random Model >•200 random Symbolin Figure 6 Configuration = 1/2 = 1 = 1-3 open circle open diamond = 1, 2 triangle squarewith slash square solid diamond solid circle solid line dashed lines staggered,n = 1/2-2 Here, n is ratio of longitudinalto lateral row spacingwithin staggeredarray. *One third, 2/3, and fully staggered. The model resultsare comparedto laboratoryobservations made in this study,aswell as to a collectionof other studiesin both random and staggeredarrays.A summaryof the Reynolds'numberand arrayconfigurationfor eachstudyis givenin Table 1. Note that for Dunn et al. [1996], the rods are submerged, but that the drag coefficient,Cz•B in that study,is definedon the basisof a verticalaverageoverthe heightof the array only and so is roughly equivalentto Cry. For all other studiesthe cylindersextend through the entire flow domain, equivalentto an emergentcondition.A reasonableagreement between the model and the experimentaldata is observed, evenfor ad > 0.1 for whichthe assumptionthat the nearest upstreamcylinderalone setsdegreeof wake shelteringmay be violated [Raupach,1992]. The agreementbetweenmodel and data suggests that the suppression of Cz• is correctlydescribed by the wake shelter effectson which the model is based.Finally, althoughvalues of large ad were included for model comparisons, the relevantrangefor aquaticvegetationconditions is ad = [0.001-0.1]. 4.2. Laboratory Observations of Turbulence Structure The assumptions made earlier regardingthe productionand the scale of turbulencewithin the array were confirmedby observation.First,within the arraythe Eulerian integrallength scale,L•,, wasfairly uniform over depthwith L u/d • 1.5, L•, • 1 cm (Figure 7a). This value is diminishedfrom that observedfor unobstructedflow in the same channel,L•, = 5-6 cm, and supportsthe assumptionthat within the array turbulence is rescaledto the obstructiongeometry,that is, d. Consistentwith this, there is an excellentagreementbetween the spectrum-based estimatesof dissipationrate and thosebased on the scaleassumptiont• - d (e.g., Figure 7b). Here, the dissipationratesare normalizedby an equivalentshearveloc- Finally,the dependence,suggested by (5), of the turbulence intensityon the dimensionless parameter,Cz• ad, is confirmed in Figure 9. The valuesshownare depth-averagedturbulence intensity, excludingregions near the bed for which P• was non-negligible. From the data,a• = 0.9 _+0.1, in (5), with 95% certainty. 4.3. Diffusion: Laboratory and Field Observations Figure 10 compareslaboratoryobservations of diffusivityfor conditions with and without turbulent wakes. As described above,the existenceof laminar wakeswas confirmedby the absenceof vortex shedding.The dimensionlessdiffusivities observedfor conditionsproducingturbulentwakes(opencircles)are more than an order of magnitudegreaterthan those observedfor laminarwakes(solidcircles),and this difference is attributedto enhancedmixing after the onsetof wake turbulence. z/h 1 I (a) (b) I E, k3/2/ d 0.5 - ity, Um= [ #h(dh/dx)] •/2, andtheflowdepth. Figure 8 showsthe calculatedterms from the turbulent ki0 I I I netic energy budget. The dissipationrate, s, and the wake 0 2 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 production,Pw, are nearly constantover depth and balance one another,while the bed-shearproduction,Ps, andturbulent L/d u [F_., k3/2/d] [h/ U1313] transport,T, termsare negligibleexceptvery closeto the bed. Theseobservations further supportthe assumption that turbulence levelsare controlledby the balanceof wake production Figure 7. Observationsverify that the turbulence length scale,e, is set by the stemgeometry,that is, e --- d. (a) The and dissipation.For comparison,the boundary-layer scaling,s Eulerian integral length scalenormalizedby the cylinderdi• Um3/(gZ),isalsoincluded (solidline).It underpredicts the ameter.(b) Estimatesof dissipationrate basedon the scaling dissipationrate except close to the bottom where bed-shear e --• d (circles)matchthe observeddissipation rate (squares) production,Ps, increasesto competewith Pw. In both Figures basedon spectrumfit. Dissipationestimatesare scaledon an 7 and 8 constraintsof the facilitydid not permit measurements equivalent shearvelocity,Um -- [#h(dh/dx)]•/2, and the above z/h > 0.8. averageflow depth,h, in the test section. NEPF: DRAG, TURBULENCE, AND DIFFUSION Z/h 485 T'otal DiffL•sion = 1 i I Turbulent+ Mechanical i 0.8 œ D/Ud Pw - •:(z/h)' | 0.6 0.1 0.4 ,Ps 0.2 0 i • / I -3 -2 -1 / [Ps'Pw'T,•][h/Urn •] / Eqs.. 5 &6 /• o:2=0.9 • • •,/"•1 Eq.7, [• =1 J 10-2 Figure 8. Selectedterms from the turbulent kinetic energy 7 for normalization. Boundary-layer scaling, e --- U3m (•Z)- 2, is includedfor comparison(solidline). • , J • , , il ad budgetfor a - 2.8 m-•. Dissipation rate, e, (triangles)and wake production,Pw (squares),balanceover mostof the flow depth.Bed-shearproduction,Ps (diamonds),becomesimportant near the bed. Vertical transportof turbulent kinetic energy,T (circles),is negligibleoverthe entire depth.SeeFigure •i=0.9 MechanicalDiffusion / 0.01 / Turbulent Diffusion / 10-• Figure 10. Dimensionlessdiffusivityfrom laboratory observationswithin two wake regimes,Res - 400-2000 (open circles)andRes = 60-90 (solidcircles),fittedto modelcurves for mechanical(dashedline) and turbulent (dashed-dotted line) diffusivity,aswell as the sumof both diffusionprocesses (solidline). Field data,Res = 300-600 (triangles),alsofit the model well. The dashedlines in Figure 10 indicatethe two components of diffusion, turbulent (dashed-dotted) and mechanical (dashed),givenin (8); the solidline indicatesthe sumof these two processes.The curve representingturbulent diffusionis based on (5) and (6) and incorporates the dependence Cr•(ad). The scalefactor a• = 0.9 (in (5)), is basedon direct experimentalobservation(Figure 9). The secondscalefactor, ot2 in (6), wasthenselectedto bestfit the observeddiffusionfor the lowestvaluesof ad, whenmechanicaldiffusionis negligible (or2 -- 0.9). The curverepresenting mechanicaldiffusion,(7b), mechanical and turbulent diffusion curves fits the turbulent wake observations well (open circles),confirmingthe theoretical description. The diffusivity measuredin SippewissetMarsh (Red = 300-600; Figure 10, triangles) is consistentwith both the laboratorydata and the model for turbulent wake conditions, althoughthe Re d in the field were on the low end of those observed in the lab. The normalized diffusion increases with 0.3 vegetationdensitywith a slopewhich matchesthe local slope of the diffusionmodel.The averagefield diffusivitiesexceeded the laboratory values by •30%. This may be attributed to additionalsourcesof turbulencepresentin the field, for example, wind, or to differencesin morphology.However,the generally goodagreementbetweenthe laboratory(cylindermorphology)and the field data supportsthe use of this model for the marsh grassSpartinaalternifiora.The model should also work well for other simple morphology,such as reeds. For more complicatedstem morphologythe relation Cr•(ad) requires more detailed evaluation,after which the model presentedhere providesthe basisfor characterizingturbulence and diffusivity. 0.2 5. uses the assumedscale factor, /3 = 1. The data for laminar wakes(Res - 60-90) generally.fall abovethis line, and this maybe attributedto the presenceof bed-generatedturbulence evenin the absenceof vortexshedding.Alternatively,note that for/3 = 2, alsoa reasonablescaleassumption,the mechanical diffusionline falls directlythroughthe middle of the laminar wake observations (solid circles).Finally, the additionof the •k/U 0.4 5.1. Discussion Comparison of Vegetated and Unvegetated Flow Conditions 0.1 0.01 0.1 adC Figure 9. Turbulence intensity within the stem array increasesto the 1/3 power of the dimensionless parameter,Cr• ad, as predictedby scalingarguments,Pw "' •. Res = 400900. The modeldevelopedabovecharacterizes drag,turbulence, and diffusivityfor flows through emergent vegetation.This modelwill now be usedto comparehydrodynamicconditions in a regionof emergentvegetationwith conditionsin an equivalent regionof unvegetated,open-channelflow, denotedusing subscripto. There are two key resultsof this comparison:(1) Turbulenceintensityincreaseswith the introductionof sparse 486 NEPF: DRAG, TURBULENCE, vegetation,but then decreasesas stem populationincreases further. (2) Diffusivitywithin the vegetatedsystemis consistently lessthan in the equivalentunvegetatedsystem,owing principallyto the decreasein eddyscalecausedby the presence of the vegetation. First, we considerthe mean flow. The steadyvelocity,U, drivenby a free-surfacegradientis determinedfrom the force balancegivenin (9). For simplicity,it is assumed that Ca is not affectedby the presenceof vegetation;that is, Ca is the same in both the vegetatedand unvegetatedsystems.This assumption is not strictlycorrect,asthe ratio of bed-frictionvelocityto mean flow speed,u ,/U, increasesslightlywith ad [Nepf et al., AND DIFFUSION lOO /:J k/k • f(h/d)t lO k/k o • ........:..::.----.•. .......y.jz...•... ................ :.. D/D o 0.1 1997],suchthatCa = (u,/U) •/2 alsoincreases slightly with vegetationdensity.Two valuesof bed-dragcoefficient,Ca = 0.001 and 0.005, equivalentto friction factors,f = 0.0080.04, are selectedto representconditionsof smoothand rough earthenbeds.The open-channel condition,Uo, is givenby (9) with ad - 0. The depth-averaged turbulentkineticenergy,k, reflectstwo productionterms, the bed shear and the wake production. When wake productiondominatesthe turbulentkineticenergy is given by (5). When bed-shearproductiondominates,the 0.01 i iii• 10-5 i , , ••,,, , , , , ,,,,/ 10-3 10-1 ad Figure 11. Comparisonof turbulent kinetic energy,k, and diffusivity,D, for vegetatedandunvegetated(subscript o) flow conditionswith the samevelocity.Ca - 0.005 (solidlines) and 0.001 (dashed lines). The curvesrepresentqualitative trendsonly.The turbulenceratio, k/ko, increasessteadilywith turbulent kineticenergyis givenby,k •/2 "• CaU2 [e.g.,Nezu stempopulation,at/, reflectingthe contributionof wake proand Rodi, 1986]. Combiningtheseproducesthe scalingequa- duction.The diffusionratio, D/Do, is affectedby reductionin eddy scale,and so is a function of the ratio of flow depth to vegetationscale,h/d. tion k- (1 - ad)CBU2 q- [Coad]2/3U 2 (10) (the terms to the left of the plus sign representbed-shear = h. For densepopulations,AS < eo, the stemsbreak apart production;those to the right representwake production) channel-scale eddies,reducingthe mixing-lengthscale,until at which is correctin the limits of ad(-• 0 or 1) but may be at/> 0.01, I• • d [Nepfetal., 1997].The modelassumes that oversimplified when the two termsare comparablebecauseit • varieslinearly from h to d betweentheselimits. does not account for nonlinear interactions between the two By using(9)-(11) the flowconditions in a vegetatedchannel processes, for example,changesin bed sheararisingowingto and an equivalent,unvegetatedchannelcannowbe compared. the presenceof stems.Assumingthat Cz• = 1, wake producWe considerthree ratiosof depthto stemscale,h/d = 10, 20, tion dominatesfor ad > 0.001 and 0.01, with Ca = 0.001 50, to be representativeof field conditions.Keep in mind that and 0.005,respectively. The equivalentopen-channelcondition (10) and (11) are scalerelations,so that the parametersthey is givenby (10)withad - 0, thatis,ko • CaUo 2. describe,D/Do andk/ko, respectively, provideonlyqualitative Becauseturbulent and mechanicaldiffusionare indepenpredictionsof flow behavior. dentFickianprocesses, their contributionto total diffusion,D, For simplicity,we first considerthe casefor whichthe flow is additive, that is, speedis the samein both the vegetatedandunvegetatedchanO '• kl/2eq-[ad]Sd. (11) nels,that is, U = Uo (Figure 11). For equivalentflow speed the turbulentkineticenergyratio, k/ko, is greaterthan one for The first term representsthe turbulent diffusionscale,Dr, all valuesof at/> 0, andincreases to O (10) at highvegetation definedby the turbulentvelocityscale,k •/2, and a mixing density.This trend reflectsthe additionalsourceof turbulence lengthscale,•?.Note that becausek is givenby (10), a scale providedby the stemwakes.Even thoughk/ko > 1, D/Do -< relation, (11) is strictlya scalerelation as well, so that for 1 for most valuesof at/ (Figure 11). For sparsevegetation simplicitywe have excludedpreviouslydefinedscalefactors. (smallat/), D/Do • 1 despitethe additionof wake-generated The secondterm in (11) representsthe mechanicaldiffusion, turbulence. This occursbecauseeddies that are channel scale, D,•, basedon (7b) excludingthe scalefactor, /3. The mixing h, can persistin sparsevegetation(as describedabove),and lengthscale,•, dependsstronglyon the presenceof vegetation. becausethe additionalturbulentkineticenergyis introducedat In unvegetatedflow, •?and thusD t increasewith the scaleof the stemscale,d << h. The larger, channel-scaleeddiesdomthe diffusingpatchuntil the largestlengthscaleis reached,that inatethe macroscalediffusivetransport.The additionof smallis, the lengthscaledefinedby the flow domain[Okubo,1971]. er-scale mixing does, however, smooth out local gradients In contrast,in vegetatedflow the mixing-lengthscaleson the withinthe turbulentpatch[Nepfet al., 1997].As at/increases, vegetationgeometry,• • d, for all patchsizesgreaterthan d the stemsimpingeon the channel-scaleeddies,and theseed[Nepfet al., 1997].To evaluate(11), we setthe followinglimits diesare brokenapart.All of the turbulenceis then rescaledto on the mixinglength.First, for simplicitywe assumea mixing the stem geometry.The reduction in eddy-scalecausesthe length,•o • h, for unvegetatedopen-channel flow (ad = 0). relativediffusion,D/Do, to decrease,eventhoughthe relative If only sparsevegetationis introducedto this flow, that is, turbulence,k/ko, continuesto increase.A similar trend was vegetationwith spacingAS > •o, the channel-scale eddies,•o, observed in a channel flow downstream of a mesh. Turbulence persistand continueto dominatethe diffusivetransport.Thus intensitywas enhancedby the presenceof the mesh,yet the for sparsevegetationthe dominantmixinglengthis still• = •o diffusivitywas diminishedbecausethe eddyscalewasreduced NEPF: DRAG, TURBULENCE, AND DIFFUSION 487 1 o.1 : 10 i •: O.Ol 0.1 i o.1 10-6 (a) 10'4 ad 10'2 10'6 (b) 10'4 ad 10-6 10'2 (c) 10-4 10-2 ad Figure 12. Comparisonof flow conditionswithinvegetatedandunvegetated(subscripto) regionsunderthe sameforcing,that is, surfaceslope:(a) velocity,(b) turbulentkinetic energy,and (c) diffusivity.Bed drag coefficients of 0.01(solidlines)and0.005(dashedlines)areconsidered aswell asthreeratiosof depth-to-stem diameter. [Hinze, 1987, pp. 448-449]. In Figure 11 the declinein eddy The trendsin turbulence intensity(kX/2/U)suggested byFigscaleis initiated at ad •- [0.002, 0.001, 0.0002] for h/d = ures12a and 12bhaveimportantimplicationsfor canopyecol[ 10, 20, 50], respectively. The transitionoccursearlier(small- ogy. For example, an increasein turbulenceintensitycould er ad) in largerflow depths,becausethe largerchannel-scale benefit the vegetationby augmentingnutrient uptake and/or eddies,eo '" h, are impactedat a largerstemspacing(AS). gas exchange[Andersonand Charters,1982]. Within wasteOnce the vegetationis sufficientlydense (ad •- 0.01) the treatment wetlands the turbulence level can control the rate at stem-scaleturbulencedominatesand e --- d. With the length- whichcontaminantsare deliveredto vegetationsurfaceswhere scalefixed,the continuedincreasein turbulenceintensitywith degradingmicrobeslive and thus may determine the rate of increasingad producesan increasingD/Do. In addition,me- degradation[e.g.,Gantzeret al., 1991].Finally,increasedlevels chanicaldiffusionbecomesimportantat thesehigh vegetative of turbulenceexperiencedat sparseplant densitymay explain densities. why patchyplantings,unlike denseones,do not promotethe In the abovediscussion (Figure 11), vegetatedand unveg- desiredsedimentaccumulationfor bank stabilization(J. Hart, etated flow conditionswere comparedusing identical mean personal communication,1998), and may actually create flow, U = Uo. For a more relevant but more complexcom- higherratesof erosion[Coppinand Richards,1990,p. 58]. The diffusivityratio for identical surface-slopeconditions parison,we now considerthe two systems underidenticalforcing, that is, identicalsurfaceslope,Oh/Ox. The velocity,tur- (Figure 12c) again reflectsthe importanceof reducededdy bulence, and diffusion ratios for this condition are given in scalewithin the vegetatedregion.As describedabove,a rapid Figure 12. Becausethe vegetationoffersadditionalresistance, declinein D/Do occursoncethe stemsimpingeon the channelthe velocitywithin the vegetatedchannelis alwayslessthan scaleeddies,and convertthem to progressively smallerscales that in the unvegetatedchannel,and the velocityratio, U/Uo, asat/increases.Once • --- d, for example,ad > 0.01, a more decreasesas the vegetationdensity(ad) increases(Figure gradualdeclinein D/Do is observed,reflectingthe near bal12a). The drop in velocityratio is more rapid for greaterflow ance between decliningvelocity ratio, U/Uo, and increasing depthsand smallervaluesof bed friction, CB, both of which contributionby mechanicaldiffusion,D m --- ad. enhancethe fractionalcontributionof vegetativeresistance. Changesin turbulentkineticenergy(Figure12b)reflectthe 5.2. Reynolds Number Dependence A majority of the abovediscussiondescribesconditionsof competingeffectsof reducedvelocityandincreasedturbulence production,both of whichaccompany the introductionof veg- Rea >• 200, for which Cr• is only a weak function of Rea etation. These opposingtendenciesproduce a nonlinear re- [e.g.,Munsonet al., 1990,p. 614]. These conditionsare comsponsein which the turbulencelevelsinitially increasewith mon in coastalsystemssuchas the SippewissetMarsh usedin increasingstem density,but eventually decreaseas ad in- this study [also, e.g., Leonard and Luther, 1995]. However, creasesfurther.A similarresponsewaspredictednumerically conditionsof Re a < •- 200 are also common in the field, in for flow throughemergentvegetation[Burkeand Stolzenbach, particular in freshwatersystemswhich are not exposedto 1983] and within bottom roughnesselements[Eckman,1990] strongtidal flows.For Rea < •- 200 wake productionis negand was observedin a flume studyof flow throughreal stems ligibleand the turbulentcomponentof diffusionwill be greatly of ZosteraMarina [Gambi et al., 1990]. Note, however,that reduced,determinedsolely by the bed shear (and possible (10) andFigure (12b) excludethe contributions of turbulence wind shear).For theseconditions,the total diffusionis likely generatedby wind and wave action,which may be presentin dominatedby mechanicaldiffusion.This study suggeststhat the field. Becauseemergentvegetationdampswaveenergyand mechanical diffusion alone is still sufficient to maintain macsheltersthe water surfacefrom wind stress,both of thesepro- roscalediffusionat levelsabovethe molecularvalue. Finally, cesses would affectthe ratio k/ko by more readilyaugmenting the removal of wake turbulencebelow Re a •. 200 also alters turbulencein open-channelregionsthan in vegetatedregions. the dynamicsof wake interferenceand thusthe relation Cr• = 488 NEPF: DRAG, TURBULENCE, f(ad). Further studyis neededto understandbulk dragunder these conditions. AND DIFFUSION Eckman,J., A model of passivesettlementby planktoniclarvae onto bottoms of differing roughness,Limnol. Oceanogr.,35, 887-901, 1990. 6. Conclusions Fischer,H. B., E. J. List, R. Koh, J. Imberger,and N. Brooks,Mixing in Inland and CoastalWaters,Academic,San Diego, Calif., 1979. Gambi, M., A. Nowell, and P. Jumars, Flume observationson flow dynamicsin Zosteramarina(eelgrass)beds,Mar. 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The model,confirmedby experimental results, shows thatturbulence intensity, kl/2/U, is principallydependenton the vegetativedrag, and that for vegetativedensitiesassmallas 1% (ad = 0.01), the bed-drag and bed-shear production are negligible compared to their vegetationcounterparts.The fraction of mean energypartitioned to turbulencedependson the ratio of form drag to viscousdrag on the stems,which in turn dependson the morphologyand flexibility of the stems,and the stem Reynolds number.In addition,the modelpredictsthat turbulenceintensityincreaseswith the introductionof sparsevegetationowing to the addition of wake productionbut then decreaseswith increasingpopulationdensityas mean flow speedis reduced. Becauseof the reductionin eddyscale,diffusionis reduced within an array. Specifically,for vegetativedensitiesgreater than 1%, turbulencescalesare controlledby vegetationgeometry, that is, I?--- d. The mixing-lengthscale,t?,is thusreduced from open-channelconditions,I?o --- h or larger. 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