Five Sophomore Tips for Success

Five Sophomore Tips for Success
Here are 5 steps for effective studying:
STEP 1: Make time for you.
Be sure you set aside some time and activities that help you relax and take the stress
out of your day or week. Whether it's enlisting yoga techniques, watching your
favorite television shows, or writing in a journal, be good to yourself.
STEP 2: Meet with your professors.
There are only upsides to getting to know your professors, especially if later in the
semester you run into some snags. Professors schedule office hours for the sole
purpose of meeting with students -- take advantage of that time.
STEP 3: Review class notes after class as soon as possible.
Spend 10-15 minutes reviewing your class notes to make sure you understand the
course concepts. Reviewing class material shortly after class will also help you retain
the information longer. If your notes are confusing or incomplete, take time to re-copy
your notes while the information is still fresh in your mind.
STEP 4: Use intense study sessions.
It is important to find time that you can devote to serious, uninterrupted and focused
study. Find a quiet place where you can think clearly without distractions. Spend 3040 minutes of uninterrupted and focused study. Take a 10 minutes break before
continuing your study session. Also, develop small study groups early in the quarter.
Studying with others is important because you can help each other understand the
material better. Remember the Percopo tutoring is available to help YOU out.
STEP 5: Find the Career Services Office.
Regardless of whether you entered college as undeclared or have your entire future
mapped out, seek out the Career Services office and get started on planning,
preparing, and acting on your future.
Visit the Learning Center and Percopo tutors for tutoring.