UNESCO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION AND THE SIR AUSTER HARDY FOUNDATION FOR OCEAN SCIENCE MONITORING THE HEALTH OF THE OCEAN: DEFINING THE ROLE OF THE CONTINUOUS PLANKTON RECORDER IN GLOBAL ECOSYSTEM STUDIES UNESCO IOC/INF-869 0 5 MAR THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION AND THE SIR AUSTER HARDY FOUNDATION FOR OCEAN SCIENCE MONITORING THE HEALTH OF THE OCEAN: DEFINING THE ROLE OF THE CONTINUOUS PLANKTON RECORDER IN GLOBAL ECOSYSTEM STUDIES SC-92/WS-8 UNESCO 1991 R e-occupy Alantic tim e-series routes. New "Southern route’ B a h a m a s - U.K. Existing S u p p o rt for local prc stu d ies. M aintain N. S e a tim e-series routes. New W estern M editerranean circuit. New routes Arabian SeaIndian ocean. New "G iant Route" Tokyo - N oum ea. New "Giant route' California - Chile. Existing S outhern O cean survey. AAD. Towards Global Ecosystem Monitoring: The Developing CPR Survey. TABLE O F CONTENTS Forew ord 1. iii Introduction 1 1.1 El Nino and the East Pacific Ecosystem 3 1.2 C oastal Upwelling and climate change 7 1.3 A rabian sea productivity and the changing m onsoons 11 1.4 C 0 2 drawdown and global warm ing 13 1.5 C od and C lim ate 17 1.6 A bnorm al plankton blooms and avoidance by grazers 19 1.7 Large-scale routine survey 23 2. T h e "Developing CPR" p rogram m e 26 3. C u rre n t m ajor ecosystem studies 28 4. 3.1 T h e LM E C oncept 28 3.2 G O O S / C O O S of the lO C -U N E P -W M O 30 3.3 T h e integrated Atlantic project of th e C E C (M ast 11) 31 3.4 G L O B E C o f S C O R - IO C /O S L R 32 T ow ards a m o re global coverage 35 4.1 Re-occupying the ’time-series’ routes in the N orth Atlantic and N orth Sea 5. 35 4.1 T h e M ed iterran ea n 35 4.3 A rabian Sea 41 4.4 West Pacific, East Pacific "Giant Routes" 43 4.5 S outh ern O c ean 45 4.6 M iscellaneous/process-study supp ort 45 4.7 Total cost 47 R eferences 50 i FOREW ORD A s th e Global O cean Observing System o f the IOC, U N E P a n d W M O moves towards im p le m e n tatio n (IO C 1990, 1991b), it is an essential part o f the p lan nin g process to stim ulate the fullest possible discussion of what th e Im plem entation Plan should contain. T h o u g h the Observing System is being set up to m eet a list o f global objectives, -- principally th ose which enable us to distinguish the global-climate signal from th at d u e moredirectly to M a n - it is obvious from the o u tset that the type o f clim atic impact, the n a tu re of M a n ’s interfe ren c e with the m arine e n viron m e n t, and the am plitu d e o f b o th will differ from one region o f the W orld O cean to another. Thus, to be effective in following th ese changes, predicting th e ir effects an d identifying a p p r o p ria te co u n te r m easures, the G lobal O c e a n O bserving System th at w e set up should not be wholly rigid in its content, but should be sufficient flexible to apply a variable mix o f m ethod s and techniques, and a varying sam pling strategy to the differing an th ro p o g e n ic problem s and climatic im pacts o f individual regions. It follows that the evolution of th e G O O S plan is probably best achieved through inter G o v e rn m e n ta l discussions which a re stru c tu re d not only by scientific discipline o r observing m eth o d but also by geographical sector, in o rd e r that the mix of p r o g r a m m e co m p o n en ts which G o v e rn m e n ts select for inclusion and s u p p o rt form a global survey th a t is relevant to regional problem s. T h is repo rt concentrates on just o n e co m po nen t o f the p re s e n t dra ft Plan - the use of "instrumented tow ed vehicles from selected ships-of-opportunity fo r collection o fp la n k to n a n d m arine environm ental data" (IO C 1991b, P13) - to illustrate ways in which th e C o n tin u o u s Plankton R e c o rd e r survey might be ad apted an d expanded to m eet a ra n g e o f perceived regional problem s, and at what cost. As such it is not intended to dictate an observational strategy for G O O S , but to stim ulate the discussion from which such a strategy m ight evolve. Similar repo rts covering o th e r subject-areas a re p lanned by IO C in d u e course. T h e I O C is indebted to R. R. Dickson w ho p re p a re d this docum ent. 1. In tro d u c tio n : T h e aim o f this d o cum ent is to dem on strate that an expanded and developing C P R system is an ap p ro p ria te device for m onitoring th e health of th e oceans. In Section 1 we briefly d escribe a range o f global problem s in which th ose co m p o n en ts of the p lan k to n that a re well-sampled by the pre sen t C ontinuo us Plankton R e c o rd e r play a controlling o r modifying role. 1.1 El Nino and th e E ast Pacific Ecosystem 1.2 C oastal upwelling a n d climatic change 1.3 A rabian Sea productivity and th e changing m onsoon 1.4 C 0 2 drawdown and global w arm ing 1.5 C o d and climate 1.6 A b norm al plankton blooms, and avoidance by grazers 1.7 Large-scale routine survey S ection 2 then describes what we m ean by the "developing CPR" pro gram m e. Briefly, the point w e m ak e is that there is no re q u ire m e n t to regard the existing C P R in strum ent as th e sole and unchanging vehicie. Today, w hen exploring new areas for plankton m on ito rin g we would undo ubtedly assess the zoogeography with a mix of techniques, including undu lating recorders, b e f o re settling down to m o n ito r long-term at fixed depth. F or the future, th e re is equally no re q u ire m e n t that we retain th e sam e system forever. A range of exciting new methodologies a r e becom ing available for co ntin uo us plankton m onitoring (acoustic, optical or som e co m b in ation ) that do not necessarily re q u ire cou ¡ting to species an d th e challenge will be to m a p the way forward from th e pre sen t technology to so m e future technology w ithout losing the m ain accum ulated asset - th e m ultidecadal tim e series. Section 3 briefly describes th e curren t m ajor ecosystem studies in which plank ton m onitoring by th e C P R system will be o f crucial significance. T h e point h ere is that even although the time scales o f these studies may be finite they all benefit from the longer-term context which the "developing CPR" p ro g ra m m e will provide. C urre n t and future initiatives a r e L M E ’s of N O A A - G O O S / C O O S of IO C -U N E P -W M O - O M E X ofC E C - G L O B E C of S C O R and IO C -F A O /O S L R Finally, in Section 4 we a tte m p t to describe the mix o f regional m onitoring efforts that we can envisage within the next d ecade. This highlights for discussion - an d possible alteration - the p riorities for deploying a finite re sou rce to address global problems, the expected cost of doing so, and the adm inistrative s tru ctu re required. 1 F1 F3 m k a îm o j ma i jy J iï A L-A Iiva j ik i .zi h »i i u h M u | . « | i v ' .ril iT .il i%e i m i IVI m l n«| >vi >« f iv i ■« 11» | tTDU^ÏCU VT* II IX Type A e s x atraîmcn æa iii Type B iv l m SIRVMOj I i v | i u | ii » I i i a | » i \ V 1i « l itA l m t i v 1 1» ) i i « i > m B i iv im im l AÆ AIV M a u r a 4 . D l t f r a a e f c i r c u l a t i o n ( « i t a m a a a a o c l a l a i j v l t h ty p a A and ty p a > ©e a an c o n d i t i o n « . IX X si 0 .7 6 SS 0.5 I« IIV» 1 1 « I l i i I I V I I V I I V | l W | l * i | l V | l M | l M | l l ß l 1*1 I I V I l * J I I V 11*5 I V » 1 I V I m I IM I 0 .2 6 F f . j « j jj j y jA , cvacfaS an« i r «a c* jocr rn o ^ t e m !>«« r a ar«nat>M t t t J r s d ai mai rtipaci e n r itto M ^ ^ t«rm mortfU| l,« « g i gi i^ i ««r «bk« ÿ . f r I r d t 1 »'< .'1 >*"CJ t> IM * i v a » '» X a u l '* 4 r 4 a^ilion ta n f a n««i {frqrti («mal INO) -0 .2 5 0.5 62 0 .7 5 i* 6« 50 52 64 5 6 58 6 0 62 64 66 68 P r o p o r t i o n of S t r o n g o r W e a k R e c r u i t m e n t F5 F2 2 C ase 1.1 • El Nino and the East Pacific Ecosystem T h e analysis o f the m ulti-decade C alC O F I d a ta set reveals the p resen ce o f a dom inant low-frequency signal in the entire pelagic ecosystem o f the California C u rre n t (Bernal, 1981). FI • This low-frequency response of the ecosystem is coheren t with changes o f th e flow p attern occurring in the whole eastern boundary cu rren t (Chelton, 1981). • C h elto n shows th at th e observed variations to th e large-scale Z ooplankton biom ass offshore can n o t be explained solely on the basis o f coastal upwelling. H ow ever, th e large-scale advection in the C alifornia C u rren t ap p ears to be linked to th e large-scale Zooplankton variability over in ter-an n u al tim e scales. In creased eq u ato rw ard tran sp o rt brings increased Zooplankton biom ass. F2 • A p o o r correlation with longshore wind stress indicates that these fluctuations a re not forced by local windstress. (T h e scales o f the physical and biological fluctuations a r e much longer than those o f the wind stress). • In m any cases the variations b ear a strong resem blance to El Nino events in the eastern tropical Pacific with a time-lag of several months, consistent with th e view that the El Nino signal pro pag ates poleward as coastally trap p e d waves which lead to anom alously strong poleward geostrophic flow (M cCreary, 1976). • However, the C alC O F I record shows occasional strong events with no e a ste rn tropical Pacific coun terp art (Chelton, 1981). • C helton et al. (1982) p ropo se that the Alaska an d California currents fluctuate out of phase in respo nse to large scale changes in th e Pacific windfield. E n h an c ed circulation in the A laska gyre is accom panied by reduced southw ard transport in the California cu rren t and vice versa. F3 • ............. S um m ary. T h e circum stances of this case a re u n iq ue in m o re respects than th e impressive quality o f the data-set. A ddin g L o n g h u rs ti (1966) story o f the n orthw ard advection o f the pelagic crab P leuroncodes (F4) and other massive invasions o f w arm w ater organism s during El N ino/w eak-C alifornia C u rre n t episodes, an d th e recent evidence o f synchronous strong recru itm ent in a range o f N E Pacific fish stocks (F5, Hollowed and W ooster, 1991), the picture is one o f coh e ren t long-period ecosystem change over a wide latitude range. M cG ow an has p rop osed that in ecosystem changes like this, classic biological interactive p rocesses such as 3 F4 ADVECTION OF PLEURONCODES-CALIFORNIA CURRENT 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 i9 6 0 1961 1962 POINT CONCEPTION «Til ■ SAN DIEGO f e I ¡3 : lii. ¡iii T i íl BAHIA MAGDALENA ‘ ïk M L J L T iT h -ilT L p T v if fl ü (L0NGHURST.I966) com petition and predation will he secondary as regulatory m echanisms to the disruptive effects of the physical conditions them selves (see Bernal, 1981). However, although th e Zooplankton com m unity is at the heart o f these changes little is known o f th e m echanism s which link the planktonic variation to the physics. D o the changes in Zooplankton volum e reflect an advecting population or the in situ effects o f "dynamical upwelling" as the California C u rre n t strengthens? (Chelton 1981). While the C alC O F I coverage is m o re th an a d e q u a te to cover its own dom ain and interests it would nevertheless he valid and valuable to connect th e C a lC O F I area, the Costa Rica dom e, the ea stern root of the El Nino signal in the eastern tropical Pacific and the upwelling centres off South A m erica on a rou tine basis even if the C P R coverage (because of th e great distances) was forced to be discontinuous. T h e aim would be to extend o u r knowledge of the coherence of these ecosystem changes, first, and to seek to illuminate their dynamics second. 5 F6 P ro p o se d m echanism . Increased se a so n a l heating due to a tm o sp h e ric g re e n h o u s e effect in c r e a s e s te m p e ra tu re c o n tra st betw een continental land m ass and c o a sta l o c e a n . T he th erm al low p ro s su re cell In th e con tin en tal interior Is Intensified, Increasing the c ro s s -s h o r e p r e s s u r e g ra d ie n t betw een the spring-sum m er conti­ n e n ta l ‘ Low" a n d th e o ffshore o c e a n ic "High". T his in c re a se d p re s s u re g ra d ie n t su p p o rts an intensified alo n g sh o re geostrophic w ind d ire c te d su c h th a t, with re sp e c t to a p e rso n lacing dow n­ wind, low p re ssu re would b e on his led in the northern hem isphere and on his right in th e so u th ern hemisphere.C orrespondingly in creased Ekm an tran sp o rt, d irected 90° to the right of the wind in the northern h e m isp h e re (to th e lelt in the so u th e rn h e m isp h e re ), le a d s to en h an c ed co a sta l upwelling which may feed back a s further enhanced land - se a tem perature contrast. SOUTHERN H E M IS P H E R E (Bakun 1991) 2.4 20 A California • 39*H (April to S»pt*mb*f) '. ' •' J I - - - 1.6 .......................................................................................................... 1.2 . — 0.8 * * 0 40 —' — ■ * •.* , 4 . .; . » , .• • * ar B Ib«fl»n P tftosub - 43°N (April to SepUmtow) *. 0.30 7V* 0.20 0.10 6 1.6 C Morocco-2r n (Annual) 1£ 12 14 8 10 I I 0.8 0.6 I 0.6 0.S D Paru • 4.S*Sio h.S'S (October to March) F7 0.4 0.3 E Paru • 4.5*6 to US'S (Aprl io September) 0.7 0.6 . .. . . . ~r Tv\ ; 0.5 1950 1960 1970 1960 YMr Bakun 1990 6 Within-year averages of monthly estimates of alongshore wind stress off (A) California, (B) the Iberian Peninsula, (C) Moroc­ co, and (D and E) Peru (in D, each mean value for October to March is assigned to the year in which the January to March portion falls). Short dashes indicate the long-term mean of each series. Longer dashes indicate the linear trend fitted by the method of least squares. C ase 1.2 • Coastal upwelling and clim ate change Early sim ulations of global warming em phasised changes in the strength a n d position of global windbelts that might arise through change in the thermal contrast from e q u a to r to pole. • B akun (1991) p rop oses an alternative respo nse in which increased season al heating due to the g re en hou se effect increases the te m p e ra tu re contrast between the co ntin en tal land mass and th e coastal ocean, intensifying the cross-shore pressure gradient an d thus augm enting the long-shore geostrophic wind in the sense that upwelling is stimulated along both the west and east sides o f continents and in both hem ispheres. F6 • B akun (1990, 1991) provides evidence that longshore wind stress has b e e n showing an intensifying tren d over the last several d ecad es off California, Iberia, M oro c co and Peru. F7 • T hough an artificial "anem om eter effect" exacerbated by a "stable a tm o s p h e re effect" will have acted in th e sam e sense, Bakun (1991) concludes that this could accoun t for only a fraction o f the observed trend, i.e. the tren d ap p e a rs real, and this signal see m s likely to increase with time. • If real, then a change in the location onset a n d / o r am plitude of upwelling is likely to bear m ajor implications for upwelling ecosystems. C ushing (1971) show ed that production in th e rising w ater is strongly ra te dependent, w ith m axim al production obtained at m o d e ra te to low upwelling velocities ( < 0.5 m d '1); th en th e Zooplankton grazing capacity is allow ed to develop fully w ithin th e upwelling p lum e w hile at g re a te r vertical velocities grazing balance may not b ec o m e established until th e p ro d u ctio n reaches the surface and d rifts offshore. Bakun and P arrish (1982) showed how intim ately the life history o f pelagic fishes in the C alifornia an d P eru current systems w e re b ou nd up with the 3 re lated p a ra m e te rs of turbulent mixing (food concentration), offshore transport (losses o f spaw ning products) and upwelling (system productivity). F8 Cury and Roy (1989) introduced the concept o f an optimum "window" o f upwelling rates for reproductive success of pelagic fishes in upwelling regions; winds m ust b e neither so w eak that th e re is insufficient upwelling to enrich the food levels n o r so strong that turbulent mixing disrupts the concentrations o f food organisms essential for larval survival. F9 Dickson et al (1988) describe the respo nse o f th e California S ardine to such effects in showing a d ra m a tic shift in their tim e o f p ea k spawning during a m ajo r intensification o f upwelling in the 1950s. 7 Baku n a n d P a r ris h 1982 C l ' 3 E O F ii' W INuSPEEb C a r r a s c o a n d L o z a n o 1989 nio- A < 3* 3 0 ' - 5* i5 9‘ S ) ■1^00' P" \\ - ,, - f ' W 3^ / - C«4 u .-j« ,. o / C’^ \ T . kolii \ oA \- ^ / \ - / B ( 6 0 - l 3 " 5 9 aS) pn ƒ / y®/ % / . - • " „o . c*\.»-o S r .t: •I- 4» R . V l i i UUihl J IJ 1jlh.4 .ll ‘ Ch ,4 u4- ÿ % > -' 0 “ ■■ \ir . V- . P . .... d O' Ó f’ ^ 9 Q O 4 p T ‘T~ T ~ T ~ j ~ | r I I j 1 I I I IT T ' T 1I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I ) I 1T 2 O F F S H O R E EKMAN TR A N S P O R T F8 T í k ' «i* C h a ra c te ris tic se aso n a l re la tio n s h ip o f tu rb u le n t m ix in g e n e rg y p ro d u c tio n (p ro p o rtio n a l to c u b e o f w in d sp e ed ) a n d o f fs h o r e -d ire c te d H k m a n tra n s p o rt fo r v a rio u s lo c a tio n s o f f the w e s t c o a sts o f N o rth a n d S o u th A m e ric a F a c h n u m b e re d sy m b o l re p re s e n ts a 2 -m o n th sa m p le , w ith th e n u m b e r c o rr e s p o n d in g to th e first m o n th o f th e tw o (e g 1 r e p re s e n ts Ja n - F e b , 3 re p re s e n ts M a r .- A p r , e tc ) 1- !. lui iii I . I 0 74 76 70 ÖO 62 94 ae F10 T rtn d c f z o o p h n k to n »bundw ce off Peru, 1964 to 1987. Note strong decline in all three z t n t t ánd overall lower b io m iite * in ire* B ft o K c 10 g 0 9 3 U 07 O *- 0$ M C < U '< V I = C O 2 0 5 0 4 0 3 02 1965 1 97 0 1975 1980 1985 C <ST| 111 I T F9 T h e o r e tic a l re la tio n s h ip b e t * c t n r t r n j. tm e n l a n d e n v iro n m e n ta l f i e l e n in u p * e llin g a re a s F 11 T im « t e n e s o í r e c r u i u r e r t ( o f f u h n n g i r g tr o m 3 75 i o 4 7 5 c m . slig h tly l e u i> »n 3 m o n g ii o ! J ) m ío ih e » .-ic h o v e u sto c k . Ja n u a ry 1953 lo D e c e m b e r 1 9 6 5 ( C u r y a n d R o y 1989) íriCTiiMy r e c ru itm e n t ih o » u - g in c re a s in g v m i b i l i t y . fro m ih e t u e 1950* io 1 9 7 0 . p r o b a b ly d u e io t r c r t i j i n g f i i h i r g p re s s u re a n d l e i d i r g to r e c ru itm e n t c o lla p s e m e a r ly 1 9 7 1 , p n o r t o th e o n s e t o f th e 1 9 7 2 1973 E l N ifio « , . P auly a n d P a l o m a r e s 1989 8 - • T h e parallel decline o f the Zooplankton (C arrasco and Lozano 1989) and th e anchoveta (Pauly and P a lo m are s 1989) off P eru since th e late ’60s app e ars equally clear evidence o f a whole-ecosystem response, with Zooplankton at its core. FIO F l l A t their peak th e w o rld ’s great pelagic fisheries have concerned an annual total production o f 30 M t o r abou t one-third of the total global fish catch. T h e variability ( E max - E min) is almost as great (Lluch-Belda et al, 1989). • ............. S um m ary. " G reenho use-related wind changes would seem capable o f rearranging the geography o f suitable spawning habitat "in coastal upwelling systems (Bakun, 1991). T hough the assum ption has b ee n th at such tropical coastal upwelling systems a re nutrient-driven, there rem ains a less vociferous assertion that the im portant factors a re m o re complex, involving a link betw een the physical ra te s of upwelling and the gradual developm ent o f grazing power in the upwelling community. If so the Zooplankton form a central and sensitive link in the translation of environm ental cha n g e into changes in the w orld’s m ajor pelagic fish stocks. Long-term C P R m onitoring is im p o rtan t both for recognising the fact o f ecosystem change and m o re generally for (gradually) reducing o u r ignorance o f the factors controlling trophic dynamics. 9 F14 . Distribution o f radiocarbon in the surface waters o f the world oceans (Koblentz-MishJce e t a l., 1970); in mg C/m3 per day; (1) < 100; (2) 100-150; (3) 150-250; (4) 250-500; (5) 5 0 0 + . sw 200W.& . ' - V . v ; NE C7 1 S 0 F15 F13 r.ß 2 r n r n j t r (MralutlitM) in ih i ImJijn O cm h in m ’ 1 1(10 d i f * h) tn th* NE «iwMtkimn 4) tn ih i SW m nnum n. hy t T m n r y pn>iiu*tm*" >n ih i InOun O if j/i ,n )<•*** 1* « »ri^hr h ' in ih r SF M m » ! V . *S ,r3 *0 M C3/0«û 1 in ‘hr 't il r i. -t «*• m*.?* C ase 1.3 • A rabian Sea productivity an d the changing m o nso on In their early attem p t fo piece-together a global m ap o f m a rin e productivity, Koblenz-M ishke et al. (1970) show that the extent an d intensity o f prod u c tio n reaches a global m axim um in the Indian O cean sector. F12 • Later, improved data-sets show that within this sector, the intensity o f primary, secondary and tertiary production all reach their regional m axim um in th e A ra b ia n Sea (se e sep arate contributions by Cushing, Krey and Rao in Zeitschel, 1973). F13 F14 F15 • T h e causes are unknown in detail, but production re ach e s a tem p o ra l m axim um during the SW monsoon, reflecting so m e aspect of that p ersisten t circulation o r th e changes it induces in the upper ocean. • T h e SW m onsoon seem s set to change with global warming. Th oug h discrepancies exist between models the IP C C Report (1990; p l 4 6 ) suggests that most models anticip ate a strengthening o f the SW m onsoon through a strong positive cloud feedback. D e crea ses in cloud-cover over Eurasia in su m m er enhan ce th e solar heating o f th e surface, thus increasing the land-sea te m p e ra tu re contrast which drives th e s u m m e r m onsoon. • ............. Sum m ary: Though we a re unsure of th e mechanism that connects th e production m axim um of the Arabian Sea with the SW monsoon, and even less s u re of its future course, th e productive significance o f this area is such as to justify the initiation now o f a sufficient effort in plankton monitoring to establish the baseline against which th e effects o f clim ate ch ang e may b e detected, and with which the m echanism of change can be und erstood . 11 F17 M ean a n n u a l d iffe re n c e * o f (h e C O p a r tn t p r e s s u r a b e tw e e n su rfa c e o c e a n v*ater a n d o v e rly in g air p C O j The v a lu e s a>e m m ic r o a tm o s p h c r a . or a m illio n th o f a n a tm o s p h e re a t sea l e v e l T h e p o s it n o values ( a n d th e h a t c h e d arcas) in d ica te th a t th e o c e a n i$ a so u r c e o f a tm o s p h e ric C O 4. a n d th e n e g a tiv e va lu es in d ic a te th a t th e o c e a n ts a CO.. 2 3 /- 3 5 J 300 ApCO? (u a tn ) > 200 T T O /N A S APR IL - OCT. 1981 100 -5.UJ Jo •4 I IO “ D i s t r i o u t l c n o f Che s e a - a i r pCO^ d l i i e r e n c e o o s e r v e d d u r in g c h i T IO /N o r th A t l a n t i c Scudv P roeram in A p r i l th ro u g h O c c o o e r . 2 96 i . N oce ch ac che p r o p o s e d 20ÛW COFS s e c t i o n p a s s e s th r o u g h o n e o f th e JJOSC p rom in en t» lo w pCO- a r e a s c e n t e r e d arou n d 50°:.' and 20°U'. The d a t a a r e l i s t e d i n T a k a n a sfu e t a l . (1 9 8 2 ) . F18 Timeihrs) C ase 1.4 • C 0 2 draw dow n and global w arm ing Since the 1981 T ransien t Tracers in the O c e a n (T T O ) expedition, it has been known that the largest sea-air p C 0 2 difference in th e n orth Atlantic lies in a relatively n arro w band (300 km wide or so) along the eastern m argin o f th e East G reenland ice from C a p e Farewell to Spitsbergen. T here, Takahashi shows A C 0 2 values as low as -140 p a tm in sum m er. F16 • T h e annual m ean A p C 0 2 values estim ated for this zone are naturally lower (-37 in the large region which includes this zone) but a r e nevertheless of Atlantic - and th e re fo re of global significance, since much of the hem ispheric drawdown of C 0 2 occurs in th e north Atlantic. F17 • T hese T T O estim ates may well u n d e re s tim a te the im portance of this z o n e . O n RV C IR O L A N A in J u n e 1988, A p C 0 2 values o f -230 units w ere e n cou ntered along the ice edge north-west o f Iceland, the largest difference from atm ospheric concentrations (implying the largest C 0 2 draw dow n) yet observed anywhere. F 18 • Several factors peculiar to this zone a p p e a r to be responsible, and no n e seem to be of particularly restricted distribution. T h e abru pt onset o f biological spring as th e ice cover rolls back. A t each point between the seasonal max and min ice limits, th e retreating ice-margin brings an instantaneous increase in illumination and a rapid increase in water column stability (through ice-melt). This disrupts th e link with grazers, perm ittin g a large am plitude bloom with a massive C 0 2 drawdown until grazing control b eco m es re-established. T h e lag in the mobilisation of grazing pow er is much g reater in th e Arctic, where Calanus spawn in response to the bloom, than in the Antarctic, w here krill-swarms overwinter und er the ice-cover entering m eltw ater zones during spring, anticipating the bloom and there fore immediately able to control production. T h e am plitude o f th e bloom, the degree o f n utrient depletion and th e C 0 2 drawdown in Arctic and A n ta r c d c all reflect this differential delay. In conjunction with this "biological pum p" the rapid cooling of surface waters as they circulate in towards the ice margin acts as a "chemical pump" for the drawdown of C 0 2 since, for a given piston velocity (pro portio nal to windspeed), the inward flux of C 0 2 is prop ortion al to A p C 0 2 which is a stro ng function of tem perature. • T h e factors which p ro m o te such a radical drawdown are all peculiar to the marginal ice zone (i.e. they all req uire the presence of ice) an d although similarly-large A p C 0 2 values are now being re p o rte d from the seas bordering A ntarctica (Karl et al., 1991), the narrow strip of thin ice b o rdering East G reenland must b e m o re sensitive to global w arm ing than the bulk of the Arctic o r A ntarctic ice sheets. • In addition to th e waters around G re en lan d , the north-east Atlantic betw een about 55°-63°N an d out to about 20° W may also serve as a locally-enhanced C 0 2 sink, but for 13 Q b c Tolal P h y l o p t a n k l o n P s e u d o c a la n u s elongatus C alanus helgolandicus 60 60 60 55 55 55 50 50 50 45 45 45 40 40 40 35 35 35 F19 Mean m onthly plankton abundance (solid lines) and sea surface tem perature (dashed lines) versus latitude for a meridional strip o f the NE Atlantic. For details, see Colebrook, 1991. Thalassiothrix longissim a 27 Thalassiosira spp. 12 J F Months M AM J J AS 0 NO Months Seasonal cycl es of abundance, d at a from the CPR survey, of t he diatoms T h a la s s io th r ix longissim a and T h a la ssio sir a spp. south of Greenland ( s o l i d l i n e s ) compared with t h e open A t l a n t i c t o 50’N. For both s pe ci es t h e peak of the seasonal c y c le In Greenland waters I s about four times t h a t In t he open ocean. 14 different reasons (C olebrook, 1979, 1982, 1991). T h e C P R survey ten ds to show an en h a n ced algal biomass n o rth o f 55° N in spring and early sum m er. F 19a W hile this may be an arte fac t o f the fixed d epth of C P R sampling, it may also reflect some local relaxation of grazing control. In th e south the copepod C alanus helgolandicus can overw inter in sufficient n u m b ers to increase in p hase with the p hytoplankton but at about 50° N it is approaching th e n o rtherly limit o f its distribution. (F19c) C alanus finm archicus ten d s not to b ecom e d o m in a n t until > 60°N in this sector. Between 50°N and 60°N the d o m in an t sum m er co p e pod is Pseudocalanus elongatus but the overwintering stocks a re such th at it does not reach its seasonal p e a k until J u n e and July, towards th e en d of the phytoplankton bloom. F 19b • ............. S u m m a ry A ltho ugh the ice m igration z o n e o f the Arctic is of limited extent, it results in extrem e C 0 2 drawdown. Even by the available evidence, this zone app ears to have global significance as a C 0 2 sink and the chances a r e th at its role as a sink has been und erestim ated . A rapid onset o f biological spring as the A rctic ice re tre a ts is followed by only a sluggish developm ent of grazing p ressure perm itting an excessive algal biomass and an extrem e C 0 2 drawdown to develop in the interim. T h e s e processes and this drawdown are sensitive to any lessening or loss o f E ast G re en lan d marginal ice through climatic change. A com plex and prolonged p l a n k t o n i c / p C 0 2 survey is re q u ire d to integrate the present drawdown during the whole spac e-tim e dom ain occupied by th e westward re treat o f the ice margin and th e northw ard march o f production. This assessm ent will d e te rm in e the scale of the potential ch an ge to the global sink o f C 0 2 but it already a p p e a rs evident that it will act via a change in the effectiveness of Zooplankton grazing. R e-deploym ent o f the long-established C P R "G" ro u te to Sou th G reenland will b e of value since a greatly-amplified production is also observed off C a p e Farewell but m o n ito rin g for such changes can only be effectively conducted via regular R / V and S.O.O. tracks alon g and norm al to the ice zone. T h e auto nom ou s hull-mounted p C 0 2 sensor under dev e lo p m e n t by P M L /M A F F will be essential ancillary equipment. It is clear that the processes involved in the C 0 2 sink o f th e NE A tlantic a re qu ite different to th o se off G reenland, related to th e range a n d overwintering strategies o f the d o m in an t grazers. M on ito rin g o f changes in this z o n e will be much m ore easily addressed by th e conventional C P R co verage once that becom es re-established in the N orth Atlantic. 15 F23 F21 5 140 i. • 14 71* 3 o i— 11 0 < 170« -17 SS t 2 100 U-l UJ Ap r 1 F i g u r e 2 .1 5 . Tim e o f m axim um o c c u rre n c e o f Cofanur /ïnm arc/iicus c o p e p o d itc stag e I >crsu$ tem p e ra tu re 0 0 10 20 30 C O N C E N T R A T I O N OF NAUP LI I (Cl Relation between the feeding ratio and the nauplii corn entrât ion for three conditions of turbulence fron low ( 1 ) to high ( .i J , (Sundby and Fossum 1 9 8 9 ) . variable advection variable ascent LARVAE/M3 F24 F ig u re 2 .8 . Under extremely calm wind conditions (le ft), the larvae arc able lo show vertical migration. Under l e s calm conditions, the lar­ vae are m ore evenly distributed ( r ig h t) . (From E lle rtsen i t ol., 1984.) F22 16 50 C ase 1.5 • C od and C lim ate A century of fishery investigations has identified the interactions betw een Zooplankton (particularly copepods) and larval cod as the p rim e unknown in d eterm in in g subsequent recruitm ent. A range of factors control the efficiency o f this interaction. (Illustrated opposite): • W hile cod tend to b e fixed in their tim e of spawning within 10 days o r so (C ushing and Dickson, 1976), th e re is a rem arkab le d ep e n d e n c e of the m axim um occurrence of C fm n m archicus cop epo dite stage I on tem p eratu re. Ellertsen et al, 1990 conclude (p32) that "the te m p e ra tu re d e p e n d e n t spawning o f C. fm nm archicus found in Lofoten, causing a delay in spawning o f about 1.5 m onths in th e coldest y ear (1981) co m p ared to th e w a rm est (1960) may be the most im portant process to cause variable larval survival". F21 • T h e relationship betw een the time o f ascent o f overwintering stages from d e e p w ater and the onset of winds favouring their advection on to th e shelf is a second key control on the "match" of cod and C alanus (Skjoldal, 1991). F22 • O nce p re sen t in the sam e location the key time-varying factor controlling th eir interaction is wind-induced turbulence which (up to a certain level) can increase plankton contact rates (Rothschild and Osborn, 1988; Sundby and Fossum, 1989), or alternatively mix-out high-concentration patches and layers and p e r tu r b both th e vertical m igration and the concentration of cod larvae (Ellertsen et al, 1984). F23 F24 S um m a ry . T hough th e circum stances which control th e interaction of larval cod a n d copepods will differ in detail from o n e stock and region to another, th e principal com m o n thrust of the In tern atio nal C od and C lim ate p rogram m e is agreed to b e the investigation o f C alanu s dynamics - namely the time-varying balance between their roles as p re d a to rs and prey which determ ines their production and availability, as well as th e time-varying physical factors which control their advection from deep w ater o nto the shelf. T h e ro utine multi-year op eratio n o f C P R and U O R in the relevant season and at a range of selected sites would be an ideal m ean s o f providing basic but essential inform ation on interannual changes in the space-tim e distribution o f Calanus concentration, in support o f regional process studies o f Calanus dynamics. 17 C) F ritillaria p e l l u c i d a 0 5.0 B) P a r a c a l a n u s p a r v u s 2000 m' Night F 26 Depth Filtration rate (ml/ind/d) E ) O ik opleu ra r u f e s c e n s D) C t e n o c a l a n u s v a n u s 1000 % gut fullness G. layer outside G. layer outside Paracalanus parvus 4.4 8.6 6.2 19.4 Acartia tonsa 1.0 2.0 3.8 14.6 Calanus pacificus 1.5 8.4 9.2 27.0 Ctenocalanus vanus 1.4 2.6 6.7 7.2 Only 4.2% of all herbivores sampled belonged to Zooplankton groups that did not exhibit the patterns of avoidance behaviour implied by the distributions illustrated. G) T o t a l H e r b i v o r e s 4000 F25 F ) C a l a n u s p a c i f ic u s î ? 2 0i 0 m3 Fiedler: Avoidance of Gymnodinium splendens C ase 1.6 • A bnorm al plankton blooms, and avoidance bv grazers A recent C an adian rep ort by Frank, Perry, D rin k w a ter and Lear (1988) is typical of many reviews in anticipating that global w arm ing in t e m p e r a te and subarctic w aters may act to favour com po nen ts o f the sum m er plankton, particularly the dinoflagellates: "Associated with a doubling of atm ospheric C 0 2 is increased vertical stratification of the water column d ue to higher freshwater discharge, higher te m p eratu res and lower winds.... T h e net effect o f increased water column stratification would shift th e growth advantage from large diatom s to smaller (5-25 p m ) dinoflagellates and microflagellates that .... are better able to m aintain their vertical position in a stratified w ater colum n and utilise nutrients effectively at low concentrations.... M ain ten a n ce of an annual tim e-series of the seasonal diatom: dinoflagellate ratio in co n tinen tal shelf waters could provide an early warning signal for significant environm ental changes"... • However, su m m er is also the season when nu trien t limitation of algal growth is likely to be at its most widespread, and therefore when changes in anthropogenic n u trien t inputs are likely to have their maximal effect on the plankton. F o r this reason a s u m m e r increase in dinoflagellate bloom prevalence is also an expected result of a n thropogenic eutrophication in coastal waters. T hu s the sam e relative shift in the comunity stru ctu re o f the sum m er plankton is expected for both climatic and an th rop ogenic reasons. • W e envisage 2 roles for a plankton surveillance system in m onitoring for this particular change in the health o f the ocean. First it should inform us objectively w hether the prevalence, timing or am plitude of a particular nuisance bloom has changed over the years (i.e. not just the result of m o re people looking; Le Fevre, 1979; M o m m aerts, 1986). The C P R collects only som e o f the dinoflagellates quantitatively (e.g. C eratia), and although a useful proxy m easure is available for P haeocystis, it would require som e future developm ent to m onitor effectively for small naked flagellates. • O n e of the key unresolved issues relating to th e dynamics o f abnormal algal blooms concerns avoidance by Zooplankton, and here we envisage a support role for the existing C P R system, particularly one with depth-resolving capabilities such as the LJOR. • Though avoidance by grazers has tended to be discounted as a prim ary control on the am plitude or prevalence of noxious algal bloom s - com pared, for example with their nutrient relations and eu trophication - Fiedler (1982) and o th ers have shown that it may be of widespread and fundam ental importance. T h e G ym nodinium case, oppo site shows that the avoidance is plainly intentional, that the vast m ajority of the grazers took part, and that the effect is c o m po und ed by a reduced grazing efficiency on the part of herbivores which failed to avoid the G ym nodinium layer. F25 F26 F27 19 O ikopleura 0.25 E. G. sp len d e n s F. G. stages o f division 0.25 0.25 Paracalanus A cartia F27 20 • T h e r e is less inform ation on the num ber o f noxious algal species which p ro v o k e avoidance but it is likely to be high (see Huntley et al., 1986, 1987; Sykes and H untley, 1987). We glimpse its effect in the Chrysochromulina re p o rt (Skjoldal and Dundas, 1989, p41), and in a very recent P M L contract report, Joint, Davies and Harris (1991, unpublished ms) present Irish Sea results which "dem onstrate that th e presence of Phaeocystis can h ave a negative effect on co p e p od feeding and production, and this may contribute to th e developm ent of the Phaeocystis bloom by reduced grazing mortality and decreased co p e p o d reproduction, and hence grazer abundance". • W herever the grazing pressure is significantly re duced or suspended, it m ust fundamentally shift the role of nutrients from o ne of potential trigger (initiating the b loo m ) to o ne where nutrient depletion becomes the only available m ean s of bringing th e bloom to an end. S um m ary. T h e re is a general expectation that in th e populated coastal zones, a continued increase in nutrient inputs will sooner or later lead to eutrophication in a r e a s of reduced dispersion and hence to an increased am plitude, an altered toxicity and an in creased prevalence of noxious algal bloom s and the deoxygenation effects that they may generate. W e do not even have in place an a d e q u a te and objective m onitoring system to establish th e fact of change unambiguously. T h ou gh this may seem an algal problem, many noxious blo om s owe their towering am plitude not merely to nutrient supply, but to relaxation of grazing p re s su re through avoidance by grazers. E laboration of the interplay betw een phytoplankton, Zooplankton and the changing physical environm ent is crucial to un derstanding the problem and crucial to the application of ap p ro p ria te rather than irrelevant or ineffective coun term easures. The CPR would be used to m o n ito r for the fact of change, would hopefully be developed o r com plem ented to m onitor dinoflagellates m ore effectively, and act in support of process studies of finite duration. 21 '• ( O f \ 1 ili'M S C orycaeus tIMl. ’/ f i M ___ f ” •iw i i; m I k I- >• k k i l . '* « ' < . anglicus • •• 1ft I < 1 I' '.J r I y II tears AREA S td .d ev iatio n s A RE A C5 AREA BA AREA C4 A RE A C2 AREA BI AREA Cl T9 4 B lo B4 B5 eo ^ L u l i A i l ; M m B2 i N / C5 C2 : 102 AREA D5 AREA A RE A DA D2 AREA 05 01 D4 il r ya .1 /ƒ 1 i l . rû J 50 60 70 I » A » i 80 H g . 7 . T r e n d s o f z o o p la n M o n a b u n d jn c e in 12 C P R S l a n d j r d A rea'« a ro u n d th e B ritis h Isle s L o c a tio n s a r e s h o w n in h e u r e 2b 20 F30 C1 1969 C ase 1.7 Large-scale ro u tin e survey In many o f the above cases, the role of the C P R has been to act in support o f process studies in Zooplankton dynamics which a re o f finite duration and extent. T h e r e rem ains a need, nevertheless for the long-established C P R role in large-scale routine survey, and that need is growing: • At the tim e of its inception, 60 years ago, the concept which m otivated th e C P R was o ne of establishing a baseline against which anthropogenic impacts might later be detected. S ubsequent experience has shown that no such fixed planktonic baseline exists, but a derivative of the concept continues to be of value in two main ways. As an "alarm bell". If, for the concept of a rigid baseline, we substitute the concept of a norm al range o f variation, it rem ains of considerable practical value to be alerted to any grossly ab n o rm a l behaviour in the plankton. T h e annual fluctuations in abundance of Thalassiothrix. M etridia and C orycaeus in th e N orth Sea over 4 decades m ak e an obvious case in point. T hought th ere is no dynamical inform ation in such a trend, it can frequently b e interp re ted as to cause, or justify the mobilisation o f an ad e q u ate investigative effort. F28 F29 As a "control". T h e Coastal O cean Observing System o f th e IOC , U N E P and W M O (C O O S ) differs from its Global O rn O bserving System (G O O S ) in at least one im portant respect. It is attem p tin g to identify a climatic signal o f maximum socio-economic im p ortance against a shelf-seas background o f m axim um anthropogenic noise. T h e nascent O cean Margin Exchange Experim ent (O M E X ) o f C E C has a similar aim and problem . Though the limitations o f the available observing effort will force these studies to focus on selected cross-shelf transects (see e.g., IO C 1991a), it is nevertheless im p ortant that they retain pan-oceanic coverage as a control. T h e fact that the sam e post-war tren d has d om in ated Zooplankton ab und a n ce in all 12 C P R statistical areas around the U K including the eastern Atlantic, not only suggests th e trend is real but confirms a non-anthropogenic cause. F30 • Winkling dynamics out o f satellite imagery is a fu rth e r role for large-scale, routine C P R survey. SEA W IFS, A D E O S and o th er new ocean colour satellites a r e d u e for launch in 1993-95. Only they can m ake the leap to near-global covei age of plankton by providing high quality pigment discrim ination data in near-real-tim e. In the past they have successively (via C Z C S ) pieced to g eth er oceanic and global m aps o f phytoplankton standing stock; C Z C S data has shown the potential to discrim inate phaeocystis from d iatom bloom s using relatively c ru de 3-band co m p arisons (albeit from a strong shelf-seas signal); Platt and S athyendranath (1988) later showed how the sam e colour data might yield net prim ary production. T h e next step requires extensive regular continuous plankton monitoring. A dding Zooplankton biomass to satellite net prim ary production provides grazing mortality and hence a m easure o f app a ren t phytoplankton growth ra te that can be m atch ed to the distribution of light, wind turbulence, nutrients o r any oth er production variable. 23 2.0 1.5 .0 0 .5 •c 0.0 J F M A M J J A S O N D Months F31 The s e a s o n a l c y c l e o f t h e p l a n k t o n o f t h e I r i s h Sea I s m a r k e d l y d i f f e r e n t fr om a d j a c e n t a r e a s . The g r a p h s , b a s e d on d a t a fr om t h e CFR s u r v e y , show t h a t c om pa r ed w i t h t h e c e n t r a l N o r t h Sea, t h e peak o f t h e s p r i n g bl oom I n t h e I r i s h Sea i s a b o u t two m o n t h s l a t e r and t h e aut umn peak i s abse n t. 24 • R egional m odel validation. As B ran d e r points out in his p ro p o sal to m odel th e large m arin e ecosystem o f th e Irish Sea "It is very unlikely th a t re lia b le p re d ic tio n s o f th e effects of physics on recru itm en t and fish p roduction can b e o b tain ed w ithout m odels which inco rporate som e o f th e intervening planktonic processes". T h e re is cu rren tly co n siderable in tern ational in tere st in developing and in co rp o ratin g regional m odels o f copepod production. Only regular ro u tin e survey by som e form o f co n tin u o u s p lan k to n re c o rd e r can provide the validation for such m odels. F31 S um m ary. T h ere ap p e ars to be little lessening o f th e n eed fo r th e extensive ro u tin e zoogeographic survey d ata th at form s th e trad itio n al p ro d u c t o f th e C P R survey. O n th e co n trary its m ulti-decadal tim e-series a re a principal m e a n s o f recognising w hat is grossly abnorm al in the observed continuum of planktonic v ariatio n ; it will pro v id e th e oceanic ’co n tro l’ against which anthropogenic changes on th e shelf can b e gauged, it has p o te n tia l in eliciting plankton dynam ics from satellite im agery and it could serv e to v alid ate th e co p ep o d m odels which form an increasingly im p o rtan t com ponent o f large m a rin e ecosystem m odels. 25 2. T h e "D eveloping C PR " program m e T hese case stu d ies a re chosen to illustrate a ran g e o f global problem s in which w e expect a particular an d significant ecosystem resp o n se a n d /o r feedback. In each case the Zooplankton ap p ear to have a d efin ab le role in m ediating th e resp o n se o r controlling th e feedback. T h at role differs from ca se to case and, to be realistic, th e role w e assign th e C P R in m onitoring for th ese changes is ca se-d e p en d en t also. The reason w e assign a role to the C P R at all is threefold. F irst, it is th e only system currently available for w id esp read , long-term , routine, cheap, plan k to n survey. Second, it does a good job of m o n ito ring th e Zooplankton. T hird it has already established th e p attern s o f spatial and tem poral ch ange in th e Zooplankton in o n e o cean a rea (th e N orth A tlantic) over m any decades. N evertheless, like every o th er system th at w e can envisage, th e re a re lim itations to w hat the p resen t C P R in stru m en t can do. T h e in stru m en t which form s th e w orkhorse o f th e A tlantic survey o p e ra te s at fixed depth (10 m), and though its ’silks’ a re co u n ted to 393 se p a ra te species or entities, it h as u p p e r and lower bounds for q u an titativ e collection which are set by th e size and fragility o f th e species concerned. F requently, - w h eth er w e a re talking about large ctenophores as d o m in an t predators, o r sm all dinoflagellates as ’n u isan ce’ species - o u r in terests lie outsid e th e se bounds. For this reason, w hen exploring new a reas for p lan k to n m onitoring o r even when re-occupying old routes, w e should undoubtedly use a mix o f p re se n t techniques to assess the zoogeography, to establish th e ’w aterco lu m n ’ re p resen tativ en ess o f th e changes th at the C P R observes at fixed-depth an d to assess those classes o f plan k to n th at a re not well - o r quantitatively m easured by th e C P R . C oupled with th e C P R , th e undulating oceanographic re co rd er (U O R ), with th e ran g e o f so p h isticated optics and o th e r sensors th at it now carries (A iken and Bellan, 1990) would m ak e a pow erful com bination, able to m eet both th ese aim s, and with som e sensors (e.g. bio lu m inescence) providing useful proxy d ata on th e p resen ce o f certain dinoflagellates even w hen th e p lan k to n them selves elude q u an titativ e preservation. Thus in d efining a global role for the C P R w e a re really establishing such a role for continuous plankton re c o rd e rs in general, albeit with th e existing C P R survey system as its m ain p ro p and stay for th e p re se n t an d im m ediate future. In th e longer term th e re is equally no reason th at w e should retain th e sam e system forever. In th e o u tlook p erio d (say 5 years) w e can envisage th e availability o f a w ide range o f pow erful new technologies, ranging from the m ulti-frequency acoustic (T raco r C orp; o r Ja ffe ’s SIO system ), th e high resolution o p tic/aco u stic (K ils’ IF M K system ), and th e laser-holographic (th e Johns H o p kins system ) to the size-frequency distributions provided by the O ptical P lankton C o u n ter o f H e rm a n , B IO (Focal Technologies, N.S.). 26 Like th e original C P R system , all o f these new m eth o d s will have th eir good and bad features, th e ir d ifferent ranges o r volum es sam pled, th e ir relative degrees o f m yopia, th e ir u p p er and low er bo u n ds o f species discrim ination, th eir own im peratives set by d ata-rate, d ata volum e, data tran sfer, technical su p p o rt and analytical effort - an d h ence their own individual mix o f cost and effectiveness. O n e o r a com bination o f th ese can b e expected to tak e over th e principal m o n ito rin g effort in th e longer-term but only a fte r p arallel use has d eterm in ed th eir relationship to th e tim e-series provided by the past and p re se n t C P R survey. A nd although sophistication can bring great benefits, it m ust be provided at low cost and high reliability b e fo re it can be deployed for anything o th e r than local and tem p o ra ry coverage. In "m onitoring th e health of th e ocean" we a re re ferrin g to the sustained m o nitoring o f a global scatter o f large-regional ecosystem s at reasonably high frequency ( ~ m onthly), and at an accessible cost. • ............. S um m ary. In seeking a m ore-global deploym ent o f C P R m onitoring, th e re is no req u irem en t to regard th e existing instrum ent eith er as the sole o r th e unchanging vehicle. A mix o f present day techniques is essential w hen exploring new a re a s for plankton m onitoring (w e suggest C PR and U O R in com bination), and th ere will be a continuing need to seek and im plem ent new er m ethods, w hen th eir cost-effectiveness exceeds th at o f th e present system in m eeting a particular purpose. T h e re will be two tricks to all o f this how ever, both o f them difficult. T h e first challenge will b e to m ap the way forw ard from the p resen t technology to som e fu tu re technology w ithout losing th e m ain accum ulated asset - the m ultidecadal tim e-series. It will b e no advance to m o n ito r th e health o f th e ocean using a set o f tech n iq u es which a re not co m p arab le from one location to a n o th er and which vary uncertainly w ith tim e. T he second challenge will be to fit ’p ro cess’ to large-scale m onitoring in som e co m fo rm ab le way. T he tren d s identified by th e latter a re not necessarily identifiable as to cause w ithout investigation o f the underlying dynam ics; the local com plexities o f process studies re q u ire th e context o f m onitoring to establish their space-tim e validity. D esp ite this, it will not be a trivial task to extrapolate how th e dynam ics of a co pepod population (say) - investigated by th e trad itio n al m eans o f laboratory incubation or L agrangian patch-follow ing - can be used to in te rp re t th e long-term fluctuations o f an en tire p o pulation on th e scale o f a large m arine ecosystem . U n d erstan d ing, ra th e r than m erely m onitoring th e health o f the ocean will d ep en d on m eeting both th ese challenges. 27 3. C u rre n t m aio r ecosystem studies T h e fo u r exam ples briefly described below a r e selected for th e ir global scope an d for th e fu n d a m e n tal differen ces in th eir approach. T h e L M E concept relies on d ev elo p in g a know ledge o f th e e n tire ecosystem and the principal fo rces th a t drive them in a global sc a tte r o f differing o cean regions. T h e G O O S p ro g ram m e is th e only observing effort th a t co m b in es a full ran g e o f physical an d biological observation w ith a truly global coverage. T h e In te g ra te d A tlan tic P ro ject o f th e C E C is based on perh ap s th e m ost intensive study o f physical, biological and sed im en tological tran sfers across an ocean b oundary, and th e In te rn a tio n a l G L O B E C initiative will re p re se n t th e m ost intensive study ever in th e neglected field o f Z ooplankton dynam ics. 3.1 T h e L M E C o n cep t L arg e M a rin e Ecosystem s a re extensive regions, typically over 200,000 km 2, each w ith a distinctive hydrography, topography, productivity, and ecological stru ctu re . It is ce n tral to th e L M E C o n cep t th a t in each such region th e re is a d e f n a b le set o f fo rces w hich drive th e principal ch an g es in th e living m arine re so u rc e s and thus d e te rm in e th e ir m an ag em en t. T h e ra tio n a le o f studying a w ide lan g e o f such re g io n s hinges on th e idea th a i ih a principal ’driving fo rces’ d iffer from o n e L M E to an o th er, a n d th a t progress in th e re se a rc h a n d m an ag em en t o f th ese m a rin e reso u rces and their yields can b e e n h a n ced by co m p arin g th e m u ltip le stab le states th at d ev elo p differently in each, according to th e im posed stress on th e system , and th e feed back o f th e system on th e stress. T h u s th e L M E concept relies upon th e identification, study a n d co m p ariso n o f a globally-extensive set o f differing unit regions. In co n tra st to th e tra d itio n a l p re o ccu p a tio n w ith single-species stock assessm ents, each L M E aim s to e la b o ra te th e e n tire tro p h ic chain from p lan k to n to fish an d cetaceans, since e n v iro n m e n ta l an d an th ro p o g e n ic p e rtu rb a tio n s o f a given L M E a re likely to b e p artitio n ed th ro u g h o u t th e food chain in o n e fo rm o r an o th er, w ith ch anges rippling through th e system as o n e d o m in an t species is affec te d an d succeeded by an o th er. S ince th e s e driving p e rtu rb atio n s m ay b e o f n atu ra l o r an th ro p o g e n ic o rigin th e stru c tu re o f each stu d y m ust have ad e q u a te scope to reco g n ise and cover bo th clim atic effects, (e.g. changes in w a te r colum n stability, cu rren t structure, clo u d cover, etc) an d th o se d u e to m an, (e.g. effects o f n u trie n t loadings on dinoflagellate bloom tim ing, am plitude, p re v alen ce o r toxicity). H ow ever, th e ecosystem is never static an d even its planktonic c o m p o n e n t can b e show n to exhibit a co n tin u u m o f change over a w id er ran g e o f tim e a n d sp a c e scales. T hus th e reco g n ition o f ch ange in itself is not enough. It m ust b e sufficiently p ro tra c te d to recognise th e ’n o rm a l’ ra n g e o f variation in th e planktonic co m m unity (say) against w hich th e grossly abnorm al can b e id en tified and, p erh ap s attrib u ted as to cause. A nd it m ust b e sufficiently ’ro u tin e ’ to o v erco m e th e pro b lem - en c o u n te red in m any o f th e m o re ’ta rg e tte d ’ observ in g effo rts - th at th e p rev alen ce o f th e change you wish to m e a s u re becom es c o rre la te d w ith th e am o u n t or effectiveness o f th e observing effort deployed (L e F evre, 1979; M o m m aerts, 1986). F ig u re 32 illustrates th e global sp re ad o f th e L M E ’s identified fo r study (from S herm an , 1991). A lth o u g h each study will dem an d intensive p ro c ess-o rien ta te d re se a rc h over an e n tire 28 L Â IR « MARANI >YSTi Ni vO F 32 1 OYASHIO CURRENT ECOSYSTEM 2 3 4 5 KUROSHIO CURRENT ECOSYSTEM (0 ) (0 ) YELLOW SEA ECOSYSTEM (X) (X) (X) GULF O F THAILAND ECOSYSTEM GREAT BARRIER REEF ECOSYSTEM 6 TASM AN SEA ECOSYSTEM 7 INSULAR PACIFIC ECOSYSTEM (+ ) 8 EAST BERING SEA ECOSYSTEM (+ ) 9 GULF OF ALASKA ECOSYSTEM (+ ) (+ ) 10 CALIFORNIA CURREN T ECOSYSTEM (0 ) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 HUM BOLDT CURRENT ECOSYSTEM (0 ) ANTARCTIC ECOSYSTEM {+ ) GULF O F MEXICO ECOSYSTEM (+ ) SOU THEAST CONTINENTAL SH EL F ECO SYSTEM ( + ) N ORTH EAST CONTINENTAL S H EL F ECOSYSTEM ( EAST GREENLAND SEA ECOSYSTEM (+ ) BARENTS SEA ECOSYSTEM (0 ) BALTIC SEA ECOSYSTEM (P) NORTH SEA ECOSYSTEM (+ ) IBERIAN COASTAL ECOSYSTEM GULF O F GUINEA ECOSYSTEM (0 ) (+ ) BENGUELA CU R REN T ECOSYSTEM (0 ) X) ecosystem , th e re is an obvious n eed for th e large-scale, long-term , routine, context th at th e C P R (o r its derivatives) is capable o f providing in m ost o f th ese system s. T h ese studies a re lent urgency by the fact th at as th e clim atic an d an th ro p o g en ic p e rtu rb a tio n s grow, o u r ability to d efin e the ’n orm al’ ran g e o f v ariatio n an d h ence o u r ability to ap p re c ia te th e am plitude o f th e effect, will both dim inish. 3.2 G O O S /C O O S o f IO C -U N E P -W M O T h e objective of th e G lobal O cean O bserving System (G O O S ) is to p ro v id e th e d a ta and info rm ation req u ired from coastal and oceanic regions, including th e enclosed an d sem i-enclosed seas, to address issues related to changes in regional an d global en v iro n m en ts (IO C , 1990,1991b). T h e system involves long-term system atic m easu rem en ts o f physical, chem ical and biological p ro p e rtie s o f th e W orld ocean, analysis and distribution o f d ata and d ata p ro d u c ts according to a globally-coordinated scientifically-based strategy in o rd e r to su p p o rt th e evaluation o f n atu ral and h u m an-induced environm ental an d clim ate changes and re la ted variabilities an d for th e long-range forecasting o f w e ath er an d clim ate over th e w hole planet, as well as regional p red ictio n s o f ocean conditions for fisheries, coastal zone m anagem ent, an d pollution studies, for u se by M em ber States. T h e integrated, com prehensive (space- and ground-based) o cean observing system is n eed ed to: (i) develop, im prove an d test predictive ocean system m odels; (ii) im prove th e u n d ersta n d in g o f the carbon cycle; (iii) im prove th e capacity to assess the effects o f global change at regional scales on intensively exploited an d n atu ral oceanic ecosystem s and coastal zones; (iv) provide data for th e assessm ent o f th e state o f th e h ealth o f th e m arin e environm en t and its resources. A s basic concepts th e G O O S will consist o f an internationally ag reed schem e for data collection (m easu rem en ts), d ata analysis, exchange o f d a ta an d d ata products, technology dev elo p m ent and transfer, it will b e im plem ented through n atio n al facilities and services ow ned and o p e ra te d by M em ber S ta tes o f IO C and W M O u n d e r th e lead ersh ip o f IO C an d in co -o p eratio n with W M O and U N E P , it will re q u ire w ide in tern a tio n al particip atio n , w ith free and tim ely d ata exchange an d will serve as the oceanic co m p o n en t o f an observing system designed to m eet specific aspects o f global environm ent and clim atic change. So fa r as our p resen t re p o rt is concerned th e key points o f G O O S a re its global scope, its involvem ent of ’biology’, its sta te d reliance on developed, proven technology an d its fun d am en tal aim o f attrib u tin g observed ch ange to its natural o r an th ro p o g e n ic cause. T h e G O O S plan,*m oreover recognises the key im p o rtan ce o f th e in h ab ited coastal zone w here any observing effort will b e taxed with recognising (a n d correctly attrib u tin g ) a com plex clim atic signal against a background o f m axim um an th ro p o g en ic noise. F o r this reason th e IO C has tak en steps to exam ine th e special re q u ire m e n ts o f a C oastal O cean O bserving System as a subset o f G O O S. T h e first C O O S planning d o cu m en t (A non, 30 1990) not only recognises th e im portance o f establishing plankton m onitoring as p a rt o f the G lobal O c ean O bserving System , but adds a re q u irem en t (in a Pilot S tudy) for th e long-term C P R m o n ito rin g o f th e plankton along a range o f o cean-m argin tran sects - initially in th e N orth A tlan tic sec to r but later extending to th e N orth Pacific (n o te th e sim ilar in tere sts of C E C -O M E X ; section 3.3 below). C ostings for th e G O O S p ro g ram m e have not been published. H ow ever, if it is to m eet its key aim o f establishing, u n d er the IO C , a global ocean equivalent o f th e W orld W e a th e r W atch o f W M O , it can be assum ed to re q u ire an equivalent scale o f funding ( ~ $2-2.5B) an d th ere fo re to be funded by G overnm ents. 3.3 T h e integ rated A tlantic project o f th e C E C (M ast II) Follow ing the E R O S 2000 program m e which focussed on biogeocheniical exchanges and exchange processes at th e river-ocean boundary, and JG O F S which seeks to quantify the tim e-varying fluxes o f carbon and o th er biogenic elem en ts in th e w ater colum n o f th e open ocean, th e C E C a re encouraging th e design o f th e crucial ’m issing’ p ro g ram m e th at links the co n tin en tal shelf to th e open ocean by investigating th e biological, chem ical and physical processes which regulate th e tran sp o rt o f organics and related substances across th e ocean m argin. T h e eventual project will o p e ra te within the fram ew ork o f th e L O IC Z co re pro ject and will form a co ntribution by E u ro p e an m arine science to th e IG B P, with two m ain aim s: (i) to assess th e role o f th e coastal environm ent as source and sink o f several critical elem ents and co n tam in an ts associated with global change but including th e tim e-varying an th ropogenic contribution. (ii) to evaluate th e socioeconom ic consequences o f global change, particularly th o se induced by clim atic m odifications. T hough an early ’illu stratio n ’ o f this nascent project has had a n am e - O cean M argin E xchange E xperim ent o r O M E X - and 5 suggested foci (th e Iberian m argin, th e Biscay m argin, th e C eltic Sea m argin, th e N orth S ea-F aro es transect an d th e so u th ern N orw egian Sea m argin) th ese d etails a re u n im p o rtan t and m av change. T hey served m ainly to provide an initiating regional fram ew ork aro u n d which scientific studies with com m on aim s m ight coalesce to form a m ajo r contribution and since th e i ¡dividual pro p o sals have not yet b een subm itted, the u ltim ate sh ap e of the w hole is unknown. T h e key point lies in its underlying pu rp o se o f form ing an in tern atio n al, interdisciplinary, w ell-focussed and well fu n d e d 1 study o f contrasting ocean - m argin ecosystem s aro u n d the ea ste rn N o rth A tlantic with th e aim o f identifying - and ultim ately predicting - th e ir clim atic and an th ro p o g en ic p ertu rb atio n s. A s such it form s an obvious com plem ent to th e IO C C O O S pilot study, has an equal n eed to cover the planktonic ecosystem as a sensitive in d icato r fo r such 1 5-10 M ecu for the ’integrated project’ over the initial 3-year period but with possible additional funding und er th e se p a ra te h eadings of ’supporting initiatives’ and 'technological d evelopm ent’. 31 p ertu rb ations, a n d h a s som e req u irem en t for pan-oceanic ’co n tro l’ if th e ’local-antropogenic’ signal is to b e distin g u ish ab le from th e ’global-clim atic’ in th e changes observed at th e m argin. D ep en d in g o n w hich tran sects o f the littoral a re ultim ately selected fo r study, it is likely that th e ’in teg rated p ro je c t’ will benefit from the m ulti-decadal d ata-set th a t the C PR survey has already collected a n d is continuing to collect along m any o f th ese transects. T he two costings supplied in S ection 4 a re intended to supplem ent th at coverage, an d are p resen ted as two options. T h e first e stim ates the cost o f establishing additional C P R cover in all the suggested O M E X sites-o f-in terest, plus an ap p ro p riate degree of offshore ’co n tro l’. T h e second alternative anticipates th at p rim ary O M E X interest m ay be centred at th e A rm o ric an and Iberian m argin, and re p resen ts a ’best-guess’ option for a new ro u te tailored to C E C aim s by extending th e S ro u te from th e A rm o ric a n shelf across Biscay, around the Ib e rian Peninsula to link w ith the M ed iterran ean study a re a o f E R O S 2000 (for which a 2nd p h ase has b een proposed). 3.4 G L O B E C o f S C O R -IO C /O S L R T h e cen tral c o n ten tio n o f the new International G L O B E C proposal, currently n earing com pletion, is th a t Z ooplankton population dynam ics is th e u n iq u e nexus through which the fields o f p h y to p lan k to n production, fish recruitm ent variability, a n d environm ental o r clim atic variation a re re la ted . A n im proved understanding o f Z ooplankton dynam ics would not only be of fu n dam ental im p o rta n c e in its own right, but would act to co m p lem en t and support other, existing in te rn a tio n a l initiatives such as JG O F S and W O C E. G L O B E C , th e n h as th e im portant and urgent aim o f seeking to exam ine the contents o f the "black box" w hich h a s h ith e rto rep resen ted the interactions o f th e Zooplankton with th eir environm ent, p re d a to rs an d prey with special em phasis on th e links betw een physics and biology at every scale a n d o n th e use o f new technology to assess these. O n e question is identified as of p articu lar im p o rta n c e since it underpins the dynam ics o f th e e n tire m arine ecosystem - the question o f w h e th e r Z ooplankton grazing o r n u trien t lim itation is th e principal control on phytoplankton p ro d u c tio n . H ow ever, the m ore general G L O B E C goal of understanding all aspects o f Z ooplankton dynam ics m eans that it has a vital in tere st in each o f th e global pro b lem -areas d esc rib ed in cases 1.1-1.7 above, including th e effects of n atu ra l and an thropogenic ch a n g e on th e plankton, the feedback effects o f th e plan k to n on the environm ent and th e tran slatio n o f environm ental change into variations in fish stocks. As such it w ould seem inevitable th a t th e C P R o r som e derivative of it has a role to play in establishing ’co n tex t’ in alm ost every asp ect o f th e G L O B E C dynam ics study. T h e costs a n d o th e r details o f the G L O B E C plan a re not yet available. 32 Sarsia gemmifera 2mnn 33 \v ) 2 F33 F34 F35 80 70 60 50 40 F36 34 30 20 10 io 4. T ow ards a m ore global coverage E ach o f th e m ajor ecosystem studies described above is of global scope. If th e C P R o r its derivatives are to be o f m ore than local usefulness in support o f such studies, th e n it also has to develop a m ore global scope. R ealism how ever, req u ires that we m ove tow ards global coverage at an acceptable ra te and cost. T his c h a p te r has the aim of identifying which global sca tte r o f regional m onitoring efforts m ight re p re se n t the m ost cost-effective m eans of add ressing the im portant environm ental questions using feasible routes at accessible cost. 4.1 Re-occupving th e ’tim e-series’ routes in th e N orth A tlantic and N orth Sea Figures F33-35 describe, respectively, the distribution o f the C PR ro u te netw ork at its tim e o f g re atest extent in th e 1970s, at its tim e o f g re atest retraction in the late 1980s, and the beginnings o f its re-expansion in 1991. W hile it w ould b e im practicable to a tte m p t to re-work all o f the old routes, (shipping practices change and th e O cean W eathership netw ork has all but d isap p eared ), figure F36 rep resen ts a realistic a ttem p t to predict a necessary an d sustainable netw ork for the C P R in the A tlantic sector. T h e ro u tes a re costed below (T able 1). In each case th e cost qu o ted is the net annual cost o f providing d ata from that particular ro u te to the point o f en terin g th e data set to com puter-archive, and thus includes the cost o f gear, ship support, analysis and overhead. New and old routes a re already equipped for survey, an d th e equipm ent is durable; the cost listed is th erefo re the long-term annual running cost alone. In th e case of new ro u tes we list a setting-up cost in the first y ea r th at is higher (by the cost o f th e g ea r) than th e running cost in subsequent years. 4.2 T h e M ed iterran ea n Extension o f ro u tin e C P R survey to the M ed iterran ea n is com m ended by th re e factors: it has a distinctive but relatively unknown planktonic com m unity; the ecosystem is alre ad y believed to be suffering from th e effects o f heavy popu latio n pressure (e u tro p h ic atio n and co n tam in ation), in certain locations; the C ? R is o f proven effectiveness in th ese w aters and could be introduced quickly and at m o d erate cost. F igure F37 and T ab le 2 illustrate the results o f a series o f four C PR tows by R V M E T E O R betw een Suez and G ib ra lta r in May 1965. T h ese provide an im pression o f th e range of planktonic entities accessible to the C P R u n d er ro u tin e survey conditions, and provide basic inform ation on the characteristics of the plankton com m unity. • A s expected, the p lankton was less ab u ndant than in the A tlantic o r N o rth Sea with an average o f 24-128 co pepods p er 3 m3 co m pared with a range of 28-2300 in A tlan tic sam ples from the sam e m onth. • N evertheless th e resu lts show that the plankton is sufficiently abundant for C P R survey to be feasible (even with a W' square ap ertu re). 35 R O U T E C O STS T A B L E 1. A T L A N T IC N am e R o u te S hipping C om pany E stim a te d annual cost f K 1st vr S ubsequent yrs E u ro p e a n shelf L iverpool-D ublin IN B and I line 3.6 H u m b er-A b erd een LR 9.8 A b erd een -S tavanger M N or C arg o Ltd II 8.9 A b erdeen-L erw ick A P and O F erries 6.4 N S hields-E sbjerg LE D F D S (U K ) Lid 12.1 S cheldt-IIelsingborg LG LD C om bi Shipping 20.4 H um ber-F ! e-E sbjerg HE E lb e-H u m b er R oline 10.8 P lyniouth-R oscoff PR B rittany F erries 3.6 Ip sw ich-R otterdam R P and O F erries 3.2 S helf b reak tran sects ('existinc'l Liverpool-Lisbon IB C u n ard -E llerm an 17.0 55°30’N 7°W -O W S LIM A X M et O ffice 17.0 I o f W ight-U shant S 12.5 U sh an t-F in isterre S C o m m o d o re Shipping II 12.5 Sule S kerry-62°30’N 18° VV V H F E im skipfelag 17.0 S h elf b reak tran sects (new) N orw ay-O W S M IK E T 1 C P R + 1 M ech + 1 Davit 30.7 17.0 N orth S ea-F aro es Q 1 C P R + 1 M ech + 1 Davit 30.7 17.0 1 C P R + 2 M ech + 1 Davit 45.4 27.2 73.3 55.0 90.7 68.0 (420 m iles) L isbon-A zores (720 m iles) T ran satlan tic (control lines') D en m ark -G reen lan d G R oyal D anish Lines 1 C P R + 3 M ech + davit Liverpool-N ew foundland D ACL 1 C P R + 3 M ech + Davit Reykjavik-N ew foundland N ew foundland-H alifax Z Ea H F E im skipfelag 1 C P R + 2 M ech II H alifax-B oston Eb II B arbados-U K B G e est Shipping Div (gear ex stock) 51.0 17.0 17.0 (i) B arry -14° W (ii) 14° W -A zores (40° N 32° W ) (iii) A zores-35° N 39° W T O T A L "2ND YR ON" C O S T 36 17.0 34.0 17.0 £492,000 Table 2 LIbC aí zooplankton f o u n d I n R e c o r d e r s a m p l e s i n t h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n I n Kay 1 9 6 5 . COPETOPA 35 <r 30 P ara-P seudocalanus u> ' nJ C lausocalanus C eniropagcs typicus A cartia P teurom am m a abdom inalis 'P. gracilis Euchaeta m a rira C alanus gracilis Pa r a e n l a n u s s p p Pseudocalanus e lo n g a tu s Te mo ra s t y l i f e r a Temora l o n g i c o r n i s Aca r t 1 a s pp . Centropages v lo la c e u » C . c. ypi cu * C. c h i e r c h i a e C l J u s o c a 1a n u s s p p . L ucicutia fla v ic o rn is S c o lecith ricella spp. C tenocalanus vanus H arpacticoida Corycaeus s p p . 0 1 thona s p p . On c a e a s p p . Calanus h e lg o la n d ic u s C . y.ra cl 1 1 s N annocalanus m inor E ucalanus c ra s s u s E . e l ongatus R hincalanus n a s u tu s F u c h irc lla m essinensis U nde uc ha e ta plumosa U ■ m aior F uchaeta hebes E . a cu ta F. marina Pleuromamma a b d o m i n a l i s P g rac ilis P. p i s e k i P. b o r e a l i s S. ipph l n na s p p . H eterorhabdus 'p a p il li g e r C andacia arm ata C. e t h i o p i c a C andacia s p p . S c o l e c i t h r i x danae Ç o p l 11 a s p p . RADIOLARIA Total C opepoda F37 E uphausiacea FORAMINIFERA TINTINNIDAE COELENTERATA F > g w * 2 . T h e P lo n h to n Record«*«1 in th e M e d ite rro n e o n . T h e c h o r t » h o w * th e tro e k o f th e tow * m ode by F . F . S . M E T E O R o n h « r retw rn from th « !n o > o n O c ro n in A p ril 1 9 6 5 . T h * h e o v y lin o * 'in d ic ó te ao m p lin g b y n ig h t ( t u n i e f to a u n r> i« )( th e p o s itio n » o» w h ic h f i i h lo rv n o w e r« c o v g h t o r« show n by F . fllo n g Th« g 'o p h s sh 'w th o num ber» p r r l o n ^ l c o f » « lo o te d o r g o n is m t ln o lte r n o t« 10-m il« s o m p le s th« ro u t« . ANNELIDA P o ly c h a e ta la r v a e T o m o p te r is s p p . CLADOCERA E vadne s p p . Podon s p p . CIRRIPEDIA OSTRACODA ISOPODA CAPRELLIDEA GAMMARIDEA HYPERIIDEA MYSIDACEA DECAPODA EUPHAUSIACEA CHAETOGNATHA TUNICATA L a rv acea mollusca T h e c o s o m a ta P te ro tra c h e a c o ro n a ta L a m e l l i b r a n c h i a la rv a ® ECHINODERMATA FISH ECOS FIS H LARVAE la rv a e 30' 25 ' 15‘ 40' 35* 25* 60* 60* - O 'l 2I82BJ }2BI7 N O R TH 8RITISH CO 00 SfA $2816 ISLES I»2jJ_ Í2IB2A jjJîî C om m o d o re Shipping £25k B Al\O F 00 5500M ariners‘ Rouleina Guide. BISCAY S , ire * 45' ,iSïii L S e a M alta Ltd £53.5k (£35.5k) *t> 141041 A rq d o s Ä A ç o re s M aersk 2x 1 / £ 4 8 .5 k : E llerm ans Ltd 3x £45k ISS 14] 30* J 5° P U l - i i i M T t r t i’Tvr i 1 r r T T T J - n T | r r Meridian 0 ° o f G reenw ich 10* 15* 45' • T h e re ¡s a general in crease o f ab u n d an ce from east to w est, though a few species show ed th e opposite tendency (eg P leurom am m a gracilis, E uchaeta m arina, an d C alanus gracilis). • • M any o f the large co p ep o d s an d the euphausiids (m ostly E uphausia krohni) show ed very stro n g diurnal variations in abundance, presum ed to re flect v ertical m igration since escape from the R eco rd er (unlike slow-m oving nets) is unlikely. th re e patches o f fish larvae w ere found. F ig u re F38 re p resen ts an illustrative subset o f th e M e d ite rra n e a n ro u te s th a t a re currently being form ulated into an in tern a tio n al M A ST II p ro p o sal by B ob W illiam s, P lym outh M arin e L ab o ratory. W illiam s’ proposal envisages th e w orking o f a w id er netw ork o f ro u te s in bo th the w estern and eastern M e d ite rra n e a n using m o re-sophisticated in stru m en ted C P R ’s an d U O R ’s (see Section 4.6) over an intensive study p erio d o f 2-3 years; o u r costings an d o u r subset a re in k eep in g with the intent o f th e p resen t re p o rt in indicating th e costs o f lo n g er-term m onitoring o f few er key routes using stan d ard C P R instru m en tatio n . A s usual, costs include co m p lete analysis and com puter archiving: (i) F in isterre-M a lta , C u n ard -E llerm an Line, T rip le2, existing gear, m onthly. ,...£45k/a (ii) A lgeciras-G enoa, M aersk Line. D ouble. C osting includes 1 davit, 1 new C P R + 3 internal m echanism s plus tran sp o rt to and from U K . T hus an n u al costs re d u ce from £48.5k/a in y ear o n e to ....£30.5k/a thereafter. (iii) M arseille-L iv o rn o -S alern o -R eg g io C alab ria-C atan ia-M alta. S ea M alta Ltd. D ouble. Costing includes 1 new C P R + 2 in tern al m echanism s, plus tra n s p o rt to a n d from UK. Thus annual costs red u ce from £53.5k for m onthly o p e ra tio n in y ear o n e to ....£35.5k/a thereafter. T h ese costing options a re no t in com petition. In p ractice th e intensive p h a se will d e te rm in e th e ap p ro p riate scale, type and location o f the longer term m o n ito rin g effort. 2 (i.e. three 450 mile units of tow). 39 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° T ab le 3 ne «ani m T-» »■*'*■ocia» l» M*. IT12 tiRcruciiuni Le.lm.» .pp (.uii «• »• WMlIitl) 74° LLi ‘ ♦ rt cucc-ct M lllPHPLIItCt* V /A. le te i Copepoda osiucot» □ w w um loto! Cuphousiocea »triiio t» iiiatiKU u u ro c * n n tic ii c iu ir u i A 76' 84' UIVACt* ïxieososm nrwowjritü*» (insAUiro^ «itera * n titin i mioiAjii » « u ttc it nieli F39 2 3 Undinula d a r w in i □ P l e u r o m a m m a sp p li|.K I 1 i r i »> 40 ». 4.3 A rab ian Sea T h e justificatio n for m onitoring planktonic changes across th e global p ro d u c tio n ce n tre of th e A rab ian S ea has b een described. T h e n eed is to lay down a system capable o f recognising th e ecosystem effects th a t a re expected to a rise through clim atic m odulation o f the SW m onsoon. Two o rth o g o n al ro u tes a re selected to ad d ress this problem (see th e color m ap on th e back o f th e faceplate), th e first running from E ast A frica to th e P ersian Gulf, th e second running from th e G u lf to th e so u th ern tip o f India at C a p e C om orin and beyond to Sri L anka. T hese ro u tes o ffer 3 m ain benefits. T hey use frequently-travelled and th ere fo re easily-w orked shipping ro u tes; they tran se ct th e two m ain local p ro d u c tio n ce n tres o f th e n o rth ern A ra b ian Sea and aro u n d C ap e C om orin; they provide both th e large-scale context and th e "open ocean" contrast for one o f th e likely key sites o f the L arge M a rin e Ecosystem study (th e E ast A frica-Som ali C u rre n t D o m ain ); and w e already have a sm all bu t sufficient num ber o f C P R tows from this ro u te to confirm th e validity o f the C P R survey tech n iq u e in th ese w aters. F igure F39 and T ab le 3 use 4 short C P R tows by R V O C EvA N O G R A PH ER in July-August 1967 to illustrate th e ran g e and abundance o f species accessible to th e C P R d u rin g th e SW m onsoon. C o m p ared with th e 4 tows through th e M e d ite rra n e a n (described earlier), cop ep o d abundance w as very m uch g re a te r at 280-1300 p er 3 m 3 sam ple than the 24-128 observed in the M ed iterran ea n , and w ere evenly distributed by d ay an d night. N um bers o f copepod species w ere th e sam e (39) in th e M ed iterran ea n and In d ian O cean tows and, as expected, w ere very much g re a te r in th ese w arm w a te r areas than th e 10-25 spp norm ally en co u n tered in th e cold-w ater A tlan tic n o rth o f 50 °N (fo r exam ple). C om parison o f species com position an d ab u n d an ce with two fu rth e r C P R lows N W o f A ustralia ap p e ars to highlight sim ilarities ra th e r th an differences over this vast area. T h e costs p er ro u te for th ese two key tran sects a re given below, with the following provisos: (i) with o n e ro u te running coastw ise along th e axis o f m axim um production, an d th e o th er providing an "open ocean" contrast betw een p ro d u c tio n m axim a (F12-15), bo th ro u tes a re of s e p a ra te value, with little redundancy; (ii) as new ro u tes in a re m o te ocean area, costings m ust b e reg ard ed as approxim ate; (iii) since the physical changes associated with th e m onsoon will b e im m ense yet th e provision o f environm ental d ata will be poor, we regard it as axiom atic that w e m ust equip th ese ro u tes with instrum ented C P R s from the o utset if we a re to in terp re t as well as describe th e tren d s o f change in th e plankton. O n this basis costs p e r ro u te a re as follows: 1. T h e - 1500 m iles o f each ro u te a re equivalent to th ree stan d ard 450 m ile C P R tows. O p e ratio n al and analytical costs average £17k p e r 450 m ile tow p e r y ea r o f survey, i.e. ....£ 5 1 k 2. R ealistic initial equipm ent costs for each ro u te a re likely to be 1 R eco rd er ex stock (zero cost) + 1 R eco rd er + 3 m echanism s new at an overall cost o f £18k, plus 2 41 F40 42 en vironm ental se n so r/lo g g e r packages (£26k total), plus 1 tow -davit @ £4.7k, bu t will ap p ly to th e 1st y ear only 3. ....£48.7k L ogistical costs o f supply a n d re tu rn a re estim ated to total a fu rth e r ....£4k [W hile it is intended to organise a local base o f o p eratio n as soon as practicable, th e training a n d facility costs a re likely to be at least equivalent to th e costs o f rem ote-supply fo r th e outlook p erio d ]. T h u s th e estim ated initial cost o f in itiatin g each ro u te on a m onthly and an n u a l basis is likely to to ta l £ 103.7k in the first year, re d u cin g by th e cost o f equipm ent to £55k in su b seq u en t years; o p e ra tin g costs can also be re d u ced if th e decision is m ade to cover th e ro u te d u rin g th e SW m o n so o n alone ra th e r than over th e full year, o r if only o n e ro u te is funded, o r if local analytical su p p o rt is developed. 4.4 W est Pacific. E ast Pacific "G iant R outes" T h e in ten tio n to cover both h e m isp h e re s in th e w est and east Pacific by m ean s o f two "giant routes" is deliberate. T h e sp ace-tim e scale o f th e d om inant EN SO clim atic signal in th e Pacific se c to r is known to b e vast and has b ee n associated with a greatly reduced p h y to p lan k to n biom ass in b o th th e w estern (D a n d o n n eau , 1986) an d eastern (B arb er and C havez, 1983) Pacific; the tre n d s o f change in the wind system w hich drive coastal upwelling a re ap p aren tly co-linear from C alifo rn ia to P eru; and the changes observed in the ecosystem o f th e e a ste rn N orth Pacific a p p e a r to be coherent over th e full latitu d e range. In confirm ing and extending o u r know ledge o f th e co h e ren c e o f ecosystem ch a n g e in th e Pacific sector, th ere seem s little p oint in being p aro ch ial in our m onitoring! T h e two giant routes from T okyo to N oum ea and San D iego to P eru o r N o rth e rn C hile w ere ch o se n from o th er options since they a p p e a r to cover th e principal sites o f en v iro n m en tal change (th e K u ro sh io /W e ste rn B oundary C u rre n t an d its fluctuating m ean d er p a tte rn , th e c o re dom ain o f th e E l N ino signal in th e w estern an d ea ste rn tropical Pacific and the key coastal upwelling c e n tre s o f the east Pacific rim ), w hile connecting both o f th e sites o f intensive p ast ecosystem m o n ito rin g, [i.e. T he m ultidecadal C alC O F I investigations o f the C alifornia C u rre n t, and the F ren c h transpacific Zooplankton m o n ito rin g ro u te from P an am a to N oum ea w hich w as w orked using th e "small plankton indicator" betw een 1977 and 1982 (D essier, 1983, 1988)]. B o th o f these ’giant ro u te s’ a re aro u n d 4000 m iles in length; to achieve a realistic balance b etw e en cost and effectiveness w e assu m e th a t approxim ately half o f each ro u te will b e covered by C P R , in th re e discontinous tow s o f 450, 1000 and 450 m iles using two m achines o f differing type. T ab le 4 is used to illu strate th e m eth o d and assum ptions of costing th e T okyo-N oum ea ro u te, (a n d it also illustrates th e item ised costing th at form s the basis o f every o th e r cost e stim a te in this p ap er). As w ith th e A rab ian Sea exam ple (Section 4.3 above) th e expected d o m in a n c e o f physical/clim atic co n tro ls in a region o f p o o r data-coverage im plies th e use of in stru m e n te d C P R s on th ese ro u te s from th e o utset. T a b le 4. 43 T h ese costs a re th e re fo re included in T A B L E 4. N O U M E A -T O K Y O P R O JE C T E D C O S T IN G S R O U T E C O S T S 12 X P E R A N N U M . 2 C P R M A C H IN E S S IL K 2 X 450 m iles = 900 m iles 1 X 1000 m iles = 1000 m iles £C O S T £220 2300 270 2800 T o tal £5100 / a T R A N S P O R T CO STS P ly m o uth-S outham pton re tu rn p e r a n n u m 2076 P and O C o n ta in e r L ine to T okyo p e r an n u m 3674 £5750 R U N N IN G CO STS Ship pay m ents 1080 C o m p u tin g 2000 S alaries (analysts etc) 32000 N at. Ins. 2560 S u p era n n u atio n 3200 A cco m m o dation ren tal 8000 £48840 G E A R C O S T (1st year only) New davit, fitted 4700 1 new re c o rd e r body + 2 m echanism s 13500 2 en v iro n m en tal sensor/logging packages 26000 £44200 T O T A L p e r route, 12 to w s/y r serviced from U K YEAR ONE SU BSEQ U EN T YEARS 44 £103,890 £ 59,690 O p tio n s A ltern a tiv e tra n sp o rt costings p e r annum by air to N o u m ea via Sydney (£32k) an d by air to T okyo (£12k) rejected as to o costly. But alternative shipping cost U K -N oum ea via B ank Line look attra ctiv e (£5.8k for 12 re tu rn trips / a ) and o th e r altern ativ es by P & O C L to N oum ea via A u stralia an d by C om pagnie G e n eral M aritim e to N oum ea a re u n d er investigation. T hus, th e cost o f instituting full C P R coverage 12 tim es p e r y ear over h alf th e route-length am o u n ts to £104k p e r ro u te in both the west and east Pacific in th e first y ea r bu t reducing by th e cost o f new g ear (£44.2k p e r ro u te) in 2nd and su b sequent years to £60k p e r ro u te. Since th e eventual aim is to o p e ra te and analyse each ro u te locally, th e above should be re g ard e d as realistic initial costs which will red u ce as soon as a local analytical an d servicing effo rt can b e m obilised. T h e feasibility o f establishing local analysis ce n tres at a ra n g e o f sites is cu rren tly u n d e r investigation. 4.5 S o u th ern O cean Since 1990, th e Krill R esearch G ro u p o f th e A u stra lian A n tarctic D ivision in K ingston, T asm an ia, have o p e ra te d 2 stan d ard C P R units from two research vessels an d o n e supply ship in a S o u th ern O cean p ro g ram m e designed to assess th e distribution, relative a b u n d a n ce and d ev elopm ent o f the larvae o f A ntarctic krill {Euphausia superba). F irst surveys in th e H eard Island-K erguelen a rea in M ay-June 1990 confirm ed th at th e C P R p e rfo rm ed well in southern o cean w in ter conditions, provided 2500 nm i o f data, and (notably) sam pled eup h au sid s up to 20 m m in size. A continuing p ro g ram m e o f research survey is plan n ed extending to study the d istrib u tion and ab u n d an ce o f krill larvae in th e Prydz Bay R egion, A n tarctica. C o sts a re borne internally by A A D . 4.6 M iseellaneous/process-studv support In section 1, above, a ran g e o f process studies w ere identified which w ere m o re restricted in tim e and space than th e long-term m onitoring efforts which form th e basis o f this proposal but which w ould benefit from C P R support (e.g. th e variable advection o f C alanus o n to the B aren ts Sea shelf in section 1.5; th e seasonal developm ent o f Zooplankton grazing p ow er along th e m arginal ice zone in section 1.4; the need for th e vaalidation o f th e Zooplankton com ponen t o f ecosystem m odels in section 1.7). R a th e r th an attem p t to cost th e variable re q u irem en ts o f each o f th ese explicitly, it achieves m uch th e sam e object to cost them generically, as an ad d itio n al eq u ip m en t cost to cover the m o re specialised g ear that is likely to b e required. W e envisage th re e m ain types o f task. F irst, th e ocasional use o f th e U ndulating O cean o g rap h ic R eco rd er (U O R ) on alm ost any o n e o f th e stan d ard C P R ’tim e -serie s’ routes to p rovide depth-validation o f th e data set collected at th e fixed C P R d ep th o f 10 m. Second, th e initial use o f U O R coverage to ch aracterise th e zoogeography o f th e p lankton in any area for which new C P R coverage is proposed, thus providing th e necessary in fo rm atio n to design th e m ost a p p ro p ria te frequency and depth o f cover for th e local conditions. T h ird , th e use of 45 in stru m en ted C P R ’s to provide a range o f environm ental p a ra m e te rs on a routine basis for in terp retin g th e d istrib u tio n and dynam ics o f the plankton. (i) 'in stru m e n te d C P R '. A s developed by th e team at PM L, this system with its solid-state logger package fits b e n e a th th e stan d ard C P R and collects d ata on T, S, chlorophyll, upwelling and downwelling irra d ia n c e and depth, (as well as the norm al phytoplankton and Zooplankton sam ples via th e s ta n d a rd C P R internal net m echanism ). C o m p ared w ith th e standard C P R cost o f £3.5k each for re c o rd e r an d m echanism , this instrum ented d evelopm ent costs an added £13k. (ii) U O R II. T h e un d u lato r with its full suite o f in stru m en ts including C, T, D, fluorescence, P .A .R ., u p and down irradiance via 3 light channels, an d newly developed n u trien t o r co n tam in ant sen so r o p tio n s is a m ost sophisticated and pow erful p ackage (Aiken and B ellan op. cit.), with th e capability o f estim ating p otential productivity ra th e r than phytoplankton standing stock by com bining th e depth distribution o f chlorophyll w ith irradiance. It m ay also b e eq uipped w ith th e stan d ard C P R internal m echanism to collect plankton. T h e initial equipm ent cost pro b ab ly relegates the U O R to a support role in any m onitoring effort of global scale, though w hen u sed in su p p o rt the C P R and U O R form a m ost pow erful com bination for large m arin e ecosystem m onitoring. W e envisage a constant n eed for at least 3 such system s in support o f th e th re e aim s outlined above. T hough the costs vary w ith th e sensor options and th e options for th e logging, shipboard delivery, o r satellite transm ission o f the data, we assum e a m ean cost o f £60k p e r instrum ent. Ideally in stru m e n te d C PR s an d UO Rs would be the p re fe rre d in stru m e n ts on every route; in practice, in o rd e r to achieve a m ore-global coverage o f plankton m onitoring, we envisage the continued w id esp read use o f th e standard C P R for th e presen t, w ith instrum ented C P R s specified for c e rtain new ro u tes (see .Sections 4.3 and 4.4 above) an d w ith the U O R in support as required. Plainly, we could achieve this mix o f instrum entation by m erely ad d in g a num ber o f each of th e m ore-specialised in stru m en ts to the SA H FO S "fleet". T h e analytical and ship-support costs can be assum ed to b e already accounted-for in th e costs for a given ro u te (m ore or less), and th e added cost o f specialised equipm ent will be + £13k p e r enviro n m en tal package and + £60k p er U O R . H ow ever, th e re a re p erh ap s m ore efficient ways o f m eeting th e standard and the m ore-specialised survey tasks (above) than by operating essentially-different gears for each task. F igure F41, for exam ple, m akes th e sim ple point th at if th e A q u a sh u ttle (U O R ) body-shell could be m ade to "fish" identically to th e present C PR , then o n e in stru m en t becom es capable o f all tasks, and all C P R s ca n becom e instrum ented C P R s or U O R s, tem p o rarily or perm anently, as required, sim ply by plugging in an environm ental package, o r an a lte rn a to r and gear-box, or both. T his exam ple is illustrative only. Clearly, to change from th e long-established C PR body for any reason is to risk th e continuity o f the existing tim e-series, an d w ould not be a sensible 46 o p tio n unless and until it can b e d em o n strated to m ak e no differen ce to th e way th e C P R tows and fishes. H ow ever, it does illu strate the type o f trial th at th e S teering C ouncil o f th e C PR m ay have to u n d erta k e if it is to m axim ise th e effectiveness o f its global coverage at m inim um cost. 4.7 T o tal cost T h e various ro u te options listed in this proposal d o atte m p t to m atch real o r developing global problem s w ith a global sca tte r o f regional m o n ito rin g efforts and at a m o d e ra te cost. This p a p e r is not so m uch a p ro p o sal how ever as an illustrative exam ple o f th e type o f cover th at it seem s feasible to achieve at p resen t. W hile o th e r b e tte r ro u te s an d techniques m ay em erg e for this p u rp o se it is probably o f value to record th e to tal co st o f this p articu lar sp arse global scatter o f ro u tes, since it will provide an order-of-m agnitude fig u re for th e cost o f any global m onitoring effo rt o f sim ilar scope. T h e following a re th e long te rm an n u a l ru n n in g co sts fo r th e global C PR coverage described in this docum ent, a rea by area. A s already explained, th e setting-up costs a re h ig h er by th e cost o f new gear and th ese can be o b tain ed from th e regional subsections c f the text. T h e re will also be a general ra th e r than a regional cost of purchasing U O R units for th e p u rp o se o f checking up on th e depth-validity o f historic tim e-series routes, and fo r exploring new ones, [say two U O R units at £60k = £120k]. £K T he NW E u ro p e an sh elf and N orth A tlantic 492 T he M ed iterran ean ’su b set’ 111 T he A rabian S e a /In d ia n O cean (two routes, in stru m e n te d ) 110 T he W est and E ast Pacific (in stru m en ted C P R s) 120 T otal £833,000 T o achieve effective developm ent tow ards this m o re global scope, it is already plain th at the C P R will require th e su p p o rt o f two quite d iffe ren t kinds o f adm inistrative structure. F inancially, the re q u irem en t is not m erely for an a d e q u a te funding base but for a continuity of funding that can enable tim e-series to grow. W hile th e m any cu rren t in tern a tio n al initiatives in ecosystem dynam ics - funded directly by G o v ern m en ts o r indirectly through bodies such as th e W orld Bank - have th e in tere sts and the resources to form a fruitful context fo r C P R growth, it is plain that th e IO C will have a special c o o rd in a tin g role in view o f its key aim of establishing, in G O O S, a global ocean equivalent o f th e W orld W e ath er W atch, o f world-w ide scope, indefinite d u ratio n and inter-governm ental reso u rce. S cientifically th e adm inistrative s tru ctu re is already becom ing established. Since its In c o rp o ratio n on 29 N ovem ber 1990 and its R eg istration as a charity on 12 D ecem ber 1990, T h e S ir A lister H ardy F o u n d atio n for O cean S cience has o p erated as an In tern atio n al C h aritab le T ru st u n d er th e aegis o f th e M arine B iological A ssociation o f th e U K , and with laboratory and w orkshop facilities in its present 47 Water tunnel F 4 1a T h e S tandard C PR T o w e d by sh ips-of-opportunity, m onthly, along selected ro u te s at a fixed tow -depth o f 10 m . P lankton entering the 1.25 c m 2 ap ertu re in the nose are trapped betw een tw o bands o f 2 9 0 m icro n -m esh silk w hich unroll at a rate p ro p o rtio n al to tow ing speed, and are then p reserved in form alin. In the laboratory, the silk b ands are cut in to sectio n s co rresponding to 10-m ile lengths o f tow , co u n ted u n d er a m icro sco p e and entered to com puter. In 60 years since 1931, ships o f 10 nations have tow ed C P R s alo n g a track-length o f ~ 4 m illion m iles. 48 -p». VO a) Option 1 1. Basic Aquashuttlc body (non­ undulating) but suitable for upgrade to full AouashutUe. £ 7,000 Plankton sampler Free ()) O p tio n 2 Basic Aquashuttlc Body with Equipment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C) O p tio n 3 F u ll U n dulating A q u a sh u rd e Costs Costs Basic Body Plankton Sampler Data logger with CTD Fluorimeter Battery Pack Wiring Harness £ 7 ,0 0 0 Free £ 5 .9 9 5 £5.9 9 5 £ 995 £ 300 ]. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Basic Body Plankton Sampler Data logger with CTD Fluorimeter Battery Pack Wiring Harness Scrvolgcarbox/altcmator/ impeller and crank £ 7 .0 0 0 Free £ 5 ,9 9 5 £ 5 ,9 9 5 £ 995 £ 300 £14.000 Further options Biolummescencc F41b Could a single towed body with m odular equipm ent perform as 'standard CPR', 'instrum ented CPR’ and 'UOR'? Costs o f the three options are shown. (The Chelsea Instruments 'Aquashuttle' body is used in this illustration). £ 5.995 Upwelling and down welling (3 channels each) £ 7 .9 9 5 Additional wiring harnesses POA location w ithin th e Plym outh M arin e L aboratory. T h e next step in ten d ed by th e T ru stee s is th e establishm ent o f a C P R Council, and it will be this body - com posed o f th e re p resen ta tiv e s of significant funding bodies, th e D ire cto r o f th e C P R Survey and c e rta in officers o f th e F o u n d atio n - which will have the responsibility o f directing the fu tu re scientific developm ent of th e Survey, an d for partitioning th e available reso u rces into (fo r exam ple) m ain ten an c e of tim e-series routes, establishm ent o f new routes, in stru m en t developm ent, training, d ata policy, d ata p ro cessing an d d ata exchange. In brief, for m atching facilities and analytical capacity to th e changing resources, aim s and scope o f th e Survey. 5. 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