This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Restoration of Native Communities by Chaining and Seeding Richard Stevens Abstract-With the use of proper equipment, techniques, seeding, and management, native communities can be restored. Reduction in competitive weedy tree density is essential in community restoration. Where sufficient understory exists, seeding may not be necessary. In most areas some degree of seeding is required. Species should be seeded that are adapted to site conditions, are ecologically adapted and are compatible with on .site endemic and seeded species. Consideration has to be given to seedbed and seeding requirements of each seeded species. Native communities can be restored when endemic species are given every opportunity to express them self and when native seeded species are provided maximum opportunity to germinate, establish, and become an active component of the community. tree invasion into many adjoining grass and shrublands (Aro 1975; Tausch, this Proceedings; West, this Proceedings; O'Brien and Woudenberg, this Proceedings). Removal or controlled use of livestock from depleted juniper-pinyon dominated areas will not facilitate the recovery of native vegetation, stabilize the soil, or return these areas to their pre-settlement conditions (Goodloe 1993; Stevens and Monsen, In press). Principle reasons are the absence of an adequate seed source and the competitive attributes of the pinyon-juniper trees. In order to return many juniper-pinyon areas to a more natural state, tree competition has to be reduced, a suitable seedbed has to be created, and sites will need to be properly seeded to adapted compatible species. Juniper-Pinyon communities have been in a consistent state offlux for the past 100 years. From the late 1800's to the present, distribution and density of pinyon and juniper and accompanying native understory has been significantly altered. A majority of the juniper-pinyon stands in the Great Basin prior to settlement were confined to selected areas, and supported a diverse understory of perennial grasses, forbs, and shrubs. Fire, combined with perennial understory competition, controlled the spread and thickening of existing juniper-pinyon stands. The understory vegetation controlled or regulated the incidence and spread offires, which, in turn, regulated the presence and distribution of juniper and pinyon (Tausch, this Proceedings; West, this Proceedings; Gruell, this Proceedings; Gottfried and others 1995). Heavy grazing by livestock o~er many years has resulted in community changes and the eventual loss of the native perennial understory and, in some locations, establishment of exotic annuals that now dominate some understories. These changes have resulted in lost or damaged archaeological sites (Chong 1993), reduction in deer and elk numbers (Short and McCullock 1977; Suminski 1993) and degredated watersheds (Roundy and Vernon, this Proceedings). Adjoining semiarid grass and shrublands underwent similar changes as desirable perennial species were eliminated or reduced in density and vigor by grazing. The loss of dominant perennial grasses and other understory species, and resulting absence or red uction in fire incident allowed for an increase injuniper and pinyon trees, and substantial Chaining _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ In: Monsen, Stephen B.; Stevens, Richard, comps. 1999. Proceedings: ecology and management of pinyon-juniper communities within the Interior West; 1997 September 15-18; Provo, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-9. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Richard Stevens was Project Leader/Research Biologist (retired), Division of Wildlife Resources, Great Basin Experiment Station, Ephraim, UT 84627. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 Native communities can only be reestablished if the density of pinyon and juniper is reduced and desired native species have an adequate seed bank or are seeded. Changes in tree density can range from near complete stand removal to limited thinning. Chaining and other mechanical treatments used to reduce tree density are substitute methods of natural tree control most frequently attained by wildfires. The objective of most improvement projects should not be to remove all trees, but to remove sufficient numbers to allow recovery ofthe understory species and to facilitate artificial seeding (Stevens and Monsen, In press). Tree removal, by whatever means is simply a technique used to change the seral status of many sites. Removal of undesirable, competing weedy trees can be accomplished in a number of ways. Twice-over anchor chaining, with 90 lb links, in opposite directions has been used extensively. Vse of cable or a chain oflighter links is satisfactory where it is desired to leave more trees and most shrubs. Once-over chaining may be adequate when sufficient understory remains, and trees are sparse and mature, and seeding is not required. Cabling is less effective than chaining in removing trees, but it disturbs less understory. There are three basic types of chain; smooth, Ely, and Dixie sager (Stevens, this Proceedings). Anchor chains are pulled behind two crawler tractors traveling parallel to each other. For maximum tree removal, chains cannot be dragged while stretched taught, but must be dragged in a loose, J-shaped, V-shaped, or half-circle pattern. The half-circle configuration provides the greatest swath width and lowest percentage tree kill. It is primarily used in mature, even-aged stands and when a low percent tree kill is desired. Tree kill increases as the width of the J or V-shaped pattern decreases. As the proportion of young trees change in a stand, chaining width should increase or decrease in order to achieve the desired amount of tree kill. 285 Chaining can be effectively used to regulate or manipulate a community without destruction of understory species. Chain link size, modifications to links, and placement of crawler tractor will determine disturbance severity to understory species. Types and size of chain and chaining practices can be regulated to retain most all existing species including threatened and endangered species, yet sufficiently reduce tree competition to facilitate seeding or promote natural recovery of understory species. Native seedbanks are not harmed by appropriate chaining. Not all juniper-pinyon sites support similar composition of understory species. A variety of herbaceous and woody plants exists in different amounts depending on degree of depletion, community site, and climatic conditions. Species composition of juniper-pinyon communities may be altered to a different seral status with and without the introduction of species attained by seeding. In some situations, juniperpinyon woodlands can be converted by only burning or chaining to reduce tree density. This is possible if sufficient native understory composition and density exists, and is capable of recovery following treatment (Jacobs and Gatewood, this Proceedings). Seeding Juniper-pinyon sites that have been void of understory species for many years will most likely lack a sufficient seedbank and natural recovery will not occur even if trees are removed (Poulsen and others, this Proceedings). Understory shrub and herbaceous species that have been weakened by heavy grazing and competition from tree encroachment normally bears very little seed, and may persist for years before eventually succumbing. Under these conditions, undisturbed stands of juniper-pinyon may exist for many years with little understory seed being added to the natural seedbank. Removal of competitive trees on many sites will result in a slow, erratic recovery of associated native species. Unless sites are artificially seeded, natural recovery is often ineffective. W'ithout sufficient understory, exotic weeds can become established and dominate the area. Juniper-pinyon restoration programs should be designed to allow for restoring native vegetation, and create stable communities. Converting juniper-pinyon communities to only an assembly of foreign species is not advisable. Under normal chaining conditions, suitable seedbeds are created to plant seeds of a number of species, having different seedbed requirements. The chain will create numerous micro sites and allow for shallow or deep planting depth requirements. In addition, seeds can be broadcast before or after chaining, to achieve the desired planting depth, surface compaction, and stand establishment (Stevens and Monsen, In press). Natural seeding of targeted native species can be promoted when chaining is conducted following seed production. Chaining also promotes sprouting of some species, and, if done at the correct season, favors their recovery and spread. Chaining and seeding can be conducted at the most appropriate season favoring establishment of the planted species. Fall seeding, over the majority ofthe Intermountain West, has proven to be the most ideal time to seed. Where spring seedings are employed, they need to occur prior to 286 mid-March. In southern Utah, southern Nevada, and northern Arizona, seeding just prior to the mid-July summer storms has resulted in good success (Stevens, this Proceedings). A majority of juniper-pinyon chainings and fires in the Intermountain West have been successfully aerially seeded. Most grasses and forbs and small seeded shrubs such as sagebrush, and rabbitbrush can be seeded successfully with both fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter. Helicopters generally do a better job of distributing seed over small or irregular areas. Downdraft from helicopters can somewhat separate seed in a mix by size and weight. There is a tendency for lighter seed to drift to the outer edge. When downed trees do not interfere, seed can also be covered successfully using drags or a pipe harrow. Single disk harrows, or similar light machinery, can also be used to cover the seed in open debrisfree areas. Care must be taken to ensure that seeds are not covered too deep and seedbeds are not too loose. Chaining, or equivalent treatments, are required to cover seed when burned sites are broadcast seeded. When this does not occur, seeding is best done on top of the first snow over disturbed soil, results may, however, be erratic. Rangeland type drills, especially those with multiple seed boxes and planting depth capabilities can be used to seed many species on clear large open areas. Seeds that are in short supply or those that require a firm seedbed can be seeded with a Hansen seed dribbler or thimble seeder mounted on the deck of a craw ler tractor. Seed is metered ou t onto the crawler tracks, the seeds are embedded in the soil by the tracks. When seeding species with very different seeding requirements, more than one seeding procedure may be required. Many species can be aerially seeded and then planted by chaining. Following chaining, the surface seeded species can then be aerially broadcast seeded. Chaining can be the first essential action in reestablishing native communities. The second essential action is properly seeding adapted, compatible species that will lead to community restoration. Some native species have been seeded for years, however, the number of native species seeded and pounds of seed seeded has generally been less in comparison to the seeding of exotic species. Following are a number of reasons or excuses given for not seeding natives more extensively: 1. Little or no desire to seed natives. This is very common with individuals that are single resource oriented and those that are comfortable with doing business as they always have. 2. Seed of few native species are available. People have perceived this and used it as a problem for years, however, seed of more and more native species are becoming available. Utah Division of Wildlife and U.S. Forest Service have put considerable effort into selecting native species and into promoting and developing native seed sources for restoration seedings (McArthur and Young, this Proceedings). Species being selected and promoted today include: Bluebunch wheatgrass Sheep fescue Prairie junegrass Mutton bluegrass Sandberg bluegrass Mountain bluegrass Needle-and -thread Thurber needlegrass Bottlebrush squirreltail Showy goldeneye USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 Table 2-Pounds of native seed sold in 1996 by five Utah seed companies. Table 1-Number of native species seeded by Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, 1959 through 1996. Year Species 1959 1966 1979 1989 1995 1996 Grasses Forbs Shrubs 0 0 8 4 6 16 6 8 22 9 9 20 11 11 18 16 17 18 Total 8 26 36 38 40 51 In 1959, Utah Wildlife Resources seeded only eight different native species (table 1). In 1996 they seeded 51 native species. Seed of a large number of natiye species is becoming available each year. A 1996 survey of all Utah seed companies with only five responses shows that seed of 113 native species were available and sold in 1996 (table 2). Species are being added yearly. Demand will determine the availability of native seed. 3. Native seed is unavailable in sufficient volume. With some planning, this should not be an excuse or problem. Natives are becoming more available every year. Table 2 shows that 530,8161b of native seed was sold by only five of Utah's 13 seed companies in 1996. Seed is available or will be available if there is a consistent demand. Amount of native seed seeded has increased significantly through the years. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources has moved from where native seed only accounted for less than 5 percent of the seed seeded in 1959 to over 47 percent in 1995 (table 3). In order for an agency to do this, they need to; a) develop a native attitude, b) plan ahead at least one season in advance so that basic seed needs are known, c) order seed ahead so that seed companies have sufficient time to acquire the seed, d) have a seed warehouse program and adequate seed inventory, e) manage lands for seed production, and D develop and implement seed collection permits and regulations that will allow for obtaining sufficient seed at a desirable price. 4. Native species do not produce sufficient quantity of forage. Ifa manager's objectives are truly multiple resources and community and ecological restoration, then volume of livestock forage production will not be a major governing factor. It is not uncommon for the total production of a complete community to be equal to 01' exceed that of a few species seeding. Communities will have longer succulent periods, and respond more positively to fire and variations in precipitation, insects, and diseases than will few species seedings. 5. Natives are difficult to establish. Natives may be somewhat harder to establish if they are not properly seeded. Most exotic grasses and forbs were agronomically selected. As such, they respond well to agronomic seeding requirement. Many managers try to employ exotic species seeding requirements on native and fail. Native species have evolved with differing seeding requirements, some have evolved with the seed being buried deep and others do best when seed is surface seeded on disturbed bare ground. Some species do best seeded in litter, where others establish best in bare ground. Seeding techniques have to match seeding requirements. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 Grasses Bluegrass, Sandberg Bluegrass, Sherman big Brome, mountain Dropseed, sand Fescue, Idaho Fescue,sheep Foxtail, meadow Galleta Grama, blue Grama, sideoats Hair-grass, tufted Junegrass, prairie Needle-and-thread Needlegrass, green Needlegrass, Letterman Redtop Ricegrass, Indian Sacaton, alkali Squirreltail, bottlebrush Three-awn, purple Timothy, alpine Wheatgrass, bluebunch Wheatgrass, slender Wheatgrass, Snake River Wheatgrass, stream bank Wheatgrass, thickspike Wheatgrass, western Wildrye, beardless Wildrye, Great Basin Total Pounds of seed sold 1,144 2,500 19,202 950 123 9,950 1,202 1,150 300 2,000 110 105 620 2,865 210 10 11,555 2,000 7,685 100 200 9,552 14,400 15,000 11,850 27,305 23,616 100 22,522 188,326 Forbs Aster, blueleaf Aster, Engelmann Aster, Pacific Balsamroot, arrowleaf Balsamroot, cutleaf Beeplant-spiderflower Columbine Cowparsnip Eriogerons Eriogonums Fairwell to spring Flax, Lewis Gallardia Geranium, sticky Gilia Globemallow, desert Globemallow, gooseberryleaf Globemallow, munro Globemallow, scarlet Goldeneye, showy Helianthella, oneflower Ligusticum, Porter Louisiana sage Lupine, desert Lupine, mountain, silky, silver Marigold, desert Mulesear Paintbrush, Indian 356 20 410 625 140 3,200 50 70 300 100 100 3,965 80 10 2 900 360 500 60 530 60 20 115 58 2,681 100 140 10 (con.) 287 Table 2 (Con.) Grasses Pounds of seed sold Year Forbs Penstemon, Eaton-firecracker Penstemon, Palmer Penstemon, Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Rydberg Penstemon, thickleaf Penstemon, Wasatch Poppy, California Poppy, Iceland Sunflower, common Sweetanise Sweetvetch, Utah-northern Yarrow, western Total Species 40 2,010 500 140 20 220 2,000 100 5,900 490 597 8,443 35,422 Shrubs Bitterbrush, antelope Bitterbrush, desert Buffaloberry, roundleaf Buffaloberry, silver Chokecherry Cliffrose Currant, golden Currant, wax Dogwood, redosier Elderberry, blue Elderberry, red Ephedra, green Ephedra, Nevada Eriogonum, Wyeth Greasewood Hopsage, spiny Mahogany, curlleaf mountain Mahogany, true mountain Rabbitbrush, Douglas Rabbitbrush, low Rabbitbrush, mountain rubber Rabbitbrush, white rubber Rose, Woods Sagebrush, black Sagebrush, silver Sagebrush, basin big Sagebrush, fringed Sagebrush, mountain big Sagebrush, sand Sagebrush, silver Sagebrush, Wyoming big Saltbush, Quail Saltbush, fourwing Saltbush, Gardner Saltbush, mat Saltbush, shadscale Serviceberry, Saskatoon Serviceberry, Utah Snowberry, mountain Sumac, Rocky Mountain Sumac, skunk bush Winterfat Total Grand Total 288 Table 3-Percentage of Total Pounds Seeded of Native and Introduced Species by Utah Division of Wildlife Resources; 1953-1996. 6,047 900 45 10 785 802 80 120 50 400 150 1,605 1,255 10 955 180 605 830 2,200 1,600 5,350 11,765 2,200 405 150 20,230 560 22,522 200 400 120,000 100 76,350 4,200 310 14,250 347 675 810 350 1,820 5,445 307,068 530,816 Natives Introduced 1959 1966 1979 1989 1995 1996 5 24 95 76 38 62 46 54 47 53 40 60 There are native species whose seed viability lasts only a few days and others that retain good viability for 30 plus years. Seed dormancy, afterripening and need for scarification varies between species. These all need to be considered when seeding natives. Poor establishment is generally a result of poor action and management rather than species and seed characteristics. There is a great need for managers to not do things as they have always done them, but rather to gain new knowledge and experience and move forward into community restoration and sound ecological management. Good establishment occurs where seed is given every opportunity to germinate and establish. Successful native see dings occur: 1. On sites where competition has been reduced sufficiently to allow for successful establishment of seeded species and recovery of on site endemic species. 2. When species are seeded that are adapted to the site conditions. 3. When species that are compatible with each other and with endemic on site species are seeded. 4. When species are seeded into the ecological nitch they are most adapted. One cannot expect a late seral species to do well on a disturbed site. Pioneer species will establish and perform better on disturbed sites than will late seral species. 5. When seed is planted in the proper season. Late fall and early winter are the most preferred time to seed. One needs to ask the question; when and how does each native species naturally seed and establish the most successfully? 6. When seed is properly placed in the soil. Species seeding requirements vary between species. The most ideal seeding location and depth can range from surface to 3 to 4 inches deep, in a firm to loose seedbed and in or under litter or on exposed soil. 7. When the right equipment and techniques are used to prepare the seedbed and to plant the seed. 8. When on site endemic species are given every opportunity to express them self. Site preparation and seeding equipment and techniques need to favor the desirable endemic species rather than eliminate or harm them. Native communities can be restored through a combination of proper community management practices and proper seeding of compatible species ecologically adapted to the site and endemic communities. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 Acknowledgments Funds were provided through Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Project W82R, Study 5 and Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA, Forest Service, Provo, Utah. References ____________________ Aro, R S. 1975. Pinyon-juniper woodland manipulation. In: Gifford, G. H.; Busby, F. E. eds. The pinyon-juniper ecosystem: A symposium. 1975 May; Logan, UT. Utah State University: 67-75. Chong, Geneva. 1993. Revegetation of pinyon-juniper woodlands with native grasses. In: Aldon, Earl F.; Shaw, Douglas W., technical coordinators. Managing pinyon-juniper ecosystems for sustainability and social needs; proceedings of the symposium. 1993 April 26-30; Sante Fe, New Mexico, Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-236. Fort Collins, Co: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 34-41. Goodloe, Sid. 1993. The pinyon-juniper invasion: an inevitable disaster. In: Aldon, Earl F.; Shaw, Douglas W., technical coordinators. Managing pinyon-juniper ecosystems for sustainability and social needs; proceedings of the symposium. 1993 April.2630; Sante Fe, New Mexico, Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-236. Fort Collms, Co: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 153-154. Gottfried, G. J.; Swetnam, T. J.; Allen, C. D.; Betancourt, J. L.; Chung-MacCoubrey,AL.1995. Pinyon-juniperwoodl.ands~ Chapter 6. In: Finch, D. M.; Tainter, J. A, eds. Ecology, dIversIty and sustainability of the middle Rio Grande basin. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-268. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Gruell, G. E. 1998. These Proceedings. 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