Biodiversity in the Management of the Shrub Zizyphus nummularia with Special Reference to Semiarid Regions in India Jasleen Kaur K. M. M. Dakshini Abstract—Habitat characteristics influence the behavior of plants. Diverse forms of a species in terms of morphology or behavior should, therefore, suggest not only the mosaicness of the habitat factor(s) but also the ecological status of those forms. To test this hypothesis the shrub Zizyphus nummularia, a conspicuous component of open scrub vegetation cover of semiarid regions of north/ western India, was investigated. The populations sampled were distinguished on the basis of leaf shape into two types viz. elliptical and orbicular. The orbicular form was more common in disturbed habitats, occurred in relatively poor soils, and accumulated lower concentrations of nutrients as compared to the elliptical. Analysis of data suggested that this diversity was with reference to mosaicness in the habitat. Significance of data collected to manage scrub vegetation and rangelands has been argued. In contrast to closed vegetational cover, niche occupation in open, disturbed, or degraded habitats is not complete. In such a situation, therefore, the vegetational cover is discontinuous and uneven. Also, due to disturbance in the community equilibrium, homeostasis and stability are affected, and this should cause evolution/selection of adaptive forms occupying the available niches, supported by different eco-physiological responses. In this respect the degraded, disturbed, or open habitats are more similar to ecotones in general. As a corollary to this, diverse forms in terms of morphology or behavior should, therefore, suggest not only the mosaicness of the habitat factor(s) but the status of those forms as well, especially, if they belong to the same species. To test this hypothesis the shrub Zizyphus nummularia (Burm. F.) Wight and Arn.(Rhamnaceae), a conspicuous component of open scrub vegetation cover of semiarid and arid regions of north/western India, as well as an important fodder source for sheep and goat, was selected for investigations. Study Area _____________________ The study covers the metropolitan city of Delhi and its adjoining areas between 28° 12'-28° 53' N and 76° 50'-77° 23' E longitude. Eighteen sampling sites were chosen in this region that represent a wide range of ecological conditions in In: McArthur, E. Durant; Ostler, W. Kent; Wambolt, Carl L., comps. 1999. Proceedings: shrubland ecotones; 1998 August 12–14; Ephraim, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-11. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Jasleen Kaur is Research Fellow and K. M. M. Dakshini is Professor, Department of Botany, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007 India. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 the last trail end extension of the Aravalli Range. The climate is of semiarid nature with marked diurnal differences of temperature, high saturation deficit, and moderately low rainfall. It is markedly periodic and is characterized by a dry and increasingly hot season from March to June, a dry and cold winter from October to February, and a warm monsoon period from July to September (Maheshwari 1963). The soils of the area sampled are aridisol, sandy loams (Inderjit and Dakshini 1996). Materials and Methods ___________ Three quadrats were laid at each of the 18 sampling sites, and six-eight plants from each of the three quadrats were selected. Sampling was carried out during the months of April-May for 2 years, 1997 and 1998. Plants at this time are generally at their peak of growth. The leaf samples from each of the marked shrubs were collected at fixed nodes. The soil was collected from the surface and at 40-50 cm depth from four different locations of the quadrat. The height and spread of each of the shrubs were recorded in the field. Leaf samples were rinsed with double distilled water and oven dried at 45 °C for 48h. These were then analyzed for leaf area (Leaf Area Meter, Delta T Devices LTD UK) and weight using replicates of 10 leaves each and leaf specific –2 weight (LSD) calculated in mg cm . Leaf samples were also analyzed for ash content (in a muffle furnace at 550 °C for 3h), Ca, Mg, Na, K, Zn, Cu (Atomic absorption spectrophotometer, GBC 902, Australia), PO4 (Molybdenum blue method) and organic N (indophenol blue method) following Allen (1989). Composite soil samples for each of the quadrat were air dried and sieved using a 2 mm sieve. These were analyzed for the pH, electrical conductivity (EC), HCO3, Cl, and organic carbon (OC) following Piper (1966); for exchangeable Ca, Mg, Na, K, Zn, Cu (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), and P (Molybdenum blue method) following Allen (1989). All the analyses were carried out in triplicates. Data on all these variables from all the sites were pooled and infraspecific comparisons were carried out using various statistical procedures. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the two different leaf forms, namely elliptical and orbicular, individually for each of the variables analyzed. The relative contribution of each variable toward defining the discrimination between the two forms were assessed using Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) separately for leaf and soil variables (Capone and Kushlan 1991; Inderjit and Dakshini 1994; Sharma and Dakshini 1998; Williams 1983). Also, an inter-variable correlation matrix was computed for each form to evaluate the 119 Figure 1—Shapes of the leaves in the elliptical (top) and orbicular (bottom) forms of Z. nummularia. degree of inter-relatedness of all the variables in the analysis. All the analyses were carried out using SPSS statistical software (SPSS PC 1986). HPLC analysis was carried out to study the variation in phenols of the two diverse forms. Methanolic extracts of leaves were subjected to HPLC (JASCO 860) analysis. Reverse phase chromatography was carried out using a steel column (Gasukuro kogyo, Intersil ODS-2, 4.6 x 150 mm). The wavelength UV detector was set at 275 nm. The flow rate was 0.5ml/min, and the volume injected was 5 ml. Results ________________________ Analysis of the data showed that the populations sampled could be grouped into two types based on the leaf morphology, i.e., elliptical and orbicular (fig. 1). These two leaf types were significantly different (table 1) in many of the variables analyzed. While leaf K, PO4, area, org N, Cu, and Mg were higher in the elliptical form, leaf weight, Ca, Na, Zn, LSW, and plant height and spread showed higher values in the orbicular form (table 1). Discriminant analysis of the two forms on the basis of the 14 leaf variables showed that K, PO4, and LSW contributed most in discriminating the two forms (table 1). Significant differences were also seen in the soils associated with the two diverse forms. All the soil variables (excepting Cl, Cu, and pH) had higher values in the elliptical form associated soils. DFA showed that EC, Zn, and K were the most discriminating soil variables between the two forms associated soils (table 2). Additionally, the patterns exhibited by the HPLC phenolic profiles were qualitatively and quantitatively very different in the two forms of Z. nummularia. The elliptic form had higher phenolic content in comparison to the orbicular form (fig. 2). A comparison of the correlation matrices of the elliptical and orbicular forms based on the leaf and soil characteristics analyzed showed that the orbicular form exhibited a greater number of significant (p <0.05) leaf-leaf, leaf-soil, and soil-soil correlations in comparison to the elliptical form (table 3 and 4). Only very few correlations (positive or negative) were common to both the forms, thereby exhibiting an entirely different set of leaf-leaf, soil-soil, and leaf-soil interactions in the two forms. Of all the leaf variables that discriminated between the elliptical and orbicular forms, i.e., K, PO4, and LSW, none was correlated with any other leaf or soil variable in the former (table 3). In contrast, in the latter form, leaf K was correlated with leaf Na and plant spread and soil K, Na, Table 1—Statistical analysis of plant characteristics of two diverse forms of Zizyphus nummularia. Variable DFA DF correlation Ka P LSW Area Org N Ca Na Cu Zn Spread Weight Mg Height Ash 0.38295b 0.23682b –0.17598b 0.12497 0.11797 –0.07653 0.07244 0.06470 –0.04167 –0.03314 –0.02974 0.02359 –0.00787 –0.00002 Mean ± standard deviation Elliptical Orbicular 3.187 ± 0.373 c 0.323 ± 0.054 c 46.38 ± 15.984 g 273.86 ± 29.58 f 4.975 ± 1.458 c 1.407 ± 0.589 c 0.57 ± 0.136 c 119.88 ± 32.64 d 114.37 ± 15.29 d 0.266 ± 0.278 i 128.33 ± 51.92 e 0.427 ± 0.183 c 0.878 ± 0.695 h 7.021 ± 1.370 c 0.833 ± 0.139 0.133 ± 0.015 149.156 ± 20.06 120.942 ± 41.97 1.49 ± 0.862 2.358 ± 0.408 0.407 ± 0.051 76.585 ± 18.60 145.938 ± 26.94 0.701 ± 0.450 177.083 ± 52.29 0.353 ± 0.072 0.990 ± 0.318 7.061 ± 1.878 ANOVA p **** **** **** **** **** **** **** *** * * NS NS NS NS a Variables ordered by size of pooled within-group correlation between discriminating variables and canonical discriminant function. b Significant correlation within the function. c % d μg g–1 e mg f mm2 g mg cm–2 h m i 2 m ; * p <0.05; ** p <0.01; ***p <0.001; ****p <0.0001; NS-not significant. 120 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Table 2—Statistical analysis of soil characteristics of two diverse forms of Zizyphus nummularia. Variable DFA DF correlation ECa Zn K P OC Cl Ca Mg HCO3 pH Cu Na –0.19901b –0.18126b –0.17975b –0.16421 0.16062 –0.15232 0.14865 0.13728 0.10694 0.08558 –0.07833 –0.05078 Mean ± standard deviation Elliptical Orbicular 183.398 ± 5.529 ± 120.125 ± 6.562 ± 1.11 ± 0.01 ± 314.45 ± 38.75 ± 0.0519 ± 7.07 ± 1.152 ± 55.75 ± 3.242f 0.153d 25.98c 0.057c 0.042e 0.00e 19.163c 1.768c 0.004e 0.014 0.008d 10.607c 177.173 ± 2.669 3.342 ± 0.390 83.25 ± 5.933 1.248 ± 0.153 0.518 ± 0.113 0.012 ± 0.003 260.834 ± 17.05 32.5 ± 2.955 0.0407 ± 0.005 7.36 ± 0.055 1.333 ± 0.117 43.708 ± 1.543 ANOVA p **** **** **** **** **** * **** **** **** **** **** **** a Variables ordered by size of pooled within-group correlation between discriminating variables and canonical discriminant function. b Significant correlation within the function. c mg; 100g–1 d μg g–1 e % f μmhos cm–1; * p <0.05; **** p <0.0001. PO4, and Zn positively and with soil EC negatively (table 4). Similarly, leaf PO4 was correlated with leaf Cu, Na, and Mg, and soil Na and PO4 positively, and with soil EC negatively in this form. Also, its LSW was correlated with leaf Mg, plant spread, and soil Ca, Mg, Na, OC, and pH positively and with leaf Zn and Ca and soil Cu and EC negatively. The discriminating soil variables (i.e., EC, Zn, and K) also did not show any correlations in the elliptical forms (table 3). On the other hand, in the orbicular form (table 4) these variables were highly correlated. Soil EC was correlated positively with leaf Ca and Zn and soil Cu, and negatively with plant height, leaf K, Na, PO4, Mg, weight, and LSW, and soil Ca, Mg, Na, OC, and pH. Similarly, soil Zn was correlated positively with leaf Cu, Na, and Zn, and soil Cu, K, and PO4, and negatively with plant height, soil Ca, HCO3, Mg, and OC. Also, soil K was correlated positively with leaf Cu, K, Na, and Zn, and soil Cu, Na, PO4, and Zn, and negatively with leaf N and soil Ca, HCO3, Mg, and OC. Discussion _____________________ USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 121 Profiles of Phenols Figure 2—HPLC profiles of phenols of methanolic extracts of orbicular (top) and elliptical (bottom) leaves of Z. nummularia. The data demonstrate infraspecific diversity in Zizyphus nummularia. These diverse forms can be distinguished into two groups, viz. one having prominently orbicular leaves and the other having elliptical leaves. Also, the orbicular form is associated with rounded fruits and the elliptical form with the oblong fruits. Interestingly, these two infraspecific types occupy different habitats with special references to soil characteristics (table 2). Elliptical-leaved type inhabits soils with higher concentrations of nutrients and organic matter, as well as higher electrical conductivity as compared to orbicular-leaved type. A correlative assessment of the data based on 14 leaf and 12 soil variables shows that the orbicular form exhibits a higher degree of coordination within itself and with the soil conditions. This would suggest that the orbicular form is comparatively a physiologically stable system (El Ghonemy 1978) and its response is well modulated according to the general ecological conditions of the area (Solbrig 1979). On the other hand, the elliptical form lacks such an integration. Instead, its successful survival is independent of substratum conditions (Sharma and Dakshini 1998). Further, the patterns of mineral cycling also vary in the two forms. The concentrations of Cu, K, Mg, Na, org N, and PO4 are higher in the leaves of the elliptical form as Time (min) Table 3—Correlated leaf and soil variables of elliptical form on the basis of pooled data. Leaf Positive Plant Leaf Soil Height Spread Area Ash Ca Cu K Mg Na Org. N PO4 LSW Weight Zn Ca Cl Cu EC HCO3 K Mg Na OC pH PO4 Zn Soil Negative Zn Positive Negative Ca Org. N Cl.HCO3,OC Cu,pH,PO4 Cu Spread Zn Spread Na Na Na Na Na Na Ca HCO3,OC pH,PO4 Cu,pH,PO4 Cl, HCO3,OC Cl,OC Cu,pH,PO4 Cl,HCO3 Cu,PO4 Cu,pH Cu,pH,PO4 Cl,HCO3.OC Cl,HCO3.OC p <0.05 Table 4—Correlated leaf and soil variables of orbicular form on the basis of pooled data. Leaf Soil Positive Plant Leaf Soil Height Spread Area Ash Ca Cu K Mg Na Org. N PO4 LSW Weight Zn Ca Cl Cu EC HCO3 K Mg Na OC pH PO4 Zn Wt,Spread LSW,Wt,Ht,K Org N,Wt Zn Na,PO4,Zn Na,Spread Na,PO4,LSW,Wt,Spread Cu,K,PO4,Mg Area,Wt Cu,Na,Mg Mg,Spread Ht,area,Mg, Spread Cu,Ca LSW,Mg,Wt Cu,ash,Zn,Ca Ca,Zn Cu,K,Na,Zn LSW,Mg Ht,K,Na,PO4,LSW,Mg,Wt Ht,LSW,Mg,Wt K,LSW,Mg Cu,K,Na,PO4 Cu,K,Na,Zn Negative Zn,Ca,Mg Mg LSW,Spread Zn Zn,Ca LSW,Mg,Spread Cu,Zn,Ca LSW,Mg Ht,K,Na,PO4, LSW,Mg,Wt Cu,Zn,ash,Ca Org N Zn,Cu,Ca Cu,Zn,Ca Cu,Zn,ash,Ca Org N Ht Positive Negative Na,OC Ca,HCO3,Mg,Na,OC,pH EC,Zn Cu,EC Cu Cu,EC Cu,K,PO4,Zn K,Na,pH,PO4,Zn Ca,Mg,Na,OC,pH,PO4 K,PO4,Na,Zn Na,PO4 Ca,Mg,Na.OC,pH Ca,Na,OC Cu,EC,K,Zn HCO,Mg,OC,pH HCO3,pH Ca,HCO3,Mg, OC,pH Ca,HCO3,Mg, OC,pH EC Cu,EC EC K,PO4 EC Cu,EC EC Ca,HCO3,Mg, OC,pH Cu,K,EC,Zn EC,Zn,K Cu Ca,Mg,OC,pH Cu,Na,PO4,Zn Ca,HCO3,OC,pH K,pH,PO4 Ca,HCO3,Mg,pH Ca,HCO3,Mg,Na,OC K.Na Cu,K,PO4 Ca,HCO3,Mg, OC,pH Ca,Mg,Na,OC,pH Cu,K,PO4,Zn Ca,HCO3,Mg, OC K,PO4,Zn EC Cu,EC,Ca.Zn Cu,EC HCO3,Mg,Zn Ca,HCO3,Mg, OC p <0.05 122 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 compared to the orbicular form that has higher Ca and Zn. However, the values of LSW, leaf weight, height, and spread are considerably lower in the elliptical form in comparison to the orbicular form. The higher concentration of leaf organic N in the elliptical form would suggest that this form is comparatively more photosynthetically efficient (Field and Mooney 1986). Furthermore, the data also suggest that, in spite of the higher nutrient uptake, the nutrient use efficiency is lower in elliptical form as opposed to the orbicular form (Vitousek 1982). This may also suggest that the carbon gain per unit of the nutrients taken up from the substratum is higher in the orbicular form as compared to the elliptical form (Boerner 1984). The low LSW and leaf weight values in elliptical leaves would also mean a faster release of nutrients through mineralization under it (Chabot and Hicks 1982). This observation is further substantiated by higher HCO3 values (i.e., high microbial activity) and also the higher concentration of the nutrients in the soils associated with the elliptical form as compared to the orbicular form. Additionally, the higher phenolic content of the elliptical leaves suggests reallocation of photosynthates for the production of secondary metabolites (phenols). This should make an otherwise nutritious forage (Pareek 1983) of this form more bitter and less palatable. Whether or not the increase in the concentration of phenolic content in the elliptical form is under the stress of the herbivory needs to be investigated (Tang and others 1995; Tuomi and others 1984). In view of the economic importance (fodder especially for goat and sheep, medicinal, erosion control) of this naturally occurring species the data are of applied value for the management of habitats in the semiarid and arid environments. The ecophysiologically different infraspecific forms shall provide ways to meet the challenges in the management and improvement of degraded habitats, either through revegetation or through maintenance of the existing marginal habitats available in harsh environments. As evident from the data, the elliptical form shall be more suitable for reclaiming degraded lands (Hansen 1989) because it is relatively less preferred by the grazers (information gathered from local shepherds). Also, through its higher uptake and release of nutrients it can initiate recovery, productivity, and stability of the plant-soil complex. On the other hand, orbicular form can help in improving rangelands (Omar-Draz 1989) as it provides valuable forage, checks erosion, and also maintains the stability of the substratum without altering the physico-chemical balance (l.c.) Thus whereas one form can be used for reclamation of marginal lands, the other can be utilized for the maintenance of the unique ecological systems of the arid areas. The data presented not only support the hypothesis that species alone is no longer an adequate base for the adaptive shrubs for revegetation (Plummer and others 1970a) but also bring out the importance of such studies in the management of range and degraded lands. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Acknowledgments ______________ We are grateful to Professor N. N. Bhandari’s help in planning and execution of this manuscript. We wish to thank Dr. Inderjit for helping us in HPLC analysis. We would also like to thank Dr. Reetu Sharma for her valuable suggestions in preparation of the manuscript. Financial assistance form Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and University Grants Commission (UGC), India, is gratefully acknowledged. References _____________________ Allen, S. E. 1989. 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