This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Summer Establishment of Four Sonoran Desert Shrubs Using Line Source Sprinkler Irrigation Hossein Heydari Bruce A. Roundy Carolyn Watson Steven E. Smith Bruce Munda Mark Pater expense of controlling weeds such as Russian thistle (Salsola kali), and loss of ecological and aesthetic value (Meitl and others 1983). Much of the abandoned farmland in Arizona is in the south-central part of the state in the Santa Cruz Valley and along the Gila River between Phoenix and Yuma. These lands are characterized by fine-textured soils and annual rainfall often less than 250 mm (Jackson and others 1991; Gelt 1993). Reinvasion of these lands from native shrubs such as creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) and desert saltbush (Atriplex polycarpa) is limited by lack of dispersal vectors (Jackson 1992), as well as aridity and poor soil physical conditions. Some abandoned farmlands with comparatively coarser-textured soils and higher annual rainfall may be colonized by desert broom (Baccharis spp.) and burroweed (lsocoma tenuisecta), while others remain bare or dominated by Russian thistle over 25 years after abandonment (Karpiscak 1980). Revegetation of abandoned farmland without irrigation requires some form of water harvesting and concentration. The Natural Resource Conservation Service and Jackson and others (1991) have successfully established native shrubs between runoff areas and catchment berms near Redrock and Eloy, Arizona, respectively. Use offunctioning irrigation systems to establish adapted plants the first year of abandonment is a promising approach to revegetating abandoned farmlands in arid areas with erratic precipitation (Cox and Thacker 1992). However, establishment and persistence of irrigation-established plants is highly dependent on site conditions and drought tolerance of the seeded species. For example, Cox and Madrigal (1988) failed to permanently establish forage grasses on a silty clay loam soil at the San Xavier Indian Reservation but Cox and Thacker (1992) succeeded in establishing grasses on sandy loam and clay loam soils in the Avra Valley in southeastern Arizona. In the latter study, plant establishment required sufficient irrigation to keep the soil surface moist until seedling roots were 5- to 15-cm long (4 to 6 weeks ofirrigation). To successfully establish, many warmseason grasses may require rather extended periods of available soil moisture at the soil surface to develop adventitious roots (Roundy and others 1993). Ifirrigation systems can be used to revegetate farmlands the first year after abandonment, we need to identify adapted plant materials and their associated water requirements for Abstract-A line source irrigation system was used to create a water application gradient and determine establishment requirements for native Sonoran desert shrubs and trees. Mesquite (Prosopis juliflora var. veluntina, catclaw acacia (Acacia greggii), blue palo verde (Cercidium floridum) and jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) all established when 2 weeks of irrigation were followed by summer rainfall. J ojoba seedlings emerged about 2 weeks later than those of the other species. Because the soil profile was initially at field capacity, the line source system mainly created a difference in water availability between irrigated and unirrigated soils. This study suggests a possible strategy for using in-place irrigation systems to revegetate farmlands during the first year of abandonment. Soils could be heavily irrigated after sowing to fill the soil profile. Subsequent irrigation for about 2 weeks to keep the soil surface wet until seedlings emerge should result in high establishment. For the coarse-loamy soil in this study that would require about 5 to 10 em of total irrigation. Establishment on drier areas sites with finertextured soils would require more water. Since the early 1950's, over 400,000 ha of once-irrigated farmland have been abandoned in Arizona (Charney and Woodward 1990). Abandonment is the result ofvariability in costs of production and also in demand and returns for agricultural products over the years. When Arizona's 1980 Groundwater Management Act restricted pumping in certain Active Management Areas, cities began purchasing farmlands for water sources (Gelt 1993). Future purchase of such so-called water farms has now been prohibited by the 1990 Groundwater Transportation Act but large tracts of grandfathered water farms still lie abandoned. Problems with abandoned farmlands include wind erosion and hazardous dust storms that have resulted in highway fatalities, I?: Barrow, Jerry R.; McArthur, E. Durant; Sosebee, Ronald E.; Tausch, Robm J., comps. 1996. Proceedings: shrubland ecosystem dynamics in a changing environment; 1995 May 23-25; Las Cruces, NM. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-338. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Intermountain Research Station. ' Hossein Heydari and Carolyn Watson were Graduate Research Assistants at the School of Renewable Natural Resources, University ofArizona, Tucson, ~ 85721. Bruce A. Roundy is Professor, Department of Botany and Range Sclence, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602. Steven E. Smith is Professor, Department of Plant Science, University ofArizona, Tucson. Bruce Munda and Mark Pater are Director and Assistant Director, USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service Plant Materials Center, 3241 North Romero Road, Tucson, AZ 85705. 129 establishment. The line source sprinkler system (LSS) produces a gradient in applied water that has been used mainly to determine crop production response to irrigation (Sorenson and others 1980; Miller and Hang 1980). LSS has the advantage of providing a continuous gradient in irrigation from excess to no irrigation within a small area as distance increases from the line source (Hanks and others 1976; Fernandez 1991). The objective of our research was to use LSS to determine water requirements for establishment of adapted shrubs and trees in the Sonoran desert. Methods Results ---------------------------------- Natural precipitation after sowing for July and August totalled 76.2 and 68.1 mm in 1992 and 1993, respectively (fig. 1). Total irrigation plus precipitation for July and August after sowing ranged from 356.7 to 106.9 mm in 1992 and from 285.2 to 106.6 mm in 1993 from 1.5 to 13.5 m from the line source. For both years, irrigation was most frequent right after sowing in July, while natural precipitation was most frequent in August (fig. 2). This pattern of water inputs, as well as the initially wet soil profile, mainly resulted in differences in soil water availability between irrigated and unirrigated soils, rather than differences within irrigation levels (figs. 3, 4). Surface soil water up to 10.5 m from the line source was highly available through mid August while unirrigated soils were dry at seed depth until natural precipitation fell in early August. Soil water was available below 18 em through July and August for irrigated and unirrigated soils. PMR differed significantly (p > 0.05) with distance from the line source for all· dates measured in 1992 and 1993. Significance of species and the species x distance interaction varied for different dates ofPMR measurement. Differences --------------------------------- The study site was at the Tucson Plant Materials Center of the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Elevation is 773 m and mean annual precipitation is 294 mm with 54% (159 mm) falling between July and October (Sellers and others 1985). Soil is of the Anthony series, coarse-loamy, mixed, calcareous, thermic family of Typic Torrifluvents. We seeded velvet mesquite (Prosopisjuliflora var. velutina), catclaw acacia (Acacia greggii), jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis), and blue paloverde (Cercidiumfloridum) in 1992 and 1993 in July prior to the summer rainy season. Shrubs (catclaw and jojoba) and trees (mesquite and paloverde) were seeded at the rate of33 and 16 pure live seeds per m of row, respectively, in rows 0.41-m apart using a no-till planter. Rows were seeded perpendicular and to a distance of 16.5 m on both sides of the line source sprinkler. The soil was preirrigated on both years prior to sowing to fill the soil profile and create similar antecedent soil moisture conditions throughout the field. An extra sacrifice row of each species was seeded next to each row in two of the six total replications for root measurements. The LSS had nine sprinklers 6-m apart on 1.6-m high risers with each sprinkler producing an overall wetted radius of 13.5 m. Irrigation water was applied daily for 10 days after sowing to maintain available moisture in the upper 3 cm of soil nearest the line source. Applied water was measured in catch cans after every irrigation and plants per m ofrow (PMR) were counted every 1 to 2 weeks until November at distances of1.5, 4.5, 7;5,10.5, 13.5, and 16.5 m from the line source. Soil matric potential was measured every minute and hourly averages recorded using gypsum blocks connected to electronic microloggers. Two blocks were placed at depths of 1-3,8-10, and 18-20 cm, while one block was placed at depths of 38-40 and 58-60 cm in each of three replications at distances of 1.5,6, 10.5, and 16.5 m from the line source. Plant height was measured every 1 to 2 weeks on the same five plants of each species at distances of 1.5, 7.5, and 13.5 m from the line source. Tap root length of excavated plants was measured at the same distances as plant height. Since irrigation treatments using LSS are not randomized, significance of distance from the line source and interactions of species x distance were based on Wilk's Lamda from multivariate repeated measures analysis of variance (Fernandez 1991; Torabi-Zadeh 1991). Means of species were compared by LSD at each distance from the line source for each sample date. 400 1 6 JULY - 31 AUGUST 1 992 BBBB8 IRRIGATION c:::=l PRECIPITATION 300 'i' ~ a:: LLI 200 !;( ~ 100 0 1.5" 4.S 7.5 10.5 13.5 16.5 400 22 JULY - 31 AUGUST 1993 300 285.2 'i' ~ [t: ~ 200 3: 100 o~~~~~~~--~~~----~--~~~-- 1.5 4.5 7.5 10.5 13.5 DISTANCE FROM UNE SOURCE (M) Figure 1-lrrigation and precipitation at six distances from a line source sprinkler in 1992, 1993. 130 16.5 in PMR were mainly associated with differences in the pattern of surface soil water availability between irrigated and unirrigated soils (figs 5, 6). In 1992, acacia, mesquite, and paloverde had high initial emergence on all but the lowest and nonirrigated soils. J ojoba emerged about 2 weeks after the other species and eventually had high PMR at all but the lowest and nonirrigated soils. All other species eventually produced at least 4 PMR on the lowest and nonirrigated soils in response to August precipitation. A similar pattern of emergence occurred in 1993, except that acacia PMR was less than in 1992 (figs. 5, 6). Jojoba again emerged slower than the other species. Palo verde andjojoba eventually had higher PMR on unirrigated than lowest irrigated soils. Plant establishment was acceptable for all species for all irrigated and unirrigated treatments for both years, except for jojoba on unirrigated soils in 1992. Although plants established at all irrigation levels, plant growth was less on lowest and unirrigated soils than on soils receiving higher irrigation (fig. 7). Tap root length was greatest for mesquite and least for jojoba (fig. 8). Tap root length of acacia, mesquite, and palo verde was over 60 em by October or November. 20 10 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 DAYS SINCE 1 JULY 1992 DISTANCE FROM UNE SOURCE (M) _ _ 1.5 ~4.5 ~ 7.5 20 I?ZZZ.a 1 0.5 13.5 c::::J 16.5 I:::: :1 Discussion -------------------------------- 10 The initially wet soil profile and frequent irrigation resulted in long periods of soil water availability and excellent establishment of all four of these woody species at all but the lowest irrigation and on unirrigated soils. The LSS did not create a strong gradient in soil water availability in this study. Use of the LSS on initially dry soils would probably o~~~~~~~~tim~um~ww~~~~~~ 15 18 21 24 27 30 J3 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 DAYS SINCE 1 JULY 1 993 Figure 2-D ate and amount of summer rainfall and irrigation from a line source sprinkler. ........ c DISTANCE FROM a.. ~ LINE SOURCE (M) ...I :!!; I- 0 1.5 7.5 10.5 16.5 C ! w ,-,-,-0-,-,---~-----~---- b a.. a::: w ~ ~ ...I a (Jl -0.1 ~"'!" ...~~._...._~.- ....... _ ..... _._. __ ... _ .. __~ ........ 8-10C" ~z:! ; ~::: ~ ~::: a::: ~ z -1.1 I \ : : : : : : : : : :\ : : : : :r. :::: :: :: :::::::::: \ ' ::::::::::::..\:rI :::::::::::::::::: , ················It··· ............... . -0.1 -0.3 -0.5 . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _'" -1.1 ...........••........................ ~ ...I -1.3 -1.3 (Jl -1.5 -1.5 a 20 '0 a.. ~ -0.1 -0.3 30 rr···· ......... ~-~CM 40 50 60 !"":'!-................. -.;: ••• :~ •. ~ .... I ..........................•.......... -I •.•••••.•......-~."". . . . . . . . . . . . -........ . 18-20CM 20 ~ 50 60 =::: ~:~:~ ~~:~~ ~:~:~ ~ ~:~ ~ ;:~:~ ~:~:~ 58-60CM :!!; -0.5 -0.5 ...••..............•................. W I- -0.7 -0.7 .................................... . a.. -0.9 -0.9 . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -'" ~ ~ -1.1 -1.1 .................................... . -1.3 a -1.3 ......•............•...•............. -1.5 -1.5 ...............•..................... ~ o a::: -I (Jl 20 30 40 50 DAYS SINCE 1 JULY 1992 60 20 30 40 50 DAYS SINCE 1 JULY 1992 131 60 Figure 3-Soil matric potential at four distances from a line source sprinkler for five soil depths in summer 1992. ........ c DISTANCE FROM 0.. LINE SOURCE (M) -0.3 ~ -O.!! ...J t- 7.5 c -0.1 e -0.3 0.. ~ ~a.. -0.9 ~ ~ a:: ...J 6 (IJ -0.7 10.5 ---~--- 16.5 ----<i<---- .. -0.11 ~ -1.1 a:: ~ -1.3 6(IJ -1.5 ...J 20 .. jl' ····~··························.V···· .::::::::::::::::::::::::.~/.:::~ -0.3 -0.5 -0.7 ::: :. ::: ::: : :: : ::: :: : :::: :: :::: :: :: :: lj _--- .. - ........ . -1.1 ....•........•.•.....•...•........... -1.3 -1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10CM -1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1.5 -0.3 30 50 60 ....................................... 38-4OCM 20 30 -0.1 50 60 . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . .; -0.5 -0.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 58-60CM -0.5 . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.7 -0.7 •...•...•.....••......•...•.......... -0.9 -0.9 . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...J Lo.J 60 -1.1 -0.1 ~ -0.1 50 18-20CM ...... _-_ ...... -- ...... 0' o a.. a:: 40 30 -0.9 e ~ -0.7 0.. :~: ~~~~~:~~::::::: :~~ .~: 20 a.. ~ ......:._.-0-._.- ··t·······~FJ~ ....·.... -..:.~ ...J -0.5 z O 1.5 -0.1 e i -1.1 -1.1 -1.3 -1.3 . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6(IJ -1.5 ...J ........•....•....................... -1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 40 50 60 20 30 DAYS SINCE 1 JULY 1993 40 50 60 DAYS SINCE 1 JULY 1993 Figure 4-Soil matric potential at four distances from a line source sprinkler for five soil depths in summer 1993. 20~~~-.~~~-r~-r~~~~~~~ 23JULY1992 18 - .... - 16 ~ .... o 10 A 8 A A B i JOJOBA 14 12 6 0.. A A 10 A 8 B 6 4 2 o o o 2 4 6 8 10 12 1416 o 18 14AUGUST 1992 18 16 14 14 :: 12 12 ~ 10 10 4 o A A A 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 18 ~ !: 2 20~--~~T---~--~---r~-r~~--~~~ 16 2 A A A A 4 2 20r---~~T-~~--~~-r~~~~~~~~ o 6 AUGUST 1 992 16 '- MESQUITE ...-- PALO VERDE 14 12 20~--~T-~~'-~~~-r~-r~~~~~~ 18 -+- ACACIA 8 6 A 4 A 2 A AS AS B o~--~--~--~--~--~~~--~--~~~ 4 6 10 12 14 2 8 16 18 o 2 ... 6 B 10 12 14 16 18 o~--~--~--~--~--~~--------~~~ DISTANCE FROM UNE SOURCE (M) DISTANCE FROM UNE SOURCE (M) Figure 5-Plants per meter of row for four woody species at seven distances from a line source sprinkler on four dates in summer and fall 1992. Similar letters in vertical order indicate no differences for species at that distance and date by LSD (p < 0.05). 132 20r-~r-~r-~~~~~~~------------' 30 JULY 1993 18 A A 16 o 12 10 A A ~..:.: ~~~~ITE A_+-_ PALOVERDE 8 '="......\' -' - - - - - - - - ' 1 _ ..... ...- .....-..... " A \. \ i: a.. A ........" - ... t---+--.. - ........ A ~ 14 L... ..-._.- ... A \ A 8 B c ';.., 8 4- 2 o 4 2 .... ,. ~ L... o :I ! 14 12 10 8 6 ....... ~ AS A 12 10 '- < .......x!, .. -;.» • ........ .... .. 10 12 16 14 ........ AS A -~ AS' -._.-.,- B 4- ..... \. A " \. AS ,'.BC A A8 \ ~-.-.-.~ , \ .. --_. 20~--r---r-~~~~~~~~~~--'-~ A A AS ..... --1'-~ .. ---- __..8', AS / AS...' Be AS "8/ ~.-.-....... .... ...... _\ / ........ A ~---;::~ 0~--2~--4~~·6--~8---1·0~-1·2~-1~4~-1~6~~18· 18 18 ,!.. __ AS...' L A A B 29 OCTOBER 1993 16 AS' 8 14- A 2 A ~........... A 4 30 AUGUST 1993 16 A 6 20~--~--r---r-~r-~r-~~~~~~--~ 18 6 AUGUST 1 993 16 o 8 6 18 8 AS o C C o 20r---r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~.---~ ___ ACACIA " I A .................. 12 .. 10 / 8 '='. . . ..... " A ~ 14 6 AS B v" 7.t< i\ B./'" ............AS, ... ~ ..... , \ 'i_ ........ BC ~'-'-....... ........ 4 ~~ A A AB __ -~ \ A A A AB ~ ../.... . BC BC"~ A ... 7 •...-.-.- ...-.-.~.. ~/ BC C ~''''' ..... C B ., 2 2 _ 50 ...... 4 8 10 12 14 6 DISTANCE FROM UNE SOURCE (M) ACN:.IA 30 §a.. 20 ~ 10 / A B °0~--2~--4~--6~~8~~1·0---1·2~-1~4~-1~6--~18 " • A· / B " C,,/ D / B A 18 DISTANCE FROM UNE SOURCE (M) 1.5 t.I FROM LINE SOURCE :.:::: ~~~11E - . - PALO VERDE ~ ~I-'------.....IA !i: B CI 16 Figure 6-Plants per meter of row for four woody species at seven distances from a line source sprinkler on four dates in summer and fall 1993. Similar letters in vertical order indicate no differences for species at that distance and date by LSD (p< 0.05). ~--~ ~ __ - A B C D // / -"-'-'-'-"-'-'-'-'-'50 60 70 80 90 100 50 ...... ~ !i: 40 ~ 30 ~ 20 ::z:: A B B C A B A 10 ~~0---3~0~~~----~50~~60~~7~0---8~0---9·0~-1~0-J0 13.5 MFROM UNE SOURCE A B 50 ~ ~ C D ...... ./' !i: ~ 30 ~ 20 ::z:: A 10 S A A B ~~0--~3~0~a~~~~50~~60~~70~~8~0---9·0~-1~0~0 DAYS SINCE 1 JULY 1992 Figure 7-Plant height for four woody species at three distances from a line source sprinkler during summer 1992. Similar letters in vertical order indicate no differences for species at that date and distance by LSD (p < 0.05). 133 11 SEPTEMBER 1992 --...- - ... - 100 ACACIA JOJOBA MESQUITE PALOVERDE A A A A A B B C AB B C B 40 20 7 OCTOBER 1992 A ~ .----------------.----------------. A ~ A A B 80 80 60 100 B _ ..... .. ----.-:::.":":>-~~-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 60 .-.- 40 c 20 .---------------~.----------------. c 0~----3~~~5~--7~--~9--~1·1--~13~~15· 30 OCTOBER 1993 100 80 60 A A AS 21 NOVEMBER 1993 A A B B .. - _ .... ' A --- ---- -.-.=:.-:::::..."':':.~''''' 40 ..... · .... ............... B B 100 80 • 60 0~~--3~~~5~--7~~~9--~1·1--~1~3--~15 ---:----------------~ A C 20 ~ o~ A A B ____~~~~~~B~~~~__~__~ 3 DISTANCE FROM UNE SOURCE (M) 5 7 9 11 DISTANCE FROM UNE SOURCE (M) 13 15 Figure&-Tap root length for four woody species at three distances from a line source sprinkler in late summer and fall 1992 and 1993. Similar letters in vertical order indicate no differences for species at that distance by LSD (p < 0.05). Cox, J. R.; Madrigal, R. M. 1988. Establishing perennial grasses on abandoned farmland in southeastern Arizona. App. Ag. Res. 3: 36-43, Fernandez, G. C. J. 1991. Repeated measures analysis ofline-source sprinkler experiments. Hort. Sci. 26: 339-342. Gelt, J. 1993. Abandoned farmland often is troubled land in need of restoration. Arroyo. 7: 1-8. Hanks, R. J. ; Keller, J.; Rasmussen, V. P. ; Wilson, G. D. 1976. Line source sprinkler for continuous variable irrigation-crop production studies. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 40: 426-429. Jackson, L. L. 1992. The role of ecological restoration in conservation biology. In: Jain, S. K.; Fiedler, P. L., eds. Conservation Biology: The theory and practice of nature conservation, preservation and management. Chapman and Hall, New York: 433-451. Jackson, L. L.; McAuliffe, J. R.; Roundy, B. A 1991. Desert restoration-revegetation trials on abandoned farmland in the Sonoran desert lowlands. Restoration & Management Notes. 9: 71-80. Karpiscak, M. M. 1980. Secondary succession of abandoned field vegetation in southern Arizona. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Arizona, Tucson. Meitl, J. M.; Hathaway, P. L.; Gregg, F. 1983. Alternative uses of Arizona lands retired from irrigated agriculture. A feasibility study of alternative range, wildlife and recreation uses of lands retired from intensive irrigated agriculture in Arizona. College of Agriculture, University of Arizona, Tucson. Miller, D. E.; Hang, A N. 1980. Deficit, high frequency irrigation of sugar beets with the line-source technique. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 44: 1295-1298. ' Roundy, B. A; Winkel, V. K.; Cox, J. R.; Dobrenz, A K.; Tewolde, H. 1993. Sowing depth and soil water effects on seedling emergence and root morphology of three warm-season grasses. Agron. J. 85: 975-982. Sellers, W. D.; Hill, R. H.; Sanderson-Rate, M. 1985. Arizona climate. The first hundred years. Arizona Agric. Experiment Station, University of Arizona, Tucson. Sorenson, V. M.; Hanks, R. J.; Cartee, R. L. 1980. Cultivation during early season and irrigation influences on com production. Agron. J. 72: 266-270. Thacker, G. W.; Cox, J. R. 1992. How to establisl! a permanent vegetation cover on farmland. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arizona, Tucson. Toarbi-Zadeh, M. T. 1991. Analysis of repeated measures experiments. MS Report. Utah State University, Logan. create a stronger gradient in soil water availability and better define water requirements for establishment of these species. The pattern of irrigation or precipitation influenced establishment of some of these species. Greater establishment of palo verde and jojoba on unirrigated than lowest irrigated soils in 1993 suggests that seeds on the latter soils germinated but died before August precipitation. Rapid germination and fast root growth of most of these species suggests that they could be established by sowing, then irrigating sufficiently to fill the soil profile. Continued supplemental irrigation to keep the soil surface wet until seedlings emerge in about 2 weeks should result in high seedling establishment on similar soils. For the sandy soil of this study about 3 to 5 cm of water were needed to fill the upper 60 em to field capacity and an additional 2 cm of water applied over a 1.5- to 3-week period resulted in high plant establishment. More frequent and longer duration irrigation would probably be necessary to establish these species on finer-textured soils. Use of an existing irrigation system to establish adapted woody species as well as grasses (Thacker and Cox 1992) should be considered to revegetate lands abandoned after farming. From a practical standpoint, this strategy will be most successful if done right after abandonment before the irrigation system falls into disrepair. Establishment of these woody species on similar soils without irrigation is possible, but highly dependent on rainfall pattern and amount. Abnormally high precipitation would be necessary for successful revegetation. References B B :------_______ -----& 20 ..-. < ..... --. -------------------------------- Charney, A; Woodward, G. 1990. Socioeconomic impacts of water farming on rural areas of origin in Arizona. Amer. J. Agric. Econ. 72: 1193-1199. 134