Welcome and Opening Remarks Jose salinasl and Bob ~an~senkarnp? ... Jose Salinas Good afternoon! I am pleased to join Jim Baca of the New Mexico State Land Ofl2ce in welcoming each of you to this week's Phn-Juniper Symposium. First, I want to take a moment to mpiz the Chaupemns for this year's symposium. They have wolked hard and have done a great job! If Jeff Kline of the New State Land office and Doug Shaw of the Watershed Staff of the Forest Service office in Albuquerque are in the audiem, will you please stand? Jeff and Doug shared the responsibility in putting this coderence together. Let's give both of them a big hand. Thanks, Jeff and Doug. I also want to thank the New Mexico State Land Office for providing us with a meeting place. And thanks to the Santa Fe National Forest for taking time out of their busy schedule to host a field trip on Wednesday. This is not the fust Piiion-Juniper Symposium to be held in New Mexico. However, I think this meeting is unique compared to previous conferences. Why? In wiewing this week's agenda, I noted three general promotional themes: 1. Building partnerships 2. The piiion-juniper ecosystem is a special place 3. All is not well in our P-J ecosystems. BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS I would like to briefly address each of these three themes. First: building partnerships. For those of you who may not be aware, about three weeks ago the New Mexico Legislature passed a memorial highhghting the many issues surrounding the piiIon-juniper (P-J) ecosystem. But more important opportunities were also mentioned. With this in mind, the Legislature called upon all appropriate federal and state agencies, county governments, tribal governments, research and educational institutions, non-profit organizations, as well as individuals and groups with a vested interest in the piiion-juniper ecosystem (such as the m h i n g community, the piiIon nut industry, and many others), to join as partners to seek workable solutions to the many problems and management questions related to piiion-juniper woodlands. It was in this same spirit of wodcing ' Director, Watershed Management, USDA Forest Service, Albuquerque, NM. Deputy Land Commissioner, New Mexico State Land Ofice, Santa Fe, NM. together through partnerships that each of you was invited to participate in this week's symposium. Your input is criticall to all of us: what you have to say is important in the success of building true partnerships Although this symposium is sponsored by New Mexico State University, New Mexico State Land Office and USDA Forest Service, the list of P-J partners exceeds 20 in number - too many to name at this time. I hope that by the end this week, the number of partners will have increased as well as the number of worlung relationships. THE PINON-JUNIPER ECOSYSTEM IS A SPECIAL PLACE I also mentioned the theme, "The piiion-~uniperecosystem is a special place." Some lifestyles such as ranching make their livelihood from the P-J ecosystems. Cattle grazing has been part of the P-J for several generations. Qually important, the P-J ecosystem is essential to the survival of the Hispanic and American M i a n ' cultures especially to the American Indian We cannot talk about the American Indian of the Southwest without talking about P-J ecosystems and vice versa. Piiion-juniper is part of the architecture of historical cities such as Chaco Canyon. Hundreds of villages of the era from 750 to 1300 AD occupied the present day P-J ecotypes. Direct descendents of these early day users are mcipants in this symposium. Some attendees, some as speakers and others as active partners, are part of the list that I spoke about a moment ago. Piiron nuts, fire wood and other wood by-products art: still very much part of these two cultures. These and other by-products have become important to other cultures as well. To many of us, the P-J ecosystem has become the place to recreate. This includes, but is not limited to: cross-country skiing, hunting, hiking, bird watching, camping, weekend/aftemoon drives, and family outings such as cutting fire wood and collecting piilon-nuts. The various P-J ecotypes serve as home to hundreds of different types of wildlife, including both large and small mammals such elk and field mice. The ecosystem is a home to a variety of birds and a restmg place for neo-tropical birds. The P-J ecosystem hosts a variety of plant communities mging from grasses to shrubs that provide forage for the livestock we gmze and the wildlife we hunt and supports the shrubs that we transplant to our front lawns as decorative items to make our home beautifid and to raise its value. To all of us, the piiion-juniper ecosystem is a giant watershed that provides the water we drink. Healthy P-J ecotypes are the lifelines to quality that we expect each time we open the faucet in our home. Healthy P-Js are the lifelines to the water we use to bathe and to water our lawns. Healthy P-J is the source of quality water that is delivered to huge reservoirs where we recreate and store the water that is used to irrigate the hundreds of thousands of acres of food crops. It is the watershed for people outside of New Mexico as well, such as those from Texas and across the international boundary into Mexico. Equally important, healthy P-J ecotypes are the monitors of our ability to care for the land and maintain soil productivity. A healthy P-J ecosystem increases our ability to keep soil in place mther than eroded far away, polluting our streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Yes, P-J is a very special place. It has been a special place for hundreds of centuries. It is special today and will remain special for years to come. we have studied and managed mainly according to biological importance and, in most cases, for a single resource. Can we continue with this process? Or would it be better to widen our views to ecosystem management - to include the biological, economical and traditional socialcultural needs? I doubt if all the questions and concerns that will surface during t h week ~ ~ can be answered On the other hand, the make-up of the agenda and the attendees will help raise the awareness of the complexity of the economic, socia and natural resource needs within the P-J ecosystem Individual concerns and comments are important - as will be networlang dunng designated breaks or whatever other opportunities may exist to exchange ideas and build partnerships to continue to make piiion-juniper a specla1 place, as it has been for hundreds of years. I encourage each of you to partxipate in the symposium as much as possible and to have an enjoyable and productive week. Thank you. ... Bob Langsenkamp ALL IS NOT WELL WITH OUR PINON-JUNIPER ECOSYSTEMS The third theme that I note in the agenda is that all is not well with our piiion-juniper ecosystems. The book, The G r a River, documents the diaq of a Spanish officer located here in Santa Fe. This officer was among the first Spaniards in this area He writes of his concern that it had been two days since he sent a patrol of soldiers to collect firewood. He also writes of the tall grasses around Santa Fe and surrounding country. A quick glance at presentday Santa Fe will tell us that much has changed in the last two to three hundred years in terms of vegetation and forage production Recent photos indicate that major changes in terms of soil production have occurred in the last 100 years. A quick visit to the Rio Grande and places like Elephant Butte Reservoir will demonstmte that soil loss and reduction of water quality are much greater than what would occur from natural processes alone. A visit to our P-J ecosystem will show unacceptable amounts of bare soil, depleted top soil, and vegetation cover. We are not tallung about natural process, but over and above n a t d erosion processes. We are talking about the results of imbalances created by people; not only imbalances that were created 100 years ago, but, more importantly, those imbalances that we are allowing to occur today. I recently overheard a comment by a land manager that it was too expensive and that funding is not available to restore the unacceptable condition of the P-J ecosystem This individual's assessment is probably true. But, it is also true that we cannot afford to continue with our present attitude. The present unacceptable condition could be the result of lack of fundrng andlor it could be the result of present management practices. Our challenge is to do better in both understanding and managing this forgotten natural resource heritage. In the past, On behalf of Commissioner Baca I'd like to welcome you all here today. He can't make it for reasons which are known to most of you. Commissioner Baa may soon have responsibility for much m o P-J ~ Woodland than he has now, and that makes the infomation, goodwill and enthusiasm you genemte here all the lhave his c o M o n heamgs for BLM more important He d Director before the Senate Energy Committee tomomw morning. Like many of the most important thmgs in life, Modem society in the Southwest has tended to take the P-J Woodlands for granted It is certarnly true in my case, being a product of this society. As a teenager in southvest Colomdo, P-J was just a rather scraggly, unattractive ecotone that one had to travel through as a necessary transition to get to more excitmg things like elk (elk in the woodlands were almost unheard of then) and trout at the higher elevations, or to get to my summer job as a choker setter on a ~ (I thought then) mixed conifer logging crew in the m o valuable or Ponderosa These were the sensibilities and aesthetics of an adolescent. Maybe living in the P-J Woodland for much of the last 30 y m has finally given me an appreciation for it, or more likely society in geneml, has matured in its understanding and appreciation of P-J and has pulled me along with it. The f a that this symposium is occurring at all is testimony to the fact that there is greater appreciation and undershdmg of our woodlands, much of which is due to the work of many of the people who m in the audience and who will be on the panels. We obviously have a long way to go, but maybe will we will mature enough as a society in the west to approach the woodlands with the same wisdom as those who have lived on a sustainable basis in the woodland for generation after generation. So, let's get on with t k work of exploring how we p d c e the art of piiion-juniper woodlard with great enthusiasm and flourish.