Document 11863394

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The Management of Amphibians, Reptiles and Small Mammals
in North America: Historical Perspective and Objectives
RobertC.Szaro ..................................................................................
The Management of Amphibians, Reptiles and Small Mammals
in North America: The Need for an Environmental Attitude
J. WhitfieldGibbons..............................................................................4
Douglas-Fir Forests in the Oregon and Washington Cascades:
Relation of the Herpetofauna to Stand Age and Moisture
R. Bruce Bury and Paul Stephen Corn ....................
.................. 1 1
Long-Term Trends in Abundance of Amphibians, Reptiles, and
Mammals in Douglas-Fir Forests of NorthwesternCalifornia
Martin G. Raphael .,,.,,...,.,.....,,.
Use of Woody Debris by Plethodontid Salamanders in DouglasFir in Washington
Keith 8. Aubry, Lawrence L. C. Jones, and Patricia A. Hall ............ 32
Forestry Operations and Terrestrial Salamanders: Techniques in
a Study of the Cow Knob Salamander, Plethodon
Kurf A. Buhlmann, Christopher A. Pague, Joseph C. Mitchell,
and RobertB. Glasgow ....................
Conserving Genetically Distinctive Populations: The Case of the
Huachuca Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinurn
stebbinsi Lowe)
James P. Colljns, Thomas R. Jones, and Howard J. Berna .............-45
Habitat Requirements of New Mexico's Endangered
Cynthia A. Ramotnik and Norman J. Scoft, Jr. ............................... 54
Utilization of Abandoned Mine Drifts and Fracture Caves By Bats
and Salamanders: Unique Subterranean Habitat in the
Ouachita Mountains
David A. Saugey, Gary A. Heidt, and Darrell R. Heath ....................64
The Herpetofauna of Long Pine Key, Everglades National Park,
in Relation to Vegetation and Hydrology
George H. Dalrymple .....................................................................
The Herpetofaunal Community of Temporary Ponds in North
Florida Sandhills: Species Composition, Temporal Use, and
Management Implications
C. Kenneth Dodd, Jr. and Bert G. Charest ......................................87
Management of Amphibians, Reptiles, and Small Mammals in
Xeric Pinelands of Peninsular Florida
I. Jack Stout, Donald R. Richardson, and Richard E. Roberts..........98 e
Distribution and Habitat Associations of Herpetofauna in
Arizona: Comparisons by Habitat Type
K. Bruce Jones ................................................................................
Multivariate Analysis of the Summer Habitat Structure of Rana
pipiens Schreber, in Lac Saint Pierre (Qu6bec, Canada)
N. Beauregard and R. Leclair Jr. .....................
Habitat Correlates of Distribution of the California Red-Legged
Frog (Rana aurora draytonii) and the Foothill YellowLegged Frog (Rana boylii): Implicationsfor Management
Marc P. Hayes and Mark I?. Jennings..............................................144
Integrating Anuran Amphibian Species into Environmental
Assessment Programs
Ronald E. Beiswenger ........................
Preliminary Report on Effect of Bullfrogs on Wetland
Herpetofaunas in Southeastern Arizona
Cecil R. Schwalbe and Philip C. Rosen ..........................................166
Developing Management Guidelines for Snapping Turtles
Ronald J, Brooks, David A, Galbraith, E. Graham Nancekivell,
and Christine A. Bishop ..................................................... 174
Spatial Distribution of Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) at
Twentynine Palms, California: Implications for Relocations
Ronald J. Baxter ................................................................................180
Changes in a Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) Population
After a Period of High Mortality
David J. Germano and Michele A. Joyner ....................................190
A Survey Method for Measuring Gopher Tortoise Density and
Habitat Distribution
Daniel M. Spillers and Dan W. Speake ............................................ 199
Evaluation and Review of Field Techniques Used to Study and
Manage Gopher Tortoises
Russell 1. Burke and James Cox ......................................................205
Talus Use by Amphibians and Reptiles in the Pacific Northwest
Roberf E. Herrington ........................................................................2 16
Comparison of Herpetofaunas of a Natural and Altered Riparian
K. Bruce Jones .....................................
. . . . .
Critical Habitat, Predator Pressures, and the Management of
Epicrates monoensis (Serpentes: Boidae) on the Puerto
Rico Bank: A Multivariate Analysis
Peter J. Tolson.................................................................................... 228
The Use of Timed Fixed-Area Plots and a Mark-Recapture
Technique in Assessing Riparian Garter Snake Populations
Robert C. Szaro, Scott C. Belfit, J. Kevin Aitkin, and
Randall 0. Babb ....................
* Design Considerations for the Study of Amphibians, Reptiles and
Small Mammals in California's Oak Woodlands: Temporal
and Spatial Patterns
William M. Block, Michael L. Morrison, John C. Slaymaker,
and Gwen Jongejan ................................................................247
The lmportance of Biological Surveys in Managing Public Lands
in the Western United States
Michael A. Bogan, Robert B. Finley, Jr., and
Stephen J. Petersburg ....................
Sampling Problems in Estimating Small Mammal Population Size
George E. Menkens, Jr. and Stanley H. Anderson ....................... 262
The Design and Importance of Long-Term Ecological Studies:
Analysis of Vertebrates in the Inyo-White Mountains,
Michael L. Morrison .................................................................
An Ecological Problem-Solving Process for Managing SpecialInterest Species
Henry L. Short and Samuel C. Williamson........................................276
Comparative Effectiveness of Pitfalls and Live-Traps in
Measuring Small Mammal Community Structure
Robert C. Szaro, Lee H. Simons, and Scott C. Belfit ........................ 282
The Role of Habitat Structure in Organizing Small Mammal
Populationsand Communities
Gregory H. Adler .............................................................................2 8 9
Microhabitat as a Template for the Organization of a Desert
Rodent Community
Michael A. Bowers and Christine A. Flanagan ..............................300
Response of Small Mammal Communities to Silvicultural
Treatments in Eastern Hardwood Forests of West Virginia
and Massachusetts
Robert 1. Brooks and William M. Healy ............................................ 3 13
' Habitat Structure and the Distribution of Small Mammals in a
Northern Hardwoods Forest
Jeffery A. Gore .................
................................................ 3 19
The Value of Rocky Mountain Juniper (Juniperus scopulorum)
Woodlands in South Dakota as Small Mammal Habitat
Carolyn Hull Sieg .............................................................................328
Postfire Rodent Succession Following Prescribed Fire in Southern
California Chaparral
William 0. Wirfr, 11, David Hoekman, John R. Muhm, and
Sherrie L. Souza .......................
Douglas-Fir Forests in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and
Washington: Is the Abundance of Small Mammals Related
to Stand Age and Moisture?
Paul Stephen Corn, R. Bruce Bury, and Thomas A. Spies .............. 340
Evaluation of Small Mammals as Ecological Indicators of OldGrowth Conditions
Kirk A. Nordyke and Steven W. Buskirk ............................................353
Habitat Associations of Small Mammals in a Subalpine Forest,
Southeastern Wyoming
Martin G. Raphael ............................................................................359
Differences in the Ability of Vegetation Models to Predict Small
Mammal Abundance in Different Aged Douglas-Fir Forests
Cathy A. Taylor, C. John Ralph, and Arlene T. Doyle ....................368
Small Mammals in Streamside Management Zones in Pine
James G. Dickson and J. Howard Williamson ................................ 375
Patterns of Relative Diversity Within Riparian Small Mammal
Communities, Platte River Watershed, Colorado
Thomas E. Olson and Fritz 1. Knopf ..................................................379
Estimated Carrying Capacity for Cattle Competing with Prairie
Dogs and Forage Utilization in Western South Dakota
Daniel W. Uresk and Deborah D. Paulson ......................................387
Cattle Grazing and Small Mammals on the Sheldon National
Wildlife Refuge, Nevada
John L. Oldemeyer and Lydia R. Allen-Johnson ............................39 1
Effect of Seed Size on Removal by Rodents
William G. Standley ..........................................................................399 '
Habitcd Use by Gunaison's Prairie Dogs
C. N. Slobodchikoff, Anthony Robinson, and Clark Schaack ......403
Environmental Contaminants and the Management of Bat
Populations in the United States
Donald R. Clark, Jr. ..........................................................................
Habitat Structure, Forest Composition and Landscape
Dimensions as Components of Habitat Suitability for the
Delmarva Fox Squirrel
Raymond D. Dueser, James L. Daoley, Jr., and Gary J. Taylor .... 414
Effects of Treating Creosotebush with Tebuthiuron on Rodents
William G. Standley and Norman S. Smith .....................................,422
Foraging Patterns of Tassel-Eared Squirrels in Selected
Ponderosa Pine Stands
Jack S. States, William S. Gaud, W. Sylvester Allred, and
William J. A ustin .....................................................................
Small Mammal Response to the Introduction of Cattle into a
Cottonwood Floodplain
Fred B. Samson, Friiz L. Knopf, and Lisa B. Hass .....................
Old Growth Forests and the Distribution of the Terrestrial
Hartwell H. Welsh, Jr. and Amy L. Lind ............................
.. ...........,439