A0000 10 8172032 0 SThT. L A Sanitary Survey of the Willamette River From Sellwood Bridge to the Columbia River By G. W. GLEESON Bulletin Series, No. 6 April 1936 Engineering Experiment Station Oregon State Agricultural College CORVALLIS THE Oregon State Engineering Experiment Station was established by act of the Board of Regents of the College on May 4, 1927. It is the purpose of the Station to serve the state in a manner broadly outlined by the following policy: (1)To stimulate and elevate engineering education by developing the research spirit in faculty and students. (2) To serve the industries, utilities, professional engineers, public departments, and engineering teachers by making investigations of interest to them. (3) To publish and distribute by bulletins, circulars, and technical articles in periodicals the results of such studies, surveys, tests, investigations, and researches as will be of greatest benefit to the people of Oregon, and particularly to the state's industries, utilities, and professional engineers. To make available the results of the investigations conducted by the Station three types of publications are issued. These are: (1) Bulletins covering original investigations. (2) Circulars giving compilations of useful data. (3) Reprints giving more general distribution to scientific papers or reports previously published elsewhere, as for example, in the proceedings of professional societies. Single copies of publications are sent free on request to residents of Oregon, to libraries, and to other experiment stations exchanging publications. As long as available, additional copies, or copies to others are sent at prices covering cost of printing. The price of this bulletin is 25 cents. For copies of publications or for other information address Oregon State Engineering Experiment Station, Corvallis, Oregon A Sanitary Survey of the Willamette River From Seliwood Bridge to the Columbia River By G. W. GLEESON, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering Bulletin Series, No. 6 April 1936 Engineering Experiment Station Oregon State Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. II. III. Foreword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Acknowledgments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 6 6 6 Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. IV. General ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specific ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 7 Procedure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Selection of Stations -------------------------------------------------------------------------2. 7 River Trips ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 8 10 10 10 10 3. Laboratory Procedure ---------------------------------------------------------------------4. Velocity Measurements -------------------------------------------------------------------5. 6. Tide Records -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Time of Flow -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Prolonged Sampling Period -----------------------------------------------------------8. Biochemical Oxygen Demand -------------------------------------------------------- 11 V. Results and Discussion -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. Stage of Tide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Flow Measurements ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 15 Flow Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI. Comparison of Results with Other Surveys -------------------------------------- 16 16 25 27 28 Conclusions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 Bibliography 31 4. Dissolved Oxygen Traverse ---------------------------------------------------------5. Data for River Sampling Periods -------------------------------------------------6. Biochemical Oxygen Demand -----------------------------------------------------7. Prolonged Sampling Period ---------------------------------------------------------- VII. VIII. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGURES Page Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Diagram Showing Flow of Water through Sampling Apparatus ----------------------- Sampling Apparatus and Spool of Hose Used to Lower Sampler into River Tide Chart Shosving Stage of Tide for Various Sampling Periods. Tide Sleight as Recorded by Stark Street Gage ------------------------------------------------- .... Cross Section of the River and Results of Dissolved Oxygen Traverse at Station No. 1 (Sellwood Bridge) ------------------------Variation and Average Dissolved Oxygen at the Seven Regular Sampling Stations and at Five Intermediate Sampling Stations ----------------------------------- -_. Biochemical Oxygen Demand of Samples of River Water Taken at Station No. 1 on Various Sampling Trips as Indicated ------------------------------------------------Figure 7. Results of Hourly Sampling over One Full Day. Center of River, 100 feet Down Stream from Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Railway Bridge; ------------------------------------------------------------------------14, 1934 ------------------------- Variations in Dissolved Oxygen at Two Stations and Record of Mean Tide Figure 8. Sept. Levelfor 1927 ----- - -------- - -------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------- . --------------------- 9 9 12 14 17 25 28 30 TABLES Page Table 1. Description of Sampling Stations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 Table 2. Tide Levels from 1926 to 1933 Inclusive. (Monthly Mean Tide Level at Table StarkStreet in Feet) ----- -. ---------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------- 11 3. Estimated Flow of Willamette River on Sept. 10, 1934 ----------------------------------------- 14 Time of River Flow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------- 15 Table4. Table 5. Dissolved Oxygen Traverse at Rocky Point, Aug. 31, 1934 ---------------------------- .... 16 Table 6. Designation of Stations, Time of Test, River Depth ---------------------------------------- 18-19 ----------------------------------------------------20-21 Table 7. Dissolved-Oxygen Data Table 8. Bacterial Count, Solids, pH Values ---------------------------------------------------------------- ... 22-23 Table 9 Averages from Tables 7 and 8. (Regular Stations) ------------------------------------------------ 24 Table 10. Biochemical Oxygen Demand of Water Entering River Section Under Test 25 Table 11. Dissolved Oxygen in River in Absence of Portland Wastes ---------------------------------- 26 Table 12. Data for 24-Hour Sampling Period on Sept. 14, 1934, at Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Railway Bridge ................ - .................................................... 27 ----- - ------------ __.. -------- - A Sanitary Survey of the Willamette River From Seliwood Bridge to the Willamette River By G. W. GLEESON, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering I. FOREWORD HE people of Oregon have become increasingly aware of the constant devaluation of the public waters by unrestricted stream pollution. All of the many uses of natural water have been affected to some degree by the utilization of these same waters as carriers of domestic and industrial wastes, The streams of the state are a definite asset although their value is intangible, especially where the use for recreational purposes is con- sidered. The value of the commercial utilization of natural waters for domestic and industrial water supplies, fish propagation, navigation, power production, and irrigation can be estimated with a reasonable degree of certainty; this estimate, however,, is difficult to project into the future. The enforcement of prohibitory legislation has never provided a solution to the many problems of stream pollution; neither has it provided a means of preserving the heritage of the purity of natural waters. The technical, economic, and legal aspects of the problem have been too complex to be solved by simple preventive acts and the enforcement of these acts has been difficult and expensive. Accordingly, in Oregon and elsewhere, a logical method of attack upon the problems of stream pollution has been through cooperative studies that have had as an objective the reduction of the pollution load to a minimum. Such reduction, when kept within the bounds of economic feasibility, ultimately must effect stream improvement and promote the nearest approach to general satisfaction among all water users. In accordance with the foregoing concepts, it is hoped that the informa- tion which follows will play a part in stimulating a general program of improvement of the Willamette River, and that the statements contained in this bulletin will not be construed as other than an attempt to present a picture of conditions as they exist. The data are matters of fact, but the responsibility of the interpretation rests with the author; consequently, only those interpretations for which unquestionable data are available are justified. This reservation will result in the presentation of uninterpreted data, but they are included for their value as guides to some future, more complete, and comprehensive survey. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 6 II. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer expresses his appreciation to the City of Portland, Oregon, for the active interest taken in the matter of the sanitary condition of the Willamette River and for permission to publish the material contained herein. The writer especially acknowledges the cooperation of Commissioner 0. R. Bean of the Department of Public Works, City of Portland, Dr. David B. Chariton of the Chariton Food and Sanitary Laboratory, and those persons who assisted in the accumulation of the data. III. INTRODUCTION 1. General. The abatement of pollution of the Willamette River has been a matter of concern to many agencies. The State Board of Health, the League of Oregon Cities, the State Fish and Game Commissions, the pulp and paper industry, the canning industry, the gas companies, the Reconstruction Advisory Board, the State Flax Industry, the Isaac Walton League, the Anti-Pollution League, the City of Portland and other municipalities; Oregon State College, and the University of Oregon at various times have concerned themselves with the question of river pollution. Many opinions have been expressed in general meetings, and through the press. The information regarding the condition of the Willamette River is quite comprehensive, and may be found mainly in the following: (a) Records of the Department of Public Works of the City of Portland. Condi(b) Preliminary Reports of the Control of Stream Pollution in Oregon. Bulletin No. 1, Oregon State College Engineering Experiment Station, 1929. (c) A Sanitary Survey of the Willamette Valley. Bulletin No. 2, Oregon State College Engineering Experiment Station, 1930. (d) Report of Reconstruction Advisory Board. General Survey of Willamette River Valley, 1933. (e) Report of the Technical Committee on Pulp and Paper Trade Wastes, 1933. (1) Thesis of E. F. Howard, Oregon State College, 1934. (g) Thesis of M. O'Dell, Oregon State College, 1934. (h) Sewage Works Journal, V. 6, No. 3, 1934. tions surveyed from Seliwood Bridge to the Columbia River, 1926-28. The major portion of the work reported has dealt with individual trade wastes, problems of domestic waste disposal, or (with the exception of the studies conducted by the City of Portland prior to 1929) has been restricted to the portion of the river above the city boundary of Portland. In view of the fact that a rather complete report (1)* had been prepared regarding the up-river condition, it appeared logical to continue the survey from the Seliwood Bridge to the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers. 2. Specific. Because of the lack of recent information concerning the condition of the Willamette River within the city boundaries of Portland, and because of the interest created by the anticipated sewage disposal project of that city, a proposal was made to the Portland City Council through the Department of Public Works to conduct a four-week survey of the river from Sellwood Bridge to the Columbia River during low-water period. This proposal was adopted by the council as a city ordinance, The survey was officially started September 5 and continued until September 27, 1934. This bulletin records the results of this survey and draws from these results the conclusions that appear warranted. Numbers in parentheses refer to Bibliography. A SANITARY SURVEY OF TIlE WILLAMETTE RIVER 7 IV. PROCEDURE 1. Selection of stations. To provide for the possibility of correlation of data, the same sampling stations used by the City of Portland studies in 192&28 were selected for this survey. This selection was similar with the exception of Station No. 1 above the Seliwood Bridge. This station was selected at one quarter mile above the bridge to agree with the last station, No. 28, of the sanitary survey of 1929 (1). The stations chosen were seven in number and were located as indicated in Table 1. Table 1. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLING STATIONS Station number Designation Feet 0 2 ............. 3 ............. 4 5 Feet 91,920 73,770 65,450 50,500 14,400 13,400 18,000 36,100 22,700 4,700 Spokane, Portland & Seattle --------------------------Railway Bridge Pier 2Municipal Terminal 4 ----- - 6 -----------7 ------------ Approximate river distance from Columbiajetty light 18,150 Ross Island Bridge Burnside Bridge .......................................8,320 14,950 Kerr Gifford Mill ----------------------------------- Seliwood Bridge 1 Approximate river distance between stations Gillihan's Landing -------------------------------- On all river trips samples were taken at all stations designated. Numerous other stations were included on certain trips for specific reasons and adequate designations are provided in subsequent portions of this bulletin for samples taken at "extra" stations. 2. River trips. All river trips were made in the Harbor Patrol boat, Mulkey, and started with the sampling of the water at the last station down the river at Gillihan's Landing. The trips were arranged by time to accommodate tide conditions, and as it was desirable to "ride the tide" as much as possible, the trips progressed upstream. At each station the following procedure was adopted: (a) A sounding for depth was made with a steel cable that was marked in one-foot intervals. (b) Three standard sample bottles were lowered to one-fourth of the measured depth and filled by use of submerged sampling appara- tus. Two of these bottles were stoppered at once for the dissolvedoxygen test (duplicates) and the temperature of the water was obtained from the third. A portion of the third bottle was reserved as a part of the composite solids-determination sample. (c) Three standard bottles were lowered to one-half of the measured depth and filled. Two bottles were stoppered for the dissolvedoxygen test. From the third the temperature was obtained. The contents of the third bottle from the one-half depth was used for the bacteriological tests, the contents being transferred to a sterile bottle. The portion of the one-half-depth sample that was used for the composite for the solids determination was drawn from the reserve tank on the sampler. (d) The same procedure as in (b) was carried through for the three-quarters depth. (e) During the time interval between stations, the dissolved-oxy- gen determination was completed according to the Rideal-Stewart 8 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION modification of the Winkler procedure (2) (3) as far as the liberation of the iodine. The samples were then placed in containers for transport to the laboratory. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the sampling apparatus used, Figure 2 shows the same equipment with the boat reel and surface cock. The capacity of the reserve tank (D, Figure 1) was sufficient to draw through a volume equal to three times the volume of the sampling bottles. This insured a representative sample of water free from entrained air. The cable and tube leading to the surface were marked in one-half foot intervals to facilitate dropping the sampling apparatus to the proper depth. The above described procedure was repeated at the seven regular stations so that 42 dissolved-oxygen samples, 7 solid samples, and 7 bacterial samples were taken on each trip. These numbers do not include the samples taken at the "extra" stations. Eight river trips were made on the dates of September 5, 7, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, and 27, 1934. 3. Laboratory procedure. All samples obtained from the various river trips were transported to the laboratory for final analyses. These analyses were started or completed within a period of six hours after leaving the boat. As precautions were taken to prevent fluctuation in temperature and exposure to light, the results of the analyses may be considered to be typical of the water as sampled. The titration of the iodine liberated in the dissolved-oxygen test was the first laboratory procedure. As all test procedures to the point of titration had been completed on the boat, it was only necessary to measure the standard quantity of the solution and titrate to starch endpoint. In many cases, the entire absence of color indicated the lack of any dissolved oxygen. These samples, however, were titrated to an endpoint regardless of appearance. The samples for the solids determinations were taken to the laboratory of E. W. Lazell, Portland, where the suspended material was determined by filtration and the dissolved material by evaporation of the filtrate. The sum of the suspended solids and the dissolved solids constitute the total solids content. Two standard bacteriological tests were made according to "Standard Methods" of the American Public Health Association (3). The quantita- tive determination (bacterial count) was made at 37° C. for a 48-hour incubation period. The qualitative test for the coli-aerogenes group ("B.coli" group) was made in duplicate in a series of dilutions from 1:10 to 1 :10,000, and the usual confirmation tests were conducted upon the higher dilutions showing gas production. The results of the latter test are expressed in a recognized form; namely, "B. coli Index." The hydrogen-ion concentration of the water samples was obtained by taking a portion of the bacterial sample and using the electrometric method of pH determination with a glass electrode and calomel half cell. 4. Velocity measurements. It was considered important to obtain an average figure for the quantity of water flowing in the river during the test period. Two sets of measurements were obtained by river traverses using a Price current meter to determine velocity. The river width at the gaging location was established by stretching a marked cable from shore to shor. A velocity measurement was made at 0.6 depth for every 25 feet of width. The data thus obtained made possible a calculation of the average A SANITARY SURVEY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER Figure 1. Diagram showing flow of water through sampling apparatus. Figure 2. Sampling apparatus and spool of hose used to lower sampler into river. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 10 flow at the section considered. For various reasons which will be explained later, only two traverses were made. Samples of the water were taken every fifty feet during the traverse of the river. It is generally realized that there is some variation in the oxygen concentration across a river that is not too polluted (4); but for waters that are low in dissolved oxygen, usually it is true that little or no variation is experienced from bank to bank (1). In order to establish the truth of the condition concerning this survey, it was deemed necessary to take the samples described so that a dissolved-oxygen 'traverse" could be recorded. 5. Tide records. Although soundings for depth were taken at each point of sampling of the river, these data did not appear significant enough in so far as the tide fluctuations were concerned; consequently tide data as recorded by the United States Weather Bureau tide gage at the foot of Stark Street were obtained for each sampling period. Yearly and seasonal variations of the tides were obtained to compare the present condition with the average or expected. While the Stark Street record does not represent the actual condition for stations other than that at the Burnside Bridge, the period of time covered by a river trip was so short that the record may be taken as representative of the particular tide condition. 6. Time of flow. It was considered important to obtain the time of flow of the river through the length covered by this survey. This time was calculated from a series of 33 cross-sections as taken from Port of Portland data (United States Engineer's Office). These cross-sections were planimetered for area, and by the end-area method the average velocity of the river for the length between cross-sections was determined, using average quantity of flow. By applying the river length, the elapsed time between sections was determined. As the Port of Portland data were taken in February and March, 1934, and expressed as river depths at mean low-water level, it was necessary to apply corrections to establish the cross-sections for conditions pertaining to the period of this survey. 7. Prolonged sampling period. On September 14 and part of September 15, a twenty-four-hour sampling schedule was arranged. The point selected for sampling was approximately 100 feet below the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Railway Bridge. Samples were taken at one-half depth at hourly intervals. These samples were tested for dissolved oxygen, pH value, bacterial count, and solids. The prolonged sampling period was considered necessary to establish some factors regarding the variations due to tide action and the activities of the population contributing to the stream. As the sampling day was Friday, no effect due to the influence of Sunday on any industrial load should have been encountered. 8. Biochemical oxygen demand. On four of the eight river trips, samples of water were taken at station No. 1 at half depth and returned to the laboratory for the biochemical-oxygen-demand test. This test consists essentially of an incubation of the water samples at 20° C. under anaerobic conditions. At perodic intervals the samples were tested for their dissolved-oxygen content. The decrease in oxygen content with time is considered to be the rate at which the waters will demand oxygen or consume oxygen in the process of decomposition of the oxygen-consuming materials. It was considered important to know this pollutional load on the river at the entrance to the Portland harbor. A SANITARY SURVEY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER 11 V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Stage of tide. At the outset, it was realized that any study of the condition of the Willamette River within the Portland harbor should consider the variable factor of the stage of the tide. An effort was made to distribute the testing periods in relation to tide conditions. In terms of the tide record as taken by the Stark Street gage, Figure 3 shows the tide cycles for the various dates upon which the river samples were taken, and also the portion of the tide cycle covered by the sampling period. It is not intended that this figure should be interpreted as indicating actual tide at any sampling point as at the start of the time of sampling in the lower part of the river, the Stark Street gage would be recording a tide that was approximately one and one-half hours ahead or behind the tide condition at the sampling point. At the time of sampling at the uppermost station (No. 1), the gage would be recording a tide that was ahead or behind by about the same time interval when referred to the sampling point. This small difference in time, however, is unimportant. As will be noted from Figure 3, the sampling period covered one highhigh, four low-high, and three low-low tides, between a minimum recording of 1.3 feet and a maximum of 4.3 feet. The mean of these two extremes, or 2.8 feet, is compatible with the average mean for the month of September as indicated by Table 2 for the years from 1926 to 1933 inclusive. The mean tide level for the past fifty years for the month of September is 3.5 feet, a level in excess of either the average for the eight years recorded in Table 2 or that during the test period. Tue month of September is not the lowest stage of the river as the fifty-year average for the month of October is 2.7 as compared to 3.5 feet for September. Table 2. Ties LEVELS FROM 1926 o 1933 INcLusivE. (Monthly mean tide level at Stark Street in feet.) Year 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 January Febru- ary 2.6 6.4 7.6 2.9 7.5 1.5 6.5 2.7 4.8 6.2 2.7 3.5 3.7 9.2 4.6 2.0 April May 4.1 5.6 8.1 3.8 3.4 4.0 9.4 5.6 4.8 5.5 8.4 12.5 5.1 17.1 7.8 10.0 5.2 7.4 10.2 6.0 8.6 7.9 16.7 12.1 Au- June 5.8 20.4 17.9 13.8 10.1 8.9 18.1 22.4 gust 4.9 14.7 3.3 11.1 7.3 6.1 6.1 11.2 15.9 5.5 4.0 4.5 3.6 4.8 6.4 6.6 SepNotern- I Octo- vem- _J 2.7 4.8 2.9 2.6 2.9 2.8 2.9 3.8 ber ber 2.8 4.6 2.0 2.7 2.7 4.2 5.5 2.3 1.7 1.9 1.8 9.3 2.3 0.7 1.7 2.7 Dccern- ber 6.4 8.3 2.4 3.0 1.5 3.3 4.8 12.6 The yearly mean tide cycle in the Willamette River has, in general, one high peak and two low portions, the peak occurring from May to August with the low periods on either side of the peak. The extreme low-water condition occurs in the second low period from August to November and may have a duration as long as four months. The river stage as represented by the data in this bulletin may, therefore, be considered as applicable for approximately one-fourth of the year throughout the summer low-water period, and it is pertinent to state that conditions relative to the stage of the river at the time of testing were not extreme. Based upon average figures for tide height and dimensions of the harbor basin, the accumulation of water in the river between low and high tides below the Sellwood Bridge for low-water periods has been estimated ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 12 as approximately 375,000,000 cubic feet. During an incoming tide of about 16,000 seconds duration, the flow of the river amounts to approximately 64,000,000 cubic feet. Considering that none of the inflow leaves the basin, the difference of approximately 310,000,000 cubic feet can only be provided 5 4 3 2 C 5 4 Id W2 co z Lii 0 <2 0 0 5LI I. 5 4 3 2 TIME OF DAY Figure 3. Tide chart showing stage of tide for various sampling periods. Tide height as recorded by Stark Street gage. A SANITARY SURVEY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER 13 by backwater from the Columbia River. That this estimated condition is fact will be demonstrated by subsequent test data. If the 310,000,000 cubic feet of Columbia backwater is taken as a solid wall of water, the Columbia would proceed up the Willamette Channel as calculated from the Multnomah Channel entrance, a distance of 1.85 miles or slightly above Municipal Terminal No. 4 (Station 6). The true condition, however, is not represented by a solid wall of water. Owing to the fact that the Columbia River water is at a lowçr temperature (higher density) than the Willamette River water, the Columbia backflows into the Willatnette on the bottom of the river. Equalization of temperature and diffusion cause the Columbia water to enter as a wedge along the bottom of the Willamette channel. This condition approximately doubles the length of travel of the Columbia water, so that the estimated flow should extend to somewhere between the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Bridge and the St. Johns Bridge. Subsequent data will substantiate this contention. The conditions due to tide action as just described have a marked influence upon the sanitary condition of the Portland harbor. During incoming tide, the harbor basin simply acts as a reservoir for Willamette River water; in fact, existing evidence shows that some of the water in the lower part of the harbor is pushed back up the river by tide action and the river actually flows upstream at certain tide stages. Such a condition of tide means that the results of any tests of the river water must consider the tide condition at the time of sampling because the accumulation of waste or ponding of water influences the test values obtained. 2. Flow measurements. In order to correlate the data of the various tests of the river water, it was considered important to know the actual flow of Willamette River water into the Portland harbor. It was realized that velocity measurements could not be taken in the lower part of the river owing to fluctuations of the tide; consequently, a velocity traverse was made at Station No. 1 above the Sellwood Bridge. Figure 4 shows the cross section of the river at Station No. 1 as measured on August 31, 1934. The cross section was calculated as 20,078 square feet and the average velocity as determined by traverse with a Price current meter was 0.23 feet per second, which gives a flow of 4,617 second feet. Even at a point as far upstream as Sellwood Bridge, however, tide action influenced the flow to such an extent that a further attempt was made to measure the velocity at Clackamas Rapids about one mile below Oregon City. These gagings were made on September 16, 1934, and repeated traverses at periods corresponding to both high and low tide stages in the lower river gave readings of less than 2,000 second feet. As it was known that the flo of the Clackamas River is close to 660 second feet, the difference between the previously measured 4,600 and 2,600 was difficult to explain. To account for the low values, the executives of the companies operating power units at Oregon City were consulted. It was learned that owing to a decrease in demand on the power units over week ends, water is allowed to impound behind the dam at Oregon City so that normal flow is not fully established until Tuesday or Wednesday of each week. Furthermore, consultation with the operating division of the Portland General Electric Company brought out the fact that the flow in the Clackainas was variable owing to variable demand on the power ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 14 units. An average figure of 660 second feet was obtained from the power company's flow records. Such conditions as those described indicate that the flow of the Willamette into Portland is quite variable. As it was desirable to obtain some average figure, however, a repeated gaging of the Willamette at Clackaa: ON w 2 0 Cl) Ci, 0 I. w Ui .............. W.IWLLt4IuNl u..uuuuu uuiuuuuuuuu iir-uuu IC 2C U- I I.- C 3( 4( __ ::: 700 50 ______________________ ___________________________ 400 600 800 500 200 300 WIDTH OF RIVER FROM WEST BANK IN FEET Figure 4. Cross section of the river and results of dissolved-oxygen traverse at Station No. 1 (Sellwood Bridge). 0 100 mas Rapids was made on Friday, September 21, 1934, when it was assumed that the river had reached normal flow. For an area of 3,402 square feet, an average velocity of 1.08 feet per second was obtained, which gave a flow of 3,674 second feet. Adding the average flow of 660 second feet for the Clackamas gives a flow of 4,334 second feet. This is increased to approximately 4,384 by the Oswego Canal. This figure is in substantial agreement with the 4,617 second feet obtained by the traverse at Sellwood Bridge. Both values are higher, however, than the summation of values of the United States Geological Survey as given in Table 3, as 3,895 second feet. Owing to the various uncertainties as to flow, but placing some faith in the records and measurements made, a figure of 4,000 second feet was considered to approximate closely the flow for the period of the tests and hence was used in all calculations. Table 3. ESTIMATED Fr.ow OF WILLAMETTE RIVER ON SEPTEMBER 10, 1934 (United States Geological Survey data.) Drainage area Station Discharge 7eei Square miles 1. 7,420 728 493 323 710 Salem 2. Yamhill River 3. Pudding River 4. Molalla River 5. Tualatin River 6. Oswego Canal 7. Clackamas River 8. Added area below gaging stations ........................ .... - ........................................................... ............................ - TOTAL ............................................ - .... 1 2,880 70estimated 60 60 estimated 15 1 665 700 11,039 50 660 100 estimated 3,895 A SANITARY SURVEY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER 15 3, Flow time. The determination of rate of flow (average 4,000 second feet) makes possible the calculation of the time of flow of the river water from Station No. 1 to the Columbia. Although tide action influences flow rates for short time intervals, it is not possible for water to "pile up" in the Portland basin. The inflow at Seliwood, therefore, must pass through the basin in an average time regardless of tide fluctuation. As the wastes contained in the upper river will continue to demand oxygen from the stream during passage through the Portland basin, it was considered necessary to estimate the flow time through the harbor. Table 4 gives the area, velocity, distance between stations, and elapsed time for a total of 33 cross sections distributed between Sellwood Bridge (Station No. 1) and Gillihan's Landing (Station No. 7) which was located 4,700 feet from the jetty light at the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers. It will be Table 4. TIME OF RIVER FLOW Section number 0 2 3 4 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 [1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6 [7 8 9 10 11 12 3 Area Velocity Average velocity Square feet Feet per Feet per 29,300 29,300 35,290 28,500 20,720 33,000 27,300 30,860 26,900 37,700 29,200 30,600 35,580 33,470 30,400 31,460 56,500 85,600 50,530 42,500 51,670 42,960 59,400 48,890 40,700 35,140 42,890 32,700 31,580 22,190 33,500 49,910 23,140 24,500 0.136 0.136 0.113 0.138 0.193 0.121 0.146 0.130 0.149 0.106 0.137 0.131 0.113 0.118 0.132 0.127 0.071 0.047 0.079 0.094 0.077 0.094 0.067 0.081 0.098 0.113 0.093 0.120 0.127 0.180 second second Elapsed time Distance from Station 1 Between sections Total Feet Days Days Station number 0 0.136 0.129 0.125 0.165 0.157 0.133 0.138 0.139 0.127 0.121 0.134 0.122 0.115 0.125 0.129 0.099 0.059 0.063 0.086 0.085 0.085 0.080 0.074 0.089 0.105 0.103 0.106 0.123 0.153 0.150 0.100 0.126 0.169 0120 0.080 0.173 0.165 18,400 19,000 20,400 22,450 23,625 25,175 26,375 26,575 28,400 30,400 31,200 32,400 33,950 34,400 36,400 40,400 41,400 43,100 44,500 46,100 48,850 50,750 52,950 55,350 56,200 57,900 61,700 61,900 63,900 68,000 70,450 73,350 74,050 86,500 I 1.57 0.05 0.13 0.14 0.16 0.05 0.10 0.02 0.17 0.19 0.07 0.11 0.16 0.04 0.18 0.47 0.20 0.31 0.19 0.22 0.37 0.27 0.34 0.31 0.09 0.19 0.41 0.02 0.15 0.32 0.28 0.27 0.05 1.57 1.62 1.75 1.89 2.05 2.10 2.20 2.22 2.39 2.58 2.65 2.76 2.92 2.96 3.14 3.61 3.81 4.12 4.31 4.53 4.90 5.17 5.51 5.82 5.91 6.10 6.51 6.53 6.68 7.00 7.28 7.55 7.60 2 3 4 5 6 Multnomah Channel 7-Gillihan's Landing noted that no figure for elapsed time is given to Station No. 7 for the reason that at no time during the test period was Willamette River water observed at this station. A definite line of demarcation was always visible between the darkcolored Willamette River water and the green Columbia River water, this ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 16 line being in the vicinity of the inlet to Multnomah Channel. There is every reason to believe that the Columbia backflows into the Willamette in the last 12,400 feet of river at practically all times during low water, and that at high tides both Columbia and Willamette River waters flow down Multnomah Channel, while at low tides the flow down the channel is primarily Willamette River water. Consequently, an elapsed time for \'Villamette River water of 7.60 days from Sellwood to Multnomah Channel is indicated. The selection of a larger number of river cross sections might to some extent alter the flow time. It was considered, however, that sufficient sections were planimetered to be within the accuracy of the flow of 4,000 second feet. 4. Dissolved-oxygen traverse. Figure 4 shows the variation in dissolved oxygen across the width of the river as determined at Station No. 1. The results check anticipated values (1) and little difference in dissolved oxygen was experienced from one bank to the other, indicating that a single sample at any point in the width of the river would be fairly repre- sentative of the water as a whole. To check the distribution of dissolved oxygen across the river width. a second traverse was made at Rocky Point which is located one-half mile above the Sellwood Bridge. Table 5 gives the results of this traverse. No appreciable variation between banks was encountered. Table 5. DISSOLVED-OXYGEN TRAVERSE AT ROCKY POINT, AUGUST 31, 1934 Dissolved oxygen Distance from west bank P.p.m. Feet 75 125 175 ............................... -. ............................... 225 ----------------------------------- 275 325 375 ----------------------------------- - 2.98 3.27 3.18 3.18 3.22 3.18 3.18 Distance from west bank Dissolved oxygen Feet P.p.m. 425 475 525 575 625 675 725 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.12 3.08 2.98 3.02 Attention is called to the fact that the average dissolved oxygen as indicated by the Station No. 1 traverse of 3.20 and the average at Rocky Point of 3.14, or an average of 3.17, is approximately 32.2 per cent saturation at existing temperatures. Such a low figure connotes a heavy pollutional load upon the river before it ever encounters the wastes from the city of Portland. It is pertinent to remark that the actual oxygen content during the low-water season of 1934 was less than that encountered at the same station in the 1929 survey (1) of the river, and lower than the projected values as calculated from the oxygen demand of up-river wastes (5). These figures will be referred to again under the discussion of biochemical oxygen demand. 5. Data for river-sampling periods. Table 6 gives the date, number of the river trip, station designation, station location, tide index, and depth of river at the point of sampling for the eight river trips made. The station designation remains the same in subsequent tables of data, the first figure being the trip number and the second figure the sample number during a particular trip. As the seven regular sampling stations are suitably 17 A SANITARY SURVEY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER marked, no confusion should arise between the regular stations and the 'extra" stations sampled during some of the trips. The tide index of Table 6 is an arbitrary number that represents.the fraction of the particular tide cycle completed at the time of sampling. The negative signs of the tide index indicate an outgoing tide and the positive signs an incoming tide. Table 7 presents the temperature, dissolved-oxygen content of the water, and percentage saturation of the water with oxygen at the measured temperature for one quarter, one half, and three quarter depths at all stations sampled. It will be noted that the river water enters the city of Portland (Station No. 1) with a dissolved-oxygen content between 5.17 and 3.79, an average for all tests of 4.46 parts per million, or 48.6 per cent saturated. All tests on samples taken during the river trips gave a higher oxygen con- centration than the average traverse at Station No. 1 or Rocky Point. The latter tests were taken at extreme low tide, however, and may not be cOrnLEGEND I I SAMPLEAT - 0 I o. LANDING ' Li STA. 61 ERMINAL NO.4 IIIss;I 6' 4NDE ' ' I U : DEPTH IBR/DGErJ42 CD I I 'I 8$ELLW000______ Lii I I ISLANDI I BR/OGE i I STA. 5 OGE STA.4 S.R8S. KERR R. P. MILL 0 0 20 30 40 50 DISTANCE FROM STATION NO. I Figure S. ___________ GIFFORD 'BR/XE 2 0 Cl) I i i Z I STA.7 QIWHAN'S I 60 70 80 90 00 THOUSANDS OF FEET Variation and average dissolved oxygen at the seven regular sampling stations and at five intermediate sampling stations. parable. It was considered that the samples taken on the river trips were on the average more representative of actual condition. This condition of partial depletion of oxygen more nearly agrees with the values obtained in previous surveys (1) (5). For all river trips, the progressive decrease of the oxygen content down river from Station No. 1 is evident, until at the south end of Swan Island (Regular Station No. 4Kerr Gifford Mill), the dissolved oxygen in the river is ENTIRELY DEPLETED. This fact is evident from Figure 5, which ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 18 Table 6. DESIGNATION OF STATIONS, TIME OF TEST, RIVER DEFTH River trip number and station designation Location Time Tide index River depth Feet 1st trip- September 5, 1934 1la 1-2k.. ----- .. 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 -------- .. ------------ ------------------------- Seliwood Bridge Ross Island Bridge Burnside Bridge Kerr Gifford Mill S. P. & S. Railway Bridge Municipal Terminal No. 4 Gillihan's Landing 1:52p.m. 1:27 1:05 12:12 11:25a.m. 11:03 10:33 -0.95 -0.92 -0.85 -0.80 -0.75 -0.70 -0.65 27.5 38.0 46.5 45.5 41.0 36.4 33.5 8:49a.m. 8:20 8:08 -0.35 -0.29 -0.27 -0.24 -0.17 -0.13 -0.10 -0.08 -0.05 33.5 31.5 31.5 49.0 37.0 -0.39 -0.33 -0.29 -0.23 -0.17 -0.11 -0.05 30.5 44.0 48.0 52.0 45.0 36.5 37.0 36.0 2d trip- September 7, 1934 Sellwood Bridge Ross Island Bridge P.E.P.Cable Crossing Burnside Bridge Kerr Gifford Mill 2-5' 2.6i .. S. P. & S. Railway Bridge 2-7 ....................... Municipal Terminal No. 4 Postoffice Bar Flash 2-8 Gillihan's Landing 2-9 2-1 2-2 2-3_ ................ 2.4 7:55 7:19 6:56 6 :36 6:12 5:55 42.0 34.5 38.0 36.0 3d trip- September 11, 1934 3- ---------------- - Sellwood Bridge Ross Island Bridge Burnside Bridge 3.3k.. Gifford Mill 3-4k ...................... 35i ........................ Kerr S. P. & S. Railway Bridge Municipal Terminal No. 4 3-6 Postoffice Bar Flash 3-7 3-8' ....................... Gillihan's Landing 3-2 ............ - 11:08a.m. 10:27 10:10 9:37 9:12 8 :50 7:56 7:40 0.00 4th trip- September 13, 1934 4- Seliwood Bridge Ross Island Bridge Burnside Bridge 4_45 Kerr Giftord Mill S. P. & S. Railway Bridge 4.5 St. Johns Bridge 4.6 .... Municipal Terminal No. 4 4-7'. -----------4.8 ........................... 2,500 ft. down Multnomah Channel 4-9 ............................ Gillihan's Landing 4-2 4-3 12 :00m. 11:33a.m. 11:15 10:53 10:30 10:17 10:00 9:45 9:23 -0.37 -0.32 -0.28 -0.23 -0.19 -0.15 -0.12 -0.09 -0.05 31.0 42.0 47.5 52.5 41.0 42.5 37.0 20.0 34.5 5th trip- September 18. 1934 5.1a 5-2 5.4 5.6 57a 5-9'. .. Sellwood Bridge Ross Island Bridge Burnside Bridge Kerr Gifford Mill S. P. & S. Railway Bridge St. Johns Bridge Municipal Terminal No. 4 2,500 ft. down Multnomah Channel Gillihan's Landing 1:21p.m. 12:54 12:37 11:34 a.m. 11:20 11:06 10:49 10:30 10:10 +0.39 +0.29 +0.25 +0.20 3:20p.m. +0.48 ±0.39 +0.31 +0.20 +0.12 ±0.02 0.00 -0.99 -0.97 -0.94 -0.91 26.0 41.0 45.5 40.0 40.0 38.0 35.0 25.0 34.0 6th trip- September 20, 1934 6- Sellwood Bridge Ross Island Bridge Burnside Bridge Luckenbach Terminal Kerr Gifford Mill S. P. & S. Railway Bridge St. Johns Bridge 6-8'.._ .................... Municipal Terminal No. 4 6-9' ------------------------- Gillihan's Landing 6-2 6-3 6-4 .................... -6.5 6-6 ------------ 6-7 5See next page. 3 :00 2:40 2:22 2:07 1:43 1:30 1:15 12:50 -0.99 -0.97 --0.95 26.5 46.0 47.0 38.5 50.0 40.0 40.5 35.5 34.5 A SANITARY SURVEY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER 19 Table 6. DESIGNATION OF STATIONS, TIME OF TEST, RIVER DRFTH-Continued River trip number and station designation Location Time Tide index 7th trip- Feet September 25, 1934 Seliwood Bridge 7- Ross Island Bridge Burnside Bridge Broadway Bridge 7.4 Luckenbach Terminal 7.5 E. and W. Sawmills 7-6 Kerr Gifford Mill 7-?' S. P. & S. Railway Bridge 7-8'.. 7.9 .................... -- Portland Manufacturing Company St. Johns Bridge 7-10 GeneTal Oil Dock 7-11 Municipal Terminal No. 4 7-12' Opposite Multnomah Channel 7-13 7-14 Postoffice Bar Flash -------------- Gillihan's Landing 7-15'.. 7-2' 7.3' River depth ........................ .................... ..................... ......................... .......................... .... - 12:10p.m. 11:30a.m. 11:15 10:56 10:48 10:40 10:28 10:04 9:57 9:50 9:45 9:10 8:50 8:41 8:28 -0.52 -0.44 -0.39 37.0 42.0 46.5 -0.27 -0.24 41.0 42.0 -0.09 37.0 0.00 35.0 -0.20 -0.14 -0.09 -0.03 28.0 8th trip- September 27, 1934 Sellwood Bridge Ross Island Bridge 8-2' Burnside Bridge 8-3' Kerr Gifford Mill 8-4' S. P. & S. Railway Bridge 8-5' Municipal Terminal No. 4 8-6' Gillihan's Landing 8-7'.. 'Indicates regular sampling stations (see Table 1). 8- ...................... ............ - ....... ....................... ...................... 11:30a.m. 11:00 10:45 10:13 9:45 9:31 9:02 +0.91 +0.85 +0.73 38.5 48.5 48.0 41.0 36.5 36.0 shows the variation in dissolved oxygen and the general average as encountered at the various stations. Relative to the dissolved-oxygen content, the situation between the Kerr Gifford Mill and the Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Bridge could not be worse, an area of denuded water existing for a river distance of approximately 14,400 feet. The consistency of the low dissolved-oxygen concentration within this area on all river trips indicates that during low-water periods there is no question regarding the existence of a large section of river that is in a subnormal state. It will be noted that the variation in dissolved-oxygen content at all depths of sampling at the various stations (Figure 5) is the same within experimental error for all of the stations above the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Bridge. This condition is not true of the stations down the river. The variations encountered are of different magnitude and the mean values indicate an increasing dissolved-oxygen content from top to bottom of the river. This variation is due to the fact that, especially at high tide but in a measure at all tides, the Columbia River water has backed into the Willamette channel on the bottom and increased the dissolved-oxygen concentration. It is evident that the Columbia waters proceed upstream no farther than between the St. Johns Bridge and the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Bridge; otherwise at some river trip a higher dissolved oxygen would have been encountered at three quarters depth for the latter station. The percentage of saturation values indicate the same conclusions as those arrived at in respect to the dissolved oxygen. One additional fact is evident, however, namely, that the Columbia waters are colder than the 20 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Willamette waters and are practically saturated with oxygen. Upon entering the Willamette channel on the bottom, the temperature is increased by contact with the warmer water, this increase taking place without loss of oxygen. The waters then become supersaturated and show a percentage greater than 100, this supersaturation becoming less evident upstream. The temperature data reflect the same condition of flow of Columbia River water on the bottom. Decrease in temperature is experienced as the depth Table 7. DISSOLVED-OXYGEN DATA Station desig- nation 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2.7 2-8 2-9 3-1 3-2 3-3 3.4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 4-1 4-2 4.3 4.4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 5.1 5.2 5-3 5-4 5.5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 6-1 6.2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 5-9 ... Temperature Dissolved oxygen - depth depth depth deptl Degrees Degrees Degrees P4'.m. P.p.en. P.p.m. 4.85 1.87 0.81 0.10 0.05 4.75 1.95 0.69 0.05 0.00 2.42 9.80 4.85 1.89 0.82 0.18 0.10 4.43 8.60 3.97 4.57 2.90 0.96 0.00 0.00 4.90 9.40 9.41 4.11 4.61 2.75 0.90 0.00 0.00 6.06 9.47 9.47 3.79 2.85 1.23 0.00 0.00 1.79 9.70 9.95 3.82 2.70 42.3 1.20 13.6 4.29 4.30 2.24 0.00 0.55 0.82 2.82 5.48 9.90 4.36 4.13 2.16 0.00 0.32 2.65 4.90 5.47 9.98 4.89 2.96 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 4.81 8.59 5.06 3.21 1.34 4.52 4.27 3.18 4.50 4.25 3.35 1.36 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.40 9.70 1.05 C. C. C. 22.0 22.0 22.4 22.2 22.2 22.0 20.5 22.0 22.0 22.4 22.2 22.2 22.0 21.5 21.5 21.8 21.8 21.9 21.9 21.5 21.5 21.9 21.7 19.5 19.4 21.5 21.5 21.8 21.6 21.9 22.0 20.8 19.5 19.4 20.6 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.8 20.0 20.6 20.0 20.5 20.3 20.9 20.0 20.6 20.2 20.6 20.7 21.1 19.5 18.1 17.9 18.1 17.8 18.3 17.9 19.9 19.9 20.0 20.3 20.6 20.4 20.1 19.9 20.0 19.9 20.4 19.9 21.2 22.0 20.5 19.2 17.7 19.8 19.8 19.6 19.6 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 19.8 19.0 18.2 19.0 18.4 19.7 19.0 19.4 19.8 20.0 20.0 20.1 20.1 18.8 22.0 22.0 20.6 19.6 19.4 19.5 19.0 19.2 19.4 19.7 19.9 19.9 19.8 18.0 9.77 4.05 4.47 2.89 1.06 0.00 0.00 3.06 9.37 9.37 3.83 2.85 1.25 0.00 0.02 1.80 9.90 9.85 4.40 4.34 2.55 0.00 0.65 19.3 19.2 17.7 5.44 9.86 20.0 19.6 19.6 20.1 20.0 20.0 0.82 1.95 4.78 2.98 1.25 0.11 0.00 19.0 18.0 0.00 0.35 4.81 7.22 19.6 18.9 19.1 19.3 19.6 19.8 19.8 19.4 18.0 4.55 4.81 3.05 1.35 0.04 0.10 0.19 0.40 8.45 20.0 19.6 ! 1.33 19.9 20.4 20.6 20.0 20.6 20.4 19.8 19.3 17.8 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.2 20.0 22.1 22.4 22.2 22.1 21.4 20.5 depth 1 deptF 0.00 0.10 6.62 9.82 9.93 0.00 0.00 0.05 2.86 4.60 9.38 0.10 0.10 0.00 1.70 9.71 depth Per Saturation ______________ depth 1 depth Per Per cent cent 55.0 21.2 53.8 22.1 7.9 0.6 0.0 27.4 101.0 55.0 21.4 9.4 2.0 44.4 46.1 51.8 31.1 10.1 0.0 0.0 9.3 1.1 0.6 15.0 100.0 45.4 50.0 32.5 11.9 0.0 0.0 34.2 100.1 100.1 31.1 0.0 0.2 19.7 103.5 104.0 48.1 47.4 27.9 0.0 7.2 9.0 21.3 58.6 101.0 52.0 32.5 13.7 1.2 0.0 0.0 3.8 51.6 76.7 49.4 51.6 33.0 14.6 0.4 1.1 2.6 4.4 90.5 51.1 32.7 10.8 0.0 0.0 54.1 100.2 100.2 cent 1.1 49.6 99.0 67.0 100.2 100.2 41.8 31.1 13.6 0.0 0.0 19.5 101.5 104.0 71.8 103.0 104.0 46.7 47.0 24.4 0.0 47.6 45.1 23.6 0.0 6.1 42.1 29.5 13.2 0.0 1.1 3.5 9.0 30.6 58.9 103.0 28.9 52.8 58.8 104.0 52.8 32.1 14.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.6 51.6 90.2 54.8 34.8 14.6 0.0 0.0 0.5 31.6 49.2 98.1 48.8 45.6 34.3 14.7 48.6 45.4 35.9 0.5 0.9 0.9 4.4 101.5 11.3 1.1 1.1 0.0 18.2 101.5 A SANITARY SURVEY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER 21 Table 7. DISSOLVED-OXYGEN DATA-Continued Sta- nation 5 depth 5 depth Degrees Deree] 17.0 16.6 17.2 17.0 17.6 17.5 18.0 17.4 16.8 16.8 17.4 7-12 7-13 7-14 7-15 16.4 16.8 13.6 13.6 8-1 ...... 16.8 17.0 17.2 17.0 17.5 16.9 13.5 17.2 16.8 16.4 17.0 17.6 17.0 13.8 7-1 7-2 7-3 -----7-4 ...... 7-s 7-6 7-7 ...... 7-8 ...... 7-9 -----7-10 7-Il 8-2 8-3 8-4 ...... 8-5 8-6 ...... 8-7 ------ 17.6 17.7 Saturation Dissolved oxygen Temperaturi tIo?S desig- 5 depth 5 depth 5 depth 5 depth S depth Degrees Ppm. P.p.m. P.pm. 5.17 3.22 1.71 5M8 C. 16.4 17.2 17.6 5.16 3.15 1.86 0.86 0.48 0.20 1-7.8 0.00 17.8 17.4 17.5 15.8 15.8 14.8 14.0 1.80 2.58 10.86 10.75 4.36 4.15 3.20 0.00 0.00 1.16 11.49 4.40 4.10 17.0 16.6 16.4' 17.0 17.0 16.2 13.6 lIMO cent 53.0 32.0 19,2 8.8 3.20 L70 ..,. 0.00 0.00 18.0 Per 3.32 0.00 0.00 1.51 11.58 I 5 depth 5 depth Per Per Cent 52.9 33.0 17.7 Cent 51.5 33.0 17.6 0.0 SM 2,1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,35 7.01 10.49 10.90 4.47 4.10 3.39 0.00 0.00 6.42 11,63 0.0 0.0 18.3 26.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.5 104.0 102.0 102.5 105.0 44.7 42.6 33.0 0.0 0.0 11.9 45.4 42.0 33.7 0.0 0.0 I 109.5 0.0 15.5 111.0 70J 45.9 41.7 34.4 0.0 0.0 65.0 112.0 of sampling increases, although this effect is apparent only at those stations in the lower part of the river, the variation in the upper river being nil. Table 8 presents the bacterial count, B. coli index, solid content of the water, and pH values. The bacterial count refers to the number of separate organisms per cubic centimeter of water as determined by count of plates incubated for 48 hours at 37° C. The B. coli index refers to the number of organisms of the coli-aerogenes group that is indicated to be present per cubic centimeter of water. The solid content refers to the material carried by the water either in solution or in suspension, the total solid content being the sum. The pH value refers to the hydrogen-ion concentration, which indicates approach to neutrality, the value of 7.00 being neutral, values below 7.00 acid, and values above 7.00 basic. The City of Portland data (6) record a maximum bacterial count at Seliwood of 2,300 per cubic centimeter for September, 1926; 45,000 for September, 1927; and 1,800 for September, 1928. The 1929 Sanitary Survey (1) records 12,100. It appears that the count at this station is quite variable. This proved to be the case in this survey as the number varied from a low of 2,400 to a high of 82,000. The eicplanation of this fluctuation is rather uncertain, but may be considered as due to two possibilities: (a) the carrying of waste material from the Portland sewers up the stream by tide action, or (b) the accumulation of wastes from tip river in the region of deep water above Sellwood, this same material passing downstream with the outgoing tide. It is believed that the latter possibility is nearer the truth than the former, a matter that will be alluded to later. It is significant, however, that regard. less of the reason, a high bacterial count exists at certain times at the entrance to the city. If it is considered that conditions on the upper reaches of the Willamette are unsuitable from a sanitary standpoint for bathing, 22 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION certainly at Seliwood and, incidentally, at all points below, the practice should be dangerous. The highest bacterial count of 180,000 per cubic centimeter was exper- ienced at the Portland Flouring Mills station. The lowest bacterial count was obtained at all times at Gillihan's Landing, the last station down river, which is almost if not entirely Columbia River water. The observed low count was 100. The distribution of bacteria throughout the river is far from constant or uniform. Maximums appeared at different locations on different Table 8. BACTERIAL COUNT, SOLIDS, AND rH VALUES Station designation Bacterial count B. Solid material coIl index Suspended P.p.m. 2,400 1-2 ------------------------ 20,000 1-3 --------------- . 35,000 1-4 74,000 1-5 28,000 1-6 30,000 1-7 2,200 1-1 2-1 2-2 ------------------- .. 75,000 3,600 2-3 23,600 2-4 ------------------------ 37,000 2-5 180,000 2-6 32,000 2-7 12,700 2-8 1,300 2-9 530 30,000 10,500 3-1 3-2 3-3 ........................75,000 3.4 34,000 30,500 21,400 1,200 580 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 25,000 10,400 5,200 35,000 2,300 4,000 1,200 640 1,900 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 27,500 6,800 28,000 16,000 8,000 3,000 2,000 1,100 5-1 5.2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 6-1 .................... . 6-2 6-3 ........... . 6-4 6-5 ....... . 6-6 5-7 6-8 6-9 ----------------------- 100 100 1,000 1,000 100 10.7 23.2 4.4 10 8.5 7.4 3 100 5.5 7.1 9.1 1,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 10.2 9.7 12.2 3.6 10 9.2 8.0 50 10 3.5 7.3 50 50 1,000 100 100 50 10 0 8.3 12.3 12.9 50 10 4.7 13.6 11.7 8.3 12.0 9.6 7.1 70 1,000 1,000 50 50 50 8.4 7.7 10.2 12.7 5 12.1 10 6.0 50 100 1,000 50 50 50 5.6 15.6 5 5 1,000 10 82,000 18,000 17,000 25,000 19,000 7,100 4,400 2,000 100 1,000 1,000 100 100 0 10 10 10 5 5.3 5.2 8.9 7.2 7.2 15.0 13.0 6.2 10.2 9.6 8.7 5.9 7.1 8.2 15.4 14.3 Dissolved P.p.sn. 93.0 110.0 110.0 115.0 100.0 120.0 65.0 Total pH Values P.p.m. 105.7 133.2 114.4 120.5 107.1 128.5 72.4 7.10 6.87 6.86 6.91 6.99 7.02 7.37 76.0 69.0 77.0 93.0 85.0 100.0 75.0 75.0 120.0 85.1 79.2 86.7 105.2 88.6 103.5 84.2 6.92 6.94 6.70 83.0 127.3 6.75 6.69 6.73 7.31 8.38 8.29 50.0 60.0 60.0 55.0 80.0 105.0 150.0 140.0 58.3 72.8 72.9 68.6 91.7 113.3 162.0 149.6 6.67 6.72 6.77 6.59 6.61 6.94 7.99 8.24 99.7 6.69 6.90 6.85 6.72 6.62 95.0 90.0 120.0 130.0 105.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 110.0 97.1 127.0 138.4 112.7 110.2 112.7 112.1 116.0 65.0 45.0 90.0 65.0 70.0 100.0 75.0 105.0 105.0 70.6 60.6 95.3 70.2 78.9 107.2 82.2 120.0 118.0 170.0 200.0 155.0 140.0 176.2 210.2 164.6 115.0 115.0 120.0 90.0 80.0 148.7 120.9 122.1 128.2 105.4 104.3 6.90 6.75 7.23 8.14 6.63 6.63 6.64 6.65 6.67 6.63 6.67 6.86 6.88 23 A SANITARY SURVEY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER Table 8. BACTERIAL COIJNT, SOLIDS, AND H VALUES-CONtjflUCd Station designation 7-1 7-2 7-3 .. -----------------7.4 ---------------------7-5 ---------------------7-6 ---------------------7-7 ------- .. 7-8 7.9 ...................... 7-10 .................... 7-11 7-12 .................... 7-13 .................... 7-14 -------------------7-15 -------------------8-1 ---------------------- 8-2 8-3 ---------------------8-4 ---------------------8.5 ----------------------8-6 ----------------------- 8-7 ....................... Bacterial count B. coli index 30,000 32,000 39,000 10 5 500 Solid material pH L Values Dissolved Total P.p.m. P.p.m. P.p.ns. 6.1 9.4 14.4 100.0 100.0 125.0 106.1 109.4 139.4 7.02 6.98 Suspended 6.81 23,000 3,000 50 50 12.0 8.4 80.0 95.0 92.0 103.4 6.81 7.08 1,700 50 12.5 90.0 102.5 7.32 10.8 120.0 130.8 793 6.5 115.0 110.0 125.0 140.0 120.0 115.0 140.0 121.5 118.4 134.1 148.8 6.82 7.07 7.04 7.11 7.21 6.84 8.08 430 15,000 17,000 22,000 12,000 4,000 7,000 300 1 50 10 8.4 509 9.1 50 10 0 5 8.8 11.4 6.7 10.8 13L4 12L7 150.8 river trips but this would be expected when the influence of tide action is considered. In general, the statement can be made that throughout the larger portion of the Willamette River within the Portland city boundaries, the bacterial count is exceedingly high at low-water periods. The B. coli index was higher in this study than in any previous study. Values of 10,000 per c.c. were obtained in several instances and at Sellwood the values generally were higher than previously reported. The major concentration of bacteria as represented by the coli-aerogenes group oc- curred near the central harbor as might be expected since these organisms do not survive in water for long periods under ordinary conditions. The peaks of B. coli index correspond roughly to the largest bacterial count, which indicates that the bacteria are due to sewage pollution. No other conclusion can be drawn from the B. coli index values than that gross pollution by sewage exists through the larger portion of the Portland harbor. The highest concentration of total solids encountered was 210 parts per million. The lowest was 58. These were classified as 200 ppm. dissolved and 10 ppm. suspended for the maximum, and 50 ppm. dissolved and 8 ppm. suspended for the minimum. In general, there does not appear to be as marked a fluctuation in the amount of suspended solids as in the amount of dissolved solids. There is evidence of some influence of tide action on the distribution of solid material throughout the length of the river, although the influence does not appear to concentrate the solid materials at any particular location. Previous average analyses of Willamette River water indicate 66 parts per million for the total solid concentration (7) but only in one case was such a low value obtained at Sellwood. It may be concluded, therefore, that the waters entering the harbor are of a higher solid content than would be expected were contamination absent. The same facts regarding 24 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION the solids at Sellwood apply under the bacterial count; namely, that unusually high values occasionally are experienced, a condition that could only result from the accumulation of pollutional matter at this point. It appears pertinent to mention that an average value of 125 parts per million concentration of total solids passing through the harbor amounts to approximately 1,400 tons every twenty-four hours. Of this load, the city of Portland contributes approximately one-half. Only one significant fact is indicated by the pH values. The values show a definite increase at the lower stations. This increase is again evidence of Columbia River water as this water is distinctly more alkaline than that in the Willamette. Referring to stations designated 2-8 and 3-7 in Table 7 at Post Office Bar Flash, which is just below the entrance to Multnomah Channel, it will be noted that the water is Columbia River water at all depths. Referring to stations designated 4-8 and 5-8 which were located 2,500 feet down Mult- nomah Channel, it will be noted from Table 7 that the average dissolved oxygen is 5.08 parts per million. These oxygen concentrations at points separated only by a relatively short distance can mean nothing else than that Columbia River water is mixed with Willamette River water at the entrance to Multnomah Channel and flowing down the channel with it. Even so, the mixture is only approximately 50 per cent saturated with oxygen, and this concentration is expected to supply the demand of the wastes of Portland that flow with it. It is doubtful whether the Willamette River water does other than flow down Multnomah Channel in low-water periods. Table 9. AVERAGES FROM TAmES 7 AND 8 (BEGULAR STATIONS) Average dissolved- Station designation Sellwood Bridge ---------------Ross Island Bridge ------------ Oxygen saturation Depth depth depth Feet Per Per Per 30.0 40.4 47.3 45.7 48.7 37.9 20.2 48.3 38.0 19.6 0.1 48.9 37.8 0.9 23.2 101.6 Burnside Bridge Kerr Gifford Mill ---------------Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Bridge ------------------------------- 41.5 Municipal Terminal No. 4 36.1 Gillihan's Landing ............ 34.9 cent 0.3 1.1 16.1 98.2 cent II depth pH Bacterial count Total solids P.p.m. cent 19.8 0.4 6.85 6.87 6.81 6.78 35,700 14,500 32,200 48,200 102.9 110.1 119.1 106.0 0.8 47.4 104.2 6.84 6.98 7.85 14,300 9,900 106.3 106.3 121.1 870 Table 9 presents the averages of the figures of Table 7 and 8. The depletion of oxygen in the central harbor is very evident. It will be noted that the lowest average of dissolved-oxygen concentration corresponds with the highest average bacterial count, although this no doubt is a coincidence. Attention is called to the fact that between Stations 1 and 2 which is a river distance of 18,400 feet or a flow time of 1.57 days (see Table 4), the percentage of saturation decreased only 10.7 per cent, while between Stations 2 and 3 with a river distance of 8,175 feet or an elapsed time of 0.65 day, the saturation dropped 18.0 per cent. This indicates that the rate of decrease per unit time is about four times as great between Stations 2 and 3 as between Stations 1 and 2. This is owing to the demand of the Portland wastes, which are not particularly concentrated between the first two sta- 25 A SANITARY SURVEY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER tions but begin to accumulate between Ross Island and the Burnside Bridge. 6. Biochemical oxygen demand. Table 10 gives the values of the biochemical oxygen demand (B.O.D.) for four samples of river water taken at Station No. 1. These values are read from the faired curves of Figure 6. Each point of Figure 6 represents the average of two titrations that checked closely in each case. Each test of a sample required the incubation of from 14 to 18 bottles, therefore, it is considered that the average value for B.O.D. from Table 10 represents the condition of the river at the entrance to the Portland harbor during the low-water season. :::Ix! 5 4 3 uruuuuuu. 2 W4UUUUUUU a:0 d 5 - -' UUULL uuuauuuu ....-........ uuuuuuiu ______ - 2 24 6 8 0121402 4 68 101214 TIME DAYS Figure 6. Biochemical oxygen demand of samples of river water taken at Station No. 1 on various sampling trips as indicated. Table 10. BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND OF WATER ENTERING RIVER SECTION UNDER TEST (Biochemical oxygen demand-p.p.m.-20° C.) Time 5th river trip 9/18/34 6th river trip 9/20/34 0 0.9 0 1.0 1.8 2.5 3.2 3.8 4.5 1.9 7th river trip 9/25/34 8th river trip 9/27/34 Average Days 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 --------------------14 t 2.6 3.3 3.8 4.3 4.6 0 1.0 1.8 2.5 3.1 3.7 4.3 4.9 Values taken from smoothed curve of experimental points. tOxygen depleted. 0 1.1 2.0 2.8 3.5 4.1 4.6 t 0 1.00 1.84 2.60 3.27 3.85 4.67 4.75 26 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Considering the Portland wastes to be absent from the river, what would be the situation as regards the dissolved-oxygen content? The answer is obtained by combining the data of Table 4 and Table 10 so that the consumption of dissolved oxygen with time of flow of the river is obtained. Using the average value of 4.46 parts per million of dissolved oxygen entering the basin, the combination of data results in Table 11. Table 11. DISSOLVED OXYGEN IN RIVEN TN ABSENCE OF PORTLAND WASTES Station Sellwood Bridge ---------------- . Ross Island Bridge Burnside Bridge Kerr Gifford Mill Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Bridge Terminal No. 4 ------------------------Multnomah Channel ----------------- Time from Seliwood Biochemical Oxygen Demand Residual Dissolved Oxygen Saturation Days Ppm. Ppm. Per cent 0 0 1.57 4.46 3.81 0.75 1.02 1.68 5.82 7.28 7.60 2.49 3.00 3.11 2.22 20° C. 3.71 3.44 2.78 48.7 40.5 37.6 30.4 1.97 1.46 1.35 21.5 15.9 14.7 As it was determined that essentially all of the Willamette River water passed down Multnomah Channel during the low-water period, and that the Columbia exerts an influence upon the dissolved oxygen somewhat above this point, it can be said that complete depletion of oxygen would not take place in the Willamette River without the presence of the Portland wastes In fact, the oxygen concentration probably would not fall below 25 per cent saturation, considering some reaeration as taking place during the flow time. The Portland waste is, therefore, the final contribution that establishes the undesirable condition of oxygen depletion at low-water periods in the Portland basin. Reference to Figure 5, Table 9, and Table 11 will indicate that the decrease in the dissolved-oxygen content of the river water from Seliwood Bridge to Ross Island Bridge (Stations 1 and 2) is not due to the addition of wastes between these points as the reduction can be accounted for by normal B.O.D. of wastes that enter this section of the river. The average reduction of dissolved oxygen at 20° C. from 48.6 to 37.9 per cent of satura- tion, or from 4.46 to 3.47 ppm. or 0.99 ppm., calls for an elapsed time of flow between these two stations of 1.90 days. The actual time of flow was calculated as 1.57 days. Such agreement simply indicates that little or no waste that demands oxygen is discharged into the stream between the stations indicated. The same cannot be said of the condition between Stations No. 2 and 3. The percentage saturation drops from 37.9 to 19.9, or from 3.47 to 1.82 p.p.m., a decrease of 1.65 p.p.m. This decrease at normal rate of B.O.D. indicates an elapsed time of 3.8 days between these stations. The actual elapsed time was calculated as 0.65 day. This large difference indicates the presence of an additional pollutional load between these points. The fact is graphically illustrated in Figure 5, where the slope of the curve indicating the dissolved-oxygen content between Stations 2 and 3 is much greater than is true in the case of Stations 1 and 2. The condition, of course, becomes more pronounced at the down-river stations until Columbia water promotes recovery. A SANITARY SURVEY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER 27 Regardless of the wastes from the city of Portland, it can be said with certainty that the pollutional load on the river prior to entering the Portland basin is sufficient to be defined as heavy pollution. The Portland wastes are simply an additional burden. 7. Prolonged sampling period. Table 12 presents the results obtained for the 24-hour sampling period conducted on September 14, 1934, at a point in the center of the river channel and 100 feet below the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Railway Bridge. The headings to the columns of Table 12 have the same significance as those of Tables 7 and 8. The value for the depth in feet as measured at the time of sampling must not be construed as bearing any definite relationship to the tide condition as it was impossible to sample at exactly the same spot in each case Table 12. DATA FOR 24-HOUR SAMPLING PERIOD ON SEPTEMBER 14, 1934, AT UNION PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY BRIDGE Ap- Sampie num- her proxi Time mIte hour Tern- Depth Feet I 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9 :35 am. 10:20 11:04 12:07 p.m. 1:08 2:20 3:15 4:15 5:10 6:50 7:50 8:50 9:50 10:50 11:50 12:50a.m. 1:50 2:50 4:10 5:00 7 :00 8:00 9:00 0 1 2 52 51.5 3 51 53 4 52 5 52.2 6 52 48 50.5 51.5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 50.7 48.8 50 52 52.2 54 51.8 51.5 50.5 50.5 50 51 50.5 pera- tore C. 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.5 20.8 20.8 20.5 20.5 20.5 19.8 19.8 19.6 19.7 Dis- solved O pH Value Count P.p.m. 2.38 2.45 2.49 2.29 19.2 19.4 19.4 19.6 19.4 19.6 2.31 2.35 2.23 2.40 2.29 220 Sus- Dis- pended solved Ppm. Ppm. ... 6.96 21,000 6.93 75,000 6.86 92,000 20 16 4 34 16 18 6.85 86,000 32 10 22 6.96 55,000 32 6 26 6.87 14,000 82 52 26,000 30 6.80 6.78 50,000 158 22 136 158 14 144 152 12 140 2.21 19.6 19.4 19.4 19.2 Total P.p.m. 2.61 2.73 2.87 2.80 2.85 2.98 2.98 3.18 2.99 2.99 2.32 2.23 Solids Bac- terial 6.86 6.82 45,000 6.75 6.75 19,000 19,000 and the roughness of the river bottom prevented exact duplication of soundings. The tide condition for the extended sampling period was high at 9:00 p.m., September 13; low at 7:00 am., September 14; low-high at 10:00 am., September 14; low-low at 5:00 p.m., September 14; high at 9:30 p.m., September 14; and low at 8:00 am., September 15. The values of Table 12 are expressed in graphical form in Figure 7. It will be noted from Figure 7 that the dissolved-oxygen fluctuation with time is not great, although a significant drop is evident at about half high tide. This is compatible with expectation as the incoming tide carries water from the denuded area upstream. The same effect is evidenced in the total solid content of the water, the maximum occurring shortly after the peak of the tide. The variation in the bacterial count was not significant. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 200 Iii LU UL 80 2 TIDE ieo 0 40 c LU I- 20 LU Itoo a) a: 80 Lii z 60 0 a: 4QQ LU U) 0 U) 20 U) Figure 7. Results of hourly sampling over one full day. Center of river, 100 feet down stream from Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Railway Bridge, September 14, 1934. VI. COMPARISON OF RESULTS WITH OTHER SURVEYS The 1929 survey (1) and the report on the pulp and paper industry (5) predicted a definite decrease in the dissolved oxygen below Sellwood Bridge, although conditions as unfavorable as those that actually exist at low water were not anticipated. It is significant that the surveys of the City of Portland (6) for the month of September, 1927, averaged 8.5 ppm. dissolved oxygen at Sellwood; 5.7 p.p.m. at the Portland Flouring Mills; and 5.4 p.p.m. at the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Bridge. For the month of September, 1928, the values for dissolved oxygen averaged 6.4 p.p.m. at Sellwood; 2.8 ppm. at the Portland Flouring Mills; and 2.1 ppm. at the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Bridge. The 1929 sanitary survey (1) gave 3.8 ppm. at Sellwood. The grand average of all samples taken during the survey herein reported was 3.81 ppm, or practically the same as found by the 1929 survey. A SANITARY SURVEY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER 29 It is evident that from 1926 to 1934 there has been a decrease in the dis- solved-oxygen content of the water entering the river section at Portland and that this decrease has made possible the complete consumption of this oxygen by the Portland wastes before the water passes out of the Willamette River proper. Furthermore, under the existing circumstances there appears to be no immediate possibility of correcting the condition. Exam- ination of available data indicates that the prediction that the zone of denuded water will gradually expand upstream is a logical one. The data of the study of the river condition as made by the City of Portland from 1926 to 1928 inclusive have never been published and are too comprehensive to include in this bulletin. These data are the only ones covering the period of an entire year, however, and some interesting variations are encountered. Figure 8, as taken from these data, is included to indicate the variation in dissolved oxygen with months of the year and at different mean tide levels. The effect of the late summer and fall lowwater period is evident. For the current time, the dissolved oxygen at the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Bridge would, of course be nil. In general, it can be said that this survey bears out the conclusions of other surveys and should be considered in addition to them and in the light of up-river conditions. It is believed that a review of the entire published material pertaining to the river now forms a very comprehensive picture. VII. CONCLUSIONS For the sake of brevity, the conclusions drawn from the survey covered by this bulletin are presented below as direct statements. For conditions and periods of time different from those herein reported, the conclusions are not necessarily true. 1. Willamette River water enters the city boundaries of Portland, Oregon, in a partly denuded state with respect to the dissolved-oxygen content. These waters are about 49 per cent saturated at 200 C. 2. The waters entering the city of Portland have a biochemical oxygen demand that averages 2.2 ppm. at five days and 3.8 ppm. at 10 days. 3. A negative oxygen balance does not exist at the up-river city boundary. 4. The addition of the wastes from the City of Portland to the wastes already contained in the river water at Sellwood produces a negative oxygen balance at some point below Sellwood. 5. The negative balance results in zero dissolved oxygen for a length of river of about 2.7 miles. 6. The length of river in which the dissolved oxygen is less than 30 per cent of saturation extends for approximately 7.6 miles. This percentage of saturation is considered to be the limit of tolerance for sensitive forms of fish. 7. It takes the waters of the river about 7.6 days to pass from Sellwood to Multnomah channel. 8. There appears to have been a continual decrease of the general quality of the river water for a period of years. 9. A high bacterial count exists throughout the entire length of the river from Sellwood to Multnomah channel. 10. The waters at, and directly above, Sellwood Bridge are contaminated and at certain tides show a high bacterial count. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 30 Iw 20 w 'a 18 LJ (9 16 d (9 Ui I z 14 12 10 8 a.: a; 6 ) Ui 0 (1) 4 DISSOLVED OX)1 S.R8S. RAILROAD 2 C/) 0 J F M A M J J A S 0 N D MONTH OF YEAR Figure 8. Variations in dissolved oxygen at two stations and record of mean tide level for 1927. 11. No variation of dissolved oxygen with depth exists except where affected by the Columbia backwater. 12. The Columbia River enters the Willamette channel and proceeds upstream along the river bottom as far as between the St. Johns Bridge and the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Bridge. 13. Practically all of the water in the Willamette River below Multnomah Channel is Columbia River water. 14. All of the Willamette and much of the Columbia water flows down Multnomah Channel at periods of high tide. The same is thought to be true at low tides except that the amount of Columbia water is somewhat less. 15. There appears to be no evidence of an extensive scouring of the river bottom above the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Bridge. In fact, there appears evidence of the accumulation of sludge deposits at sewer outfalls, as large 'boils" occur and much debris is brought to the surface when the bottom is agitated. 16. The high solids content and the high B. coli index encountered are indicative of heavy pollution. 17. There appears to be no evidence of a marked tidal effect upon the different zones in the river; for example, the region of denuded water A SANITARY SURVEY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER 31 was never found at the Burnside Bridge on high tides or at Terminal No. 4 at low tides. This fact, and the results of the 24-hour sampling period, indicate that no movement of large masses of water takes place and the boundaries of particular zones remain approximately fixed. 18. Considering the fact that the Willamette River already is a heavily burdened stream as it enters the city, and regardless of quoted figures for dilution of domestic wastes, the addition of wastes from the city of Portland causes the denuded condition of the lower river. 19. It appears that the condition of oxygen depletion exists for only the period of time coincident with the low-water stage. This period of time in all probability never exceeds three months. VIII. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) Rogers, H. S., Mockmore, C. A., and Adams, C. D., "A Sanitary Survey of the Willamette River," Oregon State Col. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bul. No. 2. 1930. (2) Rideal, S., and Stewart, C. G. "Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Waters in the Presence of Nitrates and Organic Matter," Analyst, Vol. 26, p. 141. 1901. (3) American Public Health Association "Standard Methods of Water Analysis," Ed. 7. 1933. (4) Dept. of Public Health, City of Grand Rapids, Michigan. "Pollutional Studies of Grand River". 1929. (5) Report of Technical Committee on Pulp and Paper Trade Wastes. December 29, 1933. (6) Data from Bureau of Public Works, City of Portland, 1926 to 1928 inclusive. (7) Mayor's Message and Annual Report, City of Portland, 1925-26. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Bulletins No. 1. Preliminary Report on the Control of Stream Pollution in Oregon, by C. V. Langton and H. S. Rogers. 1929. Fifteen cents. No. 2. A Sanitary Survey of the Willamette Valley, by H. S. Rogers, C. A. Mockmore, and C. D. Adams. 1930. Forty cents. No. 3. The Properties of Cement-Sawdust Mortars, Plain, and with Various Admixtures, by S. H. Graf and R. H. Johnson. 1930. Twenty cents. No. 4. Interpretation of Exhaust Gas Analyses, by S. H. Graf, G. W. Gleeson, and W. H. Paul. 1934. Twenty-five cents. No. 5. Boiler-Water Troubles and Treatments with Special Reference to Problems in Western Oregon, by R. E. Summers. 1935. Twenty-five cents. No. 6. A Sanitary Survey of the Willamette River from Sellwood Bridge to the Columbia, by G. W. Gleeson. 1936. Twenty-five Cents. Circulars No. 1. A Discussion of the Properties and Economics of Fuels Used in Oregon, by C. E. Thomas and G. D. Keerins. 1929. Twenty-five cents. No. 2. Adjustment of Automotive Carburetors for Economy, by S. H. Graf and G. W. Gleeson. 1930. None available. No. 3. Elements of Refrigeration for Small Commercial Plants, by Wallace H. Martin. 1935. Twenty cents. 32 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Reprints No. 1. Methods of Live Line Insulator Testing and Results of Tests with Different Instruments, by F. 0. McMillan. Reprinted from 1927 Proc. N. W. Elec. Lt. and Power Assoc. Twenty cents. No. 2.' Some Anomalies of Siliceous Matter in Boiler Water Chemistry, by R. E. Summers. Reprinted from Jan., 1935, Combustion. Ten cents. No. 3. Asphalt Emulsion Treatment Prevents Radio Interference, by F. 0. McMillan. Reprinted from Jan., 1935, Electrical West. Ten cents. No. 4. Some Characteristics of A.0 Conductor Corona, by F. 0. McMillan. Reprinted from Mar., 1935, Electrical Engineering. Ten cents. No. 5. A Radio Interference Measuring Instrument, by F. 0. McMillan and H. G. Barnett. Reprinted from Aug., 1935, Electrical Engineering. Ten cents. No. 6. Water-Gas Reaction Apparently Controls Engine Exhaust Gas Composition, by G. W. Gleeson and W. H. Paul. Reprinted from Feb., 1936, National Petroleum News. Ten cents. No. 7. Steam Generation by Burning Wood, by R. E. Summers. Reprinted from April, 1936, Heating and Ventilating. Ten cents. Research Papers (Published recently as indicated. Not available from the Station.) No. 1. Electric Fish Screens, by F. 0. McMillan. Bulletin of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, vol. 44, 1928. Also in pamphlet form, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Document No. 1042. No. 2. Water Control of Dry Mixed Concrete, by G. W. Gleeson. Concrete Products, December, 1929. No. 3. High-voltage Gaseous Conductor Lamps, by F. 0. McMillan and E. C. Starr. Trans. American Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 11-18, 1929. No. 4. The Influence of Polarity in High-voltage Discharges, by F. 0. McMillan and E. C. Starr. Trans. American Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 23.35, 1931. No. 5. Progress Report on Radio Interference from High-voltage Transmission Lines Pin and Pedestal Type Insulators, by F. Q. McMillan. Trans. 8th annual general meeting, Engineering Section, Northwest Electric Light and Power Assoc., 1931. No. 6. Aggregate Grading for Tamped Concrete Pipe, by G. W. Gleeson. Concrete, June, 1932. Rock Products, 1932. Concrete Products, June, 1932 and MayJune, 1934. No. 7. Water Control of Dry Mixed Concrete, by G. W. Gleeson. Concrete Products, September, 1932 and Rock Products, November, 1932. No. 8. Litharge and Glycerine Mortars, by G. W. Gleeson. Paper Trade Journal, October 13, 1932. No. 9. Radio Interference from Insulator Corona, by F. 0. McMtllan. Trans. American Institute 0f Electrical Engineers, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 385-391, 1932. No. 10. The Coordination of High-voltage Transmission Lines with Radio, by F. 0. McMillan. Trans. 9th annual general meeting, Engineering Section, Northwest Electric I.ight and Power Asso., 1932. No. 11. Asphalt Emulsion Reduces Insulator Radio Troubles, by F. 0. McMillan. Electrical World, vol. 102, no. 6, August 5, 1933. No. 12. Silicon, a Major Constituent of Boiler Scales in Western Oregon, by R. E. Summers and C. S. Keevil. Paper presented at annual meeting, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1933. Abstracts published in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 55, p. 720, November, 1933; Power, vol. 77, p. 687, midDec., 1933; and Power Plant Engineering, vol. 37, p. 519, December, 1933 and vol. 38, p. 219, May, 1934. No. 13. Study of the Frequency of Fuel Knock Noises, by W. H. Paul and A. L. Albert. National Petroleum News, August 9, 1933. No. 14. The Pollutional Character of Flax Retting Wastes, by G. \V. Gleeson, F. Merryfield, and E. F. Howard. Sewage Works Journal, May, 1934. No. 15. Siliceous Scales in Boilers of Western Oregon and Washington, by R. E. Summers and C. S. Keevil. The Timberman, vol. 35, p. 30, May, 1934. No. 16. How Much Phosphate? by R. E. Summers. Power, vol. 78, p. 452, August, 1934. No. 17. The Carbon Dioxide-Hydrogen Ratio in the Products of Combustion from Automotive Engines, by G. W. Gleeson and W. H. Paul. National Petroleum News, September 15 1934. No. 18. Exhaust Gas Analysis, by G. W. Gleeson and W. H. Paul. Parts I, II, and III. National Petroleum News, September 26, October 3 and 10, 1934. No. 19. Simplified Measurements of Sound Absorption, by A. L. Albert and T. B. 'Wagner. Electrical Engineering, vol. 53, no. 8, p. 1160, August, 1934. THE ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION STAFF R. H. DEARBORN, Dean and Director of Engineering. S. H. GRAF, Director of Engineering Research. A. L. ALBERT, Communication Engineering. G. W. GLEESON, Chemical Engineering. BURDETTE GLENN, Highway Engineering. (On leave of absence, 1935-36). C. S. KEEVIL, Chemical Engineering. F. 0. McMILLAN, Electrical Engineering. W. H. MARTIN, Mechanical Engineering. FRBD MERRYFIELD, Sanitary Engineering. C. A. MOCKMORE, Civil and Hydraulic Engineering. W. H. PAUL, Automotive Engineering. R. E. SUMMERS, Mechanical Engineering. C. E. THOMAS, Engineering Materials. Technical Counselors R. H. BALDOCIC, State Highway Engineer, Salem. R. G. DIEcIC, Consulting Civil Engineer, Portland. C. V. LANGTON, Counselor in Sanitary Engineering, Oregon State College, Corvallis. PAUL B. MCKEE, President, Portland Gas and Coke Company, Portland. T. M. ROBINS, Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Division Engineer, North Pacific Division, Portland. J. C. STEVENS, Consu1ting Civil and Hydraulic Engineer, Portland. Oregon State Agricultural College RESIDENT INSTRUCTION Liberal Arts and Sciences THE LOWER DIvIsION (Junior Certificate) SCHOOL OF SCIENCE (B.A., B.S., MA., M.S., Ph.D. degrees) The Professional and Technical Curricula SCHoOL OF AGRICULTURE (B.S., M.S., Ph.D. degrees) SCHOOL OF E0UcATI0N (B.A., B.S., B.S. in Ed., M.A., grees) M.S. de- SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL ARTS (B.S., MS., Ch.E., C.E., E.E., ME, degrees) SCHOOL OF SCHOOL OF SCHOOL OF FORESTRY (B.S., MS., M.F., F.E. degrees) HOME ECONOMICS (BA., B.S., M.A., M.S. degrees) PHARMACY (B.S., M.S. degrees) SECRETARIAL SCIENCE (B.S.S. degree) The Graduate Division (MA., M.S., M.F., Ch.E., C.E., E.E., F.E., M.E., Ph.D. degrees) The Summer Session The Short Courses RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTATION The General Research Council The Agricultural Experiment Station The Central Station, Corvallis The Branch Stations at Union, Moro, Hermiston, Talent, Burns (2), Astoria, Hood River, Pendleton, and Medford. The Engineering Experiment Station, Corvallis EXTENSION Federal Cooperative Extension (Agriculture and Home Eco- nomics) General Extension Division