This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Restoration Through Reintroduction of Fire and Herbivory Charles G. Curtin, Arid Lands Project and Malpai Borderlands Group, Santa Fe, NM H istorical writings, old photographs and paintings, and paleocological studies document that changes typical of desertification have greatly altered the landscape and vegetation of the arid regions of the southwest within the last 125 years (Hastings and Turner 1965, Cooke and Reeves 1976, Grover and Musick 1990, Bahre 1991). Data from long-term ecological studies and remote sensing indicate that these changes have continued, and in some cases accelerated, in the last 20 years (Ray 1995, Betancourt 1996, Brown et al. 1997). In our studies we investigate how a combination of cattle grazing and fire can be used to moderate or reverse shrub increases in grassland habitats and how disturbance processes structure grasslands. In companion studies, reintroduction ofblack-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys ludovicianusssp. arizonensis) on the same site are using similar research protocols to measure the effects of these native herbivores on grassland ecosystem function. The fire and grazing studies are supported by the Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho, and the Animas Foundation. The studies are complementary to those with the Jornada Experimental Range. The prairie dog studies are supported by the Animas Foundation, the New Mexico Fish and Game Department, and the Thaw Charitable Trust. Structure and Dynamics of Arid Ecosystems in Southwestern North America Four factors ultimately dominate arid ecosystem processes in southwestern North America: 1) temporal variation in climate; 2) spatial variation in topography, geomorphology, and soil; 3) fire; and 4) herbivory. First, unpredictable timing in the amount of rainfall determines the input of the primary limiting resource: water. The annual precipitation is distinctly bimodal, with winter rains that benefit c3 forbs, shrubs, and trees, and summer rains that benefit c4 forbs and grasses and CAM succulents. Second, variation in slope, aspect, exposure, geological parent material, and soil determines the spatial template upon which all ecological processes, including the infiltration and redistribution ofwater, occur. Third, fires, usually caused by "dry" lightning strikes at the beginning ofthe summer rainy season, are a major cause of disturbance. And, fourth, grazing by domestic livestock and native species removes biomass and sometimes contributes to ecosystem degradation. While other influences, such as additional human impacts, are important in local circumstances, the above four factors are generally the most important (Sears 1935, Hastings and Turner 1965, Bahre 1991). An understanding ofhow they operate and interact will greatly improve our ability to predict changes in arid ecosystems due to both natural and human -caused environmental variation. We study factors influencing ecosystem structure, dynamics, and productivity in the Malpai Borderlands Ecosystem by focusing on how fire and herbivory structure semi-arid grasslands. Given time and resource constraints, it would be impossible to study all variables affected by fire and herbivory. We have chosen to 100 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-1 0. 1999. Restoration Through Reintroduction of Fire and Herbivory Curtin focus on vegetation because vegetation in turn has important effects on overall biodiversity as well as the Southwest's ranching economy. We will also study small mammal community composition as an additional measure of biodiversity because: 1) the community composition of small mammals as resource consumers provides a good bioassay of resource distribution and availability within the ecosystem; and 2) as keystone herbivores, small mammals play a crucial role in directing and aggregating resources with the ecosystem (Brown and Heske 1990). Additional groups of special interest are birds and reptiles that provide additional assays of resource abundance and distribution. Experimental Design The Gray Ranch is a 130,000 ha working cattle ranch located in the bootheel of southwestern New Mexico and forms the western boundary of the Malpai Borderlands Ecosystem. It is in the Mexican Highlands Shrub-Steppe ecoregion. The Gray is covered by grassy plains from 1200 to 2200 min elevation and by mountains, some ofwhich rise over 2800 min elevation. The Animas Foundation has agreed to set aside the 4,483 ha ( 11,000 acre) McKinney Flats pasture as an experimental area. U ngrazed since at least 1991, the McKinney Flats pasture is located at an elevation of 1650 m. It contains a gradient from Plains-Great Basin grasslands (Bouteloua association), to Semidesert grasslands (Bouteloua-Hilaria-Sporobolusassociation), to Chihuahuan Desert grassland/shrub lands ( Prosopis association). Given that we are interested in landscape and ecosystem processes, we believe the use of2,200 acre (916 ha) pastures, encompassing 1 x 1 km study blocks, with 200 x 200m study areas containing five 150m transects, is an appropriate scale at which to conduct our study. This scale is large enough to replicate landscape processes and small enough for the blocks to be comparable, while containing enough separation between vertebrate populations to have true replication. Vegetation Sampling A number of scaling and data collection exercises were conducted to determine when sample sizes asymptote and what the minimum necessary sampling intensities were. We have gone to a sampling regime that entails 40 x 40 em quadrats set at every meter along the 150 m sampling lines. Frequency data is compiled from within the quadrats and line-intercept data from each of the four corners of the quadrate resulting in 600 points per 150m transect. Aerial photography will be used to track the dynamics of larger woody species such as mesquite (Prosopis spp.), agave, and yucca. Birds Preliminary sampling ofbird species in the fall of1998 documented far higher bird diversities then recorded for most arid grasslands. We are monitoring bird populations in 500 m disturbance and control plots, yet sampling intensity will increase from two to four extended surveys per year. These are being conducted in May and June to determine the abundance and biomass of breeding birds during the most food-limited and food-critical periods for the endangered USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-1 0. 1999. 101 Restoration Through Reintroduction of Fire and Herbivory Curtin aplamado falcon (Falco femora/is). Winter sampling is conducted when diverse winter flocks are on the site to determine the effects of resource variation on migratory birds. The May period corresponds with early breeding season of the falcons and when migratory birds have left. The July period corresponds with young-feeding/fledgling period of the falcons and is also when resident birds are coping with reproduction and the most extreme heat and moisture conditions of the year. Small Mammals Twice a year (once in the spring and once in the fall), Sherman traP.s will be placed at 30m. intervals along the 150m transects (240 traps per night). We have found that to ensure the traps are all picked up by the heat of the day, only one-half of the site should be trapped at a time. The duration of trapping will be for three days in each location. Due to relatively high mammal densities and diversities on the site (roughly 12 species on the site at a given time and two to 10 captures per 200 x 200m sampling area), this approach is proving effective at recording mammal density and diversity. Lizards To monitor lizard populations, we will place pitfall traps at each of the rodent sampling stakes, thereby allowing direct comparison between lizard and small mammal populations. Pitfall traps will be censuses for five days, four times yearly including the late spring, after adults emerge and become active (early May), in early summer before the hot dry periods prior to the monsoon (early June), in July after the monsoon (when heat and drought sensitive species are likely to be active), and in the early September after the yotmg of the year become active. Physical Features and Parameters Aerial photos will be taken of the site during the winter and each winter thereafter to document changes in woody vegetation. Post-fire photography will also be conducted to document the spatial dynamics of fire events. Important landscape features such as kangaroo rat mounds will be documented and mapped using GPS to determine spatial and temporal variations in these nutrient sinks and diversity hotspots. Pre- and post-fire monitoring will entail measurements of soil chemistry and fuel loads in different vegetation types. Paint chips around target species will document burn intensity, and selective marking offocus species groups (grama grasses, yucca, sub-shrubs, and Coryphanthra cactus) will provide additional information on the effects ofburning. References Bahre, C. J. 1991. A legacy ofchange: Historic human impact on vegetation in the Arizona borderlands. The University ofArizona Press, Tucson. Betancourt, J.L. Long- and short-term climate influences on southwestern shrublands. In proceedings: shrubland ecosystem dynamics in a changing environment. J. Barrow, E. McArthur, E. Durant, R. Sosebee, J. Tausch. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-338. U.S. Forest Service, Ogden, UT. 102 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-1 0. 1999. Restoration Through Reintroduction of Fire and Herbivory Curtin Brown, J.H. and E.J. Heske. 1990. Control of a desert-grassland transition by a keystone rodent guild. Science 250: 1705-1707. Brown, J.H., T.J. Valone, and C.G. Curtin. 1997. Reorganization of an arid ecosystem in response to local climate change. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences. 94: 9729-9733. Cooke, R.U. and R.W. Reeves. 1976. Climatic causes and biotic consequences of recent desertification in the American southwest. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Grover, H.D. and H.B. Musick. 1990. Shrubland encroachment in New Mexico. Climatic Change 17: 305-330. Hastings, J.R. and R.M. Turner, 1965. The changing mile: an ecological study of vegetation change with time in the lower miles of the arid and semiarid region. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Ray, T. W. 1995. Remote monitoring ofland degradatiion in arid/semiarid regions. PhD. Thesis, California Inst. ofTechnology. Sears, P.B. 1935. Deserts on the march. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-1 0. 1999. 103