Impact of Fire on the Microbial Processes in Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands: Management lmplications

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Impact of Fire on the
Microbial Processes in
Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands:
Management lmplications 1
Carole Coe Klopatek, Leonard F. DeBono,
and Jeffrey M. Klopatek 2
Mycorrhizae are mutualistic (symbiotic) relationships formed between
fungi and plant roots of a host plant
(Harley and Smith 1983). The fungi
serve as nutrients and as water-absorbing organs for the plant (Menge
et al. 1978, Powell and Bagyaraj 1984,
Safir 1987), whereas the plant provides photosynthate (carbon source)
for the fungi (Masse 1973). A second
significant contribution the fungi
play is protection against invading
parasitic organisms (Davis and
Menge 1981, Powell and Bagyaraj
1984, Schonbeck and Dehne 1977).
There are two main divisions of mycorrhizae: ectomycorrhizae which are
associated with coniferous forest
trees such as pine, spruce, and fir;
and endomycorrhizae which are
formed by the majority of members
of all land plants, (e.g., ferns, grasses,
cacti, shrubs, and trees). Although
the study of mycorrhizae is fairly recent, the relationship between plant
'Poster paper presented at the conference, Effects of Rre in Management of
Southwestern Natural Resources (Tucson.
AZ, November 14-17, 1988).
Microbial Ecologist USDA Forest Service,
Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory,
Arizona State University Campus, Tempe, AZ
85287-1304 and Department of Microbiology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
85287-1601: Supervisory Soil Scientist, USDA
Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and
Range Experiment Station. Forestry Sciences
Laboratory, Arizona state University Campus, Tempe, AZ 85287-1304: and Associate
Professor, Department of Botany, Arizona
State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1601.
and fungi is not. In fact, one of the
first land plants, Rhynia (Chaloner
1970), was found to be colonized by
mycorrhizae (Kidston and Lang 1921,
Nicolson 1975).
It has been well documented that
plants are strongly dependent on
mycorrhizal fungi. Without this symbiosis many plants fail to grow past
the germination stage or show a decreased growth rate (Harley 1969,
Harley and Smith 1983, Masse 1973,
Powell and Bagyaraj 1984). Many
studies have shown that this relationship is fragile and can be easily disturbed (Bethlenfalvy and Dakessian
1984, Daft and Nicolson 1974, Janos
1980, Klopatek et al. 1988, Reeves et
al. 1979, Warner 1983, Williams and
Allen 1984). These studies show that
as the severity of disturbance increases, i.e., from livestock grazing
(Bethlenfalvy and Dakessian 1984,
Reece and Bonham 1978) to surface
mining (Allen and Allen 1980, Gould
and Liberta 1981, Zac and Parkinson
1982), there is a corresponding decrease in the frequency of VAM
propagules and/ or colonization.
The pinyon-juniper woodlands are
the third largest vegetation type in
the United States (Klopatek et al.
1979). In Arizona, approximately 5.75
million hectares (Arnold et al. 1964)
are covered by this woodland. This
ecosystem is unique in that it is characterized by having codominants of
different mycorrhizal status. Pinyon
is ectomycorrhizal and juniper is
colonized by endomycorrhizae, more
specifically vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM). This woodland is
currently undergoing a number of
different perturbations, including
fuel wood harvesting, intensive cattle
grazing, and stripmining for coal.
Additionally, both wild and prescribed fires are reoccurring phenomena in pinyon-juniper (USDA
Forest Service 1981). The majority of
these fires are prescribed to eliminate
the trees and allow for greater grass
production for grazing. 3 The trees are
thought to out-compete grasses for
water and nutrients. Although this
woodland has both endomycorrhizal
and ectomycorrhizal components, we
chose to investigate only the vesicular-arbuscular endomycorrhizal component because the majority of plants
present in mature pinyon-juniper
communities are colonized with
VAM and therefore they are probably important for recovery after disturbance.
There have been a number of studies on the nutrient distributions in
pinyon-juniper woodlands (Charley
and West 1975, Everett et al. 1986,
Klopatek 1987). Nutrients have been
shown to be dispersed in what are
coined "nutrient islands" having a
canopy-covered, nutrient-rich area
and a nutrient-poor interspace region
(Barth and Klemmedson 1978, Char3
USDA Forest Service, Tusayan. AZ (personal communication).
ley and West 1975, Klopatek 1987).
The cycling of an essential nutrient,
nitrogen, is controlled by microorganisms (Alexander 1977). We chose
to investigate one important part of
this cycle, nitrification. It has been
shown that after a major disturbance,
such as fire, there is a significant increase in nitrification (Vitousek and
Matson 1985). Production of N03
presents a potential loss of N from
the ecosystem because N03 is easily
leached (Brady 1974). Given the potential increased production of N03
produced after fire, we wanted to
examine what effects fire has on the
organisms responsible for this process.
Thus, the objectives of this study
were twofold: to determine whether
VAM propagules are reduced following fire and whether fire affects the
propagules' ability to colonize host
plants and, secondly, to determine
the immediate response and subsequential recovery of nitrifiers following fire.
Site Description
Soils for this study were collected
from a pinyon-juniper community,
referred to as the Dillman site, 30 km
south-southeast of Grand Canyon,
Arizona, in the Kaibab National
Forest. Pinus edulis Engelm. is the
pinyon pine species in this area and
the codominant juniper is Juniperus
osteospenna (Torr.) Little. The dominant interspace and understory species is blue grama grass [Bouteloua
gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag.]. Site elevation
is approximately 2030 m. Soils are
classified as Lithic Ustochrepts,
which were derived from Kaibab
Limestone. Precipitation averages
350 mm/yr, occurring during summer as convectional thunderstorms
and during the winter from frontal
systems. Annual mean monthly temperatures range from -1.4° to 21.1°C,
with a mean temperature of 9.2°C.
Further site descriptions can be
found in Klopatek (1987).
Experimental Design
To account for spatial variability,
materials were collected from beneath pinyon and juniper trees and
interspaces on three sites in the study
area. On each site, five subsamples of
soil (to a depth of 10 em), duff, and
litter were collected by shovel and
composited separately from beneath
pinyon and juniper trees. Composite
samples of only litter and soil were
collected from interspaces because
no duff was present. In total, 24 separate composite samples consisting of
9 soil, 9 litter, and 6 duff samples
were collected for study. Soil, duff,
and litter were used to reconstruct
laboratory microcosms for pinyon
trees, juniper trees, and interspaces
in 35-cm-high clay irrigation pipes
having an inside diameter of 20 em.
The bottoms of the pi pes were sealed
and a 10-cm layer of sterilized, acidwashed sand (containing< 1 mg kg-1
inorganic N and 1 mg kg-1 PO4 ) was
placed in the bottom of each pipe.
The sand was covered with filter paper to separate it from the soil above.
Nine microcosms were constructed
for each of the three cover types (9
pinyon, 9 juniper, 9 interspaces) for a
total of 27 individual microcosms. In
one series (nine microcosms), three
replicates from each cover type, were
wetted with sterile distilled water to
reach 50% field capacity, prior to
burning. In the second series, nine
microcosms were burned having soil
moisture content similar to that of
field-dry soils (approximately 10%
on a weight basis). The third series of
microcosms, also at field-dried moisture conditions, were not burned and
represented the controls.
Temperature probes were inserted
at seven different depths (litter, duff,
soil surface and soil depths of 1, 2, 5,
and 10 em) to record fire temperatures (complete temperature profiles
are reported in DeBano and Klopatek
1988). A fire was simulated on top of
each microcosm by using six 500watt infrared heat lamps to produce
instantaneous ignition of the litter.
Each treated microcosm was heated
with the lamps for a period of 15
min. All litter was consumed by fire
within this period, and those microcosms containing duff continued to
smolder for several hours depending
on the moisture content of the soils.
Samples were collected from the 2-5
em soil depth of the microcosms 24 h
after ignition. All microcosms were
brought up to 50% field moisture capacity after the first sampling period
(to maintain uniform environmental
Mineral soil samples taken previous to burning were analyzed for organic carbon (Walkley-Black), total
Kjeldahl N and phosphorus (Olsen
and Sommers 1982), and pH (1:1
soil:water) and soil texture by hydrometer (Day 1965) (table 1). No
statistical differences due to burning
were noted in these soil properties at
the S-cm depth (DeBano and Klopatek 1988).
Mycorrhizal Analysis
VAM Bioassay
Soils from each microcosm were
bioassayed to determine the effects
of fire on VAM propagules. Sudan
grass [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]
was used as the host plant. Test
tubes (18 X 150 mm) were filled to a
depth of 70 mm with autoclaved
sand (121 oc for three 2-h intervals)
followed by a 50-mm depth of inoculum (soil to be tested), and a 20-mm
top layer of autoclaved sand. Germinating grass seeds were placed in the
top 20-mm layer and grown in a
growth chamber under a temperature regime of 25/15°C (day /night),
and a 12-h photoperiod. Sudan grass
was grown in a set of three test tubes
for each of the 27 microcosms for 25
days. Preliminary testing indicated
that at 25 days post germination, the
pattern of colonization was such that
each point of colonization occurred
from an individual propagule, and
not from the spread of a preexisting
colonization along the roots. The authors, when referring to the word
"propagule," are adhering to its strict
definition-i.e., "consisting of chlamydospores or azygospores, soil borne
vesicles, and mycelium or infected
root pieces" (anything that induces a
VAM infection) (Daniels and Skipper
Harvested plants were stained using a modified version of the Phillips
and Hayman (1970) method. Fine
roots were cut into 50 1-cm portions,
scored for the presence or absence of
infection points, and data were converted into percentages. A positive
identification was observed as either
an appressorium formation or the
presence of internal VAM hyphae.
Arcsin transformations were made
of all percent colonization data prior
to statistical analysis. VAM colonization data were compared among
treatments and cover types using
analysis of variance computed on the
means for each microcosm. Significant differences (p < 0.05) in colonization among experimental treatments and cover types were isolated
using Tukey's honest significant difference measure within the SAS statistical software (SAS Institute, Inc.
1985). Simple correlation analyses of
the data were used to test the relatiqnship between VAM colonization
and maximum temperatures reached
in each treatment. A decrease in
VAM colonization was defined as
percent colonization of the control
minus percent colonization of treatment divided by the percent control
colonization (Klopatek et al. 1988).
Bacterial Analysis
Number of ammonium- and nitrate-oxidizing bacteria were estimated using the most-probable-number technique (Alexander 1982,
Schmidt and Belser 1982). Serial tenfold dilutions were made up to 1Q-8
with 5 tubes per dilution for each
sample taken from the 2-5-cm soil
layer of each microcosm at preburn,
1-day postburn, and 90-days postburn. Nitrite and nitrate production
were qualitatively determined colonmetrically.
There were no statistical differences in percent VAM colonization
among unburned controls for juniper, pinyon, and interspace soils
(table 2). Plants grown in dry-burned
soils of each cover type experienced
the greatest decrease in VAM colonization (table 2). Juniper soils burned
when dry were the most severely affected, having an average percent
colonization on Sudan grass of only
9.0%. Percent VAM colonization of
plants grown in pinyon and interspace burned-over dry soils averaged 21.6% and 22.4%, respectively.
Both were also significantly lower
than their corresponding controls,
although not as low as juniper soils.
Plants grown in pinyon and juniper soils burned when wet demonstrated a significant decrease (p <
0.05) in percent colonization compared with their controls but not as
large a decrease as for soils burned
dry (table 2). Pinyon soils burned
when wet had a statistically greater
average percent colonization than
juniper soils, consistent with the pattern in soils burned when dry. Those
plants grown in the interspace soil
burned when wet demonstrated a
slight increase (though not statistically significant) over the controls.
Nitrifying Bacteria
AI though both ammonium- and
nitrite-oxidizing bacteria were measured, the total N02 oxidizing bacteria
were recorded in numbers too low to
be statistically examined (<103) and
will not be discussed. In the control
soils, the number of NH4-oxidizing
bacteria was greatest in the interspaces followed by juniper then
pinyon (fig. 1a), which corresponds
to our earlier findings (Klopatek and
Klopatek 1987).
Each of the microcosms examined
immediately after burning showed a
statistical decrease in the number of
bacteria (figs. 1a, 1b). Significant differences were found relative to the
soil moisture content at the time of
Both interspace and juniper dryburned soils exhibited a larger decrease in bacteria compared with the
wet-burned soils; while pinyon had
over a 60% loss in the wet burned
soils compared with a 33% loss in the
dry-burned soil.
After a 90-day incubation period,
controls from each cover type demonstrated a decrease in the number
of bacteria compared with preburned
soils (fig. 1b). Juniper controls had
the greatest number of bacteria (59.4
X 103 I g soil), followed by interspace
(47.3 X 103 I g soil), and pinyon (15 X
103 I g soil).
Both burn treatments of interspace
and juniper soils had a lower number
of bacteria compared with the controls. In contrast, both the wet- and
dry-burned soils of pinyon showed
an increase of 106% and 280%, respectively.
Of the wet-burned soils, juniper
had the highest number of bacteria
preceded by pinyon and interspace,
respectively. In the dry-burned soils
interspace decreased sharply with
bacterial numbers of only 13 X 103 g·1
soil compared with pinyon (57 X 103
g-1 soil) and juniper (32 X 103 g·1 soil)
The number of bacteria increased
in both pinyon and juniper wet- and
dry-burned soils compared with
those soils of day 1 (figs. 1a, 1b).
However, interspace showed a significant decline in both wet- and dryburned soils.
Day 1
D Dry Soil
I Wet Soil
Day 90
D Control
D Dry Soil
I Wet Soil
Figure 1.- Number of nitrifying bacteria found (a) immediately after (day 1) and (b) 90days postburn taken from microcosms containing pinyon, juniper, and Interspace soils.
greatest decrease in VAM colonization compared with wet-burned
soils, with juniper affected most severely (table 2). Juniper soils experienced the highest temperatures (up
to 94°C) (DeBano and Klopatek 1988)
which probably resulted in this large
loss of VAM. This loss was primarily
due to large amounts of litter and
duff, in addition to near total combustion of the duff, under these conditions, which contributed to a more
intense bum. The higher temperatures were also maintained for a long
duration due to smoldering of duff
material. Magnitude and duration of
heating are the two principal factors
causing injury to plants (Hare 1961)
and are also likely to be deleterious
to VAM fungus propagules.
Plants grown in interspace soils
burned when wet had a slight increase (nonstatistical) in VAM colonization compared with the controls.
There was little litter and no duff to
burn in the interspaces, resulting in a
significantly lower (p < 0.05) soil
There were no statistical differences among unburned controls
(table 2). Such uniform colonization
was not surprising for the following
reasons. Juniper is a YAM-dependent
species. Pinyon pine, although ectomycorrhizal, has been reported to
have numerous VAM propagules
around its base (Klopatek and Klopatek 1987). This is likely due to aeolian deposition of spores. Wind deposits sand particles under pinyon
pine (Barth 1980, Klopatek 1987) and
probably deposits spores along with
the sand. Thus, pinyon may indeed
be an important repository for VAM
propagules. All grasses in the interspace areas served as hosts for VAM
fungi, giving rise to numerous VAM
propagules (Klopatek and Klopatek
Plants grown in dry-burned soils
of each cover type experienced the
80 ...
70 ~
Pinyon Dry
Interspace Dry
• • •o
Nitrifying Bacteria
•• ••
• Juniper
.....J 3)·
temperature than either the pinyon
or juniper microcosm when burned
wet. This, in combination with the
wet soil conditions, minimized any
temperature effects on V AM.
A significant correlation (r2 = 0.90,
p < 0.01) was found between soil
temperature and percent decrease in
VAM infection (fig. 2). Most soil temperatures ranged from 400 to 60°C,
which corresponded to a decrease in
VAM colonization of 20% to 50% (fig.
2). VAM colonization was severely
reduced when soil temperatures
reached 80-90°C, and at 94°C there
was a near total loss of VAM colonization (fig. 2).
Fire moderately affected VAM
propagules when soil temperatures
were less than 50°C. Substantial decreases (>50%) did not occur until
soil temperatures reached 60°C. Temperatures of 500 to 60°C resulted in a
significant reduction of VAM colonization, probably because a large portion of the infecting mycorrhizal
propagules were in the form of infected root and hyphal pieces and
were more vulnerable to these temperatures. Hyphae are known to
ramify throughout the upper soil horizon, i.e., litter and duff (St. John et
al. 1983); once burned or exposed to
high temperatures they may be considered to be lost from the VAM
propagule population. This loss may
contribute to the overall lower VAM
population within the pinyon-juniper
ecosystem following fire .
{a C)
Figure 2.-Percent decrease In VAM colonization as a function of soil temperature. VAM Is
the average of 3 subsamples from each microcosm, temperature is the average maximum
temperatures recorded In each microcosm. R2 = 0.90, p < 0.001 from data that were arcsin
transformed (see text).
Preburned control interspace and
juniper soils exhibited significantly
greater bacterial populations than
did pinyon soils. This may be due to
the presence of allelopathic compounds under the pine canopy, as
suggested by Everett' for pinyon
pine. These compounds have been
reported to be water soluble and eas4 Everett, R., USDA Forest Service, 1986
(personal communication).
ily volatilized at high temperatures
for ponderosa pine soils in New
Mexico (White 1986).
Nitrifier populations immediately
following the burn (day 1) were dependent on treatment. There was a
greater impact on bacteria in the
interspace and juniper dry-burned
soils, as opposed to the pinyon soils,
which were more negatively influenced by the wet-burn treatment.
This may be a result of pinyon
wet-burned soils maintaining heat
for a longer time period than the dryburned soils.
We found a significant correlation
(r2 =0.88, p < 0.01) between nitrifier
loss and the resulting burn temperatures (fig. 3). Interspace wet-burned
soils had the lowest temperature
(31°C) with a corresponding nitrifier
loss of 21%; whereas, juniper dryburned soils had the highest temperature (77°C) and experienced the
greatest decrease in nitrifiers of 81%.
At day 90, we found a decrease in
nitrifiers in each control microcosm
as compared with their preburn
counterparts. This correlates with the
pattern of utilization of available NH4
as indicated by the initial increase in
nitrification (table 3). At day 90, substrate NH4 declined (table 3) as did
the nitrifying populations. Juniper
and interspace soils burned wet and
dry maintained a lower level of nitrifying bacteria as compared with the
corresponding controls, with the dry
burn being lower then the wet. In
contrast, there was an increase in nitrifiers in pinyon wet-burned soils
and a very significant rise in the dryburned soils. This increase was presumably due to not only an increase
in NH4 released as a result of the
burn, but a possible breakdown of
allelopathic compounds found under
these trees.
Nitrifying bacteria increased between day 1 to day 90 in both the
pinyon and juniper soils burned wet
or dry. The initial drop in the bacterial population reflects the direct effect of the fire. The increase in available NH4 (table 3), in combination
strate a downward trend in nitrifiers
would be expected.
with a 90-day recovery time, likely
generated the increase in the bacterial population. However, interspace
soils had a decrease in the control
wet- and dry-burned soils when
compared with day 1. This supports
the above conclusion in that there
was not a significant increase of NH4
in the interspace, and without sub-
At an ecosystem level, fire intensity (increased soil temperatures and
duration of these temperatures re-
Jlll i per Dry
-~ 80 ~
Pi "don Wet •
JLrl iper Wet •
-z 40 ~
Interspace Dry o
Pinyon Dry
• Interspace Wet
(o C)
Figure 3.-Percent decrease in nitrifying bacteria as a function of soil temperature.
suiting from combustion of organic
debris on the soil surface) in combination with soil moisture content at
the time of burning, may affect the
length of time required for mycorrhizae-dependent plant species to recolonize an area. Allen and Allen
(1988), Klopatek and Klopatek (1984),
and others have found that the majority of annual plants colonizing a
disturbed area are not mycorrhizae
Plants such as Salsola kali (tumbleweed), a pioneer species, are not mycorrhizal; therefore they do not facilitate reestablishment of VAM. These
plants can establish themselves because competion by other plants is
minimized due to the loss of VAM as
well as changes in soil nutrients.
Plant recolonization following a fire
is, therefore, influenced by VAM
availability, in addition to other reported losses such as seed availability (Hare 1961, Martinet al. 1975).
Thus, the decrease in VAM may be
an important factor in the long-term
productivity of all plant species in
the pinyon-juniper woodlands.
This study supports what others
have found in other ecosystems;
namely, burning causes a loss of
nitrogen due to nitrification. Disturbance, such as burning, also reduces
the other total bacterial and fungal
populations, which in turn, can reduce immobilization of nitrogen. Vitousek and Matson (1985) have
stated that microbial immobilization
is the most important process preventing N losses in a harvested loblolly pine site.
Burning directly causes a reduction of available carbon compounds;
this gives the nitrifying population of
microbes a competitive edge for
nitrogen resources as they do not
depend on organic carbon (Alexander 1977). Although the nitrifiers
showed significant reductions as a
result of the burn treatments, they
were not eliminated (fig. 1a). In fact,
the population in the canopy-covered
areas increased significantly (fig. 1b)
as did the N03 •
As stated earlier, conversion of
NH4 to N03 is not an advantageous
process because N03 is easily lost
from the ecosystem.
In conclusion, prescibed burning
causes a substantial loss of two important components of the ecosystem, VAM and nitrogen. The ramifications of such losses should be considered when assessing when and if
to burn an area.
The authors thank Drs. Jean Schmidt
and Jean Stutz for their review comments.
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