This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Preliminary Results of Decomposition and Cellulose Degradation Along an Environmental Gradient in Northern Arizona Carole Coe Klopatek\ Kenneth L. Murphy 2, Julie Rosen 3 , John R. Obst4 , and Jeffrey M. Klopatek2 Abstract.-Litter bags containing ponderosa pine, pinon pine, one-seeded juniper, blue grama grass, and snakeweed litter were placed along an environmental gradient, running from Great Basin Desert scrub through a pinon-juniper woodland community and up into a ponderosa pine forest. Litter types were swapped along the gradient to determine how climate affects decomposition. Litter bags were removed every other month, weighed for mass loss, and analyzed for the different carbon fractions of lignin, cellulose, and carbohydrates after each field collection. The number of cellulose degrading bacteria, organic matter, and the physical characteristics of soils from each site are reported. Thus far, litter placed at the higher elevation sites decomposes faster than at the lower sites. Additionally, snakeweed litter appears to be decomposing more rapidly than any other litter type, followed by blue grama grass, one-seeded juniper, ponderosa pine, and pinon pine. When all species between all sites are compared, initial C:N and Iignin:N ratios of the litter samples do not appear to be good indicators of decomposition. When decomposition within sites is compared, initial data show that lignin content alone of the litter may be the best indicator of potential rates of decomposition at the lower elevational sites. In contrast, the Iignin:N ratios correlate well with the decomposition rates at the upper sites. INTRODUCTION ferring to the carbonaceous component, and its relationship to the limiting nutrient(s) in an ecosystem, often defines the rate at which decomposition may proceed. Past studies have suggested that the ratios of C:N, lignin:N, and/or cellulose:N are the most significant indicators of the rate of decomposition (Moorhead and Reynolds 1991, Meentemeyer 1978, Schlesinge,r and Hasey 1981, Aber and Melillo 1980). High nutrient concentration in relation to stored energy (low carbon:nutrient ratio) will promote a higher rate of decomposition (Berg et al. 1982). Litter quality can also be expressed in terms of the relative proportion of the organic constituents. Higher concentrations of sugars and cellulose will further promote the rate The process of decomposition is controlled by several factors including temperature, moisture, soil structure, and litter quality (Waring and Schlesinger 1985). Since temperature and moisture regulate many ecosystem functions, such as microbial activity and nutrient storage, they are the most critical driving forces in ecosystems (Swift et al. 1979). The effect of temperature and moisture on decomposition changes throughout differe~nt biomes (Bray and Gorham 1969). The resulting effect of temperature and moisture on decomposition will also vary according to the litter quality of that biome (Berg et al. 1990). Litter quality, typically re1 USDA Forest Service, c/o Department of Microbiology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. 2 Department of Botany, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. 3 Department of Microbiology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. 4 Forest Products Laboratory, USDA Forest Service, Madison WI. 46 to: 1) determine how temperature and moisture influence the decomposition of plant litter along an elevational gradient that changes both in temperature and moisture; 2) evaluate how litter quality affects decomposition along this environmental gradient; and, 3) ascertain how biological activity and chemical properties of soil regulate decomposition. of decomposition because they are more easily digested by the microflora and fauna (Swift et al. 1979). Small changes in temperature or moisture may have a negligible effect on the decomposition rates of litter of poor quality, whereas, a slight change in either factor could greatly alter the decomposition rate of litter of good quality (Meentemeyer 1984, Berg et al. 1993). It is anticipated that there will be an ayerage increase in global temperature of at least 1 C in the next 35 to 50 years, as a result of increases in atmospheric CO2 (Schlesinger, 1991). Schneider (1989), Neilson (1989) and others have shown, using general circulation models (GCM's), that the Southwest will not only experience a rise in temperature but a change in precipitation. Neilson states that, as a result of this increase in temperature, areas (e.g., northern Arizona) will undergo a shift in precipitation from snow to rainfall events (pers. com.). As a result of the change in climate, the GCMs forecast regional spatial shifts in vegetation (Solomon and Shugart, 1993) that will have an effect on carbon dynamics across the landscape (Berg et al. 1990, Anderson 1991, Klopatek et al. 1992). In order to better understand how a climate change may affect carbon dynamics, a litter bag experiment is underway along an environmental gradient proceeding from a Great Basin Desert scrub zone, through pifton-juniper woodlands, and ending in a ponderosa pine forest. Included in this gradient are two ecotones, one between the desert scrub and pifton-juniper communities and the second between the pifton-juniper and ponderosC\ pine communities. The gradient has an average 2 C temperature difference. Litter samples from the dominant vegetation types have been swapped along the gradient. The placement of litter samples between sites should mimic a change in climate, and any differences in decomposition rates of a given species at different sites should be directly attributable to differences in microclimate changes. This will demonstrate whether decomposition is directly correlated to the environmental changes or, alternatively, more influenced by litter quality. Since ecotones are areas that are highly sensitive to changes (Gosz and Sharpe 1989), the process and rate of decomposition should be highly variable in the ecotones even though only small differences in environmental factors may be observed (Gosz 1992). Thus, this study provides an excellent opportunity to evaluate how climatic, chemical, and biological factors regulate decomposition; .in turn, the study will provide information on how climate changes may affect ecosystem processes across the landscape. The specific objectives in this study are MATERIALS AND METHODS Site Description The study area is located in the Coconino National Forest, due north of Flagstaff, Arizona. Within this area we have chosen five study sites that occur along a 7 km environmental gradient ranging along: (1) a Great Basin Desert scrub (DS); (2) a transition zone from desert scrub to pmonjuniper (DS-PJ); (3) a pifton pine-juniper woodland (PJ); (4) a second transition zone from pmonjuniper to ponderosa pine (PJ-PP); and (5) a ponderosa pine site (PP). Each site consists of a 1 ha plot that has been subdivided into 4 quadrants and fenced to prevent invasion of domestic livestock The sites are all located within a 10,000 ha (25,000 A) grazing allotment. All sites were chosen so that geological, topographic, and edaphic differences were minimized. 0 Aspects of the sites range from 20 to 130 with slopes from 2 to 5 percent. The soils at all sites are derived from volcanic material and are classified as Typic Agriborolls at the upper elevations and grading into Aridic Argiustolls at the lower elevations. The soils are all silty clay loams and are slightly basic to slightly acidic. Site descriptions are listed in table 1. Experimental Design In late fall of 1993, a litter bag decomposition experiment was established using abscised needle litter collected from ponderosa pine, pmon pine, one-seeded juniper, and blue grama grass and both dead leaves and stems from snakeweed. Each litter type was separated from any foreign material and thoroughly mixed to ensure the purity and homogeneity of the samples. The following number of bags were constructed per each litter type: 180 blue grama bags (BOGR), 98 snakeweed (GUSA), 180 one-seeded juniper OUMO), 180 pifton pine (PIED), and 98 ponderosa pine (PIPO). Ten grams 47 Table 1.-Slte descriptions. Dominant Vegetation Slope Boute/oua gracilis Bouteloua gracilis 2.3% (H.B.K.) Lag. ex Steud.) Eurotia lanata Ceratoides lanata (Pursh) J.T. Howell os Elevation 1960 m (6430 ft) OS-PJ 2018 m (6620 ft) PJ 2094 m (6870 ft) 4.2% Boute/oua gracilis, Pinus edulis, Juniperus monosperma PJ·pp 2222 m (7290 ft) 4.3% Poe fend/eriana (mutton grass) Juniperus monosperrna Pinus edulis Pinus ponderosa (Pinus ponderosa Laws) PP 2277 m (7470 ft) 5.3% Muh/enbergia montanus (mountain muhly) Poe fend/eriana (mutton grass) Pinus ponderosa SITE Boute/oua gracilis Juniperus monosperrna (Juniperus monosperma (Torr.) Little) Pinus edulis (Pinus edulis Engelm. Gutierrezia sarothrae (Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britt and Rusby) Laboratory Analysis of litter were added to each 8 x 8 cm bag constructed of 55 micron mesh on the bottom and 2 mmmesh on the top (the larger mesh allows access to invertebrate decomposers without losing sample out the bottom) (Harmon and Melillo 1990). The bags were sealed with stainless steel staples, labeled with aluminum tags and resulting weights recorded. Bags of litter of BOGR, PIED, and JUMO were placed at all five sites. GUSA was placed at the lower three sites (DS, DS-PJ, and PJ) and PIPO was placed at the upper three sites (PJ, PJ-pP, and PP). Litter bags were placed in the interspaces at each site to reduce any variability of microclimate and nutrient effects between canopies and inters paces. Four bags of each litter type from each site are being collected every two months throughout the duration of the study. Upon collection,. litter bags are placed separate paper bags and transported on ice in a cooler back to the laboratory. Mass loss of litter is determined by weighing litter bags and determining net loss. Soil Analysis' Soils were analyzed for several cherrpcal and physical properties. Soils were dried at 60 C for 48 hours and sieved through a 2-mm mesh sieve. The pH's were measured using a 1:1 soil slurry with distilled water (Allen, 1989). Soil organic carbon was determined using a modified method of the Walkley-Black procedure Gackson 1958). Listed in table 2 are the pH values and organic carbon content of soils from each site. Cellulose Degraders Surface soils were collected from each of the lower four sites for estimation of cellulose degrading bacteria. Estimation of bacterial numbers was determined by plate count method. Serial lO-fold dilutions of up to 10-5 were plated and subsequently cultured in 0.5 ml aliquots on Stan 5-0.4% Table 2.-Selected soil properties taken from Interspaces (INTER) and under tree canopies at the flve SITE PJ·pp Desert shrubland DS·PJ Plfton-Junlper OC OC OC OC pH pH pH pH ' 7.23 INTER 7.17 1.37 7.45 1.13 0.63 7.18 1.10 1.40 JUMO 8.29 1.18 8.28 1.18 7.97 * * PIED 1.20 7.33 1.66 7.19 0.97 N/A * * 1.63 PIPO 6.60 * * * * * * *species does not occur 48 study sites. Ponderosa Pine OC pH 5.57 2.26 * * * * 5.91 1.69 Statistical Analysis cellulose agar. C1}1tu:e plates were incubated for up to ~ week at 25 C In the dark The experimental deSIgn for laboratory plate counts of cellulose bacteria consisted of collecting soils from 3 vegetation types in the I?S site, 4 in each of the DS-PJ and p-J sItes, and 5 In the PJ-PP site. Three subsamples were taken from each vegetation type and each was tested with three replicate plates from four dilutions, yielding a total of 576 plates. Although no samples for cellulose degraders were taken at th~ PP site during the early collection, later samphngs have included this site. . This study is just underway, and therefore, at thIS stage data collected and reported on in this paper represent apparent trends unless otherwise stated. Further sample collections will allow us to s~atistically analyze the data and develop concluSI<.>ns. Mass loss data were analyzed using ANOVA WIth a. S~~ (1989) .statistical program, but yielded few SIgnIficant dIfferences. For bacteria, leastsignificant differences (P = 0.05) were calculated or:Iy when F valu7 indicated significant difference usmg ANOVA. It IS our intent to evaluate each of the significant parameters (i.e., climate, chemical J:hysical and biological) that regulate decomposi~ tion. These parameters will be used to construct a decomposition model for these predominant semiarid Southwestern ecosystems. Plant Analysis All sampled litter ~a~ were placed in a drying oven at 65 C for a ffilnlmum of 12 hours or until thoroughly dried after collection. The litter bags were then removed from the oven and left at room temperature for 24 hours to allow them to reach equilibriun:. Th.e samp~es were ground through a 20 Inesh SIeve In a ~Iley mill. Ground samples were analyzed for nItrogen, carbon, ash content and the different carbon fractions (see below). Litter carbon and nitrogen were determined using a Perkin-Elnler HCN analyzer. The ash content was det~rmined by ashing litter samples for 4 hours at ?50 C. Carbon values were confirmed by calculatIng48% of the ash-free dry mass (Schlesinger 1977). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Cellulose Degraders . The overall numb~r of cellulose degrading bactena (per g dry wt soIl) were greater in soils from under BOGR than any other vegetation type (fig. 1). Interspaces had the second highest number of b~cteria followed by JUM 0 and GUSA, and the two pIne speci~s. Despite the greater organic matter concentrations under tree canopies, the number of cellulose degraders present were significantly (p < 0.05) lower than vegetated and non-vegetated interspace soils. It is possible that allelopathic substances may have inhibited these bacteria. Allelopathy has been shown to reduce other soil bacteria in these areas (Klopatek et. al1990). At the leaf Litter Carbon Fraction Analysis Samples were analyzed for Klason lignin, cellulose and total carbohydrates. Oven dried litter samples were n~lled thn;?ugh a 40-mesh screen and then vacuum dned at 45 C. Approximately 200 mg of the sample was hydrolyzed with 2.00 ml 72% (~/w) H 22S0 4 for 1 hr at 30 C. Samples were then dIluted to 4% (w/w) H 22S04 with distilled water, fucose added as an internal standard, and a secondary hydrolysis performed for 1 hr at 121 C. se~ondary hydrolysis, samples were ImmedIately filtered through tared crucibles containing glass fiber filters. The filtrate and three washes wi 5 ml distilled H 20 were collected in 100 ml volumetric flasks. The acid-insoluble residue (Klason lignin) was washed an additional six times with 10 ml hot distilled H 20 and quantitated gravimetrically. ?ugar cont~nt of the hydrolysates were deterJ?l~ed by anIon exchange high performance lIqUId chromatography using pulsed amperometric detection. 140 -r---------------------- 120 ..q I o INTER • • • 100 BOGR "II""" 0 >< co .~ 80 GUSA 60 JUMO t5 co 40 III PIED 20 o D PIPO DS DS-PJ P-J SITE PJ-PP Figure 1.-Number of cellulose degraders in soils taken from interspace, INTER; Bouteloua gracilis, BOGR; Guittierrezia Saroth rae, GUSA; Juniperus monosperman, JUMO; Pinus edulls, PIED; Pinus ponderosa, PIPO. 49 Few differences were found when comparing individual species between sites. There were no differences in mass loss for BOGR, GUSA, PIED, and PIPO along the gradient, whereas there was significantly greater decomposition of JUMO at the PJ-PP and PP sites compared to the OS site. When comparing individual species, within a site we found the following results. At the OS site, GUSA was significantly different (Le., greater mass loss) from PIED and JUMO, whereas BOGR did not differ from any other species. At site DS-PJ, only GUSA showed a significant difference from PIED, and no other significant differences between species were found. There were no significant differences found between any of the species at the PJ, PJ-pP, and PP sites. Apparent differences in the rate of decomposition between species at selected sites are also shown in figure 2. In examining individual litter samples, GUSA appears to be decomposing more rapidly than any other litter type, followed by BOGR, JUMO, PIPO, and PIEO. If this holds true, it may be attributed, in part, to the greater percent readily decomposable C sources (Swift et al. 1979) such as glucose, xylan, and cellulose of GUSA and BOGR (table 4) and high numbers of cellulose degrading bacteria (Fig. 1). DS and PJ-pp sites the number of bacteria were greatest under BOGR, whereas there were no differences in the number of bacteria within either the OS-PJ or the PJ sites. The PJ site had the lowest overall number of bacteria which may be related to the low organic carbon in the soils due to the relatively young age of the site since last fire (ca. 140 yrs). Mass Loss The effects of climatic factors (Le., temperature and moisture) on the rate of decomposition are presented in figure 2. Overall mass loss data reveals that the rate of decomposition for BOGR, GUSA,JUMO, and PIPO increases as one moves up the gradient from the lower (OS) to the higher elevational site (PP). But at this time, the total mass loss of all species only differed significantly between the OS and PP sites, as PP site exhibited a statistically greater loss than the OS site. This is probably the result of greater soil moisture and corresponds with the level of actual evapotranspiration (Meentemeyer 1978) at the higher elevational sites. We anticipate that this result will be maintained for several months, particularly through the warmer, dry periods. Guttierrezia Sarothrae Souteloua gracilis 100 100 - . . : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ~ "2 95 Q c: 'c ~-------------, 95 "Cij .~ 90 E 90 Q) & 0=: '#. 85 ~ 85 80 <0 80 50 100 150 0 200 50 \-05 ->;>-OS·PJ-PJ -e- 100 150 200 160 200 Time (days) Time (days) I-os PJ.pp -G- PP Juniperus monosperma ->;>-OS·PJ-*PJ Pinus ponderosa 100 100 en 95 c "2 J 90 '#. 85 8O+---O--i----+---I--+-~--t--__l o 50 100 150 o 200 Time (days) I- OS ,->;>- OS·PJ - PJ 60 100 Time (days) 1- PJ -e- PJ·pp .. PP -e- PJ-PP .. PP Figure 2.-Decomposltlon (mass loss) of selected litter types along the gradient over 9 months. Key: OS = Desert ShrUb, OS-PJ = Desert Shrub-Plfton Juniper, PJ = Plfton-Junlper, PJ=PP = Phion-Junlper-Ponderosa Pine, PP = Ponderosa Pine. 50 Table 3.--Carbon fractions of the five litter types prior to decomposition. Key: Kl = Klason Lignin; ASl = Acid Solu· ble; CEl Cellulose; Arab Arablnanj Rham Rhamanj Gal Galactanj Glu Glucanj Xyl Xylanj Man Mannanj Tl Total Llgnlnj Llgnln:Carbohydrate ratios determined by Raman Spectroscopy; TS Total Sugarsj values are gmll gm, Tl:CEll = Total Llgnln:Celiulose ratio. Chemical Anal sis = Kl = = ASl eEL = Arab Rham = Gal Glu = Xyl Man = = = 11. TS 30.9 30.5 41.4 45.5 43.7 55.4 44.3 29.6 31.5 35.2 11.:TS 11.:CElL .................... % .................. BOGR GUSA JUMO PIED PIPO 27.7 26.3 37.2 41.6 40.7 3.2 4.2 4.2 3.9 3.0 31.6 25.47 16.73 16.60 19.50 3.5 1.8 5.2 3.9 3.2 .08 .6 .6 .5 .5 1.44 1.4 2.2 2.3 2.4 31.71 25.7 17.5 18.3 21.2 Effects of Litter Quality 18.23 14.1 1.8 1.4 2.8 .44 .7 2.3 5.1 5.1 .56 .69 1.40 1.44 1.24 .98 1.20 2.47 2.74 2.24 nin:N ratio is related to the decomposition rate. This trend may be attributable to a switching of limiting factors (between lignin, N and moisture) at the mid point of the gradient. At the lower elevations, soil moisture limits plant growth and appears to limit decomposition, whereas at the two upper elevations, it appears that the moisture no longer limits, but N may be limiting decomposition. N content of the initial litter was equal within each litter type, but different between each type (Table 4). Since JUMO has the lowest lignin:N ratio and the greatest N content, it decomposed faster than the other litter types, but only at the two upper elevational sites. We view these preliminary findings as interesting differences in ecological processes that may be influenced by future climate changes. The initial results suggest several different scenarios for changes in carbon fluxes given a temperature and moisture change. We report indications of trends; however, the evidence on how climate, litter quality and bacterial activity affect decomposition will become more apparent as this research progresses. In order to determine the rate of decomposition for a specific litter type, it is important to understand what factors other than climate may be limiting decomposition. In this study nitrogen appears to be a limiting nutrient as suggested by Klopatek et al. (1990) for nearby pilion-juniper sites, while the relative concentrations of organic constituents varies between litter types (table 4). Table 3 lists the C content and litter quality of the initial litter samples. Percent N concentrations were greater in JUMO litter than any other species (table 4). In addition, JUMO had the lowest C:N and lignin:N ratios, whereas PIED and GUSA with the highest C:N ratios had the same percent N content. Figure 3 shows the relative changes in carbon fractions as a result of decomposition of different litter types at selected sites. When comparing all species between sites, initial C:N and lignin:N ratios of the litter samples do not appear to be good indicators of decomposition (table 3 and Fig. 3). However, when comparing. decomposition within sites, initial data shows that lignin content alone of the litter may have the greatest influence on the rate of decomposition (McClaugherty et al. 1985, Berg and Ekbohm 1990). At the lower three sites (DS, DS-PJ, and PJ), initial lignin concentrations from all litter samples are inversely related to the resulting decomposition rate (table 4). 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