This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Effects of Fuelwood Harvesting on Small Mammal Populations in a Pinon-Juniper Woodland William H. Kruse1 Abstract.-Small mammal populations have an intricate role in ecosystem function and must be considered a key component of pinon-juniper woodlands. Current management practices not only affect the habitats of small mammals but also the habitat of their specific predators. Trapping small mammals began in 1990, two years prior to woodland harvesting and will continue through the treatment and into the posttreatment years. Data from the pre-treatment period show a 50% increase in the total number of small mammals from 1990 to 1991 across all plots. A similar trend occurred from 1992-1993, demonstrating large variation among years. Little variation in small mammal numbers were found among plots. By the third trapping year (1992), four of the eight units had been cut and by the 1993 trapping season, all eight units were cut. Preliminary results and field observations suggest that harvesting may negatively affect pinon mice populations. Conversely, the harvesting had a more positive effect on the deer mice numbers as well as on species diversity. INTRODUCTION understory relationships (overstory regeneration as well as forage production), nutrient cycling, soil erosion, runoff, and on selected wildlife populations. This small mammal study is one component of the project. As the public becomes increasingly more concerned about the low levels of management that historically have been provided for piftonjuniper woodlands (Gottfried 1987), broadened and more diverse ecosystem research, in management strategies, is desired. Because these woodlands cover such a large area there is general agreement that they should be managed for multiple uses (Evans 1988). Also, the popularity of converting woodlands, solely for livestock purposes, has declined, partially because of the current interest in ecosystem management and partially because there are fewer easily converted sites available. More importantly however, is the need to maintain natural systems and to understand how management or changes in specific resources alter the function of that natural Pifton-juniper woodlands receive a diversity of uses. Previous attempts at managing these woodlands were directed at increasing forage for lives tock by removing the overs tory. Current management efforts have been redirected to provide winter range, for both wild ungulates and migratory birds, and most recently, to provide fuelwood. As a result, user interest has also been redirected from single- to multiple-use management. As the multiple-use management concept includes more nonconsumptive natural resources, it begins to resemble an ecosystem management concept. To complement the National Forest's ecosystem management approach, the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station is cooperating with the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in a multi-year research project (Kruse and Perry 1994). The project is located on the Mud Tanks fuelwood management area to examine the effects of fuelwood harvesting on overstory 1 USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Flagstaff, AZ. 91 m 3jha of fuelwood. Sixty-three percent of the trees are piii.on. One-seed juniper is the second most common species followed by alligator juniper. Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) occasionally occurs on moist sites. Average canopy cover is 40% (Laing et al. 1988). Average annual herbaceous and wood y plant potential productivity is about 562 kglha. The area is relatively flat, dissected by several Elevations are small ephemeral drainages. between 2,000 and 2,060 m. The primary soil subgroups, derived from limestone, are Lithic Ustochrepts, Udic Haplustalfs, and Typic Eutroboralfs. The mean annual precipitation varies between 34 and 46 cm. The overall research project consists of 33 units, 4-ha in size. Thirty 4-ha study units were grouped into 5 blocks each with 6 overstory treatments. Sixteen of these were selected for the small mammal study. These sixteen contained all the overstory conditions represented in the overall research project. The experimental design entails a randomized block layout. Blocks were designated based on similarity of pre-treatment overstory conditions and characteristics. The experimental units entail combinations of burning, no-burning, and cutting, no-cutting. Hence, the small mammal study repeats these four treatments in each of four blocks. Treatments were assigned randomly to each block and were located as conditions permit and therefore were not necessarily contiguous; roads or drainage channels could separate units within a given block Nevertheless, all treatments for each block are in the same area. Harvesting began in the falVwinter of 1991 and continued up to 24 months. Burning will commence on those units when the slash approaches 2 years old. A 100m X 100m trapping grid was located in the center of each block utilizing about 85% of it. At each grid point, 10m x 10m apart, was placed an 8 X 10 X 25cm Sherman live trap. At every other point, a 10 X 12 X 40cm Sherman live trap was located with the smaller one. The bait was a mixture of chicken scratch and rolled oats. Thus each unit was sampled yearly with 150 traps for 3 nights and 2 days. Demographic and physical measurements were taken and recorded on each animal caught. Each animal was toe clipped and released. Recaptures were noted. Relative abundance and species composition (Table 1) of small mammals was estimated by livetrapping on four overstory treatments: (1) type conversion (where the fuelwood has been harvested, residual trees cut and the slash burned); system (Gottfried 1987). Finally, the recent emphasis on fuelwood harvesting and slash disposal has added a new dimension to managing these woodlands particularly in the context of managing natural systems (Ffolliott et al. 1979). FUELWOOD HARVESTING AND THE SMALL MAMMAL COMMUNITY The increase of fuelwood harvesting has prompted increased concern for assessing the effect of both fuel wood removal and slash disposal, particularly burning, on nutrient cycling, understory production (specifically forages for livestock and other large ungulates), and small mammals in these pinon-juniper woodlands. In Arizona, fuelwood demands increased over 400% between 1973 and 1978 (Ffolliott et al. 1979). Land managers are currently attempting to develop sound silvicultural prescriptions for these woodlands, but basic ecological information needed to support current harvesting plans is often lacking (Gottfried 1987). Fuelwood harvest is the most significant factor affecting the overstory while the least understood management option has been slash deposition (Severson 1986; Baker and Frischknecht 1972). Because previous research has shown that species' populations can be impacted by overstory disturbances (Turkowski and Reynolds 1970), this study will provide quantitative information on small mammals following fuelwood harvest. For example, Severson (1986),. in New Mexico, found that total rodent numbers were significantly greater on treated compared to untreated woodlands. Kruse et al. (1979) found that treated areas differed from the woodland in that those rodent species which preferred the woodland condition, decreased in numbers on the treated areas. Whether trends such as these will follow fuelwood harvesting is the focus of this research. Finally, and because small mammals have an intricate role in the food chain as prey for raptors and carnivores, information determined from this study will provide information for those predators as well. STUDY AREA AND METHODS The study is being conducted on the Heber Ranger District, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, in central Arizona. Average tree conditions are 23.2 + 5.4 m 2jha of basal area, producing 35.3 + 12.7 92 (2) cut but not burned (where the fuelwood has been harvested but the non-commercial trees are not cut nor is the slash burned); (3) no cut but burned (analogous to a forest fire where the overs tory is removed by fire; some fire ladders were cut to facilitate the burning); and (4) the controls (where the units remain untreated) (see Table 2). Small mammal trapping is being conducted once each year Guly-August). The null hypotheses, that there are no differences in (1) total number of small mammals or (2) total number of species among treatments, will be tested utilizing years as repeated measures. TOTAL CAPTURES Small Mammals 1990-1993 ~ ~ 120 'c 100 ::::> ~ 80 a cv c: ~ 20 :E NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NCB1 NCB2 NCB3 NCB4 NCB1 NCB2 NCB3 NCB4 NCB1 NCB2 NCB3 NCB4 NCB1 NCB2 NCBS NCB4 15-2 14-4 16-4 21-4 III IV I V NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR CNB1 CNB1 NOTR CNB1 CNB2 CNB2 CNB1 CNB2 CNB3 CNB3 CNB2 14-2 III 15-1 IV 16-3 I 21-1 V NOTR CNB1 CNB3 CNB4 CNB4 CNB3 CNB4 CNB5 CNB5 CNB4 1990 1991 1992 1993 1990 1991 43.5 +/- 6 86.4 1992 39.1 1993 124.9 +/- 8 +/- 8 +/- 18 Figure 1.-Hlghly significant annual variation. PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table 3 shows mean captures for the uncut and cut units for the four years of sampling. These data demonstrate the dominance of the two Peromyscus species relative to the total numbers of all captured animals. Populations fluctuated during the first four years of the study. These first analyses show significant differences between years,(p < 0.001). Figure 1 best expresses this yearly variation, as well as the significant interaction between treatment and year factors. Figure 2 demonstrates an analyses on all small mammal captures and shows the similarity between cut and uncut study units prior to harvest. There were no differences among units prior to treatment (Fig. 2). A significant doubling of total population numbers from 1990 to 1991 is evident. Figures 4 and 6 show again the similarity among pre-treatment study units as well as the similarity within each species' population. An increase in the number of captures was similar for both the pmon mouse and deer mouse between 1990 and 1991. More .notable, however, was that of the highly significant (p < 0.001) increase in 1991 over 1990 of the deer mouse which contributed the greater portion was contributed of all small mammal captures. Table 2.-Treatment schedule for small mammal study units. UNIT BlKS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 10-4 III NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR 11-4 IV NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR 15-4 I NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR 20-2 V NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR NOTR o Year: Mean: Table 1.-Small mammal species list from Mud Tanks. deer mouse 38% pirion mouse 48% brush mouse 5% white throated wood rat 2% Mexican wood rat 2% cliff chipmunk 4% Ord's kangaroo rat <1% meadow vole < 1% rock squirrel < 1% III IV I V 60 u 40 Peromyscus maniculatus P. truei P. boyJii Neotoma a/bigula N. mexicanus Eutamias dorsa/is Dipodomys ordii Microtus pennsylvanicus Spermophilus variegatus 14-1 15-3 20-4 21-2 140~----------------------~ CNB5 CNB6 CNB6 CNB5 NOTR NOTR CNB1 CNB2 C&B1 C&B2 C&B3 C&B4 NOTR NOTR NOTR CNB1 CNB2 C&B1 C&B2 C&B3 NOTR NOTR CNB1 CNB2 C&B1 C&B2 ,C&B3 C&B4 NOTR NOTR NOTR CNB1 CNB2 C&B1 C&B2 C&B3 = No Treatment; NCB1 = No Cut, Burned (year); = Cut/Not Burned, (year); C&B1 = Cut & Burned, (year) Table 3.-Mean captures for uncut and cut treatments by year. 1990 1991 1992 1993 UCC UC C UC C UC C P. maniculatus 3.8 4.1 18.4 16.6 2.9 7.5 11.8 45.6 P. truei 16.3 12.8 20.1 19.4 12.5 10.4 30.5 20.0 All others 5.6 10.7 3.7 3.0 ~ ~ 5.5 U Total animals 23.1 20.4 44.6 41.5 17.5 21.6 47.9 76.3 93 Small Mammal Captures Deer Mouse Captures before harvest (1990-1991 ) ~ 'c 50 before harvest (1990-1991) ---------------------------, ~ 'c::J ::J ~ 40- 20 ,-----'--------'----'-~-------------. ~ 15 Q) ~30 Q) :; ~ 15. 20 ('0 15. ('0 ~ 10 (J ffi 10 ~ 0 ~ 5 ('0 Q) Q) ~ UNCUT 0 UNCUT CUT~o b~ [ili-OT9OoT0TM) CUT (to be) ['. PEMA90 0 PEMA9}J Figure 4.-Deer mouse contributions to the annual yearly variation In total captures prior to harvest. Figure 2.-Annual yearly variation in small mammal captures prior to harvest. Small Mammal Captures Deer Mouse Captures before( 1991) and after( 1993) harvest before(1991) and after(1993) harvest ~80 ~-----------------~ ~50,-------------------. 'c 'c ~Q) 60 ~ 40 <"' ~30 Q) :; ::J ::J Q) ~ 40 15. ('0 15. 20 ('0 ~ 20 (J ffi ('0 Q) ~ 10 Q) ~ 0 0 UNCUT CUT [. TOT91 b3 TOT93 1 UNCUT CUT [iiPEMA91 E3J PEMA931 Figure 3.-Harvest effect on small mammal captures comparing units prior to and after harvest. Figure S.-Harvest effects on deer mouse captures comparing units prior to and after harvest. During 1992 and 1993, 8 of the 16 study units were harvested for fuelwood. The slash was lopped and scattered over the cut units and by July 1993 was in various stages of aging. The trapping data from 1992 contained effects of some of the treated units and by trapping time in 1993, all "tobe" harvested units were cut. Data from 1993 reflects a cut treatment vs. an uncut treatment comparison. Figure 3, the "Small Mammal Capture" graph for before (1991) versus after (1993) treatment, shows significant interaction between time and treatment (p < 0.001), indicating an increase on the harvested areas. This shows total captures on harvested areas was 84% higher than on uncut areas. The "Deer Mouse Capture" graph (Fig. 5) displays a 174% increase in deer mouse captures on the harvested areas over the unharvested (time/treatment interaction significant at p <0.001). This large increase in deer mice suggests that fuelwood harvesting and the subsequent slash has a positive affect on deer mouse populations. Conversely, the "Pifton Mouse Capture" graph (Fig. 7) shows "no or little change" in pifton mice (time/treatment populations following harvest interaction would be significant at p = .051). Given the positive effects of "treatment" on small mammal populations, and the fact that the piflon mouse numbers did not change, suggests harvest of pifton-juniper trees to have a negative effect on the pifton mouse population numbers. 94 Pinyon Mouse Captures Pinyon Mouse Captures before( 1991 ) and after( 1993) harvest before harvest (1990-1991) _ 35 ~25~-------------------------------~ 'c c: .g 30 :::l 15 20 ~15 m25 Q) ~ ~ 20 :; %15 0.10 to ~ 10 m5 ~ 0 u ~ c: 5 Q) ~ 0 UNCUT CUT (to be) UNCUT CUT I_ PETR91 EJ PETR93I I_ PETR90 [] PETR91 I Figure 6.-Plnon mouse contributions to the annual yearly variation In total captures prior to harvest. Figure 7.-Harvest effects on pinon mouse captures comparing units prior to and after harvest. DISCUSSION showed that slash can be manipulated to affect small mammal populations but that an overstory of pifton-juniper was important to the pinon mouse. For our data at the Mud Tanks Study, the slash has yet to be burned. Therefore, if slash is an important factor in affecting population densities of small mammals, then slash has been in effect. After the slash is burned, we eventually will separate slash effects from the effects of overstory treatment. Slash is usually left where it falls. Juniper slash, unlike pine slash, is resistant to decomposition and will influence the site for a longer period of time. Some theorize that this residual slash protects both tree and forage species from severe microclimatic stresses and from early herbivory by large ungulates. Residual slash, while providing an improved site for plant regeneration and development, may provide an improved habitat for Baker and small mammal populations. Frischknecht (1973) found no effect from slash on mice populations, except wJ:lere it was windrowed. Severson (1986) suggested, however, that treabnents leaving slash benefited woodrats and brush mice following canopy removal. He also found that overstory was more important to the pifton mouse than the slash component. The interaction of herbivores within the piftonjuniper woodland has been documented with respect to birds, small mammals, insects, and the competition between these consumers and the forage resources (Christensen and Whitham 1993). An earlier study suggested that because three species of birds and three species of mammals use pifton seeds for food, herbivory directly affected their resource base _and the interactions among them. Therefore, severe overstory treabnent resulting in heavy slash accumulation not only affected the seed/forage base but altered ground habitat requirements for those seed eating species. An understanding of treabnent effects on species is necessary for anticipating the interaction of other herbivores in the system. Severson (1986) SUMMARY Information gained from this study will provide a basis for developing improved guidelines for a more intensive focus of ecosystem management in the southwestern United States. Population densities of small mammals can relate to site productivity and quality much the same as forage plant species are used. And finally with regards to this study, the value of this small mammal research is magnified since it is part of an unprecedented endeavor to simultaneously study the integrated effect of nutrient cycling, other wildlife, and wood product management strategies on the soil, water, tree, and range resources in pifton-juniper woodlands (Kruse and Perry 1994). LITERATURE CITED Baker, Maurice E and Neil C. Frischknecht. 1973. Small mammals increase on recently cleared and seeded juniper rangeland. J. Range Manage. 26:101-103. 95 Kruse, W. H., R. P. Balda, M. J. Simono, A. M. Macrander, and C. D. Johnson. 1979. Community development in two adjacent pinyon-juniper eradication areas twenty-five years after treatment. J. Environ. Manage. 8: 237-247. Laing, Larry; Ambos, Norman; Subirge, Tom; McDonald, Christine; Nelson, Chris; Robbie, Wayne. 1988. Terrestrial ecosystems survey of the ApacheSitgreaves National Forest. Albuquerque, NM: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southwestern Region. 453 p. Severson, K. E. 1986. Small mammals in modified pinyon-juniper woodlands, New Mexico. Journal of Range Management. 39: 31-34. Springfield, H. W. 1976. Characteristics and management of southwestern pinyon-juniper ranges: the status of our knowledge. Res. Pap. RM-160. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 32 p. Turkowski, R J. and H. G. Reynolds. 1970. Response of some rodent populations to pinyon-juniper reductions on the Kiabab Plateau, Arizona. Southwest. Natur. 15:23-27. Christensen, K. M., T. G. Whitham. 1991. Indirect herbivore mediation of avian seed dispersal in pinyon pine. Ecology 72:534-542. Christensen, K. M., T. G. Whitham. 1993. Impact of insect herbivores on competition between birds and mammals for pinyon pine seeds. Ecology 74(8):22702278. Evans, Raymond A. 1988. Management of pinyonjuniper woodlands. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-249. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 34 p. Ffolliott, Peter R; Rasmussen, William 0.; Warfield, Thomas K.; Botland, David S. 1979. Supply, demand, and economics of fuelwood markets in selected population centers of Arizona. Arizona Land Marks 9(2). Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State Land Department. 14p. Gottfried, Gerald J. 1987. Regeneration of pinyon. In: Proceedings-pifton-juniper conference; 1986 January 13-16; Reno, NY. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 249-254. Kruse, W. H., H. M. Perry, 1984. Ecosystem management and fuelwood harvesting in an "old growth" piftonjuniper woodland. (This symposium) 96