Annualization of Rodent Burrow Clusters and Winterfat Decline in a Salt-Desert Community Stanley G. Kitchen Gary L. Jorgensen Abstract—Winterfat (Ceratoides lanata) is dominant or codominant on much of the 16 million ha of salt-desert shrublands of Western North America. This species is in decline in much of the Great Basin and has been so for 20+ years at the Desert Experimental Range (DER), Pine Valley, UT. Previously, winterfat dominanted vegetation on rodent burrow clusters (RBCs), landscape features commonly associated with calcareous alluvial soils. Presently Eurasian annuals dominate most RBCs. In this study, 2 mean winterfat density was 3.60 plants/m on RBC interspaces and 4.78 plants/m2 on intact RBCs compared to 0.73 plants/m2 on annualized RBCs. Winterfat seed production (viable seeds/m2) on intact RBCs was six-fold that of annualized RBCs and three-fold that of interspaces. To the extent that winterfat stand renewal is seed limited, RBC annualization appears to contribute disproportionately to population decline. Salt-desert shrublands comprise an area of approximately 16 million ha in the Western United States, the majority of which are concentrated in the valleys of the Great Basin (Blaisdell and Holmgren 1984). These rangelands provide valuable winter forage for livestock and are critical habitat for numerous wildlife species. Although at least 28 community types may be described for salt-desert shrublands, shrubby members of the Chenopodiaceae are the principal vegetative component of these ecosystems (Blaisdell and Holmgren 1984). Low shrubs such as shadscale (Atriplex confertifolia), Gardner saltbush (A. gardneri), winterfat (Ceratoides lanata), and gray molly (Kochia americana) and medium-statured shrubs such as four-wing saltbush (A. canescens), black greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus), and spiny hopsage (Grayia spinosa) are particularly well adapted to the stressful growing conditions associated with the combined impacts of high soil salt content, low effective precipitation, and winter cold (Comstock and Ehleringer 1992). Winterfat Winterfat (also known as whitesage) communities are second only to shadscale communities in dominance of salt-desert shrublands (Blaisdell and Holmgren 1984). It In: McArthur, E. Durant; Ostler, W. Kent; Wambolt, Carl L., comps. 1999. Proceedings: shrubland ecotones; 1998 August 12–14; Ephraim, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-11. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Stanley G. Kitchen is Botanist and Gary L. Jorgensen is Range Technician, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Shrub Sciences Laboratory, Provo, UT 84606. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 occurs in mixed communities and in nearly pure stands on deep alluvial soils. This long-lived species (>50 years) (Chambers and Norton 1993) is highly drought tolerant due in part to an extensive fibrous root system and taproot capable of reaching 7 to 8 m in depth (Stevens and others 1977). Fruit structure is composed of two cottony thinwalled bracts enclosing a single seed (Stevens and others 1977). The terms ‘fruit’ and ‘seed’ are commonly used interchangeably even though significant quantities of immature and/or empty fruits are generally present in most seed crops. For simplicity’s sake, we use the term ‘seed’ throughout this work. Winterfat seed production is less consistent than that of most saltbushes (Atriplex spp.) (Blaisdell and Holmgren 1984), and seeds lack dormancy mechanisms necessary to preserve a seed bank (Stevens and others 1977). Seeds are primarily wind dispersed. When describing successional dynamics of arid and semiarid ecosystems, the ‘Clementsian’ or climax model has generally been replaced by models incorporating multiple stable states, successional pathways, and interstate thresholds (Friedel 1991; Laycock 1991). As a principal component of multiple stable states, winterfat is appropriately described as late seral. Plant longevity, inconsistent seed production, and a lack of soil seed reserve are winterfat traits characteristic of late seral strategies (Comstock and Ehleringer 1992; Tilman 1988). Late seral species are commonly sensitive to disturbance, and population regeneration is often seed limited (Grime 1977). Rodent Burrow Clusters With minimal soil disturbance, desert soils originating from calcareous parent materials develop a subsurface calcic horizon. This more or less cemented layer acts as a barrier to root development and moisture penetration. It also inhibits animals from constructing deep burrows. Calcic horizons are common in the Aridisols of the Great Basin. A variety of animal inhabitants of salt-desert shrublands require burrows for nesting, hunting, predator avoidance, and thermoregulation. Burrowing in soils with shallow calcic horizons is generally concentrated on landscape patches or ‘islands’ where burrowing activities preclude soil horizon development and thus ensure the permanency of burrow sites. We believe that Great Basin burrow islands may predate the Pleistocene/Holocene transition (14,00010,000 years B.P.). We have observed that burrow sites are slightly elevated and, on uniform alluvium, somewhat evenly spaced, 3-15 m in diameter, and comprise approximately 10-15 percent of the total area. 175 The Pocket gopher (Thomomys bottae), kangaroo rat (Dipodomys spp.), and deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) are among the more common rodents to occupy these salt-desert burrow sites (Blaisdell and Holmgren 1984). Although, for solitary species such as pocket gopher and kangaroo rat, a burrow site may be occupied by a single adult at any one time; representatives of different species generally coexist. For these reasons, and for lack of a more universally accepted designation, we will refer to these sites as rodent burrow clusters using the acronym RBC. Nonrodent species such as badger (Taxidea tabus), kit fox (Vulpes macrotis), burrowing owl (Speotyto cunicularia), and a host of reptile and arthropod species also occupy RBCs, and some of these are also important contributors to soil disturbance. Not surprisingly, plant species composition on RBCs is commonly quite different from that of surrounding interspaces. In fact, RBCs are usually easily identified, even from considerable distances (clearly visible in 1:30,000 black and white aerial photographs) because of the contrast in vegetative composition between RBC and surrounding landscape. As recently as the middle of this century, RBC vegetation was dominated by winterfat. The name “silver dollar” was used by early researchers, an indication of the contrast in color between the nearly pure stands of bluegray winterfat and surrounding vegetation. Winterfatdominated RBCs can still be found; however, most RBCs in salt-desert shrublands are dominated by three invasive annuals from Eurasia: cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), halogeton (Halogeton glomeratus), and Russian thistle (Salsola spp.). The mechanisms by which winterfat dominated RBC vegetation in the past and by which RBCs are converted to annuals have not received adequate attention. Desert Experimental Range The Desert Experimental Range (DER), located in Pine Valley, Millard County, UT, was set aside to become an “agricultural range experiment station” by President Herbert Hoover in 1933 (Clary and Holmgren 1982). The 22,500 ha (87 sections) were subsequently fenced to provide pasture units for grazing studies and ungrazed exclosures as reference areas. Most protected areas have not experienced livestock grazing for 64 years. Approximately 75 percent of the DER is composed of coalescing alluvial fans, or bajadas, and valley bottom, including a barren playa, while the remainder is steeper uplands. Vegetation on alluvial fans is salt-desert shrubland with shadscale, winterfat, low rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus greenei), bud sagebrush (Artemisia spinescens), Nevada ephedra (Ephedra nevadensis), and various perennial grasses dominating. Soils are mostly gravelly loams, sandy loams, and gravelly sandy loams (Aridisols and Entisols) (Tew and others 1997). Most soil series found on alluvial fans above ancient shore lines are deep to very deep and predictably have moderate- to well-developed calcic horizons starting at depths of 30 to 40 cm (as shallow as 15 cm) and extending to 50 to 65 cm (as deep as 90 cm) (Tew and others 1997). RBCs are found throughout these alluvial soils. 176 Precipitation at the DER is highly variable between and within years. Mean annual precipitation at the headquarters complex for the period from 1934-1981 was 157 mm, with approximately half occurring during the months of October through April, mostly as snow (Clary and Holmgren 1982). Annual precipitation during a recent wet period (1975-1994) averaged near 200 mm (Alzerreca-Angelo and others 1998). Winterfat is found in near solid stands on valley bottom soils near the playa (below ancient shore lines) and is subdominant to codominant on soils with calcic horizons. Most RBCs (both grazed pastures and exclosures) and much of the once solid stands are now dominated by cheatgrass, halogeton, and/or Russian thistle. Winterfat Decline Winterfat is declining over much of the Great Basin, a phenomenon well documented at the DER. Long-term vegetation studies have been conducted in 16 100-130-ha winter- and spring-grazed sheep pastures. Each pasture has two 0.4 ha exclosures. Vegetation on paired, grazed and ungrazed, permanent plots has been periodically mapped (1935 to 1994) for various grazing treatments. Although winterfat plant densities decreased steadily over time (1935-1977), total cover increased, apparently due to an increase in mean canopy size for maturing cohorts (Chambers and Norton 1993). A sudden decrease in density, which occurred between the 1975 and 1989 mappings, has been linked to a doubling of mortality rates (percent mortality/year) for the period 1968-1989 compared to those observed from 1935-1968 (Harper and others 1990). Mortality rate was not found to be correlated with grazing treatment (including no grazing) or precipitation. Total winterfat cover for all grazing treatments and ungrazed exclosures has also decreased sharply since 1975 (AlzerrecaAngelo and others 1998). Low winterfat natality or recruitment rates (Harper and others 1990; Chambers and Norton 1993) in combination with stand aging, negative consequences of above average precipitation, and/or increased competition from herbaceous species may explain this decrease. Recent evidence (Harper and others 1996) suggests that winterfat seedling survival is decreased by the presence of invasive annuals, particularly halogeton, by altering soil microbiota. Finally, hand-drawn maps of vegetation mosaics in exclosures and paired grazed areas (Shrub Sciences Laboratory, unpublished data) reveal that, although winterfat still dominated RBCs in 1967, Russian thistle and halogeton enjoyed a noticeable presence. Today, these RBCs are, for the most part, annuals-dominated. Winterfat decline in the near solid stands of DER valley bottom soils is presently under investigation, and these results will be presented elsewhere. Our objective here is to examine the effect of RBC annualization on the mean density and reproductive output of winterfat in mixeddesert shrubland communities. To accomplish this, RBCs were mapped on study sites at the DER. We then sampled winterfat densities on intact and annualized RBCs and RBC interspaces. Mean viable seed production estimates were determined and used to calculate the relative contribution of RBCs to total seed rain across the landscape. The USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 impact of RBC annualization on winterfat renewal is then inferred based on the arguable assumption that recruitment is seed limited. Methods _______________________ Site Selection and Mapping In September 1997, we selected three 1.6-ha study sites for this investigation. Two sites are located approximately 1 km apart within the DER, Research Natural Area (Sites 1 and 2), on Dera gravelly sandy loam with a calcic horizon at a depth of 33 to 55 cm (Tew and others 1997). A third site (Site 3) is located on a similar soil in an exclosure approximately 11 km south of the southeast corner of the DER and 13 to 14 km southeast of the other two sites. Shrubby vegetation for all three sites is dominated by winterfat, with lesser amounts of shadscale, budsage, and low rabbitbrush. Indian ricegrass (Oryzopsis hymenoides), galleta or curly grass (Hilaria jamesii), and purple three-awn (Aristida purpurea) are also common. Cheatgrass, halogeton, and Russian thistle are abundant on disturbances (annualized RBCs). All three sites have been protected from livestock grazing since the 1930’s. Precipitation from October 1, 1996, to September 30, 1997, at the DER headquarters (1-2 km from sites 1 and 2) was 230 mm, with 113 mm occurring during the months of August and September, resulting in an above average winterfat seed crop in Pine Valley. Rodent burrow clusters at Sites 1 and 2 were hand drawn to scale on site maps (100 x 160 grid; 1:400 scale). Grids were analyzed to obtain an estimate of relative RBC coverage. The degree of annual dominance was also estimated for each RBC and recorded as percent annualization. From these we selected study RBCs corresponding to three arbitrary classes: perennial, transitional, and annualized (<10, 40-60, and >90 percent annualization). Winterfat Density Estimates of winterfat density were determined by count2 ing all individuals within 16 16-m circular plots (radius = 2.26 m) at each site. Four plots (replications) were located within representatives of each RBC class and at random on RBC interspaces. Living winterfat plants were scored as immature (seedlings and juveniles) and as mature. Mature plants were also classified by seed (fruit) production classes as: mature-0 (no seeds), mature-1 (few stems with seeds and few seeds per stem), mature-2 (intermediate number of stems with seeds and/or seeds per stem), and mature-3 (many stems with seeds and many seeds per stem). Attached winterfat skeletons were scored as dead. Total dead values were viewed as crude indices of mortality rate. Seed Production and Viability Testing In October 1997, seeds were hand-stripped from 20+ plants (replications) of each seed production class (mature-1-3) at Site 1. We selected this site because it had the best representation of plants from all seed production classes. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Seeds appeared to be fully ripened, and natural dispersal was minimal before this time. Half of the plants for each seed production class were from RBCs and half from RBC interspaces. Seeds from each plant were carefully collected and placed in labeled paper sacks. Each collection was hand cleaned (purity > 95 percent) and weighed after 5 months storage at room temperature (20° C). Subsets of 200 seeds (fruits) of each collection (or all seeds from plants when harvest was less than 200) were weighed to determine mean seed weight. Seed viability was estimated using 25 seeds from each collection (plant). Seeds were placed in plastic petri dishes (100 x 15 mm) on blue germination blotters moistened with tap water. Petri dishes were arranged randomly in stacks of 10 and enclosed in plastic bags to retain moisture and facilitate handling. Seeds were prechilled for 14 days at 2° C before incubation for 14 days at 15° C (AOSA 1998). Normal seedlings were counted on days 7 and 14, and viability of ungerminated seeds was determined by embryo examination. Results were statistically analyzed using the GLM procedure (SAS 1998). Significant differences among plant density (all classes), productivity (percent of total live plants with seed), seed weight, and seed viability means were determined using the Student-Neuman-Keul (SNK) method (p < 0.05). Estimates of viable seed production (seeds/m2) by plot location were calculated for all three sites by summing the products of mean density (d) and estimate for number of viable seeds (s) for each seed production class (mature-1,2,-3). For example, to determine viable winterfat seed production for interspace plots we use: Viable seeds/m 2 int = (dint x sint)mature-1 + (dint x sint)mature-2 + (dint x sint)mature-3 2 Mean contribution (m basis) to total seed rain by RBC interspace and by each RBC class was calculated as the product of the estimates of viable seed production (threesite means) and percent of total area represented by either interspaces or by RBCs (averaged over Sites 1 and 2). For example, to determine seed rain contribution for RBCs (assuming all RBCs are of the perennial class) we used: Seed rain contributionper = seeds/m2per (3-site mean) x (estimated percent cover for all RBCs) Results ________________________ We mapped 26 RBCs occupying 14.8 percent of the area at Site 1 and 20 RBCs occupying 10.8 percent of the area at Site 2. Twenty-four RBCs (both sites combined) were classified as perennial (<10 percent annualized) and nine were classified as annualized (>90 percent). Transitional RBCs (40-60 percent annualized) were selected from the remaining 13 RBCs. Although Site 3 was not mapped, total area occupied by RBCs appeared to be similar to that mapped for Sites 1 and 2. However, annualization of RBCs was more advanced at Site 3 than at Sites 1 and 2, with fewer perennial RBCs available for study. For our calculations of mean contribution to total seed rain, we assumed 87 percent of all areas was occupied by interspaces and 13 percent by RBCs. 177 Winterfat Stand Density Winterfat live and dead plant densities by site and plot location are summarized in table 1. Live plant densities were highest on perennial RBCs for Sites 1 and 2. Live plant densities for interspaces, and perennial and transitional RBCs were not significantly different at Site 3. Significant and rather steep declines in live winterfat density were observed in relation to increased annualization on all three sites. Dead plant densities were lowest for interspaces across all sites and highest for transitional RBCs on Sites 1 and 2 and annualized RBCs for Site 3. When the results of all three sites are pooled (table 2), total live plant density is highest for perennial RBCs followed by interspaces, transitional RBCs, and annualized RBCs. Although rather low overall, immature densities are highest for perennial RBCs and interspaces and lowest for annualized RBCs. Dead plant densities are highest for transitional RBCs and lowest for interspaces. Stand reproductive output, expressed as percent of total live plants with seeds, was 78 percent at Site 1, 68 percent at Site 2, and 19 percent at Site 3. Across all sites, the percent of plants with seeds was significantly higher for all three classes of RBCs than for interspaces (table 2), and 55 percent of all live plants produced some seeds. Overall, winterfat density for mature-1 and mature-2 plants was highest for perennial RBCs followed in order by transitional RBCs, interspaces, and annualized RBCs (table 2). Mature-3 densities were low for all plot locations. In summary, total immature, live, and seed-bearing (mature-1, -2, and -3 combined) plant densities were highest for perennial RBCs (table 2). Interspaces had relatively high immature and total live plant densities but with fewer plants bearing seeds (higher percentage of live plants that were classified as mature-0) and fewer seeds per plant Table 1—Winterfat live and dead plant density and percent of live plants producing seeds by site and plot location within sites, Desert Experimental Range, Utah, 1997. Rodent burrow clusters (RBCs) are perennial (Per.), transitional (Trans.), and annualized (Ann.). Mean separation statistics were calculated by site. Within columns and sites, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the p < 0.05 level (SNK). Plot location Winterfat density Total live Total dead Percent of live plants with seeds Site 1 Interspace RBC-Per. RBC-Tran. RBC-Ann. - - - - plants/m2 - - - 3.88b 0.41b 5.77a 1.61ab 2.41b 2.61a 0.25c 0.97b 49c 77b 92ab 100a Site 2 Interspace RBC-Per. RBC-Tran. RBC-Ann. 2.89b 4.75a 2.75b 0.53c 0.38b 1.31ab 2.34a 1.77ab 38b 79a 78a 83a Site 3 Interspace RBC-Per. RBC-Tran. RBC-Ann. 4.03a 3.83a 2.72ab 1.42b 0.20b 0.30b 0.45ab 0.69a 2b 9b 27ab 41a 178 Table 2—Mean densities of immature, mature-0, mature-1, mature-2, and mature-3, total live, and total dead winterfat plants as affected by plot location for three Desert Experimental Range, Utah, sites (1997). Plot locations are three classes of rodent burrow clusters (RBCs), namely, perennial (Per.), transitional (Trans.), and annualized (Ann.) and RBC interspaces. Within rows (plant classifications), means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the p < 0.05 level (SNK). Plant class Winterfat density Interspace RBC-Per. RBC-Trans. RBC-Ann. 2 Immature Mature-0 Mature-1 Mature-2 Mature-3 Total Live Total Dead Live Plants with Seeds - - - - - - - - - - - - - Plants/m - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.21a 0.25a 0.09ab 0.01b 2.41a 1.73a 0.88b 0.30b 0.87c 2.36a 1.39b 0.36d 0.10c 0.40a 0.23b 0.06d 0.01a 0.04a 0.03a 0.01a 3.60b 4.78a 2.63c 0.73d 0.33c 1.07b 1.80a 1.14b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Percent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29c 55b 66ab 71a (lower percentage of seed-bearing plants classified as mature-2 and -3) than did RBC plots. Annualized RBCs had low immature and total live plant densities, while transitional RBCs were intermediate to perennial and annualized RBCs in these categories. Interspace dead plant densities were significantly lower than RBC dead plant densities (all classes). Dead plant densities for transitional RBCs were significantly higher than for perennial or annualized RBCs. We calculated an estimate of live winterfat stand density (averaged across the landscape) using only interspace and 2 perennial RBC data as 3.75 plants/m . Stand density 2 dropped to 3.47 and 3.22 plants/m when transitional and annualized RBC data were used. This represents a potential 14 percent loss in winterfat stand density due to RBC annualization. Seed Production Within seed production classes, total seed weight, total seeds/plant, and total viable seeds/plant did not vary significantly with plot location (table 3). Reproductive output for mature plants was approximately 10-fold that of mature-1 plants and 2.5 times that of mature-2 plants. Mean seed weight (223 seed/g) and mean seed viability (50 percent) were not significantly affected by plot location or seed production class in this study. Calculated mean viable seed production values (seeds/ m2) were highest for Site 1 (table 4.) Within sites, seed production was greatest for perennial RBCs in Sites 1 and 2 and for annualized RBCs on Site 3. Seed production was consistently greater for all RBCs than for interspaces. Estimates for seed rain contribution by plot location are found in table 5. If we assume all RBCs on a site are of the same class (degree of annualization), then interspaces would have contributed approximately double the seed of perennial RBCs, 3.5 times that of transitional RBCs, and almost 13 times that of annualized RBCs. If the sum of USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Table 3—Estimated seed production for mature-1, mature-2, and mature-3 winterfat plants as affected by plot location, Desert Experimental Range, Utah, 1997. Plot locations are rodent burrow clusters (RBCs) and RBC interspaces. Within columns, values followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the p < 0.05 level (SNK). Plot Seed prod. location class Total seeds weight/plot Interspace Mature-1 Mature-2 Mature-3 RBC Mature-1 Mature-2 Mature-3 Mean Mature-1 Mature-2 Mature-3 --g-1.29c 5.26b 11.63a 1.21c 3.96b 11.40a 1.26c 4.64b 11.52a Total seeds/plant Total viable seeds/plant 273c 1,069b 2,634a 266c 922b 2,815a 270c 999b 2,724a 112c 567b 1,449a 133c 479b 1,464a 122c 529b 1,471a Table 4—Estimated 1997 viable seed production for three Desert Experimental Range, Utah sites for rodent burrow clusters (RBC’s) with three levels of annualization and RBC interspaces. Sample Site Vegetation Type Interspace RBC RBC RBC Site 1 Perennial Perennial Transitional Annualized Site 2 ------383 981 609 93 Site 3 Mean 2 seeds per m - - - - - - 130 627 337 77 6 34 81 89 173 555 334 90 Table 5—Percent of total area occupied by rodent burrow clusters (RBCs) and RBC interspaces and predicted seed production assuming all RBCs are of the same level of annualization. Mean contribution per m2 assumes even dispersal of all seeds across the landscape. Seed Source RBC-interspace RBC perennial transitional annualized Percent of Total Area 87 13 Predicted Live Seeds Produced per m2 Mean Contribution per m2 173 151 555 334 90 72 43 12 interspace and perennial RBC seed contribution (223 seeds/ m2) were viewed as the total potential seed production for 2 the site, then conversion to transitional (194 seeds/m ) or 2 annualized RBCs (163 seeds/m ) would result in a 13 or 27 percent reduction in seed production across the landscape. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Discussion _____________________ Although cheatgrass and Russian thistle introductions to North America predate DER establishment by several decades, no mention is made of these species in early plot maps (1935-1937) (Harper and others 1996). Both species were found in 1958 (no mapping occurred during the 193758 interval) but were considered uncommon. Halogeton was first observed on the DER in 1952 and was considered widespread by 1958, primarily along roads and similar sites of disturbance, but was not considered a threat to healthy shrubland communities (Shrub Sciences Lab, unpublished report). Maps of RBCs made in 1967 show pockets of Russian thistle and halogeton annualization. Subsequent increases of cheatgrass were probably associated with relatively wet conditions experienced during the last 25 years at the DER (Alzerreca-Angelo and others 1998). We have observed RBCs at the DER since 1992. Clearly, most RBCs on the DER were fully annualized before that year. Subsequently, annualization for many, if not most, RBCs occurred between 1958 and 1992. The actual time required for RBC conversion is probably 20 years or less. This time- frame roughly corresponds to the same period in which winterfat decline was observed in the DER pastures (Alzerreca-Angelo and others 1998; Harper and others 1990). This decline has been attributed, at least in part, to stand aging. Winterfat population dynamics on RBCs, with and without annuals, are clearly different than on RBC interspaces. This is particularly clear when we consider differences in mortality rate. Although dead plant density is, at best, a crude measure of mortality rate, it should be adequate for the arguments we make. Dead plant densities for RBCs might even be viewed as conservative indices of mortality rate given the likelihood that dead plants are more likely to become detached on RBCs, due to more intensive burrowing, than on interspaces. Therefore, RBC dead plant densities would tend to underrepresent mortality rate for RBCs when compared to interspace mortality rates. That said, mature plant mortality rates were higher for all classes of RBCs when compared to those observed for interspaces. Higher RBC mortality is probably associated with root damage and crown burial caused by rodents and their predators. Notwithstanding, winterfat is apparently quite well adapted to this level of disturbance in the absence of aggressive annuals such as those observed in this study and is better adapted than all other perennial species present on nearby interspaces. Recruitment levels must therefore be adequate for perpetual regeneration of the nearly pure stands of winterfat on perennial-dominated RBCs. We also observed that dead plant densities for transitional RBCs were higher than for perennial and annualized RBCs. This suggests that, once annuals take hold, they may have a direct effect on the survivability of mature winterfat plants. We have observed this phenomenon on the valley bottom soils where winterfat is often found in near pure stands but where halogeton, and to a lesser extent Russian thistle, now dominate large areas. On these sites, the 179 annuals/winterfat ecotone is apparently unstable, resulting in additional losses by the winterfat community (Shrub Sciences Laboratory, unpublished data). Lower dead plant densities on annualized RBCs are probably indicative of the passage of time since mortality rates peaked, allowing time for skeletal detachment and removal. We have observed that burrowing activity remains high on annualized RBCs. Winterfat recruitment on RBCs, as indicated by the density of immature plants, was inversely related to the degree of RBC annualization in spite of greatly reduced levels of competition from remnant perennials. The impact to winterfat seedlings caused by annual weed competition for soil moisture is probably important, especially when cheatgrass is present. Harper and others (1996) suggested that annuals alter the soil microbiota, creating conditions unsuitable for winterfat seedling survival. The fact that mortality and recruitment rates are inversely related suggest that the rate of annualization accelerates once the threshold that prevents annual dominance is crossed. Rodent burrow clusters are more favorable for winterfat growth than are RBC interspaces, as indicated by much greater RBC-related seed production. This was the case even when total live plant density, and therefore the potential for intraspecific competition, was greater on perennial RBCs (Sites 1 and 2) than on interspaces. Although we acknowledge that competition from other perennial species on interspaces must have some role, the contrast in soil physical properties, particularly the absence of a root restricting calcic horizon on RBCs, may be most responsible for the difference in RBC favorability. Differences in soil compaction, nutrient levels, and nutrient distribution may also be important. We estimated a potential 14 percent loss in winterfat stand density and 27 percent loss in seed rain as a consequence of complete annualization of RBCs. To what degree might this disproportionate loss of propogules be sufficient to cause a decrease of winterfat density on interspace communities such as has been observed at the DER since 1970? We have suggested, based on its late seral characteristics, that winterfat recruitment is seed limited. However, we acknowledge that our understanding of winterfat fecundity and seed fate is inadequate for making a strong case tying population decline (failure to establish adequate numbers of replacement individuals) to disproportionate reductions in seed production (due to RBC annualization). It is probably safe to state that any seed production losses associated with livestock mis-management could have a compounding effect. However, we remind the reader that this study was conducted on sites protected from livestock for 60+ years and that annualized RBCs are abundant. At the same time, we had difficulty finding any perennialdominated RBCs on grazed sites regardless of season or intensity of use. Our data support the conclusion that annualized RBCs are not likely to return to perennial dominance, at least not winterfat, without considerable management intervention. Because of the low economic importance associated with salt-desert shrublands, the risky nature of revegetating salt-desert sites, and the scattered nature of RBCs, such intervention would not be practical using existing technology. Efforts to develop techniques and plant materials for 180 restoration of perennial cover to RBCs should include consideration of ecotypes and/or species that require no site preparation, can establish from broadcast seeding, are adapted to a rodent-related disturbance regime, and compete with aggressive annuals. The picture we paint here is not encouraging. Winterfat appears to be yet another casualty resulting from the introduction and naturalization of aggressive Old World weeds. As such, this study strengthens the argument that introduced weeds pose one of the greatest threats to the stability of North American ecosystems. References _____________________ Alzerreca-Angelo, H.; Schupp, E. W.; Kitchen, S. G. 1998. 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