Designing Small Antimicrobial Peptides and Their Encoding Genes Chapter22

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Designing Small Antimicrobial Peptides and
Their Encoding Genes1
William A. Powell and Charles A. Maynard
This chapter describes an ongoing process to genetically
engineer durable pathogen resistance into poplar and other
tree species. The process involved designing, testing, and
selecting antimicrobial peptide sequences to use as
transgenic plant gene products. The synthetic peptide sequences were then encoded into DNA. Gene promoters,
translation initiation and termination sequences, codon
preferences, messenger RNA (mRNA) secondary structure,
peptide stability, and peptide targeting were considered
when de5igning gene constructs to test in transgenic plants.
At this writing, the first of several gene constructs are being used to transform hybrid poplar.
Identifying Opportunities for
Genetic Engineering
Modifying the genotype of a plant through conventional
breeding is a slow process, especially if several cycles of
breeding and selection are necessary to achieve the desired objectives. If the plant is a long-lived woody species
that may take years to flower and may not express the
character of interest until it reaches maturity, the problems and expenses can be astronomical. Genetic engineering techniques have the potential to eliminate years from
conventional development time.
The preceding argument has been made many times,
and in broad measure it is true. However, modifying gena-
1 Klopfenstein, N.B.; Chun, Y. W.; Kim, M.-S.; Ahuja, M.A., eds.
Dillon, M.C.; Carman, R.C.; Eskew, L.G., tech. eds. 1997.
Micropropagation, genetic engineering, and molecular biology
of Populus. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. Fort Collins, CO:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
Research Station. 326 p.
types using genetic engineering may be at least as costly
as conventional breeding. Armed with a few breeding
lines, a small plot of land, a few hundred pollination bags,
and a handful of artist's brushes, the conventional plant
breeder can assemble an incredible range of genotypes in
a few years. In contrast, the biotechnological alternative
of direct gene transfer requires a laboratory equipped for
plant tissue culture and molecular biology, and a team of
tissue culture and molecular biology specialists. With
model plant species such as tobacco and petunia, the process of creating transgenic plants and testing them can be
completed in a year or less. However, in many agronomically useful crop species or in tree species, the process may
require several years. Given the equipment, supplies, and
personnel involved, total costs per gene transferred can
be hundreds of thousands of dollars. When contemplating the molecular biology approach to genotype modification, it is important to carefully choose the plant species
and variety, the trait of interest, and the genes used to
convey that trait.
Identifying Suitable Plant Species and Traits
When engineering genes encoding several antimicrobial
peptides for use as pathogen-resistance genes, the model
plant species should be one that has high economic value, is
susceptible to Agrobacterium infection, and is easily regenerated from single cells or small pieces of tissue. The ideal trait
is one that cannot be obtained through conventional breeding and is controlled by a single genetic locus. The ideal gene
is fully characterized, produces a gene product or products
that can be easily assayed, and is expressed only in the desired tissue (e.g., anthers, fruit, roots, cambium, leaves) or
under the desired developmental or environmental stimulation (e.g., flowering, wounding, insect attack, heat stress).
There are several other constraints to consider. For example, if the plant species will be grown as a food crop,
the gene product should be nontoxic and nonallergenic.
Also, if there is any question of human toxicity, the gene
product should only be expressed in portions of the plant
that are not consumed.
Section IV Biotic and Abiotic Resistance
Field Testing and Release of Engineered
Woody Plants
For more than a decade, the regulatory requirements for
field testing and eventual commercial use of engineered
organisms have been debated (OAT 1989). The consensus
of the scientific community is that transgenic plants should
be evaluated by the same sets of procedures and the same
criterion as any new variety developed through conventional breeding (Miller et al. 1990; Miller 1994). Although
the debate continues, the trend is toward relaxing oversight (Hoyle 1996). For instance, in 1993 the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) changed
from a petition and permit process to a notification and
acknowledgment process. Under the old system, all field
trials were reviewed in advance and had to comply with
National Institute of Health guidelines (NIH 1994 and previous versions) before a permit was granted. Under current guidelines, researchers who want to field test
transgenic organisms must still comply with NIH fieldtesting guidelines, but must only notify the USDA of the
field test.
As of September 1995, APHIS has approved or acknowledged 1,818 field trails at 6,762 locations (Schechtman
1995). More than 40 different species have ongoing or completed field trials. The process has become so routine that
it can now be conducted through the Internet using electronic mail (Reding 1995).
The final step in successful development of a transgenic
plant is approval for commercial use, or receiving what
APHIS refers to as nonregulated status. As of January 1996,
14 transgenic crop lines had been granted nonregulated
status. Approximately 30 more have gone through the fieldtesting phase and are awaiting release. Most relevant to
the eventual release of transgenic poplar or other tree species is the virus-resistant squash developed by Asgrow
Seeds, which is fertile and will be grown in regions known
to have native interbreeding wild relatives. APHIS granted
the petition because the reviewers concluded that virusresistance traits have "no potential to increase the 'weediness' of either the crop or its relatives" (Medley et al. 1994).
Although the trend could reverse if unforeseen problems arise with ongoing field tests or releases, we feel that
by the time transgenic poplar trees are ready for field testing and release, the guidelines will have relaxed further
and compliance will be uncomplicated. However, if genetic isolation is required for nonregulated status or to
avoid problems with public acceptance, there are several
possible approaches. Sterile genotypes may be chosen for
transformation or the ploidy level of the transgenic plants
may be altered, rendering them unable to cross with local
wild populations. In addition, other researchers are actively working on sterility-inducing genes to incorporate
in the transgenic plants along with the primary genes of
interest (Strauss et al. 1995).
Among tree species, the genus Populus is close to being
a model system because it has several species and species
hybrids that have been transformed. Most reports deal with
hybrids between P. alba and P. grandidentata (Chun et al.
1988a, 1988b; Chung et al. 1989; Fillatti et al. 1987;
Klopfenstein et al. 1991, 1993; McCown et al. 1991; McNabb
et al. 1990). Several other species and hybrids have also
been transformed, including P. tremula (Lee et al. 1989), P.
tomentosa (Wang et al. 1990), P. tremula x P. tremuloides hybrids (Nilsson et al. 1992), P. koreana (Kim et al. 1989), P.
nigra (Tian et al. 1993), and P. alba x P. tremula (Brasileiro et
al. 1992; De Block 1990; Devillard 1992; Leple et al. 1992).
One phenotypic modification that has received attention from conventional plant breeders and molecular biologists is increased pathogen resistance (Cornelissen and
Melchers 1993). In the United States, it is estimated that
$9.1 billion in agricultural crops are lost each year to pathogens (Agrios 1988). Among trees, chestnut blight, Dutch
elm wilt, and cottonwood leaf spot, caused by Cryphonectria
parasitica (formerly Endothia parasitica), Ceratocystis ulmi
(Ophiostoma ulmi), and Septaria musiva (teleomorph:
Mycosphaerella populorum), respectively, have caused major damage to important timber and ornamental tree species. All tree species represent a $19 billion annual crop in
the United States (Echt 1995). Thus, studying antimicrobial peptide expression as a means of disease resistance is
a high priority.
Antimicrobial Peptides
Various groups of membrane-active peptides found
throughout the plant and animal kingdoms have useful
antimicrobial properties. Since there have been several recent reviews describing the properties and uses of antimicrobial peptides (Cornelissen and Melchers 1993;
Destefano-Beltran et al. 1993; Raikhel et al. 1993; Rao 1995),
we will not attempt to cover the whole topic. Reports of
transgenic tobacco expressing antimicrobial peptides, although promising, demonstrate the need for more experimentation. Increased disease resistance was reported in
transgenic tobacco expressing a-thionin (Carmona et al.
1993) and a modified cecropin B peptide, Shiva-1 (Jaynes
et al. 1993). However, other reports showed no significant
increase in disease resistance in transgenic plants expressing other cecropin peptides (Hightower et al. 1994;
Montanelli and Nascari 1991). Considering these reports,
in vitro antimicrobial activity does not necessarily mean in
vivo pathogen resistance; therefore, genes must be carefully designed to ensure that the encoded peptides are
stable, expressed at effective levels, and localized in the
proper plant cell parts.
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTA-297. 1997.
Designing Smalll Antimicrobial Peptides and Their Encoding Genes
In this cha~ter, we emphasize the process of selecting
promising antim icrobial peptides and designing genes
encoding them for use in tree species. We limit our discussion to pept\des that are small (<60 amino acids in length),
nonenzyma tic, linear, without any unusual or modified
amino acids, and to those that demonstrate an inhibitory
activity to the growth of a plant pathogen. These peptides
are interesting because their small size: 1) allows synthesis of analogs with amino acid sequence changes that can
be analyzed for antimicrobial activity change; 2) reduces
the expense of constructing genes that encode them; and
3) allows possible construction of a single gene tha t wou ld
encode 2 or more peptide products.
The strategy for antimicrobial peptide use is to have
transgenic p lants express these inhibitory peptides at
wound or infection sites and stop the spread of the pathogen. The use of these peptides can be envisioned as infection court-targeted plant pesticides. The re are 2 advantages
of this disease control strategy over current pesticide use:
1) only a small fraction of the compounds wou ld end up
in the food chain or in the environment; and 2) these peptides breakdown rapidly.
Selecting and Designing Antimicrobial
When selecting antimicrobial peptides fo r usc in pathogen-resistance genes, we looked for those that differed in
structure and in mode of action. The first peptide chosen,
ESF12 (Powell et al. 1995),.is a synthetic a nalog of PGLa,
which is a natural antimicrobial peptide produced in the
skin of the African clawed frog (Xenopus /nevis) (Saravia et
al. 1988). ESF12 is an 18-amino acid peptide that at micromolar concentrations inhibits conidial germination of 3
se lected p lant-pat hogeni c fungi: Sep taria musiva,
Cryphonectria parasitica, and Fusarium oxysporum. These
organisms cause Septaria leaf spot and Septaria canke rs
on popla rs (Populus spp.), chestnut blight on many chestnu t species (Castanea spp.), and Fusa rium wilt of
(Lycopersicon esculentum), respectively. ESF12 a lso mh1~1ts
the growth of the bacterial p lant pathogens Agrobact.emiiii
tumefaciens, Erwinia amylovora, and Pseudomo~ws sym~gae.
ESF12 is structura lly simi la r to the ly t1c peptJdes,
magainins and cecropins. These contain an amphipathic
a-helix thought to form channels in biological membranes
(Christensen et al. 1988; Matsuzaki et al. 1994; Vaz Gomes
et al. 1993). Genes expressing analogs of cecropin B enhanced resistance of transgenic tobacco to bacteria l wilt
caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum (Jaynes et al. 1993).
We expect that properl y constructed genes encodi~g and
expressing ESF12 will also enhance pathogen reststance
in poplars and other tree species.
The second antimicrobial peptide chosen, Ac-AMP1 .2,
is an analog of Ac-AMP1 (Broekaert et al. 1992) with the
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997 ·
amino te rminal Va l replaced w ith Met to facilitate expression. The Ac-AMP1 peptide was originally identified in
the grain amaranth (Amarmzthus spp.) where it is expressed
in the seed coat a nd apparently helps to protect the seed
from microbial degradation. Ac-AMP1 inhibited funga l
g rowth at micromolar levels and inhibited the growth of
Gram-positive but not Gram-negative bacte ria (Broekaert
et al. 1992). Ac-AMP1 is a defensin-like peptide containing 3 disulfide bonds, and is homologous to the cysteine/
glycine rich domains of many chitin-binding proteins. AcAMP1's abili ty to bind to chitin suggests that it has a different mode of inhibitors from magainins and cecropins,
and is therefore diffe rent from the synthetic peptide ESF12.
Testing Antimicrobial Peptides for
An antimicrobial peptide wou ld be of little use as a
pathogen-resistance mechanism if it was toxic to the plant
expressing it. For this reason we also used a germination
assay with pollen of Castanea mollissimn, Salix Iucida, Malus
domes ticn, and Lycopersicon esculentum. ESF12 and several
other peptides assayed were nontoxic at 50-fold higher
concentrations than those inhibiting fungal spore germination (Powell et al. 1995). Ac-AMP1 was not tested in vitro
due to the cost of its synthesis and, since it is naturally
found in plant tissue, it is expected to be nontoxic to plan ts.
This hypothesis will be tested when it is cloned and expressed in transgenic poplar.
Designing Genes for Correct
Expression in Plants
All of the pep tides we eva luated were synthesized from
che mica l compo nen ts, not extracted from biologi ca l
sa mples. Synthesiz ing and testing different amino acid
sequences allowed us to experiment widely. We made several amino acid changes from the original model before
a rriving at ESF12; therefo re, the re was no gene ava.ilable
that coded for the peptide and a new gene was des1gned
and constructed.
Codon Choices
Since no natural source of ESF12 exists, a gene capable
of expressing it in a transgenic p lant ha~ to be designed
and constructed. Several items were cons1de red to ensure
that d esign flaws would not interfere w ith optimal expression. Because of redundancy in the genetic code, 1 to 6
codons may specify the same amino acid. For example, 6
Section IV Biotic and Abiotic Resistance
diffe rent codons specify arginine but only one specifies
methionine. Although the genetic code is common among
all eukaryotes, there are differences in frequency of use
among organisms. Since the fina l destination of our gene
constructs will be 1 or more tree species, we chose from a
set of 44 dicot-preferred codons (Campbell and Gowri
1990) to encode the peptides ESF12 and Ac-AMP1.2 into
DNA sequences.
Each open reading frame includes an efficient translation initiation site. In most plant mRNA, the 5' proximal
AUG is the initiation codon Uoshi 1987), but initiation is
also d e termined by the context of the AUG (Kozak 1986a,
1989). The anima l initiation consen su s sequ en ce
(CCACCAUGG) and the p lant initiation consensus sequence (UAACAAUGGC) initiate translation equally well
in tobacco mesophyll cells (Gue rineau e t a!. 1992). The
animal consensus sequence has the advantage of containing a Nco! res triction endonu clease recognition s ite
(CCATGG) in the genes DNA sequence. The location of
this restriction site can be used in future modifications,
such as the addition of leader sequences that target the
gene product to various parts of the cell.
ext, a te rmination codon was chosen. In dicots, the
mRNA termination codon UAA is preferred (46 percent)
over UGA (36 percent) or UAG (18 percent) (Angenon et
a!. 1990). Data suggest tha t efficient termination in plants
might require a tetranucleotid e sequence o f UAAA,
UGAA, or UAGA whe re A is preferred (41 percent) and C
is avoided (6 percent) in the last position (Angenon eta!.
1990). Plants contain transfe r R As (tRl As) capable of
misreading UAG and therefore the UAGA sequence might
be used to prevent this stop codon from producing an oversized p roduct.
Lastly, the resulting nucleotide sequences were tested
using compute r modeling and modified to produced minimal mRNA secondary structure. Folding of mRNA into
hairpin loops or othe r secondary s tructures can inhibit
translation (Kozak 1986b). Minimizing seconda ry structures also aids the synthesis of the D TA used to produce
the gene cons truct.
Post-Translation Factors
Post-translationa l processes, regulating peptide stabi lity and targeting for cellu la r export, mus t be considered
in addition to optimizing factors involved with translation. If the peptides need to be stable within the cell, the
amino acid sequence should follow the N-End Rule. Proteins containing Met, Thr, Ser, Gly, or Va l at the Lterminus are relatively stable. Proteins containing Lys, Arg, Glu,
Asp, Gin, or Asn a re ra pid ly degraded by the ubiqu itin
system (Va rshavsky 1992). Another post-translation process to consider is the targeting of the pep tides. If it is desirable to have the peptides exported out of the cell, there
are several leader sequences identified . PR-l a, b, and c
leaders from tobacco (P fitzner and Goodman 1987), sCEC
lead er from the insect Hyalophora cecrovta. ( moth)
(Denecke et a!. 1990), and the ap24 leader from tobacco
(Melchers et al. 1993) are examples of leader sequences
that direct the export of fused proteins in transgenic plant.
We are presently evaluating the ap24 leader for promoting export of our antimicrobial peptides.
Promoter Evaluation
To ensure proper expression of the gene construct, seve ral promoters are being tested. First, the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 355 promoter is being used
in the vector pCEA1 (figure 1). The 355 is a strong constitutive promoter and will be used primarily to d e termine
the effects on the plant tissues to express pep tides. If high
concentrations of the peptides damage or kill plant cells,
we would be unable to regenerate transformants. If the
gene is sublethal, but still toxic, we would expect to see
severely alte red phenotypes among the transgenics. Existing transformants of petunia, willow, and poplar have
been obtained. The only consistent effect observed was an
increased difficulty in rooting the transgenic plants. This
work is still in progress.
Constitutive expression of the peptides will probably
be unnecessary for protection against pathogens. We are
examining a set of wound-inducible promoters that should
confine expression of the antimicrobial peptides to the tissues most susceptible to pathogen a ttack. The poplar
wound-inducible promoters we are eva luating include
W/N3. 12 and WIN6.39b (Bradshaw eta!. 1989; Davis et a!.
1991; Hollick and Gordon 1993).
Creating Multiple-Gene Cassettes
for Durable Resistance
Plant breeders, geneticists, and pathologists have been
combating pathogens for more than a century and have
p rod uced many hundred s of disease-resistant varieties.
In many cases, within a few years to a few decades of
comme rcial release, the resistant variety is successfully
attacked by a new strain of the pathogen. The length of
time a variety retains its resistance is called durabili ty.
Many va riab les affect durabili ty, but one of the most freq uently cited causes of low d urability is resistance based
on a single gene product. This p roblem may be more pronounced in woody perennials than in annual crops beca u se individual plants a re exposed to a pathogen
popu lation for yea rs to decades. This long-term exposure
enhances the probability of selecting pathogens that can
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
Designing Small! Antimicrobial Peptides and Their Encoding Genes
• M e tA l
•a S e r A r gA I aA I aG !y L eu AI a Al aA r gLeuA l aA r gL
• e uA I a Le uAr g • • •
•Me t G I yG 1uC y s Va I A r g G 1y A
• rgCys P roSer Gl yMe t Cy s Cy s S e r Gl n P h e G l yT y r
•c ys Gl yLy s G l y Pr o L ysTyrCy s Gly • ••
gation of the mutated p athogen . For
a pathogen to overcome 2 or more
d iffe re n t antimi cr o bia l peptid es
would require multiple mu ta tions to
simulta neous ly overcome the e ffects
of each . It is high ly improbable tha t
such multiple mutations would simultaneous ly occur in a sing le microorganism. The p robabili ty decreases
w ith each a dditional a ntagonis tic
gene p roduct. Therefore, a genetic engineer ing s tra tegy using severa l antimic robia l ge n e products sh o u ld
p rodu ce high ly durable resis tance.
Multiple-Gene Transfer
There arc at least 4 options fo r gene
tica lly engineering p lants to proSst I
duce m ul tiple gene produ cts. The
first option is to include multiple
genes in a single construct w ith separa te promoters to dri ve the producl'b;
tion of each gene. This is a difficult
Termin ator
and complex task. The fina l cons truct
size may be so la rge tha t it s trains the
limit of the Agrobncterium vector system. The la rge size also increases the
chance fo r rearrangement and inacpCEA1
ti vation of 1 or more of the genes.
(11 059 bp)
A second option wou ld be to transfo rm d iffe re n t pla nts, ge ne ti call y
cross them, and eva lua te the p rogeny
to find 1 o r more individua ls expressing both genes. For annual plants, this
approach holds promise, but for longli ved woody perennials, the time required is p rohib iti ve. In addition, th is
approach does not genetically link the
genes, and al lows fo r offs pring to
contai n only 1 of the genes. This could
Figure 1. DNA and encoded amino acid sequences of the ESF12/ACAMP1 .2 gene
jeopa rdi ze resis ta nce d urabi lity by
construct in the pCEA 1 plant binary vector.
a llowing the propagation of pathogens that have mu ta ted and can overcome 1 o f the gene products. The
overcome the single-gene resis tance. An timicrobial pep tides
p resence of these pa thogens in the popu lation would efa re the simplest of single-gene tra its. Therefore, it could be
fectively red u ce the layers of resistance in pla nts s till p roexpected that pathogens could evolve quickly to overcome
ducing multiple pathogen-resistance gene products.
As a th ird option, after recovery of a w ho le p lan t exresistance based on a single an ti microbial peptide.
To genetica lly e ngineer d urab le resista nce, a multi-layp ressing the fi rs t gene, a second ro und of transformae red d efense system shou ld be e mployed using 2 or more
tion and selection is ini tiated to incor porate the second
gene produ cts that em ploy diffe re nt inhibi to ry mechagene of in terest. Thi s a p proach cou ld be used on popnisms. A sing le mutation overcoming the effects of just 1
lar o r othe r tree species if the genes of interest can be
eva lu ated early and if diffe rent selectab le ma rke rs are
an timicrobia l p eptide wou ld have no selective ad van tage
avai lab le for each rou n d of transform ation an d sclccbecause the plant's other pep tide would p revent p ropa-
Bam HI
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297 1997
Section IV Biotic and Abiotic Resistance
tion. This a pproach has the disad vantage o f no t gene tically linking the genes.
The fourth option is to express mulhple gene products
from a single gene construct unde r the control of a single
promoter. This option has the ad vantage of linking _th_e
coding regions, keeping the gene construct small, and ~mm­
mizing the transformation procedures. We are tes tmg 2
approaches to this option. The first approach takes a dv~ n­
tage of a second initiation in translation. If 2 open readmg
frames are located within a few base pairs of one another
and the first open reading frame is small, the second open
reading frame can be expressed at a reduced ra te (Putte rill
and Gardner 1989). We have d esigned a gene construct in
which the 2 open reading frames encoding the a ntimicrobial peptides are next to one another and contain efficient
translational initiation sites (figure 1). We are testing this
construct for expression of both peptides.
A second approach is to encode both antimicrobial peptides into 1 open reading frame that includes the self-cleaving protea se TEV- Ia (Marco s and Beach y 1994;
vonBodman et al. 1995). This will produce a polyprotein
that will self-cleave in the transgenic plant, releasing the 2
peptides. The disad vantage to this approach is that residual
amino acids are left on the cleaved peptides. The re fore, it
must be d etermined if these added amino acids will ha ve
any effect on the antimicrobial activity of the pep tides. The
advantage of this approach is that the peptidcs a re linked
and would be released in essentially equal molar quantities . We are presentl y evalua ting thi s approach fo r
transgenic popla r.
In this chapte r we have d escribed a process o f using
genetic engineering to develop durable pa thogen resistance for popla r and o the r tree species . Toxicity tests of
various amino acid sequences, designed on the basis of
s tructural prope rties of natural antimicrobial pe ptides,
provided info rmation on which subs titutions e nhanced or
reduced activity against various plant pa thoge ns. Simila r
tests using pollen showed that the peptides appea r to be
nontoxic to plant cells even at 50 times the concentra tion
needed to inhibit fung i. Initiation a nd te rmination sequences, cod on prefe rences, secondary structure, pe ptide
stability, and multiple product expression were cons idered
in designing a gene to ex press the antimicrobial peptides
in vivo.
Present effo rts foc us on transformation and recovery of
nonchime ric w hole p lants expressing the pe ptide(s) of interest under the control of either the 355 constituti ve promote r or a wound-inducible promoter. The goal is to
d evelop a gene cassette to express 2 or more anti~icrobi~\
peptides tha t will confer durable patho~~Q reststance 111'
transgenic plants.
The authors thank Ms . Catharine Ca tranis for participating in the research and Dr. David Griffin, and Ms. Ma ry
Beth Ritter for critical reading of this manuscrip t. This work
was supported by Mr. William Heckrod t through the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region, the Research
on Ene rgy and Material Conserva tion in the Forest Industry (REMCO) Project, the USDA Cooperati ve State Research Serv ice, Mcintire-Stennis Research Program, and
the ew York State Cha pte r of the American Chestnut
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