RESPONSE OF FOREST HERPETOFAUNA TO VARYING LEVELS OF OVERSTORY TREE RETENTION IN NORTHERN ALABAMA by ZACHARY FELIX A DISSERTATION Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Plant & Soil Science in the School of Graduate Studies Alabama A & M University Normal, AL 35762 May 2007 RTIFICATE O F APPROVAL Submitted by ZACHARY FELIX in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY specializing in WILDLIFE SCIENCE. Accepted on behalf of the Faculty of the Graduate School by the Thesis Committee: ____________________________ Major advisor ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Dean of the Graduate School ____________________________ Date ii Copyright by ZACHARY IRA FELIX 2007 iii This dissertation is dedicated to three of my biggest supporters; my big brother, Jed Kissane, my uncle, John Patrick Sullivan, and my Father, Bill Felix. iv RESPONSE OF FOREST HERPETOFAUNA TO VARYING LEVELS OF OVERSTORY TREE RETENTION IN NORTHERN ALABAMA Zachary Felix, M.S. Marshall University, 2001. Dissertation Advisor: Yong Wang Since 2002 I have been monitoring the response of a community of reptiles and amphibians to a gradient of overstory tree removal levels ranging from clearcuts to control. This project was a collaboration between Alabama A&M, the US Forest Service and private timber companies. Micro- climate and habitat measures were taken each year to document changes due to treatments and over time. Tree harvest created a gradient of conditions from warm and dry daytime conditions on clearcuts to cool more humid conditions on controls. Microhabitat features also responded to treatments forming a gradient of open canopies with plentiful herbaceous and woody vegetation, bare ground and abundant slash and coarse woody debris on clearcut treatments to more closed canopy stands dominated by leaf litter in control treatments. Many parameters of both micro- climate and habitat appeared to recover by the 4th year post-treatment in that values were similar on treated stands to control conditions. Amphibian and reptile communities were characterized using drift fences, coverboards, and artificial pools. The most species-rich units were consistently those with intermediate levels of tree retention (25 and 50% of original basal area). Certain guilds of species showed a significant response to treatments and also consistent associations with specific microhabitat variables. Oviposition rates of 4 amphibian species which bred in artificial pools were affected by treatments. Some species, such as Cope’s gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis, v responded favorably, while others, including the mountain chorus frog, Pseudacris brachyphona, responded negatively. Radiotelemetry of eastern box turtles revealed that, while movement patterns and home range sizes were not affected by tree removal, microhabitat use was. In areas with 25-50% of the canopy retained turtles relied heavily on slash piles for habitat, possibly to provide them with cool, moist conditions. This project highlights the ways in which forest management and conservation of amphibians and reptiles are compatible and makes several recommendations for future management and research in this area. KEY WORDS: Amphibians, Reptiles, Cumberland Plateau, Silviculture, Shelterwood, Clearcut vi TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL…………………………………………………. ii ABSTRACT AND KEYWORDS………………………………………………… v LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………… xii LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………….. xvi CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………… 1 Hypotheses……………………………………………………………….. 4 Literature Review………………………………………………………… 5 Bibliography……………………………………………………………… 9 CHAPTER 2. RESPONSE OF MICROCLIMATE AND MICROHABITAT TO VARIOUS LEVELS OF OVERSTORY TREE RETENTION…………………… 15 Study Area………………………………………………………………… 17 Methods…………………………………………………………………… 20 Sampling………………………………………………………….. 20 Stand density………………………………………………. 20 Microclimate……………………………………………… 21 Microhabitat……………………………………………… 21 vii Data Analysis…………………………………………………….. 22 Stand density……………………………………………… 22 Microclimate……………………………………………… 22 Microhabitat………………………………………………. 22 Results ……………………………………………………………………. 23 Microclimate……………………………………………… 23 Microhabitat………………………………………………. 24 Discussion………………………………………………………………… 41 Microclimate……………………………………………… 41 Microhabitat………………………………………………. 43 Bibliography….……………………………………………………………. 44 CHAPTER 3. RESPONSE OF REPTILE AND AMPHIBIAN COMMUNITIES TO VARIOUS LEVELS OF OVERSTORY TREE RETENTION…………………… 48 Study Area………………………………………………………………… 50 Methods…………………………………………………………………… 53 Sampling………………………………………………………….. 53 Herpetofaunal sampling…………………………………… 53 Data analysis………………………………………………………. 55 Relative abundance……………………………………….. 55 Diversity indices………………………………………….. 55 Similarity………………………………………………….. 55 viii Canonical Correspondence Analysis……………………… 56 Results …………………………………………………………………….. 56 Relative abundance………………………………………… 57 Diversity indices…………………………………………… 65 Similarity………………………………………………….. 70 Canonical Correspondence Analysis………………………. 76 Discussion………………………………………………………………... 78 Bibliography………………………………………………………………. 81 CHAPTER 4. RESPONSE OF LUNGLESS SALAMANDERS TO VARIOUS LEVELS OF OVERSTORY TREE RETENTION………………………………. 85 Study Area………………………………………………………………… 86 Methods…………………………………………………………………… 89 Sampling………………………………………………………….. 89 Salamander sampling……………………………………… 89 Data analysis………………………………………………………. 90 Results …………………………………………………………………….. 91 Relative abundance……………………………………….. 91 Demographics…………………………………………….. 91 Body size…………………………………………………. 92 Soil temperature…………………………………………… 92 Discussion………………………………………………………………… 96 ix Bibliography…….………………………………………………………… 98 CHAPTER 5. EFFECT OF VARIOUS LEVELS OF OVERSTORY TREE RETENTION ON REPRODUCTIVE OUTPUT OF POOL-BREEDING AMPHIBIANS……………………………………………………………………. 102 Study Area………………………………………………………………… 103 Methods…………………………………………………………………… 107 Stand density……………………………………………. 107 Artificial pools…………………………………………….. 107 Environmental…………………………………………….. 107 Amphibian sampling……………………………………… 108 Data analysis.…...…………………………………………. 109 Results ……………………………………………………………………. 109 Environmental…………………………………………….. 109 Egg masses........................................................................... 110 Metamorphs......................................................................... 110 Discussion…………………………………………………………………. 122 Bibliography…...………………………………………………………….. 126 CHAPTER 6. MOVEMENTS AND HABITAT USE OF EASTERN BOX TURTLES IN FOREST STANDS MANAGED FOR TIMBER………………….. 130 Study Area…………………………………………………………………. 132 x Methods……………………………………………………………………. 134 Radiotelemetry…………………………………………….. 134 Movement and home range………………………………… 135 Macrohabitat use…………………………………………… 136 Microhabitat use…………………………………………… 138 Results ………………………………………………………………………139 Movement………………………………………………….. 139 Home range……………………………………………….. 139 Macrohabitat use………………………………………….. 140 Microclimate……………………………………………… 144 Microhabitat use…………………………………………… 144 Discussion…………………………………………………………………. 147 Bibliography……………………………………………………………….. 151 CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSIONS AND MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS…………………………………………………………. 155 Management Recommendations………………………………………….. 155 Research Recommendations………………………………………………. 162 Bibliography….……………………………………………………………. 164 xi LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Page Average microclimatic variables for five basal area retention treatments……………………………………………………………………. 25 2.2 Average microhabitat variables for five basal area retention treatments……………………………………………………………….. 32 2.3 Results of principal components analysis of microhabitat variables……. 39 3.1 Species of amphibians and reptiles, their guild assignment, and their total captures on five basal area retention treatments…………………………58 3.2 Mean relative abundance of total reptiles, total amphibians, guilds, and common species on five basal area retention treatments……………….. 59 3.3 Mean indices of amphibian diversity, years separate, 2002-2005 on five basal area retention treatments…………………………………………. 66 xii 3.4 Mean indices of amphibian diversity, years combined, 2002-2005 on five basal area retention treatments……………………………………… 66 3.5 Mean indices of reptile diversity, years separate, 2002-2005 on five basal area retention treatments……………………………………… 71 3.6 Mean indices of reptile diversity, years combined, 2002-2005 on five basal area retention treatments………………………………………. 71 3.7 Morisita’s indices of similarity for amphibian communities 2003-2005 on five basal area retention treatments…………………………. 74 3.8 Bray-Curtis indices of similarity for amphibian communities 2003-2005 on five basal area retention treatments…………………………. 74 3.9 Morisita’s indices of similarity for reptile communities 2003-2005 on five basal area retention treatments………………………….. 75 3.10 Bray-Curtis indices of similarity for reptile communities 2003-2005 on five basal area retention treatments………………………….. 75 xiii 4.1 Relative abundance of two species of Plethodon salamanders for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County…………………. 93 4.2 Ratio of juvenile:adult of Plethodon dorsalis for five basal area retention treatments………………………………………………………… 93 4.3 Ratio of male:female of Plethodon dorsalis for five basal area retention treatments…………………………………………………….. 94 4.4 Average log Mass:Snout Vent Length ratio of Plethodon dorsalis for five basal area retention treatments……………………………………………… 94 5.1 Biophysical parameters, number of amphibian egg masses, and number of metamorphs in artificial pools……………………… ……… 111 6.1 Data on eastern box turtles radiotracked and their home range sizes and overwintering sites………………………………………….. 141 6.2 Home range size estimates of male, female, and all eastern box turtles radiotracked……………………………………………… 142 xiv 6.3 Results of matched-pair logistic regression for female eastern box turtles……………………………………………………………. 146 6.4 Results of matched-pair logistic regression for male eastern box turtles……………………………………………………………. 146 7.1 Major conclusions about effects overstory tree retention treatments on herpetofauna………………………………………… 157 7.2 Costs and benefits of choosing one treatment versus choosing another of two alternative treatment types………………………… 158 xv LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1 Location and layout of study sites in Jackson County, Alabama…………… 18 2.2 Range of day- and nighttime air temperature across canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 26 2.3 Range of day- and nighttime soil temperature across canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 27 2.4 Range of day- and nighttime relative humidity across canopy retention treatments…………………………………………………. 28 2.5 Mean day- and nighttime air temperature across canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 29 2.6 Mean day- and nighttime soil temperature across canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 30 xvi 2.7 Mean day- and nighttime relative humidity across canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 31 2.8 Basal area across canopy retention treatments………………………… 33 2.9 Canopy cover across canopy retention treatments…………………….. 33 2.10 Litter depth across canopy retention treatments……………………… 34 2.11 Percent cover of leaf litter across canopy retention treatments……….. 34 2.12 Percent cover of bare ground across canopy retention treatments……. 35 2.13 Percent cover of herbaceous vegetation across canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 35 2.14 Percent cover of woody vegetation across canopy retention treatments…………………………………………………………. 36 2.15 Percent cover of slash across canopy retention treatments…………………. 36 2.16 Percent cover of rock across canopy retention treatments……………..……. 37 xvii 2.17 Percent cover of coarse woody debris across canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 37 2.18 Microhabitat principal component scores across canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 40 3.1 Location and layout of study sites in Jackson County, Alabama…………… 51 3.2 Number of species detected in drift fences on canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 60 3.3 Relative abundance of amphibians on canopy retention treatments………… 60 3.4 Relative abundance of reptiles on canopy retention treatments…………….. 61 3.5 Relative abundance of aquatic salamanders on canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 61 3.6 Relative abundance of terrestrial salamanders on canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 62 xviii 3.7 Relative abundance of large-pool frogs on canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 62 3.8 Relative abundance of small-pool frogs on canopy retention treatments…………………………………………………. 63 3.9 Relative abundance of large-bodied snakes on canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 63 3.10 Relative abundance of small-bodied snakes on canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 64 3.11 Relative abundance of lizards on canopy retention treatments……………... 64 3.12 Relative abundance of Plethodon glutinosus on canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 67 3.13 Relative abundance of Bufo americanus on canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 67 3.14 Shannon-Wiener diversity for total amphibian captures 2002-2005……….. 68 xix 3.15 Evenness for total amphibian captures 2002-2005………………………….. 68 3.16 Simpson’s diversity (1-dominance) for total amphibian captures 2002-2005……………………………………………… 69 3.17 Species richness for total amphibian captures 2002-2005…………………. 69 3.18 Shannon-Wiener diversity for total reptile captures 2002-2005……………. 72 3.19 Evenness for total reptiles captures 2002-2005……………………………. 72 3.20 Simpson’s diversity (1-dominance) for total reptile captures 2002-2005…………………………………………………. 73 3.21 Species richness of total reptile captures 2002-2005……………………….. 73 3.22 Species richness of total reptiles and amphibian captures 2002-2005…………………………………………………………. 74 3.23 Canonical Correspondence axes ordinating 2003 reptile and amphibian guilds and microhabitat measures…………….. 77 xx 3.24 Canonical Correspondence axes ordinating 2004 reptile and amphibian guilds and microhabitat measures……………… 77 3.25 Canonical Correspondence axes ordinating 2005 reptile and amphibian guilds and microhabitat measures……………… 78 4.1 Location and layout of study sites in Jackson County, Alabama…………… 87 4.2 Relative abundance of Plethodon dorsalis across canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 94 4.3 Relative abundance of Plethodon glutinosus across canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 94 4.4 Average log Mass:SVL ratio of P. dorsalis across canopy retention treatments………………………………………………… 95 4.5 Average soil temperature during coverboard surveys across canopy retention treatments………………………………………… 95 5.1 Location and layout of study sites in Jackson County, Alabama………….. 104 xxi 5.2 Canopy cover (%) above artificial pools across canopy retention treatments………………………………………….. 113 5.3 Water temperature (oC) of artificial pools across canopy retention treatments…………………………………………. 113 5.4 Dissolved oxygen content (ppm) of artificial pools across canopy retention treatments………………………………………… 114 5.5 pH of artificial pools across canopy retention treatments…………………. 5.6 Number of Hyla chrysoscelis egg masses from 114 artificial pools across canopy retention treatments………………………….. 115 5.7 Number of Pseudacris brachyphona egg masses from artificial pools across canopy retention treatments…………………………. 115 5.8 Number of Ambystoma maculatum egg masses across canopy retention treatments…………………………………………. 116 5.9 Total number of Bufo americanus egg masses from artificial pools across canopy retention treatments…………………….. 116 xxii 5.10 Total number of Hyla chrysoscelis metamorphs from artificial pools across canopy retention treatments……………………. 117 5.11 Total number of Pseudacris brachyphona metamorphs from artificial pools across canopy retention treatments…………………… 117 5.12 Total number of Bufo americanus metamorphs from artificial pools across canopy retention treatments…………………….. 118 5.13 Relationship between number of egg masses and number of metamorphs for Hyla chrysoscelis………………………….. 120 5.14 Relationship between number of egg masses and number of metamorphs for Pseudacris brachyphona…………………… 121 6.1 Distance moved by eastern box turtles on unharvested areas versus harvested areas…………………………………… 142 6.2 Relationship between minimum convex polygon home range size and percent of radiolocations on unharvested areas for eastern box turtles…. 143 xxiii 6.3 Relationship between 50% volume fixed kernel home range size and percent of radiolocations on uncut areas for eastern box turtles……….. 143 6.4 Relationship between 95% volume fixed kernel home range size and percent of radiolocations on uncut areas for eastern box turtles……….. 144 xxiv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would to thank my committee members for their advice and guidance through this degree. I especially thank Dr. Yong Wang for his endless kindness, patience, and knowledge; all students should be so lucky to have such a great advisor. I am thankful to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Greater Research Opportunities Fellowship program for financial support. The United States Forest Service provided funding for equipment and field help, as well as manpower for field help. Thanks to my labmates for their support and advice including Adrian Lesak, Bill Sutton, John Carpenter, Florence Chan, and Jill Wick. Field help was provided by the following: Helen Czech, Idun Guenther, Ryan Sisk, Bill Sutton, David Lamfrom, Cassie Smith, Jeff Crocker, Mizuki Takahasi, Jessica Wooten, Julia Bartens, Tom Smith, and Pete Davis. Gwen Tenney provided much needed support during the writing process and to her I am thankful. This publication “RESPONSE OF FOREST HERPETOFAUNA TO VARYING LEVELS OF OVERSTORY TREE RETENTION IN NORTHERN ALABAMA” was developed under a STAR Research Assistance Agreement No. U 916242 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by the EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of Zachary Felix and the EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication xxv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Historically, management of forests by government agencies and private industry revolved around timber production. A new policy has emerged which places greater emphasis on ecosystem management, whose goal is to continue using forests for timber production while maintaining ecosystem integrity (Kessler et al. 1992, Sharitz et al. 1992). For this approach to work, a better understanding of the relationships of silvicultural practices and populations of forest biota is needed. Because of their intermediate positions on food webs, efficient production of new tissue, and large biomass relative to other vertebrate groups (Pough 1983, Hairston 1987, Petranka and Murray 2001), reptiles and amphibians (herpetofauna) should be viewed as integral parts of forest ecosystems, and therefore be considered in forest management plans. For example, biomass of salamanders alone in some forest ecosystems is twice that of birds and equal to that of small mammals, and their annual production of biomass exceeds that of birds and mammals combined (Burton and Likens 1975a,b). Wyman (1998) demonstrated that, by reducing invertebrate numbers, salamanders may reduce decomposition rates of forest litter by up to 17%, arguably impacting carbon dynamics of forest ecosystems. Some terrestrial turtles have been identified as vectors of seed 1 dispersal (Liu et al. 2004). As major predators of rodents, snakes can have effects on control of their populations (Fitch 1949). Rodents, in turn, are capable of impacting plant community structure (Hayword and Phillipson 1979). These examples point to the importance of herpetofauna in ecosystems, and show that it is plausible that herpetofauna can indirectly alter forest processes such as regeneration, and nutrient cycling. Diversity of both amphibians and reptiles reach exceptionally high levels in the southeastern United States (Kiester 1971). Reports of global declines in amphibian populations (Blaustein et al. 1994, Gibbons et al. 2000, Stuart et al. 2004) have also raised concerns over the effects of habitat perturbations on the group. In the southern Appalachian region, it has been reported that 48% of amphibian species and 52% of reptile species are listed as being of conservation concern by state or federal agencies in some portion of their range in the region (Mitchell et al. 1999). The four silvicultural systems most commonly used in North America are selection, seed tree, shelterwood, and clearcut (USDA Forest Service 1973). The selection method is used to maintain a forest with a mixture of ages, or an uneven-aged forest. Selection is accomplished by removing trees singly or in small groups. The other three systems maintain even-aged forests in which all trees fall into one or two age classes. Clearcutting involves removing most or all trees in one cutting. The seed tree method is similar to clearcutting, but a small number of trees are left as a source of seeds for the next generation. The shelterwood method also entails removing most trees, but the removal is accomplished in a series of partial cuts. The use of clearcutting has been 2 declining on US National Forest lands as alternative methods gain popularity (USDA Forest Service 1973). There is a growing body of evidence that suggests silvicultural practices can have significant effects on populations of herpetofauna and their habitats. Upon removal of the forest canopy, certain aspects of the microclimate and physical structure of the forest floor are altered. Increased light penetration to the forest floor may increase ground surface and soil temperatures thereby reducing moisture, and may result in a reduced leaf litter layer, along with changes in vegetation structure (Gieger 1965, Chen et al. 1999, Zheng et al. 2000). It is these changes that may be responsible for changes in species composition and abundance of reptiles and amphibian populations by affecting immigration and emigration rates (deMaynadier and Hunter 1995), and increasing mortality rates (Maiorana 1977, Ash 1988). Most existing studies investigating the interactions between silviculture and herpetofauna compare clearcut sites to forested sites, while relatively few studies have compared a number of intermediate levels of harvest as it relates to herpetofauna (but see Sattler and Reichenbach, 1998; Brooks, 1999; Harpole and Haas, 1999; Grialou et al., 2000; Ross et al., 2000, Knapp et al. 2003, Patrick et al. 2006). Unlike previous studies, the current study was a unique opportunity to explore the interactions of intermediate levels of overstory tree harvest and the full community of reptiles and amphibians and their habitat. This was accomplished by comparing herpetofaunal communities among treatments with a spectrum of overstory tree retention levels including clearcuts (0%), 25%, 50%, and 75% basal area retention treatments and controls. The study investigated 3 whether threshold levels exist, beyond which herpetofaunal communities are significantly altered. The research also fills a gap in knowledge of the relationships between silvicultural practices and herpetofaunal communities in the southernmost Appalachians. This is important because these relationships can vary geographically, and by ecosystem type (Enge and Marion 1986, McLeod and Gates 1998). Because the study was a collaborative effort between the US Forest Service (USFS), and Mead-Westvaco Corporation (Stevenson Land Company), results will enable forest managers to predict the impact their actions will have on populations of reptiles and amphibians. The objectives of the study were to compare relative abundance, species richness, species diversity, and community structure of reptile and amphibian communities among treatments, and investigate the relationships between these variables and habitat characters, both biotic and physical. Basic hypotheses tested by this research were: Ho1: Microclimatic and microhabitat parameters will not differ among treatment types with different levels of tree retention. Ho2: Species richness, diversity, and relative abundance of reptiles and amphibians will not differ across tree retention treatments. Ho3: Relative abundance and demographic characteristics of lungless salamanders will not differ across tree retention treatments. Ho4: Reproductive output of pool-breeding amphibians will not differ across treatments. Ho5: Movement patterns and habitat use of eastern box turtles will not differ in harvested and unharvested areas. This dissertation is arranged in seven chapters. This, the first chapter, serves to introduce the subject area, list my hypotheses, and review existing literature. Chapters 2-6 are 4 designed to address the hypotheses listed above. Chapter 7 contains an overall conclusion and management recommendations based on the results of the research. Each chapter is prepared as a stand alone manuscript for submission to peer-reviewed journals. Literature Review While relatively few studies exist relating silvicultural techniques to the abundance of both reptiles and amphibians in the eastern United States (Enge and Marion 1986, Pais et al. 1988, Caschetta 1993, Phelps and Lancia 1995, McLeod and Gates 1998, Ross et al. 2000, Renken et al. 2004), studies on amphibians, salamanders in particular, are more common (Blymer and McGinnes 1977, Bennett et al. 1980, Ash 1988, Petranka et al. 1994, Mitchell et al. 1997, Chazal and Niewiarowski 1998, Sattler and Reichenbach 1998, Harpole and Haas 1999, Knapp et al 2003, Patrick et al. 2006). Russell et al. (2004) provided an excellent review of herpetofaunal response to forest management in the southeastern United States. In general, many species of reptiles increase in relative abundance upon removal of the forest canopy, while amphibians tend to decrease in abundance (Russell et al. 2004). This is likely due to differences in physiology and natural history between the two groups. Compared to reptiles, amphibians have smaller home ranges and are not as capable of dispersing to more favorable conditions (Zug 1993, Stebbins and Cohen 1995). Amphibians are also rendered more susceptible to changes in moisture levels and temperatures associated with habitat change because of their physiology (Spotila 1972, Duellman and Trueb 1986). 5 Snakes, as a group, tend to increase in abundance and diversity within clearcuts (Enge and Marion 1986, Phelps and Lancia 1995, McLeod and Gates 1998, Ross et al. 2000). Some studies have shown lizards to be more abundant on clearcuts than adjacent forests (Phelps and Lancia 1995, McLeod and Gates 1998). Others have shown lizard abundance does not differ between harvested and unharvested sites, but species composition does (Enge and Marion 1986, Greenberg et al. 1994). Because turtles are generally undersampled by traditional trapping methods, trends within the group are unclear. Results of similar studies are mixed for anurans. Some find higher abundance is associated with forested sites (McLeod and Gates 1998, Ross et al. 2000, Patrick et al. 2006), but the presence of aquatic breeding habitat is often a more important factor (Enge and Marion 1986, Ross et al. 2000). In nearly every study, salamanders are found in smaller numbers in clearcuts than in forested sites, with reductions of up to 70% reported by some investigators (Pough et al. 1987, Clawson et al. 1997, McLeod and Gates 1998, Sattler and Reichenbach 1998, Herbeck and Larsen 1999, Ross et al. 2000, Knapp et al. 2003). In some cases, it appears salamanders can be completely eliminated from clearcuts (Ash 1988 and 1997, Petranka et al. 1994). Results within each group vary on a species by species basis in many cases however, and generalities should be avoided when possible. Species richness of reptiles and amphibians combined has been found to be similar between clearcut and control plots, but because some species were found on clearcuts and not in forested sites, and vice-versa, inclusion of both forested and clearcut stands raised overall species richness of a forest (Phelps and Lancia 1995, McLeod and 6 Gates 1998). In other studies, species richness of both groups combined was higher on forested plots than clearcuts (Enge and Marion 1986). Mean combined biomass of reptiles and amphibians in Florida flatwoods was not different among sites, but was apportioned differently among taxonomic groups on clearcuts and forested plots (Enge and Marion 1986). The few studies that have compared reptile and amphibian abundance in sites with intermediate levels of harvest have mainly focused on terrestrial salamanders. In Virginia, it was found that salamander abundance was greater on control plots and plots with the understory removed by herbicide than on clearcuts or two other treatment types that removed significant amounts of canopy (Harpole and Haas 1999, Knapp et al. 2003). While abundance of Plethodon hubrichti, the Peaks of Otter salamander, was lower on clearcuts compared to control plots, shelterwood cuts that removed 33-64% of basal area appeared to have minimal impact on abundance (Sattler and Reichenbach 1998). In the Pacific Northwest, there was no difference in salamander species diversity betweeen control plots and plots where thinning removed an average of 16% basal area, from 57 m2/ha to 48 m2/ha. But, capture rates of western redback salamanders (Plethodon vehiculum) were significantly lower on thinned plots post-harvest than pre-harvest (Grialou et al. 2000). On New England plots with a residual stocking of 50-60%, the abundance of northern redback salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) was not different than on control plots (Brooks 1999). As increasing amounts of live trees were removed from Pennsylvania stands, the abundance of snakes increased, while salamanders decreased. Results of the study suggest salamander species may negatively respond to removal of 7 live tree basal area beyond a threshold of <15 m2/ha (Ross et al. 2000). This study took place in a number of stands covering a wide variety of conditions and various forest types, which may make patterns less evident. Recently, research into the effects of forest management on herpetofauna has focused on more controlled experiments and attempting to identify the proximate causes for observed changes in abundance after harvesting. This understanding of the mechanisms responsible for observed patterns of abundance after tree harvest is an important step towards enabling managers to make strong inferences about the effects of their actions on wildlife (Marzluff et al. 2000). When presented the choice between emigrating from natal pools into old fields or closed-canopy forests, American toads (Bufo americanus) and spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) preferentially chose forests. Recapture patterns suggested that metamorphs of both species experienced higher mortality in open fields (Rothermel and Semlitsch 2002). Juvenile and adult spotted salamanders preferred forest soils over grassland soils, especially in combination with leaf litter, suggesting that substrate choice may be important for spatial distribution of amphibians (Rittenhouse et al. 2004). Complete removal of pine litter and coarse woody debris (CWD) resulted in elevated activity level in mole salamanders (Ambystoma talpoideum), potentially increasing risk of predation and dessication (Moseley et al. 2004). In the same CWD-removal treatments, diets of southern toads (Bufo terrestris) did not differ from individuals in control areas, suggesting that CWD is not an important foraging substrate for the species (Moseley et al 2005). Juvenile mole salamanders experienced greater water loss in clearcut exclosures than in closed canopy stands, or 8 stands treated to reduce canopy cover by 25%. Survival was lower in clearcut exclosures than thinned or control stands, and the authors concluded that thinning did not increase desiccation but clearcutting did (Rothermel and Luhring 2005). Spotted and marbled (Ambystoma opacum) salamanders experienced higher survival in forest interior enclosures than in old fields, and survival until sexual maturity was only observed in forest enclosures (Rothermel and Semlitsch 2006). These types of studies suggest that amphibian populations respond to tree removal through processes such as decreased survivorship and microhabitat and substrate selection. Bibliography Ash, A.N. 1988. Disappearance of salamanders from clearcut plots. The Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 104: 116-122. Ash, A.N. 1997. Dissapearance and return of salamanders to clearcut plots in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Conservation Biology 11: 983-989. Bennett, S.H., J.W. Gibbons, and J. Glanville. 1980. Terrestrial activity, abundance and diversity of amphibians in differently managed forest types. American Midland Naturalist 103: 412-416. Blaustein, A.R., D.B. Wake, and W.P. Sousa. 1994. 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Some forests experience such high diurnal fluctuations in microclimatic conditions that the only way to attain adequate tree regeneration is to use a shelterwood method which buffers some of this variability (Smith et al. 1997, Heithecker and Halpern 2006). Forest structure also dictates the amount and types of microhabitats available to forest biota, either through immediate and direct inputs of residual woody debris, altered future inputs such as leaf litter, or through changes in the amount of nutrients, light, and space available thereby altering plant growth rates. Microclimate and microhabitat can in turn affect each other through changes in decomposition and growth rates associated with temperature shifts, 15 changes in air circulation after alteration of canopy architecture, and shifts in water absorption and retention in response to changes in leaf litter cover (Covington 1981). These changes in microclimate and microhabitat associated with silviculture are important because they are critical for determining the distribution and abundance of organisms residing in a forest stand. Air temperature was shown by Wachob (1996) to be an important factor in the selection of avian foraging site. Reptile microsite selection is also affected by microclimatic parameters such as air temperature and relative humidity (Moore and Gillingham 2006). Percent cover of canopy trees has been found to be an important factor associated with the presence or absence of amphibians, particularly salamanders (Welsh and Lind 1995, Harpole and Haas 1999). High abundance of reptiles and amphibians species that seek cover within logs or under loose bark, or who are burrowers is associated with abundant coarse woody debris, including downed logs and stumps (Enge and Marion 1986). Terrestrial amphibian abundance can be positively associated with amount of coarse woody debris in the form of downed logs (Petranka et al. 1994, Brooks 1999, Ross et al. 2000). Leaf litter depth and percent cover of understory vegetation explained 63% of variation in aboveground activity of salamanders in a study by Pough et al. (1987). DeGraaf and Rudis (1990) found that herpetofaunal evenness was significantly correlated with litter depth. Changes to depth of leaf litter due to prescribed burning were responsible for changes in nesting habits of ovenbirds (Seiurus auricapollis) (Artman et al. 2001). Small mammal abundance in northern Arizona was positively related to woody debris and shrub coverage (Converse et al. 2006). 16 Understanding the changes in forest microclimate and microhabitats associated with canopy tree removal could help us understand and possibly predict the ways in which organisms respond to land uses such as forest management. The time which it takes microclimate and –habitat variables to return to pre-harvest levels is also important for understanding the ecological effects of canopy tree removal. The objectives of this study were to quantify the average and range of several microclimatic variables and the average of a suite of structural, or microhabitat variables, and to test the null hypotheses that neither canopy tree retention treatments or time since harvest impact these variables. Study Area This study took place in Jackson County, northeastern Alabama (Fig. 2.1). The area is classed into the Cliff section of the Cumberland Plateau in the Mixed Mesophytic Forest region by Braun (1950). Bailey et al. (1994) included this area in the Eastern Broadleaf Forest (Oceanic) Province and Northern Cumberland Plateau Section. According to Smalley (1982), the sites are located in the Mid Cumberland Plateau region, the Strongly Dissected Portion subregion, and landtypes 16, 17, and 18 of the Strongly Dissected Margins and Sides landtype association. The area is characterized by steep slopes dissecting the Plateau surface and draining to the Tennessee River. Soils are shallow to deep, stony and gravelly loam or clay, well drained, and formed in colluvium from those on the Plateau top (Smalley 1982). Climate of the region was described as temperate with mild winters and moderately hot summers with a mean temperature of 13 17 a) Miller Mtn. Jack Gap b) 25% 50% clear control -cut clear -cut Block 3 75% control Block 1 Miller Mt. 25% N 75% 50% 50% 25% clear control -cut 4-ha units 75% Block 2 Jack Gap Figure 3.1 Location of study site in Alabama (a) and layout of experimental design (b), Jackson County, Alabama. 18 degrees C, and mean precipitation of 149 cm (Smalley 1982). Two sites were used. The first, Miller Mountain (34o 58’ 11” N, 86o 12’ 21” W), was situated on mainly South, Southwest facing slopes with elevations ranging from 457-518 m (Figure 2.1a). The second, Jack Gap (34o 56’ 30” N, 86o 04’ 00” W), had a North aspect with elevations ranging from 304-475 m. Dominant canopy tree species included oaks, including Quercus velutina Lamarck, Q. rubra L., Q. alba L., Q. prinus L.; 46% of pretreatment basal area (BA), hickories (Carya spp.; 15% pretreatment BA), sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.; 13% pretreatment BA) and yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.; 9% pretreatment BA) (Schweitzer 2003). Common understory species included flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.), eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis L.), and sourwood (Oxydendrum arboretum DC.). The study followed a randomized complete block design with three blocked replicates of five treatments involving varying levels of basal area retention of trees (Fig 2.1b). Treatments included clearcuts, 25-, 50-, and 75% retention, and controls. The clearcuts, 25%, and 50% retention treatments were chainsaw-felled and grapple skidded in a commercial logging operation. In the 25 and 50 percent retention treatments, trees were marked to leave favoring dominant and codominants with high vigor, especially oak, ash (Fraxinus spp.), and persimmon (Diosyros virgniana L.). In 75% retention treatment plots, the midstory was removed by incising trees and applying the herbicide Arsenal (active ingredient imazapyr) to achieve a shelterwood cut. An average of 941 stems that were an average of 7.4 cm diameter at breast height (DBH; measured at 1.37 m above ground) was treated per hectare with herbicide in such a way to retain an intact canopy, 19 but allow increased light penetration to the forest floor (Schweitzer 2003). These treatments were implemented in order to determine which silvicultural prescription was most conducive to regenerating oaks on these sites. The 25, 50, and 75 percent retention treatments were designed as shelterwoods and residual stems are scheduled to be removed 10 years post harvest. Two blocks were located at Jack Gap, and the other at Miller Mountain. Each of the 15 experimental units was 4 ha in size. Trees were harvested during the fall of 2001 and winter of 2002, and herbicide treatment took place in fall 2001. Although pretreatment data was not obtained for any of the variables measured in the present study besides basal area, the close proximity of sites, the uniform forest structure present pretreatment (Schweitzer 2003), and the random assignment of treatments make comparison of treatments to control plots valid. Post treatment basal area of treatments was as follows: controls, 24.3 m2/ha (99% retention); 75%, 18.8 m2/ha (70% retention); 50%, 9.2 m2/ha (38% retention); 25%, 6.3 m2/ha (28% retention); and clearcut, 1.2 m2/ha (5% retention) (Schweitzer 2003). Methods Stand density. During the summer of 2001, prior to treatments, three permanent measurement plots were established in each experimental unit (Schweitzer 2003). Plot centers were monumented with a piece of reinforcing steel and a 0.081 ha concentric subplot was established. Inside this plot all trees ≥ 0.142 m d.b.h. were tagged and measured at 1.37 m above ground for DBH with a metal diameter tape. In the summers 20 of 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 measurement plots were revisited and all tagged trees within all plots were located and remeasured for DBH. Microclimate. Microclimatic regimes were sampled with H8 Hobo dataloggers (Onset Corp., Bourne, MA). Dataloggers were housed in modified 1-liter plastic containers. The bottom of each container was removed and slots were cut in the container sides for ventilation. One datalogger was placed at each measurement plot within each block and data was obtained for three consecutive 24-hour periods during July of 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005. Dataloggers recorded hourly air temperature (AT) in o C and relative humidity (RH) in percent at 60 cm above ground surface. Soil temperature (ST) was measured at 7 cm below the soil surface was measured via an additional soil temperature probe connected to the datalogger. Microhabitat. Two 20-meter line transects divided into 0.5 meter increments were utilized at each measurement plot to sample physical attributes of microhabitat during August and September of 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005. The point-intersect method was used to calculate percent cover of the following variables along each transect: leaf litter, bare soil, herbaceous vegetation (including vines), woody vegetation, slash, rocks > 10 cm length, and coarse woody debris (CWD) >10 cm diameter. Percent coverage was calculated as the percentage of 0.5 m increments a given variable covered >50% of. Every 2 meters along transects percent canopy closure was measured at chest height with a hand-held spherical densitometer, and litter depth to mineral soil was measured with a ruler to the nearest half-centimeter. 21 Data Analysis Stand density. Basal area was calculated each year using d.b.h.’s of all trees measured within 0.081 ha plots. Microclimate. All data were trimmed so that data collection on all plots within a block was concurrent. Each 24-hour period was divided into day- and nighttime periods based on sunrise/sunset schedules. Variables were inspected visually and RH variables were arcsine transformed to better meet assumptions of normality and equal variance. Response variables for tests included daily mean and range for day- and nighttime air and soil temperatures, and relative humidity. Range (maximum – minimum) was used as a measure of variability rather than standard deviation because of its easy interpretation. Microhabitat. Microhabitat variables were inspected for normality both visually using histograms and statistically using Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests (Hair et al. 1998). Based on these inspections, the following variables were transformed: litter (log inverse), bare soil, slash and rock (log), CWD (square root), canopy cover (arcsine). The best transformation was selected based on the original distribution of the variable and through trial and error (Hair et al. 1998). Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to condense the 9 original microhabitat variables and basal area to 3 components which retained approximately 72% of original variation (Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity χ2 = 936.44, df = 45, P < 0.0001). These principal components (PC’s) represent weighted linear combinations of the original variables and provide insight into the relationship of variables and, because they are orthogonal to each other, are useful as predictor variables in other analyses. 22 Data from the three measurement plots in each unit were averaged for comparison of means of stand density, microclimate, and microhabitat variables. To test for effects of year, treatment, and year by treatment interactions on means of all microclimate and microhabitat variables including PC’s I used ANCOVA with treatment and block as main factors, year as a covariate, and Tukey tests for mean separation when ANCOVA indicated differences. All analyses were performed in SAS (SAS 2003) using alpha < 0.05 for significance. Results Microclimate. The range of air and soil temperature and relative humidity, both day- and nighttime, differed by basal area retention treatment (Fig. 2.2-2.4, Table 2.1). For the range of each variable, mean separations showed two groups, one containing clearcuts, 25- and 50% treatments, and another with 75% retention and controls (closed canopy treatments). The range was always smaller on closed canopy treatments than on cut treatments, both day and night. The range of both day- and nighttime RH differed by year (Table 2.1), indicating that variability in RH changed over the course of the study. Range of daytime RH was higher in 2003, 2004, and 2005 than 2002. Nighttime RH was greater in 2005 than in 2002. Ranges in day- or nighttime soil or air temperatures did not differ by year, suggesting little changes in temperature variability occurred during the study. The mean of all variables except nighttime AT differed by treatment (Fig. 2.5-2.7, Table 2.1). For each variable that differed by treatment, except daytime RH, controls 23 differed from clearcuts. RH was generally highest in the daytime on controls and lowest on clearcuts with the opposite observed at night. During daytime, AT was generally highest on clearcuts and lowest in controls with the opposite observed at night. ST was highest on clearcuts during day and night. Mean AT differed by year only during daytime, with higher temperatures in 2002 than 2003, 2004, and 2005 and higher values in 2003 than 2005 (Table 2.1). Both dayand nighttime average ST differed by year, with higher values in 2002 than all other years. Average RH varied by year only for nighttime measures and was higher in 2002 and 2003 than 2004 and 2005. The averages of daytime ST and AT on harvested plots (clearcut, 25- and 50% retention) became progressively more similar to conditions on controls through time, and by 2005 were similar (Fig. 2.5 and 2.6). For daytime average RH, values for clearcuts were similar to controls by 2005 (Fig. 2.7). Microhabitat. The means of all microhabitat variables differed by basal area retention treatment (Fig. 2.8-2.17, Table 2.2). The means of several variables, including canopy cover, and percent cover of litter and bare ground separated into three groups. Canopy cover and litter cover were lowest in clearcuts, higher in 25- and 50% retention, and highest in 75% retention and controls. Bare ground showed the opposite trend, with highest cover in clearcuts, lower in 25- and 50% retention, and lowest in 75% retention and controls. Means of woody vegetation cover and CWD cover separated into two groups, with highest values in clearcuts, 25- and 50% retention, and lowest in 75% retention and control. Cover of herbaceous vegetation was highest in clearcuts and 25% 24 Table 2.1 Range and average of microclimatic variables for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. Means within a row with different superscript numbers differ (Tukey P<0.05). Day = daytime measures, Night = nighttime measures, AT = air temperature (oC), ST = soil temperature (oC), RH = relative humidity (%). P-valueA mean - treatment variable treatment block year year*treat clearcut 25% 50% 75% control Range Day AT < 0.0001 0.025 0.749 0.751 20.86±1.221 19.86±0.831 19.30±1.101 10.18±0.792 9.33±0.822 8.82±0.861 9.44±1.041 4.97±0.452 5.53±0.722 Night AT < 0.0001 0.153 0.944 0.960 11.03±0.931 Day ST < 0.0001 0.121 0.348 0.557 6.15±0.551 6.71±0.461 5.24±0.681 3.06±0.272 2.50±0.222 Night ST < 0.0001 0.138 0.140 0.391 4.54±0.361 4.36±0.331 3.71±0.351 2.08±0.132 1.89±0.182 64.48±4.161 64.01±3.571 37.39±5.002 34.81±3.522 Day RH < 0.0001 0.033 0.0003 0.333 64.66±3.631 Night RH < 0.0001 0.031 0.0008 0.485 38.99±3.101 41.15±4.211 39.29±4.671 24.99±4.862 21.11±2.472 Average Day AT < 0.0001 0.058 <0.0001 0.093 29.20±0.841 28.52±0.641 27.96±0.591 25.32±0.432 24.66±0.472 Night AT 0.448 0.076 0.684 0.990 21.40±0.44 21.53±0.42 21.69±0.39 22.36±0.39 22.16±0.41 Day ST < 0.0001 0.027 <0.0001 0.042 24.41±0.561 24.47±0.521 23.77±0.481,2 22.37±0.252 21.75±0.263 1 1 1,2 2,3 23.54±0.41 23.20±0.39 22.25±0.23 21.65±0.213 Night ST < 0.0001 0.045 0.0008 0.075 23.68±0.50 Day RH 0.0079 0.014 0.565 0.296 69.03±3.071,2 67.26±1.862 69.58±2.781,2 76.65±2.851,2 78.92±2.651 92.11±1.801,2 91.61±2.301,2 87.16±2.022 88.48±2.542 Night RH 0.0013 0.040 <0.0001 0.757 94.73±1.021 A P-values were calculated using ANCOVA, dftreat = 4, dfblock = 2, dfyear = 1. DaveRH, DrngRH, NaveRH, and NrngRH were arcsine transformed to better fit normality assumptions for analyses, and means are reported for back-transformed values. Table 2.1 (continued) mean - year variable Range Day AT Night AT Day ST Night ST Day RH Night RH Average Day AT Night AT Day ST Night ST Day RH Night RH 2002 2003 2004 2005 14.41±1.33 7.27±0.95 5.01±0.64 3.67±0.43 37.74±3.282 25.40±3.042 17.89±1.60 8.36±1.00 4.51±0.61 3.03±0.38 62.41±3.881 31.90±2.791,2 17.54±1.76 9.67±0.93 5.38±0.63 3.77±0.35 55.42±5.431 34.83±4.281,2 14.28±1.49 6.83±0.81 4.18±0.55 2.91±0.36 57.91±5.051 40.94±4.981 29.13±0.671 22.69±0.27 25.03±0.531 24.23±0.411 75.06±1.77 95.20±0.641 27.26±0.662 20.72±0.52 22.71±0.332 22.17±0.302 70.48±2.46 94.37±1.071 26.76±0.582,3 21.67±0.24 22.79±0.322 22.41±0.262 65.49±1.60 85.88±2.262 25.48±0.643 22.17±0.10 22.90±0.432 22.65±0.292 77.37±3.24 87.74±1.922 25 30 a) Range 20 10 0 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 16 b) 14 Range 12 10 % retention Clearcut 8 25% 6 50% 4 75% Control 2 N= 3 3 3 3 3 2002 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2003 2004 3 3 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 2.2 Range of (a) daytime and (b) nighttime air temperature for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 26 12 a) 10 Range 8 6 4 2 0 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 b) 6 Range 5 4 % retention Clearcut 3 25% 2 50% 1 75% Control 0 N= 3 3 3 3 2002 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2003 3 3 2 3 2004 3 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 2.3 Range of (a) daytime and (b) nighttime soil temperature for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 27 90 a) 80 70 Range 60 50 40 30 20 10 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 b) 80 60 Range % retention Clearcut 40 25% 50% 20 75% Control 0 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 2.4 Range of (a) daytime and (b) nighttime relative humidity for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 28 36 a) 34 Temperature (C) 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 26 b) Temperature (C) 24 22 % retention Clearcut 20 25% 50% 18 75% Control 16 N= 3 3 3 3 3 2002 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2003 2004 3 3 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 2.5 Mean (a) daytime and (b) nighttime air temperature for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 29 30 a) Temperature (C) 28 26 24 22 20 18 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 27 b) 26 Temperature (C) 25 24 % retention 23 Clearcut 22 25% 21 50% 75% 20 Control 19 N= 3 3 3 3 3 2002 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2003 2004 3 3 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 2.6 Mean (a) daytime and (b) nighttime soil temperature for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 30 100 a) Relative humidity (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 110 b) Relative humidity (%) 100 90 % retention Clearcut 80 25% 50% 70 75% Control 60 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 2.7 Mean (a) daytime and (b) nighttime relative humidity for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 31 Table 2.2 Average microhabitat variables for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. Means within a row with different superscript numbers differ (Tukey P<0.05). P-valueA mean - treatment variable treatment block year year*treat clearcut 25% 50% 75% control Basal area 0.504 0.555 0.993 1.00±1.153 9.38±3.362 8.08±1.462 24.90±3.771 23.17±0.921 <0.001 Canopy cover 0.261 27.57±0.503 57.42±0.302 66.14±0.172 91.78±0.091 95.89±0.091 <0.001 <0.001 0.004 Litter depth NAB NA NA 2.01±0.30 2.69±0.17 2.51±0.22 2.83±0.28 3.80±0.33 <0.001 Litter 0.939 0.212 0.194 81.24±3 93.73±2 93.57±2 98.55±1 98.55±1 <0.001 1 2 2 3 6.00±1.26 6.46±1.30 2.52±1.20 1.97±1.253 Bare 15.67±1.27 <0.001 0.041 0.012 0.0062 Herbaceous 0.067 0.127 0.618 62.85±5.461 51.28±4.911,2 63.30±5.251 37.78±4.922,3 24.69±4.223 <0.001 Woody 47.19±5.471 54.93±5.751 50.31±4.951 25.76±2.082 20.94±3.512 <0.001 0.018 <0.001 <0.001 Slash 0.800 0.095 19.39±1.111 8.96±1.212 12.09±1.131,2 2.93±1.243 1.76±1.143 <0.001 0.001 1 1 1,2 2 6.23±1.16 4.35±1.13 2.70±1.14 5.13±1.241,2 Rock 0.040 0.355 0.804 5.39±1.24 0.0086 CWD 0.296 0.295 0.882 10.29±0.051 7.18±0.021 7.42±0.021 2.62±0.022 1.34±0.022 <0.001 0.08±0.831 -0.02±0.851 0.32±0.521 0.60±0.491 PC1 0.859 -0.97±1.322 <0.001 0.0049 <0.001 PC2 0.432 0.77±0.731 0.56±0.721 0.63±0.601 -0.83±0.392 -1.13±0.422 <0.001 <0.001 0.012 0.24±1.061 -0.08±1.011,2 -0.37±0.802 0.25±1.001 PC3 0.212 0.796 -0.05±0.941 0.004 0.033 A P-values were calculated using ANCOVA, dftreat = 4, dfblock = 2, dfyear = 1. B Litter depth was not tested due to serious interactions between year and treatment factors. Table 2.2 (continued) mean- year variable 2002 2003 2004 2005 Basal area 12.97±9.63 13.30±9.83 13.49±9.89 13.47±10.1 Canopy cover 56.27±0.763 75.45±1.131,2 66.13±0.742,3 83.9±0.191 Litter depth 3.29±0.03 2.45±0.30 2.43±0.20 2.90±0.22 Litter 94.11± 95.37± 94.91± 96.29± Bare 5.28±1.371,2 8.17±1.321 4.53±1.301,2 3.11±1.232 Herbaceous 33.72±5.05 66.03±4.12 39.92±4.39 52.25±5.97 Woody 24.00±1.762 41.75±4.641 42.50±5.481 51.1±6.101 Slash 5.69±1.38 5.04±1.36 8.64±1.31 6.82±1.19 Rock 5.30±1.18 4.76±1.17 3.72±1.21 4.69±1.16 CWD 5.69±0.07 4.31±0.04 4.03±0.06 6.97±0.06 PC1 -0.25±1.132 -0.15±1.172 -0.09±0.892 0.48±0.551 PC2 -0.31±0.802 -0.04±0.972 -0.03±1.052 0.38±1.071 PC3 0.31±0.961 0.04±1.071,2 -0.33±1.002 -0.02±0.81,2 2 Litter depth was not tested due to serious interactions between year and treatment factors. 32 Basal Area (m-square/ha) 40 30 20 % retention Clearcut 10 25% 50% 0 75% Control -10 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 3 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 2.8 Basal area (m2/ha) for five basal area retention treatments in northeastern Alabama, 2002-2005. 120 % Canopy Cover 100 80 % retention 60 Clearcut 25% 40 50% 20 75% Control 0 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 YEAR Figure 2.9 Canopy cover (%) for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 33 7 6 Litter Depth (cm) 5 4 % retention Clearcut 3 25% 2 50% 1 75% Control 0 N= 3 3 3 3 3 2002 3 3 3 3 3 3 2003 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 2005 YEAR Figure 2.10 Litter depth (cm) for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 110 100 % Litter 90 % retention 80 Clearcut 70 25% 50% 60 75% Control 50 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 YEAR Figure 2.11 Percent cover of leaf litter for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 34 50 % Bare Ground 40 30 % retention 20 Clearcut 10 25% 50% 0 75% Control -10 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 3 3 3 3 3 2005 YEAR Figure 2.12 Percent cover of bare ground for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. % Herbaceous Vegetation 100 80 60 % retention Clearcut 40 25% 50% 20 75% Clearcut 0 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 YEAR Figure 2.13 Percent cover of herbaceous vegetation for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 35 100 % Woody Vegetation 80 60 % retention 40 Clearcut 20 25% 50% 0 75% Control -20 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 YEAR Figure 2.14 Percent cover of woody vegetation for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 40 % Slash 30 20 % retention Clearcut 10 25% 50% 0 75% Control -10 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 3 3 3 3 3 2005 YEAR Figure 2.15 Percent cover of slash for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 36 20 % Rock 10 % retention Clearcut 0 25% 50% 75% Control -10 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 3 3 3 3 3 2005 YEAR Figure 2.16 Percent cover of rock for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. % Coarse Woody Debris 30 20 % retention 10 Clearcut 25% 0 50% 75% Control -10 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 3 3 3 3 3 2005 YEAR Figure 2.17 Percent cover of coarse woody debris for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 37 retention and lowest in controls. Slash cover was highest on clearcuts, lower in 25% retention, and lowest in 75% retention and controls. The following variables differed across years: canopy cover, bare ground, and woody vegetation (Table 2.2). Canopy cover was highest in 2005 and lowest in 2002. Bare ground was highest in 2003, and lowest in 2005. Woody vegetation was lowest in 2002, and highest in 2003, 2004, and 2005. The effects of treatments diminished over time for canopy cover, litter depth, litter cover, and bare ground cover, and by 2005 these variables, with exception of canopy cover, were similar across treatments. Both herbaceous and woody vegetation cover continued to increase so that treatment effects were more pronounced each successive year after harvest. For other variables such as slash, CWD, and rock, the magnitude of the treatment effect remained constant over time. Eigenvector values for percent cover of bare ground were highly negative for the first principal component (PC1), while percent cover of litter, litter depth, and canopy cover were highly positive (Table 2.3). PC1 is therefore called the “canopy/litter component” and treatments with high values for PC1 had high canopy cover and high coverage of deep litter, and little bare ground. On PC2, eigenvectors for basal area were highly negative while percent cover of woody and herbaceous vegetation, slash and CWD were highly positive. Termed the “ground structure component”, treatments with high values for PC2 have low basal area and high cover of woody and herbaceous vegetation, slash and CWD. Eigenvectors for percent cover of rock were highly positive 38 Table 2.3 Results of principal components analysis of microhabitat variables for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. Eigenvalues and Principal Component Eigenvectors 1 2 3 Eigenvalue 4.57 1.50 1.08 % variation 45.70 14.98 10.84 cumulative % variation 45.70 60.68 71.52 Eigenvectors* canopy cover -0.544 -0.082 0.653 litter -0.106 -0.109 0.899 litter depth -0.162 0.191 0.788 bare 0.202 0.113 -0.869 basal area 0.445 -0.166 -0.753 woody 0.122 -0.041 0.809 herbaceous -0.290 0.041 0.571 slash -0.336 -0.230 0.724 CWD -0.169 0.170 0.742 rock -0.038 0.057 0.960 * Varimax rotation applied to eigenvectors to aid in interpretation. Eigenvectors are weightings of original variables on each principal component. Signs of eigenvectors indicate direction of relationship. for PC3, termed the “rock component”. All principal components varied by both treatment and year (Table 2.2). Mean PC1 values were higher on 25, 50, and 75% retention and control than on clearcut treatments (Fig. 2.18). PC2 values were higher on clearcuts, 25 and 50% than 75% retention and controls. PC3 values were highest on clearcuts, 25% retention and controls. Values of both PC1 and PC2 were higher in 2005 than the previous three years. 39 3 a 2 PC 1 1 0 -1 -2 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.0 b 1.5 1.0 PC 2 .5 0.0 -.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 N= 3 3 3 3 2.0 c 1.5 1.0 PC 3 .5 % retention 0.0 Clearcut -.5 25% -1.0 50% 75% -1.5 Control -2.0 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 2.18 Microhabitat principal component scores for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. (a) PC1, (b) PC2, (c) PC3. 40 Discussion Microclimate. As expected, canopy removal associated with tree removal led to changes in microclimatic conditions within forest stands. All variables measure differed across treatments except nighttime air temperature. The reason nighttime AT was not different across treatments is unclear. Response to treatment was variable-specific in our study. Different microhabitat components often respond differently to changes in structural features of a forest (Chen et al. 1999). Most variables exhibited a gradient in average values corresponding to the gradient in forest structure created by the treatments, with extremes in either clearcuts or controls and considerable overlap between intermediate treatments. Mean daytime AT showed two main groups, highs in treatments which were harvested and the canopy opened (clearcut, 25%, and 50%), and lows in treatments with intact canopy (75% retention and control). The highest average daytime RH was observed in the control, but the lowest was in the 25% treatment, not the clearcut. It is well accepted that opening the forest canopy creates warmer, drier conditions (Geiger 1965, Brosofske et al. 1997). These results suggest that the retention of up to 50% of overstory trees does little to ameliorate the effects relative to clearcut harvesting on microclimatic conditions in a stand. A similar conclusion was reached in forests of the Pacific Northwest (Heithecker and Halpern 2006). Shelterwoods reduced soil temperature relative to clearcuts in Oregon (Childs and Flint 1987). Nighttime and daytime patterns in variation with respect to treatment were opposite for RH and AT. During daytime hours humidity is held at ground level by the forest canopy, while at night RH levels rose in the forest, but RH in the clearcuts rose by 41 a larger amount, making them moister than controls. Nighttime AT was consistently cooler on cut stands than controls, but not significantly so. In Douglas-fir forests in Washington air temperatures did not differ between clearcuts and those receiving a partial cut (Chen et al. 1999). Soil temperature showed a gradient of high values in clearcuts to lowest values on controls both day and night. The continued warmth in clearcut soils at nighttime is likely due to the large heat storing capacity of soils (Chen et al. 1999). So, the effects of treatments on microclimate vary by time of day. During the daytime clearcuts are both warmer in terms of both soil and air temperature and drier compared to control stands, but at nighttime air temperatures are not different between these two stand types, but clearcuts are more moist and soil temperature is warmer. These differences could have important implications for predicting a species’ response to treatments. For example, terrestrial salamanders of the genus Plethodon are nocturnal foragers on the forest floor and forage only at times when enough moisture is available (Jaeger 1978). The nighttime microclimatic conditions on clearcut stands would therefore seem to be amenable to foraging for this group. These data suggest a significant amount of change in microclimatic conditions on these stands within 4 years. Both soil and air temperatures, which spiked in response to treatments in 2002 were similar to control levels by 2005. Nighttime RH was highest in 2002 and 2003 due to high values in cut treatments, but were similar to levels approximating controls by 2005. Researchers in hardwood forests in the northeast found that 5 years post-harvest air and soil temperatures showed no evidence of emulating preharvest levels (Liechty et al. 1992). In the Ozarks of Missouri spatial and temporal 42 variation of microclimate 2 years post-harvest began to approximate control values (Zheng et al. 2000). Whereas the means of microclimatic variables responded as a gradient to various levels of canopy removal, variability of microhabitat variables responded to a threshold, which was manifested by the degree of canopy opening. Once the canopy was opened to any degree, variability increases approximately the same amount. This is evidenced by the existence of two groups of means for the range of each variable; all cut treatments (clearcut, 25%, and 50%) and both closed canopy treatments (herbicide-treated 75% retention, and controls). This suggests that it makes little difference in terms of microclimatic variability whether you remove 50% of canopy trees, or all canopy trees. There was no evidence that range of microclimate variability became closer to control conditions within the time period sampled. The range of both AT and ST did not change over time, and the range of RH actually increased for both day- and nighttime conditions. Microhabitat. The changes observed in microhabitats relative to canopy tree removal are similar to those seen by other researchers (Phelps and Lancia 1995, Converse et al. 2006, Greenberg 2001). Similar to microclimatic variables, the response of microhabitat variables to canopy tree removal was variable-specific. For example, the variables associated with canopy and litter (canopy cover, litter cover, and bare ground cover) fell into 3 groups with respect to treatment response; clearcuts, 50- and 25% treatments, and 75% and controls. This indicates that, in terms of leaf litter, clearcut stands are distinct from stands with intermediate levels of harvest, which are distinct from 43 stands with an intact canopy (75% and control). This component of microhabitat corresponds well to the first principal component, which was lower in clearcuts than other treatments. Variables such as woody debris and slash responded in two groups; those on cut stands (clearcut, 25- and 50% retention treatments) and those on uncut stands (75% and control). These variables corresponded to information in the second principal component. Herbaceous vegetation was one of the only variables that differed between 75% and control treatments, indicating that the main effect herbicide-treatment removal of midstory has on microhabitats in a forest stand is an increase in herbaceous vegetation cover. The way in which microhabitat variables changed over time after harvest was also variable-specific. Litter/canopy variables showed a decrease in magnitude of treatment effect over time, and by 2005 values were similar across treatments. Vegetative growth, both herbaceous and woody, continued to increase on all cut stands throughout the sampling period. Other variables such as slash, CWD, and rock coverage did not change over the time period sampled. Bibliography Artman, V.L., E.K. Sutherland, and J.F. Downhower. 2001. Prescribed burning to restore mixed-oak communities in southern Ohio: Effects on breeding bird populations. Conservation Biology 15: 1423-1434. Bailey, R.G., P.E. Avers, T. King, and W.H. McNab. 1994. 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Two important components of this biodiversity in the southeastern United States are amphibian and reptile species. These groups comprise a large portion of vertebrate species in many ecosystems in the Southeast (Russell et al. 2004) and can account for a majority of vertebrate biomass in some cases (Congdon et al. 1986, Petranka and Murray 2001). Concern about the conservation status of the two groups (Gibbons et al. 2000, Stuart et al. 2004) has increased interest in the effects that widespread land uses such as forest management have on these animal populations. Research has shown that, in general, many reptile species are benefited by canopy removal associated with silvicultural activities, while many amphibians, and salamanders in particular, seem to decrease in abundance after harvesting (reviewed by Russell et al. 2004, Patrick et al. 2006). These trends are somewhat species specific (Greenberg et al. 48 1994) and tend to vary by geographic area and ecosystem type (Enge and Marion 1986, McLeod and Gates 1998). Most research on herpetofaunal response to harvesting has focused on clearcutting and the few studies comparing reptile and amphibian abundance in plots with intermediate levels of harvest (shelterwoods, two-aged harvests) have mainly focused on terrestrial salamanders (Bartman 2001, Sattler and Reichenbach 1998). Fredericksen and others (2000) inventoried herpetofaunal communities in Pennsylvania forest stands which had undergone a variety of management activities and found that both reptile and amphibian communities changed in a predictable pattern as a result of harvesting. The only stand-level experimental study of herpetofaunal response to several levels of tree removal in the Southeast was completed by Adams and others (1996) in Kentucky. Greenberg (2001) studied reptile and amphibian communities in wind-created gaps in the southern Appalachians of North Carolina, and called for future studies investigating the response of herpetofauna and associated microhabitats and microclimates over a gradient of canopy removal. Changes in herpetofaunal community structure after canopy removal are likely due in part to shifts in available microhabitat (deMaynadier and Hunter 1995). The amount and arrangement of key microhabitat features such as coarse woody debris (CWD), leaf litter, and canopy cover dictate an individual’s access to sites for reproduction, resting, migrating, and reproduction (Halverson et al. 2003, Moseley et al. 2004, Rothermel and Luhring 2005). It is therefore important to understand relationships 49 between amphibian and reptile abundance and changes in microhabitat parameters associated with canopy removal. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine response of reptiles and amphibians to canopy tree removal in terms of relative abundance, diversity, and species richness, 2) determine if response of the two groups is proportional to the amount of canopy trees removed, or if thresholds exist beyond which effects are more pronounced, and 3) examine relationships between relative abundance and treatment-related changes in microhabitat features. This information will help inform forest managers in the southern Cumberland Plateau region about the impacts canopy removal has on this important group. Study Area This study took place in Jackson County, northeastern Alabama (Fig. 3.1). The area is classed into the Cliff section of the Cumberland Plateau in the Mixed Mesophytic Forest region by Braun (1950). Bailey et al. (1994) included this area in the Eastern Broadleaf Forest (Oceanic) Province and Northern Cumberland Plateau Section. According to Smalley (1982), the sites are located in the Mid Cumberland Plateau region, the Strongly Dissected Portion subregion, and landtypes 16, 17, and 18 of the Strongly Dissected Margins and Sides landtype association. The area is characterized by steep slopes dissecting the Plateau surface and draining to the Tennessee River. Soils are shallow to deep, stony and gravelly loam or clay, well drained, and formed in colluvium from those on the Plateau top (Smalley 1982). Climate of the region was described as 50 a) Miller Mtn. Jack Gap b) 25% 50% clear control -cut clear -cut Block 3 75% control Block 1 Miller Mt. 25% N 75% 50% 50% 25% clear control -cut 4-ha units 75% Block 2 Jack Gap Figure 3.1 Location of study site in Alabama (a) and layout of experimental design (b), Jackson County, Alabama. 51 temperate with mild winters and moderately hot summers with a mean temperature of 13 degrees C, and mean precipitation of 149 cm (Smalley 1982). Two sites were used. The first, Miller Mountain (34o 58’ 11” N, 86o 12’ 21” W), was situated on mainly South, Southwest facing slopes with elevations ranging from 457-518 m (Figure 3.1a). The second, Jack Gap (34o 56’ 30” N, 86o 04’ 00” W), had a North aspect with elevations ranging from 304-475 m. Dominant canopy tree species included oaks, including Quercus velutina Lamarck, Q. rubra L., Q. alba L., Q. prinus L.; 46% of pretreatment basal area (BA), hickories (Carya spp.; 15% pretreatment BA), sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.; 13% pretreatment BA) and yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.; 9% pretreatment BA) (Schweitzer 2003). Common understory species included flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.), eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis L.), and sourwood (Oxydendrum arboretum DC.). The study followed a randomized complete block design with three blocked replicates of five treatments involving varying levels of basal area retention of trees (Fig 3.1b). Treatments included clearcuts, 25-, 50-, and 75% retention, and controls. The clearcuts, 25%, and 50% retention treatments were chainsaw-felled and grapple skidded in a commercial logging operation. In the 25 and 50 percent retention treatments, trees were marked to leave favoring dominant and codominants with high vigor, especially oak, ash (Fraxinus spp.), and persimmon (Diosyros virgniana L.). In 75% retention treatment plots, the midstory was removed by incising trees and applying the herbicide Arsenal (active ingredient imazapyr) to achieve a shelterwood cut. An average of 941 stems that were an average of 7.4 cm diameter at breast height (DBH; measured at 1.37 m above 52 ground) was treated per hectare with herbicide in such a way to retain an intact canopy, but allow increased light penetration to the forest floor (Schweitzer 2003). These treatments were implemented in order to determine which silvicultural prescription was most conducive to regenerating oaks on these sites. The 25, 50, and 75 percent retention treatments were designed as shelterwoods and residual stems are scheduled to be removed 10 years post harvest. Two blocks were located at Jack Gap, and the other at Miller Mountain. Each of the 15 experimental units was 4 ha in size. Trees were harvested during the fall of 2001 and winter of 2002, and herbicide treatment took place in fall 2001. Although pretreatment data were not obtained for any of the variables measured in the present study besides basal area, the close proximity of sites, the uniform forest structure present pretreatment (Schweitzer 2003), and the random assignment of treatments make comparison of treatments to control plots valid. Post treatment basal area of treatments was as follows: controls, 24.3 m2/ha (99% retention); 75%, 18.8 m2/ha (70% retention); 50%, 9.2 m2/ha (38% retention); 25%, 6.3 m2/ha (28% retention); and clearcut, 1.2 m2/ha (5% retention) (Schweitzer 2003). Methods Herpetofaunal sampling. Communities of amphibians and reptiles were sampled using straight-line drift fences adjacent to woody vegetation measurement plots (Schweitzer 2003). One drift fence was installed within 20 m of the outside perimeter of each vegetation plot, for a total of 45 fences (3 fences per experimental unit X 15 units). Fences were installed between April and July of 2002. Fences were constructed out of 61 53 cm high black silt fencing, and were 15 m long. One 19-liter pitfall bucket was situated at both ends of each fence. A rectangular funnel trap (91cm X 38cm X 35cm) constructed of 0.6 cm mesh hardware cloth and with a 15 cm inside opening was installed on either side of each fence at its midpoint. Drift fences were spaced at least 15 m from each other and from edges of experimental units. All fences on one block were opened simultaneously and checked daily. In general, one block was opened for a week at a time. A trap night was defined as one drift fence opened for a 24-h period. Fences were opened between late July and mid-August in 2002 for a total of 54 trap nights. Fences were opened between early April and mid-September 2003 for 240 trap nights. In 2004 trapping took place between early April and early August for 282 trap nights. In 2005 fences were opened between late March and mid-August and then again between early October and late November for 321 trap nights. Each animal was measured for snout-vent length (SVL) using either dial calipers or a pocket tape measure, weighed using Pesola scales, and sexed based on secondary sexual characteristics or probed for the presence of hemipenes. Each animal was also given a plot-specific mark to identify recaptures. In terms of marking, lizards, salamanders, and frogs were toe-clipped, snakes received a notched ventral scale, and turtles were marked by filing a notch in marginal scutes. Recaptured animals were not included in analyses to avoid double counting. 54 Data analysis Relative abundance. Data from the three drift fences in each unit were combined for comparison of relative abundance. An index of relative abundance was calculated by dividing the total number of individuals captured by the number of nights trapped. Species were grouped into guilds based on their taxa and ecology. To test for effects of year, treatment and year X treatment interactions on relative abundance of all reptile and all amphibians, guilds and abundant species (> 30 individuals/year) I used ANCOVA with year, treatment and block as main factors and Tukey test for mean separation when ANCOVA indicated differences. Diversity Indices. The same ANCOVA model was used to test for differences in Shannon-Weiner index of diversity, evenness, Simpson’s diversity (1-dominance), and species richness of amphibians and reptiles for 2003, 2004, and 2005 separately. Indices of diversity were not derived for 2002 because of the low number of trap nights in the year. In a separate analysis, average values of amphibian, reptile, and total herpetofaunal species richness were compared using combined data from 2002 through 2005 using a one-way ANOVA. Similarity. Morisita’s and Bray-Curtis indices of similarity (Magurran, 1988) were computed by treatment using total count data from 2002-2005 for amphibians and reptiles separately. Reptile and amphibian species are notoriously hard to detect and our perceptions of the composition of communities change greatly over time because of this (Gibbons et al. 1997). Therefore, analyzing captures combined across all years sampled 55 may be more informative than analyzing captures from each year separately. All analyses were performed in SAS (SAS 2003) using alpha < 0.05 for significance. Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) (PCORD for Windows) was used to investigate variation in abundance of guilds as they relate to microhabitat measures (see Chapter 2). This procedure is a direct gradient analysis technique in that it compares community composition directly to environmental variables across a gradient (Palmer 1993). CCA is a type of ordination, and therefore not a hypothesis testing technique. It is a special form of multivariate regression that produces several orthogonal axes consisting of the maximum possible correlation between sites and species or groups (Palmer 1993). This technique is well-suited to this project because of the gradient in microhabitat conditions created by the tree removal treatments. The abundance of reptile and amphibian guilds and microhabitat measures (see Chapter 2 for microhabitat variable descriptions and methods) from the 45 measurement plots from 2003, 2004, and 2005 were run in separate analyses. An additional variable, distance to pool, was included and measured by georeferencing the location of pools in which amphibians bred during the study and measuring distance from these to drift fences using ArcView. Results A total of 40 species of amphibians and reptiles were captured, 21 amphibian and 19 reptile species (Table 3.1). A total of 2949 individual animals were captured; 2491 of these were amphibians and 458 were reptiles. The most abundant species, Bufo 56 americanus, the American toad, comprised 1786 (60.6 %) of total individuals captured. Because of the low number of trap nights in 2002, it was assumed that the total number of species present on the study site was not adequately assessed. However, a graph of the number of species detected over time during 2003 (Fig. 3.2) shows that the sampling effort put forth was adequate for detecting a majority of trappable species present. Based on this observation it was assumed that sampling efforts in 2004 and 2005 were adequate as they were larger than that of 2003. Relative abundance. The relative abundance of amphibians was not different across canopy retention treatments, but was greater in 2002 and 2003 than 2004 and 2005 (Fig. 3.3, Table 3.2). Reptile abundance was greater in 25% and 50% retention treatments than 75% and control treatments, and greater for clearcut treatments than controls (Fig. 3.4, Table 3.2). Because American toads were an order of magnitude more abundant than most other species, they were not included in any guild. The remaining 39 reptile and amphibian species were grouped into seven guilds (Table 3.1). Amphibians were classified into terrestrial and aquatic salamanders based on their reproductive mode, and large- and small pool frogs depending on whether they breed in large pools containing fish or small fishless pools. Reptiles were grouped into lizards, turtles, and either small (≤ 50 cm total length), or large (> 50 cm) snakes. Only two guilds differed across treatments in terms of mean relative abundance (Fig. 3.5-3.11, Table 3.2). The relative abundance of large snakes and lizards differed among canopy retention treatments (Fig. 3.9 & 3.11, Table 3.2). Large snake abundance 57 Table 3.1 Species of amphibians and reptiles, their guild assignment, and their total captures on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama 2002-2005. Guild assignment Treatment Species N clearcut 25% 50% 75% control Aquatic salamanders Ambystoma maculatum 2 0 1 0 0 1 Ambystoma opacum 1 0 0 1 0 0 Ambystoma talpoideum 6 0 2 1 2 1 Eurycea lucifuga 11 1 3 2 1 4 Hemidactylium scutatum 2 0 0 2 0 0 Notophthalmus viridescens 27 0 8 12 4 3 Psueudotriton ruber 56 15 12 4 14 11 Terrestrial salamanders Aneides aeneus 2 0 1 0 0 1 Plethodon dorsalis 73 15 3 21 34 0 Plethdon glutinosus 273 38 48 71 50 66 Large pool frogs Acris crepitans 1 0 1 0 0 0 Rana catesbeiana 80 6 14 27 20 13 Rana clamitans 75 7 16 24 19 9 Bufo americanus 1786 179 242 269 671 425 Small pool frogs Gastrophryne carolinensis 7 2 1 1 3 0 Hyla chrysoscelis 9 1 3 1 2 2 Pseudacris brachyphona 11 0 2 3 3 3 Pseudacris crucifer 4 0 1 0 1 2 Rana palustris 8 0 5 1 2 0 Rana utricularia 12 3 2 2 4 1 Scaphiopus holbrookii 3 0 0 1 2 0 Large-bodied snakes Agkistrodon contortrix 14 5 2 1 4 2 Coluber constrictor 16 5 7 4 0 0 Crotalus horridus 1 0 0 1 0 0 Elaphe obsoleta 4 0 0 3 1 0 Heterodon platirhinos 7 2 3 2 0 0 Lampropeltis getula 1 0 1 0 0 0 Lampropeltis triangulum 3 0 2 1 0 0 Thamnophis sirtalis 26 8 5 5 8 0 Small-bodied snakes Carphophis amoenus 82 19 15 17 19 12 Diadophis punctatus 12 4 0 4 2 2 Storeria dekayi 1 0 0 1 0 0 Storeria occipitomaculata 3 0 1 2 0 0 Virginia valeriae 16 3 3 4 4 2 Lizards Anolis carolinensis 3 0 3 0 0 0 Eumeces fasciatus 86 25 22 26 6 7 Eumeces laticeps 23 3 7 6 5 2 Sceloporus undulatus 135 28 52 41 10 4 Scincella lateralis 7 2 2 3 0 0 Turtle Terrapene carolina 18 9 4 5 0 0 58 Table 3.2 Mean relative abundance of total reptiles, total amphibians, guilds, and common species on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama 2002-2005. Means within a row with different superscript numbers differ (Tukey P<0.05). P-value mean - treatment Taxa treatment block year year* treat clearcut 25% 50% 75% reptiles 0.001 0.004 0.137 0.957 0.13±0.091,2 0.19±0.161 0.13±0.061 0.08±0.072,3 large snakes 0.011 0.114 0.233 0.079 0.028±0.0301 0.018±0.0141,2 0.022±0.0211,2 0.016±0.0151,2 small snakes 0.301 0.792 0.0003 0.100 0.055±0.094 0.029±0.035 0.048±0.057 0.036±0.031 lizards 0.002 0.0005 0.002 0.199 0.078±0.0551,2 0.138±0.1601 0.091±0.0721,2 0.034±0.0612 amphibians 0.076 0.0001 0.0004 0.891 0.310±0.310 0.500±0.640 0.780±0.630 0.970±1.000 large-pool frogs 0.49 0.004 0.003 0.402 0.021±0.033 0.058±0.085 0.113±0.233 0.094±0.252 small-pool frogs 0.068 0.004 0.042 0.874 0.006±0.008 0.015±0.015 0.008±0.010 0.016±0.016 Bufo americanus 0.146 0.002 0.919 0.977 0.035±0.049 0.045±0.057 0.047±0.054 0.118±0.171 aquatic salamanders 0.903 0.022 0.482 0.525 0.024±0.034 0.031±0.031 0.022±0.024 0.023±0.027 terrestrial salamanders 0.223 0.046 0.129 0.088 0.058±0.055 0.072±0.091 0.132±0.132 0.079±0.099 Plethodon glutinosus 0.516 0.533 0.032 0.493 0.009±0.011 0.011±0.007 0.014±0.009 0.012±0.009 Table 3.2 (continued) Taxa reptiles large snakes small snakes lizards amphibians large-pool frogs small-pool frogs Bufo americanus aquatic salamanders terrestrial salamanders Plethodon glutinosus 2002 0.23±0.19 0.020±0.035 0.083±0.0921 0.135±0.1601 0.910±0.8201 0.194±0.2961 0.000±0.0002 0.022±0.017 0.028±0.042 0.060±0.110 NA mean - year 2003 2004 0.10±0.08 0.12±0.07 0.018±0.014 0.018±0.013 0.026±0.0192 0.030±0.0162 0.051±0.0632 0.070±0.0541,2 0.870±0.8101 0.320±0.2202 0.028±0.0312 0.035±0.0412 0.018±0.0161 0.012±0.0111 0.141±0.158 0.039±0.039 0.027±0.022 0.022±0.019 0.089±0.044 0.058±0.039 0.017±0.0081 0.011±0.0081,2 2005 0.07±0.05 0.013±0.011 0.012±0.0132 0.039±0.0362 0.420±0.4102 0.013±0.0102 0.011±0.0121 0.053±0.057 0.022±0.020 0.118±0.131 0.009±0.0072 59 control 0.11±0.173 0.002±0.0042 0.019±0.021 0.023±0.0332 0.600±0.390 0.038±0.052 0.007±0.010 0.074±0.083 0.022±0.019 0.065±0.041 0.016±0.006 30 # of species detected 25 20 15 Log.Clearcut (1) Log.25% (3) Log.50% (4) Log.75% (2) Log.Control (5) 10 5 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 0 Trap Trap daysnights Figure 3.2 Number of species detected in drift fences over time on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2003. 3.5 3.0 Relative abundance 2.5 2.0 % retention 1.5 Clearcut 1.0 25% .5 50% 75% 0.0 Control -.5 N= 3 3 3 2003 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 3.3 Relative abundance of amphibians on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 60 .4 Relative abundance .3 .2 % retention Clearcut .1 25% 50% 0.0 75% Control -.1 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 2003 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 3.4 Relative abundance of reptiles on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. .03 Relative abundance .02 % retention .01 Clearcut 25% 0.00 50% 75% Control -.01 N= 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 3.5 Relative abundance of aquatic salamanders on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 61 .10 Relative abundance .08 .06 % retention .04 Clearcut .02 25% 50% 0.00 75% Control -.02 N= 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 3.6 Relative abundance of terrestrial salamanders on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. Relative abundance .2 .1 % retention Clearcut 0.0 25% 50% 75% Control -.1 N= 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 3 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 3.7 Relative abundance of large-pool frogs on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 62 .012 Relative abundance .010 .008 .006 % retention Clearcut .004 25% .002 50% 0.000 75% Control -.002 N= 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 3.8 Relative abundance of small-pool frogs on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. .03 Relative abundance .02 % retention .01 Clearcut 25% 0.00 50% 75% Control -.01 N= 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 3.9 Relative abundance of large-bodied snakes on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 63 .08 .07 Relative abundance .06 .05 % retention .04 .03 Clearcut .02 25% .01 50% 0.00 75% Control -.01 N= 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 3.10 Relative abundance of small-bodied snakes on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. .12 Relative abundance .10 .08 .06 % retention Clearcut .04 25% .02 50% 0.00 75% Control -.02 N= 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 3.11 Relative abundance of lizards on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 64 was greater in clearcuts than controls and lizards were more abundant in 25% treatments compared to 75% and control treatments. Lizards were more abundant in 2002 than 2003 and 2005. Small snakes and large pool frogs were more abundant in 2002 than 20032005. Small pool frogs were less abundant in 2002 compared to 2003-2005. Only one species, Plethodon glutinosus, the slimy salamander, was captured in sufficient numbers (N ≥ 30 individuals) in 2003, 2004, and 2005 to test for differences in mean abundance by treatment and year, and one species, the American toad, satisfied this criterion for 2002-2005. Slimy salamanders did not differ by treatment, but did across years (Fig. 3.12, Table 3.2). More slimy salamanders were captured in 2003 than 2005. American toad abundance was not different across treatments or among years (Fig. 3.12, Table 3.2). American toads did not differ by treatment or across years (Fig. 3.13, Table 3.2). Diversity Indices. None of the amphibian diversity indices measured differed across canopy retention treatments when years were analyzed separately. ShannonWeiner indices were lower in 2002 than 2003-2005. Simpson’s diversity was lower in 2002 than in 2004 and 2005 (Table 3.3). When all captures from between 2002 and 2005 were combined and then analyzed the following indices did not differ among treatments: Shannon-Weiner (F4,8=1.63, P = 0.257) (Fig. 3.14), evenness (F4,8=0.72, P = 0.602) (Fig. 3.15), Simpson’s diversity (F4,8=1.30, P = 0.349) (Fig. 3.16). Species richness, however, differed by treatment (F4,8=5.42, P = 0.021). Species richness of amphibians between 2002 and 2005 was lower in clearcuts compared to 25% treatments (Fig. 3.17, Table 3.4). Of the 21 species of amphibians captured, 11 of these were never captured on clearcuts, 65 Table 3.3 Mean indices of amphibian diversity, years separate, 2002-2005 on five basal area retention treatments, Jackson County, Alabama. Means within a row with different superscript numbers differ (Tukey P<0.05). P-value mean - treatment Index treatment block year year*treat clearcut 25% 50% 75% Shannon Wiener 0.068 0.006 0.0001 0.884 0.67±0.58 0.98±0.52 1.01±0.34 0.73±0.41 Evenness 0.134 0.0003 0.637 0.043 0.79±0.20 0.74±0.19 0.64±0.14 0.58±0.25 Simpson’s Diversity 0.088 0.125 0.001 0.939 0.34±0.29 0.47±0.25 0.52±0.16 0.37±0.21 Richness 0.143 0.0001 NA 0.529 3.50±2.39 5.17±2.66 5.25±2.18 4.92±2.61 Table 3.3 (continued) Index Shannon Wiener Evenness Simpson’s Diversity Richness 2002 0.43±0.392 0.76±0.22 0.25±0.222 2.33±1.40 mean - year 2003 2004 1 0.86±0.29 1.07±0.431 0.53±0.22 0.74±0.18 0.42±0.161,2 0.53±0.211 5.93±2.12 4.93±1.94 2005 0.94±0.431 0.66±0.21 0.47±0.211 5.40±2.64 Table 3.4 Mean indices of amphibian diversity, years combined, 2002-2005 on five basal area retention treatments, Jackson County, Alabama. Means within a row with different superscript numbers differ (Tukey P<0.05). P-value mean - treatment Index treatment block clearcut 25% 50% 75% control Shannon Wiener 0.257 0.624 0.95±0.48 1.26±0.18 1.33±0.26 0.90±0.20 0.86±0.14 Evenness 0.602 0.551 0.53±0.14 0.53±0.09 0.59±0.11 0.41±0.10 0.46±0.23 Simpson’s Diversity 0.349 0.934 0.44±0.21 0.54±0.11 0.63±0.08 0.39±0.10 0.41±0.15 11.0±3.461 10.0±3.611,2 10.0±3.611,2 9.0±4.581,2 Richness 0.021 0.001 6.0±2.652 66 control 0.73±0.29 0.61±0.26 0.39±0.16 4.42±2.39 .04 Relative abundance .03 .02 % retention Clearcut .01 25% 50% 0.00 75% Clearcut -.01 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2003 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 3.12 Relative abundance of Plethodon glutinosus on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. .7 .6 Relative abundance .5 .4 % retention .3 Clearcut .2 25% .1 50% 75% 0.0 Control -.1 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2002 2003 2004 3 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 3.13 Relative abundance of Bufo americanus on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 67 1.8 Shannon-Wiener diversity 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 .8 .6 .4 .2 N= 3 3 3 3 3 Clearcut 25% 50% 75% Control % retention treatment Figure 3.14 Shannon-Wiener diversity for total amphibian captures 2002-2005. .8 .7 Evenness .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 N= 3 3 3 3 3 Clearcut 25% 50% 75% Control % retention treatment Figure 3.15 Evenness for total amphibian captures 2002-2005. 68 .8 Simpson's Diversity .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 N= 3 3 3 3 3 Clearcut 25% 50% 75% Control % retention treatment Figure 3.16 Simpson’s diversity (1-dominance) for total amphibian captures 2002-2005. 16 14 # of species 12 10 8 6 4 2 N= 3 3 3 3 3 Clearcut 25% 50% 75% Control % retention treatment Figure 3.17 Species richness for total amphibian captures 2002-2005. 69 compared to 4 and 7 species never captured on 50% retention and control treatments respectively. There were no amphibian species captured only on control treatments. Mean Shannon-Weiner index for reptiles was higher in clearcut, 25% and 50% treatments than controls when years were analyzed separately (Table 3.5). Simpson’s diversity of reptiles was higher in clearcut, 25% and 50% treatments than 75% and controls, and 75% treatments were higher than controls. Mean species richness of reptiles was higher on 50% treatments than 75% and controls, and higher on clearcuts and 25% treatments than on controls. Reptile diversity indices did not differ over time (Table 3.5). When total captures were analyzed together none of the following indices varied by treatment: Shannon-Weiner (F4,8=3.42, P = 0.066) (Fig. 3.18), evenness (F4,8=0.213, P = 0.924) (Fig. 3.19), Simpson’s diversity (F4,8=1.20, P = 0.381) (Fig. 3.20). Reptile richness, however, was higher in clearcut, 25% and 50% treatments than controls, and higher in 50% than 75% treatments (F4,8=11.41, P = 0.0002) (Fig. 3.21, Table 3.6). Total species richness of amphibians and reptiles combined for all captures 20022005 varied by treatment (F4,8=5.15, P = 0.024) (Fig. 3.22). Total herpetofaunal species richness was higher in 25- and 50% retention treatments than controls. Similarity. Both Morisita’s and Bray-Curtis indices of similarity for amphibian communities showed that a given treatment was generally most similar to treatments with the closest amount of basal area retained (Table 3.7 & 3.8). That is, clearcut treatments were most similar to 25% treatments, which were most similar to 50%, and so on. BrayCurtis similarity showed that amphibian communities on 75% and control treatments 70 Table 3.5 Mean indices of reptile diversity, years separate, 2002-2005 on five basal area retention treatments, Jackson County, Alabama. Means within a row with different superscript numbers differ (Tukey P<0.05). P-value mean - treatment Index treatment block year year*treat clearcut 25% 50% 75% control 1 1 1 1,2 Shannon Wiener 0.007 0.006 0.459 0.088 1.44±0.46 1.23±0.36 1.47±0.33 1.02±0.55 0.69±0.572 Evenness 0.218 0.996 0.459 0.411 0.90±0.10 0.87±0.10 0.90±0.07 0.95±0.08 0.96±0.07 Simpson’s Diversity 0.008 0.018 0.592 0.056 0.70±0.171 0.64±0.131 0.72±0.091 0.56±0.282 0.41±0.313 Richness <0.001 0.016 0.900 0.870 4.83±2.291,2 4.50±1.881,2 5.08±2.431 3.33±1.442,3 2.00±1.543 Table 3.5 (continued) Index Shannon Wiener Evenness Simpson’s Diversity Richness 2002 0.75±0.53 0.94±0.10 0.44±0.29 2.20±1.47 mean - year 2003 2004 1.17±0.50 1.43±0.44 0.93±0.08 0.90±0.08 0.62±0.21 0.69±0.20 4.07±1.79 5.53±1.96 2005 1.32±0.42 0.90±0.10 0.67±0.16 4.00±2.33 Table 3.6 Mean indices of reptile diversity, years combined, 2002-2005 on five basal area retention treatments, Jackson County, Alabama. Means within a row with different superscript numbers differ (Tukey P<0.05). P-value mean - treatment Index treatment block clearcut 25% 50% 75% Shannon Wiener 0.066 0.365 1.97±0.07 1.77±0.07 1.95±0.17 1.71±0.21 Evenness 0.924 0.918 0.83±0.04 0.82±0.11 0.82±0.04 0.88±0.05 Simpson’s Diversity 0.381 0.430 0.81±0.03 0.76±0.05 0.80±0.04 0.78±0.07 Richness 0.002 0.162 10.67±1.151,2 9.0±1.731,2 11.0±2.001 7.0±1.002,3 71 control 1.29±0.50 0.84±0.15 0.64±0.21 4.67±1.533 2.2 Shannon-Wiener diversity 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 .8 .6 N= 3 3 3 3 3 Clearcut 25% 50% 75% Control % retention treatement Figure 3.18 Shannon-Wiener diversity for total reptile captures 2002-2005. 1.0 Evenness .9 .8 .7 .6 N= 3 3 3 3 3 Clearcut 25% 50% 75% Control % retention treatment Figure 3.19 Evenness for total reptiles captures 2002-2005. 72 .9 Simpson's diversity .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 N= 3 3 3 3 3 Clearcut 25% 50% 75% Control % retention treatment Figure 3.20 Simpson’s diversity (1-dominance) for total reptile captures 2002-2005. 14 12 # of species 10 8 6 4 2 N= 3 3 3 3 3 Clearcut 25% 50% 75% Control % retention treatment Figure 3.21 Species richness of total reptile captures 2002-2005. 73 30 # of species 20 10 0 N= 3 3 3 3 3 Clearcut 25% 50% 75% Control % retention treatment Figure 3.22 Species richness of total reptiles and amphibian captures 2002-2005. Table 3.7 Morisita’s indices of similarity for amphibian communities 2003-2005 on five basal area retention treatments, Jackson County, Alabama. treatment clearcut 25% 50% 75% control clearcut --1.000 0.999 0.964 0.989 25% 1.000 --1.000 0.967 0.988 50% 0.999 1.000 --0.954 0.982 75% 0.964 0.967 0.954 --0.994 control 0.989 0.988 0.982 0.994 --- Table 3.8 Bray-Curtis indices of similarity for amphibian communities 2003-2005 on five basal area retention treatments, Jackson County, Alabama. treatment clearcut 25% 50% 75% control clearcut --0.792 0.685 0.443 0.577 25% 0.792 --0.858 0.563 0.719 50% 0.685 0.858 --0.597 0.777 74 75% 0.443 0.563 0.597 --0.764 control 0.577 0.719 0.777 0.764 --- were especially similar to each other; likewise communities on clearcut, 25% and 50% were relatively more similar to each other than to 75% and control. The same pattern of reptile similarity indices was seen across treatments as with amphibians, with more similar treatments showing more similar reptile communities (Table 3.9 & 3.10). Control treatments appeared especially dissimilar from other treatments in terms of reptile communities. Table 3.9 Morisita’s indices of similarity for reptile communities 2003-2005 on five basal area retention treatments, Jackson County, Alabama. treatment clearcut 25% 50% 75% control clearcut --0.979 1.003 0.834 0.788 25% 0.979 --1.023 0.744 0.677 50% 1.003 1.023 --0.775 0.738 75% 0.834 0.744 0.775 --0.983 control 0.788 0.677 0.738 0.983 --- Table 3.10 Bray-Curtis indices of similarity for reptile communities 2003-2005 on five basal area retention treatments, Jackson County, Alabama. treatment clearcut 25% 50% 75% control clearcut --0.785 0.819 0.617 0.429 25% 0.785 --0.860 0.488 0.365 50% 0.819 0.860 --0.509 0.362 75 75% 0.617 0.488 0.509 --0.701 control 0.429 0.365 0.362 0.701 --- Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Based on the CCA analysis of microhabitat measures and drift fence captures in 2003, 28% of the variation in relative abundance of the seven guilds can be explained by the first two axes. The first axis explained 18.6% of this variation (Eigenvalue = 0.214, Pearson correlation of guild-microhabitat variables R = 0.78) and the second axis 9% (Eigenvalue = 0.103, R = 0.727). Analysis of 2004 guild/microhabitat relationships revealed that the first axis explained 12.5% of variation (Eigenvalue = 0.127, R = 0.65) and the second 7.2% (Eigenvalue = 0.127, R = 0.62) for a total of 19.7% of variation explained. The first and second axes in 2005 explained 14.6% (Eigenvalue = 0.178, R = 0.71) and 9.8% (Eigenvalue = 0.119, R = 0.65) of variation, respectively, for a total of 24.4%. The position of microhabitat variables along the first two axes in each year correspond to the gradient in conditions created by canopy retention treatments (See Chapter 2) (Fig. 3.23-3.25). On one end of the gradient are the variables woody vegetation, herbaceous vegetation, slash and coarse woody debris (CWD). Opposite of these are variables such as litter, canopy, basal area, and distance to pool. The relative abundance of reptile and amphibian guilds were consistently positioned along this gradient and several showed a relationship with specific microhabitat variables. Terrestrial salamanders, and to a lesser degree aquatic salamanders, consistently related with basal area. Lizard abundance appeared to be related to slash and woody vegetation variables. Large snakes were positively related with variables such as herbaceous and woody vegetation. Large and small pool frogs grouped closely together in 2004 and 2005, but did not appear related to any microhabitat variable measured. 76 large-pool frogs litter small-pool frogs large snakes woody veg aquatic salamanders canopy cover basal area herbaceous veg Terrestrial salamanders small snakes lizards Figure 3.23 First and second Canonical Correspondence axes with reptile and amphibian guilds and microhabitat variables, Jackson County, Alabama, 2003. large-pool frogs small-pool frogs canopy cover litter distance to pool basal area aquatic salamanders woody veg slash lizards small snakes Terrestrial salamanders herbaceous veg bare large snakes Figure 3.24 First and second Canonical Correspondence axes with reptile and amphibian guilds and microhabitat variables, Jackson County, Alabama, 2004. 77 canopy cover aquatic salamanders large-pool small-pool frogs frogs Terrestrial salamanders basal area CWD distance to pool slash woody veg lizards herbaceous veg large snakes litter depth small snakes Figure 3.25 First and second Canonical Correspondence axes with reptile and amphibian guilds and microhabitat variables, Jackson County, Alabama, 2005. Discussion Overall, it appears that amphibian response to canopy removal on these sites is either neutral or negative. While no changes were observed in amphibian diversity, or in relative abundance in amphibian guilds, a couple of negative responses were observed. Species richness of amphibians was lowest in clearcuts and total abundance of amphibians dropped in 2004 and 2005 relative to 2002 and 2003. This drop in abundance could have been related to macroclimatic conditions such as yearly rainfall, or to a delayed response to treatments. Reptiles, on the other hand, responded favorably to canopy removal. Lizards were most common in 25% retention treatments, while large- 78 bodied snakes reached their highest abundance on clearcut treatments. Total reptile abundance was highest on 25% treatments and lowest on controls. Reptile diversity and species richness were highest on cut treatments (clearcut, 25% and 50% retention) and lowest on controls. Other researchers have similarly shown that amphibian response to canopy removal in the Southeast is variable and that reptiles more predictably respond favorably. In Virginia, salamanders decreased in abundance after reducing basal area to 41% of pretreatment levels (18 m2 basal area) (Knapp et al. 2003). Other researchers (Bartman 2001, Sattler and Reichenbach 1998) have found that, while clearcutting reduced terrestrial salamander numbers, shelterwood cuts that retained 60-30% of initial basal area had no measurable effect on salamander abundance. On the northwest edge of the Cumberland Plateau amphibian diversity was lower on two-age harvested stands with 3.5 m2 residual basal area than unharvested controls, but species richness and abundance did not differ while reptile abundance and species richness were higher on clearcuts and twoaged harvests with 3.5-7 m2 residual basal area than controls (Adams et al. 1996). Amphibians and reptiles showed opposite linear relationships in terms of species richness and basal area of forest stands in Pennsylvania, with amphibians increasing with increasing basal area and reptiles decreasing (Fredericksen et al. 2000). Amphibian richness, diversity, and abundance did not differ between control stands or salvagelogged wind gaps with 50-70% of pre-disturbance basal area in North Carolina, while reptile richness, diversity and abundance were all higher in gaps (Greenberg 2001). 79 One of the major questions of this research was whether the response of reptile and amphibian groups was proportional to the amount of canopy removed. If the response was proportional you would expect to see a gradient in abundance, diversity or richness over the various levels of tree retention treatments. If, however, a threshold existed in the amount of canopy removed then you would expect to see more drastic changes beyond a certain level of canopy removal or retention. Results were mixed for reptiles, with large-bodied snake abundance varying in proportion with canopy removal, but lizard abundance greater in intermediate levels of harvest (25- and 50% retention) and lower in 75% and controls. Reptile diversity and species richness increased in both intermediate levels of harvest (50- and 25% retention) and clearcuts, indicating that any level of harvest which resulted in an opening of the forest canopy benefits reptiles. The only other study of herpetofaunal response to a gradient of canopy removal concluded that amphibian and reptile response was comparable for treatments with 3.5 - 7 m2 residual basal area and clearcuts relative to controls (Adams et al. 1996). This suggests that effects on herpetofauna, positive or negative, were as apparent in two-aged harvests as in clearcuts. In our study, the positive effects of canopy removal observed for reptiles were apparent and more pronounced even in stands with intermediate levels of canopy retention (25- and 50%). The abundance of reptile and amphibian guilds was related to treatment-related changes to microhabitat availability. Canopy retention treatments created a gradient in microhabitat availability ranging from clearcuts with abundant herbaceous and woody vegetation, slash, CWD, to control stands with high canopy cover, high coverage of deep 80 leaf litter, and high basal area (see Chapter 2). Terrestrial salamanders, and to a smaller extent aquatic salamanders, were most often captured in areas with high basal area. In north Georgia hardwood forest stands abundance of both terrestrial and aquatic salamanders was related to increasing stand age and basal area (Ford et al. 2002). Lizard abundance was most strongly related to the amount of slash and woody vegetation in open stands. Slash likely provides lizards with opportunities for basking thermoregulation and cover. It was conjectured that logging slash was an important microhabitat for reptiles on South Carolina clearcuts (Phelps and Lancia 1995). Largebodied snakes were captured most often in areas with high coverage of herbaceous vegetation and bare ground. Open habitats with abundant herbaceous vegetation are preferred by a wide variety of large-bodied snakes such as black racers Coluber constrictor, and black rat snakes Elaphe obsoleta (Durner and Gates 1993, Keller and Heske 2000). Bibliography Adams, J.P., M.J. Lacki, and M.D. Baker. 1996. Response of herpetofauna to silvicultural prescriptions in the Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 50: 312-320. Bailey, R.G., P.E. Avers, T. King, and W.H. McNab, eds. 1994. 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For these reasons, salamanders have been the focus of much research on the effects of canopy removal associated with forest management (Russell et al. 2004). Although it is generally accepted that clearcutting forest stands in the eastern United States results in either a reduction in numbers (Pough et al. 1987, Petranka et al. 1994, Ash 1997, Harper and Guynn 1999, Knapp et al. 2003) or complete disappearance (Ash 1997) of Plethodontid salamanders, debate remains about the effects of intermediate levels of tree removal. Some studies have shown that removal of up to 50% of basal area 85 results in no observable change to abundance of salamanders (Sattler and Reichenbach 1998, Brooks 1999, Brooks 2001, McKenny et al. 2006). Other research has shown that retaining 50-60% of overstory trees can reduce numbers for at least 4 years after harvest (Knapp et al. 2003, Morneault et al 2004). Beyond effects on abundance of salamanders, canopy removal can impact demographic attributes such as percentage of juveniles (Sattler and Reichenbach 1998, Knapp et al. 2003), and growth of individuals as indicated by changes to mass or ratio of mass to length (Knapp et al 2003, Karraker and Welsh 2006). These more subtle impacts could have important ramifications for the long-term viability of populations. The objectives of this study were to compare the relative abundance, population structure, and body condition of terrestrial salamanders across a range of canopy retention treatments in upland hardwood forests of northern Alabama. Study Area This study took place in Jackson County, northeastern Alabama (Fig. 4.1). The area is classed into the Cliff section of the Cumberland Plateau in the Mixed Mesophytic Forest region by Braun (1950). Bailey et al. (1994) included this area in the Eastern Broadleaf Forest (Oceanic) Province and Northern Cumberland Plateau Section. According to Smalley (1982), the sites are located in the Mid Cumberland Plateau region, the Strongly Dissected Portion subregion, and landtypes 16, 17, and 18 of the Strongly Dissected Margins and Sides landtype association. The area is characterized by steep slopes dissecting the Plateau surface and draining to the Tennessee River. Soils are 86 a) Miller Mtn. Jack Gap b) 25% 50% clear control -cut clear -cut Block 3 75% control Block 1 Miller Mt. 25% N 75% 50% 50% 25% clear control -cut 4-ha units 75% Block 2 Jack Gap Figure 4.1 Location of study site in Alabama (a) and layout of experimental design (b), Jackson County, Alabama. 87 shallow to deep, stony and gravelly loam or clay, well drained, and formed in colluvium from those on the Plateau top (Smalley 1982). Climate of the region was described as temperate with mild winters and moderately hot summers with a mean temperature of 13 degrees C, and mean precipitation of 149 cm (Smalley 1982). Two sites were used. The first, Miller Mountain (34o 58’ 11” N, 86o 12’ 21” W), was situated on mainly South, Southwest facing slopes with elevations ranging from 457-518 m (Figure 4.1a). The second, Jack Gap (34o 56’ 30” N, 86o 04’ 00” W), had a North aspect with elevations ranging from 304-475 m. Dominant canopy tree species included oaks, including Quercus velutina Lamarck, Q. rubra L., Q. alba L., Q. prinus L.; 46% of pretreatment basal area (BA), hickories (Carya spp.; 15% pretreatment BA), sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.; 13% pretreatment BA) and yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.; 9% pretreatment BA) (Schweitzer 2003). Common understory species included flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.), eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis L.), and sourwood (Oxydendrum arboretum DC.). The study followed a randomized complete block design with three blocked replicates of five treatments involving varying levels of basal area retention of trees (Fig 4.1b). Treatments included clearcuts, 25-, 50-, and 75% retention, and controls. The clearcuts, 25%, and 50% retention treatments were chainsaw-felled and grapple skidded in a commercial logging operation. In the 25 and 50 percent retention treatments, trees were marked to leave favoring dominant and codominants with high vigor, especially oak, ash (Fraxinus spp.), and persimmon (Diosyros virgniana L.). In 75% retention treatment plots, the midstory was removed by incising trees and applying the herbicide Arsenal 88 (active ingredient imazapyr) to achieve a shelterwood cut. An average of 941 stems that were an average of 7.4 cm diameter at breast height (DBH; measured at 1.37 m above ground) was treated per hectare with herbicide in such a way to retain an intact canopy, but allow increased light penetration to the forest floor (Schweitzer 2003). These treatments were implemented in order to determine which silvicultural prescription was most conducive to regenerating oaks on these sites. The 25, 50, and 75 percent retention treatments were designed as shelterwoods and residual stems are scheduled to be removed 10 years post harvest. Two blocks were located at Jack Gap, and the other at Miller Mountain. Each of the 15 experimental units was 4 ha in size. Trees were harvested during the fall of 2001 and winter of 2002, and herbicide treatment took place in fall 2001. Although pretreatment data was not obtained for any of the variables measured in the present study besides basal area, the close proximity of sites, the uniform forest structure present pretreatment (Schweitzer 2003), and the random assignment of treatments make comparison of treatments to control plots valid. Post treatment basal area of treatments was as follows: controls, 24.3 m2/ha (99% retention); 75%, 18.8 m2/ha (70% retention); 50%, 9.2 m2/ha (38% retention); 25%, 6.3 m2/ha (28% retention); and clearcut, 1.2 m2/ha (5% retention) (Schweitzer 2003). Methods Salamander sampling. Artificial cover objects (coverboards) (Fellers and Drost 1994) were used to monitor terrestrial salamander abundance on experimental treatment units. This method has been used effectively by several researchers to detect changes in 89 salamander abundance after canopy removal (Brooks 1999, Morneault et al. 2004). A grid of 30 pine boards (5cm X 20cm X 30cm) was placed at each of 3 vegetation plots on each unit established by Dr. Callie Schweitzer of the USDA Forest Service to monitor the response of woody vegetation to treatments (90/unit X 15 units = 1350 boards total). Boards were placed in direct contact with the forest floor without removal of leaf litter during the spring of 2002. Each coverboard grid was at least 15 m from other grids and edges of treatment units. Coverboards were checked 11 times between December 3rd, 2004 and May 4th, 2005 and another 11 times between January 31st, 2005 and April 15th, 2006. All boards on one block were checked within a 24 hr period and 6-20 days passed between successive sampling periods. Salamanders were hand captured, measured for snout-vent length (SVL) with calipers to the nearest mm, weighed to the nearest gram with Pesola scales and given a grid-specific toe clip. Soil temperature was taken in duplicate at each coverboard grid with a soil thermometer (REO TEMP, San Diego, CA) at 10 cm. Data analysis. An index of relative abundance was calculated by dividing the total number of salamanders captured on an experimental unit each year by the number of visits. To test for effects of year, treatment, and year X treatment interactions on relative abundance indices of salamander species I used ANCOVA with treatment and block as main factors, year as a covariate, and Tukey tests for mean separation when ANCOVA indicated differences. To explore the effects of canopy retention treatments on body condition of salamanders, an index was created by dividing log-transformed mass by SVL. The mean mass:length ratio was compared across treatments and years using the 90 same ANCOVA model. To test for differences in the ratio of juveniles:adults and males:females across the treatments each year a χ2 test was used. All analyses were done using SAS (SAS 2003) with p ≤ 0.05 for significance. Results In 2005 a total of 304 zigzag salamanders (Plethodon dorsalis), 66 slimy salamanders (Plethodon glutinosus) were captured. In addition to these lungless salamanders 19 worm snakes (Carphophis amoenus), 6 ringneck snakes (Diadophis punctatus), 5 ground skinks (Scincella lateralis), 3 spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum), and a five lined skink (Eumeces fasciatus) were captured. In 2006, 262 zigzag and 52 slimy salamanders were captured, as well as 13 worm snakes, 3 five lined skinks, 1 ringneck snake, 1 northern red salamander (Pseudotriton ruber), and a redbellied snake (Storeria occipitomaculata). Relative abundance. Mean relative abundance did not differ by treatment or by year for zigzag or slimy salamanders (Table 4.1, Fig. 4.2 and 4.3). Demographics. Only zigzag salamanders were captured in sufficient numbers to compare demographic trends across treatments. The χ2 test assumes that > 80% of categories have an expected value > 5 (Zar 1996) and slimy salamanders did not meet this assumption. In both 2005 and 2006 the ratio of juvenile to adult zigzag salamanders differed by treatment (Table 4.2). In 2005 a high number of juveniles per adult were captured in 25% treatments. In 2006, a low number of juveniles per adult were captured in clearcuts compared to other treatments. Male:female ratios also differed across 91 treatments in 2005 and 2006 (Table 4.3). In 2005 sex ratios in 25- and 50% treatments were skewed towards males. In 2006 male-biased ratios were observed in clearcut and 75% retention treatments. Body size. Only zigzag salamanders were captured in sufficient numbers to compare mass:length ratios across treatments. The ratio of mass to length was higher on clearcuts than 25% and control treatments (Fig. 4.4, Table 4.4). This ratio was higher in 2005 than 2006. Soil temperature. Mean soil temperature was not different among canopy retention treatments (F = 0.37, P = 0.829) (Fig. 4.5), but was higher in 2006 (9.41 ± 1.14) than 2005 (8.76 ± 1.21) (F = 8.34, P = 0.0085). Discussion Zigzag salamanders were never observed on the clearcut or 25% treatment in block 1 in either 2005 or 2006. This block is on a south-facing aspect and is generally warmer and drier than blocks 2 and 3. It has been observed that canopy removal effect is more dramatic on dry sites where moisture may be more limiting (Petranka et al. 1994). I did not detect a difference in relative abundance caused by canopy removal as other researchers have (Pough et al. 1987, Petranka et al. 1994, Harper and Guynn 1999, Knapp et al. 2003). It is possible that canopy removal did not sufficiently impact moisture and temperature levels as to limit growth and reproduction of salamanders on these sites. There was no difference observed in soil temperature across treatments. Leaf litter depth and cover was comparable on cut and uncut plots by the late summer of 2005 (see Chapter 2). Cool moist climatic conditions during the sampling period (December or 92 Table 4.1Relative abundance of two species of Plethodon salamanders for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2005 and 2006. P-value mean - treatement Species treatment block year year*treat clearcut 25% 50% 75% control P. dorsalis 0.208 <0.001 0.421 0.584 1.03±0.95 1.58±1.70 2.09±1.67 1.79±0.64 2.09±0.82 P. glutinosus 0.244 0.106 0.466 0.303 0.11±0.13 0.33±0.14 0.39±0.36 0.44±0.38 0.52±0.49 Table 4.1 (continued) Species P. dorsalis P. glutinosus mean - year 2005 2006 1.84±1.32 1.59±1.14 0.40±0.38 0.32±0.30 Table 4.2 Ratio of juvenile:adult of P. dorsalis for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2005 and 2006. treatment Year χ2 P-value Clearcut 25% 50% 75% Control 2005 65.78 < 0.0001 0.15:1 0.32:1 0.18:1 0.15:1 0.18:1 2006 411.35 < 0.0001 0.14:1 0.59:1 0.40:1 0.34:1 0.26:1 93 Table 4.3 Ratio of male:female of P. dorsalis for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2005 and 2006. treatment Year χ2 P-value Clearcut 25% 50% 75% Control 2005 75.93 < 0.0001 0.88:1 1.04:1 1.07:1 0.70:1 0.60:1 2006 70.07 < 0.0001 1.17:1 0.93:1 0.63:1 1.24:1 0.88:1 Table 4.4 Average log Mass:SVL ratio of P. dorsalis for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2005 and 2006. Means within a row with different superscript numbers differ (Tukey P<0.05). P-value mean – treatment Index treatment block year year*treat clearcut 25% 50% 75% control mass:svl 0.031 0.0054 <0.01 0.625 0.0077± 0.0071± 0.0073± 0.0075± 0.0071± 1 2 1,2 1,2 0.0004 0.0007 0.0007 0.0009 0.00062 Table 4.4 (continued) mean - year Index 2005 2006 mass:svl 0.0078± 0.00041 0.0068± 0.00052 94 Figure 4.2 Relative abundance of Plethodon dorsalis for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. 1.4 1.2 Relative abundance 1.0 .8 % retention .6 Clearcut .4 25% .2 50% 75% 0.0 Control -.2 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2005 3 3 2006 Year Figure 4.3 Relative abundance of Plethodon glutinosus for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2002-2005. .009 logMass:SVL .008 % basal area Clearcut 25% .007 50% 75% Control .006 N= 2 2 3 3 3 2 2005 2 2 2006 Year 95 3 3 Figure 4.4 Average log Mass:SVL ratio of P. dorsalis for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2005 and 2006. 13 Soil temperature (C) 12 11 10 % retention Clearcut 9 25% 8 50% 7 75% Control 6 N= 9 9 9 9 9 9 2005 9 9 9 9 2006 Year Figure 4.5 Average soil temperature (oC) for five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2005 and 2006. January through April or May) may also buffer the effects that canopy removal have on microclimatic conditions experienced by salamanders. It is also possible a type II statistical error has been committed and there is an actual difference in abundance that has gone undetected. Although this is certainly a possibility, it has been shown that terrestrial salamander abundance is remarkably constant through time and that they are generally amenable to population monitoring because of this low variability in counts (Welsh and Droege 2001). Other researchers have reported a lack of response in salamander numbers after intermediate levels of tree harvesting. The average number of Peaks of Otter salamander (Plethodon hubrichti) captures remained constant and comparable to control numbers 96 after shelterwoods that retained 33-67% of basal area (Sattler and Reichenbach 1998). Research by Brooks (1999 and 2001) has failed to detect a response in redback salamander (Plethodon cinereus) numbers in thinned forests. Oak forests thinned to 5060% residual stocking 12-21 years previous contained as many salamanders as unthinned forests (Brooks 1999). Population size of redback salamanders on single-tree and groupselection treatments with a target basal area of 18 m2/ha was not different than uncut controls (McKenny et al. 2006). In western forests, Grialou and others (2000) found that stands thinned from 57 m2/ha to 48 m2/ha (16% reduction in basal area) showed comparable salamander capture rates to controls. Thinned stands in northwestern California showed comparable salamander abundance to unthinned stands (Karraker and Welsh 2006). No clear trends in zigzag salamander population structure were observed across treatments. Populations of Plethodon metcalfi on North Carolina clearcuts contained less reproductive males than nearby intact stands (Ash et al. 2003). The prevalence of juvenile zigzag salamanders was reduced in clearcuts during 2006. The proportion of juvenile slimy salamanders (Plethodon glutinosus) was higher in uncut than cut stands in Virginia and West Virginia (Knapp et al. 2003). The most obvious difference between treatments was that zigzag salamanders were more massive at a given length on clearcuts than other treatments. Changes to body size and mass relationships have received relatively little attention. Though the average SVL of adult salamanders did not differ between clearcut and intact stands, salamanders on clearcuts were more massive than those in intact stands (Ash et al. 2003). California Plethodontid salamanders of the genus 97 Ensatina weighed more at a given length on control plots than on thinned plots, but no difference was observed on clearcuts (Karraker and Welsh 2006). In Virginia, gravid female Desmognathus ochrophaeus showed a similar to response to zigzags in this study, with more mass per length on cut plots than uncut (Knapp et al. 2003). These results indicate that, while there were some indications terrestrial salamanders responded to removal of overstory trees, the response was not as dramatic as some previous researchers have observed. This is the first reported investigation of its kind on the southern Cumberland Plateau and any response may be specific to the particular geology and hydrology of the area (Smalley 1982). Forests in this region likely recover more quickly than forests at higher latitudes and elevations and therefore salamander response may be relatively short-lived. Populations of red-backed salamanders are known to recover within 4 years of removal of 50% of basal area as far north as Ontario, Canada (Morneault et al. 2004). These populations should be monitored in the future, however, to determine long-term effects, especially after residual stems are removed from shelterwood systems approximately 10 years after the initial harvest. Bibliography Ash, A.N. 1997. Dissapearance and return of salamanders to clearcut plots in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Conservation Biology 11: 983-989. Ash, A.N., R.C. Bruce, J. Castanet, and H. Francillon-Vieillot. 2003. Population parameters of Plethodon metcalfi on a 10-year-old clearcut and in nearby forest in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Journal of Herpetology 37: 445-452. 98 Bailey, R.G., P.E. Avers, T. King, and W.H. McNab, eds. 1994. Ecoregions and subregions of the United States (map): Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Agriculture-Forest Service, scale 1:7,500,000. Braun, E.L. 1950. Deciduous Forests of Eastern North America. The Blackburn Press, Caldwell, NJ. Brooks, R.T. 1999. Residual effects of thinning and high white-tailed deer densities on northern redback salamanders in southern New England oak forests. Journal of Wildlife Management 63: 1172-1180. Brooks, R.T. 2001. Effects of the removal of overstory hemlock from hemlockdominated forests on eastern redback salamanders. Forest Ecology and Management 149: 197-204. Burton, T.M., and G.E. Likens. 1975a. Salamander populations and biomass in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire. Copeia 1975: 541-546. Burton, T.M, and G.E. Likens. 1975b. Energy flow and nutrient cycling in salamander populations in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire. Ecology 56: 1068-1080. Davic, R.D., Welsh Jr., H.H. 2004. On the ecological roles of salamanders. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 35: 405-434. Fellers, G.M., and C.A. Drost. 1994. Sampling with artificial cover. Pgs 146-150 In W.R.Heyer, M.A. Donnelly, R.W. McDiarmid, L.C. Hayek, and M.S. Foster, eds. Measuring and Monitoring Biological Diversity: Standard Methods for Amphibians. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. Grialou, J.A., S.D. West, and W.R. Neal. 2000. The effects of forest clearcut harvesting and thinning on terrestrial salamanders. Journal of Wildlife Management 64: 105113. Harper, C.A. and D.C. Guynn Jr. 1999. Factors affecting salamander density and distribution within forest types in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Forest Ecology and Management 114: 245-252. Karraker, N.E. and H.H. Welsh Jr. 2006. Long-term impacts of even aged timber management on abundance and body condition of terrestrial amphibians in northwestern California. Biological Conservation 131: 132-140. Knapp, S.M., C.A. Haas, D.N. Harpole, and R.L. Kirkpatrick. 2003. Initial effects of clearcutting and alternative silvicultural practices on terrestrial salamander abundance. Conservation Biology 17: 752-762. 99 McKenney, H.C., W.S. Keeton, and T.M. Donovan. 2006. Effects of structural complexity enhancement on eastern red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) populations in northern hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management 230: 186-196. Morneault, A.E., B.J. Naylor, L.S. Schaeffer, and D.C. Othmer. 2004. The effect of shelterwood harvesting and site preparation on eastern red-backed salamanders in white pine stands. Forest Ecology and Management 199: 1-10. Petranka, J.W., M.P. Brannon, M.P. Hopey, and C.K. Smith. 1994. Effects of timber harvesting on low elevation populations of southern Appalachian salamanders. Forest Ecology and Management 67: 35-147. Petranka, J.W.; and Murray, S.S. 2001. Effectiveness of removal sampling for determining salamander density and biomass: a case study in an Appalachian streamside community. Journal of Herpetology 35: 36-44. Pough, F.H. 1983. Amphibians and reptiles as low energy systems. In: W.P. Aspey and S.I. Lustick, eds. Behavioral Energetics the Cost of Survival in Vertebrates. Ohio State University Press, Columbus, OH. Pough, F.H., E.M. Smith, D.H. Rhodes, and A. Callazo. 1987. The abundance of salamanders in forest stands with different histories of disturbance. Forest Ecology and Management 20: 1-9. Russell, K.R., T.B. Wigley, W.M. Baughman, H.G. Hanlin, and W.M. Ford. 2004. Responses of southeastern amphibians and reptiles to forest management: A review. Pgs. 319-334 In General Technical Report SRS-75. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. SAS Institute Inc., 2003. SAS language guide for personal computers. Version 9. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. Sattler, P., and N. Reichenbach. 1998. The effects of timbering on Plethodon hubrichti: Short-term effects. Journal of Herpetology 32: 399-404. Schweitzer, C.J. 2003. First-year response of an upland hardwood forest to five levels of overstory tree retention. In K.F. Connor, ed. Proceedings of the 12th biennial southern silvicultural research conference. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-71. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 100 Smalley, G.W. 1982. Classification and evaluation of forest sites on the Mid-Cumberland Plateau. Gen.Tech. Rep. SO-38, New Orleans, LA; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. Welsh, Jr., H.H., and S. Droege. 2001. A case for using Plethodontid salamanders for monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem integrity of North American forests. Conservation Biology 15: 558-569. Zar, J.H. 1996. Biostatistical Analysis. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall, Saddle River, NJ. 101 CHAPTER 5 EFFECT OF VARIOUS LEVELS OF OVERSTORY TREE RETENTION ON REPRODUCTIVE OUTPUT OF POOL-BREEDING AMPHIBIANS Forest managers are increasingly interested in weighing the consequences their actions exert on biodiversity (Lindenmayer and Franklin 2002). The response of amphibians, in particular, to forest management has received much attention lately (deMaynadier and Hunter 1995, Russell et al. 2004), likely because of the sensitivity of the group to habitat disturbances such as canopy removal (Patrick et al. 2006). Because of their unique bi-phasic life history, understanding the impact of disturbances on amphibians requires knowledge of effects in both the aquatic and terrestrial environment (Semlitsch 1998, Semlitsch 2003). Much of the research on amphibian response to canopy removal has either focused on the terrestrial environment (Chazal and Niewiarowski 1998, deMaynadier and Hunter 1999) or the effects on the terrestrial and aquatic environments are confounded (Clawson et al. 1997, Phelps and Lancia 1995) in that observed trends in abundance could be related to changes in recruitment from aquatic breeding sites or altered survivorship in terrestrial habitat. It is also unclear whether captured animals were in a given area to forage, rest, or breed. Research on the effects of forest management on amphibians is becoming increasingly 102 experimental. For example, the new Land-use Effects on Amphibians Populations (LEAP) project (Rothermel and Luhring 2005, Patrick et al. 2006) controls for the amount of aquatic habitat present by testing for effects of different forestry treatments on habitat use of amphibians around a single pool. Still, no study exists examining how harvesting trees impacts the number of eggs deposited in and metamorphs leaving aquatic breeding sites in an experimental setting. Newly metamorphosed individuals drive amphibian population dynamics (Berven 1990, Semlitsch 2003), and an understanding of how their abundance changes after timber harvest would bring us closer to a mechanistic understanding of amphibian response (Marzluff et al. 2000). Coupled with an understanding of how terrestrial juveniles and adults cope with climatic and habitat changes after tree harvest, knowledge of how individual species’ reproductive dynamics are altered would increase our ability to predict direction and magnitude of population changes. The objectives of this study were to quantify oviposition rates and production of newly metamorphosed amphibians in forest stands receiving several levels of canopy tree retention treatments. Biophysical parameters of aquatic habitat and their response to canopy removal were also evaluated. Study Area This study took place in Jackson County, northeastern Alabama (Fig. 5.1). The area is classed into the Cliff section of the Cumberland Plateau in the Mixed Mesophytic Forest region by Braun (1950). Bailey et al. (1994) included this area in the Eastern 103 a) Miller Mtn. Jack Gap b) 25% 50% clear control -cut clear -cut Block 3 75% control Block 1 Miller Mt. 25% N 75% 50% 50% 25% clear control -cut 4-ha units 75% Block 2 Jack Gap Figure 5.1 Location of study site in Alabama (a) and layout of experimental design (b), Jackson County, Alabama. 104 Broadleaf Forest (Oceanic) Province and Northern Cumberland Plateau Section. According to Smalley (1982), the sites are located in the Mid Cumberland Plateau region, the Strongly Dissected Portion subregion, and landtypes 16, 17, and 18 of the Strongly Dissected Margins and Sides landtype association. The area is characterized by steep slopes dissecting the Plateau surface and draining to the Tennessee River. Soils are shallow to deep, stony and gravelly loam or clay, well drained, and formed in colluvium from those on the Plateau top (Smalley 1982). Climate of the region was described as temperate with mild winters and moderately hot summers with a mean temperature of 13 degrees C, and mean precipitation of 149 cm (Smalley 1982). Two sites were used. The first, Miller Mountain (34o 58’ 11” N, 86o 12’ 21” W), was situated on mainly South, Southwest facing slopes with elevations ranging from 457-518 m (Figure 5.1a). The second, Jack Gap (34o 56’ 30” N, 86o 04’ 00” W), had a North aspect with elevations ranging from 304-475 m. Dominant canopy tree species included oaks, including Quercus velutina Lamarck, Q. rubra L., Q. alba L., Q. prinus L.; 46% of pretreatment basal area (BA), hickories (Carya spp.; 15% pretreatment BA), sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.; 13% pretreatment BA) and yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.; 9% pretreatment BA) (Schweitzer 2003). Common understory species included flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.), eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis L.), and sourwood (Oxydendrum arboretum DC.). The study followed a randomized complete block design with three blocked replicates of five treatments involving varying levels of basal area retention of trees (Fig 5.1b). Treatments included clearcuts, 25-, 50-, and 75% retention, and controls. The 105 clearcuts, 25%, and 50% retention treatments were chainsaw-felled and grapple skidded in a commercial logging operation. In the 25 and 50 percent retention treatments, trees were marked to leave favoring dominant and codominants with high vigor, especially oak, ash (Fraxinus spp.), and persimmon (Diosyros virgniana L.). In 75% retention treatment plots, the midstory was removed by incising trees and applying the herbicide Arsenal (active ingredient imazapyr) to achieve a shelterwood cut. An average of 941 stems that were an average of 7.4 cm diameter at breast height (DBH; measured at 1.37 m above ground) was treated per hectare with herbicide in such a way to retain an intact canopy, but allow increased light penetration to the forest floor (Schweitzer 2003). These treatments were implemented in order to determine which silvicultural prescription was most conducive to regenerating oaks on these sites. The 25, 50, and 75 percent retention treatments were designed as shelterwoods and residual stems are scheduled to be removed 10 years post harvest. Two blocks were located at Jack Gap, and the other at Miller Mountain. Each of the 15 experimental units was 4 ha in size. Trees were harvested during the fall of 2001 and winter of 2002, and herbicide treatment took place in fall 2001. Although pretreatment data was not obtained for any of the variables measured in the present study besides basal area, the close proximity of sites, the uniform forest structure present pretreatment (Schweitzer 2003), and the random assignment of treatments make comparison of treatments to control plots valid. Post treatment basal area of treatments was as follows: controls, 24.3 m2/ha (99% retention); 75%, 18.8 m2/ha (70% retention); 50%, 9.2 m2/ha (38% retention); 25%, 6.3 m2/ha (28% retention); and clearcut, 1.2 m2/ha (5% retention) (Schweitzer 2003). 106 Methods Stand density. During the summer of 2001, prior to treatments, one permanent 0.081 ha measurement plot was randomly established in each experimental unit by Dr. Callie Schweitzer of the USDA Forest Service’s Southern Research Station. Plot centers were monumented and all trees ≥ 0.142 m diameter at breast height (DBH) in the plot were tagged and measured at 1.37 m height for DBH using steel diameter tapes. In the summers of 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 measurement plots were revisited and all tagged trees were located and DBH remeasured. All live trees > 14.2 cm DBH were used to calculate basal area at each plot yearly. Artificial pools. Within each unit, and adjacent to measurement plots, a group of 3 artificial pools were installed. Pools were black plastic, 91 cm X 61 cm X 46 cm in size, and held 60 l of water. Pools were arranged in a triangular fashion approximately1.5 meters apart and were buried flush with the ground and allowed to fill with rainwater. Pools were installed in the fall of 2002 and sampling was limited during the summer of 2003 while amphibians colonized them. In order to maintain semi-natural conditions within pools all water was removed from each pool during late fall of 2002, 2003, and 2004. Natural pools found on or near the study site were also generally small in size and dried at least annually, rendering them fishless and relatively free of predators. Environmental. Response of biophysical parameters within pools was monitored monthly February-August, October and November of 2004 and March-June, August and September of 2005. Water temperature (oC) (WT) and dissolved oxygen (ppm) (DO) were measured in each pool at 10 cm depth using a YSI DO200 probe (YSI Inc., Yellow 107 Springs, OH) and pH was measured with an Oakton pH Testr probe (Oakton Instruments, Vernon Hills, IL). In September of 2004 and 2005, canopy cover was estimated using a spherical densiometer held at chest level. Percent reduction in photosynthetically active radiation compared to full sun was measured at each pool in September 2005 using an AccuPAR Linear Par Ceptometer, Model PAR-80 (Decagon Devices, Inc., Pullman, WA). Amphibian sampling. During the summer of 2003 notes were taken on the presence of amphibian eggs or larvae every 7-14 days to assess amphibian usage of pools. Between February and October 2004 and 2005 pools were sampled every 7-14 days ( x = 9 days) to enumerate amphibian egg masses and metamorphs. Sampling involved visiting each pool and counting the total number of egg masses of each species in a unit (total for 3 pools). Eggs were typically attached to leaves or sticks that had fallen into pools, but also to the sides of pools. Survey frequency was based on hatching time for study species so that eggs would not be recounted on subsequent surveys, with the exception of the spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum, whose eggs were large enough and in small enough numbers to be individually tracked between surveys. While counting eggs, all visible amphibian metamorphs were also captured. Additionally, 5 sweeps were made in each pool with a dipnet. When a metamorph was captured sweeping continued until 3 consecutive sweeps were made without capturing additional individuals. Metamorphs were defined by the presence of fully developed front limbs, corresponding to Gosner stage 42 or greater (Gosner 1960). 108 Data analysis Each variable was averaged for each experimental unit each year for statistical analyses. Average pH was calculated by first converting pH to H+ ion concentration, averaging the H+ ion concentrations and converting back to pH. To test for year and treatment effects with biophysical variables (WT, DO, pH) and mean total number of egg masses and metamorphs PC’s I used ANCOVA with treatment and block as main factors, year as a covariate, and Tukey tests for mean separation when ANCOVA indicated differences. To determine if the number of metamorphs produced in a given unit each year was related to the number of eggs deposited by that species, I used simple linear regression. To test for the effects of treatment on percent light reduction in 2005, a 1way ANOVA was used. These analyses were performed in SAS (SAS 2003) using alpha < 0.05 for significance. Univariate contrasts in the GLM procedure of SPSS were used to test for 1rst-4th order trends in each year for all variables. Results All environmental variables except percent light reduction differed by treatment (Table 5.1). Canopy cover was higher on 75% and control treatments than on clearcut, 25- and 50% treatments, with a linear trend in 2004 and 2005 increasing with basal area retention (Fig. 5.2). WT was higher on clearcut, 25- and 50% than control treatments. WT showed a linear trend in 2004, decreasing with increased basal area retention, and a quadratic trend in 2005 with one low in clearcut, higher values in 25- and 50% treatments, and another low in control treatments (Fig. 5.3) . DO was higher on the clearcut and 50% 109 treatments than control (Fig. 5.4), and pH was higher on clearcut than control treatments (Fig. 5.5). Both DO and pH decreased linearly with basal area retention in 2004. Trends were linear again in 2005 for pH, while a 4th order trend was seen in DO for 2005. Canopy cover, water temperature and pH were all higher in 2005 than 2004. Eggs were deposited in artificial pools by three species of amphibians (Hyla chrysoscelis, Cope’s gray treefrog; Pseudacris brachyphona, mountain chorus frog; and Bufo a. americanus, eastern American toad) during the summer of 2003. Ambystoma maculatum first deposited eggs in the winter of 2004. By fall 2003, 97% (44/45) of individual pools were colonized by amphibians. The number of egg masses deposited by H. chrysoscelis and P. brachyphona differed by tree retention treatment (Table 5.1). More egg masses of Hyla chrysoscelis were deposited in clearcut than 75% and control treatments (Fig. 5.6). In both 2004 and 2005 a linear trend was detected with more H. chrysoscelis egg masses in clearcuts than control treatments. More egg masses were deposited by P. brachyphona in control than 25% and clearcut treatments, with a linear trend in both years from more eggs in controls and less in clearcuts (Fig. 5.7). While the number of egg masses laid by A. maculatum was not significant, in both 2004 and 2005 eggs were deposited only in the 75% and control treatments on 2 out of 3 blocks (Fig. 5.8). No differences were found in B. americanus egg mass number across treatments and eggs were only laid in 25% treatments in 2004 and in 75% treatments in 2005 (Fig. 5.9). Metamorphs of three species (H. chrysoscelis, P. brachyphona, and B. americanus) were detected in pools (Figs. 5.10-5.12). 110 Table 5.1 Results of ANCOVA comparison of biophysical parameters, number of amphibian egg masses, and number of metamorphs in artificial pool on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2004 and 2005. Means within a row with different superscript numbers differ (Tukey P<0.05). treatment Environmental canopy Water temperature (oC) Dissolved oxygen (ppm) pH Light reduction* Egg mass # Hyla chrysoscelis Ambystoma maculatum Pseudacris brachyphona Bufo americanus Metamorph # Hyla chrysoscelis Pseudacris brachyphona Bufo americanus P-value block year year* treat clearcut 25% mean 50% 75% control <0.001 0.007 <0.001 0.013 0.317 0.005 0.102 0.066 0.024 0.075 0.031 0.009 0.129 0.038 NA 0.168 0.138 0.534 0.979 NA 32.67±28.102 20.70±0.751 6.59±1.281 8.24±0.591 79.26±22.28 56.50±21.272 20.65±1.191 5.14±1.801,2 7.94±0.651,2 73.24±23.05 59.33±28.212 20.83±1.641 6.15±2.111 7.93±0.651,2 71.88±29.15 90.00±1.261 19.95±1.011,2 3.64±0.802,3 7.71±0.281,2 89.17±5.23 93.67±1.751 18.70±1.172 2.56±0.703 7.26±0.342 97.10±1.68 0.001 0.068 0.003 0.120 0.029 0.205 0.511 0.365 0.567 0.841 <0.001 0.248 0.971 0.580 0.196 0.021 89.33±41.621 0.00±0.00 50.83±50.892 0.00±0.00 63.17±42.561,2,3 0.00±0.00 77.17±79.482 1.67±2.66 65.50±62.561,2 0.00±0.00 102.33±124.631,2 0.00±0.00 12.83±13.962,3 4.50±5.28 169.33±108.661,2 0.33±0.82 3.67±8.983 6.00±8.63 230.67±175.771 0.00±0.00 0.199 0.364 0.590 0.077 0.092 0.565 0.041 0.314 0.151 0.155 0.228 0.619 4.00±7.51 8.67±8.31 0.00±0.00 2.83±2.04 7.33±4.84 1.67±1.67 3.50±4.04 9.00±8.72 2.67±2.67 0.50±0.84 12.33±5.65 0.33±0.33 0.00±0.00 20.33±25.01 0.00±0.00 *Light reduction only measured in 2005. 111 Table 5.1 (continued) mean Environmental canopy Water temperature (oC) Dissolved oxygen (ppm) pH Light reduction* Egg mass # Hyla chrysoscelis Ambystoma maculatum Pseudacris brachyphona Bufo americanus Metamorph # Hyla chrysoscelis Pseudacris brachyphona Bufo americanus 2004 2005 59.80±32.672 19.65±1.422 4.44±1.87 7.64±0.512 NA 73.07±25.891 20.69±1.131 5.19±2.21 8.00±0.631 82.13±19.30 50.67±47.69 1.93±3.92 44.40±50.812 0.67±1.80 43.13±52.81 2.27±5.98 207.73±127.631 0.13±0.52 3.53±5.181 13.80±16.77 1.87±4.69 0.80±1.572 9.27±7.07 0.00±0.00 *Light reduction only measured in 2005. 112 120 100 % canopy cover 80 60 % retention Clearcut 40 25% 20 50% 0 75% Control -20 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 5.2 Canopy cover (%) above artificial pools on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2004 and 2005. 24 Water temperature (C) 23 22 21 % retention 20 Clearcut 19 25% 18 50% 75% 17 Control 16 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 3 2005 Year o Figure 5.3 Water temperature ( C) of artificial pools on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2004 and 2005. 113 10 Dissolved oxygen (ppm) 8 6 % retention Clearcut 4 25% 50% 2 75% Control 0 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 2005 Year Figure 5.4 Dissolved oxygen content (ppm) of artificial pools on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2004 and 2005. 9.5 9.0 pH 8.5 % retention 8.0 Clearcut 7.5 25% 50% 7.0 75% Control 6.5 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 5.5 pH of artificial pools on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2004 and 2005. 114 # of egg masses 200 100 % retention Clearcut 0 25% 50% 75% Control -100 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 5.6 Total number of Hyla chrysoscelis egg masses from artificial pools on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2004 and 2005. 600 500 # of egg masses 400 300 % retention Clearcut 200 25% 100 50% 0 75% Control -100 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 5.7 Total number of Pseudacris brachyphona egg masses from artificial pools on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2004 and 2005. 115 30 # of egg masses 20 % retention 10 Clearcut 25% 0 50% 75% Control -10 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 5.8 Total number of Ambystoma maculatum egg masses from artificial pools on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2004 and 2005. 7 6 # of egg masses 5 4 % retention 3 Clearcut 2 25% 1 50% 75% 0 Control -1 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 5.9 Total number of Bufo americanus egg masses from artificial pools on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2004 and 2005. 116 30 # of metamorphs 20 % retention 10 Clearcut 25% 0 50% 75% Control -10 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 5.10 Total number of Hyla chrysoscelis metamorphs from artificial pools on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2004 and 2005. 70 60 # of metamorphs 50 40 % retention 30 Clearcut 20 25% 10 50% 75% 0 Control -10 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 5.11 Total number of Pseudacris brachyphona metamorphs from artificial pools on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2004 and 2005. 117 # of metamorphs 20 10 % retention Clearcut 25% 0 50% 75% Control -10 N= 3 3 3 3 3 3 2004 3 3 3 3 2005 Year Figure 5.12 Total number of Bufo americanus metamorphs from artificial pools on five basal area retention treatments in Jackson County, Alabama, 2004 and 2005. No species differed by treatment in terms of metamorph number (Table 5.1). However, the general pattern in number of egg masses counted across treatments held for the number of metamorphs counted for each species. A linear trend was observed in H. chrysoscelis metamorph number during 2004 with more observed in clearcuts than controls (Fig. 5.10). More H. chrysoscelis metamorphs were observed in 2004 than 2005. The number of Pseudacris brachyphona metamorphs did not differ among treatments (Fig. 5.11). Metamorphs of Bufo americanus were captured only in 2004 in the 25%, 50%, and 75% retention treatments (Fig. 5.12) The relationship between metamorph and egg number was marginally significant for H. chrysoscelis in 2004 (P = 0.057, R2 = 0.25, 118 metamorphs = 0.78 + 0.054 eggs) and significant in 2005 (P = 0.02, R2 = 0.35, metamorphs = 0.44 + 0.007 eggs) (Fig. 5.13). The number of P. brachyphona metamorphs counted in a given unit was not related to the number of eggs for 2004 (P = 0.745, R2 = 0.008) or 2005 (P = 0.906, R2 = 0.001) (Fig. 5.14). 119 20 # of metamorphs a) 10 0 -10 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 # of egg masses 6 b) 5 # of metamorphs 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 # of egg masses Figure 5.13 Relationship between number of egg masses and number of metamorphs for Hyla chrysoscelis in (a) 2004 and (b) 2005. 120 70 a) 60 # of metamorphs 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -50 0 50 100 150 200 400 500 # of egg masses 30 b) # of metamorphs 20 10 0 -10 0 100 200 300 # of egg masses Figure 5.14 Relationship between number of egg masses and number of metamorphs for Pseudacris brachyphona in (a) 2004 and (b) 2005. 121 Discussion The observed patterns in egg mass number across treatments could be explained by at least two mechanisms. One is that adult amphibians are seeking out breeding habitat in the different treatments and depositing eggs in artificial pools based on conditions in the aquatic environment within the pools. This could be explained by either male or female choice. In most anuran mating systems males arrive at breeding sites first and form a chorus and then females arrive and select a male before mating (Wells 1977). It has been shown that males differentially select calling sites and that females deposit eggs in some sites more than others dependant on the presence or absence of various cues (Resetarits and Wilbur 1991). Factors that are known to affect egg deposition by amphibians are the presence of conspecifics and predators (Resetarits and Wilbur 1989, Petranka et al. 1994), water depth (Crump 1991), and pathogens (Kiesecker and Skelly 2000). It is believed that selection would favor males who choose sites where they maximize access to mates and females who choose sites that maximize the survivorship of their offspring (Resetarits and Wilbur 1991). Forest canopy cover above aquatic breeding sites is known to be an important factor determining the growth and survival of larvae of several amphibian species (Werner and Glennemeier 1999, Skelly et al. 2002, Halverson et al. 2003, Lauck et al. 2005). It appears that, while larvae of most species perform better in open canopy than closed canopy pools, there are some species that thrive in closed canopy pools while others experience very low survivorship in these environments (Werner and Glennemeier 1999, Skelly et al. 2002). These differences appear to be related to food resource 122 availability in closed versus open pools in the form of periphyton and to water temperature and dissolved oxygen (Werner and Glennemeier 1999, Skelly et al. 2002, Halverson et al. 2003). In the current study canopy removal impacted biophysical conditions in aquatic habitat in ways consistent with previous research. Elevated water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH are known to occur in open canopy pools (Werner and Glennemeier 1999, Skelly et al. 2002, Lauck et al. 2005). These factors are associated with both larval microhabitat use and within-pond oviposition site choice (Noland and Ultsch 1981, Dougherty et al. 2005). Species differences in thermal tolerance correspond to their spatial distribution relative to canopy closure, with those more tolerant of warmer temperatures found more often in less shaded pools (Blaustein et al. 1999). Because canopy cover is so important in determining the performance of larval amphibians through its impact on resource availability and abiotic conditions, the prediction could be made that it should also affect oviposition rates. While research has shown that the distribution of amphibian species is related to canopy cover, it is unknown if patterns are due to oviposition choice (Werner and Glennemeier 1999, Halverson et al. 2003). This phenomenon could be responsible for the observed pattern of egg mass number across treatments in this study. Hyla chrysoscelis may be an “open canopy specialist” species (sensu Skelly et al 2002) and find optimal conditions for larval growth in open pools. Pools in harvested areas where H. chrysoscelis laid the most eggs had the highest water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH. On the other hand both Pseudacris brachyphona and Ambystoma maculatum may have selected conditions in the closed 123 canopy treatments as optimal. Depending on their physiology, species are known to differ in their preference for water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations (Noland and Ultsch 1981). It is also possible that temporal or “priority effects” (Alford and Wilbur 1985) impact observed patterns of oviposition. Species which breed later in the season, such as H. chrysoscelis, may oviposit based on the distribution of species which have already bred (P. brachyphona and A. maculatum) to avoid competition and or predation (Wilbur 1984, Resatarits and Wilbur 1989, Petranka et al. 1994). Another possible mechanism explaining observed changes in the number of egg masses deposited across treatments is the effect that treatment-related changes to the terrestrial environment had on the amount of adults capable of reaching pools to breed. Clearcut areas are known to impede movement of amphibians (Gibbs 1998, Rothermel and Semlitsch 2002, Chan-McLeod 2003). The main factors affecting the permeability of clearcuts to frogs in the Pacific Northwest were precipitation and air temperature (ChanMcLeod 2003). Air temperature in clearcuts was significantly higher in clearcut treatments during most of this study (See Chapter 2), but approached levels similar to control treatments by 2005. Without further experimental investigation, it is impossible to separate the effects of either differential oviposition in various treatments or the filtering effect that the terrestrial environment may have on amphibians intent on depositing eggs in different treatments. Regardless of the mechanisms, the patterns observed in the number of eggs deposited and metamorphs produced in the various treatments potentially have important 124 implications for population dynamics as they relate to canopy retention treatments. For H. chrysoscelis, the number of egg masses was an indication of how many metamorphs exited pools. This relationship does not hold for P. brachyphona. It is possible that a relationship does exist between egg mass number and metamorph number, but metamorphs of P. brachyphona are more variable in abundance and harder to detect. Or, it could be that more metamorphs are produced in pools with fewer eggs due to density dependent survivorship (Berven 1990), or that tadpoles experienced increased survivorship in open canopy pools where less eggs were deposited (Werner and Glennemeier 1999, Skelly et al. 2002, Halverson et al. 2003). Further research is necessary to clarify this, especially since there are some indications that the number of metamorphs is higher in control treatments in some years. Since the number and quality of metamorphs produced is the primary driver of amphibian population dynamics (Pechmann et al. 1989, Berven 1990, Semlitsch et al. 1996), the changes observed in this study may have important implications for the effects of canopy removal on the viability of amphibian populations. One important piece of information which is currently missing is the fate of metamorphs produced in the various treatments. Work by Rothermel and Semlitsch (2002) suggested that juveniles of both Bufo americanus and Ambystoma maculatum experienced higher mortality in old fields when compared to closed canopy forests. And, because juvenile marbled salamanders, Ambystoma opacum, and Ambystoma maculatum survival was higher in enclosures in forests than in old fields, it was proposed that 125 breeding sites surrounded by open habitat may be population sinks (Rothermel and Semlitsch 2006). These data suggest that canopy removal may have important implications for population dynamics of amphibian populations in similar forested ecosystems. However, many questions remain. Further research into the number of adult males and females attending to artificial pools would pinpoint the role of male versus female choice in oviposition patterns observed. 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John Wiley and Sons, New York. 129 CHAPTER 6 MOVEMENTS AND HABITAT USE OF EASTERN BOX TURTLES IN FOREST STANDS MANAGED FOR TIMBER Eastern box turtles, Terrapene c. carolina inhabit the mesic forests of the eastern United States and are reported to be abundant in areas where open habitats are interspersed with cool, moist areas with closed canopies (Dodd 2001). Although improper forest management has been implicated as an agent of habitat degradation for this declining species (Dodd 2001), little is known about habitat use and movement patterns by this species in managed forests. This information is required by forest managers who would like to include biodiversity considerations in their decision making process. Box turtles exist in a surprisingly narrow range of environmental conditions (Reagan 1974, Dodd 2001). This is accomplished, in part, by construction and use of microhabitats known as forms (Stickel 1950). Forms are simple depressions in the substrate, and provide favorable conditions of high humidity and low temperature relative to average ambient conditions (Reagan 1974). Turtles select microhabitats with vegetation structure that provides for suitable ranges in microclimate (Converse and Savidge 2003, Rossell et al. 2006). In Nebraska, forms of ornate box turtles (T. o. 130 ornata) are associated with abundant litter and shrub layers (Converse and Savidge 2003). Microhabitats of Arkansas three-toed box turtles (T. c. triunguis) are associated with high coverage of litter and/or grass (Reagan 1974). Considering this intimate coupling of microclimate and microhabitat, I predicted that shifts in climate due to canopy disturbance associated with silviculture would lead to shifts in microhabitat use by turtles. Because temperature and humidity should be more limiting in the drier, warmer conditions in cut areas (Geiger 1965, Chen et al. 1999), I predicted that turtles would be associated with specific vegetation structural features that serve as shelter in these areas. The identification of these specific structural features is an important step in providing land managers with information needed to make turtlefriendly decisions. Steps could then be taken to conserve or even maximize the amount of these features in a forest stand. Animals move as little as is necessary to obtain necessary resources, thereby maximizing energy use and minimizing risk of predation. Eastern box turtles have very low metabolic rates and minimize movements and resultant metabolic costs as part of their life history strategy (Penick et al. 2002). It has been found that the size of a box turtle’s home range is a function of habitat quality, with smaller home ranges in areas of plentiful food and shelter resources than where these are scarce (Stickel 1950, Nieuwolt 1996). Research by Curtin (1997) showed that box turtles residing in habitat fragments had larger home ranges compared to those in contiguous habitat (8.7 vs. 2.5 ha). In contrast, Delaware T. c. carolina in forest fragments moved somewhat less than animals in more contiguous areas (Iglay et al. 2007). 131 Because expected shifts in climate associated with canopy removal should make microhabitats availability more limiting, I predicted home ranges would be larger in cut areas. The objectives of this study were to 1) test for relationships between canopy removal treatments and average movements and home range size, 2) determine if box turtles exhibit selection at the macrohabitat level 3) quantify approximate climatic conditions experienced by turtles in different macrohabitats, and 4) compare microhabitat selection on cut and uncut areas. Study Area This study took place in Jackson County, northeastern Alabama. The area is classed into the Cliff section of the Cumberland Plateau in the Mixed Mesophytic Forest region by Braun (1950). Bailey et al. (1994) included this area in the Eastern Broadleaf Forest (Oceanic) Province and Northern Cumberland Plateau Section. According to Smalley (1982), the sites are located in the Mid Cumberland Plateau region, the Strongly Dissected Portion subregion, and landtypes 16, 17, and 18 of the Strongly Dissected Margins and Sides landtype association. The area is characterized by steep slopes dissecting the Plateau surface and draining to the Tennessee River. Soils are shallow to deep, stony and gravelly loam or clay, well drained, and formed in colluvium from those on the Plateau top (Smalley 1982). Climate of the region was described as temperate with mild winters and moderately hot summers with a mean temperature of 13 degrees C, and mean precipitation of 149 cm (Smalley 1982). Two sites were used. The first, Miller Mountain (34o 58’ 11” N, 86o 12’ 21” W), was situated on mainly South, Southwest 132 facing slopes with elevations ranging from 457-518 m. The second, Jack Gap (34o 56’ 30” N, 86o 04’ 00” W), had a North aspect with elevations ranging from 304-475 m. Dominant canopy tree species included oaks, including Quercus velutina Lamarck, Q. rubra L., Q. alba L., Q. prinus L.; 46% of pretreatment basal area (BA), hickories (Carya spp.; 15% pretreatment BA), sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.; 13% pretreatment BA) and yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.; 9% pretreatment BA) (Schweitzer 2003). Common understory species included flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.), eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis L.), and sourwood (Oxydendrum arboretum DC.). The study followed a randomized complete block design with three blocked replicates of five treatments involving varying levels of basal area retention of trees (Fig 2.1b). Treatments included clearcuts, 25-, 50-, and 75% retention, and controls. The clearcuts, 25%, and 50% retention treatments were chainsaw-felled and grapple skidded in a commercial logging operation. In the 25 and 50 percent retention treatments, trees were marked to leave favoring dominant and codominants with high vigor, especially oak, ash (Fraxinus spp.), and persimmon (Diosyros virgniana L.). In 75% retention treatment plots, the midstory was removed by incising trees and applying the herbicide Arsenal (active ingredient imazapyr) to achieve a shelterwood cut. An average of 941 stems that were an average of 7.4 cm diameter at breast height (DBH; measured at 1.37 m above ground) was treated per hectare with herbicide in such a way to retain an intact canopy, but allow increased light penetration to the forest floor (Schweitzer 2003). These treatments were implemented in order to determine which silvicultural prescription was most conducive to regenerating oaks on these sites. The 25, 50, and 75 percent retention 133 treatments were designed as shelterwoods and residual stems are scheduled to be removed 10 years post harvest. Two blocks were located at Jack Gap, and the other at Miller Mountain. Each of the 15 experimental units was 4 ha in size. Trees were harvested during the fall of 2001 and winter of 2002, and herbicide treatment took place in fall 2001. Although pretreatment data was not obtained for any of the variables measured in the present study besides basal area, the close proximity of sites, the uniform forest structure present pretreatment (Schweitzer 2003), and the random assignment of treatments make comparison of treatments to control plots valid. Post treatment basal area of treatments was as follows: controls, 24.3 m2/ha (99% retention); 75%, 18.8 m2/ha (70% retention); 50%, 9.2 m2/ha (38% retention); 25%, 6.3 m2/ha (28% retention); and clearcut, 1.2 m2/ha (5% retention) (Schweitzer 2003). Methods Radiotelemetry. Turtles were captured opportunistically and during visual surveys during periods of high turtle activity, especially after rain. When captured, turtles were measured for carapace length with calipers to the nearest mm, weighed to the nearest gram with pesola scales, and marked by filing marginal scutes for identification (Cagle 1939). Turtles were fitted with radiotransmitters (LF-1-//-357-RS-8, L.L. Electronics, Mahomet, IL), which were epoxied along the bottom of their carapace above their rear limb with the antenna glued extending forward along the marginal scutes. Transmitter packages weighed 10 g, or less than 3 % of the smallest turtles’ weight. Turtles were returned to point of capture within 12 hours of transmitter attachment and 134 then relocated every 3-10 days between 0800 and 2000 hrs (Merlin 12, Custom Electronics of Urbana, Nikomas, FL). Upon relocation, a digital thermohygrometer (Forestry Suppliers Inc., Jackson, MS) was used to measure air temperature (oC) and relative humidity (%) at the turtle’s location (TurT and TurRH respectively), and ambient conditions at 1 meter above the ground in the shade (AmbT and AmbRH respectively). A group of microhabitat variables were also measured at the turtle’s location, and at a point a random direction and distance (5 -15 meters) from the turtle. Percent cover of litter (lit), bare ground (bar), herbaceous vegetation (her), woody vegetation (woo), slash (sla), coarse woody debris (cwd), and rock (roc) were estimated using line intercept along two perpendicular 1-m line transects intersecting at the turtle. Overhead canopy cover (can) was measured at chest level with an ocular densiometer. Distance to nearest tree > 10 cm d.b.h., nearest slash pile (defined as an aggregation of sticks > 30 cm vertical height and ≥3 stems), and nearest coarse woody debris > 10 cm diameter were measured with a tape measure. In 2005, basal area was estimated using a JIM-GEM Cruz-All prism (Forestry Suppliers Inc., Jackson, MS). Locations were marked with a handheld GPS unit (eTrex Legend, Garmin Ltd., Olathe, KS). Means are reported as ± 1 standard deviation. Movement and home range. Turtle locations were brought into a geographic information system (GIS) and analyzed using ArcView 9.1. Turtle locations were used to calculate 100% minimum convex polygons (MCP), and 50- and 95% volume fixed kernel (FK50 and FK95) home range estimates using least-squares cross validation in the Home Range Extension for ArcView (Rodgers and Carr 2002). Distances between successive moves less than 12 days apart were calculated using Hawth’s Tools, a plug-in for 135 ArcView. Although MCP estimators have been criticized because they potentially include large areas in which the study animal never spends time (White and Garrott 1990), recent work by Row and Blouin-Demers (2006) suggests they may perform better than kernel methods in estimating home range size in herpetofuana. To test for an affect of harvesting on movement patterns, I compared the means of movements made on harvested areas and unharvested areas (see below for definition of harvested and unharvested). I tested for a relationship between estimated home range size of each turtle (MCP, FK50, and FK95) and the proportion of the turtle’s points occurring on unharvested areas using simple linear regression. A significant relationship would indicate that the amount of harvesting within a turtle’s home range impacts the size of their home range. Macrohabitat use. Habitat on the study site was classified into the following categories: harvested, unharvested, or roadside. Harvested areas were defined by the boundaries of experimental units harvested to retain 25- or 50% of overstory trees. Unharvested areas were defined as study units treated to retain 75% of basal area, control units, or untreated areas outside of experimental units. The combination of 25- and 50% retention treatments and of 75% retention and control treatments was done because of the large amount of similarity in both microhabitat and microclimate conditions between pairs (see Chapter 2), and because it allowed for greater sample sizes of radiolocations in each habitat. Roadside areas were defined as a 15-meter area on both sides of roads. This buffer size was based on the distance between georeferenced roads and the edges of experimental units as determined using a GIS, and through communication with Greg 136 Janzen, Stevenson Lands Company, Scottsboro, AL, about the distance normally harvested alongside roads during road construction. Habitat classification was accomplished in ArcView by drawing polygons around the perimeters of experimental units treated for 25- and 50% retention, drawing polygons around units treated for 75% retention and controls, and applying a 15-m buffer to an existing roads layer. Using these polygons, all turtle points were attributed as one of these three habitat types. Compositional analysis (Aebischer et al. 1993) was used to compare turtles’ use of harvested, unharvested, and roadside habitats relative to their availability. This type of analysis uses an individual study animal as a sample unit and allows the researcher to rank habitats according to preference (Aebischer et al. 1993, Garshelis 2000). In this context, amount of each habitat available was calculated by first applying a 50-m buffer to each turtle point representing habitat available to a turtle. This buffer was within the average distance moved by turtles and ample time passed between successive locations so that this area should be available for turtles to use. These buffers were merged and the proportion of each habitat type found within this new buffer was estimated. Proportional habitat use was determined by dividing the number of locations in a given habitat type by the total number of locations for the turtle. Compositional analysis was carried out in SPSS (SPSS 1997). A χ2 test was used to test whether the proportion of all radiolocations in harvested and unharvested habitats was equal across seasons in 2004 and 2005. Proportion of points in roadside was not tested because of low expected values (Zar 1996). All dates in April and May were classified as spring, July and August as summer, and September and October as fall. 137 Microhabitat use. A separate data set was created for all turtle locations on harvested and unharvested habitats. Roadside points were not included in microhabitat analyses because of low sample sizes (n = 15). Because preliminary univariate analyses showed that male and female turtles used different microhabitat features, locations on harvested areas were split into male (n = 69) and female (n = 63) locations, and unharvested locations were split into male (n = 88) and female (n = 97) locations. Matched-pairs logistic regression was used (Compton et al. 2002) to model microhabitat use versus availability in four groups; cut and uncut habitats for males and females. The analyses were performed in SAS (SAS 2003) using PROC Logistic with a no intercept model. This form of regression is analogous to a paired t-test in that it compares each turtle location with its associated random location rather than pooling all locations. This is appropriate because of the spatial and temporal proximity of turtle and random locations. The model coefficients are interpreted as functions of differences in habitat between used and random rather than absolute measures. The same suite of 5 models was run for each of the four groups, and the most parsimonious model was chosen using Akaike’ Information Criterion (AIC) (Burnham and Anderson 2002). Model performance was evaluated based on change in AIC value, with models within 4 AIC units of the best model supported. Variable importance was evaluated using AIC weights (Burnham and Anderson 2002). Variables used in analyses were chosen based on exploratory analyses of correlations between all variables. No variable showed significant correlation (R2≥0.60) with any other variable used. Model 1 contained the following variables: litter (lit), bare ground (bar), herbaceous vegetation 138 (her), woody vegetation (woo), slash (sla), rock (roc), coarse woody debris (cwd). Model 2 contained lit, roc, and bar and, if supported, would indicate the importance of ground cover variables. Model 3 was comprised of woo, cwd, and sla. Support for model 3 would suggest the importance of structural variables at the ground level. Model 4 contained canopy cover (can) and her and was theorized to indicate importance of canopy openness and resulting growth of grasses and other herbaceous vegetation. If model 5, which contained only can, was supported, this would indicate that turtles’ habitat selection was based solely on canopy openness or closure. Results Movement. In 2003, four female box turtles were tracked. In 2004 and 2005 two male and four females, and five males and four females, respectively, were tracked. The average number of radiolocations was 28.37±8.28 per turtle and the average number days turtles were tracked was 364.89±138.15. The average distance between successive moves was 53.32 ± 20.55 m (Table 6.1). The average distance moved by males (62.27 ± 23.53 m) was not different than that moved by females (48.10 ± 17.56 m) (n = 19, t = 1.50, P = 0.15). The average distance between successive moves on cut areas (44.30 ± 40.04 m, n = 165) was not different than the average distance between successive moves on uncut areas (51.55 ± 44.43 m, n = 216) (t = -1.65, P = 0.10) (Fig. 6.1). Home range. Minimum convex polygon estimates of home range size averaged 2.55 ± 1.95 ha (Table 6.2). Fixed kernel estimators using 50- and 95% volume contours averaged 0.76 ± 0.67 and 2.91 ± 2.71 ha respectively. No differences in home range size 139 were detected between sexes (Table 6.2). No relationship was detected between the home range size of a given turtle and the percentage of it’s locations occurring in uncut areas using MCP (n = 19, R2 = 0.154, P = 0.096) (Fig. 6.2), FK50 (n = 19, R2 = 0.022, P = 0.544) (Fig. 6.3), or FK95 (n = 19, R2 = 0.074, P = 0.261) (Fig. 6.4). Macrohabitat use. Neither males (Wilk’s Λ = 0.341, F3,4 = 2.58, P = 0.19) nor females (Wilk’s Λ = 0.602, F3,9 = 1.98, P = 0.19) exhibited non-random macrohabitat use. When sexes were combined however, turtles used macrohabitats different than at random (Wilk’s Λ = 0.588, F3,16 = 3.74, P = 0.033). Ranked in terms of their preference, macrohabitats followed the sequence cut>roadside>uncut. The preference for cut habitats over both roadside and uncut habitats was significant, but preference for roadside over control was not significant. The proportion of radiolocations in cut and uncut areas did not differ between seasons in 2004 (χ2 = 0.98, df = 2, P = 0.95) or in 2005 (χ2 = 2.69, df = 2, P = 0.25). The overwintering sites used by 17 turtles were located. For three turtles, two consecutive overwintering sites were recorded. Turtles always overwintered either inside of or at the edge of their home range. No turtle made a large move outside its home range to overwinter. The majority of turtles with more radiolocations on cut areas overwintered on cut areas and vice versa for turtles with more on uncut areas. Two turtles (T14 and T15) with a majority of their locations on cut areas overwintered on uncut areas. 140 Table 6.1. Sex, size, number of days and locations radiotracked, average distance moved, percentage of radiolocations on unharvested areas, and macrohabitat in which ovewintering occurred for 19 eastern box turtles, Jackson county, Alabama, 2003-2005. MCP = minimum convex polygon home range estimator, FK = fixed kernel home range estimator. ID Sex Carapace Days # of MCP (ha) 50% FK (ha) 95% FK (ha) % locations Overx move. 2 4 5 11 12 16 20 22 46 49 50 7 15 17 18 21 23 44 F F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M length (mm) 123 123 131 135 135 132 140 136 122 128 129 137 133 139 139 136 140 137 tracked 468 342 332 477 290 348 508 225 657 372 277 348 315 172 94 618 400 334 locs. 34 34 19 29 17 30 35 34 41 31 11 31 27 27 13 41 28 29 1.67 4.23 4.15 0.34 1.20 2.10 7.92 3.34 1.75 1.47 0.38 1.17 1.29 5.78 4.07 0.80 1.97 2.57 0.40 1.95 2.41 0.05 0.31 0.59 0.19 1.75 0.28 1.13 0.34 0.57 0.55 1.03 1.08 0.32 1.18 0.28 * indicates a turtle for which 2 overwintering sites were located. 141 1.82 7.39 10.33 0.20 1.42 2.77 0.94 6.09 1.31 0.24 1.23 2.43 2.22 4.68 4.75 1.39 4.32 1.32 (m) 50.3 40.0 77.8 21.9 44.4 41.1 81.3 61.7 35.9 40.9 48.0 36.6 45.1 86.6 98.7 41.4 66.5 61.1 unharvested 97 40 78 4 0 96 87 11 97 13 0 100 11 84 39 5 100 18 winter loc. control* control control cut* cut control control control cut cut control control control cut* control cut Table 6.2 Home range size estimates of male, female, and all eastern box turtles radiotracked in Jackson County, Alabama 2003-2005. MCP = minimum convex polygon, FK50 = 50% fixed kernel estimator, FK95 = 95% fixed kernel estimator. home range estimator MCP FK50 FK95 Male (n = 7) ha 2.52 ± 1.81 0.72 ± 0.37 3.02 ± 1.53 Female (n = 12) ha 2.56 ± 2.11 0.79 ± 0.82 2.84 ± 3.29 All (n = 19) ha 2.55 ± 1.95 0.76 ± 0.67 2.91 ± 2.71 Sex t-test t = 0.048, P = 0.96 t = 0.220, P = 0.83 t = -0.132, P = 0.90 Length of movement (m) 300 200 100 0 -100 N= 165 216 Cut Control Macrohabitat type Figure 6.1 Distance moved by eastern box turtles on control areas versus cut areas, Jackson County, Alabama, 2003-2005. 142 10 MCP area (ha) 8 6 4 2 0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 % of radiolocations on uncut Figure 6.2 Relationship between minimum convex polygon home range size (ha) and percent of radiolocations on uncut areas for eastern box turtles, Jackson County, Alabama, 2003-3005. 2.5 50% FK area (ha) 2.0 1.5 1.0 .5 0.0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 % of radiolocatios on uncut Figure 6.3 Relationship between 50% volume fixed kernel home range size (ha) and percent of radiolocations on uncut areas for eastern box turtles, Jackson County, Alabama, 2003-3005. 143 12 95% FK area (ha) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 % of radiolocations on uncut Figure 6.4 Relationship between 95% volume fixed kernel home range size (ha) and percent of radiolocations on uncut areas for eastern box turtles, Jackson County, Alabama, 2003-3005. Microclimate. On uncut areas mean AmbT (24.61 ± 5.16) was not different than mean TurT (24.58 ± 5.21) (t = 0.357, df = 218, P = 0.71), but AmbRH (61.51 ± 15.46) was significantly lower than TurRH (67.96 ± 13.82) (t = -11.12, df = 208, P = <0.0001). On cut areas AmbT (25.98 ± 5.56) was higher than TurT (25.43 ± 5.54) (t = 3.67, df = 144, P = <0.0001), and AmbRH (62.09 ± 16.24) was lower than TurRH (69.37 ± 13.69) (t = -11.323, df = 140, P = <0.0001). Microhabitat use. The best model selected by AIC for explaining differences between female turtle and random locations on uncut areas was model 1 (y = 4.83 lit + 1.18 bar + 2.81 her + 0.96 woo + 6.03 sla + 3.51 roc + 5.15 cwd + 0.028 can) (Table 6.3). 144 Within this model, the following variables were significant (Wald χ2 P < 0.05): her, sla, and cwd. Based on AIC wi, this model was 99% likely to be the best model. This model correctly classified 72% of locations. On cut plots, the most parsimonious model for female turtle microhabitat was model 3 (y = 0.74 woo + 4.26 sla + 1.40 cwd), which was 77% likely to be the best candidate and 71% classification accuracy. Only sla was significant in this model. Model 1 was also supported for females on cut plots (y = 1.18 lit – 5.34 bar + 1.97 her + 2.14 woo + 5.39 sla + 2.71 roc + 2.55 cwd + 0.01 can), which was 23% likely to be the best model and contained only one significant variable; sla. For males, on uncut areas the best and only supported model was model 1 (y = 6.92 lit – 2.78 bar + 4.53 her + 3.75 woo + 11.81 sla + 10.13 roc + 8.14 cwd – 0.19 can) (Table 6.4). Significant variables in this model included lit, her, woo, roc, and cwd. This model classified 83% of locations. On cut areas, male locations were best differentiated from random points by model 3 (y = 0.63 woo + 6.11 sla + 2.11 cwd), which had an 85% probability of being the best model and 77% classification accuracy. Slash was the only significant variable in the model. Model 1 (y = 0.42 lit – 14.67 bar + 2.21 her + 0.50 woo + 6.99 sla + 1.25 roc + 2.89 cwd + 0.017 can) was also supported for males on cut areas, and was 15% likely to be the best model 145 Table 6.3. Results of matche pairs logistic regression for female box turtles Control models – sensitivity 72.2 % litt + bar + her* + woo + sla* +roc + cwd* + can woo + cwd* + sla* can + her* can litt + roc + bar Cut models – sensitivity 71.4 % woo + cwd + sla* litt + bar + her + woo + sla* + roc + cwd + can can can + her litt + roc + bar sig. AIC ∆i wi <0.0001 <0.0001 0.018 0.547 0.789 100.23 109.22 130.41 136.09 139.42 0.00 8.99 38.81 35.86 39.19 0.989 0.011 0.000 0.000 0.000 <0.0001 0.0002 0.547 0.826 0.866 70.65 73.11 88.97 90.96 92.61 0.00 2.46 18.32 20.31 21.96 0.774 0.226 0.000 0.000 0.000 Figure 6.3. Results of matched-pairs logistic regression for female box turtles. Table 6.4 Results of matched-pair logistic regression for male eastern box turtles Control models – sensitivity 82.8 % sig. AIC ∆i litt* + bar + her* + woo* + sla + roc* + cwd* + can woo + cwd* + sla* litt + roc* + bar can* + her* can* Cut models - sensitivity 76.8 % woo + cwd + sla* litt + bar + her + woo + sla* + roc + cwd + can litt + roc + bar can can + her 146 wi <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0011 0.003 0.017 72.03 98.59 111.89 113.43 116.97 0.00 26.56 39.86 41.40 44.94 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.120 0.605 0.840 61.70 65.09 95.85 97.39 99.31 0.00 3.39 34.15 35.69 37.61 0.845 0.155 0.000 0.000 0.000 Discussion Timber harvesting at the scale and intensity studied did not appear to have drastic impacts on movement patterns by box turtles. The average distance moved by turtles on harvested and unharvested areas did not differ, and no significant relationship between harvesting and home range existed. This is somewhat surprising considering the significant changes to climatic and habitat features on cut areas, and the results of previous research. It has been demonstrated that box turtle home range size can be affected by habitat quality (Stickel 1950, Nieuwolt 1996, Curtin 1997). Box turtles which live in isolated woodlots appear to move shorter distances than those living in areas surrounded by forests (Iglay et al. 2007). It is possible that shifts in climatic conditions experienced by turtles were compensated for through observed shifts in microhabitat use, and that movements remained unchanged. Although it was suggested by Stickel (1950) that the majority of a box turtles home range is visited in a relatively short time, it is also possible that some turtles in the current study were not tracked long enough to determine the full extent of their home ranges. This phenomenon has been described for studies of this species (Weatherby et al. 1998). Large numbers of individual animals need to be radio-tracked in order to make comparisons due to high levels of variation in movement patterns (Marshall et al. 2006). This said, the two largest home ranges were of turtles which spent the majority of their time on uncut areas. Inspection of these home ranges showed that these turtles made large movements to areas with open canopy, possibly to reach ephemeral food sources or nesting habitat (Stickel 1950). In Deleware female Terrapene carolina inhabiting the interior of forest patches 147 moved further to nest than those with home ranges nearer to open habitats (Kipp 2003). One such movement was made a by a female during hot weather to a road rut pool where she was found completely buried underwater in mud. Movements of this nature have been observed in Tennessee and also enlarged home ranges (Donaldson and Echternacht 2005). The MCP estimates of home range size obtained in this study (range 0.34-7.92, x = 2.6 ha) are comparable to those of previous research. Average MCP home range estimators for this species include 4.05 ha in New York (Madden 1975), and 0.38 and 1.9 ha in Tennessee (Davis 1981, Donaldson and Echternacht 2005). The lack of sexual differences in home range size and length of average movement in this study have been noted by other box turtle researchers (Stickel 1950, Schwartz and Schwartz 1974, Stickel 1989). Compositional analysis revealed that box turtles prefer forest stands in which 5075% of the forest canopy has been removed. Although no studies have commented on box turtle habitat use in forest stands after canopy removal, eastern box turtles are known to use open grassland or pasture habitat (Dodd 2001). Use of open areas by three-toed box turtles in Arkansas was most common in spring and turtles shifted to closed canopy forests in summer (Reagan 1974). Florida box turtles (T. c. bauri) use open lawns and sea oat meadows more during winter and spring during mild temperatures and high humidity (Dodd et al. 1994). No such seasonal shift was observed in this study. It has been surmised that box turtles move to areas of high canopy cover for overwintering as these areas could provide the most protection from temperature extremes (Reagan 1974, 148 Madden 1975). In this study box turtles did not seem to show a large preference for cut or uncut areas as places to overwinter. However, in two cases turtles with a majority of their locations on harvested areas moved to and overwintered in unharvested control areas. No mortality associated with overwintering was observed. Turtles overwintered in spots with deep litter inside of some type of hole or depression. Several times turtles were found overwintering in old stump holes, some overwintered at the base of trees or rocks, and some inside of thick tangles of Smilax vines. It is possible that preference for harvested areas was related to food availability. The omnivorous diet of eastern box turtles includes various types of fruits and other plant material, fungi, and arthropods (Dodd 2001). Fruiting plants, such as blackberries (Rubus allegheniensis) which grew abundantly on harvested areas at study sites, are known to draw aggregations of box turtles (Dodd et al. 1994). While overall arthropod abundance was lower in wind created gaps in North Carolina, some groups were more abundant in disturbed areas (Greenberg and Forrest 2003). These could serve as important prey for box turtles, but abundance of macroarthropods is generally a poor predictor of vertebrate predator abundance (Greenberg and Forrest 2003). The preference for harvested areas could also stem from physiological benefits gained from climatic shifts after harvesting. This does not seem likely however since conditions appear to be more limiting in harvested areas. In uncut areas, air temperature (AT) experienced by turtles did not differ from ambient, but ambient relative humidity (RH) was lower than turtle RH. In harvested areas, however, AT was higher and RH was lower ambiently than at turtle sites. 149 On unharvested areas males used microhabitats with more litter, herbaceous and woody vegetation, coarse woody debris, and rocks than random, while females used sites with more herbaceous vegetation, slash, and coarse woody debris. Vegetative ground cover and litter were important components of three-toed box turtle microhabitats in Arkansas (Reagan 1974). Female T. c. carolina in North Carolina selected locations with more exposed soil than males, but the amount of woody debris, litter, and canopy cover at used sites did not differ from those available (Rossell et al. 2006). On cut areas, both males and females used microhabitats with more slash than random locations. This indicates that the main microhabitat feature turtles are using to differentiate optimal habitat from those available on harvested areas is slash. These piles of residual logging debris may provide turtles with cool, moist conditions necessary for thermoregulation and maintaining water balances. It has been shown that leaf litter in close proximity to dead woody debris retains more moisture than in open areas (Andrew et al. 2000). Slash is viewed as important escape cover for a variety of vertebrate and invertebrates in managed forests (Smith et al. 1997). The decision to retain or remove slash after harvesting by burning or chipping is made based on factors such as economics, aesthetics, recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat, and nutrient retention and storage (Covington 1981, Smith et al. 1997). Studies of the thermal biology and physiological tradeoffs of habitat use of box turtles in similarly managed forest stands would likely prove fruitful. It should be noted that the model used, paired logistic regression, told us only which microhabitat variables are being used more than random. Other variables may be important to turtles 150 on harvested areas, but only slash was used significantly more than available at random sites. Commercial harvesting of 50-75% of overstory trees in this region may be compatible with preservation of populations of eastern box turtles, at least at the scale studied. Harvesting over a larger area may have very different impacts than the 4 ha cuts in this study (Lindenmayer and Franklin 2002). Two female turtles (T12 and T50) were tracked for 290 and 270 days and were never found on unharvested areas. Both turtles successfully overwintered on harvested areas. Other turtles had less than 10% of their locations on unharvested areas. Future research should concentrate on radiotracking box turtles on areas similarly harvested of larger sizes to determine if the species can exist in areas devoid of unharvested reserves. Based on the results of this study, I would strongly recommend the retention of residual logging slash after harvest as it was found to be a critical feature of box turtles habitat. Bibliography Aebischer, N.J., P.A. Robertson, and R.E. Kenward. 1993. Compositional analysis of habitat use from animal radio-tracking data. Ecology 74:1313-1325. Andrew, N., L. Rodgerson, and A. York. 2000. Frequent fuel-reduction burning: The role of logs and associated leaf litter in the conservation of ant biodiversity. Austral Ecology 25: 99-107. Bailey, R.G., P.E. Avers, T. King, and W.H. McNab, eds. 1994. Ecoregions and subregions of the United States (map): Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Agriculture-Forest Service, scale 1:7,500,000. Braun, E.L. 1950. Deciduous Forests of Eastern North America. 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Considering that conservation of biodiversity, two components of which are reptiles and amphibians, is but one of many factors that forest managers base their decisions upon, recommendations should be realistic and flexible. With this in mind, I offer some recommendations to forest managers along with cautions based on limitations to my research, reflections upon the efficiency of various methods used in my research, and ideas for future research into this field of ecology based on the results of this dissertation and insights gained during execution of the project. Management Recommendations Inferences drawn from this research, and therefore management recommendations offered, are necessarily limited in scope. Results apply to forested lands on the escarpment of the southern Cumberland Plateau. Experimental units used in this study were embedded in a landscape composed largely of contiguous mature forest. How such 155 treatments would impact amphibian and reptile communities in different ecoregions, or in a different landscape context is impossible to predict. Inferences are also limited to 4 ha stands. Harvesting larger or smaller areas would likely have very different impacts. Results are also limited to relatively short time span relative to the typical rotation time in this type of forest. There were some indications in this research that the response of some groups was not immediate, and that a period of time was necessary before observing any trends. The 25-75% retention treatments in this study were applied as a shelterwood silvicultural system and therefore residual stems will be removed from stands 10 years post-harvest. The responses observed in this study should be applicable to the first 5 years post-harvest on forest stands receiving a two-aged harvest as long as they have similar stand structure. It is also important to note that responses of forest herpetofauna after canopy removal are unlikely to be limited to those reported in this investigation. I am confident that type II statistical errors have been committed in conducting this research. That is, I am sure that some responses have gone undetected by the investigation. Though this is a well-designed experiment relative to most previous similar investigations, low replication is a limiting factor in detecting responses of variable processes to treatments (Marzluff et al. 2000). Many amphibian populations in particular are extremely variable in time, making detecting trends very difficult (Pechmann et al. 1991). Considering these caveats, the responses of herpetofauna revealed by this investigation are summarized in table 7.1. These responses represent all significant 156 Table 7.1 Major conclusions about effects of 5 levels of overstory tree retention treatements on herpetofauna in Jackson County, Alabama 2002-2005. Responses are drawn from results reported in chapters 3 and 5 and denote the direction and nature of response. Variable Reptile richness Reptile abundance Large snake abundance Lizard abundance H. chrysoscelis egg mass # P. brachyphona egg mass # A. maculatum egg mass # Amphibian richness Response to canopy retention negative - decrease with increasing retention past 50% negative - decrease with increasing retention past 50% negative - gradual decrease with increasing retention negative - gradual decrease with increasing retention negative - gradual decrease with increasing retention positive - gradual increase with increasing retention positive - sharp increase past 75% positive - sharp increase past 25% patterns presented in chapters 3-5 and are categorized as either a positive or negative response to canopy retention. Some responses were gradual and increased or decreased consummate with amount of basal area retained. Others changed more rapidly with retention past a certain level. The direction and nature of these responses formed the basis for compiling a list of costs and benefits a manager would incur should they chose one treatment over another (Table 7.2). In this way a manager can determine what impacts they might expect to observe as a result of their actions. For the sake of simplicity treatments were grouped in two cases based on the similarity of observed responses. A group termed “Intermediate cuts” included both 25- and 50% retention treatments. Though the target level of retention was considerably different between these treatments, due to limitations of applying such large scale experiments on an operational basis, these two treatments were actually quite similar. No significant differences in herpetofaunal responses were 157 Table 7.2 Costs and benefits of choosing one treatment versus choosing another of two alternative treatment types. ▲ = increase in a parameter and ▼ = decrease in parameter. Treatment benefits costs vs. intermediate cuts: vs. intermediate cuts: Clearcut ▲ abundance of large-bodied ▼ richness of amphibians and snakes overall herpetofauna ▲ reproductive output by Cope’s ▼ reproductive output by gray treefrog mountain chorus frog vs. closed canopy: ▲ richness of reptiles ▲ abundance of total reptiles, large-bodied snakes, and lizards ▲ reproductive output by Cope’s gray treefrog vs. clearcut: Intermediate cuts (25-50% retention) ▲ richness of amphibians and overall herpetofauna ▲ reproductive output by mountain chorus frog Closed Canopy (75% retention and control) vs. closed canopy: ▲ richness of reptiles and overall herpetofauna ▲ abundance of total reptiles, large-bodied snakes, and lizards ▲ reproductive output by Cope’s gray treefrog vs. intermediate cuts: ▲ reproductive output by mountain chorus frog presence of reproductive output by spotted salamander ▲ vs. clearcut: ▲ richness of amphibians ▲ reproductive output by mountain chorus frog ▲ presence of reproductive output by spotted salamander 158 vs. closed canopy: ▼ richness of amphibians ▼ reproductive output by mountain chorus frog ▼ absence of reproductive output by spotted salamander vs. clearcut: ▼ abundance of large-bodied snakes ▼ reproductive output by Cope’s gray treefrog vs. closed canopy: ▼ reproductive output by mountain chorus frog ▼ absence of reproductive output by spotted salamander vs. intermediate cuts: ▼ richness of reptiles and overall herpetofauna ▼ abundance of total reptiles, large-bodied snakes, and lizards ▼ reproductive output by Cope’s gray treefrog vs. clearcut: ▼ richness of reptiles ▼ abundance of total reptiles, large-bodied snakes, and lizards ▼ reproductive output by Cope’s gray treefrog observed between these treatments. The same reasoning applies to the grouping of the 75% retention and control treatments into the “Closed canopy” group. The range of treatments applied in this study created a gradient of conditions, and, as expected, the responses of herpetofauna followed the same gradient. Some species or groups were more abundant on one end of the spectrum and some the other. Generally, reptile community parameters tended to reach maximum values with decreasing retention while amphibian community parameters tended to maximize with increasing retention. These trends, however, are not simply linear. For example, the cost of decreasing canopy tree retention in terms of reduction in amphibian species richness was observed only after retention of less than 25% of overstory trees. The benefits of decreasing retention in terms of increasing reptile species richness and abundance, as well as increased lizard abundance, were as pronounced at 25- and 50% retention as they were at 0% retention (clearcut). In other words, intermediate cuts came with many of the benefits achieved in clearcut treatments with fewer of the costs associated incurred with clearcut treatments. For this reason, managers whose objectives include the conservation of amphibians and reptiles might limit the use of clearcuts in favor of intermediate levels of cutting. Closed canopy conditions offer unique benefits. For example, reproduction of spotted salamanders was only observed in 75% retention and control treatments. It is important to consider the effects canopy removal/retention can exert on herpetofauna at several scales. Within-habitat, or alpha diversity (Whittaker 1960) is increased in this ecosystem by removing 50% of overstory trees. This is inferred from the observation that overall herpetofauanal diversity was greater in 25- and 50% retention 159 treatments compared to controls. Because there are a number of species that occurred in considerable numbers only on harvested plots, and other species that appear to require closed canopy conditions for reproduction, the existence of forest stands with various levels of overstory tree retention should increase Beta, or between-habitat diversity (Whittaker 1960). In other words, there is greater herpetofaunal diversity in the 60 ha study area where this research was conducted than you would expect to find in a 60 ha forest comprised entirely of contiguous closed canopy forest. At the next largest scale, termed Gamma diversity by Whittaker (1960), and for our example the Southern Cumberland Plateau region, timber harvesting would not appreciably decrease or increase species diversity because all of the species present on these study sites are present in the region. In fact, managing for diversity at the smaller, say Beta, scale only may come at a cost in terms of regional diversity. For example, I saw that two species of amphibians, the mountain chorus frog and spotted salamander, concentrated their reproductive efforts more in uncut stands. Spotted salamanders only laid eggs in these stands. The Cope’s gray treefrog, on the other hand, laid more eggs in clearcut stands. Because of this pattern one might argue that the total number of amphibians is nearly equal between the two stand types, and so their value for amphibians is equal. However, because Cope’s gray treefrog populations are stable and persist in human dominated landscapes (Cline 2005), while both mountain chorus frogs and spotted salamanders are becoming increasingly rare throughout their respective ranges (Mitchell and Pauley 2005, Savage and Zamudio 2005) increasing habitat for treefrogs at the expense of the other two species is effectively reducing regional amphibian diversity. 160 One more layer of complexity added to the situation is that if a forest manager needs to harvest a set amount of wood fiber to supply their mill or meet certain financial goals, they would have to disturb 25-50% as much land area if they retain 25-50% of ovestory trees upon harvesting. Essentially the question is: does harvesting twice as much area half as intensively have the same net impact as simply clearcutting? Although the results of this research can act as a guide when answering this question, because there is necessarily a spatial component to the question that is far beyond the scope of my research, inferences are weak or even dangerous. For example, harvesting 50% of overstory trees in this study did not reduce amphibian species relative to controls. But, although spotted salamanders were observed on intermediate cuts outside of the breeding season they only laid eggs in closed canopy treatments. The size and arrangement of experimental units may have permitted the movement of individuals from one treatment to another in order to satisfy requirements of completing their life cycle. Harvesting over larger areas may preclude this phenomenon thereby eliminating certain species from the area. Many reptiles and amphibians have different habitat requirements in different parts of the life cycle. It is also important to note that when a forest manager is weighing the costs and benefits of these different management activities they are doing so in a context of all available options, not just the ones studied here. For example, although clearcutting had negative consequences for amphibian species richness, a forest manager may be considering the pros and cons or clearcutting versus a land sale or conversion to a pine 161 monoculture. In this situation, clearcutting followed by natural hardwood regeneration to reclaim the site is likely to be more beneficial to amphibians than either alternative. If the choice of management activity includes any of the harvesting techniques discussed here, there are certain steps a manager can take to benefit amphibians and reptiles. One of these is retention of residual logging debris, particularly tree tops left as slash piles. Lizard and slash abundance were related on the study sites and the presence of slash may be important for the group. Radiotelemetry of eastern box turtles revealed that on cut stands box turtles rely heavily on slash piles for shelter. These structures likely are important for helping box turtles to maintain proper body temperatures and water balances in the warmer, drier conditions on cut stands. Slash piles likely benefit a variety of other organisms in harvested stands and their retention is strongly encouraged. Research Recommendations One lesson learned during execution of this project was the importance of asking directed and realistic questions. A huge amount of time was spent collecting and organizing data on climatic conditions in the various treatments with no specific objective. In the end, only a small subset of this data was used in analyses. Being clear in the beginning of the project with what was going to be done with the data would have saved much time and energy. The same might be said of drift fence trapping. In the beginning of the investigation I had hopes of inferring the response of many of the species present on the sites to treatments. In the end, there were only two guilds of reptiles which responded predictably to treatments. In hindsight it is apparent that the data set produced 162 by drift fence trapping is typical of most ecological data sets; of the species captured many are rare, and most common species are general in their habitat requirements. In my case, 21 of the 40 species were represented by the capture of less than 10 individuals, 28 species less than 20 individuals. Neither of the species which were captured in sufficient numbers for statistical analyses differed in abundance between treatments. The most useful information for comparison of treatments was species richness, a measure that could be estimated relatively quickly and confidently compared to the amount of sampling completed. With this knowledge it might be a more efficient use of resources to open traps until a complete sample of the species present is obtained on each treatment. The amount of sampling required could be estimated based on plots of cumulative species detected over sampling effort similar to figure 3.2. The use of artificial pools to study amphibian response to forest management appears to offer much promise. I would suggest further research that combines intense mark-recapture studies over time of individuals which visit pools on treatments to estimate movement patterns and demographic parameters such as growth and survival rates. These pools are relatively inexpensive, easy to install and maintain, and readily sampled. The lack of adequate replication is a serious issue in this type of study. The processes under investigation when assessing response of reptiles and amphibians are variable enough that traditional hypothesis testing techniques have limited utility in some cases. Study designs that maximize replication should be used when possible. In the current study it may have been possible to add an additional replicate of the clearcut and 163 control treatments since they are more common in the landscape. Then, the 25- and 50% treatments could have been grouped together since they were so similar. It is very appealing to attempt to detect responses to such a wide gradient, but realistically it is very difficult because of statistical limitations. Based on experiences gained during this study I strongly urge wildlife researchers to form cooperative relationships with researchers working on silviculture and other aspects of forest management. The chances of getting such large scale experiments applied at these scales solely for the study of wildlife populations are slim at best. Partnering with scientists conducting such applied forest ecology research ensures that treatments that are investigated are relevant to contemporary forest management and increases the probability of producing usable results. Working together also allows for data pooling and the chance to learn from people who have an entirely different knowledge base than you. The credibility gained by associating yourself with someone respected by other forest managers is likely also very important when reporting management recommendations. Bibliography Cline, G.R. 2005. Cope’s gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis Cope, 1880. Pp. 449-452. In M.J. Lannoo, ed. Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of the United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley. Marzluff, J.M., M.G. Raphael, and R. Sallabanks. 2000. Understanding the effects of forest management on avian species. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28: 1132-1143. Mitchell, J.C., and T.K. Pauley. 2005. Mountain chorus frog, Pseudacris brachyphona Cope, 1889. Pp. 465-466. In M.J. Lannoo, ed. Amphibian Declines: The 164 Conservation Status of the United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley. Pechmann, J. H. K., D. E. Scott, R. D. Semlitsch, J. P. Caldwell, L. J. Vitt, J. W. Gibbons. 1991. Declining amphibian populations: The problem of separating human impacts from natural fluctuations. Science 253:892-895. Savage, W.K., and K.R. Zamudio. 2005. Spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum Shaw, 1802. Pp. 621-627. In M.J. Lannoo, ed. Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of the United States Species. University of California Press, Berkeley. Whittaker, R.H. 1960. Vegetation of the Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon and California. Ecological Monographs 30: 250-260. 165 VITA Zachary Ira Felix, originally son of Kathlyn and Robert Paul, was born Zachary Ira Paul on July 21rst, 1976 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was adopted in 1994 and metamorphosed into his new identity as Zachary Ira Felix, son of Kathlyn and William Felix. He attended SUNY Cobleskill in Cobleskill, NY and achieved his A.A.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife Technology in 1996. From there he went on to work on his B.S. degree in Environmental Forest Biology from SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, NY which he achieved in 1999. An M.S. degree in Biological Sciences was subsequently earned at Marshall University in the great state of West Virginia in 2001. After a short tenure in Aruba wrestling venomous serpents Zachary was accepted into the doctoral program at Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University. After 5.5 years of toil the Ph.D. was conferred to Felix in May, 2007.