This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Cavity-Nesting Bird Requirements and Response to Snag Cutting In Ponderosa Plne1 Virgil E. Scott and John L. Oldemeyerl Abstract.--Cavity-nesting bird densities declined 53% when conifer snags were removed during a timber harvest on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. On an adjacent cutover area where snags were left standing the cavity-nesting bird population increased 25%. Cavitynesting bird densitites on an unharvested control plot increased 32%. Birds that nested in ponderosa pine snags were affected most by snag removal. Violet-green swallows2 declined from 41 to 4 birds/100 acres after snags were removed and pygmy nuthatches declined from 32 to 15/100 acres. Two species responded significantly to the reduction in basal area: white-breasted nuthatches decreased and house wrens increased. For nesting sites, cavity-nesting birds usually selected ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) snags that were greater than 18 inches diameter breast high (dbh), dead 6 years and with at least 40% bark cover. :.tNTRODUCTION snags (Bull 1975, Gale 1973, McClelland and Frissel 1975, Thomas et al. 1979) •. Mannan et al. (1980) reported that the density of hole-nesting birds was positively correlated with the mean dbh of snags on their study area in western Oregon. However, no general statement can be made for ali birds since size of snags used for nest hole excavation varies with tree and bird species (Bull et al. 1980, Lanning and Shiflett 1983, Mannan et al. 1980, McClelland et al. 1979, and Scott et al. 1980). This report summarizes the characteristics of snags used by cavity-nesting birds in a forest dominated by ponderosa pine in Arizona and the response of birds to snag removal. Snags serve in a variety of ways as wildlife habitat. Cavities made by primary cavity nesters (those birds that excavate their own holes) provide nests and denning sites for secondary cavity users (those that nest in cavities but are unable to excavate holes) such as bats, squirrels, and several birds (Thomas et al. 1979). Snags are used by raptors, flycatching birds, and bandtailed pigeons (Columba fasciata) for such activities as hunting, feeding, loafing, or roosting (Scott et al~ 1980). Invertebrates living in the dead wood and under bark provide food for some of the woodpeckers. It has been shown that snags with heartrot (Fomes _f!f,•) are selected by primary cavity-nesting birds for excavating nest holes (McClelland and Frissel 1975, Miller and Miller 1980), and that larger snags are used more frequently than smaller STUDY LOCATION AND METHODS The 124-acre study area was in an oldgrowth ponderosa pine forest five miles west of Greer, Arizona, on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. Ponderosa pine accounted for 83% of the tree stand which also contained Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and limber pine (~ flexilis). Several small aspen (Populus tremuloides) clones were interpersed throughout the stand. The study area was divided into three plots. Plots A and B were selectively harvested; snags were cut on Plot A but not on Plot B. Plot C served as an uncut control. Eight bird surveys were conducted on each plot between 20 May and 30 June for 2 years before harvest and 2 years after 1 Virgil E. Scott and John L. Oldemeyer are wildlife biologists (research), u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver Wildlife Research Center, stationed at Fort Collins, Colorado. 2 Bird nomenclature follows the Thirtyfourth Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Checklist of North American Birds. Supplement to the Auk. Vol 99, No. 3, July 1982 and scientific names appear in Table 1. 19 increase in ground nesting birds was related to reduction in basal area on Plots A and B. harvest. Bird densities were determined by the spot map method (Kendeigh 1944) and compared by analysis of variance. Density of cavity-nesting birds was 53% lower on Plot A after timber harvest whereas density increased on Plots B and c. Some bird species within the cavity-nesting guild responded independently but the overall response in density was positively correlated (re0.72) to the number of snags in the plots. Basal area of live trees ~five inches dbh was determined by the plotless method (Grosenbaugh (1952). Trees were harvested in late summer and fall 1974 after bird surveys were completed. All conifer snags on the study area were measured and examined for use by cavity-nesting birds before timber harvest occurred. Some birds occurred in numbers too small or in too few plots and no inferences could be made about the effect of timber harvest on their density (i.e., American kestrels, yellow-bellied sapsuckers, downy woodpeckers, hairy woodpeckers, three-toed woodpeckers, brown creepers, and mountain bluebirds). We found nests of American kestrels, three-toed woodpeckers, and violet-green swallows only in ponderosa pine snags; whereas, nests of Williamson's sapsuckers and hairy and downy woodpeckers were found only in aspen. Scott et al. (1980) reported violet-green swallows nesting in both aspen and conifer snags. We also found northern flickers, mountain chickadees, and white-breasted nuthatches nesting in aspen and ponderosa pine snags. One pygmy nuthatch was observed nesting in an aspen snag on Plot A after snag removal. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Basal area of live trees ~five inches dbh before timber removal was 110, 107, and 102 feet2/acre on Plots A, B, and C respectively (Scott 1979). Post harvest basal area on A and B was 51 and 64 feet2/acre respectively. Basal area in Plot C was unchanged. There were 4.6 conifer snags/acre 2:_1 inches dbh in Plot A before harvest and all were cut during timber harvest and most were left on the ground. After timber harvest 14 aspen snags ~5 inches dbh (0.3/ac) remained. On .Plot B there were 6.1 conifer snags/acre before harvest. Some snags were accidentally knocked down during timber harvest and some were blown over; 4.1 conifer snags/acre remained. After timber harvest 29 aspen snags ~5 inches dbh (0.8/ac) remained on Plot B. Plot C had 4.0 conifer snags/acre in 1973 and 3.6 in 1976; no aspen snags ~5 inches dbh occurred in Plot c. Densities of three species did not respond with timber harvest: Williamson's sapsuckers, mountain chickadees, and western bluebirds (table 1). Greatest densities of Williamson's sapsuckers were found in the control plot both before and after harvest, and densities were somewhat lower in all plots after harvest. Mountain chickadees responded in a similar manner, whereas western bluebirds increased slightly, but not significantly so, after harvest in all plots. The remaining aspen (trees and snags) probably provided nesting habitat for these species. We observed one pair each of pygmy nuthatch, Williamson's sapsucker, and western bluebird nesting in one aspen snag on Plot A after timber harvest. Western bluebirds usually nest near openings or in more open woodlands and the timber harvest created this type of habitat. Birds usually selected ponderosa pine snags greater than 18 inches dbh, those had been dead 2:_6 years, and those with at least 40% bark cover for nest sites and 71% of the snags meeting these criteria had holes made by cavity nesters. Twelve percent of the snags ~ 8 inches dbh and dead ~ 5 years had holes whereas 62% of those dead ~ 6 years had been used by cavity-nesting birds. Nearly all of the cavity nests found in ponderosa pine were in snags. Those cavity nests found in living trees were in dead portions of the tree (ie. dead tops or a dead strip resulting from lightening strikes). Larger snags tended to have more holes and were used more frequently than smaller snags. Tall snags (>45 feet) were used at about the same frequency as shorter ones (<45 feet) but more holes were present in the taller snags. There were 2.6 snags/acre with cavities and 75% of the snags containing cavities were ~19 inches dbh. Holes were present in 28% of snags <19 inches dbh and 54% of those2:.19 inches. Two species responded significantly to the reduction of basal area (table 2). White-breasted nuthatches decreased significantly in Plots A and B, where post-harvest density averaged 20% of the pre-harvest density. Density of western flycatchers followed a similar, though nonsignificant, pattern to white-breasted nuthatches. Although white-breasted nuthatches are cavity nesters, their decrease was probably due to the decrease in standing timber. House wrens, on the other hand, increased in Plots A and B after harvest where its post-harvest density averaged 222% greater than pre-harvest density. This increase was probably due to the increase in slash piles or brush found in the cutover areas. Densities of all birds before harvest ranged from 225/100 acres on Plot C to 303/100 acres on Plot B (table 1) and were not different (P~0.05) among plots. Within treatments, the posttreament bird densities were not different from pretreatment. Density of foliage-nesting birds did not change after harvest. Ground-nesting birds increased on all plots but the percentage increase was least on the Plot c. Most of the numerical Three species decreased significantly on Plot A with the reduction in snag density (table 2); northern flicker, violet-green swallow, and pygmy 20 Table I.--Number of cavity-nesting birds/100 acres in a ponderosa pine study area before and after timber harvest. Densities are means of surveys conducted 2 years before and 2 years after timber harvest. Comparisons were made by ANOVA (NE a not examined, NS = non-significant, S a significant P ~ 0.05). Results of ANOVA Plot A Timber Harvested Snags Cut Before After Plot B Timber Harvested Snag Left Before After Plot C Timber Not Harvested Before After <1 3 5 0 0 2 <1 3 3 0 0 NS 9 4 8 5 10 7 NE 0 2 1 0 1 <1 NS 5 3 <1 4 2 7 NE 3 <1 3 3 2 <I s 10 5 9 12 11 15 Western flycatcher (Empidonax difficilis) s 7 2 11 8 10 10 Violet-green swallow (T.achycineta thalassina) s 41 4 50 77 29 46 Mountain chickadee (!!.!:!!!. gambeli) White-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) NS 11 9 14 11 15 10 s 7 2 8 <1 10 7 s 32 15 37 45 27 40 Brown creeper (Certhia americana) NE 2 1 5 <1 0 7 House wren (Troglodytes aedon) s 8 11 1 18 0 <1 Western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) NS 2 5 5 7 2 5 Mountain bluebird <!• currucoides) Cavity nesters Foliage nesters Ground nesters Total Birds NE <1 2 9 11 0 3 s 139 105 31 275 66 83 51 200 167 98 38 303 209 129 67 405 119 81 25 225 157 79 48 284 American kestrel (Falco sparverius) NE Yellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) NE Williamson's sapsucker <!• thyroideus) Downy woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) Hairy woodpecker (!_• villosus) Three-toed woodpecker (!• tridactylus) Northern flicker (Oolaptes auratus) Pygmy nuthatch (!. pygmaea) · NS s .S 21 Table 2.--Density of birds (number/100 ac) related to basal area and to snag density in a ponderosa pine forest in Arizona. Contrasts based on Scheffes' procedure. Densitz: related to basal area Northern flicker Western flycatcher Violet-green swallow Mountain chickadee White-breasted nuthatch Pygmy nuthatch House wren Western bluebird Cavity nesters Foliage nesters Ground nesters Densitz: related to snag density Plots A, B, and C before harvest and C after harvest (hish basal area) Plots A and B after harvest (low basal area) Plot A after harvest (snags removal) 11.3 9.5 41.5 12.5 8.o 34.0 2.5 3.5 145.5 90.8 35.5 8.5 5.0 40.5 10.0 1.5 * 30.0 14.5 * 6.0 137.5 106.0 59.0 5.0 2.0 4.0 9.0 2.0 15.0 11.0 5.0 66.0 83.0 51.0 Plots B and C after harvest (snags not removed) 13.5 9.0 61.5 10.5 4.0 42.5 9.5 6.0 183.0 104.0 57.5 * * * * *Probability of observing differences in means of this magnitude were~0.05%. nuthatch. Violet-green swallows and pygmy nuthatches depended heavily on ponderosa snags for nest sites. No other species followed an increasing or decreasing trend that seemed related to removal of snags; however, the cavity nesting guild decreased significantly when the density in Plot A (with snag removal) was compared to the post-harvest densities of Plots B and c. Cavitynesting birds were affected by removals of conifer snags on Plot A although there were 0.3 aspen snags/acre ~5 inches after timber harvest. Those birds that nested in ponderosa pine snags before harvest (violet-green swallows, 'pygmy nuthatches, and three-toed woodpeckers) were most affected by snag removal. than 23 inches dbh. We found that 75% of the snags with holes were ~19 inches dbh. Boles were present in 28% of the snags ~18 inches dbh whereas 54% of those snags ~19 inches dbh had holes. For those snags that had been used by birds, the larger snags also had more holes/snag (3.8) than the smaller snags (2.8). Larger snags also remain standing longer than smaller snags (Cline 1977). If two to three snags/acre are accepted as a management goal in the ponderosa pine type, then all should be ~19 inches dbh in fulfill the cavity-nesting bird's requirements. Trees with dead tops or dead portions in the trunk provide nesting sites for cavity nesters and if retained in the forest, can provide cavity nesting opportunities over a long period of time. MANAGEMENT SUGGESTIONS Cavity-nesting bird nest site requirements vary with the species since the larger birds physically require larger snags for hole excavation than do the smaller birds. Bull and Meslow (1977) suggested that snags ~20 inches dbh should be retained for pileated woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus). Smaller birds, such as chickadees (Parus sp.), can use snags as small as six inches dbh (Scott et al. 1980). Literature Cited Balda, Russell P. 1975. The relationship of secondary cavf.ty-nesters to snag densities in western coniferous forests. USDA. For. Serv., Southwest Reg. Wild!. Habitat Tech. Bull. 1, Albuquerque, NM, 37 P• Bull, Evelyn Louise. 1975. Habitat utilization of the pileated woodpecker, Blue Mountains, Oregon. M.s. Thesis, Ore. State Univ., Corvallis, 58 p. Bull, Evelyn L., Asa D. Twombly, and Thomas M. Quigley. 1980. Perpetuating snags in managed mixed conifer forests of the Blue Mountains, Oregon. Pp 325-336 in R.M. DeGraff and N.G. Tilgham, eds. Management of western forests and grasslands for nongame birds. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Report, Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn. Ogden, Utah. 535 P• Balda (1975) suggested that 2.7 snags/acre are necessary to maintain maximum densities and natural species diversity of secondary cavity nesters in the ponderosa pine forest. Cunningham et al. (1980) found that 2.1 snags/acre might be sufficient for secondary cavity nesters at natural levels. We found evidence of cavity nesting or roosting in 2.6 snags/acre in this uncut ponderosa pine forest which should have been at natural levels. Cunningham et al. (1980) reported that 75% of the nests located were in snags greater 22 McClelland, B. Riley, and Sidney s. Frissell . 1975. Identifying forest snags useful for hole-nesting birds . J . For. 73(1):414-417. McClelland, B. Riley, Sidney s. Frissell, William c. Fisher and Curtis H. Halvorson . 1979 . Habitat management for hole- nesting birds in forests of western larch and Douglas-fir . J , For. 77(8):480-483. Miller, Eileen, a nd Donald R. Miller . 1980. Snag use by birds. Pp . 337-356 i n R.M. DeGraff and N.G. Tilgham, ed s. Management of western forests and grasslands for nongame birds . USDA For . Serv. Gen. Tech . Repo r t. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn . Ogden, UT. 535 p. Scott, Virgil E. 1979. Bird response to snag removal in ponderosa pine. J. For. 77(1) : 26- 28. Scott, Vi r gil E., Jill A. Whelan, a nd Peggy L. Svoboda . 1980 . Cavity- nesting birds and fores t management. Pp 311- 324 in R.H. DeGraff, and N. G. Tilgham, eds.--Management of western forests and grasslands for nongame birds . USDA For . Serv . Gen. Tech. Report . Intermt . For . and Range Exp . Stn., Ogden , Utah. 535 p . Thomas, Jack Ward, Ralph G. Anderson , Chris Maser, and Evelyn L. Bull . 1979 . Snags. Pp 60-77 in J . W. Thomas, ed . Wildlife habitats in managed forests--the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington . USDA For. Serv . , Agric . Handb . No . 553 . US Print. Off., Wash. , D.c . 512 P • Bull, Evelyn L. and E. Charles Meslow. 1977. Habitat requireme nts of the pileated woodpecker in northeastern Oregon. J. Fo r es try 77(6):335- 337. Cline, Steven Paul . 1977. The characteristics and dynamics of snags in the Douglas-fir forests of the Oregon coast range. M. S. thesis. Oregon State Univ . , Corvallis, 106 p. Cunningham, James B., Russell P. Balda, and William s. Gaud. 1980. Selection and use of snag by secondary cavity- nesting birds of the po nde r osa pine fo re s t. USDA. For . Serv . Res. Pap. RM- 222. Rocky Mountain For. and Range Exp . Stn., Fort Collins , 15 p . Gale, Robe rt M. 1973. Snags, chainsaws and wildlife: one aspect of habitat management. 1973 Cal- Neva Wildl. Trans . :97-111. Grosenbaugh, L. R. 1952. Pl otless timber estimates - new, fast, easy. J. For . 50:32-3 7. Kendeigh , s. Charles. 1944. Measurements of bird populations. Ecol . Monog. 14:67-106. Lanning, Dirk v., and James T. Shiflett. 1983. Nesting Ecology of thick- billed parrot s . Condor 85 : 66- 73. Mannan, R. William, E. Charles Meslow , and Howard M. Wright . 1980 . Use of snags by birds in Douglas-fir forests, wester n Oregon. J, Wild! . Manage . 44(4):787-797 . 23