This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Physical Characteristics and Pedogenesis of Soils in Riparian Habitats Along the Upper Gila River Basin1 John H. ;:> Brock~ Abstract.--Knowledge of soils in southwest riparian habitats is minimal. Soil profiles in the riparian zone on the Gila and San Francisco Rivers were studied. The soils that support trees can be cl assif i ed as Torri fl uvents or on the more stable sites as Haplustolls. Coarse textures and low water holding capacity are dominant characteristics. INTRODUCTION RELATED LITERATURE Riparian communities of the southwest are dominated by tall broadleaf woody pI ants whi ch affect the mi crocI imates of adj acent aquatic habitats while providing cover, nesting sites and food i terns for many desert animals. Since the early 1800's riparian habitats along river systems of the arid southwest have undergone significant biological, physical and hydrologic changes, primarily from increased human activity ( C ar 0 the r s 1 9 7 7 ). Al tho ugh rip a ria n are as represent 1 ess than four percent of the 1 ands in the western United States, they are of great importance in arid land ecosystem functions, particularly as wildlife habitats. The importance of ri pari an communi ties as wildlife habitat has been well described in the 1 i terat ur e (Todd 1972, and Carothers 1977). Riparian communities fit in the wetland classification under riverine systems (Cowardin 1982). One attribute of this wetland system, according to a Fish and Wildlife Service definition, is "the substrate is nonsoil and is saturated with water or covered by shallow water at some time during the growing season" (Cowardin 1982). The "nonsoil" of such riverine systems would be placed into the order Entisols since soil horizonation does not exist in streambed materials and because pedogenetic processes are slower than transport activities (Soil .survey Staff 1975). Soils of arid and semi-arid regions typically exhibit limited pedogenesis, especially along drainages. \oJestern (1972) a d v 0 cat e d t hat so i 1 t ext 1..1 r e, de gr e e 0 f depositional stratification and effective soil depth be given major consideration for descri bing such soils. Using the deposi tional approach, defining vertical variability of texture as closely as possible would be accentuated since stratification may alter water movement and root penetration and emerge as a dominant soil characteristic. Under the soil classification system used by Western (1972) these type of soils would be placed into the sedosols category. Study of ri pari an zones has pr evi ousl y focused on the organisms that occupy the nar'row habitats. As research intensified, it became evident that little was known about the soil supporting the vegetation that characterizes the riparian zone. Very limited literature exists on riparian soils except that reported by Martin and Fletcher (1943) and recently completed work by Medina (1985). This paper will present information concerning soils in the riparian habitat of the upper Gila River Basin. Classification of the soil, its physical characteristics and its pedogenesis will be di scussed. Very limited literature exists for the southwest riparian zone soils. Martin and Fletcher (1943) described soil great groups that included drainages on Mount Graham in southeastern Arizona but not soils specifically within the drainages. The most detailed work available on riparian soils in the southwest was recently completed from research ini tiated in 1981 (Medina 1985). The riparian soils were on upland watersheds near Fort Bayard in western New Mexico. The taxonomic subgroup units identified for those drainages included: Mollic Ustifluvents, Aquic Ustifluvents, Aquic 1 Paper presented at the symposium on Riparian Ecosystems and their Management: Reconciling Conflict Uses. [Tucson, Arizona, Apri1 16-18, 1985J 2 John H. Broc k i s Ass 0 cia t e Prof es s or of Agriculture, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ari zona. 49 Haplustolls and Cumulic Haplustolls 1985). Coarse materials were sorted to three size classes (rock> 7.5 cm, cobbles from 7.5 cm to 2 cm and gravel from 2.0 cm to 2 mm) (fig. 1). The 1 arger two cl asses wer e vi s uall y es ti rna ted from a known total volume. Gravel content was determined by sieving and weighing. The material that passed the 2 mm sieve was separated into sand, silt· and clay sized parti cl es in the 1 aboratory us ing the hydrometer method. (Medina Soils along the drainages of the upper Gila River Basin (Eastern Arizona and Western New Mexico) that support mature woody riparian species were surveyed as a complex of Ellicott and Paymas ters seri es (USDA S oi 1 Sur vey 1983). These soils at the subgroup level are Ustic Torrifluvents (Ellicott) and Cumulic Haplustolls (Paymaster). Both soils are subject to su.mmer flooding with the flood event being rarer for the Hapl ustolls. The soil material in the most active part of the streambed was designated in the soil survey report as riverwash. HETHODS The study area included six research sites. Two were on the San Francisco River in Eastern Arizona and four were on the Gila River in Western New Mexico. The San Francisco River sites were 8 and 24 km, respectively, upstream (northeas t) fran Cl if ton , Ari zona. The four New Mexi co si tes were located from south to north along the Gila river as follows: (a) 0.8 km north of the bridge near Red Rock, (b) 12 km south of U.S. Highway 180 near the U.S. Forest Service Bird Management area, (c) 11 km north of the towns of Cliff and Gila near Mogollon Creek and (d) 19 km upstream from Cliff and Gila in the vi cini ty of Tur key Creek. Thi s study ar ea also included a well defined mesquite bosque. F i gur e 1. - - C 0 a r s e f r a gm e n t s are com m0 n i n riparian soils. Sample is of riverwash material near Red Rock, New Mexico. Since coarse soils rapidly transport water, a water movement laboratory study for soils of the riparian habitat was conducted. Large graduated cylinders (1000 ml) were filled with 35 em of soil mat.erial leaving approximately 5 cm of space for the addi ti on of wat er. Thr ee cylinders were filled with fine sands (less than 0.42 mm in size), three with coarse sands (1 to 2 mm in size) and three with coarse unsieved ri verwash materi a1. Two hundred mill il iter s of water was added to each cyl inder and the rate of water movement over thirty minutes was measured by following the wetted front. The flood plains are mixed alluvium derived from granite, rhyolite and conglcmerate (USDA Soil Survey, 1983). Average annual preCipitation is approximately 35 cm and the growing season is 150 to 180 days. Mean annual soil temperature and air temperature are approximatel y the same at 14 0 c (USDA Soil Sur vey 1983). Slopes range fran zero to three percent and elevation ranges from 1200 to 1900 m. Water movement rates and water storage capaci ty in coarse soils is an important factor to relate availability of water to riparian plants. Water retention capaci ty was determined for the mature forest and riverwash soil materi al s. The saturati on poi nt was found by wetting samples to super saturation wi th the superfluous water drained by gravity. Soilwater retention was also determined at moisture tension levels of -0.03 (field capacity), -0.1, -0.25, -0.75 and -1.5 (wilting point) MPa of tension using a pressure plate apparatus. Percent soil-water retention capacity was determined gravimetri cally. At each of the six sites a soil profile in a stand of mature trees, including the mesquite bosque, was examined. The exposed profiles were approximately one meter in width to a depth of two meters. The profiles were separated into soil layers based on color differences or appreciable changes in texture or structure. The thickness of the soil layers was measured and duplicate samples from each layer were returned to the laboratory for further anal ys i s as needed to classify soils. Normally, to estimate soil texture, soils are sieved to 2 mm to determine sand, silt and clay content. However, riparian soils may co nt ai n alar ge vol ume of coarse fragments and the standard procedure would not give an accurat.e representation of texture. Alexander (1981) described a technique to estimate the coarse soil fraction that employs a combination of visual estimates of volumes and weighing. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Three soils were identified in the riparian zone. Two soils were located in the proximi ty of perennial woody vegetation and the othe~ was the raw material of the flood plain. Of the 50 Table 1.--Profile description for a typical Ustic Torrifluvent on the upper Gila River Basin. seven soil profiles examined in the vicinity of mature woody perennials, four were classified to the greatgroup Torrifluvents and three were placed in the Haplustolls great group. The third soil was ri verwash. Horizon Designation C 1 0-66 em, 10 YR 5/2 grayish brown (dry), fine sand, 10 YR 3/3 dark grayish brown (wet); single grain, loose; numerous roots, abrupt boundry, bedding planes. C 2 66-142 em, 10 YR 5/2 grayish brown (dry), cobbly sand, 10 YR 3/2 dark grayish brown (wet); single grain, loose. C 3 142-167 em, 10 YR 5/2 grayish brown (dry), coarse sand, 10 YR 3/2 dark grayish brown (wet). Abrupt boundry to rounded cobbles. Soil Profile Descriptions The Torrifluvent soil was further classified to the Ustic subgroup. A profile description of the Ustic Torrifluvents fran the site located 11 km upstream fran Cliff and Gila, New Mexico is contained in table 1. The deep, well-drained Torrifluvents have a sandy surface that averaged 42.5 cm in depth. The number of soil strata present was directly related to Descri ption Table 2.--Profile description for a typical Fluventic Haplustoll on the upper Gila River Basin. deposi tional patterns as may be expected from hlestern's (1972) paper and ranged from three to seven. The separation of the layers was based primarily on textural differences resulting from the energy of water that had transported the alluvial material. Thin lenses of fine textured material such as loams or silt loams were present in some of the pedons. The mean soil depth of the Torrifluvents was 174 cm. Descri ption Hori zon Designation The placement of the soils into the Ustic Torrifluvents subgroup agrees well wi th the soil survey of western Grant County, New Mexico (USDA Soil Survey 1983). The soils are in the great group Torrifluvents because they have a mean annual soil temperature of approximately 14 0 c but may also lack water within the top 50 cm for more than 90 consecutive days during the year. They are in the subgroup Usti c because they do have moisture available for plant growth during favorable growth periods, primarily in the spring and early summer. The Haplustolls were classified to the subgroup Fluventic. A typical pedon of a Fluventic Haplustoll is given in t a bl e 2 from the sit e a p pro xi mat ely 1 9 kilometers above the towns of Cliff and Gila. The profile description is for the deep, well drained soils that form in more stable alluvium. The Haplustolls surface had a mean depth of 30 em. A 1 0-53 em, 10 YR 4/2 dark grayish brown (dry), ver y fine sand, 10 YR 2/2 very dark brown (wet); weak crumbly, very friable; worm cas ts in upper 5 em, common macropores, few fine roots; weakl y efferves cent; gradual boundry. C 1 53-107 em, 10YR 5/2 grayish brown (dry), fine sandy loam, 10 YR 2/2 very dark brown (wet); weak subangular blocky, very friable; few laminar planes; coarse roots, neutral; gradual boundry. C 2 107-213 em, 10 sand, 10 YR grain, loose; abrupt contact YR 5/3 brown (dry), very fine 3/3 dark brown (wet); single coarse roots, few cobbles; wi th large rounded cobbles. woody ri pari an speci es. These ri pari an seedbeds are at present commonly referred to as nurse§y bars by Brady et al. (1985) and Brock . Riverwash would be in the suborder Fluvents. No profile description will be attempted in this paper since there was no stratification; however, the physical characteristics of the ri verwash materi al will be presented. Physical Characteristics of Riparian Soils The coarse textural nature of soils in riparian areas provides unique qualities compared to finer soils. The riparian soils of the southwest are characterized by large fragments. The Haplustolls contained 10% coarse fragments (> 2mm) by weight, the Torrifluvents had 23% coarse material and the riverwash contained approximately 63%. Of the 63% coarse fragments in the riverwash, the portions of rocks, cobbles and gravel was 14, 16 and 33% respectively of the total volume. The remaining 37% of "fine" material in proportion to the Unlike the soil survey information that placed the Haplustolls along the water courses i nth e C um u 1 i c sub g r 0 up, the Hap 1 us t oIl s examined in this study did not have a thick enough epi pe don (more than 50 cm) to be pl ace d in that category. Alluvial deposition was evident in the surface soil material. As a res u 1 t, the sub g r 0 u pel as s i f i cat ion for the Haplustolls along these reaches of riparian habitats was the Fluventic extragrade. The third soil material identified was confined to the most active part of the flood plain. Unlike the Ustic Torrifluvents and the Fluventic Haplustolls it lacked any signs of pedogenesis. The material is unconsolidated, very coarse and contains raw parent materials best referred to as riverwash. While riverwash may be consi dered by some to be only soil parent material, it is the seedbed for many of the 3 Brock, J. H. 1984. Some autecological studies on regeneration and maintenance of selected riparian plant species. Unpublished report. Arizona State University, Division of Agriculture, Tempe, Arizona. 166 p. 51 Pedogenesi s whole soil was 33% fine sand, 2% silt and 2% clay. Riverwash material, excluding the coarse fragments, was 84% sand, 9% silt and 7% clay. Soil longevity in active water courses, especially in the southwest, strongly influences the degr ee of pedogenesi s. In the ari d or semiarid southwest, soils along water courses are more a result of geomorphology resulting from stream flows. Thi s concept is supported by the paper of Western (1972) that dealt wi th soils of arid streams. Brady et al. (1985) described the development of ri pari an ve ge t at i on stan ds from initial establishment to maturity. Soils continue to deepen by aggradation and, wi th good vegetative protection, stabilize against the geomorphic forces. The coarse fragment content of the more developed soils ranged from 0 to 55 percent. The mean amount of coarse fragments was 16.5% for the Torrifluvents and Haplustolls. Textural analyses of the Torrifluvents and Haplustolls for the fine portion of the soi Is are pr es en ted in table 3. As might be expected, both soils have a dominance of sand in the surface. The evidence of pedogenesis in the Haplustoll is seen best by examining the texture of the subsurface soil. While sand was the dominant textural fraction, the increase in silt and clay in the Hapl us tolls Has evi dent. The degree of pedogenesis in riparian soils is directly tied to stability of the substrate and magnitude of streamflow events. The dynamics of the soil forming-stability process in the Gila River Basin was demonstrated in October 1983. On the San Francisco River of the upper Gila basin, major areas of Ustic Torrifluvents were changed to ri verwash by flooding (fig. 2). At this site, (24 km upstream from Clifton, Arizona) a depth of approximately 1.5 to 2.0 m of stable soil was moved fran an area approximately 50 m in width. Flooding is the major factor influencing the nature of riparian soils in the southwest Uni ted States from a pedogenic viewpoint and is the force that largely determines their physical properties. Water readily moves through coarse soils. The rapidity of water movement through the riparian soil material was greater than expected. Laboratory tests resulted in water movement rates of 0.9, 1.4 and 2.4 cm/minute for fine sand, coarse sands and cobbly sand materials, respectively. While riparian soils may rapidly absorb water they release water freely as well. Water retention percentages were determined for the Torrifluvents, Haplustolls and riverwash materials. Water holding capacity, at saturation, averaged 45.6% across all soils and was highest for Haplustolls and lowest in the ri verwash (table 4). Water retention capacity decreased rapidly with even small increases in pressure that forces water from the soil matrix. Haplustolls maintained higher water holding capacity which corresponded to the finer textures. At higher tensions, water retention capacities were slightly lower in the ri verwash materi al. At wilting poi nt (1.5 MPa), all soils had less than 7% water content. CONCLUSION Pedogenesis of soils in riparian habitats of the southwest, gi ven adequate soil anchor age and aggradation of fine sediments is from the Entisols to the Mollisols order. The major factor determining the characteristics of, the soils is the energy of streamflow. In general, ri pari an soils are geomorphically very young and coarsely textured. As a resul t, they readil y transmit water and have a low water retention capacity. The primary management criteria of riparian soils as a growth media for woody riparian species would be a dependable soilwater supply. Table 3.--Textural analyses for percent sand, silt and clay fractions Ustic Torrifluvents and Fluventic Haplustolls in surface and subsurface soils in the riparian zone of the upper Gila River Basin. Hapl us toll s Torri fl uvents Textur al Fract ion (%) Sand Silt Clay Surface 71.4 20.4 8.2 Subsurface Surf ace Su bsurf ace 83.9 9.6 6.6 64.5 13.2 56.4 26.3 13.2 17.3 ACKN OVJL EDGEMENT S Table 4.--Water retention capacity for three riparian zone soils found in the Upper Gila River Basin. This research was conducted under an Interpersonal Agreement (IPA) with the author and the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service. Funding was through the Bureau of Reclamation, USDI, Boulder City, Nevada. Chris Brock was instrumental in aiding initial soil profile sampling. Charmaine Tso and Julie Sturgeon deserve recognition for their assistance in collecting and summarizing water retention capacity data. Water Retention Capaci ty ( %) at Water Tensions (-MPa) Soil Torri fl uvents Hapl ustolls Ri verwash Saturated 48.3 52.6 36.1 -0.03 15.7 18.1 12.0 -0.10 -0.25 -0.75 -1.5 7.4 8.8 4.8 6.8 8.6 4.9 6.5 6.9 3.3 9.5 1 22.0 6.8 'Mean in -0.10 (MPa) column is significantly different at p = 0.05. 52 F i gur e 2. - - So i 1 s tab i 1 i t yin a rip a ria n h a bit a t as influenced by high storm flow. Twenty-four kilometers upstream from Clifton, Arizona. Left photograph date is August 1983. Right photograph is of the same site in November 1983 following flooding. Medina, A. L. 1985. Riparian plant communities and soils of the Fort Baryard Watershed in Southwestern New Mexico (In Press). Southwest Association of Naturalists. LITERATURE CITED Alexander, E. B. 1981. Volume estimates of coarse fragments in soils: A combination of vi sual and wei ghing procedur es . Jour nal of Soil and Water Conservation. 36:360-361. Soil Survey Staff. 1975. Soil Taxonomy. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Soil Conservation Service. Agriculture Handbook No. 436. 754 p. Brady, W. W., D. R. Patton, and J. Paxson. 1985. The development of southwestern riparian gallery forests. In Symposium of Riparian Ecosystems and their Management: Reconciling Conflicting Uses. [Tucson, Arizona, April 16-18, 1985J. Todd, R. L. 1972. Biol ogi cal report on a mars h near Tuzigoot National Monument. Ari zona Game and Fish Department Special Report w53-23. 4p. Carothers, S. W. 1977. Importance, preservation an d management of ri par ian ha bi tats: An Overview. In: Importance, Preservation and Man a gemen t 0 f R i pa ria n Ha bit at: A Symposium. USDA Forest Service. General Technical Report. RM-43. p. 2-4. U.S. Department of Agriculture 1983. Soil survey of Grant County, New Mexico, Central and Southern parts. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service and New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station. 216 p. Cowardin, L. M. 1982. Wetlands and deepwater habitats: A new classification. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 37: 83-85. Western, S. 1972. The classification of arid zone soils. I. An approach to the classification of arid zone soils using depositional features. Journal of Soil Science. 23: 266-277. Martin, W. P., and J. E. Fletcher. 1943. Great soil groups on Mount Graham. Uni versi ty of Arizona Agricultural Exper'irnent Station. Technical Bulletin. 99: 87-153. 53