This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. parative Several studies that compared various types sf pitfalls and live-traps (also called box- or cage-traps) in the field (Chclkowska 1967, &x>nstra and Krebs 1978, Peterson 1980, Boonstra and Rodd 1984, Mengak and Guy nn 1987) found the sampling efficiency of the two methods varied considerably (Andrzejewski and Rajska 1972, Briese and Smith 1974, Cockburn eh a!. 1979, Williams and Braun 1983). Pitfall cone traps were more effectfve than live-traps in samling srnall mammals, particularly shrews in sou them Finland (Pankakoski '1979). In contrast, pitfalls were less effective than live-traps ira capturing small-bodied mice in Durango, Mexico, although more shrews (Nofiosorex crawfardr'! were taken in pitfalls (Peterson 1976). Fitmaterials, shapes, and without drift fences, 'Paper presented at symposiurrs, Managomsnt of Amphibians, Reptiles, and Snmll Mammals h North America. (Flagstaft AZ,July 19-2?, 1988.) 'Robert C. Smro is Research WIdIife &ologist, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Momtain Forest m d Range Experim~ent Station, Arizona State hiversify Campus, Tempe,A.Z 85287- 1XM. Yee H. Sirr~ons,formerly a yrcduufe sfudent, A~izonaState Ciniversiiy, Department ofZoology, Tempe, Arizona is currently a graduate student, Graduate Group in Ecoiogy, University of Califmnia, Davis, CA 956 16. 4 , C C ~ f tC. BelfiP is WiIdlife Bidogist, Department of the Army, Wildbfe Management. Section, Fwf. Huachuca,Ak $55 13bO00. Belfif's eurrent address is P. 0.Box 336, Fort Belvok VA 22060$5336. Abstract.-The effectiveness of pitfalls and livetram for assessina small mammal communitv structure was cokpared in burned and undurned upland Sonoran Desert-and in an elevational series of Sycamore riparian and adjacent habitats in Ar~sna.Although, live-traps were more effective in recapturing previously captured small mammals and usually resulted in more total captures of new individuals, neither method gave a complete assessment of small mammal community structure. have been assed for capturing small mammals (Howard and Brock 1961, Andrzejewski and Wrwlawek 1963, Pucck 1969, Bcronstra and Krebs 1978, Pankakoski 1979). This lack of standardization makes it difficult to assess the relative effectiveness of pitfalls versus live-traps in sampling small mammals by comparing data between studies. Conflicting results from these studies argue for more comparisons using controls for as many extraneous factors as possible. Small mammals respond dramatically to many environmental factors, thus csndrpunding attempts to assess species or community relationships. SarnpIi~gbiases caused by climate and differences in activity and locomotor adaptations of various species further compound this problem. Still, trapping remains the most practical method for assessing small mammal populations (Williams and Braun 3983). Because responses to trapping methods may differ, even within the same species (Andrzejewski and Rajska 1972),diverse sampling schemes might reveal population dynamics and community structure more completely than any single method (Weia-terand Smith 1972, Bmnstsa and Kaebs 1978). We compared the effectiveness of live-traps versus pitfalls in riparian and desert hahi tats in Arizona to answer the fdlowing questions: (1) Dms samp'ling method influence estimates of species composition and abundance? (2) Are various species captured or recaptured differentially? (3) Are individuals within a species captured differentially? (4) Does habitat structure influence the effectiveness of these methods? Sfudy Areas and Meth Riparian and Adjacent Communities The riparian and adjacent communities (referred to in general as the riparian area) were located at Garden Canyon, Fort Huachuca Military Reservation, Arizona; elevations ranged from 1500 to 1630 m. Riparian communities sampled, from lowest to highest elevation, were sycamore (Platanus wigh tii), sycamore/ juniper (Juniperus monospermd, and sycamore/junipcr (J. deppmna)/oak (Quercus arizonica, Q. ernoryi, and Q. hypoluecoides) (Szaro 1988).Plant cornunities sampled adjacent to the riparian corridor, from lowest to highest elevation, were composite (Heferofhec~spp.)/grassland (Poa spp.), juniper (J. nronosperma) woodland, and oak (Quercus emoyf) woodland. Six trap stations were set in each of six habitats: composite/grassland, sycamore riparian, juniper woodland, sycamore/ juniper riparian, oak woodland, and sycarnore/juniper/ oak riparian forest (figs. 1-6) (36 stations in all). Trap stations consisted of two unbaited pitfalls (18.9 L or 5 Figure 1 .-Arkma tyeamr Canyon, Fort Huachuca M1 i 1500 rn. Figure 3.-Adzsna s y ~ o w r e(PIafant;~ v~~gh%~i~,~aIIjgaB~r %miper(L x e d acak ~ Q U ~ P C S~P~'ZOG.~CCY, S Q. Q ~ " : Qand ~ & 42. hytudy site, Garden Canyon, Fad .buuchuc=aMilittev i z e % ;elevatio~ ~; sa. h6!0 m. gal.; 29 cm in diameter by 36 cm deep) with a 7.6-m-long by 20-cmhigh drift fence between buckets. Covers were propped 2.5-5 cm above openings mouths. Pitfalls were open from 16 April through 28 May and from 20 July through 5 September 1986 (6408 trap-nights) and were checked three times each week. Sherman live-traps (8 by 9 by 23 cm) baited with rolled oats were set around each pitfall station in an 8trap pattern with at least 5 m between traps and pitfalls. Live-traps were set from 12 to 16 May and from 17 to 21 August 1984 (2304 trapnights) and were checked each morning. Most live-trap captures were released after being car-tagged. Except for some Notiosorex, all pitfall captures were co1lectc.d. Identification of all mammals follows Hoffmeister (1986). Thomomys species include pure and hybrid T , urnbrinus and T. bottae. diameter by 40 cm deep) buried to the rim with a cover propped 5-10 cm over the opening. Live-traps were set and baited with rolled oats for woconsecutive nights on 19 occasions between 10 June 1985 and 3 Desert Community -%w ?.-Unburned desert study area, Tonto National Forest, Maricopa County, 30 km east ' ' ; nix, Adzona; elevation ranged from 450 to 550 m. The desert study area was in the Tonto National Forest, Maricopa County, 30 km east of Phoenix, Arizona. The site was rocky desert dissected by sandy washes; elevations ranged from 450 to 550 m. Vegetation was typical of the Arizona upland subdivision of the Sonoran Desert biome (Brown 1982), with mesquite (Prosopsis juliflora) along wash banks and palo verde (Cercidium microphyllum), bursage (Ambrosia del toides), and cholla (Oyuntia acanthocappa) on slopes. Two grids were established 90 m apart, each with 100 sampling stations placed in a 10 by 10 pattern with 10-m intervals between stations. Grid 1 was in mature desert and grid 2 had 50% of vegetative cover burned on 7 June 1985, immediately before the start of trapping (figs. 7-81. lnterspaced between live-traps (10 by 10 by 25 crn) on each grid, but no closer than 10-rn intervals, were 20 single pitfalls (37.9 L or 10 gal., 34 cm Figure &.-Burned desert study area, Tonto National Forest, MQ~ICO~CI County, 30 krn east of Phoenix, Arizona; elevation ranged from 450 to 550 m. 2 6 A u p s t 1986-weekly in spring and early summer, biweekly from middle to late summer, and monthly in fall and winter (Simons 1986). Unbaited pitfalls were always open during live-trapping and often in between when live-trapping occurred weekly or biweekly (March-September).All captures except for casualties were marked and released. Each method was matched with an approximately equal sampling effort (about 3800 trap-nights per grid). Results and Discussion Species Composition and Abundance Live-traps and pitfalls provided different estimates of species composition and relative abundance at both study areas. In the riparian area we observed no consistent pattern between trapping method and number of species captured (table 1). Livetraps caught more species in two habitats, pitfalls: in three habitats, and in the sycarncre/juniper/oak both methods captured two species. Neither method captured all species in a given habitat except in oak woodland where only two species were encountered and pitfalls captured both. However, live-trapping was significantly more successful than pitfalls in number of new captures per tpap-night (chi-square! P ( 0.05) in all habitats except juniper woodland, where both methods yielded equal numbers. In the desert, live-traps caught more species than pitfalls (table 2). Moreover, significantly more new captures and total captures (chisquare, % 5 0.05) occurred in Iivetraps than in bucket-traps in both burned and unburned plots (tablie 2). These results differfrom those of Williams and Braun (1983) who reported that number of species and total number of captures were greater in pitfalls than in the cornbined catch of snap- and live-traps. They recorded six species in pitfalls and four in snap- and live-traps. Their success with pitfalls was no doubt increased because each trap was one-third filled with water, drowning all captures. Trapping success for voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) was also reported to be higher in pitfalls versus livetraps but may v x y with social level, age, and reproductive period (Andrzejewski and Rajska 1972, Andrzejewski and VJrwlawek 1963, Chelkowska 1967). New individtlals represented only 31.5% and 26.2 % of total captures in live-traps on the burned and on the unburned plots, respectively. In conhast, 95.8% and 92.7% of all captures in pitfdls on the burned and unburned areas, respectively, represent new individuals. The lack of recap tures in pitfalls is not explained by differential mortality between methods 'because sampling with both methods occurred simultaneously, and most animals were marked and released. These differences maybe at least partially due to increased attractiveness of live-traps with bait and with concentrated odors from previous captures (Boonstra and Krebs 1978, Daly and Behrends 1984).Our results show that pitfalls provide very different estimates of species composition and abundance than live-traps. We therefore question basic assumptions of the popular methods of population estimation that assume either equal catchability of all members in the population (Jolly 1965) or nearly complete c a p ture and enumeration of a population (Krebs 1966, Hilborn et al. 1976). Differential Trapping Effectiveness Between Species In the riparian area, 80 of 81 shrews (Notiosorex crawfordi and Sorex arizom e ) and all gophers (Thomomys spp.) were captured in pitfalls. In contrast, only 5 of 67 captures of Peromyscus (3 species) were in pitfalls (table 1). Peromyscus spp. were also recaptured most frequently (57 of 64 recaptures). Similar results were found in the Sierra Nevada where species such as shrews (Sorex trowbn'dgii and S. monticolus) and gophers (Thomomys bottae), which tend to travel in burrows or runways or along obstacles, were usually captured in pitfalls (Williams and Braun 1983). Williams and Braun (1983) reported in their first test that pitfalls were particularly poor for capturing white-footed mice (Peromyscus). In a subsequent test they implied these mice might be taken in pitfalls after losing their caution for strange objects. This did not happen in our study because very few Peromyscus wfre captured in pitfalls over an extended period even though livetrapping showed them to be common. More likely Peromyscus may easily escape pitfalls by jumping out, but more are recorded after drowning in water-filled pitfalls (Williams and Braun 1983),especially when other traps, such as snap- or livetraps, are missing. In the desert habitat, a single shrew (Notiosorex crawfordi) was caught in a pitfall whereas two species (Dipodomys rnerriami and Peromyscus ermicus) were caught only in live-traps. Only 1 of 181 captures (50 different individuals) of Neotoma albigula was in a pitfall whereas only 1 of 9 Onychomys torridus was not captured in a pitfall. Onychomys was probably unable to jump out of the buckets used in this habitat. Noted accumulations of Neotoma feces overnight in many pitfalls indicated these rodents had been present but left. Apparently larger species either avoid pitfalls or simply jump out of them (Cockburn et al. 1979, Williams and Braun 1983). Differential Trapping Effectiveness Within Species Few significant differencesin weights of small mammals caught with the two methods were observed, but weights tended to be lower in pitfalls. In the riparian area, mean weights of Reithrodontomys fulvescens were significantly higher in live-traps (14.3 + 0.65 (S.E.) g versus 5.1 + 0.56, t-test, P < 0.001, N = 12). In the desert, weight differences between trap methods were not significant for animals less than about 20 g. However, a significant difference occurred in the mean weight of Perognathus baileyi in live-traps (25.7 + 0.97 g) versus pitfalls (20.8 + 1.61 g; ttest, P = 0.014). Similarly, the mean weight of Neotoma albigula caught in live-traps was 109.0 + 8.93 g, whereas the single capture in a weighed 31.0 g. Likewise in Canada and Poland, voles (Microtus townsendii and Clethrionornys glareolus) captured in pitfalls were smaller than conspecifics taken in live-traps (Andrzejewski and Rajska 1972, Boonstra and Krebs 1978).This apparent relationship between size and susceptibility to pitfalls is likely related to jumping ability which tends to increase with age. For some species, pregnant females may be more susceptible to pitfalls. Effects of Habitat on Trapping Effectiveness Trapping results for Onychornys torridus varied substantially between vegetative communities. On the desert sites, 8 of 9 captures were in pitfalls whereas in composite/grass habitat in Garden Canyon, 8 of 10 captures were in live-traps. Four captures were made with each method in the juniper woodland. Differences in trapability of Oncychornys may be due to different depths of pitfalls in desert (40 cm) versus riparian (36 cm) habitats. Except for Perognathus spp., rodents were about equally susceptible to pitfalls relative to live-traps in both burned and unburned desert habitats. Differences in total number of individuals captured by both methods in the desert areas may be due to (1) difference in abundance of species on burned and unburned plots (Simons 1986); or (2) differences in activity patterns related to the drastic difference in shrub cover. Perognathus spp. typically prefer brush or "cover" microhabitats (Price 1978) and raised pitfall covers may have attracted these mice more on the burned area where natural cover was scare than on the unburned area where natural cover was dense (Simons 1986).Whatever the cause, the results are similar to those found in desertshrub and mesquite-grassland habitats in Durango, Mexico, where significantly more small-bodied mammals were captured with livetraps than with pitfalls (5.4 L tin can pitfalls with a depth of 25.4 cm) (Peterson 1980).Possibly a greater number of captures (i.e., sample size) may be needed to fully reveal the impact of habitat on trapping methodology. Conclusions Neither method alone was able to fully assess small mammal communities in the desert-scrub and riparian communities we investigated. We recommend the use of both methods, particularly when it is important to include species such as shrews that are not easily caught in live-traps in investigations of small mammal com- munity structure and habitat relationships. Acknowledgments We thank T. J. O'Shea, M. G. Ryan, D. W. Uresk, and D. F. Williams for their critical reviews of this manuscript. C. Munns helped check pitfalls at Garden Canyon. The Department of Zoology, Arizona State University provided support for L. Simons. Literature Cited Andrzejewski, Roman, and Ewa Rajska. 1972. Trapability of bank vole in pitfalls and live traps. Acta Theriologica 17:41-56. Andrzejewski, Roman, and Henryka Wroclawek. 1963. Metal cylinder as a live trap with a bait. Acta Theriologica 6297-300. Boonstra, Rudy, and Charles J. Krebs. 1978. Pitfall trapping of Microtus townsendii. Journal of Mammalogy 59:136-148. Boonstra, Rudy, and F. Helen Rodd. 1984. 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