Aspen Regeneration in South-Central Colorado, San Isabel National Forest Tim Benedict1 Abstract—The potential for aspen regeneration in conifer stands has been underestimated on the Salida Ranger District. Harvest of mature aspen stands on the Salida and San Carlos Districts encouraged regeneration. Following harvest, the Douglas-fir and some Engelmann spruce stands in the Arkansas Hills area regenerated primarily to aspen. Disturbance through aspen harvest, prescribed fire, wildfire, and other approaches is critical to aspen sustainability and health for the San Isabel National Forest. Disturbance must take place to regenerate the aspen component and reduce the conifer invasion. Introduction Q uaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) covers about 80,450 acres of the San Isabel National Forest’s Salida and San Carlos Ranger Districts in southcentral Colorado (figure 1). Although aspen is present in many conifer sites throughout the San Isabel National Forest, aspen occupies only about 10% of the two ranger districts. The potential for aspen regeneration in conifer stands (i.e., Douglas-fir) has been underestimated on the Salida Ranger District. Disturbance through aspen harvest, prescribed fire, wildfire, and other approaches is critical to aspen sustainability and health for the San Isabel National Forest. About 13,320 acres of aspen are suitable sites for harvest (figure 2). In the past, the public and small purchasers on the San Isabel have primarily harvested aspen for fuelwood. Only recently has there been an increased demand for aspen fiber. This is due to a decrease in local supply that results in purchasers having to haul longer distances to meet their current demand. The majority of aspen could be utilized by mills found in Delta and Olathe, Colorado. These mills produce aspen flakeboard and panels. Aspen is highly valued for its scenic beauty. In south-central Colorado, it is found at elevations ranging from 8,200 to over 10,000 feet (Powell 1988). In the fall, usually mid to late September, many visitors come to view the vibrant colors of yellow, gold, orange, and red. People seek out the aspen to take pictures, stopping along the roadside to view it. Some want to write about it, others want to take in this slice of Colorado and enjoy it. Aspen has many other values such as enhancing wildlife habitat and providing forage for cattle. It also has an ecological value for forest health and diversity. Aspen is an unusual tree species. On the one hand, aspen stems are among the shortest lived in the area and usually die before their first century. On the other hand, aspen clones are often among the longest-lived individuals in an area, tenaciously holding to a site and living through many regenerating events, to maximum ages of centuries or even millennia (Johnston 1996). Aspen is one of the most shade-intolerant species in the Rockies (Shepperd 1985). Most stands in the Rockies reproduce by root suckering after a disturbance to existing overstory stands (DeByle and Winokur 1985). This is also true of treated aspen stands throughout the Salida and San Carlos Districts of the San Isabel National Forests. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-18. 2001. 1Pike and San Isabel National Forests, USDA Forest Service, Pueblo, CO. 377 Benedict Aspen Regeneration in South-Central Colorado, San Isabel National Forest Figure 1—Aspen landscape on the San Isabel National Forest. Figure 2—Suitable and nonsuitable sites for aspen harvest on the San Carlos and Salida Ranger Districts, San Isabel National Forest. 378 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-18. 2001. Aspen Regeneration in South-Central Colorado, San Isabel National Forest Benedict Regeneration Data Treated aspen sites were queried from the Region 2 Resource Information System (R2RIS) and site folders reviewed from 1980 to 1997 for the Salida and San Carlos Districts, as this is where the majority of the aspen sites reside on the San Isabel National Forest. These data and associated information are summarized in appendix 1, which lists the most current regeneration survey, stems per acre, and other key data. The regeneration surveys consisted of walk-throughs that sampled representative regeneration or systematic sampling of the site with th th fixed plots (1/100 or 1/300 acre), generally 1 plot per acre for the site. For example, if you had a 20-acre site, crews would sample 20 plots of the site in a general grid of three chains by three chains. Salida Ranger District Aspen Appendix 1 illustrates 13 aspen clearcuts varying in size from 11 to 45 acres. There were some small patch cuts varying in size from 2 to 5 acres. The aspen cover types greater than 11 acres seemed to regenerate well. The number of stems/acre ranged from 800 to 9,000, generally in the fifth year following harvest (figure 3). The median for stems/acre is 2,400. The small patch cuts appeared to regenerate (on some patch cuts upward to 2,000 stems/acre from earlier regeneration surveys); but over time, due to repetitive big game and cattle damage and other reasons not known, they failed to survive. The average stocking percentage for the 13 aspen sites clearcut is at 90% of minimum stocking and distribution. The Forest Plan states a minimum stocking of 300 trees/acre and 75% of the plots are stocked. However, one of those sites regenerated mainly into conifer. The elevation ranges are 9,400 to 9,800 feet. Aspect did not limit regeneration. All aspen types that were clearcut averaged 21 acres. The average heights of aspen 3 to 5 years after harvest ranged from 1 to 5 feet with the majority of sites being 3 feet. There was no site preparation on any of these sites indicated in the records. The treatment or disturbance from cutting encouraged the regeneration of the mature aspen stands that were harvested. When movement of auxin into roots is halted or reduced by cutting, burning, girdling, or defoliation of trees, auxin levels in the roots decline rapidly (Eliasson 1971, 1972). This permits new 7 Number of Sites 6 Figure 3—Summarized regenerated stems/acre for 12 aspen sites harvested from 1984 to 1991, Salida Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest. (One stand regenerated to conifer and was not included in the graph.) 5 4 3 2 1 0 800-1000 1000-2000 2000-4000 4000+ stems/acre USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-18. 2001. 379 Benedict Aspen Regeneration in South-Central Colorado, San Isabel National Forest suckers to begin; it also allows preexisting primordial, buds, and shoots whose growth had been suppressed by auxin to initiate growth (DeByle and Winokur 1985). Aspen Regeneration in Conifer Stands Following harvest, the Douglas-fir and some Engelmann spruce stands in the Arkansas Hills area (East Salida District—Kaufman Ridge, Herring and Bald Mountain) regenerated primarily to aspen (appendix 2). This was found quite unexpectedly in the Herring Timber Sale area when units planted to conifers began sprouting aspen. However, in the original planning this was not apparent. There was an existing aspen root system or remnant aspen scattered throughout these conifer sites that consisted mainly of Douglas-fir in the Kaufman Ridge area. Individual genotypes can cover several hectares and ramet generations may persist over 150 years (Shepperd 1981). The Herring Creek area was primarily Douglas-fir with a lodgepole pine component on three sites. When these conifer stands were harvested, these areas sprouted in aspen. Regeneration surveys showed mainly aspen regeneration with some conifer reproduction (appendix 3). The stems/acre varied from 855 to 2,550 mainly on level ground or northern aspects. This was 4 years after harvest. In the Kaufman Ridge area, aspen stems/acre ranged from 652 to 1,233 with heights of 1 to 3 feet. In 1998, aspen had grown to 6 feet plus. According to research in Colorado of eight plant species studied, Berndt and Gibbons (1958) found quaking aspen roots to have the greatest lateral extent, up to 48 feet from the tree. Also, several studies of soil water depletion by aspen imply effective rooting depth to be at least 9 feet on deep well-drained soils (Johnston 1970; Johnston et al. 1969). The scattered aboveground aspen and the existing root systems were present for quite some time in the Kaufman Ridge and Herring areas, and the harvest disturbance caused the aspen to sprout. It is theorized that during past succession cycles, an aspen stand was ultimately replaced by Douglas-fir in these areas. If a coniferous seed source is present, young conifers will soon begin to establish themselves under aspen (Shepperd 1985). The aspen acts as a nurse for the more tolerant conifers (usually spruce, subalpine fir, or Douglas-fir, but in some cases ponderosa pine and lodgepole), resulting in a mixed aspen/conifer stand (Shepperd 1985). Wildland and Prescribed Fire Possibly in the 1800s, prolonged drought conditions encouraged wildfire that created sufficient disturbance to conifer stands and as a result aspen sprouted. Perhaps this succession cycle continued for a long period. Another possible source of ignition for fires were human caused (i.e., Native Americans using fire to improve area for big game). Even a mere scattering of aspen in a coniferous stand commonly will restock the area with a new aspen forest after a severe wildfire (DeByle and Winokur 1985). There were 59 fires recorded from 1970 to 1992 on the east side of the Salida District (figure 4). Thirty-one of these fires were fires less than 1⁄4 acre. These small fires comprised the majority of fires. The policy during this timeframe was to suppress fires as soon as they were reported. Most fires were kept small due to suppression efforts. Typically, unless there is a very dry year associated with 380 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-18. 2001. Aspen Regeneration in South-Central Colorado, San Isabel National Forest Benedict 35 Number of Fires 30 25 Figure 4—Fire frequency from 1970 to 1992 for the East Side of Salida District, San Isabel National Forest. 20 15 10 5 0 < 1/4 ac 1/4 to 10 acs 10 to 100 acs Fire Size high winds, most fires stay small. The typical fire season is from mid-April to early/mid July. Most of the lightning in this time frame is late June to early July followed by monsoon rains around the Fourth of July. Lightning was the main cause (83%) with the remainder human caused (17%)(table 1). One could surmise that lightning-caused fires in the 1800s (prior to suppression efforts) along with other causes that created disturbance quite possibly regenerated aspen. There were only six of the 59 fires between 10 and 100 acres. Although this is not a long period, it does indicate that in a 22-year timeframe fires have not grown to large size. This would show a minimal disturbance from wildland fire. This could be attributed to the aggressive program to put out fires, lack of fuel continuity, and green vegetation. The Bald Mountain Prescribed Burn also regenerated aspen (appendix 2). This was observed 2 to 3 years after treatment in an aspen patch that had sprouted and grown very dense. Most prescribed burns in the aspen type are designed to regenerate declining, overmature clones. To maximize sprouting, at least 80% of the overstory should be killed (Powell 1988). Research indicates that fires with flame lengths of 1.7 to 2.1 feet are required to kill aspen trees. This equates to fireline intensities of 18 to 28 BTU/ft/sec (Brown and Simmerman 1986). To achieve this intensity in aspen community types with undergrowths dominated by shrubs or tall forbs, the herbaceous vegetation should be at least 50% cured (Brown and Simmerman 1986). A good burning window to create a high burning intensity in aspen sites is immediately after leaves have fallen in September and before leaves are compacted. Table 1—Fire cause summary (1970–1992, east side Salida District). Cause Lightning Campfires Smoking Fire occurrence 48 8 2 Percentage 83 14 3 Source: GIS fire history maps. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-18. 2001. 381 Benedict Aspen Regeneration in South-Central Colorado, San Isabel National Forest San Carlos District Aspen The San Carlos District has aspen intermixed in the conifer stands throughout the district. In one instance a unit in the Little Froze Timber Sale (located in the Wet Mountains) regenerated 500+ stems/acre on a conifer site after being harvested. Aspen sites throughout the district are experiencing a conifer invasion. Generally, there has been a lack of disturbance. From the R2RIS records, only 172 acres of aspen have been treated since 1986. It has been observed that aspen encroachment is occurring in natural meadows as aspen crowd the edge and tiers of different age classes (Mike Smith, personal communication). The Forest Plan (Land and Resource Management Plan, Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron National Grasslands) states that wildfire has historically been the primary disturbance initiating aspen root sprouting. Control of wildfire has permitted many aspen stands to become overmature with little success in regenerating. In the absence of disturbance, either natural or human caused, much of the aspen will convert to conifer types in 100 to 200 years. Management Recommendations It is clear that to sustain healthy aspen on the San Isabel National Forest, disturbance/management must take place to regenerate the aspen component and reduce the conifer invasion. Here are some recommendations: 382 • Manage aspen sites at a minimum of 8 to 10+ acres. Small patches seem to be vulnerable to big game or cattle damage. Consider treatments scattered over a large landscape. • In areas where access is limited or does not exist, consider prescribed burning to meet resource goals and objectives. It is critical to burn at an intensity to kill a majority of the overstory to obtain regeneration. • Explore market opportunities to encourage future aspen treatment. • Aspen management does not need site preparation to regenerate aspen. This will serve as a reduced cost when considering other conifer species that will require site preparation. • Consider conifer sites (i.e., Douglas-fir) with an aspen remnant or root system that will sprout/regenerate after disturbance (prescribed fire or cutting). Some indicators of aspen presence are: downed aspen from past years, occasional live standing aspen, and adjacent aspen stands. • Consider wildland fire use and integrated fire planning through an approved Fire Management Plan. This examines the appropriate management responses to a management area. In some areas “fire breaks” of pure aspen are being considered so that a catastrophic fire could stopped much easier by running into pure aspen. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-18. 2001. Aspen Regeneration in South-Central Colorado, San Isabel National Forest • Benedict Look at boundaryless management through agreements and memorandums of understanding between state and federal agencies to treat the landscape. Aspen sites throughout the San Isabel National Forest need further management due to lack of disturbance. Treatment and care of this important species is critical to continued scenic beauty, forest health/diversity, wildlife, range and forest management, and sustainability of our forest for future generations. References Berndt, Herbert W. and Robert D. Gibbons. 1958. Root distribution of some native trees and understory plants growing on three sites within ponderosa pine watersheds in Colorado. Station Paper 37, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 14 p. Brown, James K. and Dennis G. Simmerman. 1986. Appraising fuels and flammability in western aspen: A prescribed fire guide. Gen Tech. Rep. INT-205, Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 48 p. DeByle, Norbert V. and Robert P. Winokur, editors. 1985. Aspen: ecology and management in the western United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-119, Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Eliasson, L. 1971. Growth regulators in Populus tremula: 4. Apical dominance and suckering in young plants. Physiologia Plantarum 25:263–267. Eliasson, L. 1972. Translocation of shoot applied indolylacetic acid in roots of Populus tremula, Physiologia Plantarum 27:412–416. Johnston, Robert S. 1969. Aspen sprout production and water use. Res. Note INT-89, Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 6 p. Johnston, Robert S. 1970. Evapotranspiration from bare, herbaceous, and aspen plots: a check on a former study. Water Resources Research 6(1):324–327. Johnston, Robert S. 1971. Rainfall interception in a dense Utah aspen clone. Res. Note INT-143, Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 9 p. Johnston, Berry C. 2000. Report, regeneration of aspen clearcuts of the Uncompahgre Plateau, Colorado. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 3 p. Powell, David C. 1988. Aspen community types of the Pike and San Isabel National Forest in South-Central Colorado. R2-ECOL-88-1: 28, 35–147. Shepperd, Wayne D. 1981. Stand characteristics of Rocky Mountain aspen. In De Byle, N.V., ed. Situation management of two intermountain species: aspen and coyotes, Symposium proceedings, Volume I, Aspen; 1981 April 23–24. Logan, UT: Utah State University: 22–30. Shepperd, Wayne. 1985. Aspen ecology and management in the Central and Southern Rocky Mountains, Proceedings of a symposium; 1985 July 28–31, Fort Collins, CO. Society of American Foresters, National Convention: 233–234. Smith, Michael. 2000. Personal communication. Silviculturist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, San Carlos Ranger District, Canon City, CO. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-18. 2001. 383 Benedict Aspen Regeneration in South-Central Colorado, San Isabel National Forest Appendix 1: Regeneration Surveys of Treated Aspen Sites of the Salida District, San Isabel National Forest Location and site Regen. survey type and 1 year Acres Elevation Aspect Harvest year 101301004 22 — ft. 9,700 NE 1987 1996 P 2,086 100% 3 ft. 101301014 45 — 9,900 NE 1984 1989 W 3,000–4,000 95% 4–5 ft. 101301036 42 — 9,900 NE 1985–1986 1988 P 2,500+ 100% 3–4 ft. 101301043 17 — 9,700 NE 1986 1989 W 2,500+ 100% 3.5 ft. 1013001044 22 — 9,700 NE 1987 1992 W 4,000 90% 3–5 ft. 1014050100 16 POTRFestuca 9,800 N 1988 1992 W 2,400 50% 5 ft. POTRFestuca 9.800 Level 1989 1994 W 9,100 100% POTRFestuca 9,800 Level 1990 1993 P 1,782 100% 0.5 to 2 ft. POTRFestuca 9,800 Level 1991 1996 P 1,021 100% 3 ft. — 9,400 Level 1978–1980 1992 W on the edge 0 Some aspen regen. 0%* — 9,800 Level 1980–1981 0 Some 0%* for stocked site 1992 W and P aspen regen. on the edge Level Level and 1993, 5 acs Approx. 1980, 4 acs 1996 W 1992 W 1,000 Mainly conifer 0 0%* Thurberi 1014050102 1014050105 1014050106 101801003 (11 acs) 16 Thurberi 11 Thurberi 19 Thurberi 4 (1–5 acre) patch cuts 101806008 (13 acs) 5 (1–4 acre) patch cuts 101806012 4 and 5 acre patch cuts(9) 102311066 14 # of stems/acre % stocked and ave. height Plant assoc. patchy — 9,600 9,500 100% POTRFestuca 9,500 Level 1989 1996 P 833 87% 2 ft. Thurberi 10220646 29 — 9,400 S 1983–1984 1989 P 3,300 88% 102206047 22 — 9,400 S 1986 1990 800 100% 102206048 11 — 9,500 E 1987 1992 1,264 63% 1 P = Systematic sampling with plots and W = Walk-through. *Big game and cattle damage, 101801-003 and 101806-008 showed earlier surveys with regeneration. 384 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-18. 2001. Aspen Regeneration in South-Central Colorado, San Isabel National Forest Benedict Appendix 2: General Locations of Aspen Regeneration in Conifer Stands USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-18. 2001. 385 Benedict Aspen Regeneration in South-Central Colorado, San Isabel National Forest Appendix 3: Aspen Regeneration in Conifer Stands (Mainly Douglas-fir) of the East Salida Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest Location and site Acres Plant assoc. Elevation Aspect Harvestyear 1 and method Regen. survey type and 1 year # of 2 stems/acre % stocked and ave. height ft. Herring Creek 101405107 1014050108 101405109 Kaufman Ridge 1014020097 1013030067 101305086 Beaver Creek 102311069 102311070 9 26 15 PSME/ARUV JUCO PSME/ARUV JUCO PSME/ARUV JUCO 9,880 Level to E 9,880 NE 9,880 N-NE 38 PSME/JAAM 9,850 NE 23 PSME/JUCO 9,800 NE 28 PSME/ARAD JUCO 9,700 NE 5 PIPU-PSME JUCO PIEN/JUCO PICO/JUCO 9,100 NE 9,360 NE 43 1990 CC 1990 ST 1990 CC 1996 1996 1996 1992 ST 1992 ST 1992 ST 1996 1993 CC 1993 ST 1996 1996 1996 1996 855 P 2,550 P 1,353 89% 2 ft. 100% 3 ft. 93% 1,137 P 652 P 1,233 P 89% 1–3 ft. 91% 3 ft. 92% 2–3 ft. 350 P 440 P 100% 91% 1–3 ft. Note: The majority of the regeneration is aspen with some conifer intermixed. 1 ST = Seed tree and CC = Clearcut. 2 P = Systematic sampling with plots. 386 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-18. 2001.