This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Management Goals and Habitat Structure 1 Henry L. Short 2 Abstract. --Many management goa 1s can be deve 1oped for riparian habitats. Each goa 1 may dictate different management policies, strategies, and tactics and result in different impacts on wildlife. Habitat structure, expressed in terms of habitat layers, can pro vi de a useful framework for developing effective strategies for a variety of management goals because many different 1and uses can be associ a ted with habitat layers. Well-developed goals are essential both for purposeful habitat management and for monitoring the impacts of different land uses on habitats. INTRODUCTION NEED FOR A MANAGEMENT GOAL Habitat managers sometimes inadequately estab 1ish management goa 1s for 1and units, 1ike riparian habitats, which results in expensive and ineffective management and an i nabi 1i ty to monitor changes in habitat qua 1i ty. I demonstrate, in this paper, how different management goals affect the management policies, strategies, and activities developed for a land unit. I also discuss how some management strategies for achieving management goals can be modeled in terms of layers of habitat. The management goal for a riparian area needs to be well-defined. Policies, strategies, and tactics vary with different goals and result in different impacts on the area. Consider the two management options for the same ri pari an habitat listed in figure 1. The goal in the first example is to maximize plant and animal richness. The management po 1icy, in this case, is to implement a system that will result in a diverse ecosystem. The management strategy is to determine the habitat structure that will best pro vi de the diverse ecosystem. The goa 1 for the same land unit in example two is to maximize forage yield for domestic livestock production. The management policy is to implement a grazing system that wi 11 maximize the production and use of forage over time. The management strategy is to produce a particular habitat structure where forage production can be maximized. The tactics chosen to meet the · management goals obviously differ for these two examples. Management goals, policies, strategies, and tactics provide a hierarchical series of plans and actions. Management goals are a determination of the desired product from some land unit. The development of goals requires an understand; ng of what can be reasonably produced on that land unit. Goals may need to be developed in a workshop setting with advocates of different land uses as participants. Policy, in the examples below, is a commitment to achieve a particular habitat structure to attain a management goal. The management strategy in the following examples is a description of the particular habitat structure to be achieved in management. I describe species-habitat word models, and simple optimization models as techniques for developing management strategies. Tactics are those activities used to produce the desired habitat structure required to attain the management goal. A discussion of procedures to evaluate the effects of management is beyond the scope of this paper. An impact to a land unit can be considered positive or negative, depending on the management goal for that land unit. This fact is illustrated in figure 2. Reductions in the structure of habitat that reduce diversity in the riparian ecosystem would have a negative impact in example one but a positive impact in example two. On the other hand, an increase in structural diversity would result in reduced light penetration to the understory and 1ess forage production for livestock. This change would have a positive impact in example one but a negative impact in example two. 1 Contributed paper, Symposium on Riparian Ecosystems and Their Management, Apri 1 16-18, 1985, Tucson, AZ. 2 Terrestrial Ecologist, Western Energy and Land Use Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Collins, CO 80526-2899 MODELING HABITAT STRUCTURE FOR MANAGEMENT Goal setting is the most important activity in habitat management. The future appearance of 257 Example one Example two Goal To restore or preserve the integrity and diversity of wildlife and plant communities. To maximize forage yield within the riparian zone for the production of domestic livestock. Policy Establish a management system that will produce a diverse ecological system. Establish a management system that will maximize forage yield and use over time. Strategy Determine the habitat structure that will favor plant and wildlife diversity. Determine a habitat structure that will maximize forage production. Tactics Modify habitat to provide and maintain a structure that favors plant and animal diversity. Modify the structure of vegetation within the riparian zone to maximize light penetration to the understory. Develop an irrigation system to maximize forage production. Develop a fencing system to regulate grazing at different seasons to intensively harvest forage over time without destroying grazing habitat. Figure 1. Different goals, policies, strategies, and tactics can be developed by users of riparian zones. many riparian habitats depends on the establishment of management goa 1s. In many instances, the goa 1 wi 11 be formula ted in terms of some product from that land, such as forage, fish and wildlife habitat, scenery, recreation opportunity, or timber, and the strategy for attaining the management goal will describe a vegetative structure to be estab 1i shed or restored that will yield the desired product. The advantage of such a representation is that many land uses can be considered in terms of how they impact habitat layers. A variety of different land uses can be considered in the same model of habitat structure. I indicate, in the fo 11 owing section, how two different management goals can be developed by considering habitat structure in terms of layers of habitat. These two goals are: (1) to restore or preserve breeding populations of selected wildlife species within the riparian zone; and (2) to restore or preserve a habitat structure that wi 11 a 11 ow managers to maximize products from a variety of Other land uses within the riparian zone. management goals also could be addressed, using the concept of 1ayers of habitat as a common denominator for expressing habitat structure. The structure desired for riparian habitats often can be represented in terms of habitat layers, such as surface water, terrestrial subsurface, understory, midstory, tree bole, and overstory (Short and Burnham 1982; Short 1983). Impacts Example one Example two Develop multilayered vegetative cover positive negative Limit grazing positive negative Maximize understory vegetative cover negative positive Management for Wildlife Values A riparian zone can be managed to maximize wildlife diversity or to favor selected wildlife species. The following discussion describes management efforts to favor selected wildlife species. The goal, policy, strategy, and management tactics to favor this type of effort are summarized in figure 3. The goal is to restore or preserve breeding populations of selected species within the riparian zone; the management policy is to establish a management system that wi 11 meet that goal. The strategy is to determine a habitat structure that will all ow the Figure 2. An impact can be either positive or negative, depending on the management goal for a land unit. 258 goal to be attained. There are three intermediate steps between the policy and strategy levels in this planning hierarchy. These can be considered tools for determining the management strategy. The first tool is to determine the species to be favored in management. Species may be considered for selection either because they are listed in some legislative mandate or because they have been selected by some logical process, like the process for selecting species of 11 hi gh concern 11 described by Short and Williamson (in prep.). Nesting habitat is in the boles of cottonwoods or other deciduous trees along watercourses. r-- No- 1--- No ~ No- Yes Cottonwoods or other trees are at least 25 em dbh. Yes The second tool is to determine the habitat requirements of species of 11 hi gh concern 11 • These requirements can be summarized by developing simple species-habitat word models, like the one for the screech owl summarized in figure 4. The word models describe the layer of habitat (tree bole) where breeding occurs, the layer of habitat (understory with limited cover) where foraging occurs, and major habitat dependencies, such as the size of habitat blocks necessary or, in the case of the screech owl, a dependency on tree holes excavated by cavity-making birds. The word model is a generalization of the specieshabitat information available in the literature. Potential nesting trees possess woodpecker/flicker holes suitable for use as nest sites. Yes Understory layer in woodland or nonwoodland sites provides short or intermittent vegetative cover where successful foraging can occur. The third tool is to summarize the information in the word models to yield a description of the habitat structure (layers) to be developed or maintained within the riparian zone. The summarization may be either descriptive or a matrix (Short and Williamson in prep.), which lists the structural conditions that occur within each layer of habitat. A portion of a matrix that lists habitat conditions in the understory layer where the screech owl feeds is reproduced in Table 1. The appropriate elements of the matrix are notated for each species of 11 high concern 11 • The resulting pattern describes the conditions within layers of habitat that are to be restored or preserved by management actions. This is the management strategy for achieving the management goal. Goal: To restore or preserve breeding populations of selected wildlife species. Policy: Establish a management system that will restore or preserve habitat for the selected wildlife species. Strategy: Determine the habitat structure required to achieve the management goal. Tactics: Develop the habitat structure required by selected wildlife species. Maintain required habitat structure through time. Habitat may be -" of limited potential as nesting habitat for the screech owl Figure 4. Simple word model describing the important characteristics of the nesting and foraging habitat of the screech owl. Management tactics for the example in figure 3 are those that will produce and maintain the habitat structure that seems most important to the wildlife species of 11 hi gh concern 11 • Multiple Use Management The multiple use management goal listed in figure 5 is to restore or preserve a habitat structure that will optimize the products from a variety of land use options in a riparian habitat. The management strategy in this example is to describe the appropriate habitat structure to meet the management goal. The models described below are simple optimization models, similar to those used in business planning (Wagner 1969). The models occur at the same level in the planning hierarchy as did the word model and the summary matrix in the previous section. The optimization models are tools for determining preferred -management strategies. The major difference between business planning and the applications discussed in this paper is that the value of the products of habitat management usually are not expressed in monetary terms. It is difficult to consider a multiple use model in 11 market value 11 terms because not all legitimate land uses can be equally well represented in the market place. Figure 3. The goal, policy, strategy, and tactics for managing a riparian zone for its wildlife value. The alternative is to give common scalar values to products of land uses such as grazing, 259 timber management, and wi 1dl i fe management. Product values for such land uses are given the maximum value of 1.0 under some most favorable habitat structure configuration and are given the minimal value of 0.0 under some least favorab 1e habitat structure configuration. Habitat structure configurations of intermediate quality are given intermediate product values in the models. have considered only the understory, mi dstory, and overs tory 1ayers of habitat in this analysis of vegetative structure because the tree bole layer is produced at the same ecological cost as is the overstory layer and the two layers are highly dependent variables. Two alternative examples for multiple use management are described below. The two alternatives exist because the riparian systems differ in the two examples. Example A, in figure 6, determines the desired habitat structure for a large riparian area where wildlife species breed and forage mostly within the riparian area. Understory layer sa lt. p1ay a s bare ground (sand to rubble) boulder-covered surface talus, unvegetated talus, vegetated cliff-ledge or cavity near valley floor cliff-ledge or cavity near mesa or mountain top woody litter (includes shrub branches, tree branches, and stumps) < 50% cover woody litter~ 50% cover herbaceous vegetation - short (< 0.5 m) sparse ~ 33% cover moderate 34 to 66% cover dense ~ 67% cover herbaceous vegetation - c~ 0.5 m) sparse ~ 33% cover moderate 34 to 66% cover dense ~ 67% cover supine or dwarf woody vegetation sparse ~ 33% cover moderate 34 to 66% cover dense ~ 67% cover cactus stems and pads sparse ~ 33% cover moderate 34 to 66% cover dense ~ 67% cover To restore or preserve habitat structure that will allow managers to maximize products from a variety of land uses within the riparian zone. Policy: Establish a management system that will optimize products of different land uses from the riparian zone. Strategy: Determine the habitat structure that will maximize values from the potential land uses. Tactics: Develop the habitat structure that will optimize production from a variety of land uses within the riparian zone. Maintain that habitat structure through time. Figure 5. The goal, policy, strategy, and tactics for managing a riparian zone to optimize production from a variety of 1and uses. Example B, in figure 6, determines the desired habitat structure for a limited riparian habitat in which species may breed but where many of the species rely on cover types away from the riparian area for foraging activities. The two examples in figure 6 illustrate how different strategies may exist for attaining the same goal in two different habitats where the wi 1dl i fe values are perceived differently. Table 1.--A large variety of structural conditions occurs within the understory layer of habitat, and the use of particular conditions by the screech owl and other species of 11 high concern 11 can be summarized in a matrix format. Structural condition Goal: Screech owl requirements Products from land uses like grazing, timber management, and wildlife management can be considered products of particular layers of habitat. Grazing products are maximized in the riparian area in both examples when the overstory and mi dstory 1ayers are absent and there is maximum sunlight penetration to the understory. The value of the grazing product is 1.0 in both examples when only the understory layer is present; 0.3 in example A when the overstory, midstory, and understory layers are equally abundant because 1ess forage is avail ab 1e for livestock; and 0.1 in both examples when the only understory vegetation is the early regenerative stage of treelands. X Timber management products are maximized in both examples when most of the riparian area is in trees and tree boles are allowed to mature to a stage useful for cutting. Some small portions of the treeland should be in regenerative stages, so that early successional (understory) and mid-successional (midstory) stages also are present. The value of the timber product is 1.0 when extensive portions of the riparian area are in overstory vegetation; 0.4 in example A when the areas of overstory, midstory, and understory vegetation are similar and the forested area is reduced; and 0 in both examples if only the understory layer is present. X X Wildlife species richness is favored in example A and species richness is presumed to be enhanced when the overstory, midstory, and understory 1ayers each are present and equally 260 Example A Matrix Summarizing Multiple Use Problem Example B Matrix Summarizing Multiple Use Problem Portion of each layer to maximize Wildlife Timber Grazing Overs tory Mid story Understory 0 0.34 0 0.33 1.0 0.33 Values of the 12roducts Grazing Wildlife Timber Total Values 1.0 0.2 0 1.2 (Pd Objective function: Constraints: pl p2 p3 pl ~ ~ ~ + 0.3 1.0 0.4 1.7 (P&2 1.2 P1 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 p2 + PJ Solution for variable value: + 0.7 0.2 0.1 Overstory Mid story Understory 0.1 0.4 1.0 1.5 (P 3 2 Grazing Wildlife Timber Total Values 1.7 P2 + 1.5 P3 pl ~ Portion of each layer to maximize Wildlife Timber Grazing ~ p2 ~ p3 ~ 1. 00 = 0.10 = 0.80 p3 0. 10 Constraints: 0.1 1.0 1.0 2.1 (P 2 2 pl p2 p3 ~ ~ ~ 1.00 1.00 1. 00 Solution for variable value: 0.1 1.0 1.0 2.1 (Pd pl p2 p3 ~ ~ ~ pl 0.10 0.10 0.10 = 0.10 0.45 0.45 Solution to determine quantity of different layers of habitat: Overstory 1.0 0.2 0 1.2 {P 1 2 0.7 0.2 0.1 Objective fundtion: 0.10 0.10 0.10 pl p2 0 0.7 0 0.2 1.0 0.1 Values of the 12roducts Solution to determine quantity of different layers of habitat: (0 X 0.1) + (0.34 X 0.8) + (0.7 X 0.1) = 0.34 = 34.3% Overs tory (0 X 0.10) + (0.7 X 0.45) + (0.7 X 0.45) = 0.63 = 63% Midstory (0 X 0.1) + (0.33 X 0.8) + (0.2 X 0.1) 0.28 = 28.3% Mid story (0 X 0.10) + (0.2 X 0.45) (0.2 X 0.45) = 0.18 = 18% + Understory (1.0 x 0.1) + (0.33 x 0.8) + (0.1 X 0.1) 0.37 = 37.4% Understory= (1 x 0.10) + (0.1 x 0.45) (0.1 X 0.45) = 0.19 = 19% + Figure 6. Matrices, linear program algorithms, and solutions of two alternatives for the multiple use management of riparian habitats. distributed throughout the riparian zone. Data in Short (1983) indicated that species richness is maximum when the number of layers of habitat on a land unit is maximum. The value of the wildlife product in example A in figure 6 is 1.0 when the overst~ry, midstory, and understory layers are present and equally abundant throughout the riparian zone, 0.2 when only the understory layer is present, and 0.4 when most of the riparian zone is a mature treeland with only limited quantities of understory and midstory present. The value of the wildlife product in example B is maximized when a large portion of the land area is covered by overstory vegetation that provides nest sites for species that forage in non-riparian cover types. The value of the wildlife product is 1. 0 in ex amp 1e B for the same structural condition for which timber values were maximized. determined by max1m1z1ng the values present for the three management options in examples A and 8. This was accomplished by using the LINDO Computer Program (Schrage 1984) to solve the two linear programming problems. Multiple use values in example A are maximized when overstory, midstory, and understory are each dominant over about equal portions of the riparian area. Multiple use values in example B are maximized when overstory conditions predominate on the riparian area. The solutions for examples A and B differ because wildlife values are different in A and B. More explicit statements of the desired habitat structure in example A and B were obtained by using the values for P1 , P2 , and P3 to estimate the quantities of each layer of habitat to be produced and rna i nta i ned in the ri pari an habitats. These quantities represent the management strategies required to attain the management goal listed in figure 5. The quantity of each layer of habitat desired was estimated by summing, for each habitat layer (overs tory, The structure to be favored in multiple use management in these very simplified examples was 261 SUMMARY midstory, and understory), the product of the quantity of that layei' in each land use option and the relative value contribution of each land use option. This value is expressed as a percent of the summed total of the products of the layer quantity x relative value contributions. In example A, the products for the overstory layer ~ere (0 X 0.10) + (0.34 X 0.80) + (0.70 X 0.:0), which equals 0.34 (fig. 6). This value is 34.3% of the summed total of the products of che nine individual layer quantity x relative value contribution combinations (0.99 in fig. 6). In 1ike manner, the desired quantity of mi dstory vegetation was calculated as 28.3% of the land area, and the desired quantity of understory vegetation was calculated as 37.4% of the land area. The strategy for attaining the multiple use management goa 1 for the habitat conditions listed in example A in figure 6 is to produce a habitat where the overs tory is dominant on 34% of the land arPa, the midstory is dominant on 28% of the land a rea, and the understory is dominant on 37% of the land area. The efficient management of ri pari an habitats requires the formulation of an explicit management goal for a land unit and the development of the appropriate management policies, strategies, and activities to achieve that goal. Setting goals enhances the efficiency of habitat management and helps managers evaluate the impacts of potentia 1 land use changes. Vegetative structure of riparian areas, expressed in terms of layers of habitat, is a habitat criterion that can be used in modeling to help develop management strategies and predict impacts on habitats. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS appreciate Adrian Farmer's help in formulating the linear programming models and helpful reviews by Samuel C. Williamson, Carl Armour, and Charles Segelquist. Cathy Short edited the paper and Jennifer Shoemaker prepared the manuscript for camera reproduction. Carolyn Gulzow and Dora Ibarra provided the word processing. The same type of so 1uti on for ex amp 1e 8 describes a very different habitat structure. Based on the same type of calculations, the management strategy in this example is to produce a habitat where the overstory is dominant on 63% of the land area, the midstory is dominant on 18% of the 1and area, and the understory is dominant on 19% of the land area (figure 6). LITERATURE CITED Schrage, Linus. 1984. User's manual. Linear, integer, and quadratic programming with LINDO. 86 pp. The Scientific Press, Palo Alto, CA. Short, Henry L. 1983. Wildlife guilds in Arizona desert habitats. USDI Bureau of Land Management Tech. Note 362. 258 pp. Short, Henry L. , and Kenneth P. Burnham. 1982. Technique for. structuring wildlife guilds to evaluate impacts on wildlife communities. USDI Fish Wildlife Service, Special Scientific Report -Wildlife 244. 34 pp. Short, Henry L., and Samuel C. Williamson. A procedure for selecting cover types for management. in prep. Wagner, Harvey M. 1969. Principles of operations research. 937 pp. + append. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. The tactics to achieve the multiple use management goals in both example A and example 8 include the application of grazing and timber management practices that will obtain and maintain the desired habitat structures across time. These two examples indicate that establishing different objectives for a wildlife resource can influence the habitat structure required as a management strategy to attain a multiple use management goa 1 . 262