This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Species Compatibility and Successional Processes Affecting Seeding of PinyonJuniper Types Scott C. Walker Abstract-Introduced perennial grasses have long been used in rangeland revegetation efforts. These species have gained dominance in some communities. The competitiveness of these species have reduced native vegetative components. Through evaluation of long term ecological studies, the competitiveness of some introduced seeded species have become apparent. -Our findings reveal that differences in species composition can be attributed to the competition of the seeded introduced species. Techniques have been developed that effectively remove trees while retaining the understory and creating the necessary seedbed. Plant research and development has resulted in considerable progress in improving availability of native grass, forb and shrub seed and in improving their establishment. These plant materials allow us to now go beyond revegetation to restoration. Ideally, ecologically speaking, our effort now is to restore sites and help return them back to a situation where natural processes can function. When restoring areas that have been inundated by pinyon-juniper trees, seeding is often necessary where desirable understory species are absent or too sparse to respond to treatment. Seeding efforts involved with pinyonjuniper treatment have been directed toward increasing forage production for livestock and restoring plant communities and wildlife habitat. Seed mixtures have included various introduced and native grasses, forbs, and shrubs (Stevens 1983). Over the past 30 to 40 years, introduced grass species have dominated most seed mixtures. These grasses were selected for a number of reasons incl uding availabili ty of seed, ease of establishment, forage production, and soil stabilization characteristics. The compatibility of these exotic species with native herbs and shrubs is now becoming apparent through long term ecological studies. Many exotic species have competitive and aggressive establishment, and consequently have a direct adverse affect on native species and communities. These affects are often detrimental and have an adverse impact on natural functioning plant communities and ecosystems. Competition for limited resources may determine the presence, absence, or abundance of species within a community as well as their spatial arrangement (Pyke and Archer 1991). Mter reviewing research investigating competition in semiarid plant communities, Fowler (1986) concluded that competition does occur in these systems, involves different species, and is an important determinant of community structure. Rapid changes in plant communities occur on disturbed areas, such as chained and seeded pinyon-juniper sites (Stevens 1986; 1987). Effects of Introduced Grasses _ _ In: Monsen, Stephen B.; Stevens, Richard, comps. 1999. Proceedings: ecology and management of pinyon-juniper communities within the Interior West; 1997 September 15-18; Provo, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-9. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Scott C. Walker is a ResearchIWildlife Biologist, Division of Wildlife Resources, Great Basin Research Center, Ephraim, UT 84627. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 This paper will address the ideas of species compatibility. It is important to consider the effect that seeding has on the natural recovery of species that are released when an area is treated, and the influences of seeding exotics with natives. The following case studies demonstrate effects of introduced grasses on native and other seeded species. Case Study 1-Gambel Oak Control by Intermediate Wheatgrass, Smooth Brome and Fairway Crested Wheatgrass (Plummer and Others 1970) Large areas of Gambel oak were burned to remove overstory oak stems. These areas were then seeded to a mixture of intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyron intermedium), smooth brome (Bromus inermis), and Fairway crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) in equal amounts at a total seeding rate of 12-15 lb per acre. A like area that burned was not seeded with the grass association. Figure 1 shows the accumulative height of oak after 15 years on the area where, Fairway crested wheatgrass, intermediate wheatgrass and smooth brome were established as an understory after a burn. This is contrasted with an adjacent similar area where oak was burned but where no seeding occurred. The accumulated growth of oak on sites that were seeded has been maintained at an average height of about 40 inches and has remained open; whereas on nonseeded sites the oak has grown to an average height of 105 inches, and the clumps have again become impenetrable thickets. When well established, the seeded grasses have restricted the height regrowth of oak on treated sites by more than 60 percent. Findings of this study were that, "After 14 years, it continues to be confirmed that competitive herbs can be seeded and established for controlling Gambel oak thickets, as well as thickets of other shrubs. Intermediate wheatgrass and smooth brome (two sod formers), and Fairway crested 331 120 100 I----~-- l_~ithou~ exotic gr: association Q) ---l _I -- II I (j) "fi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.------ - 80 --+-----~------- ---~---~~-------j 5 i ~ ~ 60 - b t ~ 40 I ----------~----~-l -~---------- ~ ------ I ~--==j(-----)t..:::::...K-~?=-~-~-~~--1 /)Ir 4EWith exotic grass association I ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j 20 I I I o -t-~T--r--r-~T-,---~---,------r--T~~r-i--I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Years Following Treatment Figure 1-Mean accumulative height of Gambel oak plants in treatment areas with and without seeded exotic grass association. wheatgrass have been found to be particularly useful for this purpose." Also, "Grazing by deer, as well as by livestock, appears to keep brush from growing beyond animal's reach, but most important is the competition from the established understory plants." This study demonstrates that species interaction and competition can be beneficial depending on the desired outcome and management objective. It also shows how very competitive some introduced species can be. There was no information in the study to indicate how other plant species on the study area were affected. It is reasonable to assume that if these grasses were able to effectually reduce oak regrowth through competition for resources, then other understory species were likely adversely affected. Case Study 2-The Competitive Influence of Seeded Smooth Brome (Bromus Inermis) and Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyron Intermedium) Within AspenMountain Brush Communities of Central Utah (Monsen And Others 1996) Fourty years after seeding the seeded areas showed a mean percent ground cover for introduced grasses was 33 percent, native grasses 1 percent, native perennial broadleaf herbs 11 percent, and shrubs 15 percent. In the nonseeded areas the mean percent cover for introduced grasses was 4 percent, native grasses was 17 percent, native perennial broadleaf herbs 21 percent, and shrubs 41 percent (fig. 2). One hundred-nine species were encountered within the study sites. Of all species present, 86 were found in the seeded areas and 82 in the nonseeded areas, with 61 species common to both areas. Results of Sorensen's index of similarity, (Sorensen 1948) for all areas combined within a treatment, shows only a 41 percent similarity of species between the two treatments. This indicates the dissimilarity ofthe species composition between the two treatments, even though the number of species in each area is nearly equal. Prevalent species ranking by frequency value shows considerable difference between seeded and nonseeded areas (taole 1). Smooth brome, intermediate wheatgrass and mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata vaseyana) were the most prevalent species in the seeded areas, while mountain snowberry (Symphoricarpos oreophilus), mountain big sagebrush and bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata) were the most prevalent in the nonseeded areas. Considerable difference in forb species occurrences and numbers were evident between treatments. The numbers of forb species between treatments were nearly equal with 58 in the seeded and 57 in the nonseeded area of these species 40 were common to both treatments. Native forb species accounted for a greater percent of the ground cover in the nonseeded than in the seeded area (fig. 2). This would indicate that native perennial forbs are doing better in the nonseeded area and did not fair well growing in combination with the exotic grasses Considerable variation in summed frequency was evident between seeded and nonseeded areas (fig. 3). In the seeded -]--- 50 ~----- .. -- Species Groups • 111 a: w > o u 0 z Int. Per. Grass Shrub • D Nat. Per. Grass Nat. Per. Forbs 30 ::> Ecological relationships of smooth brome and intermediate wheatgrass with native species were investigated through comparison of seeded and nonseeded sites in aspen-mountain brush communities, on the Great Basin Research Area, Manti-La Sal National Forest. These sites were adjacent to each other, and vegetatively comparable prior to seeding. Within a 40-year period, the two sod-forming seeded grasses gained dominance and reduced native herbs and shrubs. Both introduced grasses are commonly planted to stabilize wildlands, but they are proving to be noncompatible with most native species and ultimately dominate seeded sites. All lifeform groups (introduced grasses, native grasses, native perennial broadleaf herbs, and shrubs) showed a statistically significant difference in the percent ground cover values between the seeded and nonseeded areas. 332 oa: (!) ~ 20 w u a: w Il. 10 o S S NS S=SEEDED NS=NONSEEDED NS S NS S NS TREATMENTS Figure 2-Percent ground cover of lifeform groups for seeded and nonseeded areas, 40 years after seeding. *Within species groups, columns with different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05). USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 Table 1-Ranking of most prevalent species for area seeded with introduced grasses and nonseeded areas. Seeded Area I;. Nonseeded Area 1. Bromus inermis 2. Thinopyron intermedium 3. Artemisia tridentata 4. Lupinus sericeus 5. Symphoricarpos oreophilus 6. Vicia americana 7. Agoseris glauca B. Aster chilensis 9. Agropyron crista tum 10. Taraxacum officinale 25 ................................................................................................................ .. 1. Symphoricarpos oreophilus 2. Artemisia tridentata 3. Pseudoroegneria spicata 4. Bromus carinatus 5. Aster chilensis 6. Astragalus conval/arius 7. Vicia americana B. Eriogonum umbel/a tum 9. Stel/aria jamesiana 10. Agropyron trachycaulum ........ii. ........................................................................... ......................... . ;~ ~ 16.5 f15 ........... ·· .. ·· ........ ···· .. ·· .... ·· .. · .. ·p;.. ··• .. •• .. ~· .... A..··•··· ...................................... Q) 12.2 11. o16 1 ........................ I A :1"'" ..................................................................... ....... .. ~ ~ 5 ··· .. o ··t6~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~~=~~~~~~!~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~~~~~~·~~·16:·:·~·;:;"- .. ~~········· 64 67 140 -,------- ---~----- --------------,--,-----------, Species Groups • 120 >- III Int. Per. Grass Shrub • C3 Nat. Per. Grass Nat. Per. Forbs 100T--~------_+------~---~--~ () z UJ 5 80T-~~---~-------T_------r---L;"dLC UJ a: LL fil 60 ~ ~ :::J CJ) 40 20 o S NS S=SEEDED NS=NONSEEDED S NS S NS TREATMENTS Figure 3-Summed frequency of lifeform groups for seeded and nonseeded areas, 40 years after seeding. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 S NS 82 87 Year 1--- Introduced Grasses area the introduced grasses were significantly more frequent than in the nonseeded area. Native grasses and shrubs were significantly more frequent in the nonseeded area than in the seeded areas. Though native forbs showed no significant difference between treatments as a group, there are difference in the species composition between treatments. Species, cover, composition, and frequency differences between aspen-mountain brush communities seeded to smooth brome and intermediate wheatgrass in the 1950's and adjacent nonseeded areas, demonstrate the competitiveness and adverse influence of these seeded grasses on native species. Seeded and nonseeded areas were similar at time of seeding. Grazing pressure on these areas has been the same. Conclusions were similar to those of Rosentreter (1994), Davis and Harper (1990), and Walker and others (1995), in that differences in species composition can be attributed to the competition of the seeded species. Native grasses, forbs, and shrub species diversity, frequency, and cover are higher in the nonseeded areas. Few native 77 72 -+-. Native Grasses Figure 4-Average density of introduced and native grasses within the ungrazed treatment. Values with the same letter are not significantly different (p < 0.05). grasses, forbs, or shrubs within the aspen-mountain brush communities in central Utah can compete with intermediate wheatgrass and smooth brome. These introduced grasses are proving to be noncompatible with most native species and ultimately dominate seeded sites. The concomitant loss of species diversity diminishes resource values. Case Study 3-lnteraction Between Native and Seeded Introduced Grasses Through 23 Years Following Chaining and Seeding of Juniper-Pinyon Woodlands (Walker And Others 1995) Threejuniper-pinyon woodland sites in central Utah were evaluated over 23 years following chaining and seeding of introduced grasses under grazed and nongrazed conditions. The density and production of herbaceous species was measured at intervals for 23 years in both the grazed and nongrazed treatments. In 1964, three to five years following initial treatment, introduced grasses had a five times greater density than the native grasses in the ungrazed areas (fig. 4). The density trend of the introduced grasses has continued to increase through 1987, while keeping the native grasses somewhat suppressed. Under grazing pressure the introduced grasses have not increased in density at the same rate as in the ungrazed treatment. In the grazed treatment the introduced grasses have generally maintained at least twice the density as the natives (fig. 5). In the grazed treatment the introduced grasses are dominated by Fairway crested wheatgrass and intermediate wheatgrass. In the ungrazed treatment the introduced grasses are dominated by smooth brome and Fairway crested wheatgrass (table 2). There has been a dramatic shift in the composition of the native species following seeding in both the grazed and ungrazed treatments. In 1964, both treatments supported a good compliment of a number of native grasses. Bottlebrush squirreltail (Sitanion hystrix), Indian ricegrass (Oryzopsis hymenoides), and bluebunch wheatgrass was 333 25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JB Q) A E 2 -------18"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------g. .> ~ 15 c ~ ffi 1 -------------- -------------------------------- .. -.----.--..•. -.•...• ·-···-··-··-_··_-C--_·---·········,:.-S··_··_· C C 119 ~c 10.5 10.7 . , ,11.5 _.--- •••. _----- .• ----. ····ei-·····_··_···- --....... --.. -..... -.-... --.--... --... -.-... --.. ......-.. --........ . Q).6 ~ ;~ a a a " 54-' 5 ·······~i·~-~·~·~·.:·;·;W~::::::::.:::::t:(:·:·:.::.:;::.·;.W u_-_~r.:-:~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• _. .. O~--r-----~------~------~----~------~--~ 64 67 72 77 82 87 Year 1--- Introduced Grasses -+-. Native Grasses Figure 5-Average density of introduced and native grasses within the grazed treatment. Values with the same letter are not significantly different (p < 0.05). well distributed throughout the areas (table 3). In 1987 the native grass composition shifted to, and is dominated by, a less productive sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda) and western wheatgrass (A. smithii). The 1987 native grass component in the grazed treatment is comprised almost entirely (99 percent) of these two species (table 3). Bottlebrush squirreltail and needle-and-thread (Stipa comata) responded favorably to removal of the juniperpinyon, but succumbed to the more competitive species once they became established. Indian ricegrass and bluebunch wheatgrass are perennials that would be expected to respond favorably to tree removal. They both did, however, as the introduced species became firmly established, they were not able to compete with the aggressive exotics, with and without grazing. Western wheatgrass was able to compete somewhat with the introduced species, with or without grazing. Sandberg bluegrass, an opportunist, did well growing in association with western wheatgrass and the introduced species. Table 2-Rank of introduced grasses by frequency and by density for grazed and ungrazed treatments. The rank is based on the average of three study areas, in the first data collection year (1964) and in the last data collection year (1987), showing species composition changes Rank by frequency Frequency of occurrence Rank by density Density'" (per hal Ungrazed 1964 Intermediate wheatgrass' Fairway wheatgrass" Smooth brome Orchard grass Russian wildrye Bulbous bluegrass 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 10 5 4 4 3 2 1 4 3 6 5 1,990 5,779 565 684 24 24 --9,066 Ungrazed 1987 Fairway wheatgrass" Intermediate wheatgrass' Russian wildrye Smooth brome 1 2 3 4 15 11 8 5 2 3 4 5,913 402 24 11,745 18,084 Grazed 1964 Fairway wheatgrass" Intermediate wheatgrass' Smooth brome Bulbous bluegrass Russian wild rye Orchard grass 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 14 10 4 4 3 1 2 3 5 6 4 5,360 1,918 1,091 62 29 67 8,527 Grazed 1987 Fairway wheatgrass" Intermediate wheatgrass' Russian wild rye 1 2 3 10 7 6 1 2 3 10,635 646 178 11,459 Species 'Combination of intermediate and pubescent wheatgrass. "Combination of fairway and standard wheatgrass. '''Number of individual culms with rhizomatous species. Number of individual plants with bunchgrasses. 334 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 Table 3-Rank of native grasses by frequency and by density for grazed and ungrazed treatments in the first data collection year (1964) and in the last data collection year (1987), showing species composition changes Species Rank by frequency Frequency of occurrence Rank by density Ungrazed 1964 Bottlebrush squirreltail Indian ricegrass Bluebunch wheatgrass Western wheatgrass Sandberg bluegrass Needle-and-thread 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 11 9 4 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Density'" (per ha) 837 598 378 148 29 19 2,009 Ungrazed 1987 Sandberg bluegrass Western wheatgrass Indian ricegrass Bluebunch wheatgrass Bottlebrush squirreltail 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 2,29 1,512 24 19 5 --- 3,856 Grazed 1964 Bottlebrush squirreltail Indian ricegrass Sandberg bluegrass Bluebunch wheatgrass Western wheatgrass Needle-and-thread 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 13 5 5 2 1 2 4 5 3 6 723 698 72 48 101 5 1,647 Grazed 1987 Sandberg bluegrass Western wheatgrass Indian ricegrass Bluebunch wheatgrass Needle-and-thread Bottlebrush squirreltail 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 10 5 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 9,989 4,758 75 32 22 11 --- 14,887 'Number of individual culms with rhizomatous species. Number of individual plants with bunchgrasses. Results show that after 23 years following the introduction of exotic grass species, the communities, though changing in density and cover, have not yet stabilized in plant dominance. The introduced grasses are increasing in density, cover, and production at a greater rate than are the native grasses that have shown a reduction in diversity. Case Study 4-Long-Term Harmful Effects of Crested Wheatgrass on Great Plains Grassland Ecosystems (Lesica and Deluca 1996) Lesica and DeLuca (1996) have done a comprehensive review of literature related to crested wheatgrass effects on Great Plains ecosystems. In summary: Invasions by exotic plants are occurring at an increasing rate and are considered a serious threat to both agricultural systems as well as native communities (Drake and others 1989). Not only are exotics invading large areas, exotics have and are being planted extensively. Crested wheatgrass (A. cristatum and A. desertorum) is the most commonly planted exotic grass in western North America. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 Crested wheatgrass has many desirable characteristics. These include, good forage yields, ease of establishment, good nutritional values, and it resists invasion by weeds. Although crested wheatgrass has desirable characteristics there are several often overlooked characteristics that may create a significant long-term decline in biological diversity and soil resource sustainability. It is not uncommon to have considerable soil loss in crested wheatgrass stands. The strong competitiveness of crested wheatgrass creates a situation that results in high amounts of exposed soil. Grasslands with more exposed soil experiences higher rates of erosion (Wilson 1989; Dormaar and others 1995; McWilliams and Van Cleave 1960). Perhaps a more serious effect on soil properties than the potential for increased soil erosion is the effect crested wheatgrass has on biochemical soil quality. Crested wheatgrass has a higher above-ground productivity than many native grasses. However, the below-ground biomass in the surface horizon is significantly lower (Dormaar and others 1995; Retente and others 1989; Smoliak and Dormaar 1985; Smoliak and others 1967). This lower below-ground biomass in crested wheatgrass reflects a reduction in both root detritus and root exudates that would otherwise be available 335 for microbial use in the formation of soil organic matter. Ai:, a result, below-ground biomass under stands of crested wheatgrass has a higher carbon to nitrogen ratio than native grass species and only supplies about half as much organic N to the soil as does native grasslands (Biondini and others 1988; Klein and others 1987, 1988; Redente and others 1989). The small quantity and lower quality of organic matter in the upper soil horizons under stands of crested wheatgrass also results in a lower energy input to these soils as compared to native ranges (Dormaar and others 1978) and alters physical and biochemical processes in the soil. Stands of crested wheatgrass are associated with higher bulk density, fewer water stable aggregates, and lower levels of organic matter and nitrogen when compared to native grasses (Biondini and others 1988; Dormaar and others 1978; 1995; McHenry and Newell 1947; Redente and others 1989; Smoliak and others 1967Y. Crested wheatgrass provides the soil with a relatively high concentration of carbohydrates and little organic nitrogen (that is, the socalled "priming effect") as quantities of readily degraded carbohydrates in the presence of limited nitrogen often result in a net demand on soil organic nitrogen (DeLuca and Keeney 1993; Jansson and Persson 1982; Mortensen 1963). It has been suggested that these alterations to soil quality may prevent native species from invading crested wheatgrass monocultures (Klein and others 1988). We presently lack the knowledge to know the long-term effects of crested wheatgrass. However, there is a growing body of knowledge that suggests that crested wheatgrass alters the environment in many undesirable ways. Further research into the changes in soils and plant and animal diversity associated with crested wheatgrass in the Great Plains as well as the Intermountain west are needed to assess its impact. Nonetheless, the continued conversion of native range and planting of crested wheatgrass in large stands as mono cultures or other exotic species seems ill advised. Discussion --------------------------------These four case studies help us understand that plant communities are continually changing in plant composition, density, and cover due to the effect directly caused by seeded species, precipitation cycles, and impacts from grazing or other disturbances. Introduced grasses have became more dominant in the communities, especially in the absence of grazing. The competitiveness of these grasses have caused a decline in native vegetation, reducing desirable species and changing plant composition. The data indicate that most native grasses do not appear to compete well with the species that were introduced. These results are Similar to those of Bock and others (1986) who reported that stands of exotic grasses support significantly lower variety and abundance of indigenous grasses. Davis and Harper (1990) report that planting a mixture of introduced and native species may produce artificial plant associations in which species mayor may not be fully compatible with each other; and that it is difficult to maintain a stand of specified composition because each species responds differently to natural and imposed environmental factors that affect competitiveness. 336 There is an obvious shift in composition over time, the exotics are favored generally at the expense of native communities. Trends indicate that over a 30 or 40 year period of time introduced grasses are going to increase until they become dominant. For wildlife habitat, for biological diversity and for ecological integrity this scenario is not acceptable. Acknowledgments Funds were provided through Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Project W82R, Studies 4,5, and 7; and Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Provo, Utah. 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