AOOOOO244B7 i1 lEO! OREGON En3/2 4C49 :986-87 c.3 E,C i4 1981 Si A TE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Research Activities Annual Report 1986-1987 Oregon State University Circular No. 62 Engineering Experiment Station '// CONTENTS Preface . 1 Engineering Research: An Overview ....... 2 Research Expenditures ................. 3 Research Funding Trends ................ 4 Departmental Research and Graduate Study . 5 Agricultural Engineering ................. 6 Chemical Engineering .................. 9 . Civil Engineering .................... 13 Electrical and Computer Engineering ........... 20 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ......... 28 Mechanical Engineering ................. 30 Nuclear Engineering .................. Forest Engineering ................... ........... 37 41 Research Centers and Institutes Water Resources Research Institute ............ 42 Transportation Research Institute ............. 44 Extension Energy Program ................ 45 42 PREFACE A vigorous program of engineering research is essential for the vitality of the teaching program of our College of EngineerGood teaching and good research are ing. Faculty working on the mutually supportive. leading edge of technology are those who are best equipped to prepare students for the challenges they will face after graduation. More than half of the College's faculty is able to devote part of its time to investigations outside normal classroom teaching reThe result is a more diverse sponsibilities. qualified group of teaching and highly and research engineers in the various engineering disciplines, and higher quality educational programs at both the undergraduate and gradInstructional laboratories for benefit from the research program students equipment is also used for since research Oregon State University has long teaching. been known as a quality institution. Continu- uate levels. ing research involvement by a strong nucleus of active research engineers is vital to maintenance and enhancement of this reputation. This report summarizes important data concerning our research and graduate proIt serves as a vehicle to answer grams. frequently asked questions from industry, government agencies, private businesses, and In the report you will prospective students. fmd information about our record in research funding and our current research interests, along with a listing of our research faculty and their 1986-87 publications. We have also provided current data on graduate programs and enrollments, and certain fmancial assisAdditional intance for graduate students. formation concerning academic programs and degrees may be found in the Oregon State University Graduate Catalog or obtained from individual academic departments. welcome inquiries, addressed to me another appropriate individual. the Fred J. Burgess Dean of Engineering Covell Hall 101 We or to (503) 754-4525 1 ENGINEERING RESEARCH: AN OVERVIEW The research administrative structure for engineering at Oregon State University is Key elements of the illustrated in Figure 1. programs are concentrated in the academic departments, including six departments in the College of Engineering, and the engineering departments in the College of Agricultural Sciences and the College of Forestry. Faculty within each department constitute the research staff, and each of these faculty memGraduate bers has instruction-related duties. students in the departments assist with the The Engineering Experiment research work. Station has no technical research staff, but provides administrative support service and a central Several administrative focus. associated with the are institutes and centers W.L. Schroeder Associate Dean of Engineering Covell Hall 106 academic departments or other elements of These have strong ties with the University. engineering, but operate independently from the affiliated departments. (503) 754-3001 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY I UNIVERSITY RELATIONS STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC AFFAIRS I RESEARCH & GRADUATE STUDIES FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION I --1 I __ I COLLEGE OF SCIENCE COLLEGE I I I OF UURICUITURAL I! SCIENCES I I C011EGE COLLEGE OF ENGEIG ____________________________________ I EXTENSION SERVICE OF BUSINESS EI I II ___________________ p J I COLLEGE OF I FORESTRY ______________ I I UNDERGRADUATE 0011 RU ____IIH iii'TF' L] I 13I1Il Figure 1. Engineering Research Administration. 2 _ ENSG S Table 1 provides a breakdown of actual research expenditures by department within the College of Engineering, and by Agricul- Totals of separate expen- tural Pngineering. ditures by certain other units include Forest Pngineering $1,019,740 Water Resources Research Institute Extension Energy $90,845 $1,185,544 Details for these expenditures are provided in the DEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH AND GRADUATE STUDY and RESEARCH CENTERS AND INSTITUTES sections of this report. Expenditures by the Transportation Research Institute and the Radiation Center are reported with the departmental data in Table 1. The total of engineering research and energy expenditures for the year extension was $7,142,869. Table 1. ..:p.ndit.ur. C.t.gory Actual Research Expenditure Distribution, Dollars, 1986-87. Electrical & Industrial & Manufacturing Mechanical Computer Nuclear Engin..ring Exp.rimsnt Station Agricultural Chemical Civil Eng. Eng. Eng. 521,530 20,708 752,093 370,864 39,012 302,564 57,172 99,278 2,183,221 112,094 573 148,907 61,170 10,717 59,194 5,680 27,352 425,887 106,670 15,035 211,771 71,282 1,405 57,868 34,056 43,795 541,882 23,936 17,914 214,368 169,102 15,095 12,115 2,920 132,309 587,739 107 6,079 10,134 1,565 18,584 24,408 4,061 44,372 22,088 782 8,917 5,227 1,743 111,598 11,625 13,257 227,573 98,509 20,157 67,775 25,229 1,433 465,558 Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Total & 699 Indirect 68,490 12,653 812,916 2,465 74,120 68,490 129,849 9,525 54,095 8,320 152,755 7,501 2,010,352 828,495 39,919 6,730 93,898 3 179,293 21,952 571,003 5,112 111,327 3,335 9,750 173,341 133,619 322,337 4,846,740 Research Funding Trends Engineering research at Oregon State University is supported by grants and contracts obtained on a competitive basis from government agencies and business. No regu- larly budgeted State of Oregon funds are Figure available for direct research support. funding trends over summarizes research 2 that new since 1972 and shows the years grants and contracts this past year are up over last year and considerably above funding The State levels over the last several years. of Oregon appropriation for instructional programs in the College for 1986-87 was $7.6 million. The new research budget of $7.0 million, therefore, represents a very cant contribution to the overall effort signifi- of the The Federal Govern- College of Engineering. ment is the leading source of research support. 7 6 C/D 4 C z C 0 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 8! 82 83 84 85 86 FISCAL YEAR ENDING Figure 2. New Research Funding - OSU College of Engineering. 4 87 DEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH AND GRADUATE STUDY Table 2 shows the number of professorial faculty and academic degree production in department having ABET-accredited each undergraduate engineering programs at Oregon State University. New research grant funding Half of received in 1986-87 is also shown. the faculty were at least partially supported by research grants during the year, 110 graduate students held research appointments, and another 128 held fellowships which study. teaching assistantships or supported their graduate Of the total 384 students enrolled in graduate programs, two-thirds cial support for their work. received finan- This section is supplemented by a departmental listing of new research grants and contraCts, and statements of current research We have included objectives and interests. research data for Forest Engineering because of its close affiliation with our research programs. Table 2. Faculty, Degrees Granted, and New Research Dollars, 1986-87. Degrees Granted, 1986-87 Degree Program Agricultural Engineering* Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Construction Engineering Management* Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty Undergraduate 12 6 Mechanical. Engineering Nuclear Engineering TOTAL Doctorate 2 0 $ 212,155 6 52 7 2 283,514 25 47 35 6 3,995,016 1 47 0 0 0 23 77 37 2 1,989,945 15 0 0 0 Engineering Phyaics* Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Master's Nrc Research $ 6 52 7 1 141,249 17 73 13 5 294,549 5 7 5 0 322,501 95 376 106 16 $7,238,929 *Mricultural Engineering is a department of the College of Agriculture, and offers ABET accredited underEngineering Physics is a department of the College of Science which offers only graduat. engineering degrees. Construction Engineering Management is a separate program with faculty in the Civil undergraduate degrees. Engineering Department. 5 Agricultural Engineering Current Research of operational guidelines and procedures for optimal management and operation of sprinider systems and utilization of irrigation water. Irrigation--development Harvesting Machinery--design and development of specialized harvesting equipment for uneven ripening seed crops requiring multiple periodic harvests. Post Harvest Fruit and Vegetable Preservation and Storage--development of an energy analysis and storage environment computer model for designing containers and managing in- transit movement of fresh produce to Pacific Andrew G. Hashinioto, Department Head Gilinore Hall 116 Rim markets. Post Harvest Conditioning of Seed Crops-- (503) 754-2041 development of new approaches and equipment for threshing, cleaning, grading, of small seed crops. and storage Fish Engineering--designs developed to improve refrigeration of steel fishing vessels and to process and store restructured fish products. Agricultural Waste Management--movement and control of bacteria emanating from animal waste is being studied in order to develop management techniques for livestock facilities and rangeland operations to prevent surface water contamination. Analyzing Groundwater Quality--numerical methods are being developed for analyzing and documenting pesticide concentrations in groundwater. Energy Management and Alternative Energy Sources--farm structure modifications to reduce operating energy requirements and development of alternative energy sources from agricultural biomass and waste products. Graduate Faculty Cavaletto, Richard Alan 1985 Asst Prof, Extn BSAE Cal Poly 1981; Booster, Dean Emerson 1956 Prof. BS Oregon Agricultural Engineer. State 1954, MS 1956. MS California-Davis 1983, PhD 1986. Brooks, Royal Harvard 1967 Prof International Agriculture. BS Utah State 1952; MCE Colo- Cuenca, Richard H. 1978 Assoc Prof. BS California State Polytechnic 1971; MS Calif ornia State-Sacramento 1975; PhD California- rado State 1960, PhD 1965. Davis 1978. rd lstek, Jonf1uin David 1986 Asst Prof. BS Ohio State 1978; MS Oregon State 1981, PhD Davis, John Rowland 1971 Prof. BS Minnesota 1949,.S 1951; PhD Michigan State 1959. 1986. Eaajlàh, Marshall Joseph 1978 Assoc Prof. BS San Jose State 1965; MS California 1974, PhD Kolbe, Edward Robert 1974 Assoc Prof. 1978.: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1964; BME MSE Case Western Reserve 1966; PhD New Hamp- IIaise., Herbert Eugene 1974 Assoc Prof. BS shire 1975. Iowa State 1952, MS 1970, PhD 1971. Miner, John Ronald 1972 Prof. BS JCinckc 1959; MSE Michigan 1960; PhD Kansas State Hugh Justin 1974 Prof., Extn Agricultural Eogineer. BS North Dakota State 1951; 1967. MS Cornell 1952. Moore James A. 1979 Extn Agricultural En- HLoto, Andrew G. 1986 Prof and Head. gineer, Prof. BS California Polytechnic 1962, MS Arizona 1964; PhD Minnesota 1975. BS Purdue Univ 1966, MS 1968; PhD Cornell Univ 1972. Trimmer Marlin Leon 1975 Assoc Prof. BS North Dakota State 1968; MS South Dakota }1Lç1rc Walter Lee Specialist, Asst Prof. 1974, MS 1975, PhD 1984. 1983 BS Extn Irrigation Colorado State Amount Statc.1972; PhD Minnesota 1975. New Research Grants and Contracts: 1986-87 1*igator Project Title Agency Berlage A.G. Legume and Grass Seed Harvesting and Conditioning USDA 83,9% Cuenca, R.H. Determination of Crop Water Requirements in the Ebro Valley (Supplement) USDA 15,500 Research in Remote Sensing ARF Istok, JD. Rainfall Erosivity Values for the Western United States USDA 51,000 Istok, J.D. Soil Erosion Control in Pacific Northwest (STEEP Program)--Oregon USDA-S&E 12,550 Istok, J.D. Water Resources Research Institute USGS 30,571 Matanga, G.B. Development of a Three-Dimensional Finite Element Model with Mixed Isoparametric Elements Fred McLaren Trimhier, W.L Irrigation Flow Meter Calibration BPA Ingich, Mi. 7 2,150 4,388 12,000 Faculty Publications: 1986-87 Cavaletto, Richard A. Hashimoto, Andrew G. (Continued) "Evaluation of Aerial Pesticide Application in the Pacific Northwest," (with Tom Karsky), "Kinetics ASAE-PNR 87-109, Alberta, Lethbridge, of Methanogenesis During Starvation and Regrowth,' (with R.A. Baccay and V.H. Varel), ASAE Paper 86-3075, ASAE, St. September 1987. Joseph, MI, 1986. Cuenca, Richard H. Istok, Jonathan D. "Analysis Evapotranspiration of as a Regionalized Variable," (with K.Y. Amegee), in Advances in Irrigation, Vol. 4, Hillel (editor), Academic Press, Orlando, FL, pp. 181-220, of Antecedent Rainfall in Controlling the Occurrence and Amount of Watershed Runoff," (with L. Boermsa), Journal of "Role Hydrology, Vol. 88, No. 1, pp. 329-342, 1986. 1987. Hashimoto, Andrew G. of Anaerobically Fermented "Nutritional Value Beef Cattle Wastes as a Feed Ingredient Livestock. yjo and in for Chemical Composition and I. Digestibility vivo 1987. of Fermentor Biomass, (with R.L. Prior and RA. Agricultural Wastes, 16:265-293, 1986. Britton), "Nutritional Value of Anaerobically Fermented Beef Cattle Wastes as a Feed Ingredient for Growth and Carcass Traits of Livestock. II. Beef Cattle Biomass," and (with R.L. Sheep "Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination: A Literature Review," (with A.H. Rea), Proceedings, American Society of Civil Engineers, Irrigation and Drainage Division Special Conference, Portland, OR, August Fed "Subsurface Drainage Effects on Sheet and Rill Erosion in Northwest Oregon," (with G.E. Formaneck and E. Ross), Proceedings, American Society of Civil Engineers, Irrigation and Drainage Division Special Conference, Portland, OR, August 1987. Fermentor Prior, J.D. Crouse, and Kolbe, Edward R. M.E. Dikeman), Agricultural Wastes, 17:23-37, and Prediction of Freezing Times of Vacuum Canned Pacific Shrimp," (with D.Q. Wang), International Journal of Refrigeration, 10(1):18-21, 1987. "Measurement 1986. "Ammonia Inhibition of Methanogenesis from Cattle Wastes, Agricultural Wastes, 17:241261, 1986. "Pretreament of Wheat Straw to Methane, Biotechnology Bioengineering, 28:1857-1866, 1986. Fermentation "Insulating Your Fish Make Sense," (with and Robertson), National Fisherman, August (Vol. 'Program Documentation for Animal-Waste Anaerobic Digestion System Design," (with Y.R. Chen and S.A. Robinson), Software Journal, North Central Computer Institute, Vol. 2, Number 15, 130 pp., December 1986. Hold Doesn't Always J. Merritt and G. for 67, No. 4, pp. 62-64), 1986. Miner, J. Ronald "Controlling Odors from Livestock Production Research Results in Manure Facilities,' In: Digestion, Runoff, Refeeding, Odors, North Central Regional Research Publication No. 284, MWPS-25, 30-35 pp., 1986. Chemical Engineering The Department of Chemical Engineering research programs reflect not only the traditional chemical engineering fields but also new technologies important to Northwest industries. Significant contributions have been made in chemical reactor engineering, heat transfer, mass transfer, fluidization, and thermodynamics. With the addition of new faculty members, research activities have expanded into areas of computer-aided design and control of chemical processes, biomass conversion, toxic waste treatment, and evaluation of pulp and paper processes. Current Research Heat Transfer--Scaling characteristics in cooling tower waters; fouling of heat transfer Charles E. Wicks, Department Head Gleeson Hall 101 (503) 754-4791 surfaces during evaporation of spent pulping liquor scale deposition under boiling conditions; transient heat transfer treatment to preserve wooden poles. Mass Transfer--Absorption with simultaneous chemical reaction; use of ozone in wastewater treatment; neutralization of acidic gases (H2S Chemical Reactor Engineering--Production of furfural from hemicellulose hydrolyzate and production of ethylene glycol from cellulose. and H2Se). Coal Cleanup--Microbial desulfurization and demineralization of high-sulfur coals; kinetics of pyrite solubilization; bioaccumulation of metals from aqueous solutions. Process Control--Distributed control of chemical processes; design and robustness of multivariable controllers; control of staged fluidized beds; adaptive control of polymer reactors. Gas Conversion--Conversion of synthesis gas to methanol and methyl formate via the BNL Computer-Aided Design--Modeling and design of complex separation processes; integrated fuel/chemical plant for complete utilization of biomass. liquid-catalyzed process. Toxic Wastes--The use of activated carbon Thermodynamics--Solubility in supercritical fluids; temperature dependence of ionic activity coefficients in aqueous solutions; modeling chemical equilibrium in aqueous, ionic, solutions, solutions. thermodynamics of in the absorption of toxic metals from wastewater; routine treatment of unreacted toxic gases used in the production of photovoltaic cells; bioleaching of toxic metals from geothermal sludge. polyelectrolyte 9 Graduate Faculty Frederick, William James Jr. 1983 Assoc Prof. Mrazek, Robert Vernon 1960 Prof. BS Purdue BS Maine 1976, MS 1969, PhD 1973. 1957; 1960. PhD Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Levenspiel, Octave 1968 Prof. BS CaliforniaBerkeley 1947; MS Oregon State 1949, PhD Sproull, Robert D. 1986 Asst Prof. BS Purdue 1952. 1973, MS 1974, PhD 1986. Levien, Keith Lester 1985 Asst Prof. BS Iowa State 1970; BS Wisconsin 1975; PhD Wisconsin Wicks, Charles Edward 1954 Prof and Head. BS Oregon State 1950; MS Carnegie Institute 1985. of Technology, 1952, PhD 1954. New Research Grants and Contracts: 1986-87 Principal Investigator Project Title Agency Frederick, Wi. Non-Process Element Behavior in Chemical Pulp Mills Pulp-Paper Industries Frederick, W.J. Heat Transfer Fouling Weyerhaeuser Knudsen, J.G. Fouling Characteristics of Cooling Tower Water HTRI 49,993 Knudsen, J.G. Fouling Characteristics of Organic Liquids; Cooling Tower Water Containing Corrosion Inhibitors HTR 45,082 Levenspiel, 0. A Critical Experiment in Fluidized Bed Heat Transfer NSF 54,311 Levenspiel, 0. The Development of a Magnetic Filter for Fine Slurry Solids NSF 74,128 Levien, K.L. 3M Untenured Faculty Grant 3M 12,000 Levien, K.L. Modicon 38 Process Containing Computer 3M 8,000 Sproull, R.D. Union Oil Company Untenured Faculty Grant Union Oil 9,000 Wicks, C.E. Yeats, R.S. Two Shell Graduate Grants in the Department of Geology and Chemical Engineering for 1987-88 Academic Year Shell 10 Amount 40,000 1,000 20,000 Faculty Publications: 1986-87 PredmWlam J. Equilibrium Model for Trace Element Solubility in Aqueous Inorganic Solutions," (with B. Kelly), in Applications of Chemical Fnoineering Principles in the Forest Products and Related Industries. F. Kayihan and B. Kricger-Brockett, editors, AIChE Forest Products Division, Tacoma, WA (1986), pp. 1-9. "Gas/Solid "An Magnetic Multistage Fluidized Beds," (with F. Ouyant), Chemical Metallurgy (China), 2, no.1,13 (1986), in Chinese. "Shrinking Core Model/Reaction Control for a Wide Size Distribution of Solids," (with D. Muhammer, D. Davis), Cbem. Eng. J., Z 87 (1986). "A Study of the Chemical Equilibria in the Kraft Smelt Dissolving System," (with "A Short Note on the Drag Correlation for J.P. Danko and R.V. Mrazek), in Applications of Cheniial Rnoincring Principles in the Forest and Prndiwta Spheres," (with R. nology 42,83 (1986). Powder Tech- Related Industries, F. Kayihan and B. Kricger-Brockett, editors, AIChE Forest Products Division, Tacoma, WA (1986), pp. "Spiral Distributor for Fluidized Beds," (with F. Ouyant), I. and E.C. Proc. Design and Dcv., 44-55. 504 (1986). "A Rapid Convergence Technique for SteadyState Turton), Multiple Effect Charts for the Performance Heat Exchangers," (with R. Evaporator Simulation" (with CC Sanz), in Applications of Chemical Pk i,ia Prinnls in the Forrst Products and Related Industries. F. Kayihan and B. Krieger-Brockett, editors, AIChE Forest Prod- and Design of Turton and D. Ferguson), Chemical Engineering 81 (Aug. 18, 1986). Book Review: "Fluidization," JF. Davidson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., j, 6443 (1986). ucts Division, Tacoma, WA (1986), pp. 56-63. of Aluminosiicates in Alkaline Pulping liquors," (with R.C. Streisel), AJChE 1986 Summer National Meeting, Boston, MA, Lcvicn,KeithL. August 24-27, 1986. Control and Predictive Controllers," (with P.L Lee), AIChE Meeting, Miami, FL, December "Ultrafiltration of Kraft Black liquor: Membrane Performance and liquor Characteris- 1986. "Solubility tics," (with K.P. Wilson "Performance and M.L Layer), MA, August 24-27, 1986. L27,83(1987). "Black liquor Properties," TAPPI Kraft Recovery Operations Seminar, Orlando, FL, January A Software Package for Experiments in Process Control Research," (with C. Chapat and M. Moran), Comput. Chem. Engng, fl, 3, "RTCP: 12-16, 1987. 227 (1987). Rejection with Internal Model "Internal Model Control of Coupled Distillation Columns," (with M. Moran), AIChE Jour- AIChE 1986 Summer National Meeting, Boston, "Solute Comparison of Ultrafiltration of Sol- utes from Natural Products," (with KP. Wilson and M.L Layer), AIChE 1987 Spring National Meeting, Houston, TX, March 29-April 12 1987. 11 Mrazek, Robert V. Mrazek, Robert V. (Continued) "A Study of Chemical Equilibria in the Kraft "Metals (with J.P. Danko Dissolving System, and W.J. Frederick, Jr.), paper in "Applications of Chemical Engineering Principles in the Forest Products and Related Industries," 28, 1987. Detoxification of Wastewater by Bioaccumulation," (with E.T. Premuzic, M.S. Lin, and L.E. Kukacka), Pacific NW Metals and Minerals Conf., Portland, OR, April 26- Smelt Forest Products Division of AIChE Symposium, Sproul, Robert D. 1986. "Gas/Solid Magnetic Fluidized Beds," (with F. Ouyant), Chemical Metallurgy (China), 2, no. Relative Enthalpies of (with M.J. Ferrante), U.S. Bureau of "High-Temperature V205,' Mines Report of Investigation, No. 9039, 1986. "High-Temperature Relative Enthalpies 1, 13(1986), in Chinese. "Shrinking Core Model/Reaction Control for a and Related Thermodynamic Properties of Cupraise Wide Size Distribution of Solids," (with D. Iodide (CUT)," (with M.T. Ferrante and R.R. Muhammer, D. Davis), Chem. Eng. J., Brown), U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of In- (1986). vestigation, No. 9074, 1987. and "A Short Note on the Drag Correlation for Spheres," (with R. nology 42 83(1986). Engineering Considerations," (Panel with P. Dugan, F. Kargi, B. Zakheim, D. Walia, J. Batchelor, and C. Siebenthal), EPRI "Biological Processing of Coal" Workshop, Monterey, CA, February 17-19, 1987. "Economic 87 "Spiral Distributor for Turton), Powder Tech- Fluidized Beds," (with F. Ouyant), 1. and E.C. Proc. Design and Dev., 504(1986). 12 Civil Engineering Current Research The Civil is Engineering significantly involved in Department faculty a wide range of basic and applied research activities. cently awarded $8.6 million A re- grant from the Office of Naval Research to the Oregon Engineering Program is being used to develop the most modern and comprehensive largescale laboratory facilities in the United States. These facilities will be used to expand wave research investigations into coastal processes, wave dynamics, forces on marine structures, and many other marine-related areas of focus. faculty are involved in sediment transport studies, as well as mathematical modeling of groundwater transport The groundwater studies relate phenomena. to the prediction of transport of radioactive substances that could enter the groundwater from nuclear waste containment facilities. Water resources Environmental engineering faculty Frank D. Schaumburg, Department Head Apperson Hall 206 (503) 754-4934 are handling, disposal, and fate of hazardous substances in the environment. Other studies involve novel wastewater treatment methods, acid rain, and the susceptiactive in the bility of water supply facilities to contamination by hazardous substances. Transportation engineering faculty are studying the effect of high tire pressure on asphalt pavements, overlay design of highway pavements, and the application of weigh-inmotion data on highway engineering. Structural engineering faculty are undertaking a study of tension structures, such as cables and membranes, exposed to the marine environment, a study on the use of wire mesh as reinforcing steel in concrete and a variety of studies structures. dealing with dynamic loads on 13 Graduate Faculty Bell, Christopher A. 1981 Assoc Prof. BS U of Nelson, Peter Oliver 1975 Assoc Cornell 1968, MS 1972, PhD 1975. Nottingham 1972, PhD 1978. Bell, J. Richard 1962 Prof. BSCE Purdue 1952; Prof. BS Peterson, John 1964 Assoc Prof. BS South Dakota State 1951; MS Illinois 1959; PhD MSCE 1956, PhD 1963. Wisconsin 1964. Bella, David Andrew 1967 Prof. BS Virginia Military Institute 1961; MS New York U 1964, Phelps, Robert Elton 1968 Alaska 1957; MS Stanford 1958. PhD 1967. Burgess, Frederick Joseph 1953 Dean of College of Engineering, Prof. BS Oregon State Assoc Prof. BS Pntchett, Harold Duane 1957 Prof. BS Oregon State 1957, MS 1961; DE Stanford 1965. 1950; MS Harvard 1955. Rogge, David F. 1982 Asst Prof. BS Nebraska Hicks, R. Gary 1975 Prof, Director of Transportation Research Institute. BS Berkeley 1963, MS 1965, PhD 1970. 1970, MS 1971; PhD Texas 1981. California- Schaumburg, Frank David 1967 Prof, Head of Department. BSCE Arizona State 1961; MSCE Hudspeth, Robert Turner 1974 Prof. BS U.S. Purdue 1964, PhD 1966. Naval Academy 1963; MSCE Washington 1966; PhD Florida 1974. Schroeder, Warren Lee 1967 Prof, Assoc Dean of Engineering. BSCE Washington State 1962, Klingeman, Peter Clayton 1966, Prof, Director MSCE 1963; PhD Colorado 1967. of Water Resources Research Institute. BS Northwestern 1957, MS 1959; PhD CaliforniaBerkeley 1965. Schultz, Robert James 1967 Prof. BSCE Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1955, MSCE 1960; Laursen, Harold Ivan Professional Engineer, Massachusetts 1959, Oregon 1963, Professional Land Surveyor 1963 Prof. BS Oregon State 1958, MS 1960; PhD California-Berkeley Oregon 1974. 1964. Sollitt, Charles Kevin 1972 Assoc Prof. BSCE Washington 1966, MSCE 1968; PhD MIT 1972. Layton, Robert Davis 1972 Assoc Prof. BSCE Colorado State 1959; MSCE Kansas State 1965; Vinson, Ted Stephen 1976 Prof. BS California- PhD California-Berkeley 1970. Berkeley 1966, MS 1967, PhD 1970. Leonard, John William 1979 Prof. BS Tufts Williamson, Kenneth Jay 1973 Prof. BS Oregon 1962; MS Illinois 1963, PhD 1966. State 1968, MS 1970; PhD Stanford 1973. McDougal, William G. 1981 Assoc Prof. BS Humboldt State 1976; MCE Delaware 1977; Woods, Sandra L. 1984 Asst Prof. BS Michigan PhD Oregon State 1981. State 1976; MS Washington 1980, PhD 1984. 14 New Research Grants and Contracts: 1986-87 1nv Project ride Agency Bell, CA. Field Testing of Automatic Vehicle Identification Equipment OSDT 67,750 Hicks, R.G. Development of an Improved Overlay Design Method (Supplement) Alaska 52,859 Hudspeth, R.T. Fundamental Dynamics of Ocean Structures and Nearshore Circulation (2nd Year) ONR 2,898,663 Hudspeth, R.T. Fundamental Dynamics of Ocean Structures and Nearshore Circulation (Supplement) ONR 192,910 Layton, RD. Highway Engineering and Safety. Short Courses and Technical Assistance OTSC 110,000 Study of Human Factors in Public Transportation Safety USDT 83,631 Nath, J.H. Breaking Waves - Their Influence on Wave Spectra ONR 117,707 Nelson, P.O. Microbial Reduction of Cr(Vi) Anne Chung Nelson, P.O. Investigation of Delichem Physical-Chemical Treatment Process at Ailci Treatment Plant, Seattle Seattle Layton, R.D. Schaumburg, FD. Professional Training in Pollution Control/Water Ansoant 500 29,967 EPA 7,656 Japan 25,000 NSF 62,500 Supply Schaumbur& FD. Leonard, J.W. Hudspeth, R.T. Misc, T. Cooperative Academic Exchange Agreement Between Daido University and OSU Investigating Problems Associated with Over-Sea Structures and Their Solutions Schaumburg PD. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Hazardous Waste Management and Control Woods, S.L Soilitt, C.K. Effect of Cyclic Loading on Imbedded Plate Anchors U.S. Coast Guard Sollitt, C.K. Study of Dredge Material Disposal Sites on the Oregon Coast (Supplement) Army Vinsn, TS. Effect of Environmental Factors on Pavement Deterioration OSDT 15 7,000 177,127 40,000 Williamson, K.J. Bioaccumulation of Particulate-and Cosolvent-Bound Toxicants by Benthic Marine Organisms (Supplement) EPA 25,485 Williamson, K.J. Use of Support Aerated-Bioflim Reactor for the Biodegradation of Toxic-Organic Compounds EPA 66,261 Woods, S.L. GE Presidential Young Investigator Award GE 30,000 Faculty Publications: 1986-87 Bell, CA. Bela, David A. (Continued) "Development of Laboratory Oxidative Aging Procedures for Asphalt Cements and Asphalt Mixtures," (with 0-K. Kim, J.E. Wilson, and G. Boyle), Transportation Research Board, January 1987. Discussion "Selected Results from the First Three Years of the Oregon Automatic Vehicle Monitoring Demonstration Project," (with M. Krukar), of "Sewage-Related Wastes and Oceans: A Problem," by Richard C. Koif, Journal of Professional Issues in Enneering, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 3, July 1987, pp. 296-297. "Fault Tolerant Ballistic Missile Defense," Conference Proceedings, Direction and Implications of Advanced Computing, Seattle, WA, July 12, 1987. Transportation Research Board, January 1987. and the Systematic Distortion of Information," Journal of Professional Issues "Organizations Bclla, David A. in Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 4, October 1987, The Organizational Complex and Its Informa- pp. 360-370. Engineering Experiment Station, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 1986. Hicks, R.G. tion," Conflicts in Interdisciplinary Research," (with K.J. Williamson), Chapter 28 in Interdisci- "Base Course Contamination Limits," (with B. plinary Analysis and Research, Lomond Publi- J orenby), Transportation Research Record 1095, Transportation Research Board, pp. 86- cations, Inc., Mt. Airy, MD, 1986. 101, 1986. 'Ballistic Missile Defense and the Possibility of Catastrophic Mistakes," Technology and "Effect of Mix Ingredients on the Behavior of Rubber Modified Asphalt Mixtures," (with H.B. Society, IEEE, Vol. 6, No. 1, March, 1987, pp. Takallou and D.C. Esch, Transportation Research Record 1096, Transportation Research Board, pp. 68-80, 1986. 4-9. "Engineering and the Erosion of Trust," jjjj Engineering," nal of Professional Issues ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 2, April 1987, pp. 117in 129. "Taking Context Seriously," (with J. King), Liberal Education, Vol. 73, No. 3, May/June 1987, pp. 7-13. An Alternative Model," Deterence: Technology and Society, IEEE, Vol. 6, No. 2, "Nuclear June 1987, pp. 18-23. "Evaluation of Percent Fracture and Gradation on Behavior of Asphalt Concrete and Aggregate BAse," (with Stuart Albright and James R. Lundy), Executive Summary for Report to Alaska DOTPF, Transportation Research Report 85-22, Oregon State University, January 1986. Hicks, R. Gaiy (Continued) Hicks, R. Gary (Continued) "Guidelines for Spring Highway Use Restrictions - Summary Report" (with Joe P. Ma- Washington State Transportation Commission and Federal Highway Administration, March of Improved Design and Construction Procedures for Cold In-Place Recycled Pavements," (with T. Oguara and D. Allen), Volumes I and II, FHWA/OR 87-06. Federal Highway Administration, February 1986. 1987. "Pavement Design for a Break Bulk Terminal "Evaluation of Properties of the 0MM Shim- Yard," Proceedings. Ports 86. Specialty Conference on Innovations in Port Engineering and DeveloçmenL American Society of Civil Engineers, May 1986, pp. 119-132. less "Evaluation of Asphalt Additives: Lava Butte Road-Fremont Highway Junction," (with K. Martin, LB Wilson, and D. Allen), FHWA/OR "Emulsified Asphalts in Highway Applications, Proceedings. International Seminar on Transportation Engineering for Developing CounSingapore, April 1987, pp. 125-134. "Development honey and Mary C. Rutherford), prepared for 87-03. 1986. Federal Highway Administration, Full-Depth Rubber Railroad Grade Crossing Surface - Phase II," (with W.L. Allen and A. Brickman), Volumes I, II, Ill, Final Report to Riedel International, March 1987. July "Survey "Pavement Design of Gantry Crane Lanes for the !ort of Portland," (with CA. Bell and D. Irvine), Terminil Facing the Challenge: of the Future, Start of Transportation Journals - Final Report," (with E.W. Hauser, E.K. Morlok, and J.L. Schafer), Council of University Transpor- Intermodal of the Art tation Centers, May 1987, 45 pps. Report No. 4, Transportation Research Board, "Use of Rubber-Modified Asphalt Pavements in Cold Regions," (with H.B. Takallou and D.C. September 1986, pp. 5-19. Esch), Ptoceedins. Working on Cold Regions. July 1987, pp. 544-574. "Determination of Pavement Layer Structural Properties for Aggregate Surfaced Roads," (with T. Rwebangira and M. Truebe), Trans- Paving for Hudspeth, Robert T. portation Research Record 1106. Vol. I. Transporation Research Board, pp. 215-220, "Influence of Lateral Mixing n Longshore Currents," (with W.G. McDougal), Journal of 1987. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 5, 1986, pp. "Alternate Surfacings for Forest Roads - An Overview," (with M. Takallou, RD. Layton, 419-433. and J. Lund), Transportation Research Record in Nonlinear Laboratory Waves," (with W. Sulisz and T-I Kim), ProceedinQs 20th International Conference Coastal Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, November "Circulation Kinematics 1106. VoL LI. Transsportation Research Board, pp. 6-9, 1987. "Evaluation of Alternate Surfacings for Forest 1986. Roads," (with M. Takallou and R.D. Layton), Transportation Research Record 1106. Vol. II. "Effect Transportation Research Board, pp. of Phase Shifts on Morison Force Coefficients," (with P.K. Khare and J.H. Nath), Proceedings Third Indian Conference on Ocean Engineering INCOE-86. Bombay, India, Dec. 11-13, 1986, pp. B-289 to B-301. 10-22, 1987. 17 Hudspeth, Robert T. (Continued) McDougal, William G. Using the Rolling-Period Test to Estimate Stability in Small Fishing Vessels," (with F. Mazenot, W.G. Carter, T.H. Gentle), Special Report 779/Aug. 1986, Oregon State University Extension Service, 13 p. 'Influence 'Sea Wave Groups," Annual Report submitted C.K. Sollitt), U.S.-Spain Joint Committee to Secretariat: for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, February 1987. tural Dynamics Symposium '86, Corvallis, OR of Lateral Mixing on Longshore (with R.T. Hudspeth), Ocean Engineering, 13:419-433, 1986. Currents," "Mechanically Coupled Flap Type Breakwaters: Theory and Experiment," (with C.-P. Lee and Proceedings of the Ocean Struc- 730-757, 1986. Analytical Model for Ocean Wave-SoilCaisson Interaction," (with Y.T. Tsai and C.K. Sollitt), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Taipei, "An "Fundamental Dynamics of Ocean Structures," Annual Report submitted to Office of Naval Research for OSU-University Research Initiative (OSU-URI), February 1987. 'Buoy Moorings," (with J.H. Nath and J.W. Leonard), Report submitted to Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA, February 1987. Taiwan, 1986. "Verification of the Analytical Model for Ocean Wave-Soil-Caisson Interaction," (with Y.T. Tsai and C.K. Sollitt), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 1986. on Coastal Layton, Robert D. "ALTSURF Program Documentation," (with R.T. Riedel), USDA Forest Service Project, Transportation Research Report 86-10, Transportation Research Institute, Oregon State University, September 1986. "Concrete Armor Mats: Large-Scale Wave Tank Tests," (with F. Atkinson), Proceedings of Coastal Zone 87, Seattle, WA, 1987. "Laboratory and Field Investigations of the Impact of Shoreline Stabilization Structures on Adjacent Beaches," (with MA. Sturtevant and P.D. Komar), Proceedings of Coastal Sed- Lconard, John W. iments 87, New Orleans, 1987. "Three-Dimensional Steady-State Analysis of Cables Demonstrated with a Grappling Line Program," (with T. McAllister), Procs., OSDS '86, September 1986, pp. 406-420. "Dynamic Response of Concrete Armor Units," (with J.W. Tedesco, JA. Melby, and P.B. McGill), Proceedings of the 6th ADINA Conference, Cambridge, MA, 1987. "Time Domain Simulation of FEM Fluid Structure Interface," (with J.F. Lee), ComputerAided Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems, TCCP/ASCE, Atlantic City, NJ, April 1987. "Nonlinear Dynamics of Cable-Reinforced Membranes," (with A. Lo), Sixth Structural Congress, ASCE, Orlando, FL, August 1987. Schroeder, WI. Opal Springs Powerhouse L. Cochran), Journal of the Construction Engineering Management Division, American Society of "Dewatering Excavation," for (with V.W. Rybel and Civil Engineers, Vol. 112, No. CO3, September 1986. Schroeder, WL. (Continued) Vinson, Ted S. (Continued) 'Application of Geotechnical Data to Resource Pbmning in Southeast Ahicka,' (with Di4. Swanston), U.S. Forest Service General Tech- 'Ice Forces on Fixed Conical Structures,' (with H. Clough), Proceedings. Fifth Offshore nical Report PNW-198, January 1987. Tokyo, Japan, April 1986. 'Slope Effects Sands,' (with P. on Probe Densification Leycure), FrccccJinos. Mcnksa4 Arctjc 1n"'interin" "Determination of $l of Fines Crushing, Handling, Improvement Svmposum. American Society of Aggregates Employed Civil Engineers, Atlantic City, NJ, April 1987. tion," of Civil Journal Research of a Standard Accelerated Weathering Test for Aggregates Using Dimethyl Sulfoxi de (DMSO),' (with T. "Development Engineers, Szmoniak), Report Research Institute, September 1986. 'Wharf Bulkhead Behavior at Fulton Terminal 6' Roadway No. 86-11, Transportation Institute, September 1986. Journal of the Geotecimical Piigineering DiviSociety jp, Vol. 113, No.5, May 1987. in During of Construc- Placement with RM. Pintner and E.G. Johnson), Report Discussion of 'Sheetpile Interlock Tension in Cellular Cofferdams,' by Mark P. Rossow, American Produced and of the Geotechnical Engineering No. 86-12, Transportation Oregon State University, Division. American Society of Civil Engineers, 'Nature of Fines Produced in Aggregate Processing," (with R.M. Pinter and E.G. Johnson), J. of Cold Regions Engineering. ASCE, Vol. 113, No.6, June 1987. V-, Ted & 1,1, March 1987. 'Centrifuge Model Experiments to Determine Ice Forces on Vertical Cylindrical Structures,' "The Use of the Index of Retained Resilient TethnoloQv. Vol.12, No.3,1986. Modulus (IRMr) and Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) Accelerated Weathering Test to Determine the Potential for Moisture-Induced (h H. dough), Cold Regions Science and 'Factors Important to the Development Distress in Asphalt Concrete Mixtures,' (with J. Heinicke), Report No. 87-15, Transportation Research Institute, Oregon State University, of Frost Heave Susceptibility Criteria for Coarse-Grained Soils," (with F. Ahmad and R. Ricke), Transportation Research Record 1089. June 1987. 1986. Research Needs to Address Airport Pavement Distress in Cold Regions,' "Statement "Survey of Airport Pavement Distress in Cold Regions,' (with L Zomerman, R. Berg, H. Tomita), Procçediiws,. Fl!rth Interntional Cold of (with R.L Berg and H. Tomita), Proceedings. Third PavinQ in Cold Areas Workshon. Ottawa, Renions Enalneerin Snecialtv ConferASCE, Anchorage, AK, February 1986. Ontario, July 1987. 19 Electrical and Computer Engineering Current Research Research in the department is concentrated in the four areas of energy systems, computer engineering, systems and controls, state electronic materials and devices. and solid Energy Systems--New solid state power elec- tronic converters are used to develop variable speed generators and drives. With support from the Bonneville Power Administration the department has focused its research into demonstrating the effectiveness of modern electrical machines in increasing efficiency and reducing energy losses when incorporated into electric systems. Computer Engineering--Faculty are engaged in research in digital signal processing, microprocesor applications, VLSI design, computer architecture, and in switching and coding. Very close liaison is maintained between the faculty and the computer industry within the state of Oregon. Systems and Control--For some years SJ.T. Owen, Department Head Dearborn Hall 303 (503) 754-3617 the department has enjoyed an international reputation for its work carried out in systems and control. This work is supported by extensive to expand its experimental efforts. Several faculty in this group enjoy international reputations for research in devices based on silicon, Ill-V and Il-VI materials. State-of-theart research in molecular beam epitaxy, superlattices, quantum-well devices, microdefects in silicon, InP MISFET's, a.c. electroluminescence, fast optical detectors, traveling wave structures, defect thermodynamics, semiconductor interfaces, and GaAs MESFET's is conducted, with excellent cooperative efforts involving industry and other universities. The department plans expansion of this effort into femto-second optical spectroscopy and optoelectronics. background studies in bilinear systems theory and engineering applications, and has recently concentrated on filtering and tracking research, on suboptimal control of stochastic dynamic systems, on immune system response in collaboration with the Oregon Health Sciences Center, and in lymphatic dynamics. Solid State Electronics--The custom-designed solid-state laboratories, which will become available when our new building is occupied during the 1987-88 academic year, will enable the electronic materials and device research 20 Graduate Faculty Looney, James Mrrn&r, Gerald Corwin 1955 Assoc Prof. BS Oregon State 1951; ScM MIT 1959; PhD Chester 1957 Assoc Prof. BS Oregon State 1954, MS 1960, EE 1963. Calfornia-Berkeley 1973. Mohier, Ronald Rutt 1972 Prof. BS Penn State 1956; MS Southern California 1958; PhD Mich- Alistot, David J. 1986 Assoc Prof. BSES, University of Portland; MSEE Oregon State 1974; igan 1965. PhD California-Berkeley 1979. Murray, John M. 1987 Assoc Prof. BS South- Amort, Donald Louis 1959 Assoc Prof. ern Florida 1970, MS 1970; PhD Clemson 1974. BS Oregon State 1954, MS 1960. Arthur, John Read 1983 Prof. BS Iowa State Owen, Sydney John Thomas 1975 Prof. and Head BSc Nottinghpm (England) 1957, PhD 1954, PhD 1961. 1961. Eageibredit, Rudolf S. 1977 Assoc Prof. BSEE Georgia Institute of Technology, 1951, MSEE Plant, Thomas Kent 1978 Assoc Prof. BS Kansas State 1968; MS Iowa State 1969; PhD 1953; PhD Oregon State 1979. illinois 1975. Forbes, Leonard 1983 Prof. BS Alberta at Edmonton 1962; MS Illinois 1963, PhD 1970. Ratbja, Roy C. 1977 Assoc Prof. BS Califorma-Davis 1969; MS Oregon State 1973, PhD 1980. Goodnick, Stephen Marshall 1986 Asst Prof. BS Trinity 1973; MS Colorado State 1977, PhD Saugen, John Louis 1964 Assoc Prof. BSEE 1983. Washington 1955, MSEE 1958, PhD 1964. James Herman 1967 Assoc Prof. BS Herzt Northwestern 1962; MS Michigan 1963, PhD Stone, Solon Allen 1956 Assoc Dean Engineering, Prof. BS Oregon State 1952. 1967. of Jea, IeIi.nd Christian 1955 Assoc Prof. BS Tripathi, Vijal Kumar 1974 Prof. BSc Agra U 1958; MSc. Tech Allahabad U 1961; MSEE Oregon State 1954; MS illinois 1963. Michigan 1964, PhD 1968. Kiaci, Sajfc 1987 Asst Prof. BS Washington State 1982, MS 1984, PhD 1987. Van Vechten, James A. 1985 Prof. AB California-Berkeley 1965; MA Chicago 1967, PhD 1969. Kolodziej, W*iech J. 1980 Asst Prof. MS Technical U of Warsaw 1974; PhD Oregon Wager, John Fisher ifi 1984 Asst Prof. BS Oregon State 1977; MS Colorado State 1978, State 1980. PhD 1981. Lauw, HIan 1978 Assoc Prof. BSEE Deift U Wallace, Alan Keith 1984 Assoc Prof. BEng (Holland) 1966, MSEE 1968, PhD 1977. Sheffield (England) 1963, PhD 1966. Lenders, Pairick M 1986 Asst Prof. ENG Univ Libre (Bruxelles) 1972; Ph.D. Colorado State Weber, Leonard Joseph 1954 Prof. BS Oregon 1985. State 1952; MS Washington 1962. 21 New Research Grants and Contracts: 1986-87 Principal Investigator Project Title Agency Alistot, D.J. Design Techniques for Low Noise CMOS Hydrophone Preamplifiers Magnavox 26,226 Allstot, D.J. Engineering Initiation Award: GaAs Analog Integrated Circuits for Data Acquisition NSF 28,742 Alistot, D.J. Design Techniques for CMOS High Frequency Integrated Circuits Hewlett Packard Arthur, J.R. Epitaxial Growth of InGaAs by MBE and Use of Devices Based on Such Unisys Corp 60,000 Arthur, J.R. MBE Post-Doc Position Tektronix 30,000 Arthur, J.R. T.K. Plant MBE Materials and Devices for High Speed Optoelectronics Tektronix 45,000 Goodnick, S.M. High Energy Electron Inspection with Semiconduction Superlattice ONR 90,000 Jensen, L.C. Design of a Ground Fault Locator BPA 24,501 Jensen, L.C. Owen, S.J.T. Automated Corrosion-Current Measuring System BPA/DOE 24,667 Lauw, H.K. Variable-Speed Generation Research USDE 244,181 Lauw, H.K. Power Conditioning through the Series-Resonant Converter ORTDC 100,000 Lauw, H.K. Characteristics of the Doubly-Fed Machine in a Hydro Variable-Speed Generator BPA/DOE 91,871 Mohier, R.R. Nonlinear Statistical Analysis in Ocean Surveillance ONR 40,000 Murray, J.M. Silicon Compilation Silicon Amount 114,281 270,000 Compilers, Inc Owen, S.J.T. Ultra-High Speed Transient Optics Tektronix Foundation Plant, T.K. Electro-Optic Sampling of GaAs ICs Cascade Microtech, Inc 32,294 Plant, T.K. Large Area, High Speed GaAs Photodetector Lucidyne, Inc 2,700 22 260,000 Tripathi, V.K. Application of the Spectral Domain Techniques to MIC Planar Propagation Structures EEsof Inc. Van Vechten, J.A. Supercomputer Usage in Theoretical Solid State IBM Van Vechten, J.A. Wager, J.F. Point Defects in Semiconductors: Microscopic Identification, Metastable Properties, Defect Migration, and Diffusion AFOSR 74,996 Wallace, A.K. A.C. Drives - Testing and Service Advanced Power Technology 15,400 Wallace, A.K. A Study of Adjustable Speed Drives DOE/BPA 40,690 15,086 400,000 Faculty Publications Arthur, J.R. Forbes, Leonard (Continued) "The Effect of Lattice Mismatch on the Dy- "Effect namical Microstructure of UI-V Compound Surfaces," J. Vac. Sc. Tech.. A5(4), 2007,1987. gen Ebrcch Processing. MRS, Vol. 71, North Holland, New RS. of Preanneal Heat Tratment on OxyPrecipitation in Silicon," (with W. Wijaranakula, P. Burke, and J.H. Matlock), Materials Issues in Silicon InteQrated Circuits York, pp. 139-144, 1986. "The Effect of Cross-Rate Interference on Loan-C (with A. Weisshaar), W.G.A. 15th Annual Technical Symposium Proceedings. pp. 151-160, October 1986. "Effect of Pre- and Post-Epitaxial Deposition Annealing on Oxygen Precipitation in Silicon," (with W. Wijaranakula, P. Burke, and J.H. Matlock), J. Materials Research. Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 698-704, 1986. "Suppression of Drain Conductance Transients, Drain Current Oscillations and Low-Frequency Generation-Recombination Noise in GaAs "Internal Gettering Heat Treatments and Oxygen Precipitation in Epitaxial Silicon Wafers," (with W. Wijaranakula and P. Burke), J. Mate- FEVs Using Buried Channels," (with P. Canfield), IEEE Transactions on Electronic rials Research. Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 693-697, 1986. Devices. Vol. ED-33, No.7, pp. 925-928, 1986. "Fast Zerbst Transient Analysis and Application to Intrinsically Gettered P-Type Epitaxial Wafers," (with M. Aminzadeh), Materials Issues in Silicon Integrated Circuits Process- "A Desktop Computer Based Calculation of High Frequency MOS C-V Curves," (with B. Rastegar), IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. Vol. ED-34, No.2, pp. 427-432, 1987. jpg, MRS, VoL 71, North-Holland, New York, "Buried Channel GaAs MESFETs with Fre- pp. 59-71, 1986. quency Independent Characterization of Precipitation Induced Microdefects," (with F.D. Whitwer and H. Haddad), Materials Issues in Silicon InteQrated Circuit Processin2. MRS, VoL 71, "DLTS North-Holland, New York, pp. 53-57, 1986. Output Conductance," (with P. Canfield), IEEE Electron LcIL, Vol. EDL-8, No.3, pp. 88-89, 1987. Device Forbes, Leonard (Continued) Forbes, Leonard (Continued) "Buried Channel GaAs MESFETs with Immunity to Optical Radiation Effects," (with P. Canfield), IEEE Electron Device Lett., Vol. "Impact of the Epitaxial Deposition Process on Oxygen Precipitation in P + (100) Silicon," (with W. Wijaranakula, P. Burke, and J.H. Matlock), Ext. Abstracts of the Electrochem. Soc. Meet- EDL-8, No. 3, pp. 113-115, 1987. inn. San Diego, Vol. 86-2, pp. 828-829. "Drain Current Transient Suppression in Buried Channel GaAs MESFETs," (with P. Canfield), Proceedings of 4th Semi-Insulating III- Goodnick, Stephen M. Japan, "Ill-V Inversion-Layer Transport," (with D.K. Ferry), in Physics and Chemistry of Ill-V Compound Semiconductor Interfaces, (C.W. 'Fast ZERBST Transient Analysis and Application to Intrinsically Gettered P-Type Epitaxial Wafers," (with M. Aminzadeh), Proc. Portland Wilmsen, Ed.), pp. 283-326, Plenum Publishing V Materials Conference. Hakone. North-Holland, pp. 573-578, 1986. Conf. on Silicon Technology, 1-2 July 1986, p. 33. International Materials Corp., (1986). "Monte Carlo Study of Hot Electron Transport and in GaAs-AlGaAs Quantum Wells," (with P. Lugli), in High Speed Electronics, SpringerVerlag, B. Kallack and H. Beneking, eds., 1986, pp. 116-119. "Effect of Preanneal Heat Treatment on Oxygen Precipitation in Epitaxial Silicon," (with W. Wijaranakula, P. Burke, and J. Matlock), Proc. Portland International Conference on Silicon Materials and Technology, 1-2 July 1986, p. 43. "Monte-Carlo Study of Hot Electrons in Quantum Wells," (with P. Lugli), Superlattices and Microstructures 2, 35, 1986. of Precipitation Induced Microdefects," (with F.D. Whitwer and "Non-Equilibrium LO Phonon Effects in GaAs/A1GaAs Quantum Wells," (with P. Lugli), H. Haddad), Proc. Portland International Conf. on Silicon Materials and Technology, 1-2 July Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 716, 1987. DLTS Characterization "Two Dimensional Electron Transport in InP Surface Layers," (with G.R. Baily, R.E. Owens, and C.W. Wilmscn), J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B5, 976, 1986, p. 35. "Physical Models of Internal Gettering," (with W.I. Sze), Proc. Portland International Conference on Silicon Materials and Technology, 1-2 July 1986, p. 32. 1987. "Subpicosecond Dynamics of Electron Injection into GaAs/A1GAAs Quantum Wells," (with P. Lugli), Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 584, 1987. Calculation of High Frequency MOS C-V Curves," (with B. Rastegar), Proc. Portland International Conf. "A Desktop Computer-Based Herzog, James H. on Silicon Materials and Technology, 1-2 July "A Design Methodology for Distributed Microprocessors in Real-Time Control Applications," Proceedings of the Second International Con- 1986, p. 38. "Suppression of Deep Level Trapping Related Effects in GaAs MESFETs Using a Buried Channel Structure," (with P. Canfield), Abstracts of the 1986 Device Research Conf., IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol. ED-33, ference on Computers and Applications, Beijing, Peoples' Republic of China, June 1987. No. 11, p. 1851, 1986. 24 Molder, Ronald R. (Continued) "On Filter Superfast Design and Synthesis," (with A. Pacut), Paper FA-8.9, Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Los Angeles, 1987. "Stochastic Models and Estimators with Nonlinear Observation Feedback," in Modeling and Auplications of Stochastic Processes, (U. Desai, ed.), 229-288, Kiewer Publishers, Boston, 1986. Processing of Structurally Decomposing Systems," (with R.R. Mohler), Proceedings of ISSPA-87, Brisbane, Australia, 1987, pp. 327-332. "Signal "On Team Games: A Computational Structural Analysis," IEEE Trans. Aerosp. & Elect. Sys., AES 22, 380-387, 1986. Migratory Lymphocyte Models," in Immunology and Epidemiology. (G. Hoffman "Stochastic Bilinear Models and Estimation with Nonlinear Observation Feedback," (with "On R.R. Mohier), in Modelling and Applications of Stochastic Processes, Desai, Ed., Kiewer PubL, and T. Hraba, eds.), 208-223, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986. 1986, pp. 251-287. Conditionally Linear Filtering, Control, Coding," in Stochastic Modelling and Filtering. (A. Germani, ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1987. "On "Conditionally Linear and Non-Gaussian Processes," in NonGaussian Sinnal Processin2, Wegmen and Schwartz, Eds., North Holland, and 1987. "Observability lag," in Space-Based Data Process- (with R.R. Mohier and R. Bonol), Ameri- can Control Conf., Seattle, WA, July 1986. "On Conditionally Linear Filtering, Control and Cooling," in Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Germoni, Ed., Springer "Conditionally Linear and Non-Gaussian Processes," in Non-Gaussian Signal Processing. (E. Wegman, S. Schwartz, eds.), North Holland, Amsterdam, New York, 1987. Systems and Control," in EncycloPhysical Science & Technology, Academic Press, New York, 1987. "Bilinear nedia of Verlag, 1987. Controllability Study for a Team Linear Quadratic Game," IEEE Trans. Aerosp. & "A "Structurally Decomposing Processes," ceedings of the First International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control Elect. Sys., AES23, 1987. System, Washington, DC, June 1987. "Foundations of Immune Control and Cancer," in Advances in Communication and Control Lenders, Patrick M. Systems, O.S.I. Publications, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1987. Distributed "A New Communication Mechanism for Decentralised Computers," International Conference on Future Advances in Computers. "A Christchurch, New Zealand, February 1986. Pattern Recognition, Toulouse, 1986. Molder, Ronald R. "An "Nonlinear Observability and Non-Guassian Information Structures," in Stochastic Process Recognition, Toulouse, 1986. in Underwater Acoustics, (C. Baker, ed.), 125- "Adaptive 153, Springer-Verlag, Ne'wYork, 1986. Bilinear Process and Its by Identification," LASTED Int'l Svmnosium on Identification and Optimal Tracking Controller," lASTED Int'l Symposium on Identification and Pattern Kalman Filter for Maneuvering Target Tracking," LASTED Int'l Symposium on Identification and Pattern Recognition, Toulouse, 1986. Owen, John (Continued) Mohier, Ronald R. (Continued) On Bilinear Control and Time Series sis," Annual Joint Statistical "Efficiency Improvements in ZnS:Mn ACTFEL Analy- Meetings, Devices Chi- "Nonlinear Signal Finding," Proc. Athens, 1986. Driven by Stepped Pulse a Train," (with R.C. McArthur and C.C. Zhu), Society cago, 1986. Processing for Conference, for Information Display Orleans, LA, May 1987. Direction New IEEE Conf. Decis. & Cont., Pacut, Andrzej "A Nonlinear Eigenstructure Generator," jç IEEE Asilomar Conf. Sig.. Sys.. & Comp., "How to Use the Mann-Whitney Test to Detect a Change in Distribution for Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 4Z, pp. 19-26, 1987. Pacific Grove, 1986. Groups," "Observability Determination "On Fast Filter Design and Synthesis," (with tronics and Communic. Engr.. JTC-CAS Conf., W. Kolodziej and R.R. Mohier), pc, Los Angeles, CA, 1987. of the Stochastic System Using Information Theory," Inst. Elec- Proc. 26th Japan, 1986. Plant, Thomas K. "On Non-Gaussian of Identification Series," Proc. IEEE Dallas, 1987. Time Conf. Acous. Sp. & Sig. 'InP/InGaAs Double Heterostructure Bipolar Transistors Grown by MBE," (with P. Schuitemaker, PA. Claxton, J.S. Roberts, and P. Houston), Murray, John M. Electr. Lett., 15, pp. 781-783, 17 July 1986. "Systems Architecture and Silicon Compilation: Tripathi, Vijai K. Experience," Seventh Annual Microelectronics Symposium, Rochester, NY, June 1987. An Educational University/Government and Modeling of Multilevel Parallel and Crossing Interconnection Lines," (with R. Bucolo), IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, pp. 630-638, March 1987. "Analysis Owen, John "InP MISFET Technology," (with J.F. Wager and S.J. Prasad), J. Vol. 131, 1-160, 1987. Electrochemical Van Vechten, James A. Society, Comment on: Interface Electron Source Model for ZnS:Mn Hysteretic a.c. Thin-Film Electroluminescent Devices," (with R.C. McArthur "An and C.C. Zhu), Proc. 1986 International "Green's Function Calculation of the Lattice Response Near the Vacancy in Si," by M. Lannoo and G. Allan, 'Phys. Rev. B , 4089 (1982); JA. Van Vechten Phys. Rev. 8785 (1986). Elec- troluminescence Workshop. Inter- "A Dislocations and Carbon stitials in Si," Phys. Rev. B 35, 864 (1987). Devices," (with R.C. McArthur, C.C. Zhu, and T.K. Plant), Proc. 1986 International Electro- "Kink Site Saturation Mechanism for Whisker Growth Under Sputtering Conditions," (with 'Vacancies, Review of Electrical Characterization Methods for a.c. Thin-Film Electroluminescent W. Solberg, P.E. Batson, J.J. Cuomo, and S.M. luminescence Workshop. Rossnagil), J. Crystal Growth 82, 289 (1987) "Atomic Model for EL2 in GaAs," (with J.F. Wager), Phys. Rev. B 35, 2330 (1987). 26 Van Ve4itn, James A. (Continued) 'Simple Theory of Defects Wager, John F. (Continued) "GaAs MESFET Interface Considerations," (with AJ. McCamant), iEEE Trans. Electron in Ternary and Mnitin2ry Semiconductors or What is Wrong with Binaries and Can We Fix It by Going to Ternaries," Ternary and Multinary Compounds, Devices ED-34. 1001 (1987). mass, CO, USA, 1986) edited by S.K. Deb and "Phosphorous Vacancy Nearest-Neighbor Hopping Instabilities in InP Capacitors," (with A. Zunger (MRS, Pittsburgh, 1987). M.T. Juang and JA. Van Vechten) in Dielec- (Proc. 7th International Conferencc. Snow- tric "A Model for the Growth of Carbon Filaments by Ion Bombardment of (with WA. Solber& I.L Films on Comuound Semiconductors (1987). Carbon Surfaces," Spain, and N.E. Wallace, Alan K. Pederson), 1987. "The Magnetic Elevator for Solids: A Tubular Linear Reluctance Motor" (with V. Ranawake), Wager, John F. "Surface Recombination Velocity and IEEE Vehicular Technolo2v Soc. Maglev and Linear Drives Conference '87. Las Vegas, NV, Bulk Lifetime in GaAs and laP," (with B. Rastegar), May 1987. Semicond. Sd. Technol. 1.207(1986). "The Effects of Motor Parameters on the "laP MISFET Technology," (with SJ.T. Owen and S.J. Prasad), J. Electrochem. Soc. 134. 160 Performance of Brushless dc Drives," (with R. Spec), IEEE Power Electronics Specialist (1987). Conference '87. Blacksburg, VA, June 1987. "Atomic Model for EU in GaAs," (with JA. Van Vechten), Phys. Rev. b35. 2330 (1987). 27 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Current Research is The Department of Industrial Engineering involved in Research in the design of new systems integrating robotics and computeraided manufacturing and in the improvement The of productivity in existing organizations. development and installation of new systems involves the integration of many critical Product design, equipment evaluaelements. tion and selection, production scheduling, inventory management, information systems, process control, and the assurance of high quality are all concerns of the industrial engineer. Recent research activities within the Department have involved the development of hardware for both robotic materials handling systems and automatic test equipment along with the design of decision support systems for operators and maintenance personnel. Currently, work is being performed in areas concerned with the automatic assembly of electronic components, interactive control systems for robots, and the design of opera- involving artificial With the recent acquisition of intelligence. additional computer-aided design equipment, the development of an integrated manufactur- tor-computer interfaces Thomas M. West, Acting Department Head Covell Hall 211 (503) 754-2365 ing laboratory is Future progressing. re- search will make use of this facility to investigate the optimum configuration and content of manufacturing production costs. cells designed to minimize Graduate Faculty Fichter, Eugene Frank 1977 Assoc Prof. BME Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1967; MS U of New Brunswick 1973; PhD Monash U 1977. Randhawa, Sabah Uddin 1983 Asst Prof. BS U of Engineering and Technology (Pakistan) 1976; MS Oregon State 1980; PhD Arizona Funk, Kenneth H. II 1980 Asst Prof. BA Taylor U 1975; MS Ohio State 1977, PhD 1980. McDowell, Edward David 1974 Assoc Prof. BS Ohio State 1965; MS Ohio U 1970; PhD Ohio State 1983. Safford, Robert Reese 1985 Assoc Ohio State 1964, MSc 1965, PhD 1971. Prof. BIE State 1974. West, Thomas Moore 1976 Assoc Prof, Acting Head of Department. BS Tennessee-Knoxville Olsen, Eldon A. 1980 Assoc Prof. BS Utah 1966; MS Montana State 1969; PhD Oregon 1963, MS 1965; PhD Oregon State 1976. State 1979. New Research Grants and Contracts: 1986-87 Amount Inwatigatot Project The Agency Fichter, E. Mechanics of Walking in Arthropods NSF 29,765 Fichter, E. Triangulation Robot System Northrop 41,443 Funk, K.H. Intelligent Air Attack System: Aircrew Interface Module Version 2 Computer Science Corp 70,041 Faculty Publications: 1986-87 Fiditer, Eugene Randhawa, Sabah U. (Continued) "Simulation of the SRI Vision Algorithm on a "A Network Simulation Model of a Fish Proc- Microcomputer," presented at the InternaConference tional Comnuters in Enulneerin essing Facility," (with E. Jonatansson), Simulation 47, 1, 5-12, 1986. and Rhihition. 20-24 July 1986, Chicago, IL, "Analysis of the Use of Limit Numbers in ANSI Z1.4 Using a Simulation Model," (with sponsored by the ASME. R. Grinde and E. McDowell), mt. J. Prod. Rca. 25, 2, 301-313, of the Use of Limit Numbers in ANSI Z1.4 Using a Simulation Model," (with S. 1987. "Analysis "A Simulation Model for Analyzing Switching Rules in MIL.STD.105D," (with R. Grinde and E. McDowell), Proc. 1986 Summer Computer Randhawa and R. Grinde), Int. J. of Production Res.. VoL 24, (0), 1986. Simulation Conf., Reno, NV, 1986. "Optimizing Transtainer-Based-Container Handling Facilities," Proceedings, International Transportation Conference, Vancouver, B.C., August 1986. West, Thomas M. "A Simulation Model for Analyzing Switching Roles in MIL.STD.105 D," (with S. Randhawa and R. Grinde), Proceedings, 1986 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Reno, NV, Ryerson Limited, Toronto, 1987. Engineering Economics. (with J.L. Riggs, W.F. Rentz, and AL. Kahi), First Canadian Edition, "Combined Cycle Biomass Energy Research Project - Economic and Marketing Analysis," (with W. Beck, et at.), U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1986. July 1986. "An Investigation of the Technical and Economic Feasibility of Inserting Non-Standard Components into Printed Circuit Boards," "A Multicriteria Approach to Evaluating Sites for the Small Biomass-Fueled Electrical Generation Plants," (with R. Wright and N. Mills), (with R. Grinde, A. Azini, and L. Jabs), OSU Engineering Experiment Station, Corvallis, OR, 1986. Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference, Washington, DC, 1987. Randhawa, Sabah U. 'Sensitivity Analysis in IMS Equipment Selec- International tion," American Society of Engineering Educa"WAVESOLDER ASSISTANT: An Expert Sys- tion National Conference, Reno, NV, 1987. tem to Aid Troubleshooting of the Wave Soldering Process," (with B. -Barton and S. Faruqui), Computers & Industrial Engineering 10, 4,325-334, 1986. 29 Mechanical Engineering The Mechanical Engineering Department at Oregon State University has research activities in the three traditional areas of mechanical engineering, design, mechanics, and thermal-fluid sciences, as well as in materials. These fundamental research areas remain quite constant over the years, but the specific application areas which have the major thrusts change. Energy related research which peaked in the early 1980's continues to play a significant role in the department with research projects in wind, energy conservation, biomass conversion, fluidized bed heat transfer, and heat pumps. Robotics, smart product design, manufacturing, and expert systems/artificial intelligence are the current major application Composites, areas of design and mechanics. fracture, and fatigue are primary areas of interest in materials. Gordon M. Reistad, Department Head Rogers Hall 204 (503) 754-3441 Recent additions to the faculty have research interests in design, combustion, and Research activities in these areas materials. are expected to increase in the coming years. Current Research Design--machine design, design Thermal Science and Fluid Mechanics--fluid mechanics - aerodynamics of wind turbines, methodology, computer-aided design (CAD), and expert sys- buoyant jets, fluidization of particle beds, and ink-jet printers; heat transfer - convection tems; Materials--fatigue fracture, wear superconduc- studies, including gas fluidized beds, electronic circuit board cooling, and liquid 'metals; Mechanics--composites, micropolar, and nonlocal elastic solids, laser/material interactions, dynamics of mechanical systems (specifically, mechanical manipulators, cable systems, and rotors), stability analysis, and digital control. thermodynamics - heat pump and power plant design, ice and frost formation, and second law analysis; and combustion - solid-liquid, and gas fuel burning, stabilization and quenching phenomena, experimental investigation of ionic and atomic species of combustion, and biomass and refuse combustion. resistance, corrosion and composites, tivity; 30 Graduate Faculty Baker, Warren S. 1980 Extn Energy Specialist, Asst Prof. BA illinois 1964; PhD Edinburgh Richard B. 1985 Asst Prof. BS Nevada-Reno 1979; MS California-Berkeley 1976. 1982, PhD 1984. Burke, Peter M. 1981 Assoc Prof. BS Stanford Phllbrick, David A. 1983 Assoc Prof. Brown U 1970; PhD California-Berkeley 1976. Peterson, 1956, MS 1957, PhD 1968. Bnd.npIl Dwigld J. 1976 Assoc Prof. BS Utah AB Rawers, James C. 1982 Asst Prof. BS Ohio State 1965; MS U of Dayton 1967; MS Notre Dame 1969; BS Oregon State 1975, MS 1977, 1967, MS 1968; PhD Brigham Young 1974. C21, Clarence A. 1978 Assoc Prof. BSME PhD 1979. Oregon State 1960; MS Brigham Young 1962; PhD California-Berkeley 1969. Retd, Gordon M. 1970 Prof and Department Head. BS Montana State 1966; MS Wisconsin Davis, Lenin R. 1969 Prof. BA Brigham Young 1958, BESME 1959; MSME Purdue 1961; PhD 1967, PhD 1970. illinois 1964. Smith, Charles E. 1961 Prof. BSME Oregon State 1955; MSME Rensselaer Polytechnic K-7, A. Murty 1985 Prof. BEng Andhra U Institute 1958; PhD Stanford 1962. Waltair (India) 1961; MS Minnesota 1963, PhD Ulhnau, David G. 1984 Assoc Prof. BS Cincin- 1969. nati 1968, MS 1970; PhD Ohio State 1978. Kennedy, rmethy C. 1976 Assoc Prof. BS SUNY at Buffalo 1968; MS Stanford 1969, PhD Walker, Stel N. 1984 Asst Prof. BS Oregon 1972. State 1970, PhD 1976. Lanoei, Milton B. 1952 Prof. BS Oregon State 1950; MEngr Yale 1951; MS Oregon State Weky, James R. 1958 Prof. BSME Oregon State 1954, MSME 1959, PhD 1962. 1955; PhD Stanford lxi. Wheeler, George M. 1980 Extn Energy Specialist, Asst Prof. BS MIT 1967; MS Cali- Ohs, Andrzej 1984 Asst Prof. MS Warsaw Technological U 1962; PhD Polish Academy of fornia-Berkeley 1970, PhD 1972. Sciences 1973. Wilson, Robert E. 1957 Prof. BS Oregon State 1955; MS Iffinois 1956; PhD Oregon State Onwubiko, Ciiinyere 1986 Asst Prof. BS Mississippi State 1977; MS Southern Methodist 1963. 1978; PhD Mississippi State 1982. New Research Grants and Contracts: 1986-87 Inveetigator Project The Agency Amount Bushnell, DJ. Determination of Octane Numbers (Motor and Research) of Commercially Available Automotive Fuels OSDA 4,038 Bushnell, DJ. Wheeler, G.M. Proposed Energy Analysis and Diagnostic Center USDE 49,499 31 Olas, A. Position Measurement Methods ASTI Olas, A. Uliman, D.G. Pressure Differential Testing and Analysis of 750F Spindle-Bearing Structure Spectra-Physics 10,559 Peterson, R.B. Acoustic Levitation of Propellant Drops Battelle/Army 10,790 Peterson, R.B. Gas Phase Energy Deposition by Electron Beams NSF/AFOSR 66,418 Reistad, G.M. Peterson, R.B. Initiating Graduate Program Union Oil Reistad, G.M. Larson, M.B. Investigative Services in Energy Conversion, Conservation and Use BPA 35,000 Welty, J.R. Intergovernment Personnel Act (IPA) Assignment USDOE 34,140 Wilson, R.E. Aerodynamic Transient and Yaw Effects on HAWT Loads and Performance SERI/USDE 76,505 600 7,000 Faculty Publications: 1986-87 Baker, Warren S. (Continued) Baker, Warren S. "Lighting," Chapter 6 of the Commerical Audit "Keeping Your Energy Costs Down" pamphlet for the Corvallis Chamber of Commerce Bus- Power Manual prepared for the Bonneville Administration, November 1986. iness Committee, 1986. "Using Inexpensive Spreadsheets in Energy Management Training Programs," Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society 1987 Annual Conference, Portland, OR, pp. 203- "Batch Solar Water Heat Construction and Installation Manual," (with T. Wykes), Energy Note S307, March 1986. Technical Reference Manual on Section 5310, 205, July 1987. Lighting, 1986 Oregon Structural Specialty Code,' for the Codes Division, Oregon Department of Commerce, May 1986. Artifical Commercial "Reducing Energy "Daylighting Micro-Computer Software parison," Energy Note N204, July 1987. 'Daylighting Requirements Boulder, CO, pp. 477-479, Code Energy Material Pricing and Energy Conservation," 12th Passive Solar Conference Proceedings, pp. 330-332, July 1987. "Construction June 1986. "Lighting Tools," Note N205, July 1987. Through Code Compliance," Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society 1986 Annual Conference, Micro-Computer Com- Compliance Training Through "The Design, the Use of Interactive Video Tapes," ACEEE 1986 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings Proceedings, Volume 6 Measures), pp. 6.7-6.11, August 1986. Construction and Testing of a Low-Cost Batch Solar Water Heating Collector,' (Mandatory (with Tom Wykes), 12th Passive Solar Conference 1987. 32 Proceedings, pp. 480-484, July Burke, Peter M. (Continued) Bushnell, Dwight J. "Internal Gettering Heat Treatments and Oxy- "Computer Simulation and Design of a Combined-Cycle Wood Fueled Power Plant," gen Precipitation in Epitaxial Silicon Wafers," (with W. Wijaranakula, and L. Forbes), L (with A. Dadkhh-Mkoo, J. Ranasinghe, and Materials Research. Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 693- G.M. Reistad), Proceedings ASME ComputerAided PnRjneering of Energy Systems, AES 697, 1986. Vol. 22, pp. 65-71, December 7-12, 1986. Calder, aarence A. "Analysis of Wood Combustion Based on the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics," (with A. Dadkhah-Nikoo), Proceedings ASME Spring Computer-Aided Engineering of Energy Systems, AES Vol. 23, December 7-12, 1986. chanics, pp. 16-165, June 1986. 'Stress Analysis of a Helical Coil Automobile Using Rosettes," Proceedings of the 1986 SEM Conference on Experimental Me- "Computer Simulation of Combined-Cycle Biomass Fueled Power Plants," (with G. Relstad, A. Dadkhak-Nikoo, and J. Ranasinghe), Proceedings of the lASTED International Conference. Applied Simulation and Modeling, "Biomechanical Force Platform Based on Strain Gages," Experimental Techniques. V. ASM 86. String Performance," Proceedings 11, No.1, Jan. 1987, pp. 22-24. "Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Tennis of the 1987 SEM Conference on Experimental Mechanics, "Off-Design Analysis of Biomass-Fueled Combined Cycle Power Plants," (with R. Brawn and G.M. Reistad), Proceedings EnergySources Technoloav Conference and ExhibiPD-VoL 5, pp. 231-239, February 23-27, 1986 New Orleans, LA. June 1987. Davis, LorinR. "An Experimental Investigation into the Dynamic Collapse Phase of Drilling Fluid Discharged into a Stratified, Flowing Environment," (with S. Aibright and J. Her- "Combined Cycle Biomass Energy Research Project," Final reports Task I reports 1.1 through 1.8, Task II report 2.2, Prepared for ron), ASME paper, 86-WA/HT-33, December 1986. the USDA, Grant No. 59-32R6-2-141 and 83CSRS-2-2314, November 1986. "Environmental Heat Transfer," (with J. Bartz, Burke, Peter M. N. Hussain, A.M. Kanury, M. Keyhani, F. Kulacki, J. Liburdy, Y. Mussalli, and with S. Sengupta as editor), Mechanical Engineering, VoL 109, No.2, February 1987. "Effect of Pre- and Post-Epitaxial Deposition Annealing on Oxygen Precipitation in Epitaxial Silicon," (with W. Wijaranakula, L. Forbes, and J. Matlock), J. Thermal Plumes. (I. Catton, Ed.), ASME Sym- Materials posium Volume HTD-Vol. 70, August 1987. Research. VoL 1, No.5, pp. 698-704, 1986. Kanuly, A. Murty "Effect of Preanneal Heat Treatment on Oxygen Precipitation in Silicon," (with W. Wijara- "Environmental Problems nakula, L Forbes, and J. Matlock), Materials Transfer in LNG Leaks and Spills," with mem- of Heat and Mass ing, MRS. VoL 71, North Holland, New York, bers of the ASME/HTD K-19 Committee on Environmental Heat Transfer, pp. 66-73, pp. 139-144, 1986. Mechanical Engineering. 109(2). (1987). Issues in Silicon Integrated Circuits Process- 33 Kanury, A. Murty (Continued) Reactions "Chemical in a Olas, Andrzej (Continued) Transient Natural "Identification of the Modal Parameters by Perturbation Testing of a Rotor with Strong Boundary Layer, (with P.D. Gandhi), pp. 208-232, in Dynamics of Reactive Systems. Part 1: Flames and Configurations, Convective Gyroscopic Effect," (with D.E. Bently and A. Muszynska), Proceedings of the International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Tokyo, 1986. (J.R. Bowen, J.C. Leyer, and R.I. Soloukhin, Editors), Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 105, AIAA, New York, NY (1986). Crack Detection by Dynamic Response Measurements of Rotating Shafts," (with M. Lange and E. Shvartzblat), 21st Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Technion, Haifa, June 23-24, 1987. "On "Criterion for Spontaneous Ignition of Radiantly Heated Organic Solids,' (with P.D. Gandhi), pp. 233-254, Combustion Science and Technology, 50, (1987). Peterson, Richard B. "On the Craft of Modeling in Engineering and Science," (1987). pp. 65-74, Fire Safety Journal, "Direct Sampling Electron Impact Fluorimetry: A New Technique for Measuring Combustion 12, Species," (with M. Ikegawa and D. Lucas), 4, 219-228 (1986). Kennedy, Timothy C. Combustion and Flame, of a Relationship Between Ultrasonic Wave Dispersion and Fracture," (with L.B. Ilcewicz, C. Shaar, and J.B. Wilson), Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 24, No. 6, 1986, pp. 895-908. "Measurement of Muzzle Flash Temperature Using Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy: Dye "Experimental Evidence Laser Characteristics," Battelle Laboratory Report under Contract DAA629-81-D-0100, August 1986. "The Feasibility of Using CARS for the Study of Muzzle Flash," (with J.A. Vanderhoff and Element Analysis of a Crack in a Micropolar Elastic Material," (with J.B. Kim), Computers in Engineering 1987. Vol. 3, Cokonis (Ed.), ASME, 1987, pp. 439-444. "Finite Kotlar), Paper presented at the 23rd JANNAF Combustion Meeting, NASA/Langley A.J. Research Center, Hampton, VA, October 20Olas, Andrzej "On Stability 23, 1986. Investigation Using Temperature Estimates from the Muzzle Blast Flow Field," (with J.A. Vander- Extended "CARS Lyapunov's Theorem,' Mathematicheskaya Fizika i Nelineyn, Mekhanika Sbornik, Nr. 6, hoff and AJ. Kotlar), Paper presented at the 1986. Fall Technical Meeting, Western States Section/The Combustion Institute, Tucson, AZ, "Synthesis of Nonlinear Systems, Part III: The General Kinetic Synthesis of n-Order Systems," (with S. Vojtasek), Acta Technica CSAV (Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), No. 4, 1986. October 27-28, 1986. Philbrick, David "Super Good Cents Construction Manual," (with B. Boe, T. Haskell, and M. O'Brien), 121 "Pressure Differential Testing and Analysis of Spindle-Bearing Structure," (with D.G. Uliman and Y.-S. Baek), Final Report, SpectraPhysics, Contract 30-262-6347. pages, Bonneville tember 1986. Power Administration, Sep- "Super Good Cents Technical Reference Manual," (with B. Boe, T. Haskell, and M. O'Brien), pages, Bonneville September 1986. 161 34 Power Administration, Rcistad, Gordon M. (Continued) ThlUjrick, David (Continued) land General Electric, Cascade Natural Gas, Idaho Power, C.P. National, February 1987. "Comparison with Alternative Systems: Thermal Analysis for Combined Cycle Biomass Energy Project," (with Z. Huque and D.J. Bushnell), prepared for USDA, August 1986. "A Builder's Guide to Super Good Cents Con- "Overall "Weatherization Marketing Assistance," Final Report, Pacific Power, NW Natural Gas, Port- struction and Sales," ministration, June 1987. Bonneville Power Energy analysis of a Wood-Fueled Electricity Generating Plant: Thermal Analysis for Combined Cycle Biomass Energy Project," (with S. Aceves-Saborio and DJ. Bush- Ad- Rawers, James C. nell), prepared for USDA, August 1986. "Oxidation of Fe-8Cr-l4Ni-Al-Si-Mn at 7000 to 1000°C," (with WJ. Larson), Oxidation of Metals. VoL 27, No. 1/2, pp. 105-122, 1987. "Executive Summary - Final Report Combined Biomass Energy Project," (with DJ. Bushnell, J. Funck, T.C. Kennedy, K. WilliamCycle son, H. Resch, T. West, and L. Becker), pre"Inherent Oxidation Protection of Fe-5Cr15Ni-2Si-4.SMo," Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 28, pared for USDA, November 1986. No. 3/4, p. 183, 1987. "Geothermal "Fracture calloy," Energy," Chapter 45, ASHRAE Handbook 1987, HVAC Systems and Applica- Properties (with J. of Laser-Glazed ZirJournal of En- tions. Sizemore), gineering Fracture Mechanic VoL 27, No. "Optimization of Heat Exchangers in Energy Conversion Systems - A Discussion Paper," (with J. Ranasinghe and S. Aceves-Saborio), IVth International Symposium on 2nd Law Analysis of Thermal Systems, Rome, ASME Bound Vol., September 1987. 2, pp. 205-214, 1987. "Increased Oxidation Protection by Enameled Integranular Formation of Silicides," ASME, Orlando, FL, Oct. 1986. "Understanding the Oxidation Protection of Fe-Cr-Si Alloys," Normal L. Peterson Memorial Symposium on Oxidation of Metals and "Use of Ceramic Heat Exchangers in Wood- Associate Mass Transport, ed. R.A. Dayananda, Engineering Joint Conference, March 1987. Fueled Power Plants," (with J. Ranasinghe), Proceedings of the 1987 ASME-JSME Thermal TMS-ASME Conference, Orlando, FL, 1986. "Evaluation of Storage Volumes "Oxidation of Fe-7Cr- l2Ni- (0-6)Al(0-7)Si Alloys," (with Morrison), Metallurgica Transactions A. VoL 18A, No. 10, pp. 1805- for Geother- mal District Heating Systems," (with T. Lawrence), ASHRAE Transactions 1987, VoL 93, Pt. 2. 1812, 1987. Smith, Charles E. 1:trr. !r I "When is the Direction of Angular Momentum Fixed in a Rigid Body?" (with J. Casey), ji schrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik und "Analysis of Ceramic Heat Exchangers for Use in a Combined-Cycle Wood-Fired Power Plant: Thermal Analysis for Combined Cycle Biomass Mechanik. 66(1986) 12. Energy Project," (with J. Ransinghe and DJ. Bushnell), prepared for USDA, April 1986. 35 Ullman, David G. Welty, James R. Fudging on Fudge Factors," Machine Design, Penton Press, Cleveland, pp. 107-111, Oct. 9, 1986. "Heat Transfer to Tube Arrays in High Tem- "Less perature, Large Particle Fluidized Beds," (with A. Implications "Mechanical Design Methodology: of Computer-Aided on Future Developments Design and Knowledge-Based Systems," gineering with Comi,uters, Vol. 2, R.L. Adams, and Alavi- N. no. 4, p. 907, 1986. "Direct-Contact Heat Transfer in Solid-Gas Systems," Chapter 9 in Direct-Contact Heat Transfer, R.L. Boehm and F. Kreith, eds., Hemisphere Publishing Co., New York, 1987. 21-29, pp. Goshayeshi, zadeh), Journal of Heat Transfer, ASME, j, 1987. "Preliminary Results on an Experimental Study of the Mechanical Design," (with L. Stauffer Wheeler, George M. and T.G. Dietterich), NSF Workshop on Design Theory and Methodology, February 1987, "Commercial Energy Auditing Micro Computer Anaheim, CA. Programs," OSU Note, October 1986. A Logic-Based Architecture for Design," IFIP WG 5.2 Working Conference on "Commercial Audit Software Comparison," OSU Extension Service Energy "FORLOG: Expert Systems in ComDuter-Aided Sydney, Australia, February 1987. Extension Service Energy Note, October 1986. Design, "Commercial Audit vember 1986. Walker, Stel N. Manual," 500 pages, No- "Wind Energy Notes," (with D. Bain), OSU Resource Characterization and Performance Modeling at the Whisky Run Wind Farm," (with J.E. Wade and R.W. Baker), Final "Wind Extension Service Energy Note, January 1987. Report, Pacific Power and Light Co., Contract "Oregon Wind Dealers," (with D. Bain), OSU P.0001-781, October 1986. Extension Service Energy Note, January 1987. "Precipitation Effects on Anemometer "Computer Tools Analysis," OSU Note, July 1987. and Wind Turbine Performance," (with J.E. Wade), Proceedings Sixth ASME Wind Energy Sym- Update: Extension Building Energy Service Energy posium, Dallas, TX, February 1987. "Building Energy Analysis Software Comparison," OSU Extension Service Energy Note, July 1987. Conducted at the Whisky Run Wind Farm," (with J.E. Wade), Proceedings Sixth ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Dallas, TX, February 1987. "Research Studies Being Wilson, Robert E. "Wind Turbine Flow Field Model," ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 108, No. "Local Windflow Studies at the Whisky Run Wind Generation Facility," (with J.E. Wade), presented at the 1987 ASME-JSME Energy Conference, Honolulu, HI. 4, pp. 345-346, 1986. Solar "A Gap Correction for HAWT Blades," ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 63, 1987. 36 Nuclear Engineering Current Research areas of research interest in Nuclear Engineering include nuclear reactor design, reactor thermal hydraulics, two-phase flow and heat transfer, nuclear fuel management, computational methods, neutron radiography, nuclear instrumentation applications, radiation shielding, environmental monitoring, Current nuclear waste management, radioactive materials transportation, nuclear reactor materials, and fusion engineering and design. The Department of Nuclear Engineering is equipped with state-of-the-art nuclear instrumentation and computing facilities. Micro- and minicomputers include an Apollo 3000, IBM ATs, and two microcomputer laboratories. The department's Apollo and IBM ATs also provide access through the network larger computers, such as to A.H. Robinson, Department Head Radiation Center C115 off-site Crays. (503) 754-2341 In addition, the department has a remote job entry terminal linked with facilities throughout the nation. major computer The department is housed in the Radiation Center. This center is an instructional and facility especially designed to accommodate programs involving the use of radiation and radioactive materials. This unique facility was designed and established to accommodate internal and off-campus instructional and research programs involving nuclear engineering, nuclear science, radiation protection, and other related areas. Major nuclear and radiation devices are housed in research the center including: a 1-MW thermal TRIGA Mark II research reactor; a 300-curie cobalt- 60 irradiator; a 300-k Vp X-ray generator; gamma ray spectrometers and associated Ge(Li) detectors; a 14-MeV generator; neutron diffraction equipment; a neutron radiography facility capable of taking still or very high Arthur G. Johnson, Director Radiation Center C102 speed radiographs (20,000 frames per second), (503) 754-2341 and a variety of instruments measurement and monitoring. for radiation The center is equipped to package radioactive materials for transportation to both national and international destinations. 37 Graduate Faculty Anghaie, Samim 1984 Asst Prof. BS Pahiavi Klein, Andrew C. 1985 Asst Prof. BS Penn (Shiraz) U 1972, MS 1974; PhD Penn State State 1977; MS Wisconsin 1979, PhD 1983. 1982. Ringle, John Clayton 1966 Assoc Dean Graduate School, Prof. BS Case Institute of Tech- Stephen Ellis 1973 Assoc Prof. BS Oregon State 1964; MS California-Berkeley Binney, nology 1957, Berkeley 1964. 1966, PhD 1970. Dodd, Brian 1978 Assoc Prof., Asst Reactor Administrator, Radiation London 1969, PhD 1973. Center. BS U MS 1959; PhD California- Robinson, Alan Hadley 1966 Prof, Head of Department. BS Swarthmore 1956; MS Stan- of ford 1961, PhD 1965. Johnson, Arthur Guy 1966 Prof., Prof. Radiation Health (General Science); Director, Radiation Center, and Reactor Administrator. BS Woods, W. Kelly 1978 Prof. BA Stanford 1934; MS MIT 1936; DSc 1940. Missouri 1956, MS 1958. New Research Grants and Contracts: 1986-87 Principal Investigator Project Title Agency Amount Development of an On-Line Advanced Plant Simulator Anghaie, S. Robinson, A.H. (OLAPS) for Thermal Hydraulics Simulation and Faster than Real Time Transient Analysis of PWR Systems PGE 46,955 Binney, S.E. Hanford Nuclear Waste Repository--Analysis, Monitoring,and Design DOE 30,000 Binney, S.E. Design of Actinide Burning Reactors UW 1,800 Dodd, B. University Reactor Use Sharing Program USDE 35,000 Dodd, B. Nuclear Reactor Operator Training for Disadvantaged Americans (Subcontract) (Extended to 08-87 with additional funds) UVA 27,220 Dodd, B. Regional Radiological Technical Asst. Summer School ODOE 15,824 Klein, A.C. Small Reactor Assessment and Validation Study NASA 28,021 Klein, A.C. UNIV/DOE Lab Coop-Base (Subcontract) UW 4,500 Klein, A.C. A Course in Fundamental Nuclear Plant Engineering PGE 8,278 Klein, A.C. Robinson, A.H. Study of Corrosion Behavior of Fuel Cladding Materials under Nuclear Power Reactor Operating Conditions and Environments Teledyne 38 50,000 Eugenes Preservation and Extension of Shelf Life of Roses by Use of Ionizing Radiation Krycuk, GA. 2,000 Robinson, A.H. Gadolinium Burnout Rates in Light Water Reactors (Supplement) Exxon 12,000 Robinson, AN. Thermaihydraulics Simulation and Transient Analysis of PWR Plants PGE 46,955 Robinson, A.H. An Improved Radial Power Distribution Model for Rodex ANFC L3,948 Faculty Publications A"giir, Smim Binney, Stephen E. (Continued) Profile Examination Methods for Application," ASME-WAM 1986, Anaheim, CA (Dec. 7-12, 1986). "Nuclear Energy," The Encyclopedia America, 23, 511h, (1987). "Compton Materials of "Modeling Detection, Sizing and Location of Ge(Li) Gamma-Ray Spectra," (with RD. Harris), Trans. Am. Nuci. Soc.. "Differential Gamma Scattering Spectrum for 156(1986). Flaws," (with NJ. Diaz), ASME-WAM 1986, Anaheim, "Calculations for Determining Appropriate Key Radionudlides for Failed Fuel Analysis (with RD. Harris), Trans. Am. NucI. Soc.. 429 (1986). CA (Dec. 7-12, 1986). "Comparative Evaluation of Fuel Element Heat Conduction Model," (with M. Panicker, E.T. Dugan), Trans. Am. NucL Soc.. 52,397(1986). Dodd, Brian "Flaw Detection, Sizing and Location by Dificrcntial Gamma Scattering Spectrum Techniquc" (with NJ. Diaz), Advances in Test "The Risks of Radioactive Material Transportation Accidents Measurement. Proccedmnns of the 32nd Interninnal Instrumentation Symposium. pp. 351, in the State of Oregon," Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Salt Lake City, UT (1987). 376, Seattle, WA (May 5-8, 1986). "Training Local Emergency Response Personnel "High Resolution NDE with Differential to Handle Transportation Accidents Involving Radioactive Material," (with LL. Hwnphries), Health Physics. 50,3,404-406(1986). Gamma Scattering Spectrum Technique," (with NJ. Diaz), Advances in Test Measurement Proceedings of the 32nd International Instrumentation Symposium. pp. 385-408, "Protective Action Guidance for Radioactive Seattle, WA (May 5-8, 1986). Material Transportation Accidents," (with LL Humphries), 31st Annual Meeting of the Binney, Stephen E Health Physics Society, Pittsburgh, PA (1986). "Fmgerprinting Economic Heavy Minerals and Sources of Marine Placers in the "Searching Element Pacific for a Possible Very Small Leak," (with A.G. Johnson), Fuel 10th Northwest by Instrumental Neutron Activation TRIGA Users Conference, College Station, TX Analysis," (with C.D. Peterson), Pacific Northwest Metals and Minerals Conference, Port- (1986). land, OR (April 1987). 39 DOdd, Brian (Continued) Klein, Andrew C. (Continued) Reactor Power Calibration Study," (with T.V. Anderson), 10th TRIGA User's Conference, College Station, TX (1986). "The Costs and Benefits of Utilizing Beryllium Research as an Energy Multiplier," (with Journal of Nuclear Materials, D-K. 141-143, Sze), pp. 61- 64, 1986. Johnson, Arthur G. "Conceptual "Searching for Element Leak, a Possible Very Fuel Small (with B. Dodd), 10th TRIGA Design of a Self-Cooled FLiBe Blanket," (with D-K. Sze, E.T. Cheng, J. Jung, and S. Piet), Trans. Am. NucI. Soc., V52, p. Users Conference, College Station, TX (1986). 124- 125 (June 1986). Klein, Andrew C. Robinson, Alan H. "Design of a Laboratory Autoclave to Evaluate the Oxidation Rate of Fuel Cladding Under Isothermal and Thermal Gradient Conditions," (with M.A. Maguire), Proceedings of the Third "An International Other Innovative Computer Applications in the Nuclear Industry: Present and Future (Aug. Degradation Symposium of Materials on Environmental in Nuclear Power Systems - Water Reactors, Traverse City, MI (Sept. 1987). Automated Search Procedure for Fuel Shuffling in PWRs Including Rotation Effects," (with J.O. Heaberlin and G.L. Wang), ANS Topical Meeting on Artificial Intelligence and 1987), Snowbird, UT. Systems Based on LISP-FORTRAN Hybrid Programming with Applications to Engineering Problems," (with J.O. Heaberlin), ANS Topical Meeting on Artificial Intelligence and Other Innovative Computer Applications "Expert "FLiBe-Vanadium Alloy System Corrosion Product Radiation Hazards Analysis, (with DK. Sze), Fusion Technology, v. 10(3), P. 747752 (Nov. 1986). in "Conceptual Design of a Self-Cooled FLiBe the Nuclear Industry: Present and Future (Aug. 1987), Snowbird, UT. Blanket," (with D-K. Sze, E.T. Cheng, J. Jung, and S. Piet), Fusion Technology, v. 10(3), p. 624-632 (Nov. 1986). "Activation Product Transport in a FLiBe- Vanadium Alloy-HT9 System," (with D.K. Sze), Journal of Nuclear Materials, v. 149, p. 261265 (1987). in a Graphite-Moderated Burnside, D.R. Skeen, S.H. Finfrock, and H. Toffer), Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Nov. 1986. "Flux Flattening Core," (with R.J. Forest Engineering College of Forestry Research activities in the Forest Engineering Department focus on harvesting methods, logging technology, road construction, and the environmental impacts upon soil and water. of forestry activities The primary goal of the Engineering research program is to provide new knowledge about forest operations and how they perform technologically, A comeconomically, and environmentally. panion goal is to prepare scientists for careers in research through graduate education and the application of research results. Forest Research programs tend to focus on problems and practices related to forested lands of In Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. addition to the undergraduate degree program in Forest Engineering, the department offers graduate degrees with specialties in logging The engineering and forest hydrology. department also has an active extension program dealing with forest harvesting and environmental impacts. WA. Atkinson, Head Forest Engineering Peavy Hall 213 (503) 754-4952 Research Expenditures: 1986-87 State* Faculty Subject Area Adams, P.W. Atkinson, WA. Beschta, R.L. Beschta, R.L. Froehlich, HA. Froehlich, HA. Kellogg, L.D. Mann, J.W./Pyles, M.R. Soil and Water Administration Channel Characteristics/Riparian Zones Hilislope Processes Stream Protection/Landslides Soil Ravel Harvest Young Stands Skyline Mechanics Logging Labor Force Road Construction Costs Slope Stability Stump Anchors Transportation Systems Totals TOTAL Olsen, E.D./Garland, JJ Olsen E.D. Pyles, M.R. Pyles, M.R. Sessions, J. *Forest Research Laboratory 41 of Oregon Research Grants 10,488 73,746 54,739 0 91,952 0 20,275 10,231 4,552 0 35,000 171,983 25,500 75,000 77,687 129,471 18,150 0 0 79,408 0 $616,751 $1,019,740 $ 0 27,902 43,865 0 69.791 $402,989 $ RESEARCH CENTERS AND INSTITUTES Programs for the centers and or are multidisciplinary in nature. institutes shown in Figure 1 are described in this cally sec- are advised by a They typi- governing board of directors drawn from both outside and within along with research and extension budgets that are administered outside the These centers normal department channels. and institutes have a public interaction role, tion, the University itself. The role is an im- portant one because of the direct tie provided between serves. the University and the public it Water Resources Research Institute The Water Resources Research Institute organized to coordinate multidisciplinary efforts necessary for solution of critical The Institute goal is to water problems. foster, encourage, and facilitate research and education related to all factors that affect the quantity and quality of water available The Institute is adminisfor beneficial use. Present for Research, Vice tered under the Programs, International Graduate Studies, and Sciences, of Agricultural through the Colleges The membership, Engineering, and Forestry. which includes all people in higher education in Oregon who are engaged in water resources research and training, currently numbers about 200 persons in 30 different departments. was Extensive facilities are available to In- Peter C. Klingeman, Director Water Resources Research Institute Merryfield Hall 100 stitute members and students for research and These students for research and training. include forested watershed lands and associated field equipment, soil laboratories, water and waste treatment facilities, fresh water and marine science laboratories including oceanographic research vessels, experimental streams, an electronic computing center, a hydraulics laboratory, and a radiation center. Research assistantships and fellowships are available through many of the member deThe Institute provides support for partments. selected portions of the research and training programs in water resources at universities in Oregon. (503) 754-4022 The Institute works closely with federal Seminars are sponsored and state agencies. during fall and spring terms to address water Research reports are given wide disissues. through the Institute's information dissemination program. Research projects are conducted in the areas of water supply and quality, planning and management, systems analysis, legal and institutional complexities, tribution and water uses and use impacts. 42 Research Expenditures: 1986-87 Research Grants Faculty Subject Area Baham, JE. Sorption and Transport of Aqueous Gasoline Contaminants in Soil and Aquifer Sediments Fish, William Sanders-Loehr, Joann Development of Field Assay of hon Limitation in Eutrophic Lakes $ 9,041 17,916 Oregon Grad. Center Klingeman, Peter C. Medford Rogue River Water Intake Study Klingeman, Peter C. Sediment Monitoring Program - Sturgeon Lake Phase II Lake Restoration Project 16,818 Li, H. Lichatowich, JA. Hierarchical Analysis of Salmonid Habitat Improvement Programs within the John Day Drainage 17,672 Nelson, P.O. Baham, J.E. Laboratory Study of In-Situ Reclamation Process for MetalsContaminated Soils 17,978 Winton, J. Microbial Quality of Estuarine Waters 14,253 Woods, S.L. Effect of Sorption on Bacterial Metabolism of Trace Toxicants in Groundwater Aquifers 24,986 4,351 TOTAL $90,845 43 U Transportation Research Institute The Pacific Northwest must develop more efficient transportation. This includes not only the development and evaluation of transport systems, but also the development of better techniques to plan, design, construct, To help meet and maintain these systems. these needs, the Transportation Research Institute (TRI) was established in 1962 by Oregon State University. The Institute includes academic and professional highly qualified staff from the Colleges of Agriculture, Business, Engineering, Forestry, Liberal Arts, Oceanography, and Currently, the Institute provides a Science. means of enhancing research and interaction within the university and serves as a link to other universities, industry, and government Specific on transportation-related issues. objectives of the Institute include: and pursuing research transportation issues and problems; 1) Identifying R.G. Hicks, Director Transportation Research Institute Appeson Hall 201 (503) 754-4273 3) Transportation on Systems Planning, Opera- tions, and Safety; 4) Facility 2) Developing educational and technology transfer packages which bring together information and needs related to transportation issues into packages usable by prac- Design, Construction, and Main- tenance; 5) Transportation for Resource Development; titioners; 6) Social Impacts of Transportation; and 3) Encouraging interdisciplinary sisting of OSU faculty members and representatives from other universities and teams con- 7) Environmental and Energy Issues. industry to undertake research on a broad An advisory committee of professionals who range of issues; and are familiar with transportation issues and problems of the Northwest provides policy advice and guidance. 4) Providing continuing education opportunities for professionals who need to keep current in transportation issues and techniques. Major activities over nology transfer. TRI is organized into seven major the past two years have been in the area of research and techResearch clients include the Oregon Department of Transportation, Oregon dis- Safety Commission, USDA Forest Federal Highway Administration, and the Alaska Department of Transportation. Efforts in technology transfer have been Traffic ciplines: Service, 1) Transportation Economics, Regulation, and Management; 2) Geotechnical Engineering and sponsored by the Oregon Traffic Safety Commission and the Federal Highway Administra- Materials tion. Testing; 44 Extension Energy Program The OSU Extension Energy Program is a cooperative effort of the College of Engineerthe ing, OSU Extension Service, and the Oregon Department of Energy. It is one of seven program areas making up the Oregon State University Extension Service. Extension Energy specialists and agents help solve energy-related problems for homes and businesses. Staff in six locations provide central Oregon service throughout Oregon: (Bend); southern Oregon (Medford); southwestern Oregon (Coquille); the southern Willainette Valley (Eugene); northwestern Oregon (Portland); and northeastern Oregon (La Grande). Three faculty members in OSU's Mechanical Engineering Department provide David A. Philbrick, Director Extension Energy Program Batcheller Hall 303 (503) 754-3004 technical support for the field staff. Since the program began in 1980, Oregon's Energy Program has provided Extension information and technical assistance to more It has developed a than 56,000 Oregonians. strong reputation based on responsive service and high quality education materials and programs. New Home Constructioit Major program thrusts occur in four areas. Low Income: improve the Training is provided to help housing of low-income individuals. Specific programs include training for community action weatherization crews, workshops to support self-help projects, and information and training for social agency staff who directly help low-income households. Professional Trsining date these materials, and to develop a videotape-based training program on how to build energy efficient homes. Programs and mate- Small Businesses: are developed to update the expertise of professionals who provide energy-related Activities include organizing Program personnel pro- vide assistance to help small businesses remain competitive and efficient. Restaurants, groceries, and small businesses along the coast, in southern, central, and eastern Oregon have taken advantage of site visits and training programs to understand where they can save energy and money. Farms in rials services. The Extension Energy Program has been particularly successful in developing programs and materials to improve the quality and comfort of new homes. One- and two-day workshops presented by Extension Energy staff reach over Over 8000 copies of 500 builders annually. manuals written by OSU to support these programs have been printed and used throughout the northwest. Extension Energy staff have received additional grants to up- a monthly Commercial Energy Forum at which up-to-date information on energy-related products and designs is presented to engineers, architects, utility energy auditors, and other professionals. Video tapes of these programs are distributed statewide. eastern Oregon are benefiting from improved access 45 to weather information and technical help from agents on ways to improve water Energy Analysis and Diagnostic Center management and irrigation system efficiency. research on the performance of energy-related The wood products industry, food procesand other manufacturers in Oregon will reap bigger profits in the coming years with the help of Oregon State University's Energy products Analysis and Diagnostic Center. Energy staff work with students and other faculty to conduct applied OSU Extension in the northwest. Examples have sors, included monitoring the performance of woodstoves, batch solar collectors, and different glazing materials. These studies have frequently led to recommendations to manufac- turers on ways to improve their products. Funds for the OSU Extension Energy Program are provided by the Bonneville Power the U.S. Department of Energy, and the State of Oregon. In addition, special grants have been received to support the development of training materials and the delivery of specific training programs. Administration, The Extension Energy staff present seminars, workshops, and conferences throughout the year. For more information about these programs, available information materials, and other services, one should contact: OSU Extension Energy Program, Oregon State University, 344 Batcheller Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331, (503) 754-3004. Under the direction of Greg Wheeler, OSU Extension energy specialist and assistant professor of mechanical engineering, and Dwight Bushnell, associate professor of mechanical engineering, the center is conducting free energy audits and recommending energy-saving actions this year for 15 manufacturers with gross annual sales under $50 million and annual energy bills under $1.5 million. Audits of five manufacturing plants completed thus far estimate annual savings of from $15,000 to $142,000 and energy savings of from 2.9% to 53%. mended actions have two years. Many of the recompayback periods under The center is one of 13 across the country managed by the University City Science Center of Philadelphia with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. Extension Energy Expenditures: 1986-87 Subject Area Grantmg Agency Energy Efficient New Home Video Training Tapes Weatherization Marketing Assistance Oregon Extension Energy Service Program Improved Weather Data for Building Analysis Builders Guide for Super Good Cents Weatherization Videotape Oregon Extension Energy Program - Mobile Homes Residential Construction Demonstration Project Energy Analysis and Diagnostic Center Basic Energy Program TOTAL USDOE-Bonneville Power Admin. Oregon Utilities Oregon Department of Energy Bonneville Power Admin. Bonneville Power Admin. Bonneville Power Admin. Bonneville Power Admin. Washington State Energy Office USDOE State of Oregon Grant Amount $ 98,725 119,955 761,950 15,817 6,827 1,194 55,688 40,786 $49,500 35,102 $1,185,544